v.- FIVE CENT -PER COPY - ' - - i -m -a- mm - J m Trw, a - ' w, ' ----t 1 'fn,r ' i " t 1 " 7 - -1 a . - iJZ vr, MtmwAv::::MQHTmao.' ;i872. sujiHu , nriw -o nun w f vi Cmtcb Caotjr. VrPV,l v. l- " tl The following ia the rot of Craven County , V3 .... spared with the Governor's -CiilV JuMiU I-BY4 T EliEGJlAPlll. MIUSIGHT DISPATCHES, Trk;. iSSitdfXJhindedBiddk V LirYJZ. -JbL the'AuHt election: tirMtnnanw all cowimunica- cc . &klTfifbmel&HtTGn obtain t kM - m thenar tkivJfa&L AOaSojUb Precinc'a and Wards Swifl Cree Jaskius C'eek 97 62 : Adams' Ctek.. 5,30 . iwsj 4j5 rA, James CitT. ... kjonnor'8 lOutside of city Ward 1 iJA. T STTl... ....... 268 6 317 ;--.-- q 1LMTI8, . 2ilLl82 1681 7ffl 181 139i 1UN iWA-W'VTV q- M all iAn.ni9. mV. Chte 0nrtenaeter. tbehorett ttorhteaSia? wl&af ;d oVr j t;;rMr T"' ' ' tL'i'J art bfARMnerl to (hihd tht ' L i thtett?ffoisf (tke-joatfl jrin.-D jwwaeai ,t4f 4 i.if' ' "1:1 I "AIaJ.t. l,AnMttrila u I S-.riiViA indiina l-,Sewei-.. Lpthis nnta, the. dinars from ilT" - . 1 ,i.viuU, ..ftirMnlia.li&iniaCiaaE. iu fc4 I ceo !43 your ciT 74 election in Angnst. 2BsJgto.;d fffdJ Ifi wtWMtef 2Qu- JT?Tr' ':,l'", 'i The canal sUbles heW nave been burnei M.ii-.a' ... , ., ...-ft'iifti ; , f Krw Towc, Nor. T. ! frVTinM -WASHINGTON, 1 i ,H,Jf mui nn amount of GU .1 . .. .....1 r:. 1 .i.. ..V ".i FECTJI, NEW TOEK. ' ' r nmbii Htaixc 1 " ........ , ' OF TAS UIM ..!l.tri ' ! The flags' are at half mast on aooount of Gen. 1 WASHINQTOW. WOT, . horse malady. Meade's death. nnhi.tnni jlanrtMi nnrairrAd Viftrft to-daT from FOR NEW YORK DIRECT, Ellpi S. Terry; Salyer Master srtGial isrotneos. By Hi g gins, Cobb & Co., V. iwU rs. s. Zodiac, Chapin 4 Master. FSOM SOUTH CAROLINA. i ' r . . . . - i l- ' .4- u . - -.., i,bHM1ow tmtf haw it where the horsef 8j" " . - ;; ' xh,, hane malady ia here to-day., ; Although J wbeedtabreathein .... ZJl rtnt is.OOO.. - prevalent it does not interrupt eonuneroe, but tWs -owhicb wui. ; ;rCalifoa w fo - 8,000! one death oecurred.: r T7- 7i7i inTwp thi cBngsldeleUaachad. i FEOM MAEYIANI)y . it wtlL.in with the handj ana wrap u-l r? . , M I -! hitin flAnel iffltfoedlin rineiwr.,,, Blanker! -WH "?.rsr-. - r ! r .. , Nor, J 1 . . " " -a, lui iiil adfal Ia I LTJCX. Ui JXLtSBUUlX J k 7. ' ' . I . oet oiaiisaonn. .. ; .... i vk'.w. i TWmn A fV'. for i"":7WH.ti of fh. dean bed- ! 'deratt daim.MiaiKmri by from to. " w ir?: " S. ' 4d.bQtt ind nine Congressmen. . I. .-! ?! . i- I'. li "l.'Cir I ; i TB"Tias the elfectian ws quiet -(iivaTfiIBA tM-an.maaiies wnj ireuj " 1 it tt - ......... ....-. , , i in - T,i!r (AWhM use JTh libera), are. bel:evea . to oe; aneaa m U Jlhr Leed in the oaU, se tepid Ixan Sheridan is elected Cgressman Lrv iWIii: 2 ! - A , d t large. Danell and Moray electa 10 oon . I preferAbly lander in the sum of $50,000 axe- mercantile agents. ' --A ' FBOM INDIANA. : ; South Beks, Not 71 Thiough BUk pf Lading giyen t nd from all pomts on the x. U. lyau iload . ... TnmnnM effnctAil thrnutrh u at Mr " . i rnif0y in a mfii uimi i am not a eanoi i t - a , r- heWandoateshoMdbe-nw . ! .7 ; ' timj ,a . , official count. Ho opinion is. Ten- r - ' . ' i : Wreiritta -wiH be- taken for FnUa- water preiewoiy nr war. r r - ." V.. .t . torial or EditoiiaL State or National." .-...., Vifw Hmos! casis. if taWn iaime, will'yleld to th turerf regarding eu mine -u . , ' M""""-;. w'flt "I Wt treating bateuld the attack be Ver $,Tewessee is claimed for Oreeley by wo. . , FEOil . PENNSYLVANIA. 'j- , - .,. ; jfcT' 7' BTAm. unoniDsurauM wwu wn . - i - ' vprv'are throat; instead of 'vinegar; arr' 'mill 'HTTV orti 171 f U, .1' l' LMUfQ. I 4JJ,jAIQ.gX rsja - ' ' rr i-,?::r'!La!f;J?ra RenuMici . .-acTtywiU Beki atrainedk aJ. .AewT-W' CottpOalMw. i jeM;dti.i aii w. - i gtfgmgft r!y City of Wilmingtoi 1'496 t 558 946 esbrpcation of equal parts of unseea oil. tur peiifenV tlnetura'of -eintb4riaes ahi ;h?tahru. shonld be rubbed iu, njgit and morning. 'Powell's Eajhrocation'' w very good. Lveaaa oSuhehJjlit!" "horning, the J-W?:il- il ; i)n..U f...ii:Mvl,I r; foltowragf1. 1?rl!n SJ, oJf .m:" SpirJbefiof tutno Mher. . .,fv Landnsa. J . . c. .A- Vi -nortrtt :lCms Nitr.ite of potassa 3 drachm. froqenOyhtn.RT4 with ;, au3f:dl;of P .itdLvdrn k&rir- and Uaoriee root st'rred Jipwv.ij . ' - , i . far behind. i JJftbopnvaleaqjng exerqiBi gfluy ; oJ " irtitoHlate thppeMte.FiT .'ftefplloixli. bajh feiSrftt of "eeH W. . 6 draohm-t Pbwnered 1 "genti .a . - I aV MWtBA iia ew cijars. . . ' j,,,., ; 1 ti V Vipj 1,934 r-r.l ;r ' ," ... l 1 drachma. faiotrdid ashe iltd wih a litUe ' lea'd tria2h fof ther horse 4o ttckmp ' witt ba Kliabed b hin and be ban- .ITaaSlaSowSi'OS's Ess Jamaica Ginger. Wt. X.iV.t fioSt thifweeti T Greeley. lj30A f " ffr,.finKiTf,HMaU 41 """" ' ... But happy" they, the happiest flheis kindly Whom gentle BtarrimiK hod in one we aw Trtetl j The ..lafoW eajaiaOii jrfe5aSSIWJ3 i WUmington, N. C J I Xzlr-'Kv'r" 9 ''? for the current month, in irfNWflni WAaj jmfl " Cltlikilan kind.iiilicarjrc E I present its usual amount of interesting agr t V, m r-i -"'irr . two ir. ftGterjBeargtoidy, or office ar fftefMws i . TO hi h ig aavotea to their interest -;.:?ilaW.'li!e.t'te-ttw ityat . .... r...,, www.T-n!(T-r- .s .. t .;-,v. ; I . JU&N?liI5AJ flLiiuJ iO tli tiH of a new hole!. andretaij ztM. ; H Xw&iwad Jtfthi, M AlIMfathsria. ' .1 '33;tf their,- nStaTflieir' 'fortune, . and, their ; beings An aga;of diacordand, ,cpnual(strire , UWMAAi. 2hii rmntnrv brinff eth forth bUsS.. . TiilsVptri-ofisIeatial'pea , ,'r baia j Allien-; dogge. shy, ; I o- r ' - . . .t. , fe9? Cloves cbmtliandnrid due vstrvcUpp, u t r ''4-bt.ML'nill IHrp nnntmdintion. , I auu ouv a. ...i . . i Mrtn nAVpr slavism y HuuiuiMK -- iSije.fhlrw her will, or have ter fltsf f TThi iForir es imate of G ".t's . mMo ity is I ' The horse malady is spreading rapidly, and ia t-J A fVa TVmM 19 DHO I iUncl a&aHnrr tmilnMBL - RVAraI irOD mills njtMjyt U1U IUBV V MW . . 1 " , OCAVUEMJ " 1 0 OrxriV?.NeVadaby '20,o0tt ' J. P.'JTonsa, have stopped for the i want of coaL Themues ruisneceedNyeia the U, S.rSenate. :?:en- are ttetrked. . ' : ". 1 ' ' ; i "i! diJiMhocrat,- is elected to (.longres from Ne-. Taaa. .T-;si t, v. i f.yi r' (Simian, from . Ca ifornia, f jr Congress, is defeated iiUinren sncce as. - -, rieV Pre"g.;n b 2000. NEW YOKE M ABILETS. . Kxw Yobk, Not. 7. Money easy at 46 V cent, i Sterling firm 1 AND BALT1M6RE. 1 f We will aeB on Tuesday mnpig avwt $00 of Boots, Shoes, Bxogau, 4o, . ; .Thsaa aates are held only oi - Xuaaday of aach week. and comprise a apeolal and general assortment of Eastern and City auads . goods diiasl from the uannf acturerayad warranted as tepresented Catalogues on the norntsg f sak, sd tha goods ready for inspsotion. j - - H100INS, COBB 1 CO., V: ' . - : . (18 German St.,' Baltiasors. Aus; 14-tf. t-J BERRY'S BUDCETV Insure in the. New York Hi .Inauraasa Company. B. Bxaaf, Agent. , Select Drugs and Pure Chenueals,va Bsrry'i uarsains m Jraper, Jnvwopea, ous, uu, aw - . ' is;. at Berry's. I Also, Brushes,' Putty, Jte., Ao., Ac v at .Barry s. :J Window sad Picture Glass, cut to any size or shape, ?lxuoreu,.r engraved and ground Glass, to order, at tferrya. " ' ' v- '" ; - Only 75 cents for a gallon of Prattt's Astral Oil, and a can to keep it w, or y cenw yr the oil, at Berry's. , . . Buist's warranted garden seeds, at BerryTa. . .. Witm." the best eolozQS Steamer 'Commerce 1. 1 n I J M-l - Ma M-IATIV ATIII Sllfl I ... ' I - T.'.mi . MM MISS B I IS sa ffariaBTB .BHw 1,wifcUearia. concede Kentucky to Greeley by I . . . -m. v. .j iao I . . J. V ; I nt.Tin fhriho nandkerehief. ? . .. ifo l$(x,; .J;.;,!:ili!.lJ;', " CW " cents loV"fth: inoderate home and :xrrt above plaeea, leaving Baltlfaiore for New Berne ' 154 Beef, Wirla and Iron, fwaxranted, Ao . m.. .iMt:- f ainM iml Whftvfrota Geor- ." . .. i;nutnn ThnraAiTj Jn lfL and everv mother I , v 1 1 t.T,.'. - ! o nl and other modern prepsra. . row. 1 "" J. "i,.. bales for November, at 10 7-10 (ffio -i.o; JJUU W JI1T V1W " uu - ' oi. T?t.. 19 Murnh 1Ri(19r I11DVT "UOIU UUU UUllttlUUlWi :The I2Hi.NeW Jotk distriots elects Chaa.- St John. Reoubiioaa. by 00 majority. fTke New York delegation stands 26 Republi- j ' i .- BaxtIMoks. Nov. ' BALTIMOBE MARKETS. for Thk t S ism . '. .l.!Ms U:Mti!a sn TiAniaartft fir . I m : i. . y . i JTl ' J .. .V.Ua I U 'ilie J 7B' ClitlUl- iJ.g.t-av n r jorll tUltyO. VW UUIA auu WWW"! wsre -t Grtiak tod New York St by 50,OW.'5 ; 1 ! 4J I i 6062. PrTisions ' nominal and iinchanged.' J " MolTiSOn. JUcmOCrBl J carrion mo aasv o tT uisvcj ' bwmuo an ""lyvj Jl i - TO,toet-Wina .4eieKaiion. Ipf twelve Re- middh gs le-gros .receipto 112exri0rs to , Distnot, saving fx v the continent .898 sales of 49 stock on hand i publican ana bstbu irauiuiaui9 , ., , i oi 214 OranVi majority in NeW Jersey is 44,900. ' I, ' Stbamkb r JAS. A. GARY; CAPT.: 1TALL. Master,; . ii7;ii.'r,iwTiA1. lnfosioni of medineinsl roots, and herbs as s beverage, popularly termed Boor Ban. at Berry's. 5 - .-(-- Grant's majority in Nevada is 2,000, ., r FOREIGN NEWS. FBOM LOUISIANA, JRcture.Prames and Trimmings, al Beity'a. . If von want a "tTooa1 'RotilwMBertTiaefc- ii V Poor! TWfl li AV(Va aiUW - -t - .Try Meadows & Ga'a d taadEx't ou ua s ciijf raxirua is. a is t3UiAM3u.u.oa. uim ssuo WarM-ltihp'iite'tan- haiBSWl ..fflginas can be safely used pi! . , r4i 1 . . ' k 1 1 i i ii i I Tii, T ' in 1' HiT i iln ii iii i In n i in 1' ! - tkT S. !' U .'" ' i'.' ' ' . :..-J- J: bnilduiss were all decorated, yerterday, With .UnoacialwmniBirom .T French colors W flowers and at night there outside of New Orleans gtve .net,BapHbl,oaB alation. " TLe Theatre w , majority-of I,. nnu opened last evening for the first time since the jority in 1870 in ihe same parishes gave I8.O0R, "peueu s . , ! .flEW ?emaminK 'skieen parishes in.870. occupatK, and the Marsedl was pert ormed ana. .me ,11 k r c- v- m.. arohestra ia.'Donse , to calls front the ( ' ... REDUCED RATES. PAiosi Nov. ,7 I m -.-i '-- ctrS-'- -rr--r-'Vr ROr ' .14." -1-' M'wto ' There is great enthusasm'in Bhehns tover ' tttrvn trrnnfl ..TiATi AT T I theevacuation V by the German troops. -Thai REDUCED, liAlKiSUW ,KAJl AUiM mUUU riJjWO X Ulb " iUiLl I v: I--." -'i'r.-.-nt To Baltimore $2 00 " Philadelphia 4 2 50 per bait f He this war tuss. she that way tt-ws, SDCLZ'Zi. nai -havoVat ial. landedi edbyBev. John S. Lon 'IbypoghdiboUi find fcblt with equal .,: "r j,,. uuire u .-(, . I : " 1 T ' . r SHli!iL!.i . UIU 1 HUhltn. "1 t4T TTlfl- TMYlRmillff 'BUKW1 WUUUW - ... . eigOdsboro-d CharleaisaV,- i r, ! W1fni afle pearaaoerroju. , i WaBapca;m.jri .iTall9,trrr -Wimaol.TW, .: - ratio Of rttea?" The: Liberals carry , " , ' n. WfaetatZrsps. .-f c M f : Lub8eiaeat numbers wll confirm the goii I WWK&U&d to.kiesasaia. 7.. : -4 a tf:.,T r : t ' .'iVt'-S : sfl impression made bv its first number, in t',''Zy' ' ' . !. Vdihper'i Ttulc" - !y i ' 1 ' ''-.i - . i "; sjewe J i W O 5 Trfnoir No 7 Noon. TMiiillaiaeaaUCuiTanto..lOBiLCit -r s. u, -u 1. i i.v.i Su.-ii - "-I (-f GENERAL NEWS. ., Ixjkxw. WOT. 7- isopn. ; sWdBrSMna'a,'.'' f -st ! mesaaaiau eaMmiflfffaraaWe j f 1 peVtn aeh shall test ow--aamef a I "Ijohsols .92J; fivWwentiss.m- A n " New York :: Boston 2 75 4 00 M One of the effects of the horse malady rusTT'ia Je- For vtLten ant en easements bodIt to I -' TrtA'TAiinlmi ic C4ial B.' L.1 PEKllYi at the Wharf in New-J VUUHU J W JaiO I Btrn, andANDKKWS & CO., Balti-jl , ,, M ; f,;w j )u; ; Woinstein & Brd's. more. :Decl5h-tf f . FKQ1INEW YOBK. FaKisi Nov."? Noon.' Rentes 82; and ' 55. ; r ' a' 1 LrvKKPooilNov. 7 Noon TT 1 J (17 .Lil C "dldate thatiever ran for President of the J-ftited . The finest ChawjogTobo. "tea Cfgw at a.g.V?-. .r ;.-- , Fplh;anSiiiJMet Lt: 'r. V.' ? W. - r :faLtiit east -M.-a 1 . stu i- triaL'anetatVBoawA; Jfie4 ii: useoiv tsij f rakforl etseaoa of tha inev-There sefema to b ikpexvaesttM should not1 r? 'T ','n "U,1,M " ;? ' ''' .iGfreeley.ihw .resumed jthe. editprship of the .t., .Cotton , opened steady. . Uplands 9 ;:Ok - 'f 'klKL 'relinquished ' embark in leans'lOi; salt-s of.l?J)00bales ; specnlatton and SOUth TrOflt BATELIAN HOUSE, BICH BULDIHG, , . rnafT:"ii. ' Hi life th ains in ei (tense is Phfladelphiiif daiSy Jsnies are now, , LTO P., "ITh v . , , I aft X will be a thoroughly independent journal - - The 'nt.'f.it saisTTs' ir SsVa iia -'liarand a villiauA.anl ' ough'tto' go '"WMt '. I ... ! r. , Rt.tnnt.litY of Batter and Cheese at p FT tiuliifefe i We are ploaado note that K. R Stably. Esq., President A. & N. C. B. B. is impiov- vssr smmcUu. and jrill be .able to resume xeoommendi Till ime well ASH Mayor Kilkurn presiding. an .fi UUJU, . ' ........ - ' . . t - I t -.if mi unA TWs on 'till they die. f IJUIOUii.nJiy " 7- - - , . -j' fjyue.bpu; ot a paasiqn npavjrw m Wbiiue-ages oj cearuess u Muummg . i,ad,hl if there aeVantiom'eartli; s ATTENTION, . FROM PENNSYLVANIA. f i : -Vt;-..-. St.',. near Craven ! (FORM BELT THE HARVEY fiOUSEJ i.- r ii have now received their 4 I r . tms-.u is-ansu-4. -.-. i .vxi ij 1 .. . J,, m. wJ Solace. Cantorr sad - iesAak.i -Tna i nnest i r-iicT-t : 1! ;:'X:t ' j&Moart "LaUah Boo. ami one brtfidof smokmg tobacco, ao-ong whicb will Kai'' 811(1 " illiiara itOOIIlS, wtib - ..iwiW( ; .-, t; :! ri L " ' compelled to, suspend; No street cars are foan4 purhamf Virginia and Turkish. iOA- -OOAU-... JUAAJOUAU, xuuuuiuf In fie" is not Vbe courted the Ignbtanee of. tuning in Chicago. . ,- ., ' ' Sndfis' of ' all kinds.' and lirge.trTeity of , J 'tw.be tii assured wffl .v. s'hiUrf ior-RIa.. -'1 r-- - ; , moesamokers-articles of every descjiptionf ! fitted npin a irtyle thst.he feest assured will TIA fAMll th attention of the oublic to mHE TIVDERSIGNED HAVING RECENTLY I n. 11 J fT5l ' jpf ..T. A Vur - tha l host m .well aa the 1 ttntinn n tha f.oi Hint ripirir!iT to meet the r . - . vu.auuv w . 1 - : . 1 1 . -'Vl'fll.Hllka- MOT. 7. I .1 1 . W 4Vtnnl in (his it,' thA finASt 1 nf Ih. nannlo . A ret ntdOB ' ,;, I I cueaLtcel ClH 1 M IAJ luuiiv. kum w.j , " I ,auh Ui bug nvw, uov !: The horse "disease is spreading. . ouw Dranas ra caewmu ivw . - II I and one of the larireet iron milla have been-J Solace, uentpry ani nee-e.. a ;""- ami one oi ""6 " 1 Krtt. of mokino tobacco, airone which will j Jits MrdssA'tyb'vr f1? meet to-day at 10 o'clock to canvass the iroU We invite special sttentiou to tne ree Aid i as h knewinptwhei to say he' swnre. 7- ,fS.)IS tl ; - -.1 ii Sia . . , 1. .UwaA wiflt rrVl tl Tl fT ' fi fl IT disturbing the peace. Fined one dollar e ion, ' Wm. JgrieAetyHedj with disturbini fe nmra Tiia "Honor centlv intimated to William W-fU" . "T!! that he would do well to make his preset given Tn 'ihitssue'fof the-cure ot tne sorse , klyH e fearwt$tijwjhy airea.f M 31, ml be ctrl .Vit- 1 with an mnnff MAAnTrtTTSe : nH la-adaition to ihe foregoing, etery article . . . un T - "TT s v. - i - - . . . . in ITIDBCTJI . XIUIUUIIUUI. tHJUwU a awns "ti "w - ' ' " ' ' - - - . , i iuf - -: v , raisa ' MnsMMMt uta , vnnti i himi i i tsuiauia ui ca wnAa wawo rno i mhuiti nnnn. i t JlRr;,',,f 'r"-,;"4'' !'J :cl " ''Am.--, - . M. GOLDSiJITH. Propneioa. roavsjui. "m iiVT. ,it . . -,!; -.-t l,r . , . r!iTW.fltf. ....... t Ok iIi t nii rr.uJu id. Vwlv m nlM. I. leo. W 'i:wu vaamT im.i aIiw krnaiei - .snuL I unaries ruTor, uuuiunugo, 'UiLtWnn'i fim I T I and head aod lees in imother. i The body was i mtonst of the horae diseai are luess, and class pcfer ', offlee, leasure of .w 8atWsrrias t ,We express were ' . Messrs. B. JK.l Bryan and W. C. Fulfod fie auccereliitfffters. and are redpon- .i jaible for .the stuflinz we received of (good Jant!rPtt01nai2alOi elected to Congfees from the Norfolk, Vs., District, by - tPt. LAw2.SJi U foOpdO BOilW!ftjretgfc - tT!'- S xeerxmsible slsoifor .the;, insurrections in Jcftinvi.mith RiaaatsWlected ToH Uon ofoffieew and agents in ehafga a nealmg. pam'tiffiag applieati0B, m: eases and anarchy in Mexico and the nrsider Battle. ?afsv ; f;; . i Klnnn;n tha ft-i&rtur. 1 t.. An.h cnta. rmiises. DUrnSV 1 . ' ..t ' . '" v. v tv I ATI neraona owine btate 01 pi DUO aniui:l -T''-ftl!,VfTjJ 7 l - - 1'Coriirressim.thamBBjmond. t7 213 mafofi5.w thlryt. Wcan in tha city of Richmond. 'gain of INCORPOBAn'ED 1819. J U siiel sdilss' f 1 Capital, -j r - SSOfW-WcleaiufLrT and fe. resVWaMCaau nrt rharcrnd with disturbinz the peace IxwLN.tf Hv3nrvr JhiH. OIlTtT was reprjuiiWio jj ""- 1 - requsjrteauojd to otm in future. Oliver xne e&riv srmions 1 oi mo 7 Willi BD lUUlopumilUl avj aiiv ic, j W a ZZ1S r? , . J ! to .. . fcw from the noatja1SATrrtSBteaBwspreAa(f, and as it is fashiobabla mono our Greelev frieftdsi' arre iteoT Oliver conclpi to have toreheadt snttvoBcewtwho fg Tfce Hon Malady and How U U TaWa4 A in tiie JnlUd State. Army. 8rkfh. : HaAixiB's Dep't o? the East, Office CMf Quartermaster, meet the approbatiooLof the public, 1 5 '' A BAB THAT 18 STOCKED WITH THE BEST f Ales, 1 j jfXwhiia oatMi7y'miiaiy tendaJ',' ! well dressed, and a ' 3V - 4; Tnhk the; bitterest ite. . . ' ' . 1 one of the barrels. ' 1. anotaer.i m mnj . . .1 gold watch was found in . New,, AdvejtiemetaL Tmira Brqi;irpp.araAa, , , . , i - tf Tour lips you would save irm slips, ia" fr 4 fbfnrs.obserrwUh tare.- . 1 - .un 5 S FOREIGN1 NEWS. TlVe tmnflSSODServw wuu irw.- . t m" j ' . . .. - . n,nm. tj., 7-1 oner uuo; ki iu. -. v Good rooms and sBthe popular papers 61 the . .. n . 1 rr C IT. .Awu., day at tne rsacemannouao, iwuui,ijuiwiroi. TU U TTr at hi. ttahlAA AO Middle street offer a fide: lot of Males and Horses' at Tea loem jor your Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. em ini Tour. . 1 . . vf.,.hitf I connected with wnicft is aunt eiass , i i: ii l.fn ! i.t., ' n;t RnalM I 1 4 ' ' ' LPS. celebrated Cashm re Glyoeribe at Boom, '7kH Ls I with ft modern N on panel Table and every ini. . 1 i -0T OH ,1'ff2s.firth'tiffic'(i?ti..h prt pslBMMugrss.f", VV l-JsbsvswtaeJia;irjii" "T1""" . . j . a, of thia diase, and to report l?eWMtf w mis te'y8T4tlrlaTter,ttnttVth9 disease j disap- uKssunSShE Se .CllatS alwayskept CP4 - I The RE ADING ROOM ! supplied with 11 ji ail thft leadms State and Prominent ' " t ' . .. . ... . 1 . 1 ana iiiusirstea pspen. , i j ; ; v 7!-.f ,;JpJWBTOaV ' eonsiaiing of : ' . -? ..r. ' - , , ' I'-. V it " ; t Dry Goods. f Ootlimg,:-'-;;;:; BOOtS,1";"' Hats' ; ri Caps, &c, ALL OF TRB LA STYLES: - , j. ri 1 u r ....J 11 ; of th Empewr Msximi lexioo and the murder a.tle .s-.Tas; V1" '''iJL tl test? ! Pratt's Astral bit 50 centa per gallon, at ' dianittiat the Demo- AH persons owing State and tUx ,;, Tr.,, j7;J. know.Co iUer ,, s . for.thejearlM4,,axe hereby vnotified that ' Jixanowsgvo. t. .Mimwl that the horses overworked, CM properlT exercised )&V a'J ymes, whether sick-Or weu, i j I-T spasms, esc., mm ..wp, yj-T ; . 1 hoWeTer, are no oe ab e. Xbe laeaeoi-W new rauwj t -n, ni r-Lwam. in rcfrrinp to the re- payment iuub. 7 . I strfmlnlstrfltorsl NOTlCfi. .. i ' .4 ..oi-rvfnl ilia thai afilict manlind 1 . . . w 1 , w- 1,.. innnlffence cannot be oven. '"; '" I TMnnirmTTiv an oanEit OF THa cdtTRT -L1: J-L1L a.t L.: Trtr. .rn. i. ,1B.. ",o: :-TT.r 7.r,,t,.:!P .wHrnrasU-i ,.;K t-.t Frobaw tor Crareu Cosoty. i saaU wter 1 Iff V INI Bl.-a tne" iewer aaiimu,: ...-j, deexTed"betfer'of his' fonatry, jot is wortnier "T. ' I .ale. on the 6th day Deewnfcer, proximo, 1 11 fc iwta Tjtnimtvt soon took xank. in every, r iti'-wri,. mn who tf-l : T " Sheriff CraTMt County., ... h aiot at the cono Pol -4 - " , . . -.fTT TnTJ rv-' , .-x ... t 01 paw amvug; - 1 Berne atreeu. bdoalBc to we cause or tfoaepDtne a. State aa4 Territory pf the tTmon as a staitdabb given him the Presidential ofl&ce. neiiB;sr at CmU I . J Barney, aeceaaed. aow in the eccapatioa et sirs, W ' " " .i Jxl .re-! J p Enslahd bas.b Intending to discontinue the Book Business 1 i atrnn noses ssd lot, b!onBlj te the 4 nnrr t Wwl th nroTmotor 1 bbjs;i. SBnaiwiMi.uiKi., 1 1 t"" ' ,. . t thJ iMniuyh tba aeeanaiioB of Anil Tutor. , -r;;. for al . Jwr. has inerer been wafolly petul-nt orh it COSr. PcafwWjaa my , - TkU Ws.f.l,i-fet. fr FtfOTr-lTr: of as I .Theros hopes .the United State, Kin this AoeMUMs. for Ololiaay ana - ""wlTai rTnh :"t"hl rr: I . 1 MSlnni T.n RL W1X1. BUIUU u BMW w I - - ' ' - - I m m MVkr.l Sir. I W 1 . " ' ' . . . , ... I n . . r M 1'm fakt em Uaw ad Com. It I day presents. "i,r,', -v bit oeiwrMiijiow u kw jpropjnwM n m ; : ; ji.. h,. saftInntTo;D t, .j.k 1 l-Braiiaods-rimpTaslotctiw . - t . " . v. ; m ( j ! r - ' - '-J'W-i -ift f " They are determised to sell tbem at Eriftps that anybody and everybody will e'ableto buy. : Tfi er aell cheaner than anv - house m North Carolina can, and will .sell them eiuier at wnoieeaie or reuw. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, go to tO'S Cor. Pollock; and Middle Sts. New Berne, Nj-iO. l aygaJsA - T 1" vwrifOU W9rl

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