" - ' .... : ... - ' T.: rmmm : riit - . , - v.- : y' , , .... ,r , , - Viii- -, , t - IIMI - VOLUM B. Tks KdUxnr atlkU frtper s- in iw vondeii otrtaCUniatHof em4ted mou' char Iciet tT.lt t frh&hl, . TUmti t tA teriter mttjf aeotwpy eO rejfAws im. Iny ,im - JflA . wtageel atpricved mi tlatemtnU mad Ig correspondent can obtain the nam tfppliefitlon u tht Blf- . 7 i w f ;f OBT-yrFICE,a-UlRHlt. - . 'ei- A A Jiel7ih, t"872.ff ) Mail Closes for the North, Wet and South at 7.45 A It. f". V' TV X , Hail Closea for Beaufort ,andne Elfttvat 15 P 1VL '-" ".. .-. ' W "Mail Close for -Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort - Counties, every day at 5.30 AM. 'ri m . Mn Mnaoator Trenton. PollockTille, and J3 wiiMbnvcv W e4 4yj, t aturtaj., at J Mail etoaat for Hatteraa tya., BSL "l MaHeoa for GraaUhwr i Bay HWer and y4hni Ttits&tTt Tarday awl Sator 'flayii At A at.'! J U wi' P-. ' ' M Afl. ARRIVE. ' ' : - From tha Noft"h, VVet and Sooth P. M. and opened for delivery at 5 v F M.) yrowBeanTort and th East at 655 A M From WasWnglon, 8ift Creek C, &c daUy, at 4 P M , ' ?rm Trenton. PoUockville and Swanfboro Taeadaya d Friday at 4. SO P M. . yrom GmnUbnro. Bay River and Vande . rnern Monday, Wedneadara ad Friday -at OmL honre from 8.S.t(S P M. and 5 .45 Art T M HnndftVB Trom 1S-80 to 1 PCM, , GEO. W. NASOK.Jr. Poatm ater. 1 TJtle Meadowa & Cot EgyaalfPgCT Fina Shawls. osiery. GloTaa, &c, at uueap Garpotti Study, oc of&M fQe LaSnpa, at Meadows If you wt cheap JoLn.1 v clolLiug to Cheap Colgipbus Cigars thefim st m-th :niarjd .'s 1 ;ji- : .- tbe oity. at Tooth, Kail and Hair Brashes, at Meadowa Finest So!ch "Whibkey, FrenchEtaotty and Vines at Ziskasds. .. Liebrg'aEx't Beef at MEADOWS & CD's. A lot of W aed tSeat' gaitets just receired by Cheap John.. ' , try Meadewa X Ce'a Eau d Cologne and Ex't Jockey Club. T ' 7 "ligsr Bear I the .best qoatfty t.whi?rssale and retail at Zhtkawdb. Pratt's Astral Oil, 50 cento per gallon, at Meadows A Co. ir ou want a good pai!r of Boots or Shoes at low price, go to Cheap John. . ... ThefinPRt Chewing Tobacco and Cigars at Meadowa & Co's. The best and cheapest assortment of dolls in the State, at Cheap John's. Pratt's Astral OH, 50 cents per gallon, at t - -i - , - " . afisAoowa Jk'Cd If jou want fair deMing and yonr rightehaDge come and see me at Cheao John's. T , .. . "Good looms aacfcalUaepopulir papers of he day at the Bateman House, So itb Front street Go to Zinkand's for everj thing in the Li; yjuor. Cigar and Tobacco line the best iu the teity. ' llassey's Ale on dtanftht at the Club House Ch-arenJStceet, wbere MoSorley will be pleased 4e hJiaJrieifs, CfAi ona,j fiip atti tf Shawls, Dress Goods, VeWeteens, Boots, IShoes, Hats, and all styles of "Woolen goods, at Agostines, on Pollock Street, iext to the Na tional Bank. oct9 tf Julius Ash keeps on hand a good assort xnent of Boots and Shoes, parfehased before the Boston fire. Drv Goods, Cjothug of all kinds, a sp endid stock tf gentlemen's Hats of the latest styles. MifOT. lfi-tf The "Silver Lka" Cigr, at the Batetnau House, is pronoactl by cnnoiiiRenrs ss IKe :cigr. . We have tried tllem, and endorse the e'rdicU , r " ' M. Hahs, at hts' stables on Middle street pffera a fin lot ef Mules and Horses at rea onable pricea, Call ihd see them Tor vont selves. MarchlR-tf. V 4asTeoeiT a line lot cf Brandv Peaches, Jellie. Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Citron, Raisins V'JUneea Iet. Corned ; Bee BreakfAst Bac-e. Buckwheat. Cod Fish, Oulons,- PotaViea, -Beans, JbC. at Waiker & Guions. t a. ti Wholesale an"Betail Groeer, an Liquor Dealer. Middle street opopaTte. 4ha market tirdera Dromptly. filed and salisfaction guar tanteed. - v " fOrfc 29-tf. Tm Payrra. , . ..U- i All personk' owing Stale ana mrty Uxtea for the year,. 1872, a e ke'eby notified tha payment must bV'raad Wfthooi delay7, ttirlher ndulgenee cannot be given. il.I Sheriff Cravi-n County, " I I. JT V T - ...... - - . . . Any one wishing Life Insurance to examine .: ' the rates 1 am issuing policies -. D. T. CARBAWAY, Insnranoe Agent, Jn.Tn. tTpPpsitGatour?se. ' Dividend JVatiee. Thu NarianalJBank f New-Berae has thi day dscR'ed a o'iyldefid ifji-r'ceht ont of the earninsra of the past six months, payable on and ;stffcw-theI8thf Jannnry ' r - T T By order of the B atd of Directors. . . i .1 . i J..A..GUI0N, Cashier Deaembe-3U 18?: t:ffi. t j Franklin Fire Insurance . Co., of Philadel phia, Pa. Cip, $100,000; Sarpins. $3,000,000. From anct after tbia date, vJdii.', -1872, Messrs. Roberta Henderson are the duly ap- Ualler jr-pjy MrsrD. D." CoicmoYR pointed agents and they alone are empowered! ..2 L; l '? ' 'J , 'jli fchabga Stre- my, 1U1 U44B UULUJAUJi b HC. 4)7111 v " TAYLOR & GILES. . Geoml AgentatfWUmintoD, N. C CITY AND VICINITY. 1 j , ISxth M. CAapafrrEfe,1" Local Editor. rn im i 4 Ms IS 4 12 13,14 IS 16 17 IS l2Bat22 23 24S r t io ii J i 7t 8 1011 12: ;i3.14'15 18 17 18 1 ,20-21 12 23 24 2&.M . !27 223 3aili.!' Aas-ji!-4!-!-.rj4ii1 10 1112 13 lTl5h! 117 18 19 20 21 22 2J' Feb. bM,xr.s,2,a u . j m 4 t 7 1011 12 U 14 15 M 17 14 20 21 22 72 rA T "T "M 24&jur isaatt, . ..- a.' i 'B Mil 1313 14 lSj 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 7! 8! 0 10 11 1! 13i n4IK 1A 17 Ifl 1Q Til: 23023 2S f -51 22a,24'C5 26,27i wtLi..l) ii 41 6l 61 7i 8! 9 10-11 ; 1213 14 15 16 1718' 19 20 21 22 23 24,25; ;2S;27,28,2B 3. I ' 2- 3! . 4' Tl 8 lprfl'i. ii i : I 7l 8, H II 12 . 1 M lo H 17 W IV , pa 34 22 2S 24.25 16 j.a.23,t...'. U 13' 13: 14 IS W 17 18 VJ'V) 21 22 4 9 10 11 12 1 14 IS 16,17 119 20 '21 22 A. 9 Ml 11 12 13 14 1 71 w ft 11 H 12 It M'i7 s io n a .1 . lajtc1! -vt l Mx. G.X. Wadsworth is cur or Bobeorihers airi adVertisers. . ifaieigk agent Mesfrs. Gairrix & HofFMAK, Neasprper Ad- ti rising Afretofa, No. 4 South itrBv 3ltinoea XT are rinlv nnthoiized to contrnct for lid'.'er- titiemonta nit.ont' lowt 1 rajesTe Ijertiaera it that city are requested to leave their favors with tbis house. V. r --r r - T -r )rlee of Naval Store. Ae. Tarpeatioe,- Viri I?JJT . . . . ' . ' w Ydiow Dtp. . . . : : .-.r 54 J f Scrape. . . . ... Spirits, per gallon. . S 2 80 51 cts $3 00 Tar.. . ......; Rosin, common strained, Corn, from b- ats-i new, .v Cotton, BaWd 5J5 nta iJ CIS Seed 5J(a 5 C'S UUWU4M'. crkeys fTTT:. .-. Geese. ....... i,f.rt.. . T. . (tZ-? cts -M 40 j-r Chickens per pair. . J-. ,X; , Ducks " .;. .i. -5ut -.65 6070 rcrtanal. ..-s-.' k Judge'Cilarke depnrt?dlthir jBqrotn;? for Pitt eounty, whre he is to bold a Special - Term of the Superior Court for jbat feouhty." Water. c '. -..- - ' j-j ' il They are to have water works in Wilmington. We here in New Berne will soon commence boring for .water providing the Legislature wiH "grant the petition for our Board of Council to levy a special tax ' ff But the Board failed toaddlhe'sum of 28 cents to their petitioiwfor .the covering of that sluice hole eta the cornerof Middle and Johnson streets. UCi"ri V'J 3 .fTtr, : r - . MosLckJU, r .... v- Prot. JT F.Bnekert, of WiWiirtgfcn, agent for the sale of PianosfciCgaMf jM iiK towTDUj Pro?i JJri sekartOBl os r i gh ly recommended ss aicaotixLTniier anS repater of. Pianos, and wih"protnpu ettebdjtp-any order if W 'tha Drug Store of MeaweT eVh. MeaflofCpTD Tbosa who jaay : peslre Instruments" toned shonld leave tber orders at onetu aa tba Pro fessor's stay in Ipw Berne will be brief. A'Bt'raP.',i:.'U:( J' The first number of the Enfield Times comes to os in splendid order aa regards paper, ..type and matter. Its 8alntRtory reads : , , Tbis.m number of The"Jlme.t, is" " sent to many persona whose names' "do not , appear on our subscription books. We ti thank them to examine its conte-nta, and trust tbjit they will 'bentcienrly wall pleaded, Aot. .on Is to supsetiBO tnazasai-vessni: fJiow iie japrr io their neighbors, and induce them also to take it To our friend who bave already entered tbeir naoes. aUtiou. isrcalled to tha, ct that ptfon is fJoVcfne.' w uvl BUVD-aa. Slclewalka. TiiViatiingtc iSbfrhaS ellurticle on sidewalks, and states that the. property own ers who neglect to constrnct sidewalks mada of briclrnrd fl ig--tor,es, will after the 1st of May tfett, bay? th p)eas"OTMf aaang the work done j thajptyothnritieysv tb eipepge of the otbresaid owners 'U $T Wej Jiere in iiew feerne, sbooM ehgratulate ourselves' In hsvrbg iwiiiral ardewslksv"! e.,' walk mads with a jmarerial ihat improves in quaRry whenevet it ii exposed to rain or beo anShat onrcity authorities are ndt compelled to iasne an ord--r to. the property owners to im port an outside material. Kaciae IntrIlsrnee. ' A1iVkB. Jait. ia Steaier Caswali, ' JJey- er master, from Kinston. Schr. IowaMil er master, with Ocean blue fish, eggs and poult'y, from Hatteras. Schr. J. Havens. Willoughby master, with woofli ' na HaaCbck'a, Creeki ; .T .., . . " 'Schr. EAgeniftr Wrilinitosaster, frosa Hat teras. with wrecked material from the Schr. A. M. Bliss, Capf . Macintire. Railed Steamer Qasvjell, Meyer master, for Klinston. Sthr. Emma, Willia meaner, with cargo of cotton seed ior R. B. Hardisoa, at Beard's Creek." '' ' ' '" ' " ' Paralysis. f -We have news this rooming of another ' casa of paralysj- T Augustas W. Steele, a privata banker in iayeuevu e, naa a stroke tne otnfr dav, we learn. This ia one of several cases l4 iwntlv twnAA AtvmJ fn" that section- A. gentleman m this city attributes ita' cause aometimea to tne constant use 01 a steei ben in writing He says tbat President b eltpn of Harvara tjoiiege, v.raunugc, ninwuiuwiui, warned him against the use of a steel pen fpr this very reason, some ten years ag The professor iTleejing Ihs the: steel pen and the ink form a galvanic battery that shoots a kind of electricity up the arm. Era. - We have heard ief0re of, eases of this kind. ii well a? many that bar suffered froSi swollen' or varicose veins in the hand. A sure remedy against both of the above diseases is to" wrap tba iron portion . of the en"holder : 1h tape, renewing it from - time to- time aa it becomes unfit for use b being saturated with ink! The remedy is simple but efficacious. Fo SaxiLr-Qsehol iiud. Kitchen Furni tnrA;'ala.,.a Horse. Cow and Farming Impli- taents ;-a)w. a rwenVyhowe ptoweF Hagine and One hundred keee nails assorted sizes, at w UrS raw,!'.? Urn H 1 l3e fS-AlIen . Cp . ? f BITS-TeMtrdsr. . CoUn ; - Splendid sunshiny weather Hard wood at $4 per cord. Eggs sold al 25 cents per dozen., Thenaometer 15 dgrai at IS oVloek. A fine lot of fresh fish arrived, and im.fi prominenf were Bockfiah weighing from fiv to fifteen pounds each. Thrti Maslcal World i Brainarda' Jisicof World opens it tenth aa nual volnme with inoreaaed - attrseliona. , The first "of a serifs t? deecriptTve irtlcles. giving, in a plaia, readable stjla the details of engrav iug, .printing, s'rroiypirg and all tha other prrcreiconnpotf d 'with sheet music . publish ing is given in this number. "'"' ' s .. K irl Merz will continue his nbla letters .on musical anbjecta throughout the year and also contributes a spicy article on t fortbeoming Cincinnati Jubilee under tba caption of "Young Jubi Tb Witorfal column tro, as saL filled wtfa 4as nei v a4 abTa articlea. "Our Letter Box." tha editorV neeial de- pArtiBetit for tha answering of mnsical qnas lions, contains some very interesting facts for Tba mnsio in this number (January) is- "Maggie Darling," a beantiful song and ehnr ns. bv XI or nee J2. Kimbai:; "oionion irrnnay a fy M. , ap . . . . , vaise, a neat ana eai ciive instrumental piece for beginners, by K.rl Merz; sn i Little Beau ty March, No. 5 of Golden Blossoms, Charle3 - iunkel's new set of tesci'iag V'lcea. Sabsrription price $1.00 per annnra.- Send 10 cents to S. Braiuard'socs, Cltyelxnd, O., for specimen copy and ' complete catalogse : of sheet music -.--.. ,u - , (? ExtrTjnf (T) . Goldsmith the entsrprising Tobacconist, has "gt the start" or our city authorities on the 'oyster shell qutio-. We not! -a that he has planted several load? upon the walk fronting his store on Son th Front Street: but we fear that unless he makes use of a pe.-tle, the pede tenhm! eentry who wear thin boats will circle nrtond the premises to the detriment of those who ride. We wish onr cit fathers cmld read the newspapers as w 1! as Mr. Goldsmith. -Let our next city cony ntion - asembl'-d to', nomin. ate 'municipal candidates, be gristed aa to whether the nominee rrals the daily 'papers I uMished in New Br rue, in order to know the wants of those rwbo are to vo'e for him -i Allen EabAnks, Esq., is anotber enterprising iadividaal who reads th ' Dailt Timcs. We notice that be. in his youthful age, is becoming somewhat, extravagant thonga if be prefers brick to mud, we have no objection. . Mr. 1 En banks knows that mad is , maoh fbeanar than brick bdl'he seems determined that Zng 'the tAilor, on Craven street, shall have a - walk suit abla td the taste of thos3'whptrJaTsa . , bin, ; "Senator King front Lenoir, wLo ia a subscri ber for ihaTucas, oa mo tx town yesterday, and about the first order 'given by hint, was for his mnn" Bobett to .'pit." in"""and make, thi" Club Houie sidewalk navigable .for those' "ex travagant citiz-ns who prefer a material mora costly than mud. . : , .; .It grieves os to ro'e tha fact, that private citi zens who read the Tikes, are tsking 'adanUge ef our city fathers iu foie6talling tberr good in tentions in the noticeable manner exhibited by several pnttiea on yesterday. . .1 , r Since writing the above, it has been angles -ted tha if lit. Goldsmith, the TobaeooniNt, d.r hires to exhibit another VCi of extravagance, and at the same time obviate the use of a vectle, .he shoald turn those oyster shells outside up then some might think he paved bit walk with oysters in the shelL ITATSLIRDs. ; . ' ' ; - ."..'It is said the peanut rop ia New Haaovar 'eounty will fall short one halt this year. Printing was introduced into this State In tf49, by James Davis who published the JfortA XJqrplid Cfazette in New Berne, "with freshest "a'ctvices foreign nd domes ja." -It was aw sal ly on post fized flio. TSe Balaigh jfetoa says : -David C illiaa, of Rutherford county,. convicUd - at September, (1871) tefn oflhe TJ. S. CScuH Court in "this city for a violation of the enforcement act and sentenced to five years imprisonment in the Albany Perviteetiary. has ben pardoned by the President-'The papers for his discharpte were sent from the U. S. Marshal's office iu this city yesterday morning. The Raleigh Friend of Temperance says: . Mr. T. M. Vestal, a snember of tha Legislature of 1868-9. froze to death in Yadkin county the night before Christmas?. "He" was found on the side of the road sitting leaning up against a tree with ssrmilonfils knees and hishad on his bands, frozen st iff. The deecased "lived three miles from Yadkinville, was a Jry popular manaoubis ooutnty, and oaaia within one v te of getting the nomiaalion of Sebator from that district f ir tbi-i term. r " "Where ftref the neirs of Benjamin Craig, the old Cape Fear pilot in 1797 The AdjuSnt General Townaend of the United States army writes f rom, Washington . City, dated July 4th, to the Sectary of this State "aafoft6ws: "I have the honor to request any Information which ryoi nay ba ahla' :toJurnish relative to the snrviving heirs of one Benjamin Craig. ho appears to-have been appointed a pilot op aoe-Faex Kar . about the year 1797." Let Cape-Faar KWar . about the year 1797." the Fayetteville papers noise this item. Around. Raleigh -Bra.-. tisi:i Ten Becatjses A hundred reason-might be given why Lyon , Katharionu could ba nsed bv everv iutellitrent human beinz in preference to every other rirrparaoiio-atatr, but ten will suffice. Here they are: Because it nour-4 LshejTkhe Ibers,; mulUearbto and makes I them grow; because i thus prevrnta tbem from withering and bleaching; because, it removes the snrf nnd dandruff - which choke them aa tares choke the golde grain; because it keeps tha apiap'ool and prevewts eruptions; baaaose it ruldera the hair fiisrous as pa4a'beeauae it makes it pliant and elastic; because itis a fra grant and delightful dressing; because it dies n..t the Dillow. the cap or the hat! because It is without, a rival in cheapness, and, because J nt Mhr article woM-ft Iha same .parpoee, in this or anv-other coun'ry, jpossesseaalL, orven one-half ot these invaluable properties. rsr-Pimple on theJTace, Ernptions-; Blotches, Scrotnlons diseases" aed aT a es' arumft f torn impure .b.'poi.are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Malical pUeoTery. LOCAL I Kmumm m I.a-.tw' jpta'; -ii :..t -4 aa-jr'? t Tlw4"a, Dickinaon Cocmty, Sanaaa,? aa a peaolt rit tn? r:.;.;v4;: Mattbsw, Tennrmorn, " leaj , preKief ' In Coffee ' Cbuhty,; lUnsaa,- hr been arrsagwed, tried and dismissed for feminine fainitiarixjf, . Boston; baa" now;" a ftrst-elaaa . floatiog engine, eapable of doing; great serycajln eae of ttro on the-1dtyharvee , r anVoSR jk ni.. "j-- . ,i ; ST ' "Ike lamon grova of Cpraica are suffeting from -u curious diseaaa. Tha frnit driea up and beaomes as dusty as the ' smoke-balls " in our eounixy ptstai-i '".U'Ktfgl' The following reminder has just been ;plaead on a ,'iomb in Montmarte t ' Ob, y4W Henry, corte and nejoLa soa aa aoon aa.eo, yeniently poeaibie.' . , ,'. " . EK Perkins says thai Mr. McGregor, of Irt York, and Prof Tyndall are trying to abstract the heat from fire, so aa to leave the-Are par feetly har9nleas.i .; -,-, , . t , ; Niagara Falls was nearly dry for a single day in tha winter of 1848 on account of an easterly wind, which drove a large portion of tha water from the river into Lake Erie. .i - t . .-. t: , .-' - - - The Sacramento Bee 'states that the' Modoe war i gotten up by certain whites for- the pur-, pose of driving the Indiana off their lauds, so that land-grabbers may get them.- . A CoWneclicut paper saysr Tm ' night be for? a Western : man died, hia faithful wife watched by his bedside all through tha dreary hours, with no, companion but a topy of Jack Sheppard. . ; -f ;r- ';,- Queen Victoria has presented iflva pounds sterling to a young man named Hughes," who, was recently tossed by her bull. Prince Leo pold, at Windsor- park. It makes all the difference whose bull did the mischief." , It now turns' out that the buzz - saw .was In vented by Joseph Murray, of Mansfield, Eng land, son of an old; servant of the Byron family, whom Lord B., the poet, often speaks of as 'Old Joe MuSi-ay ' The first saw of tha krnd e-rerrmoe -ia-atill ahown. by bis de scendanta. . , , -r. A farmer near Wachita, Kansas, Tone day J last week, overtook ; a, wagon loaded with buffalo skins, jthe driverOf which had his arms frozen stiff so that the could not guide the teaav; and the wagon were two hunters frozen to death, ' whose bodies' rolled against each other with 6ach movement of the teanv At 4 'train on the IPorJland-and Ogdensburg Railroad was leaving the statien at North Conway, the other-day, 4 large deer sprang upon the track and ran on ahead of the engine for about two miles when It f got a littTe tired and concluded to switch, off. In the attempt, however, it slipped- and rollad oVeV, and tha train atopped and an ' employee jumped off and killed tha animal, Wljioh weighed one , hundred and aixty pounds, and it , was. carried down to Portland. -Ti -y-' I v- .,:-:-'t..;. b r f r - j t ' 4 , I f.v. " Wanted. Two ateedy an4 . industriou" men to work at the Deep Gully Lime Kiln. Apply at the store of J. Harass, on ' Craven Street, near the B uiking House of Rouhiree 1 Webb.''- Kotlee. ( All person having iaxew to pay an obtain conaty vojicher? at a liberal dieeouat on appli cation" at the NaliJnat Bank. tf ri .1 K ft?lf c?? '" Will it be -over to da or to-morrow t c' Will it las tor week or amontly or-a Jar ; This trance thai neither a Joy nor"a sorrow, . Ths waitiag that iaaot a hope noxa faar ! While I am waiting the end draws near, itwiii conie before I am dead somi day ; Shall I feel it, Iondarwben itgis here ? - Its comingseema like going away. It is only that watching baa made me weary, And that being weary has m adeems dream ; But in Nutans tbja wo3d u art 'dar. . T , And in dreams things axe i.6t aa they seem. ' -: ' f r--y ,y .! -'' ' And indeed I am not tired yet, I have strength to wait what is yet to see, What the hours I know will not forget-. - J The end of the watch that ia set for me. 'V crr-rr Ji is .the end that has made me strong;-" Lest I say whenit ddtpeB itis come too late t Then till it carnal should find it long; I have forgotten tor wnat t wait - 7.1 Then why are my thoughta bound litp to this By a bond that I neither feel nor se, "WTfila the world gee by in baleor bliss, . i I teinl the world keeps watch'wflh inif Yet the rad will ooma and the and'wfll And leave no trace in the empty air; 'Wheit itis over fie"will know,-y fmnH: " And I haxdly think that I shall care. A PoLTOiior BusrjrasatThe' Wi le-spreadln-' flnteaoe of American akill and rtterprise has outs'ripped the comprcbensidls of the . Ameri cana tbemadlves. . , Tbe. , fabrioe f fpurunaills cloibe the savages of both couflnents.' They wrap tie loins f Africa,' and the; tawny skins of South Amerisan pampas. But wider still I m".7r -"3. . t" i cines-T A wit to Dr. J. C.fxa I medi- A Co-'a laboratory and office in Loweli. bowed us that tha whole s'uiiaca of. the. habitable globe P"y its tribute there; there they cater to and serve theliaquinmeroX20jait Their publications are in the many tongues that wide if severed peoples uset rTher dtterJJ read from and written in many tongues, for which there sit a long range of eorrespondettbj with Ihe tddispensible accomplishmetita ' foe their nutiri. , Their iUily mail of 4lf a buahel of letb r J brines theni'advicos, orSers and re mittincea from the circle of tbe worbi. We were over wneimeq wim amazement, a a- our readers would be by an inapee'ion of. this won4 iderfujly e.ttensiv'', health-dealing e. t Triae. : TKLEGRAPrtXC FBOM NEW VOBK. 1C i ft i ! T, Nuw Taax, Jan. 9. , Thol4eraaaf x-ofiaara,ofJthe army and 'nvj gave a. brilliant ' reception o General jeoklash." " ' -"'Vv.h ' The' Kational J&oeiWldSi Sf Tjon Manaa. aetareni adopted Msotutibmi ih favor of free , baahisig. l-nnem II . -., y . trial of mechanical birds, for ifvs pigeons in shooting matches is to be made to-day under the direction pf President Be rgh! ' A ' ' IJ'J A rumor was current yesterday that Phelps, i L Dodge i. Co. have been sued by the Govern ment to recover f 1 800,000;de on fraudulent invoices, and "".that the firm offered to com promise for f 2C0,00a The parties publish a eard s stating that . they have been, and are, prepared fo selVTe any jusV fSnfftlrtmmi elainia 1 against them " - .; - .' . , ., Bar.o . President of th Erie EaihSjad hark that the affaira of the 'cotnpany, in connection with Jay Gould are pWgrewin'g eatisfaotoruy.1 In the Assembly to day a bin providing a new charter Tor New York City was ! intro duced, It being that rimed by the Republi-, can General Commfttee. Also a bill reorganizing the school system of New York City! 1 -- ti . Also a bill appointing a Board of Railways and providing for rapid transit by tunnel from the Battery to Harlem River. e v . , Warrants, on a new indfctmenr, for circu lating ob&cene . literature through the ! United States mails, were issued this A. M. against ' females Woodhull & Claffiin and a man by the name o Blood. iT The Iittet was arrested, but the others could net be foond. - This will pre vent the leftura at Cooper Institute to night, at which trouble was apprehended. . FROM LLlS OtS. ' $ f ' " CtiTCAGO, JaDv 9 - A ifettvy storm of snow, as fine as sand, and accompanied by a gate of wind,' has prevailed here since 3 o'clock -this afternoon. ViThe ther mometer is two degrees above zero, but the eold if terribie, owihg to the piercing wind. The storm is accompanied ' by extraordinary electric phenomenon, which interferes some what with the working of the telegraph wires. ? NEW YORK MARKETS. 4 New Youk, Janii 9. Gold dnll'at i2. Money firm at T'per cent. State Bonds very quiet. Cotton quiet, aalea of 529 bales Uplands 201 een's; OrleanV 21 J eenU. Flour firm. Waeat quiet Corn steady.; Pork quiet and firm; new $14. Lard quiet; steam 7, to 8 cents. Spirits Turpeutiue steady, et 56 cents. Rosin firm strained $3 70. Freights qui t. . FOREIGN NEWS.' Nvpoleou slept soundly last niglit.4 muebbet- osr than the preceding nighjt. nThia" A af.Tls phytrieio-nS had a' ooniulUtionvand decided; to perform another operation at noon to-day. . At the; tima of ce8ultatipn",his, pulse as strong and regular, beait to the mintite. At 35 minntcB past . IS o'clock aigss of hia sink ing was apparent, the aetion of the heart and deuly , fiuied and .he' died at 45 minutes past id clocks. ; 9! M -., -i :.,4 v ..(tfyi ,., i, 'C - Brackford Bros, silk dealers, 'have .failed te the amount of $500,000. - ' . : s: m m "' " ' : BERRT'S ttudcsn-: Go to Berry and see his uower'slaow. 'l . Insure in New York Lifo dMnce CompanjC; s 'txx.k Selact'rngS Pnrb Oltenyfeals, aSrryA ', '1 ;i ",. --.it. t . Blra1ns ini Paper, "Envelop Pens, fide, te.', al Befry'a.' ' ' ; ? ' ' .-v. .""5'j-l '. Pahrts, Oils and Tamish t reliabtoeaiitjr. Also, Brushes, Putty, skc.y Ae.tte , at Berry a. ' - i .. . t , f . K v Window end Picture Glass cut to any size or ahape. . uotoreu, agraved and ground Glass, to order, at uerry a. , . . -,' I . Only, 7u cenls for,, a gallon ' of . Pratl's Astral Oil, . and a can to Seep it In, or 50 cents for the oili at Berry's., h 't.,!: : 'i"" - ;"7' BdisVs warranted garden seeds, at Berry Tt '" ''.- ' """ Buy CisotEVA WiTra," tile best oolognu in the market, At Berry'.- - 1 . , - - H 4,J- ft ' I Berry'a tEx.TBAcrr Musk-bosk OitUasta any other extract for the handkerchief.' " 4 EiiractBeef Tine and Iron, 'warranted to keep) ( AtEEait's. , " Elixir .Caljsaya,' .. . ,.l . "Caliaaya and Iron, "and tflher ittodern prepara tions on hand, or to order, at short notice, ' at Berry!.'-. f'' f : ; ! V Organs dif Piano-l'ortes of ' any e style, oi manufacture, Id order, al B?rryT!. - - - Scientific oolA, of American oi- European publication, fufniahBd to drdr-, al Berry's. The best of everything for a fair prioo,'at Berry'a. p " ' " -.' Picture Frames and Trimmfngs, at BerH's. If yon wantanood VRotlu" uasBerrv"a 'tjai. lal fowden. r,,,,, ' - A grand prorneuirtl5 Concert' for the benefit of St Jbn'a Church is to come off this evening' at wnmrugton. . -,- , , . .. , ' - ATTENTI ON ' Tdaftitn. toW)t flt TtTt4, nr t aadr to the lit that I hare now on' hand, 1 and will continue, to keep; the best, as well i the cheapes. c'garx to be found in this dry; the finest brand! of chewig; tobacco, yfzt If v Flowar. L Solace, Centtffy aHd Chpeake. Th finest nranas 01 emofiing torjaceo; Atrong which will be found Durham. ViTnia and urkfth. ' ; SnbfiB of all Knrla' pipes and. smokers articles of every description J an aaamon to me icrejrowg" every ascicle naualTy kept.in a llSst-ctasB Clear Store, een be pujihaaedatwhofcaalekncT retail At Kewaru s Tohaeed , ITmporium,' South Front '8t, two doors above tbe Gabion Hooa. ;- '. t 1 M. GOLDSMITH. Propriater; -:Dee.$--t.: .- -' - -. .- '-"f THOMAs MCCARTHY, woz.io!i.B IjrJ isri nsraii- nsAUa ra GBO CEJRX12 i QTJOBS, 'aacaaaoupek a4 Qoeesi Btreeta. : ... Taa oaid Cor man enantrr arMapa. A a. Ckn ana t SM. eft ' COKlDod - ctinbl ofm- ttewW Hmmf taiiag a 5yra Tttf)io4i vxiiti.i Ration hi favor afDaWPitratt. tax col J , . 4-v- . . , 1 . T lecior am am oiuvni qomaij- nuuN auTW J b29th . ' r' 4 sttAn V au-tbome aha' )cia4 ObmraiUaai to iaafi4a e rermia, of ; lection m August laaf. to aend. for peVsona - and! prM tayieil Nov. Id. , :rf"i!jr'V5-t iff 4ifjif The foJlewiMrwerB ratified Dec. S. . - "i;- joint resolution to provide fiw AVloieiftitei U Ate-aanftt ilanrjfy Watat'raerji. f j.rr.t.r Baoution . aakiijfKrM V Abend" the pension law. " ' "'.- A act Wt ehaxre' tSe.:lime frlWli. Jh Sup rior Courta f Wake puuv. - . The fotlowUfg were raided BeA'lV- Raadutkea auking fn removal of sabllitiea. An act for the a-Uyf pt the nnr Ja-e ot Wil liam A. Walton, tleceuat d, lute sheriff el B6wa An act to re-enact ctapter 18, publiu Uwa of,. l8Tl-2. 1 ---- ' 1 -'I ioint resolution concerning thf:4e tX be W.C. R, U. . , . , . It -solution to" purchaa NoWl vAJlor 0 RewalndtteY itretissi ta. priapal folerk to' Senate. - !')...,-.- Joint resolution anrhoritinii; tl'fMetofy of State to send special ieaaengek 0 Gates, coan ty tor alection return;., - f Resolition in reparJ fd a dt-lcteney of easts in the Hanks ef RjipraaejiUtivoa. j , Tbe following were ratified Dee, 18, , An act to incorporate the N. f C-M-dieiaal eorapany. ' !'!'.- "?' j - . f An act for the relief of Simon Godwih. eol- lector of Johnston vnnutr J: i? if Resolatiow empoweriae. die joint "xommittee in inveatigate the sale of the W. N. Eallr'adto take testimony under oath. :' . .--. " lies 4ntiod in favor of, Ware and MiUex, f -f mi.. 4-.M : -.: i - . j Tv ij. Resolution in favctr of employeea elf the era aaaeiwij. v.;; j tq, .; frit a Joint rjesointiou teonerrnitte . the manner of draw.ngurorarorlBVTedeiM'"06rr' ha State. - I ' " - .t j-.;--. I Resolution in relation to per diem of absent Reaoiatibn 4o rtgarik teASipteme Ckrt 15- urary. .. . 1 i 1 - k Ah Hfyonernint the elect fcn Of Ottdga. r The fuHowiag wvre ratilled Uco. 17; . ' Anatt6incorpoiia't'th4 . C. State Insur ance ' Courpanyr i 'ft'' . '":p''- : .;si i-ir-rtx! ; Au act to- r-enaet and amend chapter 189t lKs i871-72. entitled an act to est ibltsh the rates 61 tire PuWro Printing, sfarJ for other pur pose - ... .-3 ' ;' ... . . An act to regulate he aalAHes of the Gover nor and Treaaur r af tbe State, r r! The followiag acta aotl reaolationl; were, rati fied Dec. 18th. hi ! i'ii ' i'i An act for the support of the Insane Asylnnfc fop the year 1873. ij . . iK , .. . , . An act to legalize the levying of a special tax in 9 hnaton d.unty" ;:i. ; - -t R sofutton to provide for the cancellation e Voucher in the Treasury Department. ' t An art to extend tbe time for taking btt grrtns in McDowell county, j r, .. Kesolu fei of inslructton toi Attorney Gen- "erai' HI'--: -.vfN- :tf.-. -i!,7 a-;... An act to chance the time for holding the Spring term ot the Superior (Couft 6f CAbarruj OOUntV. " i-i--4" 'u tale I' r' ,K-. .".J t"! - ' An at to repeal section 10 of the act ent itled 'an act to susbend tfie Code of Civir Proee- dtrre Tn cert,1 n crfHsis," aid enact v si eubaU tote. t0 wid spqtiov, 'Aj'-t' -' An act to re-enact ana c-ntirme in force trie charter ot tb FftVetUviilei ad Elerepce RU : road eompamy, and. the several iuU amendatory tbereof. aurlto amend the Wtne:1 "-' 'Aw.aet1b Cutiioeiia, tbIlmMioBara, of, GniUotrtjCoaaiy WiJUyy a special tak and lor other purposes. 1 .f? '" Jft u Au act tA iucerpoaat the Hew-otky Nerfoik and Chexlaatoa Ke Uroad., -j An sot to amend ther charter' 61 the 'Wilming ton An3'PlantraRailwaCtJV " 1' "A i An? act.fo. "ihartex the Wilson and. Tar river narrow gna'ge raUroad." " "Y : ' ! ' i ' t Kesoiatiee I beer of eerteim w.tteesef Mr fore (iniinTtt on Privileges. and Elections. oi H-'BoBiiat. fr bud HpsriB 1' .'lif.,'.; Vti BO 'if ,'.0. .-sra if" '"di: if : niw ,e?r ''. 1 ii'if 7,.. ,-T!tii( ti t- .ujkAi a.a a ContutexxtiU Inswn&QtCp.t If v"t'! er i??V;...t' frkilk i" '-S . of nibnimona; Va. ' (MarWe.l - 'of Toxx.is 4wtirrEt!e,eyKaaM bviiouo. THE club HOtrgE;;: M e S p.BJi-K't.4PJM)?JaTO0a r ' YT' ,.4-lU.6iiJtiiaiJii4f A.ND REA PIfrO Jl O "Jan. w-tfV'Yr 't. -'r nitdve the a' ova reward to abv 'one who will infnrni me iof any toetji who took ft dm y,op3gletoaDiawd being eagraved enihe inwde the letteri v. L. O. 8.. ' I haye just racerred 1 large and vefl selected 'stock of .3otid f O rtafJit CoTd H1rigf Andlu laot eyerything pretty t tjlrrfttiasi preactita. f Co&e n jsreltoet of goodi.; , .TP. S. Tha Goods areYor aalabv ' : ' - McLean's 8lfy Court Hoaea Bui Jirg. i . - . , ! ! if iwKi&rt nut , JTT:Besaj ;jlp tts Wt iifca?, T.alm-L(,iHt m il .VSVtVV rulki44. J 'lPPsi" Apdiea, pt......4"Jj-i jii'.'".au m ry so$e6 TJA.JT 4.1bn4, - i - r vVhasv'ttfiiadi.-li. . &-jr&mx i Baoofcll wt. T.4V ( I - i -r:?.-ri na Cabbagem , . . .'.'.'.V .VJAV.J. ."..'.. Dreeaed JWR?. T.t'a. r.V.'.Tl'.n'i-J. "" " ! u ia ?. i1!- 4afrai V4 s 4...TWBG neaafaaa, j - - - - t Eidea, dry,. L, ' " T 1,1 T'lf,'Tl r 'Jirweii,j.!-.k.5i.v;.;.w;.. . , t Headinc, Ash, Oik- Staves,.!. fm, Irish Potatoes 18 baahel . Jl t . ' ! Ml nrt- own rauaik a Lime, ....... Lard....... ....... 11 1 .;;u.ejQ.sBQt. g erring rums $C00C8- 15. j y r ' irooa, ....... . " '" 'aOff. AetaaO. u. t - ad r Xaila,;....... e e ..v. t7.oo$i.r. Oats,.!. J..V..... 6' Pork.uiB.U 1. Ue; Pork, s Fresh. "Pork, City mesa, . ..... . . Peaowtk, new. .. .u ' ....- LAi7U.T i rin'iff.ioeriiaif'i 8 inch. inch, Sufafe 1 white.'..:. U(H.la ,,3 .4 314 a I, brown, 4.,.... llalS. , Salt,' i ck,. - v,.) . $1.80 ' Soun Cotton ......... tl.70.SL84 t SoirrtOwotJt.;'!.: 4 v . . A. rrvrAAiwr a . r. r. . . . a - m.,. . w -r r I. .4 iTf s73, i-- i- 1 w J.,".T , 1 jaal.TMi A. T wood, foak t ssh. T4 aAri . . w J 4il 84 t Vtl-e.U.V. -i..i'.'-lV ; 4'w2 fit) Yellow Pine Lnmlr. , . J . fl2a$20r ' -;x l lllall$r inr.inAt terjxkw America Saver. '. .1 . '. r. . ;!;.!;. . Mexkseja,,. . jii, tvt4.J.t riOfiaHO : . wtp "OF THE C03?DilJQN OFTIIJS , NEW BBTOTB, . - At the close bui!nonVl7ln -of - . , l.t T-44i4. 0A . . ' ;- ' ' ' ? MSOUACKJ. i Assouixi Wl 17 5O0.1U Vltllu. Kin.,.1 & - PaolBE4naiiai' fRerA'l Tl'lT- f5 Dae from other- Watfotiatj ftstiks. . .Z. v ' Vm3 .990 Tuif lri.L . .liji. -A.M' 1 , 4SS -r ; " -w wsMir TaaAar HotA ... .Vfilulw IMIMLM lot,0 As" !&' ',..,5t h Ko.ntjo Rnrnlna TnnJ Profit and Loss,.. - .... un""' Ratioa-I Bank tj&lMZt-liy.Jt DiridtBd Unnald -T. Titdlvtdtrtil TWporfti'T'' tjVtafv- H J indlvtdtrsl TJpo-jtiT?! etet 149 (4 .. , -MLoaa S3 fi ,tfv.. fT'.'iaJ n .l.elrojyowrtiCeBoassa m -A rt ' T! , . . .- poOS 4i,i. . Mes-PArrsasay, f, ,, f . J' J- A." PATTEnSOfl A CGa,, Jfcees M4 TalaU aetore i ,i-inktdsetw:1 - i f is. il Mei.jraeuKsCi Or tuxpouo o art ,1 . beaferfa iGroccHs and 'if t f WW- . MSRciinrioics. CE1.EJIAC al7U Iflddle Street. Hew Be mew j I ' ITT t' a. : .A.j.. v-i 1'.! '" B I M,,anM444 F . I I'd, fSfefc!!. cttfrenttel lit f!'!W?!H 9 Cincinnati. Ml ti t qc? . jTrlurripbi of cJnaini. via D6trtf nloh; of Hichrr fchel Ta. IrisurafSce It Cahkfng C&j;ifr 1 ieiw Companies afe'a.1 Aourid.'te1i;t),land 1pt.ii.e1tkra nMoaeed and,bve As Lasof Aserrs ra rsoroa now to, ijIASnmaa- whieB" a' fLe tree teat of staeugtS. "Jbm .aaravera efiMtad te" nve wYi aa a 11 r a a t T a tar A ejp 5 tw '1- ti t r.ihniuiv i " Gent W Ac. It Atlaotie end North barollne direst iwNty due end payable kiuai,. f'Jw SaBv We Yrat'li5'J ftiifer ,C TA iiLti Pnstdecl) ITaaX' a "I" V ' lo(Va -BHKet7V.Vl..n 'i'.ftV'.tW.tt.atOTl ejaAtJ w Briek,VJt ......f..... tl-Su;. Beeswax,... ..w, v... I...... -30 Bbl StereaV VniAA.iVJT. 7.. . v l ilttii ilf: .0 .t: - -.i - 4.;s? j,i f,j -"! rr ; v? .f.'!l4 h ; i -1