liATKS .OF cSUUSOKIKTION TERMS CASH mAVANCIL i y- ' - - B no Six Months - ,r v. . t: O'if .jijjree Months f - V . Jl persons (tfttoiTig us viwp w ieu yeany Till receive n iuo piiycr iui length of time free of charge. tbei Arrival and Departure of Mails. ' P O ST-O PFIQE . .... Ktw. Bebne, N, C June 14, 1873. J MAIL CLOSES .' ; " mr the North, WfiRt d South M 7.3(1 A M i-nr Penufort ar-d the East, at 4.15 P M ,. vr WcsMnetov,' Swift Creek. Hyde and ppinfnrt Cmmtie. every day at 5.30 AM ' rr Trenton, Pollocksville arid Swaraboro, WesflnV" and Saturdays at 6.30 M jX Hatters (rfri Beaufort) at 4.15 P M fi Granthoro. Bayjliver and t Vannmre, Tnesayp, Thursdays and Sntnrdaysat 6 A' M 1 . " MAIL ARRIVES Frrm the North, Westand Spnth, nt .50S P M Trcm Rpanfort and the East at 8.30 A 5x";;,' From Washington, Swift Creeki N. C.; J &c, f jit p id 1 ' -'"5"-' ' v Frnnr Trenton. Pnllocktrwlle and Swansboro, TntsJavft nnd Fridays a'f 4.D0 PM . From Grantshoro, Bay River andTAndemere, Mondays, Wednesdays wd3dy8 at4PM Office Honrs: From 8 AMVii.45 PMand R l?to 7? M. SnndaVa fm 12.30 to 1 P M C" GEO. W. NA0Nr Jr., Postmastetv " . the "Silver lSl rTreyour property in the old .Etna Ins Co - ; Prrr Barbows, Aent. Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, at Meadowa k Cos. ys : , Soaps at Vatt5ns,coTner Pollock and Crayeri etreeta. Toilet Soaps and soaps of all kinds. Good room'3:nd all the popnhr pftpera of the the Barman Honse, Sonth Front street Southern Dfarrhcea Medicine. Fresh supply reeeired at aU .the Drag Stores. f march 29-tf ! : ' ' t . Jonathan Wfcaley, the Craven atreet jeweler has a heavy stdck of all styles and the latest in the way of full setts, May style. ! "May i:tf. 'T ' ; I M. Haitn &te.7atheirtbles on Middle St offer a fine to-f Wet an4Hr8P8 at rea sonable prioea, 1kC)& and tee fbemfor voup- Belv;es- ' -'"'A '-Wtthl& tlr Go to B. L. CuwuiMT4dle;sf3W!t, for the befit of everything in the HardwaxeV TinVare, and House FuirSBhii Goods" line.- Stoves at very low prices. . -;. f.V. tf ,, EdwaTd Whifanah, stibeessor to J. W. Hill, ob Pollock street near Middle,' offers a full line Of Liquors and Cigars at reasonable prices. tf . It will Pay. ' ; r Any one widiinff Life InBnranoe to examine the rates I am issuin g policies. I D. T. CARRAWAY, Insurance Agent, f Jan. 7-tf. . .Opposite Gaston House. Billiard Table for Bale. A first class Billiard Table. (National size) with balls, cues and everything complete for sate at a low figure. " Enqmrth of John P. Palmer, at Merchants Club House,Tlew Berne. April 8-tf. 1 yHha valuable-lot! ituated-oc the eomer o. ' Pollock and Hancock, streets with Dwelling! house, Office and out-buildings are offered for sale at low figures, Apply to Mrs. David Ilea- ton,- or at this officeV - r - eug2-tf.i Notice. . , . ' v -v - ' ft Noikiee is hereby ten to tbeftax-payera of Craven County, that the State and Corfnty1 fkxes for 1873 are due. All persons are notified to come forward and ,pay said taxes. Pro nipt payment must be made. I will attend at my office; at the County Jail, to receive the same, from and after this date. Obindo Hubbs, . Sheriff of Craven County.. Jfew Berne, N. C, Aug. m, 1873. ' " The Merchants' Clnb Honw, , A V ! Which will be kept as usual in first-class Btyle, is now open for the admissionv of a few transient and regular boarders. The tables, lodging rooms, and har, cannot W surpassed by any house in Ifew Berne, and no pains will be epared for the comfort of guests. ; tf. Wn. L. Palmee, Proprietor, . - , : ,: i t i 1 ' Notice to Tax Payers. '" The city tax list for the present year now being made up, and in accordance with a reso lution passed at a meeting of the Board of Coun4 cil on the 4th instant, I hereby give notice that a disconnt of 5 per cent, will be allowed on i all taxes paid prior to Septemtar 1st, and that f tar cntamav let i i9ioinnnf rf Ql nA, Mnf will be allowed on all taxes paid prior to Octa ve. , L . ' " ( ber 1st D. dACOBS, ' i . , City Collector. tf. ATTENTION, w I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I have now on hand, ' and, will continue to keep, the best, as well as the cheapest cigars to be found in this city; the finest bunds of chewing tobacco, viz: May Flower, Solace, Century and Chesapeake. The finest brands of smoking tobacco, among which will be found Durham. Virginia and Turkish.' ! Snufls of all kinds, and a large variety of pipes and smokers articles of every description In addition to the foregoing, every article usually kept in a first-class Cigar Store, can be purchased at wholesale and rotail at New-Bern s Tobacco Emporium, Sonth Front St., two t doors above the Gaston Hons. rt - . M GOLDSMITH. Proprietor. Dec..9-rC j . C Wanted ' j , A situation as jTeacher, by a lady of much experience.: Teaches English only, without Music. Will assist in light house work, sew-, h)g, Ac. Wants a pleasant home badly. Good testimonials given, if required. Apply at Blfitf j This Omens. BERRY'S BUDGET. Ottawa Beer mit ice" at Berry's, j JJoist'g warranted garden seeds, at Berry's. - tteure Frames and Trimrnjngs, at Berry's. Select Drugs and Pure Chemicals, at Berry's The best of everything' for a fair priced at Xenj. . ... j-' --j. . , . . , w... j Bargains in Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, &c., at Berry's. - ,. . . s . . ; W you want a good "Boix," use Berry's Bak Ins; Powders." ' j. -'-:A r' Use Berry's Compound Aromatic Essence Jamaica Ginger. : . 4i "Elixir Calisaya, ''CaliBaya "and Iron," and other modern prepara tions on hand, or to order, at short notice, at "91 1 J a. fZl 77 til ' 1 T n JT VULUMJS "All. . xi VYi J0 CITY. AND VICINITY. The Editor of Ihia paper is ia no way re pporiBible for the riwa or tntmertt of Corres pondent. . No rotnmanfcationa of an anony mcM character will le published; the real came of Qxb writer must accompany all communica tions. Any one who may feel aggrieved at statements made by correnpond'nts esa obtain the name on application to thevEditcr. - Prices of KaTaFStores, &c. V Tuxpntiii4 Virftiu'Dip.. ; ; " Yellow Dip....;::: " Spirits pet gallon. Tar............. Rosin, common strained, ........ ClorTi. ,fronr brnrs. . ...-;. .. , , , Cotton, old $2 00 40 ets $2 002 10 2 00 -. -.Q8.evt ' 15' cts 161 ets new.', ... . . . . . . State of the Thermometer. 'v ' '- The . Therroxmerer' at the Merchant's Clnb At 6 o'clock 'Ai M. C2 degrees. 70 " to H -M. - it i. . j - " ; p. M. 1 "1- ' . .lias mo-n'ug the sun rises at 6 A. M.,' and sets at oP. Mprecise'y twelve honrs of srn sl ne Hake a note of it T .j..'.. ,,, Personal. If; Til Nnser. Esn.. of fhe U. S. Treasnty Department, pa'd us a very agreeable visit .renT yeste day en ro'e South.' XCo-ice o Bh'npers. The Str. Jas. A. Gary wi'l posJtivelv sa'1 f-rcm Baltimore for this port Saltrdayf 27 ins , at 5 o clock P. M B.; tv Pwsn Agent. 1 j Correction. Inadvertently in Ruudy'n issue, we stated thattbAFieedmans B)ikin Washington ; hjfcd $10,0T0 on Friday moreing it should have read $80,000. New Tariff- - 'A newtaTiff between thia eify aud Kinston has gone into effect on the A. &N. 0- ! K- B wh'ch considerable reduction has been made on freights to that point. ' Address. "William Steward Esq., cashier of the F.-eer mnn's Bnsk will address the Patrons and Iriends of the Bank at St. Andrew's Chapel to-night on the financial and general subjects of the day. . ' - . . .. rr. r r r . . ; The Singer Company , ; ' We learn that Mr. Belts, the Manager of Shb New Beine offioe of r the' S;ner jManrfg Coi. bas seca-ed the services of Mr. John McNaa fi ton, whose we'l-known ab:,,ty as a Sewing Ma chine man, wVaddinuch j the popc'a-Iij bi that aheady'pdptlar rnahne.rt5 fj . ;.-.r ! r.'iaic'a'. - - - ... . We ace hPPJ to state that the failure of Jay Cooke & Co. haa in no wise affected the mer cantile interests f oiir ety, "and a an evidence qt our firm moneter" condition;' we observed , a business tnan i yesteiTtalririg in money by the bag fall lagecoppe: at that and a small Bag. j Snnerfor. Court. " The fall term of the Craven Coxirty Snperfor Gt utV Jnge W. . J.' Clke presiding, E. ' tesi,,C1e'-k, cdnvehed in the Court House jres- tf;:dny mpriing. u -A y - ' ; ! The Jatge "charged the ju-y in 'his trkual able roarner, after which the com t adjourned to meet this morning. j Sober Second Thought. .. .. A day or two R'ice a colod boy went grin ning and bagged a nice lot ofbirds. While passing the vicinity of the Depot he wns over haalsd by a? gentleman lanr epic.ure,"y the way:) and the birds were po-chased. In due time the birds were pat upon he table in the form of a n'ce pie, and the epicwe; with crusto. commenced bis meal. -He. had token the first mouthful when a terrible thougntoc curred : The birds perhaps had been killed in the vicin'ty of Bhems cotton field, where they had probably fed upon the cotton worms, who were being killed with Paris Green, and wain't it possible that the birds were poisoned. Faugh sputtei ing out the mouthful not fully mas icated the unfortunate pie was ordered off the table nd i goo Jdlnner for that day cflmpletejjjr spoiled. coanstm :oate x . . Colored Odd Fellowship. j Mr. EdUyr : , . . , ' j v" APow me space in your; paper 'to annoinoe to the public that there wrs a Grand United Ordor of Odd Fellowship Lodge, known !s Hannibfl Lodge, No. 1552, estabEshed al Wil son, N. C, ' by Bros. ' Anthony; Maltsby, J, K. Cattler, Washington Howe, Alfred Eobinson 'and'E. J. - Jones, v from Trenton; Lodge, No. 1469, of Wilmington, N. C Sept. 17th, 1878, and the foJJowLig officers were instf 1'ed t j 1 Moses D. H, P. N. G. : ; Cornelius' Harrison, N. G. . : y -Moses Jones, V. G. W. Hemy Dove, P. S. ? ! J. Wm. McCowki, E. S. Chas. Smith, Treas. Haywood Freeman, Chap. j ' '"' t -' . James Bynum, Warden, -r p, Daniel Stevens, C. "M. IT. " " J 1 Jr 'ias Freemt i, L G. , Srmuel Morning, O. G. ' I Z :r John Scarerr, E; Sro P. N. j Jonas Barnes, L. S. to P. N. G. T. D. Jol ison, E. S. to N. G. & ncel W 'Vams, L. S. to N. Gv : rt EariCPsfTL S- toV. G. , , . Washington SvgL L. S. to V. Q. , Srmml 8? tb, Marshal. I Yours, Ac, W. H. D. . The erreatest novel tv of modern medical and ypmiml Bcien.ce is fotmd in Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Purgatite Pellets, or Sagar-Coa'ted, ' Coa cenirated Soot and Herbal Juice, Anti-Bilious Granulea scarcely larger than mustard seed, yet possessing as mncn . cathartic power as the old style of large, repulsive pills, while they are more easily taken and are pleasant in effect 25 centsa YiaJby DragsiA l I?T y , C ' -r- J5H WBflTi Z. O O'A t b I S Vi.ierdiy H Marietl well suJpliCd) - . Corn 63 cents per basheL . -i X. Ctt4najarn3ryy Fruit and Vegetabresirf' kbundaHoel-' ' Sen Old cuDpernong grapes f 1. per bushel j ldeoKoivKotl!! 14an4 Newjs &sn& -Tee Aodeny S3csien commenced. JKo sailmg vessels arrfVeS flurifig.the 6ay. The street biigade were operating ia np town The Jewish New, Tfeaf v& fdXJ generfijly ob servedby onx!jeUMi,ens:iM,ir"'; r . TheteamBhip Zodiaawas expeoed to arrive at MokhgaeVCity lro5i New larky . 7' A ncmlwr of oar yewng khbww fluee-jblw ing'in'fte vicinity of BauVlIiJLoi; ptvfT w e iemea cue eonon wpxja j qoipg damage w toe H,ripjUreex istricjt. , ; ' ' j ' We learned that a good colored school m 'H soon be cojemenoed at the Cong egatlocal Chapel, y". .. feevil O: VassiandPit Bariows, ;Er, 4e"t for New(York,:. and,"E. E. Dadley, Esq., for - B - " " """ ;;V Faaafr Groceries in great variety(and a .full ock, at Dad Eros, South Pront fitreet, "oppo- v stoc site the Gaston Hoa&e. tf. ' ' 'I, fT AT. XIi - J V. The Clinton .Ifsporfe'T. J. Lee editor, has t . - " . i been issued. ?-4vadeshprqr has Yngeiyejpky :i t . - -Pht Eock. Henderaoa ooriaty, has a few' casesCot priiall-pox, f" )- ' TrielAshillle Pioneey Is in favor of Back. Payf -ffron sbribers-j&tto JPiBn' j -! (' -The committe appointed by the managers: of the S'aie Fafr,' will invite Preiident Grant toj -The colored Band of .fcflvyiejave ".f6! Uval last week, the procMBda to fee devoted, to thelT tnition. a-i-MarshaU Madjaoo U, de livery of a, dqzen. .crixQina. on Taftnaayi tnght of last week. , ,. n ; 5T . .- : -i a . ij :c t- - f Dr J. J. Mott's saw mill, situated in IredeTj coun eitroerbj gg f the 17th instant. j v. , r - Over twoijonsand, articles for exhibition have been registered by" the Secretary of the State Agriooltural Society , Tv - - if ; tUts Al bawrtMiS)0,4v for Wake Forrest College and promise to in - -. GdvjDahweH has pardoned George MeCa 1' sgedSoO yearw wiwSs ssalenld?B0! Peni tentiary from Wake for ten years, for burglary." Judging from our State exchanges from the Wstexn . part of, tSe SWfe there 1 js '& yrjtarger number dl persons teking'the'-'benWrft'c'f tnS Tjljj S. Bankrupt law. The Statesville American publishes supplement containing notices with its last issue 1 , t , f t 1 r . -'0; -i muii 1 linn Tfivjf i J. E. O. Harra Eq., colored, of Halifax County who was admitted io thelr at the last term of the supreme Court presented bia license and was sworn hi be'forl Jutrge Clarke at taeBnperiorXJourt in Wilson County early In' v-JogY Iiel has caused a rule to be served' on Mr Deayer!! Revenue officer to show cause why he should not be ffilnraied;m the sr- Xice. This action is had in consequence of his J late alleged improper conduct in the discharge of his official duties in .MoDon Coanj j - : pi The Circus is coming and the juveniles are as jnbifant ' an w there-was no hereafter, while the older children are dreadfully curious about' the animals." Alter slPwaifreaJl But. thfMrejj of large growth and the ring has its admires in, all classes who joy. the ,eloffn8 oddities and jokes as often as permitted to do so with a keen relisb.': .JiJ--'Ltn iA ,"S'4, .iid 't.hahfT $ A Natural Curiosity. Among the many curiotisf tiin& tyckedtyty W. H. ,H Tucker, on bis recent travels in the Old World is the stufied skin of a' veritable Mermainid Both the human and fish parts of the body are well deflnedriend it is really a great curiosity. The mermrid is on exhibition at the store of the Messrs. Tucker & Co. Raleigh Kewsi ' . . ialr i?ems. The Waverly Base Ball Clab, of Goldsboro, haa challeaged 'ev.;Pltfeborb Clcb to a match grme to be playtd on the Fair, grounds fair week in Raleigh. It is believed that the PittBboro. boys will accept.j r !? , CoL Thornas M. . Hott, Presiaent of the ; State Agricultural Society, is seriously i& at his resi dence in Alamance county. . - f ,iT; j The Elizabeth Cityroiwfan says.' Dur ing the tbander, shpwer on Friday last Williajm Forehand and wife at Culpepper Lock on the canal, were killed by lightnirg. He was lying up stairs 64 a hod an4he wasja a romrelow at work. The ehildreh in the house' were not hurt. It is a remarkable occurence that a single stroke, of lightning should kill two j per sons thus separate, and they Axan and wife, and do no other in jury." j onCsuni Heaving: ' a': ba ! , ,' There win be a Union Camp Meeting-' at Jamping Enn near Bryan's Mill, sbout ten mileafionNew BeVneeomncfngon Tues day, Sept. 23d, 1873, snd coxWnnmgone week -. v-X Elder Amo Yobx, :y 4. - .V,'uVav -. of the M. K Cbnrcb sGtd Elder T. H. HxkpxbsomJ I aals. bnMduaa E&Ote j , -, , ' : Nrw Yoax. Sept. to. The Prec'ident'a (he National 'Banks htsU "ptrni informal meeting .and resolved to 'sttppori eaehtKher. - i'i.n- j.,,,.. ! The sale of ten millions of twndrby the Treawry nerves matters; 'j4 v " ' j-' t1 .memoers of the; firm of 'Jay Cooks i3t Cpw sss foming , p& jdie". JSuiHtia, wMcbj, '"Is jex pteted on Monday, when a relible atatemq o the affairs of the house wfilptobafcly be pre. senifelneubM - - - '' 'f 1 rWonki Exchange eloied subject ip the call 'of j xrewaeni, so enaoie memoeza to seiue toetr, defslcaCons. The Union Tra4 Company ; xe f porjyanderbat clonefad wlfA feo dlreetors. Quotations of stocks are. impossible to t at ' President of the, 8ock Exobaftgv fy btSrtritTide operstionsby members upon peflal. tv otssDWeioiL 'J-A-4V:ri'rt . tcVThe Jfaaqpal , Trast pomoany. ' MVS closed oor3. 'Oertneateaf the Mechaslea (JJankjnj Asenelation'and'Oratmentsl Bank are thrown oui.f?qin the ''clearing office. The1 Bank! 'of Nozitn America haVnot suspended. V , .'' ' V - - The defaulting Secretary of the Union Trust Company,- has made Iooqb to friends, and re lative on seearies wh?eHV are regarded as ddubt?rl One1 loaabf tfMMO Vas ffetus father, ! BeV.'llttrOsrlft .the ; Jlethodist Book Conoem notoriety, ; Tbe.secaritf fbrt9ne loan is good and others-are of no yaloe. v . j ,f The defaloat on p the Union Trust Cpany is one-ha1. milb'ob dollars. . '. .t " The Beak Presidents at their, meeting - tln even.tjg ;plsed "teeol-atiOBs to issue Immedi. atey l0,(0vtMmWi 1 It is ramored that Squires A Sons have sus- pendedw ( iwsano.. j . . . . v; . 1 FHHiADSXPHXA, Sept. 2Q.,, T,!It is tirno.-ed that the Union Banking House has suspended. - 14, FBOM iWASHINGTOMr 'r' - ' ' ftj; hi i-.-i" n--! ; ..'- ..'WASHTHOToir, Sept. 20. ; ' ' lit - ' ! Agent of J3jnd5oat at London, telegraphs to Seoietary Kichardson that" ; their : socoants are all injperfect orders - ! dc rionsl SfsnensionsSuni 3t &ogeR,'Kew York.; Kafc;onsl anlcCnirsltni -ittW TugiJr!. ft MeyTMi3er2 Wa'shyJ Laurens Josephs,- Fearing Dilhnger, wnWardswortii & Oof ,r PhSadelphia Union . -.Trust,:, Company, . Hew York? A. B. White A Gpeapany, Jiew-York i E. 1 Cl'rockhead, New Ybrit ; Cetchnm Jt Belkaap, ' NEW fOBK lilEKETS. Nstr YoejBV-Sepi 2Q There were no'trarmaotions in the stock mar ltoIdayf! r:;r J'.urVe'Tr - : wwwiJnn1LTfrTBTi i R3 cents : Orleans 19i cents; for new croD." 'Flour uU-and,, .'heavy Wheat nominalljr 23. cents lower. , . Corn ; nominally -ri (Cents lower. Pork -dull and' nominal new1 mess, $17. $18' 87. iLSptri ttrrpenenfr dull at 4lA ants. Rosin quiet at $3 OH for strained. ' ' ,.' .T ry&l ;- . yY ll-a;ur nOTIC1G.' vtj 7oAs Tloidtra of dahrna against tyrterd (bunfy: j nave oeen apppipiea a "upeaai. ..vyjuiura- siDaer.for tha purpose or compromikio wna i denominated 'the floating debt contracted priov to 1868; there is or will be nearjy tbre ihAanl ilnllora in tha ImaPTi tt nnDvonnated to Vis)hjeot, in We,wbic.h .I,aVUmito'j6Qt eents toa, thSToouar, ;;Aay persons nmnmgj 1 . -r ma- torn' I and '71 wheh have.ecn passed upon pyj)roper authority, can if they elect(to'do so,' have them settled nnder this provision. Upon presentation' to hie 1 will credit the same an give an" order T treasnrr to pay the nna y as soon as collected. X Will UVMJJU M mnsfM i.u w uvwv about the time' the Sheriff is collecting taxes; wilt also he at Beaufort every first Monday and at New Port whenever requested. ;f j , Aug. 13th 1873. -! W. Dc?oowTlfi rt. f r-uio'5u...-W i.iei ii .-,. Dooley's Yeast Powder i the! cheapest - but not lowest priced Pskfeg Podeftraegant BisU cuite, Rolls, AqM prepared in a few minutes, j ' V fc-rrpooLsti isrotioes ; ' A large stock of Goblets in variety at fl-25 tl.aper dozen at "! '-Maacows & Co'S ; . - 1- .T-M Fruit Jars, wholesale and retail, at prices which defy eompetitdorj at " Meadow's & Co , Just received at Moses Patterson's, a large lot of State Prison made boots 'and shoes of the , ':;x: 3 .T' !. r - Soda Water and Mmeral Water Tablets at ; 1 - :. ' ' ' vu' MxJU)oW!AOo,s. lrugs and Chemicals of all kinds at E. H. Meadows' A Co's,' cbrneV' Pcdjocs' snff 'Middle Streets. ;: '' PorSale. r . :?:: ?-M XH .; j .Lots on Kew cVjuthFront streeL Apply te '" ',' -1", ", R HUBBS.' vNo voa -don't I - I -it s too bad Bdf von fcnow how seems and rn explain how ... "Put. Do M. Place your Fire Insurance with Imperial. Assets, fll)0O,0TJ0; t C T. Ox&kVttl April l&-tf. Opposite Gaston Honiev, " A house and lot on German St. , Low; for mitVl i WApply.s"ii - u X.HUBBSr JPor Jialeprtase ' Part of lot No. 81, west side of Middle street situate between the property of Charles Zinc kand and George Bishop,; B'q. " Apply to P. D. SnxacBtxBV - r t tf 'toll's f; Cor, PolloSksndOeoTa 8ts.J samw'St Recoils. Jfrosi tbe'eyntem that has-been invtgorated andTegnltelby.a coirrc ef that most , benefi Sefit of M vegetable eUxirs, H"tet ter Stomaeh tstliers. stuon, at reasy is m ioi -roaoa vb aro eompetiea to7 drw from the iemony of thou sands of persons rasidaig In aahoalthy dmtiiets, who attribute their jBsmr from tha epidemie and oU compWnbfwhleh prevail there ia the kpriag'and autonra solely to the use of this great protective and preventive medicine. Many westero and southern . farmers and planters, as Invariably as they sow sad plant in the spring Sod reapsad gather in the' fait,' administer it St those seasons to theif nittulieS and employes, and-'UkeU tHa0W from twice to .this tiaiesa day. The demand trtitia tbe fever sad ie ditricts.boTdering onXhe MissiMippi. Ohio and Arkansas .Rivers is immense; snd wherever te natnral conditions are such as to generate' intortaittent bt remittent fever,' It ts held iath highest otfteam botn as a antidote to lb soHsparisyir whMh provokes them, aadiaswift .andoertaia remedy f-r those dtstressingraw of disease. - It ts almost ., an- ' necessary to say ' ihat this renowned tonio snd renovator is now1 gerienlly accepted as a stand atd speeifie for isdigestioa, biliousness, nervous distemper, rheumatism; physical weakness and mental despondency, not only by the publio at large, bnt by ajl, nnpr jndiced medical men. The vast popularity of the Bitters has of course lexl Id manv BOnaterfeite and imitations, agsunst which itba .cnimunity; are requested to be their gnard' .' ' " ' on New Advertisements. ay SEWING MACHINE. a IlaonkiWi U'l Phigrafe 04ilry , , t h d'&W ii 6 aLr t h y ; . v ' ' ' T . (WBOI.SSAI.S 1HD BITIII. DSALSa Hi ? CrROOER i Eij ii tr bii s,- &o , JwUctfoB PoUock and Qaen Street I . The hlgkaM price paid for country pmdaee. ' Ac ieominodaiioM (r travelers. UaU and km, ae.i ojv nil ii if hui,.ii in H hi, i (,,. t-; l, SVX OKX.TJTHI " , J . '!' .1. 6EMp ; FA1E3A8KS SCALES, -I xax ;faotubxi) bt E;T.FAiaBApS&CO. Standard Scales. f" StWTK SCAUB,' Cbat'SCAUK, HAt fiCAIJH, DaZST SOAIiSS, OOVVVK P-CA1X. Ac, Jbo. . Scales repaired ptooiptly and reasonably. Por sale, .also, Troemner's . Coffee and Drag Mills.. Composition Bells,' all sixes ... Letter Presses, Ac., Jke. ., 1 thb host pxaraoT ALAEM CASH DRAWEE. iiarm aiu wo o. -EYEEY ' MERCHANT M ' aJ ' . -it 4 Valla! Sr; Warranted :".v'..."' s b l' d AT? Farlallto, Scale IVareliouses, FAmBAI7IIS a CO., 16 ' Baltimore4 Street; Baltimore, , ,83 Camp Street, New Orleans, ' vAittBARKg it kVntia, f atAsoznc Hall Itttlaitklphla j t - . 1 - 'it: KAIRBAHKB, BHOWRT A CO 2 Milk Street, Boston, t Pol 'sale try Leading-Hardware Dealers, . Paints, Oils and Varnish of reliable quality Also, Brushes, Putty Ac., &Cf kc.f at Berry s . I ... , . : Only 75 cents for a gallon of Pratt's Astral Oil, and ' a can' to keep it is, or 60 emits for the oil ai Berry's. ; j. ,- - v , 'Wrndow and Picture Glass, ent to any size or shape, 'fjoforeav efcgrSvedsaM -uJ UMsS, to fdt( at 4Hrjs rSnx Ocrnr Dails Stmcs? RATES OF ADVERTISING Ten Lhasa, or OneIroh Cpaoa, a Cqnarai One 8qe9e, one Insertion . . . '' Eaen subsequent Insertion . wX''': r liberal deductions made to larm rfnrtW i Special Notioes charged z per anV ti-isr taaa ordinary advert isemeuta. ; -v ; . , All letters should be addressed, . TT.'V;'- DAiwTniaB,NswBeitKOV ' aamwwswws! tiL- . Advioe far Svwcyfcody ttst Oasts lTba7 f .. . AjrTtfcin-:X.; ! Lotions ane) eosmetica make , a ' snperfieial qoatina on the skin, give an - artifleial wUsr easily seen, but are vflely destraetive af tisaT oolor, textare and pliability of the skia itself. Wrinkled, haggard sad prematurely aid lock. ing, exactly describe the appearaaee of these ' who haWtuafly "paint thair faosa.'' If ya would have cleat, transparent, healthy and' soft tinted eomplextioa whioh natare fives, free from pimplea, tan, freckles, or aU other die- . figaremeat, use Hand Spolio h most eaTe tive sad fragrant toilet soap ever manufactured. Sold by afl dealers at 10 snd IS seats a cake. . ' K Hoxt Dorno Uarkoto. . r CORHECTCO DAILY Apples, B pk. -Beaf, choice. ...... ....... ...... ; Beef, whote, dresseo,...., , Bacen,. ...... ........U...... - Bagging,..... ............... Batter, : ........ .......... ... . CrteXM...... Bbl Staves, Whit eoak, llSAflt Oandles........ 18aX Oofiee, Eio,. .................... SISS " Java...... 27 Coal........... 00 Cabbages, 1014 Dressed Hogs,. ... 6T neldPeas,. tl 10ai ii Fkmr,. 8001J 00 Fodder, 82 00' Hides, dry,.... If fFOdla a a e s S Hay huadred. y tl.7Sfl CO Headiaaj, Ash. S804 ttO Oak Steves, 16$tll IroaTies,1llb,................i, 10tv IrishPotatoes 9 bnaaet.. 1MC Sweet Potatoes...... ............ 40(S0 lime.................;......... l.TftOU.S9' Lard,... lOQltlV MuUete, $00Qt.M Herrings, fs,., t4.00-tO- Drams bbl, 0S.C9 Meal... Molasses, syrup,.... SS30' , Cuba,..., ........... . SOO - Eng, Island, 30 Naib..... $6.00I7.M' Oats.... v. 70437S- Pork, Bump. $18 00' Pork, Fresh,..... .......... TfJrO Pork, City mess...... 90.0 Peanuts, new...... $1.60O$l.TSx Bags,.. SaS Snuff, Lorrilard's,.. 68a7k . OailAAx., SOaAsV Btdngles, Cypress, ....... 6 inch. $6; ? inch, ftV Sagar, white................... ? laali . brown.............. Oallf 8alt, sack,.......;.,............' 1.SO01 0- ; Ashton. .................. ' - $4.25. - i alntn II biiahel ..... ! &0 Spun Cotton........... 1. 7081.81. I Spirit Casks, $2 50B2 7i- rotiaeeo,. ............. .......... 45a7. -Wheat, ,.:...... .. .$1 16aSl 33j .Wo)d. (oak or ash), 'ft cord....... 84 0Q ' :'- 'v aPittft.' a a. e a e a s fr 'S3 60 ' YellowPiwe Lumber. .......... . Il'iafX OSr.f SAftXBT. "' I XJold,.;;....,...... HOsllOf- Aonericau Silver....... lOCalGi. .vf exican... . .... . i.iJ :1110 k t e mm OUTH FRONT STREET rflHE ijNDSrVStOXED DESIRING TO it - A. inset tUe ' r . ' WANTS OF THE PQ3 Fixst-Class HotoL a (hasfttsrvrly - Refltted and Furais. 32 the above honea snd2notts asharsof psbonsgsj ' X BATET.T AJTr Frop'tr. - - - I ..CO Say arid Oats I ' ... - ' WHOtESAlE A5D BETAIL. t2sr8b2X47. Ms . . Jr r i -. i'J U'.