M wi CQf ?tr. .A. H KfK yAfsi sjte, , i I A rf -t; v ' r "i-i--- - -j sua, utetj . mmmmm ffTiT'SSkaiWarpet trf T . Vn dnjv tntti oriiMi to crTitmrt for AfTprticweit at nr lowtsf. fif rtiw ii'Th thaf d'tjr fcMfcrt : -me imtssi crrr 1 1 ..- -t- 1 I S. M,1PF.i-rrson.T. On.. 10 Sfnte Pf rprC ftwrtmt. f inEiks for fte'iriily" i,d yr'pVty'TTllff flH1lg BUlW f"Vi-: ' - " ;tpe4grfestioi of-ftdvertjsinjsr .coroeacJip liefofe; every"eTi6fMstic'deal?r iiPhe mtfr'TOR monpv '-wlere. it wilL d.-,tnff iwjst-cproorl.' jrhis as hV)t . a'nfibn of tpfftioR, Imt on e -of -policy.. . JLdveTtifta; merits, are inpef led; to'.Tife fd, nd,ly(' i fSe more jvpople five .better.-. IWs i aleCB ; .7er" ron!( - pnlJisBen in this .htafccj 3 1 Jtxf 5ireserve a bare 4svt-esr( 1.EferV nrnrspaper i pnblisnecl to supply,,, faiirrf&rt of the ooBWrmiftr inwiiiHiil is dn$aj$.d, an1.J&l .rjacb) T)iijei;s, a jmaj MifclA ailyei-tiae' in the -pape - read bf tkse.TOiom ,he .4?P?r?3,JbP Jp&fPfr- l , ........ , ... Jt or jTlyo aboye. .wirnepts are, jcyilf fjr and -we 'rfnvitej 'onr toercliajlts to i - -., , ftbe-;-fniPj!S of ,tiie Times totle ! t of onr capaeity at rmeef and4we jf yf fyiier!t?' Ovrr Wi-pfiTaWdQis nch I jtbat all ' classf a. ' .of people are0reaih, ' ?-, :,, Jx .4rH is.v,f, -yjpf wtj t f.-r-ajfu , aii we eTairrr that as a- me"Tinm thrbtigh' Vjwdi ? the .general ..pijblic,. .is .. to .be t ritfhpdrtb"e 'TrMEis tmsurpassed. . Those ffvho try it . and become. dissatisfied -can. ptai'e their" mcmeyrefrndedvnppn notify- iri'tis Hfter. a month's trial. ' tV g - - . - ? SKETCH OP JAY. COOKE. ' X i 'C lIay booke ' ysts jbornfr-jit . Portland, jfep. Awj?.. .10 1821,of a good Id ? OKU gnm r family "ais lineal anstdr, Iraticis fgtfe, havfnsr conje- -orer vc the'May iflqwer in ' 1620 ' ancf erected jntiiird lWn BS ' ! n M virion Hi.- IT was edneated prhojg byjhis fatJter,-JeTitberos Cooke, Ue'lealin lawyejCo Sadnsry.Connty arid First Grand Master of Ohio Free Masons. Poverty, assailed the family, I aril St ""thirteen ttte bby, resolved to earn his own livincr, Eonjrht and ob tained a clerkship with a Mr. Hubbard attention of his brother-m law, uilham ,i G. Moorehead, who employed him as bjook-Veeper in Philadelphia. He snli-' s lenij enterecJ tne. service o: ark Co., of thatcity, the "argest domestic exchange banking firm in the county. He became a partner when OTjtwefcyjODf gear .-ld, .and, jpp aued . in the house until 1858, when. be retped n a competency, having gradually at- Nineteen years of age, he wrote the first T -rvl money article erer: published in a;Phih delphia paper," and was engaged ts n 1861 the firm of Jay Cooke & co,h Ivas form ed erwgen' him self and ?Mr. inrt TifYXxr pnmmpnwn mil1 lyimtiMfieffaavley the Goyei-nracnt, harassed by the rebel- ionrof all 'rAAnrSal trouble. In the pirincr of 1861 Cooke, without coin- lbscribers for the first Governmejii oah?nheSie JEiWcral Jtiillk ofJei fcvlvania at par. jMr. otlcg sftbilitv. app oirrtet'l the firm to one 01 40(1 spfil acieffffcr a roftxi or tnilty !mi)!ioT.A 7&CoX retrmledt one-tliii d of this. This led Mr. Cliise to select Mr. Uooke as special agent toa ice the five hundred millions of five- place Ktwehty bonds snthoiized by Congress. iaf k, e tailed J an jrobgnt little profit, iilongh an iramenpe;, reputation, to the fmasir mind.wno engineered it. His efforts iept pace trad were always equal je -vicissitudes of the war, and eckin- tethi dSlpTesfPoi he currency. "When Mr. Chase resigned, in June, lS64, and gold rose to 185 perl wheel, and ea in 1865 two hundred milljons jof aeyenhirty -, bonds -were It jwas fi. npoimus enormous ft f.-jviacea 1 rrfAircrpo, ana ere BuuBeiiueu.wj-, 1 -intraocfln .AJ-A. V v --'W W" WF-T - lions. The Government had to spend three millions a day, and witb it saved ! ilie Union. Jay Cooke provided - the j Jimoney. operations since thewar are ft pa "A'e'dft pari i ana-parcei vx t miiufmij m fehig the participation of the firm in, trie iamons -ojHUicaie, 01 wiuuu. xtct;t, Aiorgan uo., ana Aormi ww v.vuf. are the -whom the' been 'happiljtarminat-Aviaaiqfl princely libraJityaiqiw6d in widest it '9 "tof Ib. hoped 1 temprlifjr . fceen hin xunst be depiored by .ttoasands bl 'beneficiari and is . indeed a matter of I I So violent are the passions of angey and revenge is the bamafa breast, : that ft 'fsnof 4 wonderful that men r should prosecnte.reir rjeal or nragnjary J??? mies.with frnalty an4;maleydlenc j bet that there-should rBsist in .natajro be- J inglvh& caft 5 receiver ' pleasnre aitranniTi w.e were.not -convmcea, by mejancnoly experieneei We see tcliildren-.jautungJ at the miseries f which ? tbeji jnaicjt pu imfor-iihate nimals r fiind the-oominon beonle' of att1! countries are 'delighted' (with bubaitings pnghtings,. ex-' jeoitions, and all spectacles o, pruelty. lana norror xnoagn civmzaoib.Bay aA'sbme' degree abate -ftir feTotatyvit fcan never qiiite' extirpate it ; the m ;st ipQusued are noli .asnamea to De pieasea (vri tb scenes of httle less barbarityi and, ito'the' 'disOTace of YifakA&tarel"tf&. dignity thern-Trith-ihe-Bame of -sports. . --Jtt&a&m spjxs vib'A" sK OT-THB 80 TE1 Published by Authpfity. THE TJNITEiy'bTtoES oS' 3.MERI CA ANMBirtrUNGlroiEE FEIENDSHIP, .COSIEBCE, AKt EXTEAJ EATIFICATION ADVISJjBT SENATE APKIL 27, 18T2. ' - - ' Wlti) BY ESlD!rT jAPtSlP 27,' l8H i ' 1 ? ' 1 - - ' BATHED BY yoaERAAnpF JQRANG FEEE STATE MY "Iff r8t9, V E ! mTmcrATIONSiiBXCMAIWE Kt WlSSTNGfON AUGUST 18, 1873. r ' By the President of th United SUtes of - "Whereaii-a) geaaral eonventif e'fmndiwin. coram erce, and extradition between -iho Pni ted States rof4nBiiw wd 4he-Oranee Free State -was conOTded4indSaignM by their pler4-1 potentianes, at liioemfonten, on the twenty second day of 'DeceiiiTjerJ one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, .which, general eon fatvji word;fof wd fogorsjj...;. j , OENERA.L OONVKSTlOH OT TETENDSHIP, COlOfSBCX, AND EXTBAM'TIolfJKi'tiiN 'fttft UNITKD BTATKS OS1 AJTKHICi AND TBTK OS11TGS FBEK STATK. ., SA1TGK FBEX ST ATX. j5tia5t8AH! equally animated by the desire to draw mote closely the bonds Jpawatehip which so happily qnally animatedoy the desire to draw "mote exist Detween tne aro ment. mercial have L4rjn.veniii irMHk. tnawAMnt&) ai il$ejTplenW' to wfr;TTJUJfcidn t of libn&thlljit lTtfieTC8fe fGAoAHcfroi a9al the ElwiaenX tMS?4rHs" rtiMwSSt PHonne, gov. secty, who, after a comnnmcaton of their respective full powers, have agreed to The citizens of the United States of Ame: and the citizens of the. Orange Free :8tato be adnuttMand twaied npon. a footing of ; fa-CiiMwjaleqHftlityjB- the two oonn tries, where aach .admission and jtrfeatment khall nqt cohflict.witk 'ihf coftstiltftiqnaf or legal' VoyWonaoTtb con- iraciiDg paines. no pecumayor, ourer HOTe burdensome condition shall be" Imposed 'tfpon tbem thaisupxio th iazn of the country bey reside, nor any condition wfiat hfehflhe T&r ilftll lft t ibTAT. I U MfsbMs rAt&eteVrwrndV not Abticxk 2. j ' f .iThelcitif oris Se of the two-ccnirtries ie- ... lK.lkL k H . .it ... '.1 '' m siame or asrataisuefi in we otoer snau oe rree- from rtersnal'mtritarv service vbnt thew , ahall !n.li..Ir'J1llL"-l. V i . Kibiw VMA-ooalts Required bywayof orm- No hifTheiicaoosi. nsder whatever name, shall be exacted from the citizens of one of the two wpB&r&Atng iqr eatabliabed the pther Wan Bhall'be Wvie4 Wpon chitenl. of . teonB- ,GieVeti toltViHaLfctJDe liable. xn case of war or of tne seizure or oocapa ramWproperfrf'M'rMe'p tbe ae'Ol oae7 oi th-two raqntrieiresiclin or esUblishorLJn the other shall ,be placed ' pe on an'eqnai footing with tee cttisens of tbe countryin' Ncmch ttiey eaide' with respect to indemnities fog damages, they may have sns- Abticxx 3. i The c!tizens"of each one' df the contracting I 1 n t i a : m At , .- T orvnal nmni4' vitlttn llt& 4nTCDi4fAltAA h other,, byTbaJe, testament, donation, ; or In any other manner, and.theii1 heirs,' whether , by tes- uuueu b w au m k uuu,- ur Liicir buuCCdKjtk viciliir :itiaen of,ihe other.party, shall sncoeed to the .said, property r inherit it, and. they mase take possession thereof, either by thethseves ,or ' by others acting for them ; they may' dispose" of "tha-fflamar-aathef! may think .proper paying tot that, chaea) than those to, which the inhab itants of the country whewein the said pxopertj is sitaatoLshaJl be liable to pay in a similar case. In the absence of sach heir, heirs, or other successors, the same care shall be taken by the authorities for the preservation of the other' partners; and thromrbf te4lo-lKId poiWtt BiiaUJt ffpnDiiC8,as weu as to aufc-1 Tor the expiration or thai petioa. neither f thel 4 iK fc;TI i U'.r.?-r Y . .-. by ll the mAwsu their disTX)sa, the com;T CbnM h.t-.'i .,,,,, ,f . .... .h intercoutse of their respeftiva-.tftizenB, l ah'Cfflcial notificatron.'ita intention to the otharJ tn JUlh IimiflB IJ ... . mutually rtsoJveiito ooSSto&- general T to arrest the operations oTthe aaid icohvention . 1 " "? 'I. J. . j irar ri i iitt iiiTiia"- - ttit n i awinai waai aai a a ninii cumiiiun iiifiiiiiiv iiir LwriTR inan uia ttoboftho-prorrtyofanati , A 1 kT3 ar?;Ti. li I i trv. th lawful proprietor inR hfarsdtoNi nc$Mk wee inesuic kmc Hat is oARerefl estate sitnmted within the ter ritoriesof one of tbe contracting parties tonld tnenl ant otter: MWten iinllar ctMi tromH be paid by an inhabitant of the eonntrj ia:Iidl (be ntoTjettoM msy b ait Sated. - -.-i- r- -. j-i jndges of the country in which the. property UXj Imt aituatedi.j, ifctn lo:; $,r - 4Tlu.iin(TOtiit nartir. pita to each other thAprivitege pf having, each in their respective DtaTnl, oonsalH ana ticimwiiiiuiii'oi vireir wwu ! -But before any consul or vHse-consul shall act . , , ,, - A 1 1? : 4. 1 ' assuen. ne,snajjJm,wio,uruAiirj iunur uw p provedby the government 5of the eotmtty in ;wfiicn his farcfioi al to? he discharged. . ' ) - In their private) and Jtaasipeses t r aiictjops, conanU vioa-eonsalihall bersulmittpd to the same, law and usages as private ' indrridu- ' ahv crKns' of the place in which they is1&e ; -'It terey ndrfood that m eaaf;offwe BgaSm$ ibq Jaw by a eotiwul oxyiceHBoiiAnt,. t government from which he received J hia' 'ye-t jqnatur mayja-ithdraw ,Jhet sae&noim away ) rrom toe ooumry, or - nuTO mm paauuicu m ecofornityiwffff lawa, aaaagnmgt tH tba fate, and nnderi'o'pro- - O T- text. whatever shall 'any1 rriawtrate" of othrf functionary inspect," seize, x in any way inter fere with I tJbem. i.j i 3:,i;:ff ft.. ;-,fT,rr.t.r) H.Neithar wf the cotitraetingpArUesebaB impose anjr,igfer ,oe otper-dn(ies upon tne importa tion, exportation, or Transit of tne natural or ln- d'atstrtal products of the other, than re or shall be payable wpon the tike-articles bemg the VJX dManf nyraier tmtfj.? AiTietaii' .JUL Eahttthe fySfttrcttogpart-ea-Keiby fengsgea btJmrrant any fajor ,in,teqniroerevtorfany nation wnich ahH jftOtim23itljv P$ , APJyfd '. ' AnxTfTT.Tr VTTT The United states of America and tSe' Orahge free btte, pn requii.ojis made in Ihwr aAtae through the median) j)f Jtheir ,xesrective diplo matic or consular agents.' Bhatl deflver up to justice persons who, "bemir charged with the criinra etnraretated 'itt I'ihe following article, wmihrted witiiin thg jurisdiction of theepnir-l inp party, shall seek asylum, or shal be t f oand, within the territorial o-ibe other : "Pmbv&eal That this shall) done only iwhenthe fact ofj the commission of thejerime shall be so estab lished, aa to justify their apprehension and com mitmerit for trial if thejerime had been own mftfed in tb -eonntry wberw tha persons ao ensed ahaU be )nnd.fj norfn. A x, AmctMSji-'y'i fa ' r-i 'Porae4isttaH toe -6eliewip ? according to the proviRioo&4)f ,tBi& coiiyepuon who ahalLp charged with any of, the" foupwjipg crimes, 'to wit : "Mnirder, (incmding"asaiatlb5splBr rieide,' inflstieidoi aiid WnAoarnff ;Ufiap.tO commit murder : raz if, forceryv orz-the. erai-1 7ion of-forged Jper8 .arson ; robbery. , will v lenoe, lDtrnil id lataon or lorcinie entry bl an inhabited 1 house pSraey-V embezzlement by pablie offloera,' or by penocs hirett or salaried, tthe vdetrimeot ;oft,jejr ployers, iwhea 11 , 1 - m . r f i' uiese oiibm are bodibc. wr inimnuun iwnuiiit- ment, .mil ".WiAwficift. YfXA The surrender shall be made by executivep dTtbwednirseting parties respectively. ted at , The provisions of the aforegoing' articles' ' re lating to the- Burrender 'Of fugitive omriimus "shall not apply to bffienees committed before the data hereof, -avec to thoaaof - political ihtrfjr , ' i ' for tie The present'BtnarputipnJB concluded i .period of ten years from the day of . change of the ratifications; and it one year 'bp- longe.'and "sb oh tron? jHeaSf td year! tha.exr&abob. of the " twelve inonthil' i Tfa'R eoBTfenuoB shall' be snbrnitted on both sides tar the-approval and ratineatkm of tha re.'ff tpectivw corBpetent aathoritves, and the ratifi Cailotall be eicojaiged at Washington as sobn as circumstances shall sylmit. Ja faith1 Vrhereof the respective '. plenipoteatiarieH : h&ve! signed the above: artelea, and have therenatq UTliAd Ihoir Mnla . i.TSf ,.ir , I Done in ouadrwolieate- at Bloemfonten u - . . - ' i I' 21 day f lleoemlier1, m the- vear of lost Lord lone tbonsand igt hundred and seventy pnei i. X . TV. XIOHNZ. rSKAIb 1 And whereas tbe said general convention as been drJrtifiAod txpaAtBaaotthe respeS. tive ratifications of the same were exchanged at Wafmiagton on the wiehteenth- instant if 7 0 JNmaihr6fore, be it known that Z. ; Ultskes S. vjrant. President of the United States; of Ameriea bM ria' the said oorr to bo made public, to the end that the samo and every clause nd article thereof may be bb acrved rand r fulfilled' with, good faith iby jthe jUnked States .find, the; citizens thereof. , . In testimony whereof I have .hereunto j set ray hand, and caused the . seal' bf the United Stales to.bfvafljxed brat r-v- rf(5 " Don at the city of Washington this twenty third day of August, in the year of our Lord IT on thousand eight hundred -and sev-sxal-J tj-jiroa, and of. tbe Independence of the United States l.h - V"K'1I : . Mj-waaii U. S. GBANT. By the President : s rs-, . C- BAjfCMrr Datts! ftUaV'-iol i"i""l r Acting Secretary xl Stiie. tr4 .0S.THX I -7 4 :'J E TJ B OPE A N S iT y IV . 11 -n - . - -. r . Fo. 1314 Pennsylvania Arenae- I .12 -.-'ir.-.ti it.-. i, t,r n., i i Adjoining WUlar 'a Hotal.y , ; A WAtHtXaTM, P, C " .: i: L ; ill V ' 1" '' Jt S"-, i fvrf CLINTON, RICE 0iniw ana export w p wta -fliffitdltl "aht ' RTiHi e eawwrM f Any .oonttoTersy whicn, niay arise arwon to claim int8 tdjgiejproperty of 'a decedent ahall be HtAoA d ir5wttlmir to ' the la mndbT- the other government na reaoon xprfspqoing..,, k .'I'ba MphimM ftrtil . nonATH lifilirkTimnfy tAft 1 nf consulates shall be ihviol The expense of detention and delivery, effee- pursuant to the preeeding articles shall be .the cost of the . party' making ' the demand. fwjf follow a rfmilar declaration; barrei1 the juris' aV WlilcK 'W;taeTSrace1'"''i: ' bp i:,;:v:;-;3Tic.xr Pkacticixo is au. the Coxntrao fthe Uamn tatks P. 0. Lock Box 1TL WASHIRSTCX, D. C ' ri.,--' v lite for 8p f or U HsxwetHxa- ; SAPOLIO lortamaSTfom How will labor :: SiA.POLIO Wat. oriOTUcarUinnacrpta. clean Paint and Wood, Tn fact the enure hoaM, kettartaaaSoap. No doping. Savea 1 kbotw Tea oaataffoca to be wittout it. SAPOLIO forSooraing Knlrce is better andoJeaaar thaa Data Bciek. .Tfll aot w., SAPOLIO ia bettor tbatoBaap ana Saodfor poUaaUi Tinware. Brighten without eeratchinc. r-nllnhra Braasaad Oopiaw -ateiwfl better . thaa AMid or Oil and Bottoa Stone. for Waahimr Diahea and Glaaaware ia in- l'fataablwaCaaperaSoaB. ; ,f jt.-'. SAPOLIO IMMntt Siaiaa ffcai alarble MantlM. Tables and 8tatoarTf from Bard-Aniaaed Walla, and from China i i and Porcelafn. romoTM 8taia.and Great e from Carpeta .r'it tttla,wa!aftoavt v,; i. Thexw ia no iaOT article kaowa tha will do so many kdnda of work and do it as well f,aaf3apbliorTry R." :' ' . - ; HAND f ; ' anewandwoBdermlVjreffectiTaTonet liiv'. : Saap, lavaignoeaaalin tiua oocntry . or abroad. , v 1 , n 't aa article for the Bath,- reaches ' the foundation of all dirt, openi the Sorea aad'grna a healtby action aad;.' rvlliant tiut to (he akin. Cleaneeaand BemnUflea the Skin, ta- atantly remorlng any atain oi Memiah freaa both bauds and. face. HAND SAPOLIO ,T U yja. antaona a nvai w tae wpr ior ( caring or preventing roagbneea and : ' capping or either bands ar faeet ft W removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or rukSWaa . . . andGreaMfor, workers in MAchine ' r ed .TaSoWarfa.-'fciria invafaaWa i For i oaVing tbe Skin White-and Soft, and ' Hiving to it a "bloira of lxauty." it 1j liX ,c , ..aitfarfaaaed by any CosnifjUc known. ' i eosia' 10 war 15 oenta e eake. and -i . F, 'rT body, should, baxs it. You will t . DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS: Buv lltof vCui rnWchant If he has ft or will prbxnirs Itfor'ybyf lftMtlewritofbr onr Famphlet, "All aoout irtpoiio aat,wu rle.rnafledfre. or 99 Loicbabp St., Baxttmobe, Md. 1. 4 :BAHKRUPT- FOBMS SPRING STOCK OF 'P f:- it f Witches, ;,Cl0QksJ:J ewelry, aoitoa .jtjti.aiauoa Itaa.fjn-fc J, Silyer and Plated "Ware. TO ,r'Jlor"'") , ps.;i ji-i,Ji I) - T. J. WHALER ri'i ot rt t.i e. I,.--i ; ) Dealer In ' v.. ..; . J'J" it! ui - m8'33df,Md' ferret- Watcnes, ; ! i i 't- .i 'i i.t . -Ooid Chains and Keys, rimjer Ringa, Ear Rings, Breastpiis, . - . ' T W - C)ld, Silvor and Steel SpHK:Ucles i , o.'o6 oj heiitt,if sfi -r-e .-..s 1 Thimbles, Bracelets, Armlets, NecklaflSQaj ' . vr Collar Buttons) Sleeve Buttons, Studs, a"t. .... ..' Table . , . Desert"::-" -. '-"v i " ' . v : t . 'Forks, IT. PlateJ fare ill lall Sets aM Mo Pira! ? ' 1 ,1 Bread, Cake and Card Baskets, ' v " tM sa FteStHi3ol?et s, Mngjs and Cnps. Pocket Kiiives, Table? Knives, j. Rafeofs, -Seizzors, &o T - Clocks in gpreat Varietv, Ci. '.-. . f. .; and in fact eTjprvrhjnjerjd in a ' hmt-m -i .can. t-..- t FBSIliS - -JSVEUT mtaM2EI -WateJiet' 'and Cloths Repaired Yvoilh 5 J-'iV. V? t. - . r ... Craven St., Nw-Berne, C. xrxra ide x i,3sr 33 from f IETBEKHE TO BOSTON,- PBOVIDEHCE, i , New. York, Philadelphia, ALTIHOIaE Alsfti fKOBFOLK' I 111 --- - - -' will iaaagarate a NETVV LINE OF" STEAMERS "' - ' - . ; -: -; ; . t . r Between HcrfflftTa. S Key Eem?, If. C. .rf" . V-t,; i-,-. :'.-" ;.,'. Jl'. Sept. 2r.d, WiX Their Crat class .' :v, .( ' . ... - . - , STR. ILALEIQH, CAPT. "W, T. HARDEN, with a edpartty of 500 bale cotton, will lave Worfolki eery To-day mommg f and aftr epemlM-T2fl. ar-s ri vln a lrw Bf-rtie every tf .H-Mtat afn rnoon U(W B tae every Thursday at -l.SOrK: arrive nt Norfolk every Sarnray in time h couiti uu wniri Baltimore and New York. Passage to Kurtolk S. erad-s injr t'r"fl. Mealt extra. . Break at and) ntp r. 50 cents each, dinner 7 cet ts. Threm'h bills liwinsr given at Baltimore- Phi adflphia. New York, I'rovidence a d botn Fri-icht eunrantred s low as by any other in. Fori artberiaformatioa appty to CAPT. S. H. GRAT, Agt, New Berne. TE YEA-fMAN. Snp i and Gn lAVt. Koffolk. FOR NEW YORK! -f i j..;:D'j.,'RjE',.G;fTj, 3 Ellpn S. Terry Sal er Master " I'. Zodiac, Cliauin Mastr EUen S. Terry. Saly er Master. will leavetNe-w.Yoik foT.Kevr Bern.N-C, Wfednv8daygeptT 5 P. M. ; ThB ; Steamship Zodiac ' h yfil sail" from Morehead ' City 'for New York' ? r ' "Friday. 1 SepC Vt ' tJ.lt: ' "f Freight f aken .--sanre ; as-per steamer direct for Ne-wberji. : ' Through Bills of ljadingven to and &VSA all potni, an the NrV C. and li-CL 'Ballroad.!''.,.,, - ' i - r Insorance eifected Uxrougli J rui at ; Freights will be taken for Philadel phia, Fall Biyer and Boston.'0 Through Bills Ijading given.- 7 ' :' ' ?-Z;v ' CEO. W. DILlJ. NEW, BERNE AND BALTIilOBE STEAMSHIP LINE ! OUTSIDE XjUST-E D. Foley,' Price Master. J: A: Gary, Hall Master. making srepkly trips from New , Berne ; .-,..,.. n ,' and Baltimore. , . ' - ; -1 - , f -., T . : ' Through Bills of .Jjadingi jriven to all :': points in the Interior . B. L. PERRY, Ag't New Berne, N. C. ' ' - ANDREWS & CQ i Agt'sllimore,:,. : . - ,. ...... ; : prr . New Berne and Baltimore steamship Lnra T TTsTE! f Commerce. : Walker Masters Eackensack, Pritchett llaster ' 'i '-.rx " p " ' ' ?-r , making weekly -trips from New Berne " , . 4 - A and Baltimore. . ' . .- .: V ....... .. . . . r.- - : i .- . .1 BEN J. IV: PEIIRY, Agt New Berne, N. O. -mm i i i i it rr r n 11 . ; Xr"' AWAasn av ths ' ' - American Institute. T O J .W. M c4K E H ' . . . FOR MMeiw ;anii Flatiui; EacliiHes aUwoa'klSd. Wm ' ExKtbHtoai of 18TS. John V.. Oavit, Bee Secy. P. a. Barn.nt Samari D. TitoaaT rVkrvegpoaaiBB Secy ' ' New York. November la tc -Thl. tmple aud ffitfenioha Machine ia tfl'.T the hawlne MachineT and ia fats becomhT, wfth ladlea tathe placaof expanriva VmSS work bemg much mora handsome, reqairine fou and not tne tenth part the wpenaa. No lad, '771 now complete without it. A Machine with Uli.i? circular and full inatruc ioae mt oa reodatof finiahed in silver plate for t'2.75. w Address, THE McKEE AtlUFACTBRINI C(L DB GABVIN'S ELIXIR OFTAlT Is recommended by regular Medical practitioner. Z! a speedy enra guaranteed for Colds. Cough.. r.t.J Asthma. Bronchitis. Spittlnir Blood. CoBfumm; and all Pulmonary Complaints. Scr-fairBS1 Bvspepeia and Ooat. Dysentery. CholerC Cholera and all liver sad bom el w.mnltinu. diseamrs and all affections of the Urinal OrciZ3r fectiy barmleaa-free from Mineral or AlcoLlifT; perUes pleasant to take snd never known t iKl Price 1 Ottper Bottle, Pull partfcnl.r with Ju al testimony and certificates sent on application. iT" dress. U P. HYDE & CO., 195 tevetih Aycnae it .York. r , . , ' SJLIITS TECH ; TBE SETS; tlFiUES A Book just irsned. exposing the "pxmsoiht.." . I have appearefrtn the New York Kewnn. .i. Wstoryand lcsous- StylisK VUllaa,pft, poaed. Advertisement, from denperate ai beautiful women: Clandestine mectine: a fmiiW The DUtory of th Good rlrh IriiMyTtt if a-perssnaL" Deseriptu.n f I.ivin ' Bro.rft. Statues. Kxpoaes social eorraptiun. SJ,. ttSfStftr?" Unique PrilltiaB , Tbe Beekwith $90 Portable Fa mllv , InS 91 .chine, oi. 30 Daya Trial , m.nvMr aares over all bat n faction euannteedror lat rffniT dtd. Sent complete, wlr.h f nil direction.. Beckiln." Sewing Machine Co , fe2 Broadwuy, N. Y. w"",n THB KKW REMEDY FOR. RTJPTTJRE. A mo$t Important Inwntion. Sold by The HiX Truss Co.. Jo. 6S3 Broadway. N. Y. Jt retains Kni tare absolutely in ease ana comfor . night and itV at all times, and under all citco instances, withoot ut exemption whatever in any case, Ld shnuld never tw 1aken offa -nx the short time reniisite to effort! permanent tjire. Sent by mail. Circulars free. An" Drufcel.t or Physician will older this new Traei fbi you without charge. The only reliable- Gift Distribution ia tb ... conntry. . , , - v ;rV';V':i.ln.oo)ooo oo - . .- IN VALTJABIaB GIFTS ! f f " ' V ' j r , - TO BB DISTRIBUTED TN L .: D . S I N E 'S r A2D XSEMI-ANNU. Gift Enterprise Take drawn Monday, Oct 13th, 187S.. 02TS ElwAKD CAPITAL! One Prize; $5',000 in iSilTer ! FIVE FRIZES Sl.ttlO FIVE PRIZES 1500 TEN PRIZES SI 00 z Greent)acks ! TwoFumiiy iTarrlaees and Mstrterl Horwith Sil ver Mounted Harness, worth l-00 each. TwoBogrfaa.Rorses, c. worth $600 tab TwoFi.etoed Rosewood Pi.nog. rt.h ' Tet. Family winr.Machlnes. wnrtkl 1600 Gold and Silver Uver Hantin" Watches, wonn from f) to $)".- .f . ' - Gold Chains. Si War ware. Jewelry. SC.. Whole number Gifta. 10.M0. TickeU limited to - AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS' whom Liberal Premiers will be pud. Singlo Tickets tyi : SlxlTIckets $10: Twelve Ticteif W . Tweuty-flve TickeU 40. Circahtra caatafafpcifaU JjJSjffl of the manner of drawing. ndoW 'fS'i". rt. reference to the Distribution. wiU r t MiBT erderiPr them.' All letlers irst be f JT,. m , TV AWfOK--. 101 W. Fifth St. McCLEUAJTl ' The fin and only eoaiplete thS,,1, th Pxcific Slope : Description ot tm(J jey,,Rirt PrtKluc, Mountain? crnry,Vi -aPrt , Lake.. Foreata.fc aterfelU. I.'Srci f r in.rrinn. arid Wap- 1UJ1 ur,. WSt FXIKT A CO, ATLAXtA, uso- Snfferer from indigestion, 'jA& the drastic drugs decline. What you need, beyond an 1" .Is that reinedy Saline. Tasast's wondexfal AriEiErr DnpUcati of SelUer Spring - s Tonic, Alterative, Cathartic " Tans rerreahing, oomfortiDg. Takpajtt's ErrxEVXKcrNT SEirzta Amssa3'' SOLD BY ALL DEUGISTS. - i -piIesonal. .

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