""" ! "r ' p"'"1'' nnvTru.... - , I,, j ,1i.;-"...,.ixjl .- , Tiiiryiiin"-'-x.ju.iuu., it-, r- r- - - t. "J ' - , 1f T tW tar Brnte :Dailn ffiimcs. I L TicBBi; Editor." --T. A. HnrKY,rAssoc'3t.. ... .. ., -. S&iW.lilsrt; aai" Tquality-tefcTB Hob Lav. ! 7 he 'Times .has been designated as tJ Official organ of., the. United I .v FRIDAY OOTOBEB 31. 1873. V ' 1 i ,- -. .... ' " i Messrs, Geo. P. Bowell A Co., Pettingill Col.-'A Menet, and J)anchey & Oo. are our Advertising Agents in New York. . ! frrj K H. Gai ft in,. Newspaper Advertls lip Art. 3". 4 .South t txe ft. P altimorc d., , ia flutr'anth orizrd to. contract for. Advertisements at our Uwenjt rate. Advertisers in that city are requested to lews their favor with this house. ! I- ! . M. ; PvTTEHeiM. A Co.. 10 State street. BoatO' 7;Par Row, New Tork.and 701 Che?tntrt Street. Plfoahelpnla. are onr Agents for propurinjr advertise mental for tbe Daily awl Weekly .Tsmks in tbe above eitfee. aotTioiieed to contract for advertisjr g .at on Inweaf rate. , ; t is nearly tim to plant compost heaps nl set out. f. nce posts. The one tq.start the next rop ni b, and the other to preserve, it from the. stray cat lie of your Tjeicrhh'r. ; f ... ; j 'Cotton as a success for a whole crop, iljra dlearlj demonstrated to be a fail nrethiB yen r,.that"we have some hopes tjhat pur planters who have the cotton fever ; i the brain, will h reafter turn tjreirattention'to a variety of crops and raine their own hay, grain and pork, as well as a supply of succulent roo's for cattle fb6d. . HIJ L! TTPT S A rtsTT. Hf A TTrtHM j i The importance of these stations along pur coast have been fnlly tested and their assistance to the shipwrecked mariner has resulted in saving thou Bands of lives j Tjie menT appointed to them will be 411 teamen, and selected for their skill ai6r ability as seamen by a competitive examination n seamanship, Jiandling' and.launchin boats, and working- rock et batteries, passing Tines, &c AQRICTJIiT17RA.Ij CONTRIBUTIONS i lctT'J SplICTrjII). . ..r; ........ . j W propose if rbm time to jime to ! publish agricultural articles in this pa i pPf special Interest to our farmers, j and would thank any of onr reade s f. for contributions on this subject. An editor is not on'y dependent upon his readers in a great measure for informa Jtiorrj.Sut eanno1 make a good "readable paper unless his readers take an inter est inj furnishing hi ra i e:n of news and samples of their experience in the Yariooocnpitions which, they folio wl Short and concise ar'icles are what we aqd the people 'require. All such sent ns. will be thankfully received and rmt SjSltdei&Qpe foj-frnblicAti'm; ! FEMALE SOCIETY. "What is it'fliat makes all those men r-f:,- -r . 1 - " ' jvjbo assckciaie, Labi tnally jwith. women j 8tpno r to'otfiers who do'hot ? Solely because -they, are ;in the habit of free, i graceful. continued conversations with ; .lie 6thlirisexX'T.Women ifljthis way lose ; their frivohty, their faculties -awaken tjieir delicacies'iand pteculiarities unfoid i their beauty and captivation in the bit of intellectual rivalry. And men lose" their pedantic, rude, -declamatory, cr sullen manner. The coin of the under -fjtancjng; and the heart changes contin uaDy.' " The'aspenesarerubbed ofi their better materials polished and brightened indr their richness, lik the gcMis wrought into finer workmanship by the fingers of women 'than It eYer eoald be by th se of men. The iron and cteel of their characters are hidden, ike the character and armor of a giant J?I stoda and knots of precious s tones, actual The foUowing letter from Judge fWa'ts to the Era, we comm nd to some Jof xBf'i$etil& oY ihe" lgal profession, J Aith "enquiry : TWhicX wilTmore rWlitc4 toVi';4malrd prosperity of C .vheui ther'are not wanted in nnn ii4a, neighbors, - the ?derotion of their leisitre to th pursuits i of -agriculture or to fpartizan- ipoliticsl j One : of North CayoliBta's most able jurists was also aeJaeEt farmer m iuo ouiue. ; f , Tifon6wing ia the letter : "Te tU Editor -of the Ersx, ,i? , ; w -ItiaTe -seen several notie 8 in the SUiexeeraeoncniing my o tton. I hftvA tfpm. lq no publication in regard to ;it anyself,' nor haye I authorized any. frX" hare entered four varieties, and will jhave it on exhibition at the State' Fair whn and where all ban see it' I think vny two arietit Continental and DecXh ' flcwn?, with proper care in eultivatidn, jyn hiffhlv improved land, will make 4 1)48 to the acre. ' -fThe Continental is a large plant and prolific bearer -will avrage 100 bolls o tbe stalk planted at a distance bf 3 fret each way. This "plant was un ported from a troDical climate three years ago, and amalgamated with the Eureka variety. ' The J)eckacarpt ar Twin Tripple va riety, is the offspring of three varieiaos planted together for three years, to wiU Eureka, Sugar Loaf and Leach cotton. This cotton grows on a stalk about 32 inches high, has no limbs, cotton makes its appearance on stems from 4 to C inches long, each - stem: has from 4 to 6 bolls, and each boll is double or twin, frequently treble. - The cotton from Ibis variety is very heavy, turuing out, 40 pounds ?of lint to the 100 pounds of seed cottonV'l ' ': ' ' '. . .1 ; . " My reason for pubhshing this com munication is to inform' my friends that' I can supp'y them with the Continental in small quantities, and Eureka, the pa rent of the J)eckaearp, by the bushel. The Eureka may also be called the IPeh-1 tateuch, meaning jfive lobes to ihe bblL "Truly yours, & W. Watta : : State A gl Journal. u " mmmm aaa aai aaaaaaaa aaaa aaaaait The Baltimore American, ' always high-toned and sensible in its. political utterances, - truthfaliy " says that be. campaign r in n this S'ate is becoming lively and somewhat ' violent, jthe (n vocation to voters in the Democratic papers having an. exaggerated bloo4 and-thnnder military style about them that would bo absolutely ridiculous outside of Virginia, ; One of the .ways of preparing , for-; the election, which takes place on Taesday, the 4fh 'prox imo, is by forming Kemper Kampaign Klubs, a kind of O'gari'z iti'Mi whose alliterative title brings forcibly to mind that other of the three K which has done such good service for the" Conser vative ; cause in . the , South since; the war. Aa the object of the party -is to mike the election' a contest r be ween; the races, the selection of the initials' quoted, and with which' all the calls for meetings, are headd, is very ' sugges tive, i We had hoped Virginia was. done with, this foolishnesvand would make a . square , fight-on . potltical grounds." . ;-,! .... .:. . . . . J . . .. , . ,H A PROCLAMATION. n-i... By tne President ot tne united States of : ' ' ' America."" ' ' ' :. , The approaching close of "another year brings with it the o -casion fur re newed thanksgivirg and acknowledg ment to the Almighty Ruler of the TJni verse for the unnumbered mercies which He has bestowed upon us. ' Abundant harvests have been among the rewards of industry. "With local exceptions' health haseen among the many blessings '.enjoyed.' f tranquility at home andtpeace with '.other nations J have prevailed. Frugal judustry is re gaining 'its merited recognition and its merited rewards. . -V Vv 'Vs1'' ;' Gradually, bat, under the providence of God, surely; as; we trns thehation i$ recovering frofnthe lingering results o' a dreadful civil strife. " ' i - For these and all the" other mercies youchsafed '.it:becQmes I us as a' people to return heartfelt and grateful: ac- kuowiedgmen's, arid Twitbr 6Tlir"thatrks giving for blessings we may ttniteprayr ers for the gestation of local and tern p irary jffOTlri j g) j I, therefore, recommend that on Thursday, tne twenty-seventh dayoi jSQJ vember next, the people meet in their espectiye i; places of rship.'ldmake their acknowletigments to Almighty God for His bounties aud His protec tion, and to offer to Him prayers for their continuance. . In witness-whereof I'have hereunto1 set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. j ,r Done at the city of Washington this - -14th,day pf Octpber, Jn the year 't I LJ3Lns IdjoLe thousand, eight ted States the ninety-seventh; ,y-lM .wr:i ijj Si tfRANT. By the Presid nt: Hamilton Fish, . j JoH r-oScretsry f .State, Death Warrant of Jesus Christ. ; " Chance," says the Courier de EtaU pnisV.ifhii one hands the most imposing and interesting judicial document to all Christians that has ever been recorded in hunian annals' i that is the original death warrant oi Jesus Christ." The document 'was faithfully transcribed by the editor in these words : Sentence rendered by Pontine Pilate, actmgCrovernor of !L6werT Gal.)ee stat ing,thatT Jesus of .NazaJreth shall suffer on the cross. 'In the "year seyenteen of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar,- and .the 27t i day of March, in the city of the holy Jerusalein, Anna and Cphia being priests sacriflcaior of the people of God- Pontius Pilate, Governor of Low- er Galilee, sitting in the Presidential chair of the Pr&etory, condemns Jesus i ' i i g!!!-!!!!:1 .. .. ..... t ' . : . of Nazareth to die on therosa between two'thieres the great land notorious YOiceof the people sayingtf'A 1. Jesus is a seducer. He is pe titions. r-ift fle.isn e&emjfif the law. 4. He calls himself, falsely, the . Son rrt r - . enterefl tKnecnieyfpi lowed , by? amultitudebjing jpalm Order the firat i eentunon,r-QjuflEris Cornelhis, to lead' him j to the place : f execution. Forbid any person," horn soever rich or poor, to 'interfere with the death of Jesus Christ.. ,. r. The witneBRPs who , signed . the con demnation' of Jesus are: , -, ... I V Daniel inobaha,'' Pharisee. , r 2rP Joanna JRobanL" -" v ' 3xBaphl Robani. ,, . 4. Capen, a citizen. . . , t Jesus shall go but of the city of Jeru- xne aoove senxence is engrayea- on cooner: on one siae : are i written tne a. . words : " A similar plate is sent to each tribe." It was ' found in an antiqe vase of white 'marWe 'whiieexcavatihg in the ancient city .pf.Aquilla, i in. theKingdom of Nap'es, in . the year .1810, and was discovered by the' Commissioners . of Art of the French armies. 1 The French translation was made by the Commis sioner of :. Art i The I original is in the Hebrew language. . . , i5 A Thrilling Adventure with a Snake. ' I Yesterday a family resi ling on Mar ket street were . alarm ed by the crieso f . . a ii . a ' 1 '111''' li ' a servant in ine yara, ana ; upoogoin out she stated that a large snake was protruding its head from'.! an j open space between the ceiling1 and weather- ooaruuig :;ui tua uuuaa. iney iuvn.vu in the direction indicated just in time to-see his snakeship, who . had become frigh tened,' ;i riverti rig its position and ascending the ceiling. 2 The servant stated that , wheri she first ' discovered the reptile a little child belong to the family was striking it on the head with a bone which heheld in his hand, while th6 venomous creature was twist ing ifs head to ai4 fxp and protruding its fangs as 'if' in i he -greatest anger. She immediately sprang to tbe child,! 1 It. J ii 'I'll-' J i a i ; 3 r 1 I fijaaicpea lv away ana sunexea lor neip. The child, upon bein? questioned,' aid he thought" the nake was a piece of his mother's carpet.' A portion of the weather boarding was subsequently re moved from the house for, the purpose Of discovering the serpent, .but at last accounts he had not been found. The family were naturally very much alarm ed, and wilfcdntiriue "to be tosome ex tent until-his snakeship can be found and despatched. rl The ; family saw th pnnke distinctly as it was going up the ceiling. Wil-. Star. 29A. . , ( , :--1 . rP,.P..'P;p."''" ; i Th above are,, the initials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, or Sugar-Coafed, Concentrated Root, and Herbal Juice,' Anti Bilious Granules the, "Little Giant" Cathartic, or multum in parvo Physic. They are scarcely .larger than mustard seed, yet represent as mnph eatasrtic power as large repulsive puis, .being a most searching and thorough yet gently and Idndly operating, cathartic. Pleasant to take powerful to cure. ,r , 25 cents per vial, by Drug A well built house in Morehead City, with 17 rooms, large and airy, and 4' additional rooms can be cohveniently arranged in the attic. All necessary outbuildings, with' three 'lots 'of ground attached. 'r; Is conveniently located and well adapted for a' Club or Summer Boarding House. ( ."Will be sold'on reasonable and accom modatihg'terms1. "lchange in part for other ' property if desirecL; Apply to March S?7rtf- ;, ,.fT ,.. . E. HUBB3 BERRY'S BUDCET. K 'n Ottawa Beer'" init ice" at Berry's. Bnist's warranted garden seeds, at Berry's. Picture Frames aad Trimmings, at Berry'B. . Select Drags Shd Pore Chemicals, at Berry's ine best of everytamg for a fair price, at , . Bargains ia Paper, Enrelopes, Fens, Ink, fcc , at Berry's. :' -' --' :ft :. ' ' i - : 700 waataood 'Eoj, use Berry's Bak lntIowders.f ,...;:!0 r . ...... r.; ) I ,t,- j .- ; . , " j ; tTse" Berry's Componnd 'Aromatlo1 Eesehce aiiiaieaQiiwer.-" :.y.A a-.j ,-,-r .--" 1 Buy ' Casoijxa, ateb," the best cologne in the market, at Berry's. ' ' ' '- Barry's lixTKicr? VtrsK-Bosx ontlasts any other extract for the handkerchief. .clue "'" : vt Organ or Piano-Fortes -of anw . , style, or maonfaotnre,. to order, at Berry's. Sciantifio Books, of American or Eu.-opean pnhlieaiion farniahed to order, at Berry's. y Extract Batf Wine and lWn,' warranted to keep) AtBxBBT's. iiTainta, Oil and Varnish of j reliable quality Also, Brashes, Patty Ac, Ac, Ac , at Berry's Only IU cent for gaQon of Pratt's Astral OH,; and can j to keep it in, or 50 cents for 1 "Window and Picture Glaski caf to any size or shape. -Ltoiored.? engrared and ground Glass, " Elixw Calisaya. -Al-iiiSO si aliRaya and Iron,-and other modern prepara tions on hand, or to order, at short notice, at Berry's. THE ISlilfLE i&KASlirt , why Hand t-apolio is the1 betit Article In tbe world for tie constant one of all classes of peo 'ple, is beouiM it will do what no other subsume- will, as follows: : MzcaAKics. Will entirely remove tar, paint, oil and mro'Vi tro-u tbe clotbing and hands, t f FAvmscsw-lts ose will prevent tan, sunburn chaped hands. yeoBxnss Womjeo. It will take the placepf powd-r " and 'cosmetics for beautifying the- complextion, snd will render he ' hands - white and ff, no matter hov m-ich they are used. "Eykktbodt. It is the best srticle in the world for removing all cutaneous blemishes from 1 he skin. nd rendprics it white, beautiful an dna'ur tl in t olor. in price cheaper tban soap onlr 10 and 15 c.-nts a cake, according to ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' SjPOLIO is a snhrtitntw for Srp 'nrall Household SAPOLIO for Cleaning your Hons will save the labor of ooeeleuier. Give it a trial. SAI'O .L L O for Windows is better tban Whiting or ' Water. No removing curtains and carpets.. SAPO Tj 1 O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the entire house, betterthanSoap. Ho slopping. Saves labor. Xon can taaordto be; wiu out it. gr ,-p Qy -j- y () , for Scouring Enives is better and cleaner " ; 5 ttian Bath Brick. Will Xiot aeratch. sapg.lio; i is better tban Soap and Sand for polishing Tinware. Brightens without scratching. SAPOLIO' ' Polishes Brass and Copper utensils better . v than Avid or Oil and Button Stone. . SA POLIO for Washing Dishes and Glassware is in- --,S valuable. , Cheaper than Soap. SAPOLIO removes Stains from "Marble Mantles, ' Tables and Statuary, from Hard-finished -Walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAPOLIO" removes Stains and Grease from Carpets . and other woven fabrics. There is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work and do it as well as Sapolio. Try it. - hand SAPOLIO a new and wonderfully effective Toilet K ap, having uo equal iu tlus country or abroad. ? . SAPOLIO t an article for the Bath, "reaches tlie foundation " of all dirt, opens the' " y 's and ives a healthy action and ; . brilliant tint to ihe skin. S APOLIO Clpanseti ami BeautifieR. the Skin, in-eUuU- removing any stain er blemish from both hands and face. n.SAiPOaLIO ' is without s rival in the world for curing or preventing roughness and . ' ... , . cnapping Ox either hands or face. ' - -lsI)SA.P()LIO removes Tar, Pitchy Iron or Ink Stains !:.;'., . aud Grease; for workers in Machine r ' . fchops. Mines, 4a',' is invaluable. For ' . making the Skin White aud Soft, and giving to it a "bloom "of beanty.X'' itfj unsurpassed by any Go&mttio known. wSAPOLK) costs 10 to . 15 cents per calie; and . every body shoold have it. You will like it. r . . y DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Buy it of your merchant if he has it or will procure it for you. If not, then write for cur Pamphlet, "All aoout Sapolio," and it will be mailed free. , r ,, lf , A, ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, HO HARK PLACE, A. . or 99 Lombaed St., BaxirMOBE, JId. GRAND CONCERT BY STATE AUTHORITY, for the purpose of aiding in the establishment Of LilKCOLir. LIBRARY, A grand Concort -will be given in the CITY OF NEWAKli . J ., un iNU V HM.15Js.i 15, 1873, at which time ana piace . m .... $225,000 IN CASH will be distributed among the ticket-holders. This en terprise is chartered -y ihe Legislature of tbe Mate ot New Jersey, for the purpuse above uam t. A nurchers of tickets can rely upon perf ct faiincss in tlie distri- Dutiun anfl prompt payment ottne tifts as advertised Tickets each: 6 for $5," 13 for $10. 28 fur 2o" 8235.000 in Cash Witts. The fallowing ifts will be Qisrnoaiea am-ng incei-noiaers imidiately after the f "oncer t, ann liiita paia lmniefliayy thereafter. .eo.coo ONE GRAND CASH GIFT;.., OKE ORAM) CASH G:FT 0NS GRAICD CFH CirT...: .... . 1 Cash Gift..... .... . ... 1 Cash Gilt ............ ' 1 Cash Gift., - , . 1 Cash titt..-.......! .lo.OOC .J 0,0(0 ..5,000 -.3,01)0 ..3,000 , ... 2,0(0 1 Cash Giit ICash Gift , 1 Cashtiift. ' 1 Ca.-h Gift. 1 Cash Gilt. 1 Cash Gift. 1 Cash Gift. i Uhsb Gift. "1 Cash Gift, i - i 1 Ovh Gift. lCsh Gift. . .a.o'io ..2,100 ... ,...2.000 ...............8,000 ...... ..j. ...1.4X10 .............. .1.000 .1.000 ............. .1 Offl 1.000 sV...: ..J... , 1 00H ....1.000 .. 1.000 ; 1 CaehGi t 1 Cash Gift l.ono 1.0C0 ..; .....6,oo - 4 0()0 10 Cash GifU $500 e ich . SO Cash Gift SfW - ltfl Cash Gifts 100 200 CashGifts 60 5 000 Cash Gifts 10 " 5 0 Cash tiitts 1 R i 15.000 Cash Gifts !V 1 " 10 0(10 .......30,000 ...5oO'iO .......25 000 ie,uo ,85i CASH G IFTS amounting to . ., .. ; . . . . ; -z-, 000 As we employ no Agent outside of the large cities, we are ihnser bled to pi ve to purchaser the b. ne.fi t of the commrnon that would otherwise go tbe Afnt W will therefore send you 13 tickets for 10 or 28 for f28:6for $5. Sirgle ticketa one dolkr each. All communications promptly answered. The diattiaution will be coud net ed by a sworn com mittiee, who wll decide upon the fairest and most ha Prt?1 ""Hi6 of distnhnUon A list of numbers to which eifts are awaided will be sent to every purchas. mw immediately after the Concert. We will send tickets by express, and collect on delivery, when so ordered. Be sure and send your full address name towu. coun ty aw" state, plainly written. Aa over one ialf of the tickets are already eogagtd by Agents in the cities near by. we wrald tviM those who deahe oneor moreto forward their orders to ne at once. Do not delay.' "Knowing the managers of this enterprise, we can assure the public that it will be a grand success, and I every cennnence can be placed In It- Ifewark Daily The! managers of this entern. ise am mpn nri..n.. ter and ability, there is no doubt but tf ey will make ,he enterprise eminently surecesfull "Anmrt Dailv rtu Address, PBTEKS & CO., Ne axk, N. J. 4w i i ir p i-vi ui from! mmmo mm, peotidehce , New York. Philadelpr la. BALTIMORE AXD KOBFOLK will inangnrate a OP HTEAMERH Between MolL Va. & MEenis, N. C. Fept. 2nd, IKS. Their nrst dsss STR. RALEIGH, CAPT. W. T. BARCEN, with a" cDacitv of BOO hale cton. will lesvc Norfolk every Tnpfdav m'o. ninr n and af 'er 8ep!emhT8d. ar- rivm!r at New xJcmeevery " ennefda . Mli-rnoon uenve New B- me"verv Tbnrsday a 4.H0P x:anive at Norfolk evi-rv Parnrdiiy in time t com ect. ilh rtamer for Bait more nrd New Y-rk. Passc to Norfolk i clud ine Ftarrfiom. f 5 (K) Meals -stra. Break ast -and siit'Pi r. 60 cents ech. dinner 7 ret ts. Thronsrh hills ladirnr eiven at Baltimore. Philadelphia. New York. Providence a d Boetnn. Freicni pnsiar.t- d as low aa by anv other ine. For f uitberinforinaticn apply to . CAPT. S. H. GRAY, Agt,New Berne. C. E YE ATM AN. Snp't and Oen'l At't. Korfolk. FOR NEW YORK D IRE C T Ellpn S.! Terry, Sal) cr Master Zodiac, Cliapin Master. Ellen S. Terry. Sal yer Master. willJeaverewJJern,N, C, for New York Wtdnesdav, Oc. 29, at 5 P.M. Through Bills of Lading given to and from all poihti on the A. & N. C. and H, Q. Railroad. ' ' ' 5 : I Insurance effected through us at per cent. " ' Freis:hts will be taten for Philadel phia, Fall River and Boston. - Through Bills Iiading given.1 ' : ' ' , i CEO. W. DILL. NEW BERNE AND BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP LINE I outside:. JLiiisrizi i I. J. Foley, Price Master. J. A. Gary,1 Hall Master. mating wer My tnrx? from; New Bern s . f,'. - and jBaltimwre. Throngli Bin., of Jjailinf rryvrn to all 'points in the Interior. . . B. Jj. PERHY, Ag't , -- New Berne, N. C. ANDREWS & CO. , Agt's , Balf imore. New .Berne and Baltimore STEAMSHIP LINE 1 1ST I j - XJZ1ST E 1 Commerced Walker 3Iaster. ITackensack. rritchett Master making weekly trips from New Berne and Baltimore. - ENJ. L. PBHRY", . A g't New Berne, N. C. New -Advertisements. Fourth Grand Gift Concert ' - Vnn THE BENEFIT fll? Tuv PUBUC LIBRAJTof KENTUCKY lCJOOrt f!ARH fWrra l KAnnrtn The Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorised bv special act of tbe Legislature for the heneflt of th Public Library of Kentncky. will take place In Pnhii-: Librarr Hall, at LouisTille. Ky , b" - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERS, 1872. Only Sixty thousand ticktts will be sold Tb tickets are divided into Un coupons or parts. At this concert, which will be the grandest musical display ever witnessed la this country, the unnree. dented sum of ' . It 5 0 0, 6 0 0. - -. -. r ' ? ' .- - divided intoU.OOO cash rift, will be distributed hv lot among the ticket-holders. 3 LIST OF GIFTS: OXE GRATfD CASU GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND OA8H GIFT ONE GRAND OA fell GIFT ONE GKAND C SH GIFT 111 CASH GIFTS $10,000ech ' 80 CASH GIFTS 5.000 each 60 CASH GIFTS 1.000 each 80 CASH GIFTS 500 each it 100 CASH GIFTS 400 each " -150 CASH GIFTS 800 each 250 CASH GIFTS 800 each . 825 CASH GIFTS 100 each. -11,000 CASH GIFTS 50 each W roo 50.IHH) 85 w y 17,5(0 1'.W .51!. Un SO-iiOu d.i0' 40.0i 0 45.CKA) S3 000 550,0()0 TOTAL. 13 000 GIFTS, ALL CASH, amounting to 1 vyimo The distribution will be positive, whether all th. ticket are sold or net. and the 12.000 tilt. )i nJij a proportion to the tickets sold, ' p"a PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets $50 ; Halves $25 ; Truths, or erk Coupon. $5; Eleven Whole Tickrs for 5&i Tickets for f l.fX.0;113 Whole Tickets for 85 oof "v-.t Whole Tickets lor $10,000. No discount oti ice. ih... 500 wonh of Tickets at a time. Tickets now nady tor aa'.e, and all orders accmni nied by the money promptly filled. Literal terms given to those who buy to sell asaln. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent Publ- Lihr. Ky., and Manager Gift C.ncrL a u uj iv, jjiuiaij AJUiiuili, liOUlSt'ljle, Jiy M. R. N. y-.tflEF 6 RURAL NEW lllat. the Grtat tratud Agricultural and Familt Weeklt, Is the Mnndard Aatbority upon Practical Su'ij.Hitu and a Hih Toted Liu-rary Journal. Only 2io a year less to clnbe. ' Gn-at Premium or tah ow m asions to Agents. Thirteen A'vmbeig(o. to J n ) On Trial of Only Fifty Cent I Premium Licti. ic , si)t free to all Trial subscribers. AddnssD. Ii T. MtKlttE, Kew Yorlc Cit jr. ""'-, BKND FOR CATALOCUB. DOMESTIC SEWING M ACHIKE CO., NEW Y0R. 1JPV Unfitr Now ready foi ajrenta Horns XMi If 13UIIL Life Iu ihe Hiblr.Bv iHn. iel March. Tt.D . author of Nijrht 8cen-i in Ihe Hi. ble" and- Our Fathers Houe.' of which i cai ly loo. X) copies of each were sold. Send for Ci enlsr Z1U1 Ler A M CURDAY. 618 Arch St.. Philade phia. Pa. THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT!!! The etentf fle American Is the cha e-t and bfrrt Illustrated weekly paoer pnblihnd. Every tumtxir contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of hew machinery. Novel Inventions. Bridges. En(rineerinff W..rks. ArchUectur?. Innroved FArm Imulrmenm. and every new discovery hi Chemistry. A year's nam hers cod tain 832 pages and several hundred enprar. ings Thou?and: of volumes are preserved for hluditr and reference. 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