1 1 Uta Dttvit JDailn 51m of s UBSCItlPTION 1UTES OF ADTERTISIKCT III-- tr ."' " I TERM3 CASH IN ADVANCE. ; Ten Lines, or One Xacn. Space, Square.. Qre Year ". . ' :v; '; gix Months " .. , ... -, -j Three Months , ..-vir4 f G 00 3 00 '2 00 One Square, one Insertion ; . $2 XX Each subsequent Insertion V ; . - T 5Q . Une Month . '.. . ... -. Persons sending us a cjub pf Jen yearlj snb eribers, xrill rect-ive a copy of , the. paper for ha same length of time free of charge. i . "LinEETY AND UN1Q NOW. AND ,FOREVKR, ONE ; AND Literal i le. lucnons tnacie t larg a verwsers. Spe- i-d Notices cSarsed 23 per cent, highet INSKPERABLE-Daniel Webster. .... : .. . i r than ordinary advertjHeuitnts. - YOLUME NEW BERATE, N, Ca TUESD AT MOHNTJSTG DBOBLSBEIt aD.1873. : , DUMBER 105. AU letttit h Hhoul.-t tM m 1 ireaseo. ; it V . DAttr Trosa. New BeTON. C. f f $tw Otrw Paiig emus, . VlLUllb ' T""VT w v , . . ri , , Jl J I 1 1 I II y III " ' SOCIETY DIRECTORY.' The following is ajist of the Societies and their time and place of meeting, in Newllerne : v "jfjw Berne Branch Evangelical Alliance;'1' Rev. Geo.W. NeaL President: . Rev. L. C. Vara, Fcretaryi-:;'-.r-:,"V.rr".i;.. Holds pro re nata meetings. ct John CD, No 3, P. Jt. A: iL, ' v v-' ; i Wro. Dunn, "W. UL . ' no. E. ritfman. Secretary.- v- ifet Second Wednesday night in each month at: vaW prne O, No. 2 4 5, A. F. fc A. II. A E. P. Lorchi W, Thos. Powers, Secretary. '. ' V !' ',- ,r,.t3 Third "Wednesday nis?ht in each month at 1CBW IT J T3T..U , Solomon's Lodge, No VA.'Yf M.,.. 5 . , 11. Johnson, W. M. t..1 Harris. ---Secretary, - - , A I Meets Tuesday evenings, at Drayton Hall; l&enia Lodge, No. B, Knights of Pythias, At : Thos. Powers, C. 0. j J !. H. Missilier, K. of R. and S. Meets Thursday evenings, at Masonic Hall. '5erno Lodge, No. 71, I. O. a P. p D Thos, Stanley, N. G. ; Wro. M. "Wataon, Secretary. Meets Monday evenings, at Masonic Hall. ' Trent Lodge, No. 2, I. O. M.. ' ' . J. A. Simpson, v. SI., C. Cnthbert, Secretary. Meets Friday evenings, at Lowthrop Hall. New Bsrne Grange, No. 18, P.' of H., . J. S. Long, Master, f J E.Nah. Secretary.!' ' - - . Meets the First Satur ay it! - each month, at Lowthroo Hall. ; ; , iVins Lodge, No. 26. I. O. G. T.. w - Wra. Salter, "W. C. T., E. C. Cathnert. secretary. ' P r.n tVihe Meets Tuesday evenings, at Lowthrop Hall. Star of the South Lodgel No. 3, I. 0- G. T. 0 J. R. Brown, W. C. T.. , H. Davis, Secretary. i '' Meets Friday evenings, at Drayton HalL Btthlo'aeai Lodge. No. 15, L O. G. T , Rev. Alei. Bass, W. C. T : J. A. Hall. Secretary. - Meets Monday evenings, at Drayton Hall. f , ' ! ; i- " - i Arriyal and Departure of Mails. POST-OFFICE. Nkw Bebne, N. C, June 14, 1873. MAIL C3LOSES For the North, West n-d South at 7 30 A I For Beaufort and the East, at 4.15 P M For "Washington,; Swiit Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, every day at 5.30 A M ; For Trenton, Pollocbsvilie and Swansboro, Wednesdays and Satnrdavs at 6.30 A M r Vnr TTaitraB f via Beaufort) at 4.1 5 P 11 For Gran tsboro, Bay River and Van em ere, Tneidajs, Thursdays and featuTaays ai o a ji v v -WnTtft'W-tnnil South, at ;50S Pif From Baufort and the East at 8.30 A M From Washington Swift Creek, N. C, tc. From Trenton, Polloeksvine and Swansboro, Tnesdajs and Fridays at 4.00 P M , Frcn Grantsboro, BayRivr andVanrtemere, Mondays. "Wednesday and riaays ai r roTT,.. Prom R AM to 4.45 PM, and S 15 to 7 P M. Sunflav from 12.30 to 1 P M GEO. W. NASON, Jr.. Postmaster. h.Z,A mnmsnnd all the popuLir papers of the davat the Bateman House, Sooth Front street Southern Diarrhoea Medicine1 Fresh supply received at all the Drag Stores. r march 29-tf " M Hahn & Co. aHheir stables pn MfddleSt ffr n finA lot of Mules and Horses at ria- ....M.nrioH. Call and Bee tbem for your- ..ivpa - March 15 If- Go to B. L. Churchill's, Middle street, for the best of everything in the Hardware and House Furnishing Goods line. TTlTlnrftTA Stoves at very low prices. j k I. : tf North C .rolina State Life . Insurance Com pany, Raleigh, N. C., insures on all desirable plans is progressive, prospe-ous and popular keeps the money at home. Insure in it. D. T. Cjlbbaway, Dis't. Agent. t jj New Berne, N. C. . Tor Sale. . J i ' ''";' : " Lots on New South Front streeL Apply to tf. il E. HUBBS. Tor Sale- ' " I f ' : - ":' 'T' r f A house and lot ion German St. Low for caA. Apply to j, , ? HUBBS. Por Sale or iease ... . x Part of lot No. 81, west side ot Middle street situated betwaan the! property of Charles Zinc kand and George Bishop, Eq- : Apply tO D. SHI-iCHTEU, CorJ Pollock and George Sts. Billiard Table for Sale. '. A first class Billiard . Table (National sire) with balls, cues and everything complete for sale at a low figure. Enquire of John S. Palmer, at Merchants Club House, New Berne. ; April 8-tf . I' ; I . ' ' ! " " : , Tor Sale. ' The valuable, lots situated on the corner of Pollock and Hancock streets with Dwelling l house, Office and out-buildings are offered for ' -sale at low figures. I Apply to Mrs. David Hea ton; or at this office. ; ' , aug2-tf. Great deduction in Prices for 30 Days. Owing to dull times, I will make Pearl types and Ferrotypes at the following prices: 4 large pictures, only v , 9 album size pictures, only- l rt $1.00 , JS, S. VVOBMELI., 1 35 Craven, St.,' ' New Berne, N. C. Notice , .-i--...u .t .. Notice is hereby given to the tax-payers of Craven Countyj that the State and County taxes for 1873 are due. : All persons are notified to come forward and pay said taxes. Prompt payment must be made, i I will attend at my office; at the County JailJ to receive the. same, from and after this date. ; Oblaitdo Hubbs, Sheriff of Craven County. . New Berne, N. C, Aug. 9th, 1873. . The merchants' Club House, - Which will be kept as usual in first-class style, is now open for the admission "i a few transient and regular boarders. The iibles, lodging rooms, and bar, cannot be surpassed by any house irr New Berne, and no pains will be pared for the comfort of guests. ? tf. ' Wm. L. Paljusb, Proprietor CITY D VICINITY. ; Th Editor "f thin paper is in uo way re ppousilil for. ilit- vie-tB r t;it-mei.fc of Corres-lr pondents. No fommniiiratioiiR of an anony mon character will lenLKnhed; the real nanif of the writer rnnst ftf-corupan-y all , e(mmnmca-fi tins. Any one whr my feer aggrieved at side of the paper. Th re were bi.t two wliflrf n yesterday. boats, at the market Genuine Meerschan:n Pipes, all styles, snit-al-le for boliday gifts, for sale at M. Goldsmith's Segar store, Sou' h Front Street. tf ! What more beautiful present for Now year could you best iw 0611? better-half than one of those snperb C'lina Tea Setts, to bet found at Watson's. Eext to Pust Office. Fj-eshf arrivals of everything in hi lino. . doOtf j - -. . i Quantities of Northern hay is now comingj to this market.'-This is ''harrowing to thef soul" in view of the fact that some of the best hay lands in the world are to be found in this section ,oforth-Carolift.-f Jtfl. Kome time ag a man by the name of Evans was lyuched in Kiin-sns. and in a report of the lynching, on of th K iusa pipers alleged that before hi dsath h mida a confession, in which he s iid ho onaa committed a mnrder in Kentucky, for which two men were hung, j In the case of ejsctinent for forcible enrj and detainer, Mrs. Fanny Simpson vs. Thomas McGinn, before Justice Wm. L. Palmer, at tb$ house of Gabriel Hardison, in the 7th Town! ship, the jury found for the plaintiff, , and thi defendant was ejected from the premises and the plaintiff put in jseywion : "Counsel for de fendant, L. J. Moore : for plaintiff, ifessrs. Justice and Seymour. j i ; ; ; A lady of New Berne has received the follow- iDg communication : ! "Oephan Astltjm, Oxford, N. C. December 24th, 1873. j "Please accept hearty thanks for $15, buted by citizens of New Berne, and for uable box of confections and clothing. 44 Your gi-ateful friend and servant, J. H. Mills Arrived - '; i Steauier R. .If igh. Hirdin-at M isfer, yester. day from Norfolk, and will sail on Wednesloy. Ziost. Between Capt. Gray's warehouse and Walker & Galon's, a Gold ltinj, with a white stone setwL7$fi'npd,ert fv-m e l&fijwk3e4'by leaving the saine ft-iipJrtaa 30 i-t 50 Howard. . I offer $ ."i reward for the arrest and convic tion of the party or parties who entered my house between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock pn Sunday night laht. and took therefrom clothing, &c, valued at $100. , , B. W. Morsis, dSO'tf " " -- -! jjew gtM Kew Berne, N. C mmmi . . a J We are assured ih.it the Masquqftlde Ball on Wednesdav (New Ye.ir's Eve) wilr be a grand affair. The gentlemen having the arrange nients in charge have . bad ample ; experience, and cannot fail to inaVti'the ball' a sueuess. . A large number of tickets have been sold. N. R Get voar tickets earlv, as we learn they are being sold-very rapidly. Beware If any artful ypuig mui in tfiis region chcr- ishes the idea thtt he ein r':fl3 with female affection, let him r. a I the loilowing from K.insis jude in a 'breach of promise c se "The evi lence'stowd t i it he sot up with- her all night, and they sqnozo hands mid I ilked soft, ani I think she ought to have about $2 damages." , Notice. Vttj, .fJT.,. The officers of the New Berne Branch of the World's Evangelical Alliance, are requested to meet this evening at 7 o'clock, in the Session Room of the Presbyterian Church, on New Street. It is hopecUhsta full anii'prompt at tendance may be had. i v Rev. Geo. W. Neal, President. Vice Presidents : Revs. S. W. Wescott, ;W. C. Gannon vE.,sM. Forbes and J. A. Suydam, Messrs. r'Slale JWttZ fioflisier, E. Hubb and N. S. Richardson. ; Corresponding Secretary, Rev. L. C. Vass. Treasurer, Mr. Geo. Allen. j -r; Reo'gSect'y, T.yA. Henry. Digestion and Paradise ! Ail talk of blessings ! What a blessing is di gestion! To digest! Do you know what it means? C It "is ft tacr have the sun always shining 'aiid' the"stta1e always ready! for vou. It is to be met with .smiles, and to be greeted with tisses. It is to hear sweet sounds, to sleep ita swpet dreams, to be touched ever with soft, cool bands. It is to be in Paradise. Adam and Eve were in Paradise, Why? Their digestioi "was good. AM then they took liberties ate bid fruit things they pnnl.l uii digest That was what mined their co n til tb t fobs,- -d-'stro dti wr "gasrr i jn.ices, and then thay were expelU-d Irom Para dise by an angel with the fl uumg sworLf- The rri -ar;n, th. fi imincr swJrd. wlr.i-h turned two wav v was iiidigewti n. T;ere came arth bj au39 the cooks wt-re bad, and tlu-y. called .it a d.d ige, Ah I thank' God there' U f,o be" r more de luge sill the evil co nes from this.; Macbeth could not sleep. Ic was t!ie wp: r. and not the murder. His wi'e talk d and walked. f ;It was supper again. Mil on had a bad digestion, because .. he w..s alw xys so cros3 ; and even Carlyle-ninst bate the werst digestion in the world," because he mversaTS anj- good of any thing. Ah! to digest is to be happy. Bolierame, mv friends, there is no other way not to beurn- edout of Paradise bj a fi-.iwo-hauded, burn- tstenw-qi vmade Jbycorepnoen 1 5 cjjji obtain Ji4 mruA mi tf!plictfoti t-,tlielE4itfrf.ACj C w' Corfespdrutfeu-tS 'Klrt'fcleaeHrtitroul M-ojie in 1 6 word. . . . r State of the Thermometer - The., Thermometer at the Merchant's Club House, stood Tuesday as follows : AfT-ff o'clock A. M. . i 30 degrees. ' 4(5 44 "8 rt'-tt 10 12 2 4 C 50 ' 52 4J i - a . . li 4 tt Fricos of Maval Stores, Ctc. " Turpentine. Te'low Dip V Scrape , ? r Spiri.ts.rper gallon-. , Tar"..... $2 25 si,$a 33 ets 10 ?1'75 C3 cts Rosin, common strained, Oorn. from bats . seed...... 3J3cfe J?axe wines and. liquors at R N. Duffyg, People' Mikkeif tdW. tjio best "pf J)?asi garden seeds, &c. "' tf. An elephant, it is siid, will live a hundred years.1 -Capt. Ik astoMsbeo? ua" the etneVUy-ly asking how long we snpposad a bed-bug would live? We couldn't say, : whereuprtn the Cap tain, proceeded to tell a little story. f An old pink stern schooner was hauled up on the Sits at Westpfrt and left there for twenty-one yearts. Evcry day dnring all that time the tide entirely, submerged her1 with the exception ot one corner of the upper part of the cuddy, which project ed above high water. When at last she wai. brok en -up, between the beams of this part of the: cuddy there were found living specimens - pfj qlmex Jeclularius. They were very thin, said the C:ipftinbnt looked healthy and capable of doing bloo;l-thirstj work. We did not dare to ask him! what they lived ona'l th:s time. Hnse-keepers know that this troublesome insectis very tenacious of hfebuMt is diieonraging'to learn that it can survive;a f istof twenty one years-! and within an inch of being drowned all the time. ' . Agassiz was twice married. His second wife was Mis L'zzie Cary. j Ihs Spanish R publican forces; ndert Gen4 cral Moriones are surrounded by 30,000 Car 1 s s. 1 The Rjv. James Carmic'iael, of Memphis, (formerly of Fnsdricksburg) is one of th chnrch board selected to try Bishop Cummins It is announced that the price of coal next year has already been determined on, and that the market will open ten cents a ton lower than it opened last spring. ' i The Postmaster General has made arrange-. snmnts f ora f ourfh regular mail from? xew York to Europe -.each week the newrjddi tionmaD3ay being Tiujsav. ; Senator Cameron voted against the Pennsyl vania new constitution in Harrisburg, ' but nevrtheless, his own ward gave the constitu tion a majyrity of thirty-five. ; ? Frog hunting for the Boston market is said to be a profitable employment in Newburyport. The frogs "are kept in tubs, and fattened with meal, and afterwards shipped to order. The nankrupt law is commanding the atten tion of nearly every membJof the Senate, and the Judiciary Commitwili report a bill on the subject after the holiday recess. ; - It is stated in Washington that, upon the re. assembling of Congress, an ' attempt will be made to have the Secretary of the Treasury go before the House in person and answer in quir s in relation to the finances. I When Congress re-assembles ' eall is to be made upon the District Board of Public Works for the names of all persons who havebtained contracts, with the names of those who have recommended their appointment. It is said that the baneful habit of opium eating lshcreasmg in tnis country, irom three to five years of indulgence wrecks the finest constitution, the" eyes are snnken, the frame is emaciated, and death end3 the wasted life.' - " Within the past week, two deliberate ats tempts have been made to throw passenger trains f rorri tbft, track on the Delaware division of Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore RailroadJV The, ttrst . attempt was .'made on Thursday. ' "v ,.'. v A Manual of Health. 'An edition oflf.tweeilniu! and ten fmilions of copies f a very.msefodork isr now ready lor graiuiioua uisinumiau, uu o iu ua unit ui the askius at any drug store , in the United - Slates the .British Colonies Spanish America or Brazil. The work referred to 1 Hostteter's Al- inauac tor 13Y4. ine meuicai poruon 01 11 - nM m a. ' r a 1 treats of the various ailments to which the human system is., snbj-ct, apd sets forth the peculiar properties ol lio.teiter s. omacu en ters the purest and best tonic at present k66wn--fts. a preservatire of heiUth and stiengtb, arid as a remedy for debility and dw ease,: The; Almanac is printed in all the princir tiftl ' tariffuaires" of the ' ciyili23d world, - and reaches a larger number, of famili and indi-l viduala'tban any other meoicjir treatise tnas . was ever issued from the : press. No jnan or' woman who has a dne regard for the choicest of heaven's blessings, bodily vig r,should fail to read the plain, simple and convincing articles which this truly practical publication" containa. The miscellaneous matter is varied, iustrcctiva aid amusing, and the calendar departmeut copious and com prehensivew Hostetter's Alo- oac i. in ' shot t, a nonsenoia -cott'Dmsucw, adapted to the use of all classes and callings. The farmer, the planter, the miner, the. merchant, the mechanic, the laborer, the professional ma-i, all need it; and to invalid" of both sexes ft is literally ..an -raniclii of : prime necessity.. The medical - . tec'inicalities which . . reader - bo many - medicar treatises intended : for DODular use nniuteligible to the general reader, have been carefully f avoided m this pamphlet.' " All is clear explicit, forcible, and .reconcilable with reason and common sense. . 1 The proprietors. Messrs.' Hoatter & b3itn, ' Pittsburg. Pa., on receiit o two-cent stamp, will forward ft copy by mail to any person iwbo cannot procure one in his neighborhood-, -r 1 1 1 1 : r - WP r. z- 13Z! JUT iBGHTrA FII . FROM AVASHJNG-TONi ' ! tm- , 1- 1 t - y WASHrsd-rosI Dee, 2iC t ' 1. ..., re.-.. ! 1.. . t. . , .... ' Caleb Cashing haa been appointed: to succeod" Sickles at Madridr; ' 'T ,r; Cushing accepts theySpanisa mission , , . ; Ringgold Young and Neil , Hawkins, of Ala--baraa, alleged Su Klux, haye beea pardonedi Reoemng' 1 stations for marine corps . have beeaclosea.- t frltrs iT J - - L ' - FROil PENNSYLVANIA,, vi,,tl Th'S TsMxSti or? e!nr Haiidle',' "PittsVuW, ?iiiySMmS? Eslfcr Plt&burgSlntJ 1 Cleveland Pittsburg itaiiroaos, au opexatea Jsythe PeaavylTMw?!,Cmtral,i .haye , a&nck. Every effort"' is- iteing xaads by , the office rs . to supply their places. It is expected -that the trains will run as usual. . f yt.r .'f.'l . 1 T"-- TTT). H.J--..: i-.Qffl,'., ... its' ..'" ? i i f (ii 1' ' if-" 1 ' , ,r ....... ... .,, v DATXOHt Pec J. - - Particnlars. pf , the Stowe fratricide jand the subsequent hanging of Henry Stowe, show that the two brothers,, with some companions, after drinking whiskey freely, commenced .shooting at a mark John Stowe Insisted on loading -tte rifle for each oonspetitor, and Henry contended that each man should schjilgejhe gun Mnaself . . Henry, however,, acceded to ; the ; aemana ,01 John? until it yr& his turA to. shoo t, when, he demanded that the rifle be given tohinata load.; Hign-word tollSwed, jn-iecoTirse ofwhich Henry charged John with dishonesty in not putenglny ball.ih thsua Mdn BftTJoied it- last. John caUea enry a.jiiar, riipon woiou .Henry shot John dead, with a revolver. Henry 'k was inediately CjP-UMi ronaainder , - , of ? ..the ,4 party,. ? ,numbering four ' ' nervl draggVcT tor a ini," from vwhica a rope was' procured, and' banged to a liml The company then' repaired to the 1 office -J- 'Ji-'A'UA T . . . . . r . their -victim dead,s-theyeeaaing to -realize for 1 'L -LL.Lk ii kTk ' - x a a-iu - ' fc-w. . J f wno parcicipawsu ubu buu uto uwi jck uu captured. The parentsuof tae brothers Stowe; who lfv inPennsylvania," wre informed at once of the terrible affair, and arrived yesterday afternoon andtook charge' of ' the 'remainsof their sons', who it seemed wete theif only children. i The Railread i shops, have , stopped so as... to allow - the mechanios to. take ther striking - gineers places. "-' No i reigbt 8 trains have J left i FROM NE W.YORK. : .f ew xobx, . The failure of Bancroft .fe Krenth, dealers in CNew Ybsk, Dec1. 27, dealers m fancy ;, nas Deen annouuueu. . The houses are not largeV Tbe bank statemenOs eSiomwgrhttg in- crease $875,00.9.; specieincrease 1 1,00,000 ; legal tender a trifle deposits increase $1,000,. 000. - . - t FROil MASSAqHUSEpS. -: - . .. . ,.: Boston. Pac. 27. ; j The books of Jordan, Marshall & Co., haye been seized on alleged re,Tfnne f rauds of Hjr- 500, 000. v Those best informed thinXthe fraud will reach $3,000,0007 w TEOil MARYLAND. f-fr t Baltimoee, Dec 27. Several sensational reports having been: sent from this citv.,bi regard to the flttin the' fillibuster steWer," Edgar : Stu expedition to CabTCmd it having stated in. the iocalVpresa ttnsprniijg Uhat;sb:e hid cleared from this poriforamajj the follow ing authentic and ofllcial 'stateinenm regard 4 to tiio vEdsar Stuart, ifi furnished the .press. fh raf wJie atJaniina: .wharf 1 ' k e . The Bteamer now watched daily ny ine vusrom - register is in'lhe handsTbit the GflJh50t?rf this . . '. , . " rfV Gt 1 Dort and she will not be allowed to leave nnaer any circumstances without ine full ' knowledge and consent of the proper department at Wash ington. - V" NEWtYORK MARKEIS., New y'obk, Dec. 27 Money active at G37 cents' Gold $1. iuf $1.10i- State Bonds qnie'and homfnal.' -Cottons-net receipts 295 bales; 'gross, 2,953 bales, unchanged. Flour quiet . and .- steady. -Wheat opened from 1 2 -cents lower, and clotd firmer choice winter red $1 64 ;i Corn one cent better. Pork quiet at $16 25. Lard firm at 85 cents. .Groceries generally firm and moderately active. Naval Stores quiet. .:, V ' Chevalier Nigra, the 'Italian . . c j Minister, was! cordially received by President MacMahon ou Tuesday, aad the interview was ol a friendly i ' - .. - . 1 - TJT;o. Ihsreby warn allpersags whomsoever, tradef , ! ;?5JLAh(r , imM or house room, roppiflori any way giv ing aid to my wife, Syp1n, who has left my beoTand board, -ith. nay consent. I fur ther, warn all persons against famishing ' her with any means of escape from thiseuy, coun ty or State, as I shall prosecute any person or person's so doing to the fullest extent, of the law1. I further warn all persons against giving her oredit for goods, merchandise, or anything whatever, as I shall pay no bills contracted by ner. - a iartner-conmiaiitt auy pcxauu wuu u given the said Sydia Mason a house, or house room, to put her out immediately,- or I shall nrnceed accordinc to law as to the same, ,iDec. 13, 1873. -2a3; hytx Masos; -i5 pspia iaOSF otices-- 'Tte Silver LaVo Cfaral" Bateman'a. ' tf 9 Albon) Pietpres at ' WbsBMllrM for one dollar. Insure your property i the old .Etna Ins Co ... - , t rTT liARKpws, A?enL 1 dr, f 1;... 1 ; y ,-i rwt. - , .. 4 9 Album Pictures at Wormall'a (or one dollar, ';fThe best Of M Mi 01 ail kiuds are to-be found at theStall of 11. Satert. Peoples M-urket. tf. -.-. 9-AllorriP.ctures at .WoruviU's for one dollar. ' ' 'Just received at Moses Pattsrson'a, a targe lot of State Pris'aot tnade bbota r aad- shoes- of the best quality.J r. s K.A v .., : . Anica hidaly: presqntro '$ .the Singer Sewp Mchiae3 for sale;.by : E.,.,0. ,Bett.on. Craven Street. I . d23tf . t O,. ain't th.ey lovely forjaoliday gif fcj ! those magnificent gbldor 'silver iime-keepersj nobby chains and fobs," sparkling diamond or ruby set or plain golo! rmgs,flatehy Bhirl Rtuds-'ancl sle'STe bnttobs beantif ul and "taking" ears rings and breast-pin3, ;and .bracelets for ladies,, napkin rins, plated ware, &c, At . Jonathan Whaley s Jewetry store east side of Craven Street. Call on mm Detore nis uest gooas are soiu. --v-.. - ' . " . rr t . . :. ;: r- , Hestanrant. Superior- . vl The' Best of oysters, coffee, and general ' re -frasbfaaenta at Gutarelli's, opposite - the Gaston HonseJ Open day and night. " J , , d23tf . tpicd VIA ' -Wanted. ' f' ' ( Ten good oarpentera wanted immediately to go tojCape Hatteras Banks tjvorknGovern rqent work, towhjora the highest wages of , this coun try, with board added, will be paid. ' l Apply to , " James Bon,.. - rf , Pollock Street. New Berne. I XJiee Ztoliday Present- . ; ' r Xnice holiday present a Registered Policy in the North American Lifi Insurance Co.5,' of New Yorkl - Secure one before it is too late, from " - f r r- Pitt Baebows, Agent, rr J .V.?- . ' - 21JEollock Street. w'J'-'?:;','r' hZ2 OOO.rrawarl.for.the.apprehenaon and convicUon of the party or parlies wno set a x .. . . t 11- -rr -a fire to and burned my Dwelling H .use and contents'-on the Myrtle Grove pLiutabon, Craven County," oh Thursday taoring the 18th mat. ; ' Hi ; Dr. J. W. Geat; Christmas Irosent3. i- , , : s Go to Wormt:L'j fcr fl.ie presoiits! for the holidays-r-Chromos, Albums, picture frames piotogiaphs, novelties, The largest stock of Albums ever brought to this city which1 he off jts for less than New York prices Wormell, the Photographer, Craven St. - . tf. Sr. 35. E. fiveritt, Burgeotr Dentist, - Berne and viciriityrfhatM has permanently lo cated in this c;ty. and will be pleased to wait upon those who desire bis professional services. j0ffi58fore pre8ent;afMrs.Carraway's, on p0uoct street. o23 tf particular aiieiiLioii paiu iu cuuiuou a mw. , . TlJ4 viftosu, Bank or New Beejtb, - A f ; ; - ! H December 12th, 1873. :Tha ,,,.31 meetine of the Stockholders of tni3 Bank, for the election of Directors, t and transacfTdn of such other business as may iA,a hefora them, will be held at their Bankiner Honsa on; the second. Tuesday, v being the 13th dav of Januarv. 1874. -r The 'noils will be ' opened at 12 IL to be closed at 1 Fi IL rJiH j t J, A. Guiow , Cash. A tax to pay the indebtedness of the. above township,' and for current ex-I tenses, tor xne year iwdi - Notice is hereby given thatatax'of22 cents, on: the onefbundred dollars r, real alid personal property valuation. and 6 centson the Polls, to py .said indebtedness has been levied by order of the Board of Township Trustees. V . jti a. KiCHABPsox, unairman. , Tho's MoCabthv. Clerk. -V1'-' " ' ? tf. ATTENTION t desire to call the attention of the publie to tuefac t that I have now on ' hand, and ; win continue to! keep, the best, as .well as the caeapest cigars to be foundin this city; the finest brands of chewing tobacco; viZ: May Flower, rSolace; Century arid Chesapeake. The finest J j,ran(ja Gf smoking tohaeco, ramong which will ' i-J. be founa Xfurnam.. Virginia ana xurHisn. Snufts of ' all kinds, and a . large variety oi pipes and smokers articles of every description. In addition .to 'the foregoing, every article usually kept in a first-class Ciar Store, can be purchased at wholesale and retail at New-Bern Tobacco Emnorium, "South Front St., two ioors above the Gaston House; ' ; - , ? II. GOLDSMITH. Proprietor. . . Decw 9 tf. ; t 1 -. -f- . , : . - , . " . '"., ' .. """ '" ; Hew ; Advertisements. To Merchants,. Liquor Dealers, Keepers of MT1CE 13 HEKE3Y GIVEN TO MKECHANTS. Traders. Lianor Dealen. Keepers of Hotels and Boarding Hoases, Keepers of Feiries, Auctioneers. lararance Agents, and all others required to pay a 1 nrovirions of 'chedole 'B," of the present Bevenue Tharsflay. Jac. 1st, 1874, attend at the efflce of the Rpigtirof Heeds, in the County Jail building in LiSW VI me Oiaie. mat lilts uuuersisuui win. uu New Barne, for the purpose of receiving snch of their J ending; Decatnber 31st. 1873. as ere required to be (rivpn tnr taxation i. Those whose dntv it is to attend list 66 Receipts, t nrcnanes. or tuues, xor ine quarter Da pive in, aca wno iau u io uv,wui ov uauic m oabltt tax, and also snbject to other penalties. -I i . - - JAMS U. iiARBISOX. ; ' ,-.v". Rta P"f c- ' Basques for the Masquerade, at Berry's. (ilrand Masquerade - Ball aswAE'SmSl, 1373, :,he Taw Berne Silver Cornet Band i will ave their second Annual Bail, at i' StanleyTTAl 1 , , .n this citt, Wednesdav mirht. Dea 31st, 1873. (New j t mttee of Invtation. or from members of the Band- I. jZ. Qp nxviTATIO Tew s isve.r Ticaets can te ootainea irom ine twnai- 4 Oso. W. Naso Ja. J P. M. AeoeTTXK.4 ftrlfPs AH, Dr 3o- 8mvl j R. IL llibr'on, ; O, ITtes, -ti. M. OAFst;V. - 1 1. KVst. -I B. M C B-vKeklcr,. m . a . t tn Nc w Bcraie Markets 5 TSbsqxxsb bx J.: Jt A A7 Patixksox.": s Apples, fdbbL. Beet, cnoioe... ...... .?... Beef, whole, dressed,, . . . . . . . . . . . Bacon, ....... '. . i'.i .. 9i12- Bagging;.. ..'..V Butter, Brick, 1L,., $8$lf 2So ' $12$18, r 17018U .:a730 - Bbl Staves, Whiteoak; . Candles,. ...... .. . . . . Coftee. Bios... - Java . . ; . tn.. . . . ; . . ; ... . , Coal,...,......,.i.V.,...i:.?,-.ia Cabbages,!.... .... k-- J it :' 1025-- ijrcseu- nogs, , . Field Peas.. 1 10ai 25-' Flour, , .. , . ..." $6.00ai2 00 . ,92 00? ':v-4f ."".: J.';: $1.601.7S- - . $8 $10. '5 i6$i. 1 50aa oa Hides, dry, ........ . . green, , . ...... . Hay "fL hundred; Heading, Ash, ;....f.. Oak ' Staves,;".; .. ..I'.....-..... . Iron Ties, lb", . . ...... .. ...... Irish Potatoes j) busheT. . . sweet Potatoes-. 4060 ! Lime, tJ5&$2.50 lArd, Tr:".. "ttt. 7m". r:vi;T;:vT,,ai1is MuUets,i;;.njv..-.v.$6.W$6.W- Herrings, m,... .UU6.UUV Drums bbL i . . - $5.0- 1 00 2730 t S035 '.u-,4.0-$6.00 f 16 00 ULoUsses, syrup, .,...". , . . , . Cuba, ; . . ... 1 Enc, Island.. .....'... Nails, .,..;' Oats;. . r . . . . . ....... .....;. r,. Por k, Rump.. . . . ,.l :. V . . i .I Pork, Fre8h,,.,., . ,. Pork, City mesa, ; . . . , , ; ; ... J Peanuts, ne w ... i ... 4 . -?lr $18 00 fl0$1.7&. -.33 1 iags, ....... ......... SnuffrLorrilard'ff,'i1; . .:. UHiau.1;i,ii,l.i, 6065 Shingles, Cypress,...,... 6 men. -$6; 7 inch, $3 i ' Strgar," white,..,.'........ ' ' t;; 12al4 ? .".'T brown...... . v -k - 9al2l . Salt, aack, . . . . , . . . . . " JU01 -60-V "'Asnton;;.ivi ;ivv :rJ'"!fv::; $4.25." ,- alum bushel..1 ....... . ; -o.- -50 Span Cotton,t. ...... ............ $1.70a$1.8S- Spirit Casks,. . . . v i i . . .V. ......$2 502 '75 Tobaccov -i.:. . f". .ti .i r 45a75 Wheat, . . ........... ............ $1 15a$l 39 Wood, (oak or ash), cord, ; $3 5(r Yellow Pine Dumber. '. . ... . . . ... llVat20- ...;., HOBET HABUET. Goll.. ...... ......... ....... .. r; ) ,109 AmericanSilver ..... I0O'- Mexican.....'.. .,.",t'.. ......... 106all0 ; :.3 : SOUTH FRON I STREET: JTew Borneo 2xr p -- ha 3 rpHE DNDEESIGNEP X meet tk.r: . .: ; .', WANTS OF THE PUBLIO; u First-CIass Hot&l 3 t-, . :i , has newly, . - . ..-.i- fiefitted j audstii'urnisIiedLi it- .4 .the above hom - . - ..-.' Zf ' and solicits a share of patronage. J. BATBLSA1ST, Froptr. LOEGH BROS. & MILLS .j f.. WILL TAY YOU ' FOB Si !ale OottoB :---f H A Y COHIJ (IP. fl OATS Constantly oix E Tiiloring Establislimcnt. begs leave to inform the citizens of ' v . ft ;I 1 :-- - l ; . r v t- f .:, . V-'.. ji that he has opened a first class Tailoring Etstab Ushment - 1 . . On SoutEFront Street in the Store lately occupied by Wm. G, Bryan, where he is prepared to manufacture r ' --i-.s, f CLOTHING TO OOj equal in fit and workmanship to the best'Tinora.' fa New Xprk CityA- - ' v- y .CD Htfc i THO M AG M c C A p T I T t G R O C EH 1ES, L X'Q UO B -&0 ' Janets" roiioCK ano iueen eireew. , ' Tb kt'-'i- v paid for own try ptMoee AeV. fnuocs(t joi i..Tkrs all ud see bj f. S I ' !-. t 1 -v. i . - ' ?t - ! i