.- 7 S- .,-:! "-1 .i:":'V:-:--;-:V - 7- 7-::;v:J; : 7 ; .7.7; i j . , 7.1 . - ,r ; "f - 1 ; -iJ -j, - ' ' 1 - I..--' ' : ... - .1 1 fc I II I II A ; ' i W .- W, 4.- w . - fi " " t ... , -. - LUTI& OF SUBSCRIPTION .- 1 "&3mi?J tT.'.U' E f'P3 f: -; nil Vli Tfrthu, or OxwlncV' EjWi-iXif W - 7 TU3jyi3 One Year' Fix Months i Thnra Mocthai ,CA2, IN ADVANCSJ.' -O" " n - t - $0 00 3 00 2 00 ' 75 OtiaSquare, one TlM6Srtlo4 i& irtJi J CI C9 TAafflbsesntlrisrti,i :v:v..i '- . -t- 1 t : One Moath ) OlSTEJ It r Labaral ddtTcraona ramie te Iarra advaxLiVt'r " , LL - 7 , " "i j .. ; ; , ,' f: ' . : tut: TiTi!rt jt Pflrn .entiD ns a club of ten yearly sub tijui ordrhtry lvertien .nK J - - 1 - -U scribers, will receive a copy of the pper ..for thelKmie length of time free of charge.. t: AH letters 4khM h xUrmL - , Daia-T TTWBs.Naw narw, 'Xt C-i'' '""I-T - I UMaiHil n.i . i 1 . T v.:r4Jr vat. j.u i a. rr ! r . -;f :,: w if.':: rt-i 1 Special, isrotlo. The "Silver Li&e Cig at BatemaTi's. tf - -- 4 0 Albnm Picttire at Womf!ira for one dollar. tnmw your proptrty iu ite old iEttia Ins Co j ' jj V' LIinrT EaSrkows, Acnt, 9 Album Pictures at "Wofrnleirs jfor one dollar. Go to, Clinrchjir. f.ir cvtHthing. in tbe bonss infriibirta 'fcnofU ' Xiys best of M-j!-s of nl kimls Jiveto be found Rt tbe SftU.of B. Ssv'tt, iVoplfl Market. : . tf 9 Albam'P.ctares as Wdruoell'u for one dollar. Rood rooma and all the populir nper8 of tbe dnj lit tel3a!man llauije, South Front street Southru J3iarrboia Meiiciao, Fresb 'supply . march 2D-tf received at all tbe Druj S lores. Just rccdved at Moses Patterson's, a large lor of State PrUaa uxi. biota . anid sboea of tbe bent qn dity . t" :atd' irlor at 'If,: : Puffy 's. People's Market, also tbe 'eecltt, itc. ; ,.--' ' ' ; ' -' " ' best cf pOrags, garden , . tf. A snperb Wortmeiit df pure; Jet Jeweliy, consaBtincr of . Eir-rinpp, Breast-pins, &c.T just rAP.eived b"v Jull. Vv'biJeTt i tf Arnica .bo'.idav DriSfut one of tae in?rer Bewinc r.tiCbiiies-f or sale) by E. O. lictti. on i 7 r ' nrTm Street ' I : M. 1 ahn & Co. at ther iftablps on Middle St offer &" tine lot of Mufcsand IIotsps at rea aoikbfc'Jriceai'vOalf and aee jliem fr.r your- moAvpn. ' j , . . ' iiarcni.) it Go to B. Li. Cburcbill '4, Middle street, for the bes of Verytbing ln tbfe Hardware, Tinware, and Hovisa. ifflnnshinetirooas ne Steves at vefy-low prices. JWbat more beautiful present for New- Tear cowld yon bestow upon ionr better-half than oul of those -nner6 Cifc iny Tea .Setts , to . be. fAtind fc Watson's, next to Post Office. ' Fresh r'rivAfe of ftvftirrthrn! in ihis litio. ? dUOtf North Q .rtJiina State pife Insurance ; oom- pln--w progro:isiV9v ppspe ous aim upu.iuj. Keeps, ttie tnonny at nopne. insure in is. If., Ml. JAJJKJi.VA.Y. UlKt Aseni. ! : i ... .. i Nr l)erne. N. C. : WrjoE. flaske, ,Attoiqey ,,acd Counsellor at liaww New Berne. N. C.ji' office-on PoUols St., lover E. H. Meadows' Dsns Store. . ' s : jPactices in the Courts of Craven, Lenoir, Jone3, Pamlico, "TVavne land Greene counties. ; Also ,in,the TJV.S;, ConTts at New Berne, and the Supreme C mft tllileit(h; '"; " - s Particular , attention paid to collectine; and rases in bankruptcy. ) . :"fJJan. 9-tf. i For-Sale, i , .Tho valuable tots situated "on the corner of i PpUqali and Hl-incobV Itreetsljwith Dwelling ? house, Office nd out-btvIMings sre offered for ' sale at low figures.. Apply to Mrs. David Hea- .,7 .( fji-ug-tf. -i-"" "' 'I RiSred-Poiicv -j holiday pi.set a Registered- Policy iin.t49 N jrth Ame-iciu tiff Insurance Co.' f New York, 6ecur onei before it is to late,' i tto'ui ' - ' f- 1 .Prrt Bibb-js, Ageat,. . ".. , ., j 21 Pollock Street. . Dividend Notice. j - - National Ba.stk or New Bt ese. j " A semi-annuhl divides d of (n) five per cent, was this d tv dabhtred pavahle out of the profits ffor the last 6 ninths oa and after the 8th day of January. 1874. L J. A,GtriON, Cash. Deo.30.-lS7?. ' ' " r :'- -. Christmas Praseat. Si, GoWurarb; bolidavs Chvomf & ,e presents for the mos. Alibnuis, pic are irames. pic nn plirtrnrrapb.s, oveltif-s, & The largest stock of Album. evefc broHohtrto t'lin citywhch he ! -r for less than New; Yuk pricts. Wormfll, the-.Photographer Craven bt.; , ii. ; vr4a?2t6adtTtoa in Frioes far 3D Says. Owing to dull timas, I will make Pearl types and Ferjjptype3 at tho following prices: i large i pictitrat. ouly ' f - - $1.0(5 V album siie pictares, only . . . : $1.00 - j !E. S. Wobmeix, 1 l x' . f .! j 3 Craven St., . j. - I " New Berne, NrC. 9r. Z. B-Hvritt, Surgeon Dentist, """UefspectfuH -inform; the citizens of New Berne and vicinity that the has" permanently lo- j-cated,ln this city, and will be pleased -to wait tvnon taose wiio,a2Sire..niisproiasHionat services. Parenlar atantion ; pqad. to children's teeth. Ofac-a on Pollock Street, three doors west of ATirtdle Street 'i i1--i f I ' o23 tf u .j.'t i' . ATTCNTpON.? :? . i I desire J;o call the attentjionj of the public. t? the ' facCthatI have now on hand, and will continue to- jkeep, thft best, as, well as the chepet iafrt to be found-in this city ; the finest ran'dB'ot encwing tooacco, viz: Alay Slower, Solace. Oetttirf and ! (Jbcsapvake. The flne&t m bad smjiking tobacco, aiong which will Snt&fc'.fll Jallind.and a j lrge variety at n'r,o. rtiifl smntpra artinlpi. of ftVsrv dfscrintion U .AUQiuoo to me loregoiug, every artiuie usually kept in a first-cl ass Citrar Store, can be pnrchaBed at Wholesale tad retail at'New-Bern s Tobacco Emporium, ; i loath Front St., two ,i .oors above the Gastun ilouse.i P M. GOLDSMITH. Proprietoi i V .," .;. Died Suddenly ctf Heart Dissease. 1 ' " ' How commpn is the announcement. " Thou i t tadiare BBcflenly swe pt info itternity by thi , iatal malady. j, This di-wase generally Las its' origin inimpnre blood, filled Jwith irritating, poisonon raateriala, wiiicb, circulating through the heart, irritate its dtflicate tissues. Though tbe irriiaUonimay at flrt be flight, producing tittle palpitation - r IrregnlHlr nction. yet by and by the dise use bec'iues firmly Beated, and " infl immation, or hyperjrophy.ior thickening of -the lining meuibraue. fr of the vhIvps is pro- duced. How wise to gve .early attention to a 't, case 'of this kind. Unnatural t; r bLing or . paiu iti the region of le heart should admou. 1Mb one tuat ait is not riunt.. ana it yon woum ' Drcsefve it frra furlhei dtsetse. yon must help it to beat rightly by th4 use 'f j such a remedy an shall remove tne catwe or ttwi trouil Use ' Dr. Pierco'a Guhltti , Miedical Discovery before ' thedmeane has tKeom too gyntea and it win. bvita preat, bl ol "'i4rifyin" nnd wonderfnl r-ffnlatinir nronerLii'B. Iffwt a iertrct cure. It contains medicinal properties which act' spect flsallv uoou the tissued of. the neait, bnugiug bp.tihealihyAatiori.. fSoldby all first-class GITYA W IT V I CI N 1TY J Tbf Ediior ut: thin paper Is in uo'Jwnjr rc pponsil.'e lor the views' r Rtat-nier.t of Corres pondent'. Ko romninniiUioas of ru siuony niotw tfcnract. r will h published; the rtat iiam of tboiwrh-r nurst ncco'inpany all emnnmnica- tl')ll.. Any One wh' mny ;fi-el aggrieved nt fnts made Vv corre-poiidenU can .obtain stiitern tli n! W au atHcativn to tiirf Editsr, CorreBpoudeuits will please: write only on one Kid.? of the pnnt r. i f ' Consolidation Hinjys Ilailroadg. 'I ThA Act rcctutly jiiissvit by the XreutrAl As a inb'y, (imendin the charter ofLthe Nartb. Carolina E iilrnnid Cnipirty,;so ss to enable (,bi tpouipuuy fo purchnwe and pompjete the V."siera S"rtii C rlija. B:iilroad nnd 'c'oiisoli d :te it'ith tbeN- r'h Carolina -Rrtiismd and prospectively with tl.o Ailant c and Norib Carc ljnii Rail oad tuis act, we nay. hs many tvrtr voofat '8 :inj 8ine iJppptieuti aui' tig on r Jaiung n.V.n. j'SnId 'the' tknt inplft&l t-onsolition bf tff ct d. ve will bv.. a e ntitiuousi liae of ywilwaV from the 'S. a-boar.l to tbo Gorgia aad Tennessee linen. : ' ' " : . Bef r th' se roal- arc confolidat d, tbe "Wes- tern North CatoJina ll iilro; ; will have to be conjpidttd. .This, tbe Nortl Carolina' R ailrond Cotiipany propose to do witliont adding a cent to the "debt, of the ; State, ot the : taxe of tbe people. How ? It will issuf its bonds Jo tbe exttTi? of S50.CO0 per mile ot the North Caro liriii Eiilro.id. tliea'y couipleted, Fell those b- cds at a stipulated price, m rtRagiupc the-r'-ad lis security to tho purchasers. The money thn s rasfd will, it in said. l?e amply 8 efficient' to coroplete the Western No th Carolina Iivil r :a l, bnt if not. tl.e C mpany, a3 we undt r Rfcuid it, (we have not the charter or act before us) is;.uthor'2-d to ra rfgag"3 this real a.'so in seel ious as it becomes completed. Ibe completion of tbe Western N. C. 'Kiil roa. eitensions. cim!let.iu? a consolidattd line thron ijh the Sta'e of North Carolina could not fair to b of v calctilabl'; adviutage to all raukg and conditions f our citiz .ns. In foe grand fch -ine, the people of W. stern North Carolina are dieply i; terested. Its advantages to them can aot wtll be estimated v. it' out diving deeper intci the future thun we can allow our imagina tion to carry u-. Art.ong o her things, boT,v ever, it wi'l open to thun martefs, foreign and domestie, Iroin which they have b en hitht rto sL t jmt, f r their agriouhu jal. mining and me cLanicl productions, timiilale ad their euer gied and eutet pri.-.e, and make all their des"lnt places, mental and phvi al, b!fsom ns tbe ro.sii, j It will do more : It will consolidate the t-enpleof thEistuad Wrst, Latuionise their: iuti'rcfits. pr in-rte t'-ir cultorea- d ftitt;njfcnt, ft!i(I uuil tiiem in the bond si of lrateru. 1 cuity.- it w ii m.-ct nninr.ict, f ng "gWttdv, -l. e building op ef and ciupai ly ne- tow, fuste hip; tnt ind'TC-nimerce betw -t'.Vectit)C3'jpf t;liy .State 'iii3 invsting trade" i cofie 'tfVont :etery ptr tU vih een anrf "-civilized ol '- and -st: ill ii ore liukincr or of two perip'es i.'nd, adding to the culture and reliue ment: both. ; .: ' J.; , w . . i" but it is otj-fted th U "Ibfire is a Ring in ibis movement that B.H'! Smitl , McAden, IJuford. Sirley, and WiKori, the President of tho Sdnthrtn Se'-nri'y l?oujpfttyh l.Va"ineet ing iti N.;w Y Tk, as tarly m. last August, or S- p'etr.her, to) consider tl is very sn'j-fct.'? This ktatemeut we co;y frorn the Sentinel; and iu the same connoctio the Sentinel states that it WnowK : ! ''TLe Stitbas liotn robbed of its prdpevty l.y bnje corporal id' r:s who nrrt now at is kit." The oh- woH: to hike the little that j.c of the Sentinel i-i mVkirig th's and "thfr si a iliar stafetmn's e'-n's to be to pievtnt the- pasage by the "giliture, k f a snpplementary b:l iu aid of the pr-ji cted cpnsolid.ition. ' r o lhe-Sntir,cl, the honent masses of North Carolina are det ply indebted for its faithful de fense ol themselves, thi ir rights, duties and in terns in the past. Though act always ap ing of its course, we would not pluck a ary leat j from i!s well-earned laurels. But opposition to the scheme cf consolidation its and its mode of warfare upon its authr rs, snp- pWters and frieods, we deem unwise and im- poatjc. , i The Sentinel persists ia jtymg tVat -that there " Billy Wilson, is a King iii this movement S:l iti), McAden, Bnford, S; ibley and tbd President of the Southern Security Company 1 c d a meeting in New York ' as early as last August, r leptemoer, to consider tins very subject;" If by this the Senlintl means to he parties named maki the impression that originated the scneme, we must insist b'ua; it is ) . 1 grossly misfciken, and has leen sadly imposed iipyu vy tea jiiiui II1.UJI3. iiiiiv du we Bay tu : Col. E. iW; Humphrey, iourt Senator from Duplin aud Wayne, is a g ntleniah whose per sor al veracity or official . integrity, has never bee n questioned. T. at ho Wi.nl t be a party to a Ring" of rufB ins, combined to rob the State: and its people, no lational man will believe. If be is a party to and a part of i-uch a "Eiujt" ns ihe Seniinel Ires to expose, "we unhesitatiDgly Btshe is corruptly so. and none who know Col-Hnmphrey-fuo, not one believes : that he is corrtipt or corruptible. Then if nt corruptly n r. arty to Ibis "Eiug" neither is he ignorantly so; lor asarusiu ct qaiik p.rcepti.iu, 1 keen sersibilitv ai d, keep leuetriitiou, CI, Hum phrey has a few snperio s. 3 u the Sem-Wefc'y il-isseiijer of the 5th inst., ana in the i Jl'flcfc'y of Friday the !)ta hist., we published the Temhrks of ol. Humphrey, de Uvered ia hi3 place ia the Senate, ia replyto "attacks made xtpoa the Coasoliation bilL pead inrj its passage, .'by: the Sh-nteueU- We think thse remarks, the parity of the source coa sidered, oaght tobave conviaced the Sentinel that it had beea led into jeiror, either by its owa. preconceived prejndiies, or by the coaa- sej ana inrormation or parties interestea ia another ''Ring.! vWe think, and every man who' heard it: thinks,- and every- man who has Tejkd! or may read them, jwill think, that Col. Humphrey's ' remarks is a complete answer to all the charges of the Sentinel. yt In those re-' marks Celi Bamphrejr. give a all, lucid his tory of the .Consolidation measure ; he meets the editor-of r the eiiltn'4, aud tells him that he (Col. Humphrey) is4 its origintor that neither Scott, Baford, Sweisoi xtir? any of the Senf intt's "Ring", men had anythinfi to do with 'coacocting' it.--: Col.'jHcanphrey farther tells- ns ' that the ; creating, by tha Lagislature, of a Commission consisting of TodE. Caldwell, M. : E - Manly W. L. Stea e J. U. Wilson. Gebrge'iDavia ; axid B.-L. Gather tQ arbitrate and adjiist u tVestern NortiiC!-rplini Bail road troubles caused him to think over oar dilapidated JBaflro id ' system, ' an, he cajne t the coirclusion that the N. CBailroad-CoPpj j caa ice aoniiy, as a Jinai a was iq , jae tniereM of its stockholders, to parchaso a$4 . finish the Western N.CT roade thon. .to purchase the Atlantic and N. C. rowd, then; to cdhsobdate them" all and. kave one' co'ntinuon? be from seaboa4 to tbt'Te6ss3 and Geom xads. I But CoUHumphrey, in his Temarks, does not stop "netBi nHe gives the names of a num ber of our leading 'menj all large stockholders in N. C, road, to vwhom he submitted his con solidation scheme and every one of whom cordially approved it and urged him , to press it. : It was then submitted to the Board of Directors 4 of he N. C. R. R. ? Coiupahj- who also approved it. And lastly, it was submitted to a joint meeting of the Board of : Directors aud the' State Commission meetioaed above, by whom this consolidation railroad .v policy was unanimously adopted and dol. Humphrey was requested to introduce the bill : . Now, in view of all these explanations, open ly and candidly submitted by 'Col. Humphrey, and iii view of tha additional fact that the State commissioners, cpmposed of such faea as Tod. B. .ciliwcli; M; E. partly, W. L; SBeefe, J. H. Wilson, George Davis and, B. S. Gaither, in joint jneetrng with tbe Board of Directors, un animously approved and adopted thisJConsoli dation Bailroad policy in -view of all this, -we say, we deem it ' nhwise and; impolitic in the Sentinel - to persist fa its opposition to the grand cbemQi We have admitted the Sent'iner usefulness and influence in other da3s, and in other Bu' jscta, ; but cannot approve of its present course becanfs we deem it disastrous, if headed by the General Aisembly, to the best interests of the State. - ' ' ' - - " .. .' To oar Eastern readers it will take loud talk and volumes of sophistry before they will consent to believe that Ii E. Manly, Walter L. Steele and George Davis could, be deceived on the wisdom and fitness of , any scheme or any pcllcy whichthey had jointly or severally inves tigated, by the plots, machinations or conspir acies of any "Bing," however artful in decep tion or drilled in the art of roguery. Thsaa tion "of heir Mmes grlaV pare atj3 esteemed they are aattW be to Jmagnifiw ConsolidaUon schema oulij fee fots coBvine- in7 proofC.f pTfiyrial 1ppb$t?thi'' 'StiUlX netinjctiy es a.linst. Ad we earnestly hope" tnat if any faiither. legislatidn is befceAknry to fa-! cihtiue tho work of conRoIidatxon it may he apeedily granted-Tr G!btirP 3&&senger. . tnfbrOatioit. i,v ,f tr-.'l rr . I wauled atihis'oflice'of Capt Charles Snuth, of tbe $boonfc? Muy. for which oHiiberal re ward will ba paid. Tlie l ist .-that was heard froh hfmv s n ih latteFpit of November when he was reported ns being , in Baltimore pimugajBy aliTits fof .thj schooner having bud tbe old ones carried away on thei Ii'ip.lKiiBiJymoD.bflfld to Philadelphia Pa. To the Public. 'OFFICE OP THE SINGER t;j a MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ebanch CFncSj New BehiIe. N. C. , ? :'-:---;:;:;.. , ; - ; Jau. 2ist. i874. ' Tli6 following "circular letter" which ex- plains itself, is published for the benefit of all concerned; ' rT . ; . - ( OFFICE OF THE SINGER v l MAS U FACTURIN G COMPANY, ft :" ; ; .. .' No. 34 Ui.ion Square, -. , i . New Ytobk, January 10th, 1874. jjeu mb -At Das recently-: come to onri .notice that a n7a ia Montreal are manufactur ing Sewing Machines in imitation of onrs, and that they are flooding the iTJaited ' States with circulars, the character of Which iaV to deceive the public into the be'.ief tldvt they cn supply! exact imitations of oar Machines at greatly re duced prices. ( . ; The ol-jpct of this circular letter is to- advise you that we have already taken t'e prebmiuary steps to prosecute the firm jSpoken of. both for lufringirg ur Letters ; Patent, end for the nn warrantable attempt to fradif pn our name, BuiJ ai Kocie time wiil be necessary in the bringing of suits to an issue, we deure yon to warn the people of ynnr locality t gainst purchasing afl any ptiov ftfj01 ftllI ternih; lor by so doing thejj will solject themselves to Leavy rayuieuts for infrinsment of oar,--. Patents, wliich . under all circumstances will be sustained.. , ; Sliould it come to tour kuowledge that anr partiesjaf responsibility iu .your, Jocality pur-j chased spurions machines,! yon will oblige ns by communicating all necessary information at ouce. i ( ' . r Respectfully your', ;- - TflE SlGEB MA5UPACT0EING CoMPASX, Inslee A. . Hopper, President Jan. 22-Gt. ... The coal field of Iowa is -very extensive. Prof essor White, late State -Geologist, esti mates it to be 7,000 square .miles, or largeij than the ;:axsa ottUe entire Statfi of MassachuJ setts. It embraces the counties of Appanoose Boone, Dallas, Davis, Greeae, Garhrie, Haraili toa, Hardia, Jasper, Jeffersoa, Lucas, Marioa Mahaska.' Monroe, Misoa, Van Barah, Wa pelfo aad Webster. r Rednc3 this area to acres! and we have 4.480.000. acres or 192.6 10.000. 000 . . ' t cubio feet." Estimating five bushels to each cabic foot aad we have 904,210,000,000 bushels of coal, which at tea cents per bushel, would bring $90,320,000, 000. This coal lines in what is known as the upper and lower coal measures!, and the'aualitT is eaual to aav Western coaL tato of the Therraomoter. vThe" Thermometer at the Merchant's House, stood yesterday as follows - ' V fzl AX :: - ' .. I ' ', ' 'I ; '.- G o'cloct 8 ?0 degraaa. j -; ,. , . il. P. M. 10 13 5 4 -f. 50 54 " 53 ' 54 42 tt H if- :ii: f '. Prices' oFIT aval &tore, Ctc. Tarpeuttne, YeUow Dip , jj . t ; j Scrape..;.!.......r t ; r i ; . Spirita, per gallon. $2 51 i$l 75 ' 40 cts ' j $1 60 51 GO 63 cte 13i3cts ; 2H eta lar,Iiw Berne bbw. Rosin, common strained. . Com;frorri boats. ... . ..i. . Cotton;- baled ,7. ..... .-. .... seed,.. Supreme Conrt 'i-'!-:--oV'.-iv.:.v. i ' - Court opeaei at 10 o'clock a. xa. All the Jnstic03 present. . , --'j.v, . ,-; -'',L., , ' App jals . f rom, 'the Third Judicial District wtee called and disposed, of as toUawi 'J . C. (V, Swaaa tU al., vs. L. ; Barrimgton, Adm'r. from Cravea. Lef t opea for dsGree., r D'.A. & L. W. Humphrey, Ex'f, vs. It. W. Ward, el. al., from Oaslow. Left operl for motioa. ; , ,! -, ' 1 J. N. .Whitford aad -wife vs. Win. j Foy, Adui'r, from Cravea. Left opea for report. . J. H. Davis vs. W. Jj Smith, from Cravea. Abft4d. :f - 'j -"- : State vs. Saady Browne j from Greene.1 Put off the docket at cost of county.'.. J j B. M. Isler vs. H. M. Dewey tt., al.. from Wayne. Rule on Clerk of Coart below to shocanse for non-return of ceioro? i. p. W. Isler for plaintiff, aad Smith & Stroag for the defendants. : JJ S. Boykia aad wife vs. Sallie -Kent fcf. al , from Wilson. Argued by Faircloth & Grainger for: the. plaintiffs, and Smith & Stroag for the defendants. ." ; ;i -'"r.fi ":::,. -j .. . i Jas Boyle vs. Daniel Carpenter, from Cra ven. Argued by A. S. Seymour for the plain- tiff, aad George Green for the deeadaati i -iAt.T Jerkias,, Admiaistrator, j vs. ; D. M. Carter, Administrator, frbm Craven.. . Argued by George'Greea for the plaintiff, and Warren. & Carter for th.9 defeadaat - ,; t .'' - ! . .' L. J. Haughton vs Commissioners of Jones ccfunty, f romi Craveni Argued, by , Jt. : H. Hanghton for the plaiutiif, aad , F. Lehman for the defendants.. . i, iz:,cn Ann L Smith vs. the City of New Berne, from Cravea. Stands first for hearing this morning (Tuesday.) 4 -vi ' -- : ' ' ' , . Court' adfourned td 10 o'clock a. m., to-day. .iTha folio wing mepbers of the Bar, irom a aistance were in attendance upon tne court : ' George Greeat S. -W. Ialer, J. H. Haughtoa, Alexander Justice, R. F. Lehman, A. G Hub bard; ;H. F. - Graingerij . D WU Carter, J E. S. Parker, J. E. Boyd: and, R; T-Gray. I h Warn jCelbratad.. Jlotf Jeraap Cologne for rale, wholesale and retail j at Yar,meli s.. Craven -stq -i,;aJii.s.jri.wJaw.?Jhtt. ' xjt. u. o. Atimore, ra ysiciaa aad Sarscoo. ofilce. on Poilok Street! near Middle, offqts his pro esCioual services to citiz ins of NewjBrne aud the sarrouading country. . ' " t.f; PorSftle. ... . i i - i , . ! Oae; Bay Mare, sound, gentle and larga One elegant Black Male 6 years old ; One hiouse colored Mule. Apply to J. Havens. iJan, 21 -tf, :-:,-,' .- T.:C' Washed Ashore. ! t One bale of cotton marks No. lA. F. F, Hattaras, N. 0. Unless called for, the said cotton will be sold. C. B, Stowe, Wreck Commissioner. -1 Jan. 22-8wind&wlaw. Potatoes for Planting, Choice Butter. . -Sngar Cared Hams, j Sugar Cured Shoulders,? Flour all kinds, Sugar all kinds, The best of Teas, ; ' Fine 'Cigars at a LOW Price, . Coffee, parched and raw, i Canned goods all fresh,: at C. E. SLOVER'S. Lost! Lost!!';, 'rl j ;;. 7 ,1a. the City of New Berne on the 4th last., several notes, names, J. dates and amount of some not recollected. j i One note given by John Rhein payable to John H Avery for .$50,! dated December i"873." One other note given by James .Brown and payable to James W. Kilpatrick for $15, date in the fall of 1 873. Oae other given by Richard Doughty & William H. West security, payable to Jesse W. Broadway for ; $110, date.' in fall 1873. I hereby forewarn all persons from trading for .said not esj. fi The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving them with T. J. Latham, Cashier of Bountree .& Webb, New Berne. ( i Wm. H. West. Jarl.121-4tw. ' " ' The first vessel of, the future Russian Black Sea fleefcr-the monitor Novgorod resembles a bug;r circular . kettle of more than three hun dred feet diameter, and only rises a foot and a half out of the water. : Ia the midst of it is a turret a fathom; high and seven fathoms : in diameter, with two. eleven-inch steel guns fitted to a.movable platform. The Novgorod is set in motion by six screws, and in the trial trip it moved at the rate of six and a half knots an hour. Tbe total cost, or the construction of this new sea-monster and of it3 conveyance from St. , Petersburg, where it was built, to Nikplajeff is 2,500,003 roubles. Since the naval review held by the Emperor of Russia last August, at which eighteen ironclads, iacluding six frigates,,, taree tarret-ahips, ' aad sevea monitors aad thirty other ships were preseat, Un ironclad corvette, the General Admiral, has J beea laaached at St. Petersbarg. or Bale- 1 ' Lots on New South Front street. Apply to tf. i t E. HUBBS. FROM WASHlNGTCCiL il 1 HocsB.--fTbe Cummittee on Military Affairs this xnorhing agreed to report' a resolntiou to the House,' providing for fha atait by the' President of a board of army cfeTa, to cia-t atitute aMilitJBy iCourt ia the matter of tha alleged defalcstwHia of GanHowaxdia : ooa- nectioa with his admfaristatvr" XT The PostmaRtar-Geaeial to-day forwarded 4 communication to tha Senate, containing infor mation relative to' tha exnenae saved ' to taa Government on accooat of tho abofitioxt of tha franking privilege; to arriWttt anything like fair conclusiona a trial of at least a year ahOuld be raadev he saya, and, .earnestly rracotaxnanda that the franking privilege be sot restored un til at least a.' fair trial ba made. . ' . '"f 'V ' It was again, reported &aif the Presidcal nil declared his intention of veloihg Gui'ialfiry bill, Sikats -Mr? Mortoh asked 4it.ttorTwoia tioa for the adtnissiqn qt Pachbfok be'T'taken , up ftad aaid hewojajd Taqye to have - the .matter referred .to the Committee on vPrivileges! (and Electioas for investigation. Mrl McCroery objected, as he had the floor to speak,' and would do so on Monday. :- Morton gave ' notice he woul 1 thea make bis motion. - ". il . Mr. iWest, of Louisiana presented a, petition from the, Natioaal, Board of Trade in regard to increasing the facilities a?d cheapening the rate of transportation between the' interior and" the' seaboard ; asking for the improvement of 'natu ral water rontey c. - Ha asked , that the; peti tion be referred to the Committee on Transpor tation Ronton trt iq RaaNiard, wjt.bi' request that the. Committee, within a reasonable time, should presej3tjt&;raclqfttTpothi intricate question., .He had po hope that after all: their iadustry and 'tiiongnt ,thy-ail4 t present a satisfactory solution of St, bol :their report would bf step in 4hja Vight-..ir'oon The petition vkas referred tothat committee. ' Mr. Mortoa, of , Indiana, asked, for uoanimoua consent to take np the , resolntioa' for the' ad-' mission of Pi B.'S.'Pmchback to a seat "in the Senate as 'Senator ' from Loaisiaaa, " sad gave notice that on Monday be! would move tliat the resolntion be reoommitted to the Cornnuttee on Piivilegea and Elections for the purpose of in-. vestigation, stating that ha had received , infdr- tv o irn 4Ttefiv?f ViT in fA liArniiV-? w .4 vestigation touching the drcunistaicea .ahoold be made. id ..1.'-.- ri. from he w iotkl J tlUf lit K9lJ.!.l-f The ; Spanish, f man-of-war- Arapilea tgoea- pn th drjookbi.jtorepa thwage caused by striking the geef in Eastvexr f h TW Hobokan S ivingi Baak bas'rwmned ; Ail of Ihe" piptSVaiM vaiorilUWluMh W less to say aboot" th4 Presideat'eilatest jJaOmi hations for Chief JustlaOi a;T a'i ll n 11,-rr, - A Herald special from he City of. Mexico of the 15th, saj8:r , A, grant . to the jjIexican" KaiT. road Company has beea appyoyed by bongress. The graht to the TehnntepeorCompahy has beea suspended for one year J All iMexicotia in. Peace. V , 7,' rts-xb -7 !s:.vi-in T A dispatck rom Eichmond;Y ys rthat a dispatch from Greensboro,, N. ,CL , gires the an nouncement of the sudden death of the 'Siamese twins, on Saturday 'morning lastrat their resi dence" at iiounV AJrff&urref fciftyj;rlt;p.; There are no details further thaaa the rfitcf ihjU Chang as paralywdjast faU noe .wjiich, tijne ne aaa been fretiui, very m,nca debilitated and strongly addicted to the drinking of liquor as a means of alleviating his suffering: ' He nad been quite; feeble' for several c'Aaysi? iadeed WO much sO as to conflni both of the brotheirs fo -bed, but his Illness wu .ziot so reat as to cause any anticipation Of tie catastrophe that was to follow. . .1 .-A.fl r..- ... "t -7 ' -X" I'-' On Friday night they retired to bed a usual, but during the night ' Chang became worse and h expired Buddealy about 4 o'clock 00 Saturday morning. A soon as it was. discovered that he was dead, Eag became so terribly shocked that he raved wildly for awhile, at times exhibiting signs of f great mental aberration. This attack was followed by what seemed to be ft deadly stnpor, and in two hours,' it supposed; from the death of Chang, Eng breathed biai last. ; .... - ..s : 7 ' " 1 ' ft 1 " T '7-J , 1 FROM ILLINdlS. ? , -;!..: i Chicaqo, Jan. 20. - . Between 3 and 4 o'clock this morning a fire broke out in the Union Central depot building, occupied by the Michigan Central, Illinois Cen tral and the Chicago, Burlingtoii' atds Qolncy Railroads, at the foot of Lake street, end in a short time : it made snch progress as to! defy the are department.; .The bnihluig was entire ly consumed. . j ,.r .. . ' -. . .t ' ,' " ' The losses are estimated at between $390,000 and $400,003, and the amount of insurance ia unknown. The depot ' was a frame bailding, put up after the great nre for temporary pur poses. While this, fire was in progress and claiming the attention of. the fire department, the bell was again sounded and the announce ment was made that a. large Btone front' block on State6reetbatween Van Bu'rext and Harri son, was also on fire. .. It was fully 20 minutM before "the 'engine' reached the grWudaal the flames made such progress that fire buildings from 291 to 302, inclusive, were consumed. The fire was first seen in Armstrong's paint and oil store, Nos. 296 and 399 State street, and from here the flames spread on either aid to the adjoining buildings. , The loss ia estimated at about $300,000. FBOM TEXAS. I AuSTDf, Jan.m - .The Sergeant-at-Arms took possearfon of all the 'govetnmeat offieexs j without - opposition. Governor Davis bad previously left the execu tive officcsv and a clerk only: remained, who surrendered u aeya. n. X7 Jnkw. vows uiUxExa a- ..... - ' v 1 ' ' ' x ' i. . ;l Kew Yoax, Jan. Wt 1 55oaej easier than at any pnvraaa tima aiaet ' . ' . I the jpaning ef the jrear'.e4ia cCl f::J )Ctl 4 pt r cent km eatt Gold aotie i 'Cllli, $1 1. 1 State Bonds qaiet and xtotaluL J C tton-.qtdetHbIea l,SS3t .bale' .1-1: ': 16 oenta. , Southern Flour doll xtd dacsl?"! , at tt 80?t 7 90 for oommoo to fair x ,tai j $7 B5 $41 for good to dhole da iXTLSS heaty and 12 oeaU lower. Corti l betSer and ia fair demand al B6&99 aaaUCsrft nseirf Western mixed 'afloat. Fork fra laaaa " 1 16l 25. SoiriU i Turoentina tima O t k i r - i . . .r .-- i r - cant. ' firxoeT at i 50.. , . OHEIOJTKEWB. ?!ri Lexwar, Jam. -IX 1. 1- Gladstone is Confined to Lie neidaoosi kj tappet di.o.ition..7,-,,,, 7L-. L 5 Tlia TimW Fpedftl dlfljmtdi rtportt UiU Cnp y bdtk th Commoiiftt who wm captor al Clifif It y the vital 'principle. From the taoaaaAt that disease is developed In the trttam, Jm chajnpioa fightrthe intruder ctntil ttei'Jier eaaU quf or is eonquerM.! .;; Wnien aide. . KaoflJl medicinal useienee espuse in this life and tt k strtjggle ? Should It, depresa and rijjl d physical energies of the patient,' thereby t!- " , ing the 'V-, - r should itraJafornt Cy- yitflity rof . the. patieat and thereby aasistta quelling. the ailment ? Of .. eonrrn the faroptr . ansWer to tills question kanat be obvuua (sT trTntMbois fjie grade of an idiot 01 ksati ; aad beaco. it follows that the weak and brokea down' invalid who chooses to dose fcinUSBlf wlfcf i depjlating slops, instead of tonhig, invi.orstir-j. aad vitalizing his enervated frame witb Hoe-: tetter's Stomach Bittera,- most be either festal minded -or .deranged. Surely nothing short tf r imbecility. or" insanity could induce aparsoo. labpring under bodily weakness aad aenoaact proitratipn, 1 to ktake -day after day powarfcl . does of, Bonje drastie purgative in the hop T gaining strength' Thereby. - Alihoogh tbtfjl tan$i may atdvertiee prepanOkme of this aha ftctfcr .as, topics, people ia the full poaaaaaiaa ftf their reason can not, one - would thin2, 2p4 thbx rassneh. t lf they db the penalty of their: croUulity my be the , shortening of their Uvea. Th rheumatic, the dyspepUo, the bilious, Cat debilitated and nervous, and all who atra" Subject to -inlAiniaittAntn nr hly Yr4ff " brqugbj xmby.. the inclement weather wfalek prevails St this season, will do well to straatb en theft" nerver.-1 tone their stomachs n4 t3rf ' late their rJaowela with : tha Bittera. Th-tw- I fold, operation, of the restorative as an lavl ji ' Pafl -eileet upoa. the disordered bvr, reader It a most efficient remedy tor eonsr plnra Of tiediageRtive, secretive and xr$-' organs, -f present in rue. This j fact is eeded by eminent ' members ; of the fiettity whpse testimony to that effect ia publiahed,! lisMktlM'taitr 70-.J. g ' - :.-: , - - moo BE WAS it Til of ' .77. '; v .... f , . Excrriav Dxraarmrr.' r BjairB or NoBTH CasolduJ i (";; n ' Balhcml Jis. H..lJt7i V nereas, ofaoial information . has beea ceived at this Department that Henrv Dixna. latTf.Gre'n r .county. Btaada eharred with tb mrirder QfrThom 8.Bouae. in said coantv. iaA 'thdft he hire fled the' Bute or ee eonesale kim sen wa?we 9rainary process of law cacaot,ka. serred 00 him;. , .,,', . I ;, j"7 . , "F Slow, therefore. L TorK. Ciiunvfeu (tank. Ttof Of the State of North Carolina bj virtu of nptuoniy au me vestea oy law do Man thie taf proclamation offering a reward ef Foo Zlaa- orfa AAUiars rpr tne arrest end delivery Of h paifi Henry Dixon to the sheriff of Green toza ty.lia the town of Snow Hill, f ; V. : r ; v..M a JPone at tbe cUy of , lUieigli the 12th day af Jajnary, A. D, 1874, in th 93th year of Ac&i can inaepenaence. i j - .0 ;s iBj the Crovernor - t . -f .. - T. K. CALDWELL, Gerernoc B. NxATHEBf. :i .7 .'V v : -,: . .Henry Dixon is of a gingerbread olor. twra. iy- me or .twenty-two years or agej. aboat fivw fee ; eleven Inehes high; wefghiog about Z3 pounds; has very email mouth and shoviLi tee ,h whea.ctalkiog..,..:,,..:. .j .,;L BAT E H'im '4 0 : ' L SOTJTH'FROHT, STESST- T1E UNDERSIGNED ZXSSSra X i meet tha r .. j ... ,. : 7 ' f WANIS OFTHE PUBLIO Firat-Olaau IZcttX; has newly kefltted ana i iHbli , i -the above boos HP and solicit a ihsrsnf paTnisai, , 7 "- '7 ; ' - .: THUMA a- Mtj Cl 12 IT L V . . . - - GrBOCEJUlES, LlQTJOrA taactiva riick aad ttaesa 8tmc, 1 TH ktrtmit ric- uM 1 far tor trMc. caa ua Y .r - f c . .-. - -.- i ....... r' "' 4'5

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