VOL. 1. NO. o tThc Uivton (Enterprise, rrr.LisiiKi) i:eky satuuiuy, - II v C. i:OKOE A. WAX! LICK. i tkums: O.H- VO:ir. ------- ll'l.-lltll. ------- l.( '1 line inontlK, ------ .V I A III A HI. Y IX A n r I XCK. To pcrwiii." who make uj) cluW of ten, an ex ti ci'i'V will l'f mi lit free. ADVERTISING RATES 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. I col. l oo I ; oo 4 00 j oo J Col. 1 vol. 1 tk. 1 IX) $ im .flO 1 SO 2 K 2 2 3 00 ;i oo 3 :o 4 (Ml c oo n " i ; oo y oo Hi n. r. oo 10 oo 10 (Ml 14 oo 15 00 26 (Ml 31 00 IS 2" 30 4'i (;o 2 iiK'liths j .. 44 4 00 . S 00 , 12 00 ; (to 1 12 m 1G oo 10 00 j l.i oo I 20 oo 12 44 u oo i.i oo 2oo 1 3i oo j do j ioo i Yo.ily ;,lverti.-.enienti changvd quarterly if .losir- Transient advertisement payable in advance.- Yi-arlv advertisements senu-anuiilly in adviim-e. ... .i..-...n.;. i i. t. ! Advertisenients discontinued before the time eon- . . , i . . . tr:n ted tor ia exj'ired, chargeu transient rates foi j ti.e tune aetu.iiiy pubnshed. ; Adv rtisemetits inst-rted in loc.il eoliiinn, cliarpfe I , twenty-five "iits ur lim-, unless otbeiwisc Cou- ' t 1 iKiV'l. advertisement considered less than a snuare. Address all letters. "Tin: KXTKRPRISIV XEWIOX, x. c. Olllt I.MIiBTr.KSS. II ILL TO COMPROMISE, COMMUTE AND SETTLE THE STATE DEIIT. Section 1. The General AKaem1bj of North Carolina do enact: That when any person or persons, holding and! v,iaSsm. ror u.u oonus .ssueu o u owning any bond or bonds of thc ; b' 1SG2, by authority of act of 18 State of North Carolina, issued in i CO-'Cl chapter 143, for lho construe pursuance oi any act of Assembly, ! tiou of lho Wilmington, Charlotte & passed at any time before tho 20ih "uthcrford Kali road and those issued day of May, 1861 ; or in pursuance of in V"" of the said funding acts .i . .r .i . i ...... ii.. ii.. of March 10th. 1SGG. and Auirust 20th. 1 llll 41 T A T I IWI I rilllUI'Mlllir -IWUllwllllll' I IIV. tlV K J 1 illV UVIIVIUUM rr-, is , 1 i passed at its session in chapter three of the laws of 18G5 ; or in pursuance of an act passed by the General Assembly at its session in 1SG7, it being chapter fifty-six of the laws of 18G7 ; or in pursuance of an ordinance of the convention of 1868, 1 it being chapter nineteen, these being j bonds issued for the Chatham Jlaii.: road company ; or in pursuance of all ordinance of the same convention. chapter twenty, these being bonds is- ued to the Williamson and Tarboro ,, ., . J Jlailroad company ; or in pursuance of . , , n i an act, entitled "an act to provide for ' , c, 1 , , ! the payment of the State debt con-; J 1 1 acted before tho war' ratified on the 10th day of March, 18GG; or in j pursuance of an act, entitled "an act . 1 , . ,. , , , , r interest on the public debt, ratified i , , , 1 r iMv.vulii fr t Ptrflii flu- tr-v it ' ' '. ' ' ..' or any registered ccriincaie or eerui- I . ..ii i i ""i- 1,1 inw 1.1H9IUUIHI.I-OI ......... , . ..... ... uwik.o . niv 11 einiei am. imi i , v . i "ii'wii ciin i nave exclusive original iiirisiic- . icales be onging to the board of cdu- , ' c. M , t 44 , , , , ,, . , .. . o S. 11 Noibinr in this act sh-ill r , ' the bonds of the Slate shall or may bu ; they are attached, and shall in addi- North Carolina. So far. therefore, as ,;., lo i,0.u. trv all, determine the -iuin0 in mi att sn.iu cation, issued in pursuance of an act; , . . . , , j r-oiwfriied to nrevent ihe Sunorior 1 j surrendered. ! Hon be numbered from one upwards Uve arc concerned, ihe charge is utter-; cfr,M!Ces enumerated in siHMhins 43, S5. : c 1 1 ' of he General Assembly ot ibu, Sec. 7. That if the whole fund nnis-: in aeconJan(.e wjlh the date of their j ly untrue. We dire nothing but a ! j ,., ,1C 117 lly -md l:r of ,,,l",ior and Criminal court from Fhall surrender and deliver such bond C(, by gucb taxua 8hal not in any onc , malul. :U)d lh f.h.i, b nn(, sIia ; jwst nM, u.caIle ck.ciion wicrc h'r of J5alli(.-a Bevi.al as . tin:,I13 hearing and determining such or bonds with the coupons attached ...,,. i, .pnnirid ti n-i- sneh 'lecmin i i , , 1, . i f i i -,i 1 ' ' ! -iifi-ivs a shall be committed within ' ; )tal 00 icquncu to p.13 sutn acciuing so ex css , on t Ia-n- face, that the there is neilher fraud nor force, either nm,.nded v chapter 17G of the laws mmii 00 comiimicu Ihcrcio, or registered certificate or , illlercRt) thcn amJ in lbat (.ase it sha ; at nn(, aft.r maturi . noni, or , ica, nsi3u ' AJ lhr 'htavHt fnr one mileof the place, where, and dur cert,6cates to the treasurer of the be Uj0 dny of tbc lrcasnroi, wilh tbe j vmcil of :(J ijHi pman (am, . snch a ig the time such court is being held ; State, then, and 1.. that case, ,t shall j Ranetion of tbc Governor and the aud ; ahd d)Jt,, to t)e ,slaU. of ovc n;Uurc , t,)ilk , , ,afcIy daim to Uuow nc f fift y d m. im iaOIimcsl -r shrjl this act be construed lo pre l.o the duty of the treasurer of the ko,. to bny wilh the surj,,us Sllch of wialM)ever j Ut. mope f ,ho suljt.cl than hc - for lhirt v d.iv. ' vet sah! court from assuming juris. State, and he is hereby required to is-1 tho (.on9oldatcd bonds as hc can buy ! 1, Ti, n. P.,1.1;,. T..,.na....... .1.... .1.... oil n.,. of I o.... i . .-. n , ,,:dictimoraffrays, assaults, and as- sue and deliver to the person surren dering such bond or bonds, certificate or certificates, a new bond or bonds .,( .!, c...... j.,., lwi r..,.-..!,!,, tbii-tv ot the Slats due and p.13 al.Io thu 3 , years from the first day of J ul , A. u. JbbU, bearing interest at the rate ot 4 1 per cent, per annum, paj'able semi- , annually, on the first day of Januaiy j and Jul3'. in each successive year, at the office of the public treasurer. Sec. 2. The said bonds are to be coupon bonds of the denomination of fift 3 dollars, one hundred dollars, five hundred dollars and one thousand dol lars, and are to be numbered from one Jactiinule ot his signature printed, en- graved or lit hographed thereon Sec. . The said bonds Shall UO ex- 1111 a an oiiiiu or uoiim ui i-ui- i Vt . 4 . . a .all W . t . 4-S-vaat:1 irom an riaic or C0111113 or eoi- i)oralc taxation or assessment, direct 1 . .. . ..... ; or indirect, general or special, wuem cr imposed for the purposes of gener al rovenue or otherwise. The said coupons shall be receivable in paj ment of ai and all State taxes, and the name shall bo expressed on the faco of each coupon ; tho coupons fdiall bear the same number as the bonds to which U1C3' are attached, and ; in addition bo numbered from onc upwards, in accordance with tho date ol their maturit3. Sec. 4. These bonds shall be ex changed for the old bonds of the Slate, upwards, in accordance witti tno or- yt , b j h surrendered! , . , . . " . ; f n r n .. n nF -rfin - ..Jt . ' . 4. .ind the people of south wot Missouri ,1..,. ... Ti,r hAi.mml In- . . . ! ''lank bonds and coupons, the Public operate upon tho minds ot the igno- prisonment for thirty davs ; an. 1 the .. , , derofitsue. Ihe3 shall bo signed 03 , b ascertained to be present, . 1 . ..... ' 1 . . ' w nnfl f . , . ,T ' - . i.rompl v ce ebrated the event and . . ......... .wi 0,.1 0 ' treasurer is authorized with the a;-: rant negroes and make them carr s allowance made to the woman m Las- l1 1 - the Governor and treasurer, and seal- i,,, (.nnmimi'( hv fire in the ores- i . .... ,' . iir,iilied freer ever since Jt ,,;.! ,1 o r,,.t ,? t , m.,ip. be consumed D3 nc ininepics f t, Govt.rnor to use any ? out the main purpose for which these ; tariy proceedings when the putative ,,alt- b,u,a irer ever miico ji cd wth the great seal ot the otale; ,.p , i.0 ( ,lVP,.I101. ijl0 'Preasurer .... . J 1 " ' hah- mm-iilnt ihU renort of his , b un .; euce ot tle t.oveinoi, tno xiea.-,uici i otherwise appropriated in ! acts were passed ministration to the faliier admils the paternity of tbe now TP" that tni rcpori ji ins but the coupons thereon ina be sign- : , Vmiiior the ttornev-Cieiiera JU 111 1 i.nui 1 . " , ii.-.ili wls iniired bv himself to mis- ..M,. 11 .fi.. ,!,. the Andiloi, tlie Atloi np ucnei ai, treasury , not exceedin g the sum of ' supremacy of the gentleman's party. 1 (.i,iMt or the issue has been found Utalb wu in. pirca b uimw.11 to nm ed by the treasurer alone, or have a ; SoCretarv of State and Supenn- ; M ' .,...... 0 If! . J. ' . , : , . : .... lead bis enemies, and that he has bee.. mentioned in the first section of this act, at the following rates; Class 1. For the bonds issued be foro lho. 20lb drty of Mfty' 18ljl40 Pcr cent, of the principal of lho bond or bonds so surrendered. . Class II. Vor the bonds issued since the close of the war, by authority of ; acts passed before the war to aid in the construction of the Western .North Carolina Kailroad, and the bonds is ; sued in pursuance of the said act of Assemblv of 1SG5. chanter tl iron mid " ' 1 "I 2 j act of Assembly 18C7, chapter fifty :o six, and the said Chatham Railroad ponds issued in pursuance of an ordi- nauvo Gf tllC Convention of lSlJS, chap- ier nineteen, and the said Williamston i i rn i. ii . t i i i I :lnd T.H'horn 1 !:i i I vnni i homU s.ii.il in --aa.aaaavw,w- a,a,ax,va-'v'"'--.7 a - j v f pursuance of an ordinance of the con- VCntioIl of 18G8. tllO bonds isSUcd Oe- tober first, 18U1, by authority of act of 1SG0, and 1SC1, chapter 137, for Western (Coalfield) Bailroad, the i bonis issued October first, IStil, by authority of act of 1834 '55 chapter 228, section thirty-five, and resolution September 12th, 1SG1, and tho said registered certificates of lho literary fund, 25 per cent, of tho principal of the bonds or certificates so surrender ed. ! TIT "I 1 1- . I T 7 ! I rrr r . r . i - : m m ii of the bond or bonds so surrendered Sec. 5. The bonds so to be issued, shall be in the usual form of bonds of thick State, except as modified and provided by this act, and shall have printed on the face of the same the wo,4i' ,SMiCU " I'""" " entitled an act to compromise, com mute and settle the State debt, rat ified the day of- -A. D. 1879 amI in ,arS rcl ,ettcr3' "Tbo conSoIi- lh 4 . . . Sec. G. 1 hat all State taxes levied . .. , . , and collected from professions trades, ;. . . . , . . incomes, merchants, dealers in cigars, , Al ,. ,, . , . ! f li !-.-. t hi rt lia n r oil tin tmy. nol lected from wholesale an-1 retail deal- ers in spirituous, vinous and malt Iiq- l uors, shall be held and applied to the payment of the interest on said bonds, . . . . r . . . . ,, and the provisions of this section shall be deemed and taken lo be a material A .. . . . . .. , niiil r r tlwi nii.iili'i'.iliiin tit vvliU-li at the lowest price after thirty days advertisement in at least two papei j published in JJaleigll, and ho shall 1 111 orlh with cancel any such bonds so pur4.ia.sed. Sec. o. That the .treasurer shall provide a substantial bound book for tbe purpose, in which he shall make a correct descriptive list of the bonds so surrendered, which list shall em brace the number, date and amount of each, and the purpose for which the i same was issued, when this can be as certained, and the name of the person j surrendering the same, and after such tement, of Public Instruction, who! Kh.dl each certify under his hand re- , , spectlllll3 in bucn uooiv mat ' . , , eii r.1BI1I11.i , , mi " . and destroyed. . See. n. That the Treasurer slum provide a well bound book in which shall be kept an accurate account and descriptive list of the new bonds to be issued, and such descriptive list shall embrace the date, number and amount of such bond or bonds, for which tho ; same issued and the name of tho per son to whom issued. Sec. 10. That it shall be lawful for aii3' executor, administrator, guardian, trustee, director of an3 corporation, and a 113" and all other persons acting in a fiduciary capacity holding bonds of the Slate, to make the exchange j provided in this act, and they shall be J I 0 absolved from all liability on account of said exchange. See. II. Tho provisions of this act for the exchange and issue of bonds shall continue in force until the 1st da' of January, A. I). 18S2. Seed 2. That as a further provis ion for the purpose of paying the in terest on these said new bonds, if tho taxes for any one year upon the sub jects of taxation hereinbefore men tioned, shall be insufficient to pay said interest, then and in that case the Public Treasurer shall be authorized to I apply any funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated to that pur ill i , poso. Sec. 13. That in the event that the taxes collected in any one year, upon the aforesaid subjects of taxation, and the funds not otherwise appropriated in the treasury when added together shall be inadequate to pay said inter est, then and in that case, and in or - dcr to provide for the deficiency, the Public Treasurer be and he is hereb' authorized to issue coupon bonds of i him to know that such sweeping as this State of the denomination of five j serlions, such comprehensive allega- - I hundred dollars, bearing date of the first day of October or April of the j year of the issue, according as tho one! or the other of said dales shall be nearest in point of time to the dale of J What evidence has tho gentleman are not entirely free from those faults j Battle's Ilevisal, is hereby repealed, the issue. Said bonds shall be pa-a-! to support his assertions? 1 under- : which are common among men; but: Sec. 0. Whenever any person com blo forty years afterdate, but redeem-j take to sa- that he mistakes the sug- j they can never be truthfully charged plained of on a peace warrant, shall able after ten years, at the option of ' gestions of an unbridled imagination ' with the commission of certain otfen- be brought before a Justice of the the Slate, with interest at the rate of and the statements of corrupt and i sis which have stained the character of j Peace, such person maybe required i .! il.. - v.. ..v . t . I - ,. . I annually on the first days of April and October. Said bonds shall bear upon their face in red letters, the of controling their judgments instead words, "Contingent Bonds," and shall of the passions for the purpose of in be numbered from one upwards in ac-! flaming them into improper hostility cprdance with the order of their issue. toward the weaker -section of the They shall be signed by the Governor and Treasurer and sealed with the great seal of the State; but the cou pons thereon maj be signed by the Treasurer alone, or have a fac simile of his signature printed, engraved or lithographcd thereon. The said bonds and coupons shall be exempt from all Slate, county or corporate taxation or assessment, direct or indirect, general j or special, whether imposed for pur - 1 poses of general revenue or otherwise, j and the shall be lawful investments i b all executors, administrators, uuar- ! ,. . . . . ., ' ,, dians and fiduciaries gen era 1 1 . J he j coupons on said bonds shall bear the' j . . . . A . . , 1 gi nin minilinr io t l lin : t irl.u. j sha be ailli,OI.izoj lo HvU so many of! Baid bonds at par as am,, be nt.. . i j fo n,-ovi Ie for tbn defielnneios sifor... 1 , sai, . Provilc,u That the J Iblie Treasurer shall not issue and ,. . . . . hundred ot these bonds. Sec. 15. That all the provisions of this act for paying the interest on the con- solidated bonds shall apply as well to the pa3'ment of the interest on these 1 vjiiKl con ni"Olit. uoniH. Sec. 10. That for the purpose oVcar - rj-ing out the provisions of this act in 0 fm ....,.,:.. ! . ... ... ..... f ! auimirizeu iogie puune ihmiu-wi 1111. , i.,,,,,.,,, r,niw. i in. ! 1 ' debtcdness hy advertising in .... I. ....... t..l.w. wich i j S'JC 18 This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. The best and about the only wa3to ret even with a treacherous mule and who ever saw any other is to a take his shoes off, lead him on to smooth ice and then blackguard him. He dare not indulge his natural pro- a .1... -....i:,,.. r.fw. v 1.:. :..,ii5..f n,...Mnn,..- is really interesting. Binjhaudon lie- jni'Jicau. : i-.-biHon to lh.. furiosi. in, r of nroner " sort ed to fraud and intimidation to n fi..o of fifix- il..l!-irs or im. r,,SLU l" u'1 u,l,J " J - Ti'a 1 ii 1 111 1 1 1 1 mi :mn. 1 urj u 111 itLi iiiil ui 11 . iiwit ii.u o ir 1 ii 1 iiirii mi:i 11 111 nu t .ti SPKECll OF JToil "Walter Ii Steele IX THE HofSE OF UEI'KKSENTATIVES, .. i , . . j race, and that it will and should gov- be construed to mean '-imprisonment FKRUL'AUV 2d, 189, jeni) iut OVt,rn w,lu viom and for thirty days' by all the judges and On the SontWJ amendment to the Illative ! moderation and justice. We will earn- i courts of the Slate, exuciitive, arnl judicial aj.yr.jii;ttin bill . ..... ! to iepi the Uw for suiH-rvisois and depu- estly protest against depriving the no- Sec. Section six of chapter 17C of ty marshals of feptions. gro of the ballot which party m-ccssi- , the laws of 1S73-T4, is hereby- repeal- Mr. Steele. Mr. Chairman, when ty, I will not say malice, placed in his ' ed. the pending subject was last under con- bands ; and we shall oppose his forci- Sec. G. Section 111, chapter 32. Bat sideration in this House, the gentle- ble removal from his native land and : tie's Jlevisal, shall be amended to read man who represents the eighth dis- the destruction of all the tender recol- as follows : In all cases of an assault, trict of Ohio, Mr. Kcifer, and who, it j lections of his life, associated with and ' with or without intent to kill, or in is to be presumed, spoke with deliber- j hallowed by the spot where he was jure, the person convicted shall bo alion and said nolhinir which he was not prepared to fortify with respecta- ble authority, saw proper to allege! But the gentleman seems to be ! Prnrilrd, That where no deadly weap that ' fraud, violence, intimidation, and j alarmed lest another war shall be in- j on has been used, and no serious dam murder are known to exist all over ! augurated- Surely he is only indul-: age done, the punishment in such the South at ach recurring election." ging in fanty. lam astonished that ; case shall not exceed a fine of fifty I fear, very much, thai the party zeal and sectional animosity of the gentle man have so cl oked up the avenues of his mind and blinded his sense of justice as to make him incapable of seeing things as they really are. a? ft It I occurs to me that a little calm reflec- lion on his part would have caused j lions, could hardly be sustained by trustworthy testimony, and hence could add nothing of value cither to a j personal or political reputation. 1 - a n i ...li..i..na l.n . I . , . .... . M . . 1 . 1 ..-t . j ny as should be addressed to ihe un- derstandings of men with the view j country. Speaking for one congrcs- sional district, which is a part of the South, and believing that I am fully warranted in speaking for the whole i State of North Carolina, I aver that there have never been such acts as the ! gentleman charges '.o be common all i over the South. No election was ever j held in the gentleman's own district where the rules of propriety and the j requirements of the law have been I more faithfully observed, or where there has been a more honest desire that tho public will shall have a fair . ' , , . ... ; expression than have marked the wishes and conduct, at least, of the j i . . . .... 1 n ...... i : .... .. m ,m-m- nltmu .in, i i " z i: ,,avu cvcr licard Gf rithor "fraud, vio- , f. intimidalion' which have I 11 nrtielieed !it elections in aiiV 1 ----- State, were practiced by the political : organization of which he is a conspic- . . .. . . . i election in which much interest was fvlt since the passage of the acts of j Congress which deliberately violate J ! the constitution and ruthlessly invad- j ed the universally acknowledged i i-i.rlil ot the stales lo (Il-I.tmh JO HC ; q-ialifications of electors, persons call- j'uig themselves Jlepnblicans have re- . . . :.. ,.: ' id nut ijinit un i.iuui in Him .-.urv Un yenlonslv of the i.nrit v of the ballot- -j ! box. when, as 1 suspect, he is the is the apologist and defender of the most ! stupendous irauu upon us rignis wuicn the history of civilization and constitu- " tional government records. 'I'hn Smith nimnlv siW'; to be let alone and be made no longer a foot- la f a . d j ball tor Hie amusement oi oiiiicai Radiators, who hope in our sorrows pay the costs, and if party charged to riot in all the glories of a party tri- ' shall be acquitted, the complainant ' ...!... . ... . .. .. umph. We are not only able but will - ;r fiv..ini ornetKin ns the - of other soeiions are. to nroicct j all the existing rights of allonr citizens, ' however w rougfully those rights were secured. We believe and. men of the j forth our own blood. will ye grtin- : say it ? that our race is the superior born and where he Lopes his bones II I I 1 win oe uuriei. any one not bereft of reason should believe as he seems to believe. Well . days. But this proviso shall not ap known as the gentleman is for his i ply to cases of assaults with intent to ' great talents and "for gallant and dis - i tiniruished services during the cam paign ending in the surrender of the insurgent army under General Ii. K. i Iee," it is a matter of wonder that he should have allowed his imagination to mislead him or his desire for party : success to carry him so far a wa- from ' what is right as to do injustice to his j own race who inhabit the sunny land of the South. Our people, it is true, f I II' If L m O rt t no 1 li It! i iitn ti hi Ii -i t ! cupied prominent positions in the pol- itics of other parts of the country. Our representative men, in all tlu his tor' of the past, have observed the commandment, 'Thon shall not steal' whatever' may have been their other ' errors, and we think eminon jiisti.. ! demands that we may expect all to be j equally observant of that other law which requires that "Thou shalt not hear false witness against thy neigh oor. : " J'STICCS C-ti.1IEXAL JUR2S- j i xjjh; i io?i. E ACT AS rASSEU FETJ" 1 T11' J - A ,IJiU .to,L: KI,t.i!le n Art to I. fi..o the j peace. j The Genei: I Cakoi.ixa Gkneral Assembly of North po exact: Section 1. Justices of the Peace i also Iiave exclusive ori-inal jaris lie- j ,;on of aIi WIOi, lM.:mi warrants a:id . ,nnn-,.i;,., 1 1..,. .,.!..- 1 1. ..1- ; ii.wivim.. I........... .....j assume jurisdiction of. and of all has- ; tar,iv n.oceedin-s and issues thereun- . . 1 1 1- 1 ' . . jn sc, proceeding, with approved se curifj, as heretofore rqeuired bylaw 0 bc taken in the Superior Courts of j this State ; and also of all assaults, as- ; ( Saults and batteries, and affray's, I. on nr HkIU- wcnrwin w nseil j And the punishment for the often cos enumerated in ibis sec tion shall not s,!" .",.... ' .1... .i..r.....i .... r. . : aiso pa a one i u u-i,.ii.-, un n 1 cl..,!l .ro in I he school fund, as hcreto- r fore provided by law : ProriJe fore provided by law : Procide l. Uk- ever, That Justices of the Peace &.a! have no juriso.ici.iou over asi-auus wan intent lo kill, or assaults wilh intent ; to commit rape, except as commiltin m-icrist r:it es Sec. 3. The party convicted before . a.a.a-a-Ka-lta.llaIaaaK I. V r a c , shall be a.sjuoged to pay u.e cosis . . iel for the non- and mav be imprison 1 payment thereof. Bat in no such case shall the county be liable lo pay j any such costs, - ' 4. The words "imprisonment i for one month' wherever used in air of the statute laws of this Slate sh.vI1 ' punished by tine or imprisonment, or i . ... - loth, at the discretion of the court ; ' dollars, or imprisonment for thirty 1 kill, or assault with intent to commit : rape. : Sec. 7. Justices of the Peace shall have exclusive original Jurisdiction of all criminal matters arising within their counties where the punishment now. or which shall hereafter be pre- j scribed by law, shall not exceed a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment for thirty da3s. ' Sec. 8. Section 119, chapter 33, of I---- - If . f a iitir mf a o v. Arf 1 nvA itl: j to the State of .North Carolina, in such sum not exceeding one thousand (dollars, as such Justice shall direct, j with one or more sufficient sureties Uo appear before the court of some j Justice oi the Peace, within a period not exceeding six months, and not de- j part the court without have, and in j the meanwhile to keep the peace, and i be of good behavior towards all tho I jn-ople of the State, particularly to- j waiu uik jt-rsou requiring sucn secur- j lty. j .Sec. 10. The party against whom judgment shall be given may appeal j to the Superior Court from the same. ! Aim! the party injured may ap-al, if he shall be di.alisfied with the judg- men i. ii lie win nunoiiz.e tnc jumul- lo endorse his name upon the warrant ; as the prosecutor. When an appeal is taken the whole matter shall be heard : -nu-w in ihp nwn'nr Conrt lllt.w l!l I lit- Oil I n. I IUI VUUi i. 1,tsIld hatleries, ifmc Justice of the Peace shall not, within six months i i1' 1 . . 1 1. .t;'- i .I.-' nave irocccueu k laivt- oiiiciai cugni- zaee of the same. ! -Sec. 12. This act shall not apply to proceedings now pcndinir in the Suiie- nor. ( riminal or Inferior courts. . s t. jo rpi,is act shall be in force ft-oni its ratification. Tii Great .Missouri Outlaw. Sam Jlildebrand. the prince of .Mis souri outlaws, who, with a price on his head, has often been sought b' sheriffs but never captured, Avas sup- in Mexico. He was recently seen and interviewed in the woods b3 a St. Louis merchant, who was on a hunt- ,.,...,1 1. 'g - had stopped killing men, that ho would never be taken alive, and that ms 6oie u.re ..o B v....- , - C . T " I . l ......I I 1 . 1. 1- 1 A A I . m aT.llll uren in oi. j-ioms. nc ciutiru mo Confederate service during the war, but finally deserted and joined the llllll I I III IV I I M B IIV a va mvm v w - " ; . lorgave an u.j.ir . anu U19 w..v.. naiure induced him to kid every ene- r.. .-.".l i!r IT. hus nroba- i.. r - -7 bly killed more men and has furnished more subjects for dime novi I wrucrs more subjects for dime novel writers than ai3T other outlaw in the West. j IVasIiin'itfit Post. Sec. . i i

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