Il: 4 4 I .1 tvnrrmT She $civtcu (Enterprise. Oeo. A. Wnrlick, ES. & Proprietor. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1S80. AMENDMENTS TO TSIE KiGV OUE LAW. The special session of the General Assembly passed the following amend ments to the laws of 1873 providing for the raising of revenue and for the levying and collection of taxes. Care lias been exercised in the preparation of these changes : CHAPTER 70, LAWS 1S70. Section, 2. class II, line 3, the words "before or" inserted between "act" and "since." .Section 10, Schedule B, amended, but not to take effect till July, nor to affect fiscal year ending Sept. 30. After that time, liquor dealers will pay 1 per cent, on amount of pur chases, instead of 5 as now and 62.50 per month, license tax, instead of $3. Belailers of malt liquors only will then pay 2 per month instead of 63. Section IS, same schedule, line 8, ' twenty" is made to read "twenty two." Section 20, of this schedule, is amended by requiring those who buy and sell horses or mules as a business to pay a lax of one-half of one per cent, on amount of sales in each coun ty, instead of an annual tax of 85 for every count. Section 22, same schedule, is im proved by striking out useless verbi age, after the word "that," in line 13, down to, and including "viz." in line 16. In line 7, paragraph 2, of this section, all after "government," is stricken out, and the following in serted in its stead : "Nothing in this section shall prevent'any person from freely selling under this section any live stock, vegetables, chestnuts, pea nuts, fruits, oysters, milk, butter, fish, charts, maps, printed music, bibles, hymn books, or prayer books." Same schedule, section 23, is amend ed by striking out S50 for each coun ty, as the annual tax required of itin erant lightning rod men, and substi tuting 15. In line 10, section 25, above schedule, twenty-one" is stricken out and "twenty-two" inserted. CHAPTER 7 If LAWS 1870. Section 9, sub-di vision 7, line 4, "musi- "medical" is stricken out and cal" inserted. aeeuon j.j, sun-ctitision , relates to the $25 exemption of personal property. The opinion of a State officer exempts wearing apparel in ad dition to the above. Section 1G is amende I so as to re quire the auditor no longer to furnish sheriffs with lax lists bound in book form with pastebord backs. Section 17 is amended by changing the lime for tho two assessors for the county at large to make a tour of the county from between the 20lh of June and second Monday in A ugust. to be tween the 20th of Juno and second Monday in July. The valuation of real estate made in 1879 stands until changed by law, unless in cases of ap preciation or depreciation ; but the as sessors at large, with the assessors of each township, will equalize the val uation of all personal property, mon eys and credits. Section 18, as amended, fixes the second Monday in July as the time when the assessors in the townships shall return abstracts and the tax lists to the clerk of the commissioners. Section ISO is made section 19, and the remaining sections renumbered consecutively. This section, as re numbered, is amended, and fixes the second Monday in July as the lime for the county commissioners to meet with the assessors for the coun ty at largo for the purpose of revising the tax lists. Section 30, as amended, makes it the duty of the clerk of the commis sioners on or before the first Monday in November, after tho lists are completed by the commissioners, as provided in section 10, renumbered, and deposited with him, to return to the auditor an abstract of the same. Section 31, as renumbered, line 4, is amended by striking out "forty-one" and inserting fort v-two." Section 45, renumbered, is stricken out, and a new section substituted. This section relates to tho compensa tion of sheriffs on settlement, and is section 13 of chapter 4Q, laws special session 1880. In lino 20, section 47. as renumber ed, tho words "hand laiJ" should read "land bid." A hungry youth named Lloyd Hop kins went to a wedding in eastern Virginia, devoured twenty-five molas ses cakes and died next morning. Tho moral of this is-bowaro of too piany "gu tigers," especially at, night. ESeiiiarK;Bb!e Fate of Four Boys. Columbia (S. C.) Register. In 1853 four gentlemen entered their sons Xt a boarding school at Cokesbuiy, S. O. They had been for years intimate friends and clergymen in the .Methodist Church. These, boys remained at this school, room males and class-mates, and ente:ed Wofford College, standing relatively first, second, third and fourth in a large class. They remained at this institution four years, were room mates all the time, graduating rela tively first, second, third and fourth. The' then entered a law office at Spartanburg and studied law under the same chancellor. The war broke out, and at the call for troops they all entered Jenkins' rifle regiment from South -Carolina, and were mess-males in the same company. Being near the same height, they stood together as comrades in battle in thi regiment. At the second battle ot .Manassas, Au gust, 18u4, a shell from t'.o enemy's batteries fell in the ranks of this com pany, killed these four boys and none other in the company. They are buried on the same battle field and sleep together in the same grave. Their names were Capers, McSwain, Smith and Duncan, and they were the sons of Bishop Capers, Bevs. Prs. McSwain andSmith, of South Caro lina, and Bev. Mr. Duncan, of Vii-gin- ia, the last being a brother of Be v. Dr. j Duncan, of Bandolph-Macon College. A Court of Pensions. The House has decided to hold a night session on Thursday night of next week to con sider the bill introduced by Judge Geddcs, of Ohio, to establish a court of pensions. Should the bill become a law, the flood of pension bills which now are sent to Congressman by their constituents would be referred to the court, which is sought to be estab lished, and the labors of Congressmen in respect to pension claims would be very materially lessened. "Head us, Somebody." Years ago, when Bock Island, III., was a small village, and its people had lots of fun all to themselves, one sober and digni fied citizen put his head under one end of a yoke and a little bull's under the other, to teach the animal how to be useful and work. When he found the bull was running away wilh him around the cnntrv store on Illinois street, he measured sixteen feet at a jump, kept up wilh the bull, and yell ed at the top of his voice : "Look out ; here we come, darn our fool souls. Head us, somebody ;"' and when halt ed, and the yoke was being lifted from his neck, he yelled, "Unyoke the bull ; i never mind me--I will stand."' Murder in Sampson. A gentleman who arrived here from Clinton, ves lerday, reports that a murder was committed near that place a few days ago, but ho did not ascertain the names of the parlies to the tragedy. It seems, from what our informant j could learn, that the two men, bolh white, have enjoyed the reputation of bullies in the neighborhood where they lived, ami that in two personal encounters between them, one of them was pretty badly used up by the oth er. On tho second occasion the de feated belligerent, who had been bad ly beaten, swore that if the other ever attempted such a thing again .he would kill him. Another difficulty occurring between them subsequently to his threat, and tho weaker one again gelling the worst of the encoun ter, he hurried to his house, got his double-barrel gun and shot his anta' onist to death. IVilminatou Slur. G arfi eld Predicts J udg e Fi eld. I asked Genera! Garfield whom he thought the Democrats would nomi nate after they got out of their pres ent dilemma. lie said : "I have thought they would nominate Judge Field, of the Supremo Court. Ho has some strong points in his favor, not possessed by t lie generality ot their candidates. In the first place, he was an out-and-out war Democrat. Al though of a Democratic family, they were all union men, and no one more so than he. The cry of copper-head cannot be raised against him. A soon as the war was over he took a Democratic position, and has almost umformly written a dissenting opinion I against the majority of the Supremo I tor saw ihe correspondent in the Sen Court in favor of Stale rights and lim-! ate chamber, and. shaking his fist at j sled Federal powers. Then ho has been sound on the currency.' Ho tool; position for resumption, and maintained it throughout. Tho fact that Mr. Lincoln placed him on the Supreme bench is a testimonial to his purity of character and knowledge of the hi w." STATE KEWS. Bolh the Lincolnlon papers favor the nomination of Col. William John ston for Congress. Judge Avery could not hold court in Kinston on account of the derange ment of the court papers caused by the recent fire in that town. During recent revivals in tho Bap tist churehes in Baleigh there have been 148 professions of religion, and the meetings still continue. Tho Monroe Exp re ss relates the fact that a mule became frightened at the smell of guano and ran away a mule, mind you. A son of Mr. Boston Belk was run over and very badly injured. Candidates are announcing their names in the Aurora for the offices in the gift of the people of Cleaveland county. It looks like there was going to be a free fight for the effaces in that county. Concord Sun ; They say it is the ef fect of the fence law that our farmers have been buying fine imported stock, livery few days a box of pigs from Pennsylvania or .Now York, are re ceived by express here for some far mer in the county. Biehmond DisjuAtch : A letter from Gaston, N. C, savs that Capenart fc Son, at theirfishery on the south side of Albemarle sound, recently caught 19, 000 shad in five days. The largest day's work was 5.877 shad, other fish not counted. The seines are worked by steam. Charlotte Press The Democrat of this city to-day thinks it would be well and "advises that if Best, the ic ceiverof the Western road from Gov ernor Jarvis and the Legislature, fails to comply with. his contract, the peo ple should hang him on one of the mountain peaks as a warning to swin dlers."' Better to have put in the guarantees and save the ku-kluing. Morganton Pht le : Brit Hawkins, the mocking bird songster of the South .Mountains, has challenged sev eral singing masters in But herford and Cleaveland Counties to sin on the top of Bich Mountain (the three counties of Butherford, Cleaveland and Burke corner on the top of this mountain). The challenge has been accepted and the singing will be or) the third Sab bath in May next, 3Ionroe Express : We copy the fol lowing from the Farmer an l M-chinic and ask, is it true? It is the first int: malion we have had of anything f the kind : "Beport says Samuel J. Pemberton, Iwp, may not unlikely be an independent candidate for Con gress in Steele's district. He has been very successful in get'.ing offiee hitherto from the old Democratic phalanx, why not continue in rank?" Statesville American : From the 1st of March to the ICth oi April the fol lowing embraces ihe seizures and de struction of. -tills, brandy, beer, tobac co, meal ami whiskey: Distilleries seized, 70; slills destroyed, 25 ; saved, 5 ; number gallons licr, 43.G70 ; gal lons brandy, 190; tobacco, 1.313 pounds, and 50 boxes, weight not known: meal, 34 bushels; whiskey, 100 gallons; 1 wagon and 40 gallons of spirits. Baleigh News: Governor Jarvis has drawn the first blood in the First Dis trict. The Ber tie county Democratic Convention, which metin Windsor last week, alter much debate and excite ment between the resp ctive friends of Gov. Jarvis and Judge FowJe, in structed the delegates to tho Stale Convention from that county to cast their votes for Gov. Jarvis. There was a good deal of feeling exhibited by the friends of both these gentle men. Concord Sun : Two of John X. Iless's sons, Alph and Gus, were haul ing a load of Hay AIpb doing the driving, whilst Gus, in charge of the pitchfork, was riding on the hay. The wagon wheel by accident struck a slump, which caused a part of the load, together wilh the boy Gus, to fall off, the line of the fork penetrating Use right side of his head to the depth of about three inches. The vonng man seems to bo improving and his recov ery is expected. A newspaper man (slandered Sena tor Hill in regard to I he Baymond al- tempt to blackmail him. The Sena- him, applied some offensive language. Thereupon the big, burly correspon dent invited the Senator out to fiht. and upon this being declined he called the Senator a coward, with an ugly prefix. The latest is that Ben Hill, Jr., will shoot the b. b. c. on sight. j Wihnin'jlo.i Star. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Trade-is dull." First dav of Ma v. Going to the pic nic ? Good country butter An old ram. A little ahead of schedule this week. Prenching at the White church to- day. A lot of valuable land advertised in anot her column. Watermelons arc ripe in Florida, but who cares ? Col. Chas. JL Jones has announced himself a candidate for the office cf j mayor of Charlotte. Mr. D. P. Jarrett went down to Chester on a business trip this week private business, understand. Beer her says heaven will never for give a man for drowning a cat. Doesn't need to: nothing to forgive. Politics are looking np in Lincoln. One "knock down and drag out" is re ported, and they say a newspaper man was the loser. Mr. "Boodaddie," the guano ven der, has shaken the dust of the upper end of town from his feet and is deal ing out general merchandise again. The way some of the brethren are putting up their chips on certain can didates looks a little like said candi dates have been around greasing the presses. A bill introduced in the House last ' Wednesday by Vance, of North Caro lina, exempts from taxation as a dis tiller any farmer who distils liquor from fruit of his own raising or from purchased fruit to the amount of one hundred gallons or less in any one year. Sheriff J. A. Robinson, of Lincoln ton, called in to see us Wednesday. Wu don't know whether he is a candi date for re-election or r.ot but presume he is. He has made an excellent offi cer and we don't believe our Lincoln friends could do better than to retain him in office. This, however, is no business of ours. .Harried. In Hickory, on the 20th nit., by J. II. Brims, Esq., Mr. Lewis Taylor and Miss Mallio E. Arnev. both of Burke. TSie Bcigeisious Voeilli. Already hath the sun's premature warmth caused to effloresce the inge nious youth, who, delusively imagin ing himself a ''masher'' and a 4totf," swathes his neck in the long-ended and (snpposiiiiiously) white cambric. Not seldom, too, does he add those harmonious concomitants in a Prince Alb.'i-t coat and a low hat. What shall be done with bin) ? Shall he be driven into the ground wilh a mallet, or hewed, like A gag, into nieces? TSie Coijovci- StcniiMjj. Last week we stated that the store of Messrs. Yount & Ilunsneker, at Conover, had been robbed. We I e learn that the thieves bored through' ibe it !... r..::.... . . . front door but failing to c-fFect an en trance prized open the rear door and went in. They failed to find any mon ey but it is very likely that a consid erable amount of goods was taken. The store has recently been put up and most of the stock had not been straightened out and it is difficult to tell what was taken. There is no clue to the thieves. Pic Ricsami Con e-jomIcim. Capt. Sholwel!, of the Far,ner ami Mechanic, is responsible for the follow ing paragraphs : Now corneth ye gentle pic nic with its pyramids of pies, its new washlub of weak lemonade, and its courting' couple, whereof one member hath a chinch bug crawling up her stocking and cannot '-hunt" him. while her lov er's light pantaloons Iooketh green about ihe knees as if he had been skir mishing around on the floor of a paint shop. Corresnondents are mi,.... n , . I'i . . . r V ii wntenpthe.rtavoritesforoffice. e run a "paper for the people," and as the press ,s the voice through which ilii uimiiiii iu ilhv a i easonaute amount of space to such communica tions. But there is such a thing as trespassing on good nature. The vriter who cannot "Irol out" his man time, type, and trouble, as nobodv reads them ; and would be disgusted if he did. Mvase, Mister, the fact is, as humin nature be now conslilutioned, most folks rulhergit sot agin a fellar that is too parfect and let's it git he liuoizu'xl in the pipers ! ... ...... ,.,..., .,i ,,j,w au ueucr, I lie had onlv heard a noriion ! I.;, . . . - i-. 1...U ...l.... r i i i .... I "hire a hall, or take some other meth- Steele's bill md nm. .L- i ..v 'i .-. - ... 1 0.1 of .onlleri.,, UU "softer.- n. werJ Su"le n LU fniTl I , 7 ,""'M J,og icur a,"e really a -.vasto of 1Ba..c" ,ta iV Z V "', eh"raMrr J I aiij ii ue gentleman will m ulmm ii,.. i . i . Dieri. In this county, on the 21st nit., Mr. Geo. Whitener, aged 79 years. ZXeisginus. Bev. M. V Sherrill will preach in the Methouist church at this place on Wednesday night, the 5th inst. lie rasseled with that old front gaf, But couldn't move it not h. peg And when he tried to clinih the fenco, The doij would catch him by the lejj. She watched him throiiuh the shutter slats (She didn't want him to come up), And softly murmured when he left, ''God the old gate and the pup." Town Elt'Cliosa. The ejection of town officers will be had Monday. Thus far we haven't heard the name of anyone mentioned in connection with the offices. The present mayor and commissioners will no doubt be elected without any opposition whatever, and with littie enthusiasm. Good Prospects. In a year or so C!. McCorkle wiil j not want for fish. He will have an abundance of fine ones should no bad luck befall him. Last fall he stocked a pond in the upper end of town with Salmon, and they are growing tiuely. They are from two to three inches in length, and the water is alive with them. So much for a little energy and expense. Jlcelisj oi magistrates. The magistrates of this county will meet in this place on Monday, the 3rd inst., to elect a commissioner to fili the vacancy caused by the resignation : of Mr. L. Plonk. The position of! county commissioner is a very mpor taut one and none but honest, sensible men should be chosen as such, and we have no doubt but the magistrates will select a man of this kiud. A'oont an Let Some people firmly believe that an eel is nothing more than a species of snake. Be this as it may they cut some curious capers occasionally. One day last week the pump logs at Mr. W. A. Huitt's distillery got choked up and it was discovered that an eel had passed from the pond, a distance ot 200 yards, through the logs and had gotten to the top of the pump and fastened, thereby cutting off the wa ter. One of the hands at thedistilh-rv began punching in ihe pump with a slick when his eelship jumped to the ground and hid in a brush heap near by. A true bill. Fell Twenty Feet. Wednesday of last week a tobacco peddler while crossing Lile's creek at Jame's mill, this county, with a wagon load of tobacco, drawn by two mules, had the misfortune of bavin-- his team and wagon precipitated into the wa ter, a distance of twenty feet. The bridge is a very narrow one and the mules becoming frightened commenced j backing or pushing and tumbled off. j The driver saved Limself lv jnmpinr . J out. But the strangest part is neither mules nor wagon were hurt in the! least, the only d la mage being the j drenching of the tobaeeo. We did not learn ihe name of the peddler. A Gorl Hit. The W.-iI v:.7r,. m ,- .i 4- t, - Males h eekhj mentions the followiti"- ,i tt "i amusing occurrence in the House of Representatives : In the House, a few dars since, i Col. Steele, of vonr Stn.n .:,. T,,J little trap for that Conger. ofMichi - gan, into which the usually warv "-en- .t hit . . " tleman walked. It was in the shape ot n rprlvlfnf oml .wi.-..Tt .v : . ... ' - 1 muon or oiu in oehalt ot a bill passed many, many years ago by Congress, : commissioners the matter of investi providing for the erection of :l monn- gating the case of Alfred Huffman menl near Beattie's Ford, North Cartvj keeper of the oor Louse, was post hna, to the memory of Gen. Davidson, j postponed until the firstMondiy in who fell therein a bailie with Lord j May. This was for the purpose, as Cornwallis in 1781; and which monu-j we understand, of collecting more evi ment has never been built. As nsnnl ! deru-f ?w tt i m",n'!ir an.J contu-; against hira. We know notbin- er- ,in, but Conger was watching. MrJsonally ia rPrJ lo the n i.mer in j Steele spoke of Davidson as .Kebel whiclfthe por Loused has ZZZ" General" and a North Carolinian ; ! but ,f ahe report mat by the d i t .im" r gen - tleman from North Carolina propose does he Jure to propose, that the American Congress shall go to build- " ?" ' au uauorsr -.... .... a moment l u ill say to , ... tuat I have Uie authority of the! Ling ot Lngland and of the British larliamentforso calling Gen. David- j son, who has been dead earh, .1 i iifJtl Miami ' .f .-r ... r I - 1 . ce, i . . . iut i;-Miu nave nerieci run and honest folks l;n "ht d." r - . unit , Fire. A dry kiln containing about 5,000 feet of choice lumber caught on fire Wednesday night, and was entirelv destroyed. A portion of the lumber belonged to Maj. Joe Bostand the re mainder to Messrs. Self & Killhsn. This is a considerable loss n both r-..- j ties, especially to the latter gentlemen j as they are making every possible ef j fort to be ready for operations by har ! vest. Jlcetins To-3j y. The Democratic Executive commit tee of this county will meet in the i court house, at this place, to dav. The following constitute the committee : Xewton Township J. R. Campbell, chairman. Hickory A. A. Shu ford. Catawba L. II. Shuford. Jacob's Fork S. T. Wilfom. Jandy's K. L. Ramsaur. Cline's t). M. Smith. Mt. Creek E. L. Sherrill. Caldwell's J. M. Wilkinson. Once Itlore. We republish this week Mr. Sher- j v'iV police regarding ihe meeting of ! Monumental Association, in order l,,:lt our waders may not lose sight nf the matter. We hope our friends in the country will come to town that day. and certainly our citizens will isot fail to turn out. One more etTrt will be made towards erecting the monu ment and in case of a failure, we be lieve, the matter is to be dropped. We shall be sorry indeed if this is the case, but it does look like the affair i. j a complete drag, and probably it is best to give up the attempt, ; Runaway. j -Ir- d. rorney. son of Col. H. A. j Eorney, is connnetl to his room with ! a badly bruised arm, &c, the result of a runaway. He was passing along the j public road near Mr. Plonk's tannery Monday evening in a wagon drawn j by his fathers mule and horse when j tho team took fright and dashed off. j The wagon turned bottom side tip and j young Forney was dragged wilh it for some distance, sustaining several se vere bruises. He is pretty badly in jured, but will be able to be out before a great while. 1S791 " TlicPscXic. ' This will be a gala day with the young folks. Tiu pic nic at the Ca tawba Springs will draw a large crowd and the day will be passed very pleas antly. All necessary arrangements have been made and nothing re mains but to go and have a good time. 1 lie place selected is certainly a de- ! l'"1"! n and everybody is perfect - ly welcome to attend. Eating, drink ing, dancing, courting, promenading and fightir.g chigres will be the chief sources of pleasure. Who wouldn't go to a pic nic ? TZint Railroad. A short communication in the Br leigh 0!j$zrvr of last Friday, signed "Anxious Sale Men," is to this effect : 'Wiil you please inform the publi-, if you can, why that Best contract i has not -et been signed. The air is j tilled with rumors to the effect thnt there is some hitch in the matter. We understood the contract was to have been signed by Best & Co. last Monday week, and now it is rumored i Uiat some of the gentlemen with Mr. r . .. nest decline to sign. Whv this de- I:y - What is the trouble ? Will the 1 l 3 el.-out is becoming decidedly ! " tntn - 4 n . It is beginning to as- ,, . smell." Or is it a very ancient and fish-like a weasel ? , -r!ie ;oor E2oue Cae. . Al the lust n.eetin: . - ...vL... - mj tuuin . w preierrcu ; thing to judge bv wn slum!.! -.v- ti. -.t j a change of keeper U sadlv needed, ft is not at ail likely that "the facts ! presented in the report are an -round- eu, and Ibis alone is sufficient ground fidenee. Whether Mr. Huffman is guilty of any misconduct wc are not prepare! to say, but we do know that his reputation as keeper of the poor house is seriK- j...! ....i I. ing short of his removal will -satisfy i tne public n

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