Newton 1T 1 Ja y GtMolttation of Eft tatoti ' fcoferpris aalfcatawta mary, SUBSCRIPTS 1.60 Per T FRANK, M. WILLIAMS, Editor & Proprietor. NEWTON, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1884. No. 37. VOL..VI.' ROBBINS S' LONG, Attorneys-ai-Law, STATES VI LLC, N. C. Oifice At Yout's1Iotel. teb id, 1884-Gm F " Ii, fill PP. T. II. COLB SaIIPP AND COBB, X TTQItXE V.V .1 7' .1 IP. Practice in all the courts, Office on Public Square. Li. I.J. Hither ajwon. Attorney at Law, Xewtox, N. C. Oct, 27,-iyr. M. L. McCorkle, Attorney at LaW SKWTON. N. C. Governor's Canvass Gen. A.JM. Scales will speak at the following time and places : Yatetn ille Beaufort county, ,W. Ori. nth. Belvidere, Perquimans county, Tuesday Oct. Mth. Gatesville, Gates county, Wednes day, Oct. 15th. Winton, Hertford county, Thurs day, Oct. 16th. Oxford, Friday, Oct. 17th. Pittsboro, Saturday. Oct. 18th. Jonesboro, Monday, Oct. 20th. Bed Springs, Robeson county, Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Wilmington, (at night), Wednes day, Oct. 22d. Duplin Roads, Duplin county, Thursday, Oct. 23d. Princeton, Johnson county, Fri day, Oct. 2ith. THE STATE CAMPAIGN. Mr. Beecher Talks Plain The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher W. G. BUHKHEAD, Attorney at Lair, 25EWTOS, N. C. BsSTOffice ix Uaither's Building. The following is a list of the ap pointments so far made for the lead ing actors in the campaign m State : this STEDMAX AXD FAIECLOTH. Co., J. E. Thornton, NEWTON, N C Keeps constantly or. liiin.i U " coffins of his own make and also fine finished coffins of Northern ami Southern make. ?hop 1 mile north of court house. oct27-6'n Dr. G. V. JIcNcilU Physician A y nomologist, CAT A W I3A, X. C. Jt.skeii d:cncs peculiar tu -i-reeu a at inlty. J . B. LIT TL SURGEON DENTIST. line located in Xewtor, N, -, "! V prfsional servioes to the people ot town and coennty. , Omen ix Lamtz Uin.mNG. CAMPBELL &. McCOFlKLE, PHYSICAL Newton, N r VIM AC J. M. McCorkle t Medicine and lr. McCorkle han an unusually long one of the TO Till 1 hiive siSMiciaW-d lr. with me in the pnutk Fiujjuv at thin place. V,.l the Hdvantasro of . a rwl ! riir.uteil from. edit"! .ehool ol im coumrj , to meet all the requirements ol if o ii act' i , W HCtfully, JAML6 U. CAMI'lifcl.u inline: M ire r d gen1 lieiy AT Henkel & Corpening's Elizabeth Citv, Pasquotank Sa'Airday, Oct. 11th. Currituck, Currituck Co., Monday, Oct. 13th. Hertford, Perquimans Co., Tues day, Oct. 14th. SENATOR M. W. RANSOM. Ore Hill, Chatham county, Satur day, October 4th. COL. JOHN X. STAPLER. Col. Jno. N. Staples, candidate for elector for the State at huge, will speak at the following times and pla ces : Madison. Rockingham county, Sat div. October 10th Walnut Cove, Stokes county, Mon day, October 12th. Danburv, Stokes county, Tuesday, October loth. Dobson, Surry county, Wednes day, October 14th. M t. Airy, Surry county,Thursday October 15th. Dalton, Stokes county, Friday, Oc tober 16th. Winston, Forsyth county, Satur day, October 17 th. CONGRESSIONAL CANVASS. f,. Toll ii S. Henderson and Dr. Jas. G. Ramsay, Democratic and Re publican candidates for Congress, will address their fellow citizens, jointly, at the following times and places : IREDELL COTNTT. Sliinn's Store, Saturday, Oct II. ROWAN COCXTT. Mrs Tvrider's. Tuesday, Uct. l-t China Grove, Wednesday, Oct Cold Hill, Thursday, Oct lb. Morgan's. Friday, Oct 17. Rice & Bailey's Store, Saturday, 18. CATAWBA COUNTY. Hickory, Monday, October 20. Newton, Tuesday, October 21. Keeversville. Wednesday, Oct. SherriU's Store, Thursday, Oct Catawba, Friday, Oct. 24. IREDTXL COUNTY. Statesville, Saturday, October A EJV T ON, N. C, Will he found the hest stock nd neatest ve hiole in town. Person can he accommoda ted by ub with anything in the lirery end pri.ies af gntwanteed to give satisfac a: Wo nnlv ask a trial. 'r'.p.rttion to all the surrounding ountry- ... ,,. We nolieit the patronaare of the public. "SjiSKELtOOBPEKIKO W ANTED IMMEDIATELY, YOT7XG MEN TO U2ARN TELEQRPHY ko charga unlcM ittuati.nn nr furnished. r.irticuUrs ,iuldres wth stamt: VEXXA, and NEW JERSEY TKLEGRAFR CO-, xi.'riffirp 926 Chedtnut street, PLiladelphia, na Braneli Office 506 Markt Street, Wilmington, Iel ThrouKh wir . . Mr. JohnS. Henderson, Democrat ic candidate for Congress, will act- dress the people at the following times and places : DAVIE COTJXTY. Mocksville, Tuesday, October 28. YADKIN CODXTY. Longtown, Wednesday, Oct. 29. Yadkinville, Thursday, October 30. Conrad's Store, Friday, Oct. 31. DAVIE COUNTY. Farmington, Saturday, Nov. 1. LOVE SWELLS M A SUFACTURERS OF DOORS' SASH, BLINDS, WIN ! DOW & DOOR FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, 4 f j WOOD TURNING &c. grgT.uml er dressed and matched ready for on snort nontc. " Our machinery is nor and of the latent imnrovod brands, enahljne US to compete .wilh any other establishment of the kind in the country. i JTACTORV NEAU THE TJErOT"C3 You Can Have It, "My dear, what would I give to have your hair ?" is often said by middle-aged ladies to young ones Madam, you caa have just sush hair. Parker's Hair Balsam will give it to you. It will stop your hair from falling off, restore the original color and make it long, thick, soft and glossy. You need not stand helplessly envying the girls. The Balsam is not oily, not a dye, but is an elegant dressing, and is especially recom mended for its cleanliness and purity. A. Mi ulden, Briggs, . C, says Ramon's Relief is the best m;edicine of the kind I ever used. It has, in deed, been a health restorer to us all. For neuralgia and all other pains it is simply wonderful. For sale bv Geo, & Lowe. s20. was called upon at his residence in tvr ! Brooklyn yesterday by a World re ' j porter. He was ruddy and chatted cheerily. "I see," remarked the reporter, "that Mr. Blaine proposes to remain in Ohio until after the election." "That's the place for him," ejacu lated Mr. BeecLer. "His entire bat tle is staked on that State. Slould it go Democratic, or should the Re publican majority be largely reduced, j Mr. Blaine's chances for the Presi- dency will have gone up in a flume." i "But suppose, Mr. Beecher, that j Ohio should give a good Republican ! majority, what then ? " j "It would not affect the result in November. The people are going to ! put Mr. Cleveland in the Presidential chair anyhow, l ne quiet Tanner una business vote will do it" The following letter will explain itself : Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct 6, 18S4. To Gen. R. A. Alger, candidate for the Gubernatorial Office inJIich gan : Dear Sis : The publication of your telegram to Mr. James F. Joy, of Detroit, but now m London, and his reply compels me to publish the facts of an interview with him at his house at or about Sept. 29, 1877, in order to clear myself of the charge of Tienrino- false witness airainst him. I have steadily refused to give to the public press' the story of that inter view at the hospitable board of a pri vate house, but as the utterance of a public man about a public man I had a light to mention it privately among my intimate mentis. In what way the partial and imperfect story of that interview got into the newspa- pers 1 do not Know, eruuuiy uik with my knowledge or privity. Mis led by these reports you telegraphed to Mr. Joy in London : Dstboit, Sept. 30, 1884. Joy, care Jirotrn, Shipley c6 Co., Jondon. "Did Blaine offer to appoint a com mittee to suit you if you took Little Rock bonds off his hands f Henry Ward Beecher says you told him Blaine did. Alger." Henry Ward Beecher said nothing of the kind as you shall soon sto. It was easy for .Vr. Joy to reply. London, Sept 80, 1884. R. A. Alger, Detroit, Jlich. "Blaine never made me ' any offer to appoint a committee to suit me in any manner or form or for any con sideration of any kind whatever. J. F. J." Please send to him the following narrative and you may depend upon it Mr. Joy will not contradict its substantial accuracy ; neither will any one of the several gentlemen who were at the table with me ; nor will other witnesses (not a few) deny that the same substantial statements have been made by Mr. Joy to others not infrequently. Towaids the close of the dinner,Sept. 29, 1877, political matters were introduced, and among other things Blaine's failure to re ceive the nomination that went to Hayes. Mr. Joy spoke with con temptuous severity of Mr. Blaine and gave this statement : "W hen a diihculty occurred in re gard to certain lands in the South west in which 1 was interested a com mittee was about to be appointed by Congress to examine the matter, Blaine beincr Speaker of the House. Through a friend 1 asked JVU lilame to have one sound lawyer appointed nn t.hnt committee. I did not care of which party. I simply wanted t sound lawyer. In a day or two Mr Blaine sent me word through a friend that he had certain depreciated bonds and that if I would enable him to place them at par I cou Id have my committee as I wanted it. I cannot forget with what cutting Mr. Jov leaned back in his chair and said. "That is the man Maine V and he added:"! refused the offer and as the courts soon set tle! fliA matter no committee was avmointed." At that time I knew nothing of the larwls in nnest.ion nor of the bonds alluded to. but I did understand ful of James lx Blaine. What changed Mr. Joys notion and led him to nominate Mr. Blaine at the Chicago Convention of 1880 I do not know. It can proba bly be found out by inquiring of the editors of certain great daily news papers, who hardly found language bitter enough lor years to mvngu against Mr. Blaine and who now can not find language enough to pour contempt upon the men who do not approve of placing Mr. Blaine in the Presidential chair. I shall not pro long this letter by narrating Mr. Blaine's views of the matter, in an interview with me which took place after my speech at Cooper Union during the Garfield canvass, at bis own request, in the Fifth Avenue Hotel. I can hardly believe that he I cannot but ad- myself to be misled by svmratuy with his undoubted kind-heartedness, courage and audacity. Unsound in statesmanlike judg ment unscrupulous in political meth ods, dim-eyed in distinction between truth and untruth, absorbingly am" Wlv.ia Knt alinvt.-fiioTlted as tO the methods of n-atifying his RUINED BY A CLAIM. Story of and Old Man Who Haunts the Washington Hotels. washikgtok republican. Special to The Enterprise. The Exposition. Raleigh. N. C, Oct 10. The Ex position is a pronounced success ; all are surprised at the number of couu- ty displays ; the ranety ot uieir THE POOL DEFALCATION. The Money Paid Back and Schools Didn't Lose a Cent. the AY. Although the old gentleman s coat j ;. V , , ,nollw ; ws threadbare, his shoes cadly in j wLicll they have been arranged. Col need of repairs, and his tall hat had , . , i,' . i- .j fi,n but with a genial social disposition goo, o aui,mus. or fowia.. Saleish is ! and a biilliant rhetorical capacity, at, uy uue iu wui uA Mr. Blaine mates an alluring candi- the ieadu.g-room at a down-town rut.. Knt would make a dangerous hotel last night and told the report- President. I pray you to excuse my adding to the cares of your canvass by a con sideration ot these matters. If was, however, but just to you to poinout how misleading was your telegram to Mr. Joy and how irrevelant to the subject matter. was his reply.. Henry Ward Beecher. . er, who took a seat beside him, that ablaze with exclamations of charlotte observer. It is charged by some of the Radi cal speakers on the stump that by the defalcation of Col. Pool when School Superintendent the public school of this were robbed of a considerable I emir rt TYinrtAtr llf-m nrcw3 f r ilia r , j 4i .I. i scuoui iiuiu. met uuu 4. suite wo thei-ainwasa welcome siVht. The arrangements are such that none 1 - I1.V. 1. it. ner ciuzaus are vicing wnu amount leaving the impression that er lnaeconimooatinfr visitors, and the lo Q.i eMiiu old geutleman sampled the report er's tobacco and acknowledged that he. was ah ad of time: t tllAVA-friVA AVA OTT-AOt CllfToill-0 Til need be afraid oi noor faxe. The city , . z--. i,a authorities liie arranged to see that o i 4 1... i ,i ,i l-.ofiooc CnrntA linrtsos But you j Q1 , I Ulni! o l. iJtrx unv auu uuvimuo. 1aV see A couidnxsuiy away any longer. e Exposition coinpauv famishes between me ana you, my moneygave ico t;r in ey buiIdiLg free of out and I had to come back. j d w s pBIMK03E "Do your people live here? President lo ; out this is the cneapest piace . to live for me. JSo, 1 don t live any where. Come originally from North Carolina nigh onto seventeen y 3?rs ago, and have been here whilo i'on- -r -r ii , in session since. W ill, it a . I and ore- again all," A Town on the Catawba. charlotte observer. Within a f ?w months from now the traveler up the Shelby Division of the Carolina Central Railroad will see a wonderful change in the ap pearance of things at the Catawba river bridge, if the enterprise that is now nroiiosed is successfully carried out. Briefly told, it is that a party j ihf tuat does.jt any good." of capitalists have bought 300 acres i The reporter led the way to the bar, of land along the river bank to t'.io , ani af ter drinking his live fingers gress is the same old stor was a sightosB fool, that's the old ican jme ent to a sigh, and, after a severe struggle, coughed. "Blame that cough, it's always troub ling ir.? and whiskey is the only south of the bridge," which tbey have 15. 22. 23. .ToflfAvsnn Davis is now the last of his line. He has been married twice and has no male descendant who bears his name. Not long since he lost his only son, and recently the death of the son of General Joseph Jl Davis, of Biloxi, Miss., took away the last hope of perpetuating by male descendants the name ot jenerson Davis. Broken in health, but bear- in ft with silent fortitude all the ills O - ,1 , 11 A. 1 -r 1 that come and all that are im-eaieu- ; ly wr. joy s opinion ed, the venerable chieftain awaits tue summons that shall place him among his old comrades. had laid off iuto building iota, for a small town, where will b'. located rne the C. C. R. R.. dews (now Holly) and landing" for two lines of steamers, one of which will ply "P the river to Hooper's factory, and the J other down the river to rliiton a. Erwin's mills. This project has been on foot for several months, but it was only recently that all the details were satisfactorily arranged. The enterprise is under the man agement of a board of directors, com posed of Maj. H. M. Winder, -Major Chas. M. Stedman, Maj. J. G. Robin son, Col. John H. Sharpe and F. W. Clark. These gentlemen first pur chased 300 acres along the river bank, but to this they will add 500 acres more as soon as the negotia tions for the land are closed The 300 acres have been surveyed, thd streets marked out and the lots laid off. The present depot at M t. Holly. about a quarter of a mile beyond tb river is to be abolished and in its stesd a new depot is to be built di-ret-tlv at the bridge, iust to the south tii.To Th new depot w ill be . built ' on the modern style and in architect ural design will be one of the pretti est in this country. Just above the bridge a ferry will be established, to which wagons will have access over a bridge across Dutchman's creek. Arouud the depota wharl will be built for the boat landings. All ar rangements necessary to carrying on the plans, have been perfected and the erection of the depot, the first step in the enterprise, is to com mi0 within three weeKS. jos. xx. Hart a business young man of v ll- mington, has b- en appointed agent or the sale of the lots, and reiumeu o this city yesterday from a trip to ,benewton highly elevated with the outlook. M r. Hal t is mdatrious- y engaged in w orking up the sale of ots and states that he finds a dispo sition on the part of people who are anxious to invest their money, to Duy before he is ready for them. The nmnnnir live TlOW petting out a pamphlet containing a map and all the details of the enterprise in nui, and this will give our people abetter idea of what is to be done than we are at present able to give them, lhe pamphlet will be out in a few days. The names ol the parues nucleat ed is a guarantee that they mean business and is enough to insure that their project will be a success. The river boats will be put on by private individuals, the Messrs. Hooper, we believe, having already ordered their boat The river is navigable on the south to Hilton & Erwin's mill, about 5 miles, aud on the north to Caldwell's Shoals, above Hooper's straight his new acquaintance pet down the glass and said : '-Well, to begin. Seventeen years ago I was a at Mt- small truck farmer in North Caroli na, had forty acres, and was doing w ell, when an aunt of mine took up and died, leaving me her estate, which cousisted of 230 and a claim against the Government for damages. This claim amounted to about 1, 400, and I came to Washington to collect it I came in a Pullman car. When I go away now it's second class. I thought that "all I'd have to do was to come here and get the money. Well, I got here, hunted up my mem Ki told him of mv claims and he promised to attend to it for me. I hung about, gave fhree dinners at Brown's to the members of a commit tee to whom my claim was refen ed. and awaited results. It was not long before uiy money began to run Dr. Grisaom Repudiates Yoik Cor. OF the news and observre. Raleigh, N. C, Oct 10,1884. My attention has been called to an editorial in the Asheville Citizen of October 8th in reference to my re fusal to support Dr. York for Gov ernor. Wliile a conversation of the tenoi of the one referred to did oc cur, it was with no view of its going to the public. But as the fact has been published, aud as 1 have no concealments about the matter, I deem it but just to myseii that my reasons for refusing him my support shall also go to the public. As superintendent of the asylum it has been my duty to look after the legislation affecting the interest of the insane of the State, and because of this fact I know who have been the friends of the insane, ever ready to work for them. I also know who have been willing to leeve these poor unfortunate people to remain in con finement in the counties and ho have been unwilling to give a decent support to those who were fortunate enough to find room in the inadequate accomodation which has hitherto ex isted. I do not think Dr. York a fit man for the Governors chair. I do not mean anything pei-sonally discourte ous to him, for our relations are not sense unfriendly, but in my Kv tViot momliAr of mine kept 1 in anv UUUIC. u ...v. ... 1 - . ... . ... . i j u.i.i : nt lio lmsi not the ouahncfi Lei ling me to hang oh, and he d get my claim through all light. I got in the habit of loafing around the Capi tol, waiting for my claim, but she didn't come. Congress adjourned without acting on it, and at the end of the session I found myself dead broke. I went back home then, determined never to comeback again, and would not have done bo, but for that member of mine. He got me to work for his renoniination and he was eleced. Then he told me that the Gov ernment wanted men like me, and that ii I would sell out my place and come here he would surely get my claim through, aud would get me in one the departments. I came back, ynt into the P&tent Office, and all went serene until 1874, when I was fired out, my claim was disregarded and my member defeated. Then I had to hustle. The associations I had formed were hard to break away from, and I finally got hanging about the committee rooms, doing odd jobs for members. They would give me a little money now and then, and I managed to eke out a living, but that was all. During all of this trouble I became careless of myself. I had no desire to go back to my hrm- where 1 know I'd " have got a start, but simply hung about and never managed to get clear of the rut I fell into. Yes, Tve tried it, but it's no go, and Tm back here again. During the summer months some member generally gets me ar pass and gives me a little money, and I go to some of the watering nUffa This year 1 went home. ml Everybody had forgotten me. ninnBV fTftve out and I had to back." "How do you live " n TvhJvkev. Yes. whiskey; its Observer, the following letter has been received from Mr. J. C. Scar borough, Superintendent of Public Instruction, which shows that of the amount appropriated by CoL Pool, $2,800, he repaid 2.100 and the re maining 700 was paid by the com mittee to whom the matter was re feired, the schools not losing one cent The following is Mr. Scarbor ough letter : Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 7th, 1884. CR. Jones, Esq.. Charlotte, X. C. Mr Dear Sir: The defalcation of Stephen 1). Pool was confined en tirely to the Peaoody fund. He acted as State agent for the general agent of the fund. He gave no bond and was at that time personally re sponsible to the then agent, Rev. B. Sears, D. I. Col. Pool used 32.800 of the fund, applying it to the pay ment of his individual debts. Dr. Sears, when he found what had been done, paid directly to the schools to which aid had been promised the amount due each, so that no school in the State lost a cent Col. Pool afterwads paid back to Dr. Sears $2,100, leaving $700 loss to the Pea body fund. This Dr. Sears reported to liis board as due from CoL Pool, and for which he held Col. Pool's in dividual note unsecured. The mat ter which was referred to a commit tee which reoported recommending that the committee make good the loss from their private purses, and this was done. Very truly yours, j. C. Scarborough. This effectually dispsoses of a mat ter out of which" the Radicals, with their usual disregard for the truth and the facts, have been trying to make some capital. Called a Dude N. T. times. tions for the high office that he seeks. Nor do I think that his qualifications or his autecedentsare such a to en title him to the support, even of Re publicans. I am satisfied from my ion' laiiiiiicuii , ilii yj . , i ii course that neither the charitable - uordudtional interests of the State ing another a dude in the public nor euuwuuiHu street, the counsel for the defendeut would be safe under such pohcy as , , nlaintiff on cross examiua- 1 I 1 A- 1 vmrilM .- A nas uiways tuium.iciit.i-" i i fj0n . In the trial of the case in Mon- career. As a North Carolinian I cannot look at the fact before me, without perceiving that all the material inter ests of the State, her financial condi tion, her charitable and educational institutions, her progress at home and reputation in the eyes of the trv will liA ie.T)pai-dized by the election of a man of his antecedents. This is an unusual crisis, and while I an: not ambitious to any claim to consistency save in a love for North Carolina aiid the interests of all her people, I am especially devoted to the unfortunate &uuau whom the best years of my life have been passed. Parties and politics have no value in my eyes save as they protect not despoil "the people ; save as they may guide and mislead in the path of the State's prosperity. Eugene Grissom. My come Marls, Fertilizers Stones and Precious mills. This is an uu, r ! - - v. - ,i T important enter-, easier to gei, wmsy - ;r " rs. which are ad- prise for this section of our coun try , Sly prepared. The recently dis- 1W tue luncn. oiwp vu, w v, - - - , . Khown in ex- BALEIGH NEWS-OBSERVEB. The display of marls is made from lover thirty counties and tue great I extent of the beds of this valuable fertilizer are shown. The Navassa Guano Company, of Wilmington, makes in conjunction with the department a special ois and its progress will be watched interest by our people. I . i i. tue luucu. oi - - ,.lftftS ave of hotels are convenient, and once i3h fin ed phospuaies ai e i dude tobea person who , this being the finest presenta- ; eaadn to outward Indian Ver-1 house. uuimoi...".. I 1,4 mill trtR roinfT ...Mviinir to tue nirecuous. iu- b o o What is the meaning of the word dude" Witness (energetically) I consid er it an insult. I object to answer the question any further. They in sulted me and that is all about it I am not here to give any definition of the term but to state facts. But "what do you consider the word dude to signify?" Witness WelL a vulgarly dressed man who tries to dress well and be a gentleman, but can't. A person who carries himself in a loud manner, us ually ambles along in an absurd man ner," extending his arms in all sorts of shapes like a person in livery. Loud laughter. Mr. Charles Doucet, of the office oi the Clerk of the Crown was called and said he would consider the word dude a term of centempt If any body used the the word to him he would .consider that he was looked upon with contempt Mr. Driscoll Is it a mark of ridi cule? Witness Oh, certainly, because a dude is naturally ridiculous. Llxu.o: laugher. ii r. George Stephens said he made Mr. Hamilton's clothes, and there was nothing in them "loud," but they were the cljtheswom by an English gen tlemau. A dude was a man that was overdressed, but Mr. Hamilton had nothing of the dude about him. Mr. F. Colson, iu answer to Mr. Dnscoll's Questions, said ne consider- w no gave uu- ap pear- style of and by his Iu the morning is tne pes, uiu A nerhaps. to gO away are specimens ljaav ah , . .i t f Hio afofion tenso, tnis uemi; u - r V j.,00ffoTition put omy u- . T7 :r of tbeia t made, Tne none- " maiked style of j. u uiui;o -,. r;n,,inpK7(infO:ae cases, , i- again, and i . , . rri,.o dress in a certain iasiuou, uj hma and and from huge pyramid- . , -ttW miffht besup- from about wurreeu cuuuo". j posed W if A dude was wnas was masher" in Eugland. Leciaiie Doyou cousided Mr. ... 1 1.4 and mica, and : Hamilton a duoe : Witness Is that a fair question, An-anfrements have been made by x A Itltniirrll TOll TTOIl (1 luuuwvu. . , , nex, f PZ ,t " '"r The collection of precious stones, , fXauhter. ottniuK v ---Vh";i under the charge of L'rof- Wilhani ; rr oi --jf" , "ftn Earl Hidden, w shown specnuiy u Tm is a bower: A most disastrous conflagration (vwirrwl nioht before last near Mt. " o . ... . M oui-ne in the destruction of the gin ; will go you , v ; j t e HT T U I-4aI tArrathOI 1 1 r t'All T. Crf )L 2LaULLC J Ua I , ... . i liouse oi iu.r. u. xa. ? w6vuuwi i - g" - - a -a , 1 . ; 'i . covered wiui conon auu xi , with eighty bales of cotton. The loss ! I Uiink I d hke to try a bed to night , j m which j in cotton alone is about $d,blMi. lhe , , kv! about 100,000 woi-th of precious ; Honor? has forgotten that. mit the indomitable pluck with which Mr. Blaine is defending himself against such a cloud of charges as was never made against any other Presidential candidate since the Gov ernment began, Yet I cannot allow gin house, gin and all machinery was ; AiTangemeni - , gtones sLowll, new and in fust class order, and telegraph to-oay 101 .CZtW : rabies. The list there was no insurance on the prop- that will next week bring abou Wu ; mi : imnrv oil nf rlftilvnaners from Aiasaa- ; i day Friday, and the nre, it is Denev ed, originated from the engine. Charlotte Observer. -m. -W rhusetts, Pennsylvania, iew aw, MrvUiid to the Exposition, i Thev vill airive on one of the last from diamonds 10 - Tj rpmil, vl that it was embratres about ; busiliess how Mr. HamUtou ! dressed as long as he was not u d iceut 5..l in answer to the question from ; Tne fame his Honor whether he would coniu. r Don't Give tip Yet. It doesn't follow that pa ient will die because the doctors hare "given him up, or that he will recover because they prom ; t "null him thronch." It is never too lat to trv the ereat virtues of Parker' X OmiC Jl ui iuiiuva " cj ,m,tnti N Y. was cured ot HhAamatisin bv it after ten years of uu inu-. Air K W Moaher. drnsgist city, certifies that he has sold over end bottle of Parkera Tonic thi t aputatiou for this a4 tht p-utp ide, - - -m-- S1 Raleigh Aews-voserver .xi.x anything indeevntin Mr. abroad, jreo-. jy-,, attire, witness rephed, J pie from Ibey vvui mm, u o the ail?piay has gone days oi lier , the NoltU uoW bere ev- i ltainly not -i wt-incr at the arravof prod- VI J UOJ, iuv-.b - - Mr. H. H. Cummer, Newton BrooK. Jn yaUjpson county's ex- York Co., U nt alio, vyiuiauo, - !?ZrT!Z '"".T' uL I and .Pine. .11 1 got a lU!e of to- i w,m fnhoid fever, and that by a inf such lustre to Americas iam. -i v if V. Art motiutA ! IX V" wT W ' . . . -w .peakavh, uiTer-! few external applycations of bt Ja- r . . r ' , -k;t 4V miuf nam niir. tUe ' mon's Kehef and ueedit It relieved . of aame c0bs Oil, the great pain cure, iu k pattern, very rer a tho lump eoftened and gi-ftdually disap- hown a v lough its- i 1 u r , T : i - , lish and excellent as to texture. Tn Montgomery's exhibit is ' mon's iteuei auu ux- ---- In Montgny instantly, and I can recommend it " . r. x i -n very highly- or sale uj uwa

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