THE ENTERPRISE. jTCBLISH ED EVERY SATURDAY. M. WILLIAMS, Editor & Putfr. TERMS. We advise all our Republican l ead- j Ohio is less than it was in 1876, Oru Year t-'ix Months -Throe Mtrs - - 0150 - 75 - . 50 OUR NOMINEES. - ENT, Crover Cleveland, OF NEW YORK. FoiiVice -President : Thomns A. Hendr icks, OF INDIANA. For Electors at Large, W. H. KITCHEN, of Halifax. JOHN N. STAPLE of Guilford ers to read the letter of Dr. Grissoin, to be found at another place in this issue. He jries erood reasons why . w . he cannot vote for York. Is it time to stop and thiuk before vote, when the best men of the ty, men like Dr. Grissom and L. Patterson, refuse to support the tick not you par- whieh sho: ed so clearly the senti ment of the country was against the Republicans that Tilden s.vept all the doubtful States of the North. Everything seems to point to Cleve land's carrying the same States by even larger majorities than Tilden did. fj-U KGDAT'S ELECTIONS. 1,500; Second, Charles E. Browo, 2, 0(8. Xne 12 i-rp.Mi.rt! na lnsn and Demnr.ratsL -n . . x - ! uepuoi0"- - - vrui not inatenauy alter tnese major ities, which are all Republican. Beres- The people of Newton accepted ford for sheriff ran ahead his ticket. us uiu au me county omcers com pared with the candidates on the tate ticket. Three Republican can didates on the judicial, Peter Suriug, J. M. tJiuith and Jos. Cox, were also eiected. STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALFRED MOORE SCALER OF GU1XFOKD. For Lieutenant Governor, CHARLES M. STEDMAN, OF NEW HANOVEB. For Secretary ol State, TILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, OF NKW HAXOVER. Let not Northern Republicans harp anv longer about the bull dozing aud intimidation of negro voters by dem ocrats in the South. The most bare faced intimidation ever practiced in this country was by Ohio Republican manufacturers four days before the election. Notices were posted up in several large iron and steel works that they were closed up until after the October election. If the Repub licans rallied the State they would vPKimifi work on the dav after elec tion, if not, they would hold up till af ter the November election; if the Dem ocrats should elect the President it was uncertain whether work would ever be resumed. This was intended to intimidate the workmen, and was the most effective way that could be employed. For Treasurer. DONALD W. BAIN, OF WAKE. For Auditor, TV. P. ROBERTS, OF GATES. Tor Superintendent of Public In struction, S. M. FINGER, OF CATAWBA. For Attorney General. T. F. DAVIDSON, OF BUNCOMBE. For Judge Supreme Court, AUGUSTUS S. M ERRDIAN, or WAKE. For Congress, 7th District, JOHN S. HENDERSON, Of Rowan. For'State Senate, M. O. SHERRILL. For Representative, A. A. SHUFORD. "vf elitop the press to insert the following telegram: Latest tele ejraphic news from Ohio is the Re publicans have only 3,300 majority. Democrats are claiming the State. Thousands of the worst characters of Ohio were sworn in as deputy United States marshals on election ?ay to intimidate the voters, and pre vent a fair election. One white man was shot by a negro marshal. Henry Ward Beecher said in his pulpit last Sunday that half a million of dollars bad been sent from New York city b the Republican commit tee, to be used in corrupting the vo ters of Ohio. Do not be over-confident, fellow Democrats of North Carolina. York will get the full negro vote of East ern North Carolina, and if too many of you stay at home, this illiterate demagogue may defeat the true and loved patriot, Gen. A. M. Scales. Daniel McSweeney, the Irish Anierican who remained in a British prison fourteen months while Blaine was Secretary of State, although he had it in his power to have him re leased by writing only five words, baa arrived in New York to work against James G. Blaine. He tells his countrymen that Blaine is not the friend of the Lishmen. Patrick Henrv "Winston, who was in Newton Thursday, is ihe same Patrick who ranted in the Chicago convention about Southern outrages, about avenging the Danville and Co piah riots. He said no.hing about avenging the Cincinnati riot of "Wed nesday, before which the Danville and Copiah skirmishes pale into nothingness. THE OCTOBER ELECTIONS. The State elections in Ohio and West Virginia were held Tuesday. The result is a drawn battle between the parties. The Republicans hold Ohio aud the Democrats hold West Virginia. No advantage has been gained by either party, and the main battle yet remains to be fought on the fourth of November. At the be- ninnincr of the campaign the Demo- crats conceded Ohio to the Republi cans, but claimed that West Virginia would remain true to Democracy ; the Republicans claimed both States, and boasted that they would break the solid South by carrying YV est Virginia. During the last week of the campaign the Democrats thought they had a chance to carry Ohio. Th3 result shows that each party has been both successful and unsuccess ful. Each has been successful in holding its own State, but unsuccess ful in its attempt to win the State of j the opposing party. The only "difference is that the Democrats were able to hold West Virginia with but little expense and little effort, while the Republicans had to fight for ev ery foot of ground in Ohio. They not only spent all the money they rnnld derive from everv source, but had their whole army of speakers from every part of the country can vassing every county of the State. And besides this, a horde of govern ment officials, under the command of Commissioner of Patents, Dudley, as sisted in organizing the State, and in colonizincr hundreds of black voters j l from Indiana, Kentucky and other ! neighboring States. The Dutch have taken Holland, but they had to call in much outside help in doing it. The Democratic tactics were well laid. They succeeded in making the enemy spend their campaign fund in one of their own States, while the Democratic fund yet remains almost intact. The Republican party comes out of Ohio hopelessly crippled, while the Democratic party is in su perb shape for the great battle to be fought from Massachusetts to California. Let no Democrat be disappointed by Tuesday's elections. If we had gained Ohio, of course we would have been glad to add it to the Demo cratic column, but it has never been counted on with any confidence. The State was not taken into the count as necessary to the election of Cleve land when he was nominated, and is not needed now. The result in West Virginia shows that the Republicans cannot succeed in capturing any votes South ; and New York, Indiana and New Jersey seem as certainly Democratic to-day as does North Carolina and Tennessee. The votes of the first two States are all that are needed north of Mason and Dixon's line. We also expect to car ry Connecticut and California, and have fair prospects in several other States. BUSINESS MEN AND POLITIC In every election sinca the war one of th strongest appeals that has been made to the country by the Re publicans has come from the business men, especially from the business men of New York. They have rep resented the business interests of the country to be on a sound basis, aud that a continuance of the Republican party in power was necessary to pre serve the equilibrium of the country. Such arguments, have been 1 ("Y , i 1 1 II , i uiincuii. to comuat, ana nave naa a wonderful influence in determining the decision of the indifferent, inde - pendent aud floating vote of the country. This year a complete change lias taken place. The business men say that the Republican policy has had its day, and that a change is needed that business of every kind is lag ging and unprofitable, aud that th country can not prosper again until the Democratic theory has gained the ascendency, on account of the changed condition of - the country. They say further that B:ame is too erratic, reckless and dashing to be at the proposition of the telegraph company to furnish complete news from the Ohio election. The folio w in were received on the night of the election- Since then we have re ceived nothing by telegraph. OHIO; rvnmbus Indications show that the State has gone Republican, un less the large cities show materially different results from the counties based on the vote of 18gt, comparing a email olaces. 96 wards and r-re the Democratic vote of t0,911 with a Republi- tue -liepubiican vote of 4i,b4i. WEST VTEGISIA. Charleston, W. Va., October 1-4. Reports from all parts of the State indicate the largest vote ever polled-; r-si The vote of West Virginia will be i j A &h tl ra iS s I i i M i ' OB' 1 r; Chsir incts iu the State snow can gam u a---.. Columbus loO wards show Republican gams on of 18S3 of 1926. Columbus 1 8 wards ciu'cts in Ohio show net Republican ins of 283. Cincinnati Republicans claim the tWhon of tneir entire ticket m Hamilton county. Columbus 208 precincts ui Ohio show wt Republican gam of 2u63. Cincinnati Precinct bth, of 10th ward, show Republicau train of 263. Columbus 2bb wards in Stat show Republicau gain of 3670. Columbus odl precincts m the State show net Republicau gains of 8417. Cincinnati 55 precincts m Ham ilton county show net Republican rains of 2740- This is about half the precincts cf the countv. Coiainbus Republicans claim the lis? 37ir Ifestb, J omit ting the Greenback vote of 13,207, of 1 - 1-1" 1 , the A oie me iepuDiicui party tnis year, j eturns from tnirteen wards and and pre- Preincts show net Republican gains 'prmltlir-nn 1'3, compared with 1880 vote. The Republicans will have to gain 24 ! votes m every ward and precinct to carry the Suite. Whesxetg, W. Va., October 15. The Jieqistcr claims that the State has one Democratic for Governor by from 7,000 to 10,000. Wheeling, W. Va., October 15. The news from West Virgiuia up to 12:3o tnis morning is that the Dem ocrats have elected Wilson Governor, I y but no fijrures are ren. The re turns are very meagre. Nothiug posi tive is expected before to-day at noon, l lie jJemocrats nave carnea the State. Chakixstox, W. Va., October 15. Kanawha county will give Maxwell, Those who hare used either of the above articles can testify to their superior quality and excel- 1 -w-w 1 - Vl State by 16,000 majority, basing the epuoucan nominee lor vjoveruor, ocfi" on the r,rec-mcts aireadv between dOU and o'JU maiority. lie v;ow"""' r i the head of the government, and hai very unsound business views wiule Cleveland is a man of sound business qualifications is couversative and prudsnt oa all subjects aud lias proved himself the best executive of ficer of this age. i- il il . or tnese reasons mey uave une 11 T 1 - quivocaiiy espousea nis course, irre suective of past political ties. All the business exchanges have formed ! Cleveland and Hendricks clubs, com posed largely of former Republicans, and on Thursday of last week show ed their zeal bv holding in New York city one of the grandest demonstra tions ever seen in this country. At two o clocKtne eiuus Degan to assein- j ble in front of the sub-treasury build ing, and soon all the adjoining sheets were packed with enthusiastic Cleveland and Hendricks men. At night over 30,000 cf the soid, digni fied business men iu line paraded the streets, and all tne large nails were Dacked and iammed with people to listen to the speakers. It is estima ted that fully 100,000 men participa ted in the demonstration. This meet- in"-, on account of the fact that o 7 large part of the participants have heretofore been Republican, is the most significant thing that has hap pened during the campaign. The sentiments there expressed by these especially in this city. At the indications point to the heard from. The following dispatches we set from the Raleigh JVetrs cfc Obserctr. Toledo. O. lo 1 a. m. fto far as heard from the Republican State ticket has made lan?e gains throuh- out this Congressional district and At present election of Romeis over Hurd for Congress by a small majority. CoLrMBrs, O.. October 15. Ad vices received at midnight show that Foian, Dem., is elected to Congress. The following other Congressmen , ,1 !.( TT t inn. are prooaoiy eiecieu. muu, i"iu district : Tavlor, Republican. 13th district; George Geddes, Democrat, 10th district; Ben. Butterwoith, Re publican, 1st district; Mclvniiey, 20tli district ; Chase JfcSrown, Zltlx district. Co.rMErs- O., October 15 1.45 a. m. Eight hundred and twenty eight wards aud precincts show a net Democratic gaia of 1,248 over the vote for secretary of Stats in 1SSH. the same wards and precincts show a net Republicau gain of 12.620 over the vote for Governor m 16od- -Live Democratic candidate for Congress i the 6th district is probably elect ed.' CiscnraATi, October 15. Commer cial Gazette specials indicate the el ection of Hedges, Republican, for Congress iu the I6th district by 800 majority. Loxnos, Ohio. October 15. In the Hocking and Tuscarawas valleys large Republican gain are reported. Columbls, Ohio, October 151.30 a. m. Seven hundred and sixty- eight wards and precincts show a net layette r ten ce Y,'e- invite the attention of the ladies to Bodinc's celebrated crucible cooking crock. Fruits, vege tables and meats can be cooked, in them without being colored. also aets the fusion vote. 1 1 " tt its r.-"i!''f? ill later. I TTe have also two of th e most desirable styles of Colons, a, October i6.-TJnoffi- U hie ware, Broun Indus and Summerttne. We cial returns received hist night from 'WILL S?LO uuc jiccc u, all but live counties iu the State show j . . T- t . Republicau majorities of 45.192, C lUVlteall to COUie and SCC, Ulld et pVlCeS Democratic majorities 41.aiJ, ; .hpi ni'P, im ll 1L PLseWtierC and juemocraiic majoru-its iet l.epablican pluiiiiity for the State is estimated at 10.Sb;. ' The latest from West Virginia is that the Democrats claim it by 10. 0U0. LATEST AND BEST. Special to I.aleigh Cheosicle- Washingtos, D. C. 16. Latest news from Olio is that t e Republi can majoritv is down to six thousand. Latest from West Virginia ten thou sand Democratic majority and going higher. Kespecfully, Xeirs i& Observer : Yesterday Mi. Patrick received information that the correspondent of the New York "Daily Graphic" will be here in a few days, to illustrate the exposition. Smyre Rkyiie &Co solid business men have gone out in j Democratic gain of 756 over the vote the Iar-e papers of New York, and '; for secretary of State in ISbU. iue OX JT i 1 - 1 1 . i- same waius ana prciucts -uw uti Republican gaiu of 11,969 over the Nosth Cabolixa, Catawba county. October 8, 1884. J. C. Blair and -wife, Sohronia Blair, vs. Moses Teague. By an order of Court the undersigned commissioner will sell on the first Monday in December, 13S4, tor cash, to the highest bidder, at the court house door iu Newton, the foili-g described tract of land 100 aorea lying on the Catawha river, the tame Uiu; a part of a valuable tract of land known s the Id S-ttemye trart, and to be sold t SHify a bouu and itortgage ex ecuted bv the dc-eiidant in this artioa. F. A- UUYLK, p. S. We hand. still hare Cloicr Seed on iljlllllillli will have a tremendous eifee.. New York is considered as certain for Cleveland as any future event can . Cc is, isst. Co m oissi oner. xV NOU N C EMENTS FOR TKEASITREU : At the request and urgent solicitation of msny vote for Governor in 1SS3. Robinson's vote will fall below be determined. The Herald savs he that for the remainder of the State ! citizens. I hereby announce mvst-ur a candidate will eaiTV all the rival districts" and ! ticket, his majority being estimated j .r the office of Treasurer Having served .a W1U CaiTV ail IU- ril-tl usinil-, tuiu. J J o . . .,cltv for ,is Tcars heretofore, ami a I , . .i . o.i i : in KeuuDUcan quarters at iroin owi ",.......,-. me western pan oi tne olul,, ami , , - i,f 1Q 1 . - to 4')0. The results show that the will come down to Harlem bridge j Germans TOted as hev did three with 20,000 majority, with New i ork vears ago, before the temperance agi tation in the Stfite. Cn:ciNATi, October 15 Both the eL jfcP sliMk aJs 3 and Brooklyn to pile up the I large majority. -And the cities of New York and Brooklyn w ill doubt less run it up to 75,0:)0 or 100,000 majority. TJje Ohio Election. 5EW TOKK WORLD, DEM. OCT. lOSt The strongest point that Dr. York has made in his canvass of the State in support of his assertion that the Democrats of the House of Repre sentatives are opposed to the Blair educational bill, is that the Demo cratic committee on education refus ed to briner the matter before the House. But it has been shown that tits Co tgessimal reord puts an entirely different construction upon the matter. Mr. Aiken, of South Carolina, the chairman of the com mittee, moved that the bill be taken up, but Hiscock, 'of New York, a Re publican,, objected. By reason of tlje TuTe that no bill can be taken up out of itsre&Tilar order, without unani- ffive the niouB consent, the bDl was thuspost-ron-ed by the Iter,Tabic2is. LATER AND BETTER. vv nen tne aoove editorial was written it seemed to be agreed to by both parties that the Republicans had carried Ohio by about their usu al majority, 20,000, and that the Democrats had maintained about their usual majority in West Virgin ia, and consequently no advantage gained by either side, but a dispatch to be found at another place says the Republican majority has come down to 6,000 in Ohio, and the Democratic majority in West Virginia has gone far above the usual mark. If this is correct the result is a very decided victory for Democracy. A similar I falling off from the Republicans wiil!Petty Ptur . , adorned the a .Democrats an tne ciosei States iu November. As will be seen bv a table elsewhere the maToiit' in ! .i;... .-if universal satisfaction, if now elect- v. .... K ed I will execute the dutiee of the wtFire to the bt.t of my al.ility. K. P. 1U DIS1LL. FOR COUNTY STKVEYOR : After iolicitatioas from many kind friemls. I take ti in method of announcing myself a canlil- ate for the office of County surveyor. If elected Everything favors a Republican victory equal to the average of tbe last, twentv eirht vears in Presiden tial elections. The majorities for the ; paring it to the Mississippi policy. Republican candidates in that period t i.: 4.1. P.n,,l,i;MT m-ooc : ate for the uio.iLi. o-r .r , . v i tueautiesoftheofflceto the best tniS muriniiij aj;ic liizilr j nici o election in Cincinnati was the blood iest ever held here. The Democratic papers assert that a thousand deputy marshals were employed, mainly in intimidating honest voters, while the Republican press construe the con ! duct of the police force and the dep uty sheriffs in a similar mannev,com- : i a . IK. I ; ... C .... . . . t . of mv abiUty. M. J. Rowe. FOR .REASEURER. To the voters of catawba ! I take this mode of announcing myself a candidate Tor the office of treasurer. If elected I can give a good bund. I have never before been a caudidate for any office C M. Iowrance. FOR TREASURER. To the Voters of Catawba Louuty : I respet fi.ii, i..f..ri the neim'.e of Catawba county that have been as follows : 1856-Republican maj, Oct 10,380 1856-RepubIican maj, Nov, 1G,623 1860-Repubhcan inai, Oct 12,90:3 r t . on T"" J Sr5ep , v maJct- - - ? ' Mintgonery county returns, which 18G4-Repubhcan maj,Nov 59?obbj - . - 595 Democratic ma- inritv for the State ticket, a stun ol Tli T?oTMiI.1.if?in olttini a. msiorilv I I am a candidate for re-electiunto the office of -i.t ,,nn :.. wv ,. ... lA,n I Trea.-unr. lurujr the four yeai s that I have held t ) 1 I l t iJJ xx Lit ULAir. ttuu r i - - ocrats concede 10,000. Dayton, O-, October 15 -John F Sinks (Rep.) is elected to Congress from this (fourth) district by 15 ma 1868-Repablican maj, Oct. .17,3S3 1868-Hepubacan majNov 4:l,4b 1872-Republican maj, Oct... ...14,150 1872-Republican maj,Nov 37,531 1876-Republican maj, Oct ..... 6,G3G 1879- Republican niaj,Nov .... 7,5 1 6 1880- Republican maj, Oct 19,005 1880-Republican maj.Nov 3-4,227 This is au average of 20. 600 on the seven October elections, and this, it will be seen, is about the October majority of Garfield's year. Blaine's Intimate Associates. X. X. HERALD. ' Mr. Fisher has been an intimate associate of mine for the past twenty years 1 know him and Mr. Mulligan intimately Fisher and I had very long and in the main very pleas ant business relations, extending back to a period when I was a very young man. Blaine's Testimony before the Judiciary Committee. My correspondence with Fisher was "the most intimate business cor respondence of my life."- Mr. Blaine's iypeech in Con-gress. Fisher is "a sharper'-and a uknaven and 'liar and a blackmailer," and "an impudent liar." The two are "as nrettv a mur of romies us ever this office. I have euuearured to dscU:-rge iw uu iies arcer-tibiy to every citizen of the county and in strlrt conformity to the. laws retreating my conduct. iy books and reports have been in siiected and approved by to boards of commis sioners and are open to the inspection of every Toter in the county. Thanking the people for heir naat sreneroui support I asjaiii solicit your votes for the office of Treasurer. GEO.W.RABB. FOR SHERIFF. Friends ami Fellow Citizens : I hereby tn- non: ce mvself a candidate for the office of SHERIFF. Having a family to support whe re dependent on me. and not being physically able t nrrf.irm nianucl labr. I. bv the advice of friends ctiuimenced collecting bills. ntes ar.dac music disturb j counts for different parties.and gave satisfaction. I accepted a deputpship under Sheriff lount. m which capacity I have been acting about four vears. I leave it to those who are iu a position to know whether I am honest, or whether I am qual-iH.-d ti iJis. barse the duties of the office. I invite investigation and criticistr. If elected Sheriff I will discharge the duties impartially to all, from tho !: to the creates!, without fear or favor. Very truly your obedient servant. 40H-I W- KALE FOR TREASURER : To the Voters of Catawba County Fellow Cit izens : I take this method of inf;rinp:g you that I am a candidate for the office of County Treas urer. In ieferenceto uir nullifications for the - - . - . T 170. Th8 Republicans elected tneu sheriff, MeWeir. The Republican circuit judges in the second district are elected by 3.500 majority. The citizens are wild in their demonstra tion and bonfires are lighted and the roar of cannon and peaceful sluinoers. Cieveind, U October to. j? uu election returns show that Robinson the Rerjublican candidate for secreta ry of State, received in the county 42,884 votes and Newman, the Dem ocratic candidate, 4,(146; Robinson over Newman 2,238, Martin A- Foran, Democrat, for Congressman from the 21st district, a part of this county, received 19215. and C. C. Burnet, Republican, 17,714 -, Foran over -R, f 1 3.11 rri. ivarrls and town- , . , inn, j;.fit r-;oP t j office I respectfully refer you to iur neighbors in ships of the 19th district gxve Ii R- CUne-stowlssUi.(lltl to tUe lmvlc o( to Taylor, liepuoncan. -ixo, anu. nui ace Alvord, Democrat,. 2,11 The Republican elect their entire county ticket. JJamil- WE HAVE OVER SUITS OF CLOTHES, AND WILL SELL CMTSII3 From 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper tlum tliev have ever been offered in this country. A ast y than cost. 3.1 ir5 rr dfor ess e Avi pay 80 cents per bushe GOOD WHE A T, m . --( - . r annais ot tiie louc-. Grazette. 3. 1" IVibune. CTxrrxxATi. Oct. 15- In ton county 96 out of 108 precincts j give the following Republicau major ; ities on the State ticket : Secretary of Mate James Y- wob inson, 2,262; Judge of Supreme court. William Johnson. 2,435: Member of Ficker- towuship. where I formerly resided- I hall can rass the county during the next few weeks. whn I will have an oiMrtunity of addressing you more fullr on this subject. J. M. ARXT. FOR SHERIFF r To the people of Catawba county The Pemo cratic county convention haviug dcided not to make nominations for county offices I hereby announce myself a candidate for rr-election t the tfee of Sheriff. Mane tUank to the jwutde of the baunor cvHOty for the. t'neru? supj-ott ! heretf--e ni If n-e!tcte4, th STi e in Goods or on Accounts. Come to see us, aud bring your wife and ch idren ; many thanks for past favors. with we are, Ii I S "P K V T F U I. !, Y M. O. Sherrili&CO. A man is know by the company keeps. Old Proverb. , , c , , ' . T DOtUtl Ol pUOUC WUia jl v.- .u , ' he i frer, 3,031). Congressional districts : i Jv i:r-tfuiiy. i iieii. JBUtterWOrUi, ; Sept. Sra, lii. 5,1J..V L.10L, t Fii-st di .tnct,

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