"rr3 ... rrn W t Published Weekly bjr W. B. GAITHER; E;tor aud Proprietor. 'For us, Principle is Prmdiple R ip; Right Yesterday, To-day, To-morrow Forever." c teems. Sl-50 Per C in Advance. Annum VOL IX NEWTON, CATAWBA COUNTY, N; C.. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1887. NO. 3o JDX SCO? COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff S. L. Yount, Newton. Co. Clerk P. A. Boyle, Newton. Reg. of Deeds G. W. Cochrane ' Newton. Treasurer G. W. Eabb; Newton. Coroner M. F.Saunder&; Jlonbo. Co. Surv'r. J. S Bandy. Bayly's. C Supt Pub In R. A. Yoder, Newton. cotjnty BOARD OF EDUciTIOJT. S. J. Whitener, Ch'rm Bhbirill'a Ford. J. S. Bridges Catawba. E. F. Kamsaur Jug Town. Rev. R. A. Yoder, Sec't. Nctftori. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. A. G. Corpening, Ch'rm. Jacob's Fork. R. Whitener Hickory. M M, A. A. Abernetby Monbo. S. Deal Newton. M. Hiiitt Newton. TOWN OFFICERS; Mayor H..A. Forney. Commissioners 11. J. Shipp, J. R. Gaither, W. L. C. Killian. Sec. and Treas, T. R. Abernethy Affcrsbal J. S. Allen. POSTMASTER. Mis3 Rosa Campbell. ARRIVAL OF MAILS. Eastern Mail Western ' -Southern " -Lenoir 44 - -Arrives at 1:19 p. m. 44 5:45 p. m. - 44 44 9:00 p. si. - 44 9:1)6 a.' . Tatloesyille Mail Tri-weekly Leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at G a. m. Arrives, same 9a vb at 7 p. m. Lixcolxtoh Horse Route. Serui weekly Arrives Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 P. M. Leaves Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m. yOUNT HOUSE, W. E. YOUNT, Iroprizlcr, NEWTON, N. C. Jell furnished rooms ; polite and attentive ser vants; table supplied with the bent the market affords. Dr P F Laugenonr, (Dentist, brudvat't of the'Baltimore College of Denial Sur Newton, N. C. Does all kind' of Operative Prosthetic or Mechanic a Dentistry. He has all th taoderu improvements in Det.tal machinery, Ap pliances, Instruments, Materials, and methods or Operating. f eetH Extracted Without Pain by administering Nitrons Oxide Gas. Artificla teeth without plates. Aching teeth caned, t a ed, filled and made useful and durable. Office on Hie Corner, back or Yount't Hotel. A lord to tlie Public. THE XEWTON BARBER-SHOP. We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line in first class style. Sobernees and cleanliness strictly observed. Will do our utmost to make our shop a peasant place to our custo iners and patrons. Careful attention given to Lacliee and children at Residence or shop. Earnest L. Moore Prop. STOP AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL Hickory, N. C iSTFirst-class fare and splendid accommodations. rphe undorffisriied having qualified arf A'dminis , X tratrixof the estate of James E. Simmon U'sceanod, do hereby notify all perform having claim h against the estate to present tjj'cm to me within one year from thin date or this notice will be ilead in liar of their recovery. i .,. All persons indebted to said estate Cre required to make settlement at once. AUGELINE SIGMOITi'Ad't'r'x. Aug. 25th 187.-6 weeks.' AGENTS WANTED for the most comi'lete populay .fnafly physician book ever produced. Select soirethiag thoroughly useful, of truo value, and il? are always pure aud larjje. ESTIItKLY KEW, ,irp to the very latent science, yet in idairt .lanpua"3. A GREAT NOVKLTV in all Us parts and attracts irstant attentioa. 200 engravings, 'XbH most profusely and beautifully illustrated book of the kind ever got up. Lust of all, it If by f-ir the fur the lowest priced ever published less than half the cost of any decent voluRie vet out Agents who'r tired of struggling witb higfj-pricod books, for particulars of this great new ii-pui ture in liooksclliug. PLAN JET tUBLISHING to. CIO Arch St.. i'HlLADKLPlllA, PA. V dy' time jrivn Agjt' "itboufcarrlt:!. A DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. An iDcendlary Circular Issued by Anarchists in Behalf of Their Condemned Brethren CoiuiiBUs, O. Sept. 19. The: fol lowing circular, which is dated New York and published both in German and English; was distributed very Quietly to-day by the Anarchists, call ing on the workingmen to prevent the hanging of the condemned Anarchists at Chicago i To tba Tcrklsgmen of the United States and North America You have heard the Supreme Court's de fiision in the Chicago Anarchist trial. It strikes like a thtinclerholt in the heart of every free man. The judges who Lave affirmed the sentences Stand on a level with the notorious police bandit, Captain Bon field, with the barbarous prosecutor, Ebersold, with the monumental per jurer. Schaack, with the corrupt jury with the tiger of the bar, Grinnell, and with the scoundfsl of all scoun drels, Gray, th9 manager of the greatest "judiciary" crime of our times. Our comrades, Spies, Parsous, M. Schwab, Fielden, Lingg, Fischer and Eugel, are to empire on the gallows, while Neebe must be doomed to death in a dungeon. And yet no man has the hardihood to claim that any of these eight martyrs threw the famous cotnb on May 4, 1886. From a legal point of view not a shadow of evidence was furnished that any one of our eight persecuted comrades were directly or indirectly paiticipants rii the affair. Why then, were these champions of freej speech condemned f Because they exercised the rights guaranteed to all men by the constitution of this coun try. Though Ihe trial occupied nearly two months and perjured wit nesses came troonin into the court in drotes, it was impossible to lay cny other crime at their doors. American workers ! will you suffer this outrage to be flung in your face ? Will you remain &iient and allow ihat so-called justice shall be defied in so bloody a manner a dastardly deed, alleged to be sanctioned by tbe will of tLe people? It must never be! Arise in your imposiug mightand let your righteous wrath fall in an uuiiiistakablu protest upou the beads of those interpreters vi the Jaw whe have b.iselv betravJ their trust. The aims and purposes' of Anarchism hnvebeen blackguarded and viliified by the fiends of human ity who feast upon your- servitude. You will know how to guard against such slander and assert your man hocd. Anarchy i not a frightful chaos as pictured by the hired pres-; it aims on the contrary, at the fraternal har mony of all mankind. j What the Anarchists strive" at is to put a stop to tbe yholesae fleecing cf the toilets by shrewd monopolists, and robbers who masquerade a3 ex change speculators. The suppression of every injustice and tyranny, and ihe establishment of a social condi tion where each individual contri butes his share of useful work and enjoys the benefits of life in a rational manner; that is our ideal anarchism. It,i3 never bloodshed, licentiousness, or a negation of every human principle. It is synonymous with humanity, freedom and jus tice. Tho'ci-ime1' for which thd seven men in Chicago are to be hanged is purely a devotion to thdso high and noble aspirations. The beasts of capital want blood. Their hirelings have shown them selves ready to seize the best and noblest from the' ranks of the people, and render thebi up to their senseless rage! Workmen ! will you remain quiet while the.striviDgs of your pooplo, identical with the holiest yearning of mankindare sacrificed and trampled under foot in the person of your com rades ? You know what is your duty. These condemned riien are suffering because they loved mankind better than themselves : because they wrote and preached to you and for you the gospel of the future. Now, you must demonstrate your soli'larity tho strength of your or ganization. ' . Gather together, summon our com. rades from every side, aud proclaim our opinions in such .a way thut no dubtcan remain of their character. ThYr v. orkintfmen of America must show that their sense of justice and their hatred of tyranny in this shameless form has not been destroy ed. If you wish to do so you can pre sent tbs consummation of November 11, of thi3 horrible deed to which the deeds of Cnnnibals are as nothing. We demand that every man does his duty, and that you say to this rabble of thieves and murderers which rule you. "Thus far and no further." Indignation meetings must be called and held as quickly as possible. Above all, it is necessary that the interpreters of the constitution at Washington be spurred to pass upon this judicial murder proposed at Chicago. The judgment of blood is not yet executed. Let every man do his duty and it never will be. Long live the salidarity ! Down with baibarism. Federation of Traces Usiox. Dr McGlynii. (N. T. Star. During the campaign one year ago I made but one speech fci the cause that I held most sacred, that occupied the full sympathies of my heart, snd not even to my dearest friends, not even to Henry George did I divulge the reason cf my silence. Yes, I kept back the out rage. and the indignity offered to" my manhood even from him. Yes, at the very day on which I delivered that speech a man Arch bishop Con-iganJ a man like you and I in this very city, dared have the nerve to be guilty of the out rage of sending me a letter in which he forbade me to speak at that meet ing, except by the special permission of who of what of an institu tion 5,000 mile across the water of the Sacred College of tbe Prop a gang da ia Lome. Dr. McGlynn. Ah ! Dr. McGlynn ! What had you promised ? Was it not to cherish and obey your church ?You may say that you had, or that you now fancy you had niantal reservations whtn you plighted your troth that will row protect you ! But will they ? Did you not, on Dec. 20, 183C, write this to your Archbishop ? My doctrine about the land has been made clear in speeches, in reported interviews and in published aiticlep, and I repeat it heie. I have taught aiid I shall continue to teach, in speeches and writings, as long as I live, that land is ih'i rightful prop erty of the people in common, and that private ownership of land is against natural jd'srtice, no matter by what civil or ecclesiastical laws it may be sanctioned, and I would bring about instantly, if I could, such change of law3 all tbe world over as' would CONFISCATE private properly in land mjthoitl one fenny of compensation to the miscalled owners. - Nap-leon's Religion. ' ., 2Ty religion is very simple. I look at this universe, so vast, so complex, so magnificent, and I say to myself that it cannot be the result of chance but the worky however intended,' of an unknown Omnipotent Being; as superior to riau as the univei se is superior to the finest machines of human invention. But this truth is too euccinct for man. He wishes to know respecting himself, and respec ting his f uturd history, . a crowd of secrets which the universe does not disclose ' Allow religion to inform him of that which he feels the need of kno wing,and respect herdisclosures Napoleon. Give Them a Chance That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. Whem these are clogged and chok ed with matter which ought nofc to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu monia, catarrh, consumption or any" of th family of throat and nose and head ciid" lirhf obstructions, all are bad All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents. Even if ev ery thing else has failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. SAM JON ES SAYINGS. WHENEVER AJnTTEHTG 13 WBONQ QUIT Tt EIGHT OEE- it is Easlertobe a Gentleman than aVag abond Tne Sooner You Die the Sooner You Will Get to Heaven If You are a Good Man. Th Baltimore Avisrican gives the following extracts ; from three ser mons preached by Rev Sam Jonea, the Southern revir.dist, in that city, a few days since : I , You can't msiks iibncJs with God until you are sorry 'enough of your sins to quit them. If a man repents he don't have to try to believe ; it conies of itself. God caa't give you faith ; you've got io 66 that yourself God gives you taate, but do you ever ask God to taste ham and eggs. Ytju may call this silly talk, but I'm talking to a silly crowd. Foolishness L? what you rub on foolish people." A man once said to me: "Mr; Jones, when you have converted tl e hypocrites come ank tald re ligion to me. These hypocrites are in my way." " I said, "they would n't be in your way if they hadn't get ahead of you. Ain't you ashamed to let hypocrites get ahead of you ?" I've got more confidence in bread pill3 administered by a praying doc tor than the finest science giyen by an arfnostic. . . I understand why old Boo Inger eoll is an infidel ; it pays him $500 a night to deny God, while he would not get 10 a tight lecturing that there is a God. I wouldn' give ten cents a dozen io Christians who wouldn't pray in public. Thre are a thousand differences between us, but we are astonishingly alike. Yvhcn aa engineer gets down from his cab to oii his machioery I notice thaf he pours oil out of the same can upon all the parts, greatand small alike. And so the deat Engineer of the unirerse pours the oil of grace from the great heavenly storehouse upn the great and small alike, and m ikes it as easy for one person as another to do right. If there is any one here who is not what God intend, ed you to be it's because you won't give him a chance. I am getting sick and tired of this cau't : "It's so hard for me to do right." You are good for noth ing1, that's v. Lat's the matter with you. j I know it is a heap easie o. be a gentleman than a vagabond. I've tried both. Blessed be they vho give, and b'essed be those who do not give, for if they ara blessed thy ,r?31 srive. . - . ," . The last step, the last thought oa earth means good-bye to the last opportunity. - God speed the day winm the church will kicV 6at - every man within its borders "who deals in futures. The churcb and the preacher who depends upon such sort of people belongs to the devil from hat to heels. , Brother, if you are not afraid of God you will have good reason to fear every corner of the fence. God does not care for present events ; He looks out for final re sults I'll make my Bones ache dancing the pigeon wing if it will help me to heaven. The curse of all the churches in this country is that they have got thousands of members who have been convicted of sin, nrich less con verted to God. Whenever anything ii wrong quit and quit it short off. A good many want to taper off in sin. They taper off generally to the big end. The sooner jovt die, the sooner you'll get to heaven if you've been a good man. No man is going to growl on getting into heaven ahead of time. Don't consider yourself safe till yoif get there. Heaven is just on the other side of where a fellow, has done his level best. Tho man wTho thinks he's safe, and lies back on his oars loses heaven right there. If I ever fall 111 do some tall crawling. You take Baptist water, Methodist fire, and Presbyterian "hold on to what you've got," an,3 youVe got a ffiaht. State Fair Specialties. iialeigh Sevrs-Observer. Special aid very attractive fea tures for the approaching State fair are being added every day. Besides the regular grand display of agricul tural and manufactured products fancy workj machinery, stock, races &c., the following attractions are already arranged on the programme. A grand Farmer's State Institute at which more leading farmers will assemble than have ever met to gether before 15 the history of the State! A re-union cf the survivors of Gen Robert Hansom's fanzous ond glo rious regiment. A great re-union of Tar Heels who now reside in other States a general greeting, handshaking and big jollification of old friends and acquaintances met once again. A special manufacturers' depart ment vrhich trill eatlss the heart of every true blooded Nc'rtH Carolinian to swell with pride. A grand industrial parade ca a scale of magnitude and magnificence never before attempted in the State showing its many great and varied industries in actual opef fitlou on large floats elegantly constructed and drawn by horses in a grand proces sion. A convention of the funeral direc tors of the State will be held in tbe city during the week- The most noteil embalmer of this country will be present and show by practical op eration the best methods of embalm ing dead bodies. A subject for tho purpose will be provided. Something will be done to please anc interest everybody, both large and small, aiid an interesting feature for fhe little boys have just ben added. This is a goat race and oc curs cn Friday of fair week. RotaiEiegr FtrtUity by Rotation. The grass sod when hay begins to fa!!, still contains a great amount of fertility. The clover and other root3 have brought much up from the depths, and if crops have been at times somewhat encouraged - v 4hand fertilizers' though the originr.1 heavy dressing of manuie may have been all used up, the soil will have improved both iu texture and fertility. The gi-: may, indeed, be kept up by top dressing, and on rich bottom land we find, not unfrequently "per manent meadows," which yield paying crops year, after year t: Lri cu manuring, and . others wL.ch do so with occassional top dressing? of bone, line, ashes or similar manures. Whether these shall remain or shall be plowed up is a question of profit, and it is oftc: the very worst policy to break up fairly profitable meadows. When again "laid down to gra33 they may couio full of weeds, that will give a bad flavor to butter, or the catch may be irregular, and it may be years before a good,' even sod c!? be had, and tbe Fame is especially true of old pastures. Many differ ent rotations have been recommen ded, but the principle is the same ia. all,' - And . what rotations should be followed, and how they should .be broken in upon with commer cial crops", and whether or not to repeat our crop several years in succession, etc., are matters of policy for individuals - to determine. American Agriculturist. The Murderer of the Woolfalfe Family Confesses. An Atlanta' special says: Jack De bose, the negro arrested on suspicion of murdering the Woolfolk family at Canton, -has confessed his guilt. His motive was revenge, for allied ill-treatment by Capt Woolfolk. Debose claims that" he did not actually kill the people, but ihree ve gro accomplices entered, the house and committed the butchery while Debose watched outside. He says he saw Tom Woolfolk jump from a win dow and run for his life. Tom whe has been under arrest for the crime, will, dotstless, be released. Excitement in Txaa. Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless he cou'd not turn in bed, or raise his head ; everybody said he was dying of Con sumption. .A trial bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills ; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the DiarnVerv. he was well and had - -jt -flV. ; nrxAa f5 1 - i r m.u- ' . tV , Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery lor uoDsumptioD ire as auwueiuj &' Williams's"' FINED f 20,00(3 And Imprisoned. Seventeen Years For Violates Prohibition Iaws. Wichita, Kan., Sept 23. James A. Stewart, of this city, was yester 3iy sentenced to seventeen years and four months in the county jail and fined 820,800 with cost of prosecu tion for violation of the prohibition law. He was a clerk in a vest end drugstore and pleaded guilty to an Indictment contaiiilrg 050 .counts at the same time a3 did Eermin proprietor of the place. The latter cannot be found and it is thought that he has left the country. The punishment imposed upon Stewart is the heaviest evtr gier! in the btate for violation of the liquor laws. The Coaling' Gangs in St. Thomas. HKfcT H. Sbiih in the September Cosmopol itan. Theeb are two or three coal wharves, where gangs of ne resst s may be seen at almost any time un loading the coal from English and American vessels. Four or five men are employed in filling the baskets (about forty pounds ech). and lif t icg them up to the carrier.' heads; the women trot one after the other and dump their burdens on the gre.;t coal pile, singing very often the rude but not unmelodicus tunes that th&y have invented. For delicate ears it is well that these songs are in the negro patois, which cannot be un Jer stood by foreigners ; often the words are as bad as possible, and tLe3 form a very true index of the beaslly life that these poor creatures lead. They are a ca.-t apart ; cnly tLe most depraved will entpr these ganrs, and even the not eer moral to.n negresses declice lo asoocIaLe with them. The West IndL'-n ccaling gangs are indeed a disgrace to civilize liou. Whether the coal merchants ard the people are indifferent cr powerless, certain it ii that they Lave done nothing to better the system ; what it was twenty five years ago that it is now, and wil l.e, I believe, until machinery can" be substituted for all this hand work. It has been pointed out a hundred times that the gangs are encouraged in idleness and vice. These women at the wharves pcihcps, sity cents per day, which is twice ths wage of an able-bodied Country laborer. But when a steamer is taking on coal and the work must t.ii hastened, the carriers are aid according to their labor a cent cr e?en two cents f of each basketf uL I was told of one woman who carried four hundred baskets between-sunrise and dark, and often . they work far into the night. Commonly they ear a enough iu a day to kep them idle for a week. Idleness and de pravity have gone together ever since the time of Dr. Watts at last, depravity in its worst form is what idleness has broughn to these women, and it is another s:h for which our overstrained, breathless, barbarous civilization has to accounL Buckien's Arnica- Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores' Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblalcs.. Cpras, and all .-kin Eruptions, ad positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed togive perf s.-t satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. - For Sale Br Abernethy & Williams- Absolutely Pure. This powuec never raries. A nvwrel of purity strength and wholesotnen ess. More economical t tnan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold ia 4t ' compensation Titlv the mnltitnJe of low s ...T test. Sold i in cns. et.,s.T Rota i. Bakiso Po-Tm; to.. 108 f ROYAL PiSSEJ "a - J- " "yap-" " -J? UflMIin SpsciHc far Um Disease. or ha,' taste in W u:r I bl.lw mouth; toune coated white or covered with a bro-n fur; pain in the hack, sides, or joints of j-n tisraken for Rheumatism ; mot stomach : loss of appetite; sometimes oaosea and wair brash, or indigestion ; fiatulenev and aciJ eructations; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with, a painful sensation of bavin? lajied to do something which ought to have been done.; debility; low spirits: a tfcici.yeUow ap peiranee of the skin and e'es: a dry cough; fever: restlessness; the uri n i scanty and hisrh colored, and, if allowed to. stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LITER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is g-Tieral!y used in the South to sroas the Torpid Liver to a heathy action. It acts with axtraordiaary eiScscy oa th tiver, Sidneys, i and Bowels. M rmCTUAL SPECiFiC FC3 3XaIaria, Bowel Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipa Mon. miioosnesa, ELidney Affections, w&uudiea. Mental epresion, Colie. Eadorsed by th- use cf 1 Million cf Bottles, THE BEST FAMILY MEDICIHE far CLiUrtn, for Addta, and fcr the Aged. ONLY GENUINE Las our 2 Scuap ia m? en frstt of Wrapper. J. H. Zcfin L Co., Philadelphia, Pa., sotx KriiTOi. i ice. UJO. . A Sx-CITIC FOR fOBAN'S DISEASES ainfal rofose g npprmcd I lSNSTirLTATION or a V t'Een trains: the CHANGS OP LITE, grea sr-riD a.xj danger w;0 be avoided. f5 Send foe boo " IessauS To Woii," o-iiied free. B&AXrmj Bzero-iTOB Co., Atlanta, Ga. J SIX-CORD ionon WHITE, BLACK AND COLORS, FOR Hand arid Machinellse. R SALE BY SMYRE, RHYNE &. CO f4S7iy Newton, fJ. C J. B LITTLE DENTIST. lias permanently located in Xewton,? . C-, and , offers his professional services to .the cltiiens ex Catawba county. Work dune at reasonable rato and warranted to give satisfaction. . t-OJice'in Yount $ Shrum's Butldtng. J B. THORNTON, Eeeps constantly on hand all sizes of Wood Coffins and different qual UieSj as fine as can be bought any where for the same money. . Strangers sending for Collins must send good security. t&hop din Mile Xcrti of Cffvj. Bouse, NEWTON N. C. McCORKLE, ATTORNEY AT ZA W, NEWTON, N. C. T. L WTTHERPOON ATTORNEY AT ZAW. NEWTCNN.C. iflSP'EJT GR O YE I. KEIAIIAKIT, CgJ"Ereeier of Short Horn Cattle. NEWTON, VC b : 1 E T3 E-TS 0 c tesP Dr. A i

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