f i - 1 Win1 s 1 ;-mocralic Ne-w.-paper iLSLftiLuhjU-i jjj silt; Is prrpami to d j i mtli cf - j-te.n ai d lar.cj Job Ir i a -Eifjo Tub Khed by w. b. oaithei, "R I'tor and Proprietor. Sub criprion Prke f V tr II. A VF.W TVPP i-:jn-T Six Mo-"" - ?4 Three "Wen-" J "For ns, Principle is Principle islitjis Rii?htr-Vaster Liy, To-Jav, To-raorrovr Forever WORK. LO W ?nivE3. VOL X NEWTON: CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16 1&S3. NO. 2 I i 00' COUNTY DIRECTORY. . 0-0 COUNTV OFVtriM SsRirr 3. L. Yoimt. Kewtoa q .bntt Clbx P. A Hoyle. Xtmfon. K.aisTEa of Deeps W. Cochrane, J6tn TRFAhVBF.fi-G. W RVb. Newton Cokonfu-M T. Saunders, Mvnbo Cocntt Scvkt.k-J. Handy. Bendy' CocjiiT tfi-rainKTfcNBfsT .. Tlblic 1 Tavern K- A. Yvd. r, Cunover covsvy An or idcoatiok. R,r J A. Foil, Ch'rm Newtoa J 8. BriJirt Catawba J. V. K. )i u t ri U ; M ic k y R. A. Yoier, Sc t KcwUft. CiVWTY COMMISSIONER. A.O CerpeiMn.t b rm JacoVa "Frk L V. vhitner. Hickory if. A. Aberneihv Me b M. S. U-l .Wwton A. if. Ottilt Xtwton vows nrricsaa. MxTon H. A. Fon ey Commiski- Sitxs U J. S'nipr, J. R. Gaiiltr W. I.. C. Killian Sfc. ani In-as T. U. IWcctUy Maxsual J. 8. Ailcn. roeiu.vsTr. UiM Rom Campbell. arrival of Mails. F.aktfrx Mail Arrives at 1:07 P M Wihepx Mail Arrives a" 5:21 P M Koither Mail Arrive at 9.22 P Si Lp.suib Mail Arrives at 10.12 A M Taylorsvii.lb J! ail tri-weekly Leavr TueidV, 'I hurslne. and Saturityn at 6 A M Anires, i.ine days it 7 Pil IjisroLNTos H"KSR liocTE Semi-"eeklj Arriv.-s Tunday and Thursday et & P U Ltavta Wedneedi) and Fridays at 7 A M L HcCOKKLE, JLTHWSKY A T ZA W, NEWTCN, N. C. L. W1THERPOON ATTORXEY AT LAW. N'EWTClM N. C. J1SPEJS GR O YE ari!"4" f fiwt Horn r!t!e. M2W10S X. C J. ii LITTLE. DENTIST. U irm.menOy looMt' d in y'ewtmi, K. C . n4 j Cklb rnuntr. H'otk dune at rcasoua -le ruio ' aaa rrnwil t rive Kati.-iirncn. Bffjicr in ount4 b.Tun.' Euildinf. J. E. TliORSTOI Keeps constantiy on band all t-izes of Wood Cofrus and diflermr. -juai iti?s, as One & an be ixsugbt any where for the fiaiue money. ttran(j"r Binding f jr C f5as mns nd good K-C:irity. One Mile XutrA -r Cnui. NEWTON N. C. W.Js. YOUST, Proprietor, NEWTON, N. C. 51 furnixlied ronm ; polite and attentive ser vauts; table i)i-.l:ci with the test tUe mai ket artords. U PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON 0 0 00 Having located at Kenton Rir bis pro- ftetiiriial cervief to lh poilh of ewlon and mrroundinR country Prompt attn tin given lo calls. Will ho ftsiind at bis effice when uot abbent on profca-ional bus ioeta. Jan. 26, '88. 6 mo. Dr P F LaDgenott", Dentist. Grm4umU'jJ'Jt.e Lull mat Lo.ligtcJ Vtvlvl fsu jKewtcn, N. C. iJoesall k.n.l-frf Operattre irostht-tic or w-ci.mca Aicuuaiij . jie uua ai deru improvements in Dci.tul snachinety, pliauccs, lHtrymentf Matorlult anil methods or operatic g. M Eitractel FiM Fain by adminintpritig Nitron Oxiile Oas. ArtiCcia tevth without pl:ite. Aching tenth eaaed, ea ea, oiled and made useful and durable. Qfice on the Curnei , lack or Yount's Hotel. A lord to tbe Public. THJ NEWTON BAIUSiB-SHOP. We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line in first class etyle. Solernees aud citanlintas strictly observed. Will do our utmost- to make our shop a pedant place to our custo I xners and patrons. f Careful attention given to Ladiee acd child i en at Ret idence- or shop. Eaesmt I.. Moose Prop. C3 C0SS13I0LD SHOULD E2 VITEOuT -52. RSTJLESSN ES MLULTLCSS FAMILY MXOICiHC. !if;t philalVelpkia. mm Th majority of t?i 1IU of the human lo4jr arts from dicf-d Xivor. Bini Bootu Lsircr Esjulator lias boen th m?ens f restorise more people to haJth jind kappiaf3 by siCfc tbcm a btity lirer than any olher agency on etrth. SB iiui rou GET tux gcscixs. SUPREME OURT OPiNiOXS Dlceated nd Ttpcrtel f?r U elWUmlne- tou isia. Bcuger. A.slie Countv Hutifk vs. A dim X erroi) Practice I-sncc New trinl Statute of Preimijttioi.H. 1. Tbat when (b facts .re admi'- tl or proven, the iresuiui.)tion ''be conies a conclusion til law from facta to be pppl'Htl Uy the couit and uut left lo tbe discretion of the jury." Z lUat tlje refusal to submit an imm:itf rial issue which can in no way fft-ct the meiifs of the case, cannot we asMjiued as error. 3 Tbat where a motion for a rew final on the ground f iiwly discoy -ered videi)ce is refused by the couit below, it in a, MiatUr of di.scieiiou and no apjeh1 Jies thei from; it caunot b reversed bv this o-urt. 4. Tbat ihr. case is pfoverned, n- t by ibe htaiut of iiimt.tlicns, but hy the slatute cf (.iresuiLiption in force pnor to August Hitb, 1868. (Rev. co!e, ch. 65 19. Hardin vs. Womnck 8S N. C. 4CS; Oambeil vs. Broun 8G N. C. 37G; 1 O.J; hi- U. 4U7. Perrv tk. J ar k son S8 N. C. Donald vs. Caisou 04 N. cited and afpibved. Gapton Countv Rhvne v Love. (No Error.) Appeal Referee Slatntoiy bar Final Account Exceptions. 1. I hat in cases of rppcal when the exceptions are sole-v to tbe referee's R eport. a the lecord in this case shows, and thie are no exc-p tic ii to the tiding of thf Court. they cannot l?e revived txaplas to matters of laic. 2. That (Lose rxcepfious which re late lo the referee's findin-i -f fct are onolniuve'y disposed of by tiie judse m the Couit iel"W a:il aie r;ot co'ii-z.tbJe ly tbi C-mt. Aud tLis ii ciudcs tiie iit uirt uiHiiiioned. 3 Tbat it wan not en or iu tbe lfere to h Id that tl ere was no fcidutory bar to tbeaciiuu. it tei'i dependent upon the abeged liual eUleairnt. 4. 1 bat wba" occihtc"! in sun:iinr up rrfuliB lo a-ceit')in tbe iirdlitid nesc i-f tt-e p!.rttiers v.a not of t-ncii a conclusive i;atme as to onr hiT hc count i-o tii.al account bcititr dialed be I ween t b.eni. Rank v ?dinuf.ict!iving Cr.. 91, N. (7., i'dvi ; L .m-ii.va. Eitiinr, G Jone.- Emi., 23 cited and appiOVed. "Grandma. Gaifieid." Sew Tm k Tribune. "Grandma Girfie'd'' i.- de:td. It is a question whet i. or -any other woioan, so simple and unassuming, ai'd whose U.e was soevenitoj, ever saw iier iiiiiiie became o much a h -ust hoid word. She was one of the uome'n whc$ courage, unstjfiishness and tead' w!t in meeting hv most f i midal'le emeigeiiciee liiied our piou eer annals mtti stoiies of hero-suu of tbe kind that seblem gets itre f mn by the poets, but is none the less ef- factivti iu the world's work for aii tbnt. Her husband's deatii left her with four young children tiie young er of them, tho future Piesbltnt, be ing only a baby oa a frontier farm notwholy ch ared, and not even iein-t d. ''he brave tiny woman towed not ou ly at woman's work but men's work, too, to keep hei lutlo Hock together and save the farm, which was their only foothold. On the day that "James," as she always called him in lir simple wiy, was inauurii d f I "IT-.: 1 i-resiueuioi me unnto ot.tf s, ana ' ' ' l-er ttse uist his-, it I- sale lo tty that in tte joy UU.i pride of that mo i ul.ul fs t lt.j.ja i. 4 tt i the piiva- rut.- tt- . when bbe was siiuining every lietve to clothe, feed ami educate twer chil dren. Stoiiies like this repiesent tverythiiig that is best and most hopeful in Amiici:n die. m "Wiveal "fclothoiBl DauyhtersI BE YOL'R OWN PHYSICIAN! A lady who for yeait buffered from die-ttestdug female cost. plaints, weak nesses, etc.. i c common to btr sex, and l ad despuiied of a cure, hnat;y found lemethes whcti couipieteiy cured her. Any s.Terer can Use them aud thus cure neiself, without theido:a physician. Frcm feel ings of gratitude sbe wiii send two piesci ijitioiis which cured her and an illiisttatt-d paiupit t ei. tit led "Thk Stepping-Stonk to iieaxth, and full instructions, sealed. Address (with 2 cent stamp), AIes. W. C. HOLMES, 658 Broadway N. Y. (Name this paper.) Oct. J3-'b7-l jr. STATE CAPITAI. ITEMS. Extracts from Wilmington Mt anger's i RHlevb Xjetter. Raleigh, N C, Feb. 3, 1888. The register of deeds of this coun tfi re orts t'at tifry mairiiige licensee were issued during the aonth of Jan uary. There were during the pnst month twenty i 'bt inteuneuts in this citv, of which twelve were of white per- soiiw and sixteen of color d. Gray Pool, the negro deaf mute who was so 1 ab'y burned Suiday af tertiooc, died at the Leonard MedUal S hal hospitid thia morn.nsr. There are &evei a applications for permisf ioti to oriuizo military com i tti.it 8. One comes fiosu Mr. Airjr. another fiorn Stlisbury. Some kinds of f-tm work have be gu , i r i c p :lly n up binds, but the p :ulr.ii'z i beavj work. Rev. F. L. Kid, of. tbe Boird cf Dir;- t s i f tbe penitentiary ,iufoiius me that no more con icts wiil be s-i t aav until tbe next meeting of the Uoaid. There ui many demands for tbein. ir. W. C. Stronach. the chairman of tbe committee on the matter of the cotton factory, tells me that the at tention of many outside capitalists is bein attract td to that project. It is said that a f;n.iory of 7.500 to I0,0o0 npiud.es is consideied preferable to nue of 5,0'K or iebB The day of autait i:nctoiii.s is past. A. D. Joi;es has roigned tbe cap tiu y of the Governors Guard Tbt c"-miiiny is iiow easting about for a commatHier. It is in a very vigoious condition and has 53 members. . A very complete iep!y to Mr. J. t". L. Hairis' article oil ihe tte fina: ces wiii appear ns;xt eek, in tbe Chionulti and wiH lie f y carefuhy compiled It will bhow wbat tb' Republicans and wb:it tbsDemocra have done for North Carolina hi twenty years. The facts iil be in coid liu-uers, olKcial uud plainly stated. It will be si good campaign : document. A reat many copies of ttie Sifjrtfili with Sir. Harris' arcicve, havo been distributed aud it is repiiiited this week, as an avowed campaign document. fu a quiet way, both parties are preparing po.iti.-a! ammuuiti.n for tue campaiu. Otie cau see tbat every da beie. Records are ran racked and anything m rint for or H'ainst any possioie candidaie is l ocured. This is one of ibe signs, tor taik of what candidate one may one can bear something re;d or fan ciful iu disparagement. He i? an ea.-tern man, fioiu tovt far wet, a demagogue, a scbeuer for tjenatoritd iTi lermeiit, HDd so on, ad libitum. Democrats do as much ta Ling about themt-emjs a the Republicans d;. Tbey have sucTt a ni;ts of good nii. teiiat to choose fiom that ihey pi baps think they can atf -rd to "have a si.y' at every hvud put up. Tbe Repub.icHiib have not many Leads Kusnei1, B yd, Dynam, Price. Nicb is, Cbariie Cook of Warren, and Dockers. Bat Iheir peop e nm-t ta,k, uikI tuit, !ii id taik is a capita, satelj'-vaive. It dosn't mt-au a great bai, and no doubt when election diy comes around vo-es wilt sh w that peojjie do i,it el ways bedeve as tbey la k. Uiilv one hi:iif is iiecesarv. sa-s au able m;- that is concert oi i action. 'J hc 1 niv.-crats have the iin-n : the material. I iiey hare the record. So at 'er a!! tb .- talk is idle aud of ht.io real worth as an index ol pub.ic opinion. Your coir- spondent has succeeded in securing ad:y ii umber of atti c;ts it)r tt.e war museum, wliich it is pr. poi-ed to nuike ss cMiinte as po.-sibie. A inunket, Ufed iu 1812 is a recent addition. Ttie only actual reiic of th-- Mexican war is 'the staff of the ting btr; e by Pane's North Carolina legisuent. It whs found in a garret here. It u of iivbt coloie wo-.-d, and bears on a silver pl-ite this inset ij-tion : "The Siate of Noith Corojina to her Voluut-ers ir the w;ir with Mexico." Tne flag is fntiie.y gone. It is particularly desirable to coliect any article con nected with the late war. Confeder ate stamps, money, lii-s, muskets, home mat e guus or rificf, swords. commissions clothing and particu- Jar;y woouen shoes wid be received withrp'Ciai pleasuie, either as eiffs or as a l.-aw Aiiy such articles should be scut to the Qua t ermast r j General, Raleigh, N. C. T--ey will be duly lecnotid b r and carefuilv preserved. In a httie whi.e with p pu.ar . am, a nue collection cau aid, a Hue co.iection itiu be ma.ie and tne State, as well as tbe pubi c, be a gaiuer. Surely there must lie many such curiosities in tUe Cape Fear section. Governor So oes is specially interested in the museum. One Mtrute La'e. Xw York Sur. The ycung u an had been trjinff : to tail Lei now maaty f.e joven Uei fti'unb .io, but couldu't pluck up tLc courage. "Excuse me a "rmerd, Sir. Feath- erh," she wnid, "1 think I hearaiiiij. at Uie telephtme." And iu bei qu en ly way sue swept lLto an aojoimi g loom Ptesently she returned, and then his mad passion found a voice. "lam soi rv, Mi. Ftutt.eri," sbe sail!, "to cause you pain, but I am already -iii;a"ed. Mr. Sampson, cuming lha" you were here,has urged hs suit ihiough the telephone." Woman, Doays are Dan$r rout! Madame Reveie's Female Pills for W. men ntvt fail to always give spttdy and certain relief Satisfaction guaranteed or money returned. .-ent . by mai:, hecureiy sealed, in plaiu w rapper, for One JJollat t three boxes for two 1ollars. Particulars mietter for four ccct3 iu postage stamps. Addiess. Mrs E. REVERE, Box 282, Jersey City. W. J. . L.ISB PRISON. ParcheA By a "Western Fysdleat it Wiii be PuU4 Dotrm and Ka-etei ia Calcxf Kichaond Dispatch. Libby Prison ie to leart Rich moud. Root and branch, roof end floors, it is to be pluAed up and carried to Chicago, there to b made the gaze and show of the people of the West. Btick by brick, timber by timber, mdl by nail, it will He taken down, am) as this is done each piece will be numbered, and the whole last mass of ui-iteriwl of I hia four story struc ture transported to Cbi?ag there to be re-erected. The undertaking i. uieof the greatest on record, and Richmond loses oue of her chief objects of interest for northern tour ists. C A Dh-p, t h reorter eoroe years ago iniei viewed a number of hack men a to what it was iTi Richmond that most tourists Sist wished to see. The an 8Ar from ntarly all was "Libbj Piison." Richmond ba the finest mouur.jen tal pile of bronze and granite ia the world, it hss the oldest American capitol and the oldest State records : it has within htr limits the graves of Chief Justice Marshal!, Monroe, Ty--cr, A P. fli.'l, Stuait and Piciett ;"it has ibe ch urea wheie Patrick Henry made his speech, "Give me liberty ol giv- m death ;"' tt has the house where l'ieidet.t lavis lived while he w.rg d neof tbemigbtiestsof modern ais ; it has a thousand other thirgs that ought to interest the man of !i:ind but the northern and western turi.t above all withed to see Libby Piison. He:eafter they will not come to Richiuitid they will go to Chicago to see it Johnson Cratty,one of the corpora te? s. in talking of he scheme, said: "It should b understood that then? i no idea of waving the 'bioody shirt' in this It is simpiy a business spec ulaliou for wnat tleie is in it." Treatment of Meningitis. Dr. J. M. Lyle, an old ex eiiuced j phasic an of FrankiliT, Macon coui-ty, j comuiunuates tue flioin. to the Press as the treat ment of mening itis, which may prove uful to the mudical faculty in such places as may be afflicted by tbe ma;a1y: Lia. Editor: As I understand there is a $oob d'-al of uieningiuit iu some parts of the country', and know ing it to be a most feaifu disease, oue that must be cut off at oi.ee or ptoe fata!, I will beg pace enough in your papr to give my treatment as ucd in two epidemics through which I practised, one iu H;.ywood county. tbirty-ibt years ago, the other thirty gear s ago in this, Macon, county. First and very early in the dis ease I would bleed to the point of syncope, or f.ontinij. Nhviutr ths patient while bicediug in the sittintr ! losture, so as to make impression j vith the ioxs of as little blood as j visible. Follow ia2u e ha'ely with a large do?e oj caio.uei and jiiap, ai d put a large biister on the b tck of she net;k, high up as possible. have a good blister d.awn us much depends on it. After five or six hours pve a yood dose of epsota .:ts. Nvxt day if necessary repeat tne purgative. See tbat the blister is ; ept lunninir ae lonir as - possible, j treces- Full her treatment is seldom sry. mere buouia tie no aeiay whatever is d'me should l e done nt once, cr the patients w ill di ai aiost before we are aaie of dK'ier. J. M. Ltl. AWOTHFR CCRE. Mrs. E. J. Bwunett of Cashier's Valley, N. G., writes the Asheyiile (j'iiiznn the following which she says is sure cure for meningitis. Take one quart of strong vhiegar apple" or cidtr vinegar is test cut imo bits ten or twelve pods of red pepper and put into the vinegar. For use have this mide a hot as it ran lie usd, dip into it a piece of Haunei nnd rub ihe spine from the neck down, just as bard and loug as the patient cmu bear, tbe faun el to be kept warm with the vinagar. Inject morphine iu the left arm. A E autiful TtituUao Wciaen' omens. Work. 'Place her among the fl wers, fot?r her a-i a lender plaut, and she is a thing of fancy, waywardness aud foily. annoyed by a dewdmp, trtrttd ly the touch of a biitteiUv's wing, ready to faint at the sound of a beetle or the' rattling of a window sash at night, and is ovei powered bv the er fume of u rosebud. Bot ;et real calamity come, rouse her aft'ei li. tis, enkindie the tires of her tei:f :ind mark hr t'neu how strng is her heat t ! P.ai-e her iu the beat .f bat th, give her a child, a bird, or anyi hiii; to piotect, ami se her in a relative instance, hitin her white a ins as a shield, as her own bltHd nimsoiiK ber upturned foienead, praying for her life, to piotect the helpless. Transplant ber in t he dark places of the eaitb, call foitb her cneigies to action, aud uer breath becuuies a healing, her piesence blessing. She disputes inch by iucb tbeiti.des f as tnikin ptsti.er.ee. when mau. th strontr and brave, pale ami affiightened. shrinks away. misfortuiie hurts her not ; she wears awya item shut endurance, and got s forth with less timidity than to the btidal a.tai. In prosperity, heis a bud full of odors, waiting but for tbe winds of adversity to scatter them abroad gold, valuable, but untried in the furnace. In short, woman is miracle, the center frt-m which radiates -he charm of exist ence. ' " "Regulate the Regulator,-' when bad biood comes in good health goes out. Waruer's Log Cabin Sarsapa- rilla drives out bad blood and brings I good healLi. . 120 dbew$l 001 Mr. Cleveland at Church. Detroit It ftw The F-rat Prebyrian Church was packed -on Sunday, there beiug many s't mgrrs present in addition to the full atteu ir.ee of members of the eongregalion. We ire srandiug hi the door, lingering to hear the sweet chime be ia of the Metropoli tan Chorea wbn the Presidents carriage drove up, Tbe Policeman on special duty at the White House, opened tbfedoor, and Mr. Cleveland nd her frieud, Miw Grace Storr. stepped ut Tbe Piesideat did uot accouipany them. Wit. Cleve land was simply cb eseed in a black satin walking dresa, with a side pan el of jet. She wore a wa?tiui jacka of seal with trimmings of beaver, md a neat velvet bonnet of the most decorouw tjpe. She is liet-footed an J w aa i.eith a few qti k move mt.ts and sentetl in her pe ptetty well up iu the center aisle. The usher who-seated people bv twos, seperatiiig whole famines of Etr&u ijers with rulhiess severity, looked atetwo" I whispered the word 'Michiat " It had a ca'va'i-tie ef fect. We weie ushered into the pew directly in front of Mrs. Cleve land aud ti rouh the singing wv could hear her pure, fresh o!c joia i.g in every hymn that was huop;. She has a trained soprano, wi 'c:i t-he use without aSTect-tion and ap2)ar ently withreal enjoyment, utterit-g each word distinctly, so that it be rt'xe a lecital. and I retaiu in mem ory ore verse that held this rare iui- Cherubim and seraphim Veii thfii-fares with their winga. Eyes of angle's, but to dim. . To behold the Kitn of Kiugs, Vt'bi.' they cry eternally To Hie blessed Trinity." Tbe sermon was pieached by a stranger, Dr Sunderland being ah sent. It was a stni:g protest against riches nr-d the glory of the world, and dea.t alter tbe old fashioned methods of fire aud brim-tone with the unbeleiever. 'i b subject w iloReK. the deliverer of the people. During the ir uon 5rs Cleveland suaJeuly cougiie.l ana stra-igied a s; eeze. Instantly a sy in phony of coutrhin-; ran Ibrouyh tn conreira- t:ou staccao, crescendo, dim nuen d the coid wave struck thepuipi', and the minister d:opp'.d iloses and coughed too. The infectiousness .f it was amus nr. A Sl fcbuiy N g- Frc a-n. Soli.Bi j ner:i. On January 12th Reuben Banks and Pomp Henderson weie chtpp;ng wood four miles east of Sahsbury. They got bold of whiskey. Pomp was saved from freezing hy Mr. Tom Carter, at. previou iy stated in our columu. lie-Jbeu who whf by some ca led Ari-hihald w as lost, searching parties scouted tbe woods lor daya. His ax, cap and glove were found. On ;ast Sunday Isnac Keins a col-red ccho-jl-teacher, boed c nsecutive'v. They are issued imd leen out ti.ere to look aftei some j;e OHllji i:, that uei-hh..rhood, bile on his way home noticed a tin bucket about 23 feet fiOiu the path he w as walking. Wu. n he approach, ed nearrto examine it, to his horror he f uud the bo iy of Reuben Bauds at the foot of a pine tiee, his head resting on his unu and his legs drawn up a little a a sleeping ulna wouid. His p.isuion was tue tii'tsi hn.uiai. a.4. n j Ranks waiitlered to tl jK1j down ther and fi most Kntaral. It is cvideat tnat his place aud froze to d tath. which accojurs for the fact thst his liuibs and body werK limber- Kerns hastened to town and shortly ftr the coronor acd a jury rendered a verdict of death by ialural causes. Banks' skj,n wts not broken iu any place aud all of his bones were iu nat"ial couditiou. As .there been tumors of foul play, tho corn ner was very careful, but the closest scrutiny oiy aairmed the fact tht be had died a uttu.ai d-ath. B uiks bad been there 2J dayn, and it ia wondtr how the explorwig par lies missed him, although tbey chiiio within less thau 73 vaads of hinf. The body as iuterred ia.t Sund.iy So ends this mysteiy which ctisi a mau his life ail owiug to an over dose of whiskey. The AimiuS cf ZuxOpa. Court Journal. -The bloated armaments of the great miiitaty po ers of Europe" display i bei- pr.pnrti-?is in a very sinking uiatiner in 0-1. Volt's work on "Ttie European armies of the present. The mohi izii strength of Fi ance is set do u at 1,458; rotqis, exclusive of tbe territorial army, which is tmiallv" hu'ije: that o;' Russia at l,!'22.4Uo; G r-.any, 1, 4i'2.69'',aiid Austria ttunMiv, L035,- 955. The rnt iwy sMeuth of Is ay urts now attamevi prop-.U'lions thai wouid have been titeiued ineied'b.e ten years in tite p.t. io-lti:ig miiiia it is ailedged to a -tunt u 2 o87.332 men. If. iiowevei. a sisni- iar inciUsiou be made :n tne ease oi Russia, th.; uu.itary stieiigtit of that ioer will piti.sliy b. fooi.d to ex ceed even ttii t '.'f t e f ch s- iic Cou.pa.red with lorse itguies the uufuc-iieul pioporth.i.s if tie British ai'L.y ought almost to satisfy ihh metubeis of the Peace .Nulj Including our im nn iiud vo untee.rs, as well ss the li ditn army, we can just muster 781.677. Itu-.pf. Aid these have to n-e ier the d f..-ncrf of ten :t-ry liistiibiited over a vtrv much widtt-area, than that tu.cd by any of the otht r powers. With its intense itching, dry,hot skin olien broken intc pa nlui cracks, and the little watery pimples, oftei car ses ' iudeticiiha'le suhViiU''. UoodV Sarsaparilla has wonderfui power over tt us disease. It purines the blood and expels the humor, aud the ukia heals without a scar. Send for book contaiuiiig ma- y. statements of enrufs to C. L Hood & . Co., Apothecariea, Lowell, Haaa. HS AE BOTH SIDt3. Bill Arp im Ennny Sontx. A longr time ago there were two noted ministers living in Athens one a Baptist and the olber a Tres nyie.iaa. Tliey weie ' -ribly zeal ous in their respective faiths and reached doctrinal sermons and sec tirianis u ith a power that kept tbe people excited, and ptotueed more of discord than Christian harmony. By and by tbe Baptist challend the Presbjterian to a public discus- i n and the challenge was accepted. F r several nights the debate went on aod the house was crowded to over flowing. It was nip and tuck etaeeu them, for thy were both, men of great power and it w.ia hrd t teli who was rel ting the td vantage When the arguments were all ex hausted and the d b -its was closed, it was noticed that neither of them indulged n any more doctrinal per mo as. and within leas than a year t e Baptist i a-.l witiira -nt to.m his church and and cecwuie a PresS jter mu pretu-ber, and lie Viesbyte.iat h d wiihdraru fvnd bore a Rar ttst. '1 i:ey convinced eachother and swapped side. Well, that was honest and liberal and I like it. Now if the protection men and the low tariff men will do the same way, they will be safe. I a.s thinkih specbtlly about the Conxti tut ion and "the 7 rU$rjli, for I tel you tbey r-' dealing sledge-l am uer oiowsagsiii!te.ich other a creeds, and I thoaglit th'.fy wo dd h-4e convinced echoiuer long before this and sw app ed sides. Tue truth i that this tariff business and inten-al revenue busi nes La- never been so ably dicused and so well ventilated as iu the past few mouths by the Southern Press. Tne facts are coming before the people and some of the mysterious s-iiroui.dini;s have been removed to convince us that it is the iu.st com plicated, intricate pro -lem now be fore the Acjevio-tu people. The people e Che&p R-adinsr. The bill which pse.d the House f Representatives last week by a vote .f 14- to lift, excluding from tbe mai'3 at second cl-tss m;ter raf a ueb petiodical publicatio:. s the Fransaii Stptare Library of Halter . brothers, or j'oHor's s-H!d- Library, or Cassll's Ndii niAi Libra- reading public. I - ... -i . ; i .n . r ...wue made claim, bhe swore thai tiia ivj inc u'sii icieu'ir w i.j not be gre:it, t.l-1-o.igh g-iin to the ex press companies wiii becxiisid'iabi. while the peopin wbo have lieeu jret- in? th rool literature thro-Jir'u the ' mails at ami-iziiigly low price wiii ba th chiet lowers in the lou rua. These publications clearly com under the head of second-class mat ter as deaued in the act of ISS0. they are periodical pub'ieatioTis, iued at stated intervals, and as fre quentiy as four tiais a year. Tbey bare a date of issue, and are naniber- I from a known otSce of publication, . ! and are devoted to the dissemiuatioii of literature. aud science, and art. They are doh:g just tht work which the law was designed to encourage wbeu it put a low rate of pottage oa second ciass matter. These periodicals are a new de velopment of civilization. Tho bill which treats their publishers as if they were evaders f the law because tt:ey -kd out to su'.scribrs a whole story by Besast or DiCDZT in stead f deitiiug out the s.one storv in ia s'ailiuebts, and tc.tu9e they have is sued in parts to subscribers such "iitiature, ns St-jkmoxtu's Dictionfury a'id ttse lievied Version of the Bible, is a step backward. It is not good policy. We hope the bill will receive f iller and fairer consideration iu tha Sen ate. Nt 10 York Sun. Don't ii-cpotiment. You cannot afford to waste time iu exoenmcutinir wlien rotr luus are iu dinger. Consumption always seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit auv dea.er to impose upon you with souo cheap imitation of Dr. King 6 New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, bat be sure you gel the genuine. Because be cau iu ike more prolit he may tell you be has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be de.-eived, iiut in si I upon getting Dr. King's Ne Discovery, which is guaranteed m give relirf in ait Throat, Lung and Cnet affect ious. Trial botiie freat Atn-1 ufeihy Si Williams's Dtug Sioiv I-aift Boities JI. A L.;iip Ycr pisoda Ihe Piift. iirguerie. Oii. ii reduce! Mi !wsi tiardug, ibroauh a i tbe-e year" 1 nave loved you an i now I entreat you to name ttie d.ry when I n-; ca;; y u my own. ak r r d i k r niFiifK. .y aear .iara-tieriio. caimot eiit-! t:n thought's of u.r na,e at this tow', at !eot not ttH I receive tne two oli-ir i-.d-e. i't ivy aleIy, which I Lave little r!as,.n to iiN for. b-ut my dear juatj-u&iue, t wa be a-a-broiber to you. A Good t i lend to Babies Is Ltictatcd Fo d. It ia a perfect food for ii.!ent5 .f any age. It is tiso a go-td frienl to the household purse, for the -. s coutti'r a laitei amount of Food for the money lhau Otl-er foods do. "Out of the Mouth . fSu-bies. Texas SiftiiiJ-.. Visiting minister That's i rocking horse ycu have, rxry , fine little I man.' Papa buy it? - Chailie Nt.-j I o'a it at a lottery. M kinder Ah,. den't you know it naughty to gimble or take chances? . Cltariie Why. it was at jour on ehureh fair, MrBroadbriiii: PHRSOXSANn THINGS. Gen. Sherman has selected a com mil tee to arrange f.:r a celebration of Gen. Grant s birthday. The late Mr?. John Jacob Aster bequeathed to the Metropolitan Mu seum of Art her valuable collection of rare laces. IT. Carnot says that a Frenchman who would declare war arainst Ger many while Moltke and Bismarti are alive ought to be shot. American potatoes are Fcarce ir Chic-, go, and thousands of sacks arr being imported from Botterd in. A recent consignment was 2,50b sacks. P. T. Pa ncm denies that be ha made a will bequenthing i0,000.00o to seven heira. He admit that he is wealthy, bat says that he has only three heirs. The Puke of Westminster has t!'e largfit income of any man in Great Britain. It $53 a minute, $3.0Oo in 1 our, or $72,G9 a dy tbe year round. Such a man eught to do a great ded of goHl with so much iuoney ; bat does he do it An old rk was cut down near Summerville. Pa. the other day, and ! in the hear- rf the oak was a knife blade t-mt must Lave been broken off in the tree when it was a mere aplin. A poor German woman in Saginaw, Mich., not long ago pretwiel expi ess charges amounting to G on e pack age of med.cine which she ser.fc -O the Cso vn Prince of Germany, fondly aud loyally hopiag that it might cure his diseased throat. Mr. H. F. Gardner of Orange? GaU would not tate a god round sum for the rose buh ttat grows by his boa-e door It is a climber of the wt:ue Lt M :rqie variety- Themaiu stem is oU feet loug. and at or.e pirf-e ISJ inches in diameter, aud ibe bush covers the entire front of I be bou; e, a surface of b84 square fee. , M j ADeresititoi tse attarbmect iorar4 so grinding and cutiu -r tile, debt t-f the property of a Ybseraoa eannot supcly the dciai d. countv, Ak., mtn brought ut an o-ld j.-cidt-nt in couit. Among the j ,,."-- aiia-ueu uaja smau ceru - . . , , . , ixu nue anu ht liuuaau were eu ?tged to be tnartied he was. tot able to give her an eiii.-- nn .1! instead gve her a likely y&firiing u tu'er. 1 he calf gsew ar;d prosper ed and lUtlltipiltd. Rlid the ieu't waa the heard of cattle to which the good w ife laid claim. In 1S77 Ht-rmaa Harnee, who lives near Wiuona, Minn became very sleepy, went to led, not leave it until 1SS2, and did leepiy soundly most of tbe time. Then he woke and woi ked on his f.na f jr ' four or five months. One day he fell asleep aud dropped to the floor, He was i-id in bed' and has not been o2 of it since. He sleeps s-oandlv ail . . . 1 . . tl.ty, ana atout Hait-past cine iu lue evening sits up, takes a little -nourjthat Bermil hat. jUst ti shmen t, aud again goes to sleep, he wakeK he navs no atrentiou When he Pa to auy one and gives no s"gu of said the mau. and he quickly dap intelluence. Whe-u he first bean to peared up the cacy on. l"resntly sleeo he W0i7he-i 1SJ tooi1s: Le now does not wei?h ba'f that. His head is very warm, his pulse full, his fiesh co!d and fi ibbv. His sleep is quiet, and apparently ne sutlers no pain. A Mississippi Postmaster's Touching Appta-l. A postmaster in a small villsge ia Mississippi has written to the post master Genera!, asking him to d s continue the otnee. lie explains that his neighbors, who are woo' growers, became distrustful of his rabbit trap, and in couseqaence, he states "it turned up Eiissiiitj." "So I am let here, continues the post mister pathetically, "without the menus of susteneace. So if you ex pect me to set up nights for the aaiu, you wid have to forward at ouce so t.e pork and beans or some other nourishment, or a new post master will. have to be appointed at thisjplace." He adds in a postcript, -Air. wanted me to split him some raiis if lean get rid of thi3 oS so hurry up with tbe grub or th discharge," Tne office was discon tinued in response to this Washington- Star. repeal Eucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tlie world for Cuts' Bruises, Acres' Ulcers, Sait liueun.,t"ever S-t s.Teiteis,Cbappd HtU-is, Galb!aius Corns, and ah nkiu Erpi oas, and p sitiveiy c ire Piles, or no jay lequhtd. It i H'iai -tufeed tog ve perfect s difac- tiviu or niO:.ey refunded. Price 2-3 -euts per box. For j5a.e By Aoer- nethy &. WiJia-n . .. SenatJ: S.nna's Babies WajU:ng:o-i Dispatch t the CL13 g9 News. Seuatvir Ktnna artived in Wash uif t m to day Irom a visit to his -.me :a West Virginia, where h liitd tae pha--urs of mnkiug the s.equaiut--it.ee of young Kenua i.rmber sis, wii j was lajtj. aaout a wes-k ago. As iie entered tue Sriale this nioiuing ..-ne ol hi colleijues hkerf hini where he had been. He replied that he had been home, aud ei plained the ciicam staaces "Didn't you have a new Vaby at vour house last vear T was askecv "Yes." replied Ktnna. ' Wel!, don't you think you ere crowding thius a little ? "I don't iuow but that I am," an .veied the Senator from West Vir ginia, "but you must remember ih-tt t theTvuie is getting to be prttj dose ui; Hir Btate." - . j STA TB XE IT'S. Tfi'mingtrn It'viiir: We "arw afraid that the fruit iop In North. - -Carolina cr at ail vents in thi -nart of it is already seriously iangered. The buis are swelling and ready to burst and a"l that is needed to "bust" the Kho'e thing up-" ia a tail end or two of some of the T ;. big Western blizzards. . - s , Winston Daily: Cel. G. S. ScoJ , f President; Co!. A. R. Audtews, i-e..., president; Mej. Randolph, Air. Ot- jian and CapL Oren of the Rich-- iuoad and Danvid sy tere. were up" .his moixinr arid t i ked very favor-r- .b!y abect tie Wilksbcro roa-1. It is .hought thst as so m as the right, of ay can be sat.ef ictsri'7 arranged i rk wiil begirt in earnest. Durharn Recorder-. Judge ScliencV, jf Greeaaboro, Las completed the " J uauuscript of the revolntior.ary his tory of Nerth Carolina, embracing priDcipally the vears.cf 178 T will make a book of three nendred pages, and will coin.drtey viaviict he course of the rwrth. C iro T& uiiiha at the bi'tle of Gauf-r.i court liSus'-, r.hich bits be--n ira.;a ;he eubiect of r?-eh a-lvisecriticisia by some historians- Greensboro - Wo-kman: Thr a-e now at the Bi. tit Oi j hana ;e t rhoma.-viie. n eiy one orp rs. i any more are calling for admit ance. out c&niot l rectvea unui uuii-r ;ui!dios are erected. The founda- ioa cf two more has been laid. The buildiags wid go up as soon there is a c!i:-it e in tbe weather. It re quires $4 pr ruE-th to support an orphan at this isstituu-'-n. Withm the last six mentis f tO.T'O has been retiaved and not ILau SoUi) iu kind. Wilson A dvzi"r: Rifhard.i &" 'lev itt are ow-per rf tbe maibia end talc wcifcs. .i'ja.ted on th v. utft. f-f . the leautiful Natahjtlt riT, and no the W. N. C. railroad. This ru pany own nd woik langniS.-reut a 1 STfesiiaIy iT.xbajsttble beds of ! marble aud t iic, and ai? s'iii'sg ni hse e a recv : t'.ie Thr New Yordar d other :nnrk-t They are working about l ry Land ncv. but wiil soon have to iui3a tuis force. Avenging- th. Ataerican. Arcon? the m.t?v slorrics of the Robin Hood exploits of Bercal the Mexican b ji i t, is one of buir he avenged th A uericsa. Up in a deep gorge beyord San Dieiias au old man. an Ameiu-iu. a-i etovpe-l one day by a lone horeiiian nnd or dered to tiive up Lis wsich and mou- ey- er. Who areTour s'.e 1 the .rave. " vra the re- "Eracao Sti raL'' 1 spouse. 1 be CM mm o 1 other word, but Lauded ever 1 he I had the rober alfo :ai:i tas noi se. A ' little furthe ujwu the can to a the traveler, ploddiug e.ior.g un .ot, met j four horsemen going up- "1 it com," aked ti e lender, ' -Hw do Ihat an ' old ram like yoa is wa'kir.s ia ihee 1 . - cr t' - . U-J mouuiains; i pe lesii-t if,-i.nt ken his Lors.e, j watch and money. D:J hs sty h 1 name was 'Bei nil!"' on tv ait Lere," ne returned brin every tiiin "H-zT- 13 that bad been your horse, watch ard money paid; "the man who took theia :i--s ey," h- i ynaer, ueau. was not' Bernal. I am Bei-n-U." Tbe eld man had but thiee dollars, aod Brrral remark ed that he would need more to ca- rv him through, and gave Lira 3 additional F-tiirie B. Wtid ;n Philide'phin Record. a .1 t j --- ? -5 1 Abso.utely Pure. Tbt po-rdsr merer rsnt", A a-TTel cf pa-i 8 -i.l ni -rhc;e-.ciiips M ecoufcuri- 1 '.li:-a tl:e orJ.r.anr tinl-s, unl cnn'i-.t 1 soil a . m;casatiit wha t!-e rauUita Ie of lu-r t-- 10 t e'-ht a.u;?i cr T,il' o-t Ier. S-;1 ciT m in- Ut. ai 1 wr. vt.. n. v. t---r -- h Zt ir'- i iJ2 r- - 1; n f -V . -, .V - .- .S? . 1 Ci L" ft P. I M . 1 9i ?3 i 5 r.A ?m 4 f i I- it 9 . Ei--i . mm 5:3 rpa y,n be ored a f cv moiah bef ire ccnaeifleot 9md fee book To Motbzbs," Bailed isae. Eaxiipui 11 Ecvuas C, tdota 6a V? f P.CVA1 FiXt a I- r-Sf .-: Ii A C3 77 A X r.ca - mi mi 11 Tir- l J) I 5 I. ; ? hi ! i t I f I i t A li k, rt, e' - S

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