...JJLfB r u u When I say CtTRE I do not mean merely to stop thorn for a turn-, " i , 'l iiJi turn again. I MEAN A KADI AL CLliL. 1 have made the disease of TTS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, v life lone studv. I warrant my Temedy to "n iK he worst cases, liecause others have lend aton. e f..r a treatise and a 1 KEb ISOT ri B Of 111V INFALLIBLE KEMEDV. Ve XP' Cf Snd i'.' t ili. e. It costs you nothing for a trial, an " will cure you. Address H C.ROOT,M.C..'83PearlSt..NewY0RK IN THE SPRING Almost, overy body wants a "Spring Tonic" H re is a simple testimonial, which shows how B B B is rewaioed. It ivill knock you out and restore your appetite Splendid tor' a Spring Tonic Is the oldest and moot popular mm " "ec lmniral paper published and has the largest rci la?,..n of Sn, paper of Its clawh, the world. Kully tllustnited. Best class of Wood EnKJ ijy i'ublliihed weekly. Send for specimen . I',.... ....ml lia IDM 1 . ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. W A srreat success. Each Issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and city residen cesor public buildings. Numerous engravings and full Plan and specifications for the use of JliwntSWe6uHdlnf. Sets, a Copy. MUN.N A CO., PlBUbHFKH. I may be secnr. led by apply ing to aiuJi Co.. who hare had over s' xpertence and have made oyer Plications for American and tor ments, fend for Handbook, arictly conudential. TRADE MARKS. ARi.inGTos Oa., June 30, 18S I nifti-rcd with malarial blood poison more or less, all the time, and the only medt icine that done mo any good is B B B. I ia undoubtedly the best blood medicine made, and for" this malarial coutry should ho nspd bv every oi.e in the sprine of tna year summer, fall ana ami blood purifier. winter as a tonic HISTORY OF CATAWBA CO. Gives Petter Satisfaction Caimz Ky., July Ctb. 1837 "I'lease send me ojie box Blood Balm On tario. Knnff by return mail, as one of my customers is taking !' ' B for c.itaarh and wants a box of the su .!!' B B B gives better satisfaction tln;:i any medicine I ever sold. I have sold 10 dozen in the past 0 weeks, and it gives good satisfaction. If i don't remit all right for snuff write me Yours, W Brandon. Historical Events and Scenes at ok Near the Time when Catawba County was Formed and Newton Located. CHAPTER VII. I have noticed 3 errors in Chap ter V. The first one read that the court house was completed in 1845. whereas, it ought to have said in 1846. Then the second one is where t said George Shuford built the bridge across the river at Simpson's Ford in 1845, it ought to have said about 1855. Where it says Dr. Lit- CONFEDERA1E VETERANS. AN IMPERATIVE NECESSITY mm Corres pondence In ene ent Oft. unroedi: copy . . . 1 1 n 1 T1. t iaT marc is not raisiciCU ... -! to MI NN 4 Co., and procure roUXUon. Send for lianaDoo. RUTS for books, charts, maps. tc, qnickiv procured. Aauress JJICMJi at CO., rntem soucanri, Mineral orrics: wil hhoauwai, , N. T. It Hemoved The Pimples RorsD Mountain, Tex. "arch 29, 1887. A lady friend of mine has for several vfnrs been troubled with bumpsand 1 imples on her face and neck, for which she used various cosmetics in order to remove them . . i r V ami uLauuiv anu improve ner iron.joc.vi.oi, tut these local applications were only tem loraiy ami left her skin a worse coi.dition recommended an internal preparation known as Botanic Blood Balm which I have been using selling about two years ; he used three bottles and nearH ail pimp- W have disanutared. her skin is soft and smooth, and her general health much im proved, one expresses herselt mucn grati fied, and can recommend 11 to an wno are thus fllicted. Mrs. S. M. Wilson New Livery, M Sale st It;; A. ffl. Corpening & CO I Imve ihis day sold trest in my 1 eiy A ;M. (.'ori ening halt' in YV. II. Williams nit. A Book 01' Wonders, Fret All who desire full information about tie cause and cure of Blood Poisons, .crot, ulaand Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores kliumatiem, Kidney Complaints, L. tarrb, Htc can secure bv mail. free, a copy of onr i ratre Illustrated Book ot wonders nii- d rvith tho most wonderful and s'.attling r T . c 1 3 3 ma en oi ever ueiore kluu, auuksji BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Oa. ought to read Dr. James t CALL FOR A MEETING IN EVERY COUNTY ON JULY 4th. Durham, N. C, June 1, 1889. To the Fress of North Carolina : Gentlemen The call of the Con federate Veterans' Association has not been as exteusively published as it is important it should be, and I therefore respectfully ask that if you have not already done so you will please give it insertion in each of yoyjr papers, and also call attention to it editorially. Please help us, gentleman, in this patriotic work. Very respectfully, J. S. Carr. Pursuant to a resolution adopted ( by the Norih Carolina Confederate Veterans Association, I hereby call upon the Confederate veterans iu each and every county in the State of North Carolina to assemble at their respective court houses, ou Thursdaj-, the 4th. day of July, 1889, to form a Confederate Veterans' As- eociaticn, under tue plan oi organi zation heretofore adopted aad pub- What pure air is to an unhealthy locality, what spring cleaning is to the ueat housekeeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilla to everbody, at this season. The body needs to be thor oughly renovated, the blood purified and vitalized the germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other blood disorders are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the most popular and successful spring medicine. George W. Pounds, of Umod countj, lost four chi'dieu in four days from dysentery and his wife is at the point of death. SLFEPLK-iS NIOHT ;, made mLrable by thaf terrible cough Miib.h's Cure is the Krnittly for yon For sale by T. R. Abein-thy, druggist. The use of electricity for li-jhlin pui poses is older than most people think. It was Noah who first made use of the ark liiht. Charlotte aldermen are complain-, ing :bout drugstores selling whiskey. EUPEPSY. Hp, it Lytic It is my object in this chapter to review all the scenes, events and in cidents that I haye passed by in my other chapters. In this I desire to bring them forward for the benefit and interest of the many readers The first one I shall mention hap. pened soon after the little darling lished by this Association. Newton began to breathe and had a In counties where such associa- beiug among the things of the tions have been already formed, I world. Col. William Mehaffey had call on them to meet on said day. I -v- . .a It called the old m'litia together for it is earnestly requested tnat an battallion drill, at the old field near County Associations formed and to where Witherspoon's dwelling house be formed shall immediately trans is now located, and when the fifes mit the proceedings at said July began to whistle and the -drums be- meetings to W. C. Stronacli, Secreta an to rattle for parade. Henry 7 of tue Association, at Raleigh, JN Lantz, a brother of the late Rev. c- 8aiJ proceedings to distinctly set John Lantz, became a crazy maniac, for1" tlie uame and postoffice address and his father and some of his of the president and secretary and frieuds took him to an old school tie names of the executive commit house not far from the plae where tee thereof. Eli Sigiuan fnnnally lived. Perhaps 11 is ,uost earnestly recommended lnu ttviQ nr ;..ii.,iilv ihp A1nmv nf and requested as o; the utmost iin- old Mutton or Muttoutown, "and portance that at the said July meet kept him there until he became ing there shall be recommended for somewhat reconciled. In those days appointment by their association the the women, children and young names of two patriotic ladies for each ladies always looked with anxiety for township in each county, who shall the battallion musters tc come on, be especially commissioned to aid in This is what you ought to have iu fact, you must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are searching CATARRH CURED, htalth and sweet breath secure!, by Shiioh's Cat.nrh Reme dy. Price 50 cents Nasal Inj.etar free. For sale by T. K. Abemrthy, drnggiit. The annual Pris dog show is be ing held on terrace of the Tuileries gardens. Th exhibits show no fall ing off either in the race or beauty of 'the frieud of in in." For lame back, side or chest, use Shiioh's for it daily, and mourning because ! oro"3 Plaster Prioo 2-5 cents. For sale they find it uot.Thousands upon thou sands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may. attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, is used according to directions and the use presisted in. will bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dys pepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and 1. per bottle by T. li. Aler nethy Druggist. by T. K. Altniet.-y, druggist. Dr. Chiirles E. Simmons wants 143,450 for Diofessioual services to the lale Samuel J. Tiiden. SIllLOlFS COUGH and CojSh and Consumption Cure h Sold l.y us on a guar J autee It cures Consumption, rorsalebv 1. It. Abernethv, lru;aist. A project is on foot in Charlotte to convert tue old cenetery into a park - the glorious work of establishing a soldiers' home for the old and broken veterans of North Carolina. Let it be understood that this association is determined that a soldiers' home shall be built. J. S. Carr, President. rss sfgrn So SIX-CORD s We will close mill up within the next lu Dais For several months. Parties having grain to sell or exchange will please take, no tice. Newton Roller Mill CO . " il4th TEAT FIGHT The Original Wins. C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop'r M. A. Simmons Livtr Medicine, Kst'd 140, in the U. S. Court defeats J. H. Zcilin, Proj.'r A. Q. Simmons Lrv er Regulator, Lst'd by Zeilin 1S68. 11. A. S. L. M. has for 47 vears urcd Indigestion, Biliousness, DYSPfcl-SIA.SlCK Headache.Lost iUTITITE, SOUR STOMACH, JttTC. nev. 1. 15. lttaras, 1'astorM. li. Church, Adams, '1'tnn., writes: "I in a 1 snouiu Have been dead but ior your Genuine M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine. I have sometimes had to substitute "Zeilin's stuff " for your Medi cine, but it don't answer the purpose." Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor Tke Itafitist. MmnhLs. Tenn. s:iv? I received a package of yourLivct Medicine, and have used half of it. It works like a charm. I want no betti r Liver Regulator and cer tainly no more of Zeilin's mixture. OPLi Sl:e KrwiitK-Mnchinr 1 tnc-e r, I .. I. I i li L ir::l- in nil f.Hii.. li I 1.. 1 lite o .. r tin.' !.;iu i ys?Vs ,t!" wr XI" 1 H'CC to .-lie wViTT - " t ,lH' W"W. ul! the atiniuiMiit r JfcV J). win p. isu M'int 1 a t J, j : bn of our cosily ri viihoibl. ( ' AjL--'int.l.'. In n iiirii ur hsk Unit L 'iarir .'-liiiw nhni w. f.-.d. lu iliosr bo A J& ' ,n,: aX ' 1 .r.iii .iftcr a t; J A i'i it'h.ill lin t: I. ....nr.- vi.ur on-n Vv03ft ':it,f'r tl"' Mtll ali'iit. 11 iiavp nm out : 1 . i,.ri- pHlrmg 11 out it MU1 SIIt. w it h the t.fhiucnts. ni;i vIb for Ii't, .itrmiL't 51. must u- -iiu nuh ittiif in tin- world. All ii afrCL. No cat-ilftl rontiircil l'Uir. brief inuru'tioi umi. 1 dorr n hov r.i to onre can f ciK-t? Iim ihf b t sow in --machine in orit. nnd the tlnt nn.' or m orkv oi niffh nrt ever now lutri-ihr in Anirrt-a. TifoitU.i Uox 7 lO. Auukui, Maiue 3l Lr;? 1 1 IF1E PPnMKS S Solid Oold W.tch Llifvr X bold for MIOM. milillllr VjK Best tS6 watch in th world. I ... .1 ferftct limilutiKi. War- tf'ffl f! 9 muted. Heavy Solid Gold f aod pnu' aixM, with works 1 aod case. OI aqaal vmlu. I One PemoB in each low calUy can aecur. on. free toretoer wltn our larg. ana w- unole una or uoucaoia Haanplra. Th.M aamplea, aa well aa tbe watch, wa aeod Vree. and after Ton hare ken. inaan In toot ioim for 0 months and aaown them to tnoaa who auf hara called, they become roar own propertr. Thoaa who. writa at one. can ba but. of recirinr the V atte" at and Niaanolea. We par all axpreas, frelaht, etc. Addraa YOU CAN LUY IT OF, SMYRE, RHYi E & CO, NEWTON, N. C. CANCER iSSPC PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promote a luxuriant growth. Never Fkils to Restore Gray Hair to itt Youthful Color. Prevents Dandmil and hair falling; 6'V. anil si mint rirnptrl'ts. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS E3 C2::3 EIAKHD S3AL. Original, he-t, (inly rrrnulnr mil T'-'iiable pill lrale. V.-vit Kuil. Aik for Chichester Enijliti. Diamond Brand, i" m me- aliiy lKXf. iM'ttltM with blue rib- i"u. At lrujxic't't A ' pfc no ot hfr. At! Dills id caic i:tril Wxt-, pink wrapiKTi. are a danger out counterfeit. Kud 4c. (tump) for particulars and Jfrllcf for Iadlet, tetter, br rt'turn mail. lO.OOO tctl- monlttUrrom LADIES who have uaed them. Name Paper. Chichester Chemical Coj2lauisoii bq.FliUaFa- r- A 4h V mmm fflMMi Eesulting from tue Brrorg of Youth, Folly, Vice, Ig norance, tc, may be cured at home without fail or expoaure. Infallible and Confidential. Large Treatise, 300 pages, only $1 by mail, sealed, postpaid. small ooojl, wtiu cuuurBeuieuus ui uie pfes, ucc Send now. AddreiB the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W.H.Parker, No.4 Bulfiach St.,Boaton,Mae8. DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES, etition distanced eep.the. best and all sizes.. power, everlasting and com For proof order on trial, to 1 get any other alongside tf you can! Bevertiilt FiM Circle iu i""-.. y Belt Presses, w . x . J e(m mnA UmAM. . as it was a kind of annual jollification meeting for them to meet with their old friends and neighbors, and the young ladies to meet their sweet hearts and have a social talk. When the little village began to be first settled by the young men they always studied how they could play some trick on some of its inhabitants. So this band concluded that they would play a trick on old neighbor David Dellinger, one of Newton's early settlers, who was a kind of a la a form of blood poison which is gold miner and worked at the busi- not understood by the medical pro ness at the time,' and he'used a gold fession as to its real nature aud char washiDg machine that had to be run acter, but it is evidently hereditary by mule power. After he quit work- in its nature. It may accidentally ing at a certain mine he brought his Jevelope itself without any predispc- machine to Newton and placed it sitioQ or evidence of such existing near where Witherspoon's law office poison. The knife or caustic salves have heretofore been the so-calletl tiful oak proves and his machine lay remedies for it, but all honest prac there for seme time. Then this titioners will tell you that this treat i band of tricksters thought as the old menl Ialls 10 cure ana omJ caens wajjouer did who camped at Levi fatal results. Thousands of c tses of Kilhan's house on the night of the epithelioma (skin) cancers, and a 4th of November. 1833. wben great many cases of scirrhus cancers, It 1 a 1 3 1 that great and wonderful metoric uave ueeu eDreiy cureu uy iue shower was displaying its beautiful scenery in the skies. Killian and others oolong and gazing upin the skies at the beautiful and vivid scenery, some one made the remark, "Surely the world is coming to an end." This remark frightened the old wagoner somewhat, as he was from home and had left his wife and children, and asked Mr. Killian for a shed where he could put his wagun under to se cure it from danger and from the avishes of time. So this band thought about David Dellinger's ma chine, that had been laving long enough in that grove and out iu the weather, and it ought to taken care of and secured in some way. But their plans was somewhat different from the old wagoner's method. They aarreed to give it a high, lofty and exalted elevated position in the air by bending one of those tall and slender redoak saplings down and facten it to the top and then let it sail high up into the air. (To be continued.) cojwuprios suiiscYcatED To the Editor Please inform you- readers that 1 have a positive remer dy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to bend two bottles of my remedy free to any your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address, liespectfully, T. A Slocum SI. C.,181 Pearl St New York. Oct 11, '88 ly Addrei I location 8tor.hc.aiKlp-iiU. P. K. DEDERICK & CO,. Wo. 85 JJeaericK's worits. aidant, n.y. HINDERCORNS. Th onlr pure Cure for CornflL Storjs all riain. Ensure comfort to the feet. 15c. at Imifrprista. Hiscox6tCo.,N.Y. rrirJciiM dtp i r e Y ( 1 1 J I V -Z UIIEI W aa Hfire you Coujrh. Itronrhitis, Asthma, Indigestion f Use PARK E R'S DINGER TONIC. It has cured the worst canes and ih tlie bent remedy for all ills arising from defective nutrition. Take in time. 0c and risina; S1.0& A Scientific and stand:: nl ro.iil.ir Medical Treatise on the Errorsof i ontn, l'reinatun'iJecline, Ivervons and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, Resulting trom Folly, Vice, liinornnet'. Kxei-Fses or Overtaxation, Kiirvuti nir in. A titifittii'i: tin- victim for Work. Business, the Married or Social Relation Avoid unskilful pretenders. I'ossess this great work. It contains T.0 ' paws, royal Svo- Beautiful binding, enibo.m il, full eiit. I rice, only $1.0 by mail, post-paid, cjiieealetl in plain wrapper. Illns- trative Prospectus Tree, if vou apply now. The distinguished author. Win. 1l. I'avkcr, M. D., e ceived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the Naticnnl Medical Association, for the PRIZE ESSAY en NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker nnd acorps of Assistant I'hyiciui:. may bo consulted, confi dentially, by rn ;il or in ix rae'i, at the elfice of IHE PKAIIOI'V M. DK'XI. INSTITUTE No.4Knllinr' S.. ' i.n'on, a;b.. towhomai orders for J...oI,s . " ii ti. is iur atlvieo should b directed aa above. use of Swift's Specific. It forces the I t a. .1 i t :i ..1 While he and I Polson oul mrougn tue cancer lisein I an1 ihu rnrao rf llm cLin were standinf? f ' My father had a cancer; nay hus - band also bad cancer, in fact died with it. In 18G5 a lump came ou my nose, which steadily increased in size, and alarmed me. l used va rious remedies salves and other ap plications, and finally tried to burn it out, but the sore returned worse than ever, growing larger and more angry, until I determined to try Swift's Specific. I took the medi cine, and it soon made a coin pie e cure. -1 knew that S. S. S. cured me, because 1 discarded all otuer reme dies. This was several years ago, and I have had no sign of a return of the cancer. Mrs M. T. Maben, Woodbury, Texas. April 5th, 1889. Treatise on Cancer free. THK SWlFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. In Saxony there is one suicide to every 8,4-16 people. BUCK LEN'S ARNICA SALYE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Feve Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cuil blains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures 1 lie?, or no pay required. It is guarantee to give perfect siitisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 c-nts per box For sale by T. R. Ablcxethy. May 1st I yeai. Millions of caterpillars are imped ing tue wors ot tU9 Canadian iracinc Railway. PIMPLES ON THE FACT Denote an impure state of the blood ana are look ed upon bv many with suspicion. Acker's Blood Klixir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing .bat will so thoroughly build up the constitution, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by J. C. Stminon, Druggist. Estimates of the number of pe sons drowned by the floods in Penu sylvania are placed as high asl 5,000 IS LIFE WORTH LIVING ? Not ii vou go through the world a dvseptic Ackwr's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure tor the worst lonns of Dyspepsia, llatulesuy and Con tiDation. uuaranteed ana sold byj.c Aim man, Drnggist. Col. John C. Haskell, of Columbia. succeeds (Jap tain t. W. Uawson on the National Democratic Committee THE REM ARK ABLE CURES. Queen Victoria celel rated her 70th birthday May 24 A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVES HER LIFE. Which have been affected by Hood's Sarsaparilla are sufficient proof that this medicine does pos sess peculiar curative power. In the severest cases of scrofula or salt rneum, wnen otner preparations bad It was iusf an ordinary scrap of been powerless, the use of Hood's wraDill, mper. but it saved her Sarsaparilla has brought about 'the life She .as iu lhe iust happiest results. The case of Miss Consumption, told bv A ' f Sarah C. Whittire, of Lowell, Mass., who sufferjed terribly from scrof - ulous sores that of Charles A Rob erts, of East Wilson, N. Y., who had thirteen abcesses on his face and stages of physicians and could weighed that she was incurable live only a short time-; she less ihan 70 pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle neck; tnat oi wune UuH, or Wal- bottle; it helped her, pole, Mass., who had hip disease and large bottle it scrofula so badly that physicians said more bought he could not recover, are a few of the many instances in which won derfol cures were effected by this medicine. An editor received a letter from subscriber asking him to publish cure ior appie-tree worms, tie re plied that he could not suggest a cure until he knew what ailed the worms. she bought a helped her another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, druggist, Fort Sinitli. Bottles of this wonderful Discovery sold at T. R. Abernethy's Drug Store. toASEHTS SMPLI REE Young- ducks drink water very of ten when eating they should be plen tifully supplied with' ail thev can drink, but should not be allowed on feathered. i Mai a.11 1 w both sexes. Write now I -.. , i . i .11 WKA.xxTNewXorkcitT ponds until they are well A I UT V TO YOURSELF. It U surprising that people will use a common ordinary pill when they cm secure a valuable Knirlish one for the same monry. Dr. ArkcT t nlish plils are tt jiusilire euro for sic -headache ami an liver trouuies. i ney are small, swee eusilv taken ami do not gripe, sold only uy JO .VirrimuM, J)fuggisf. A "single tux"' parly has lieeu guniznd in Dakota The idea or this party is to raise from tax on land. . all revenues The average daily number of ad missions to tue i'ans exposition ; greatly exceeds that of a!l previous world's fairs held in or Vienna Paris, London SIIILOUS VI1AL1ZF.R i what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptom of dyspepsia. Prie; 10 and So cents per bottle. ld by T. II. Abt-rnethy, druggist. According to the Allgpnieine Militear Zei'ung, no less than 150,- 000 young men iu Alsace-Lou aiue have siuce 1S74 evaded military ser vice. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bionchit is immediately relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. For sale by 1. It. Abernethy, Druggist. William Quackenbush, said to be the oldest native New Ycrker, died in that city on Wednesdays aged 92 years. L.A DIES Needing a tonic, or children that want building up. should tak BROWXS IIIUX BITTERS. Tt is pleasant to-iake, cures Malaria, Indiges tion, and Biliousness. A 11 dealers keep it. L. Q. C. Lamar, Jr., a sou of Jus- t'.ce Lamar and a department clerk under Cleveland, Las turned up as a drummer for a Rochester boot and shoe hon6e. Boston worships the busy Bs Buukerhill, baked beans, base ball aud Ben Butler. Many Persons Are broken down from overwork or household cares Brown's Iron Bitters rebuilds the svstem. aids digestion, removes ex cess of bile, aud cures malaria. Get the genuine. Mexico has nearly fourteeu thou sand miles of telegraph lines. Nobody ever sows too many kinds of "lass seed ou land lo be employ- ed in More thau 20,000,000 acres of land iu Washington. Territory, of nearly one-half of the whole area, re main unsurveyed. It is ciuel to make a goil hen hatch more thn one setting of eggs without resting, although it may be done. It would be better to sell a poor horse or two to be able to breed good stallions than io go breeding inferior stock that will never be worth much. Fathers are apt to give their boys the poorest team and the poorest tools on the place to work with; but it is bad policy if the boys are to be encouraged to become good farmers. The best food for making hens lay is a pound of lean meat, chopped fine, giveu three times a week to a flock of 20 hens. But very little grain is required at this season. CAUTlOJJ -TO MOTHERS. Kvery mother is cjiutiun.il against giving her child laudanum or paregoric. ; ii creates an unnat ural crauiiiu for stimulants which kills the mind or the cliiid- Acker's baby Soother is specially prepared to benefit chidren and cure their pains! it is harmless and contains no Opioum or Mor phine, sold by. J.C Simmons, Druggist. Whitelaw Reid, the American Minister to France, has rented a house in Paris at 20.000 a year. Ilia salary is $17,500. PBOPLE everywhere: Confirm our statement when we say Acker's Kng glish Kemedy is in every way superior to any and all other prejMirations for the Throat and Lungs. In whoopin), cough and croup it is magic and re lieves at once- We offer yon a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a. positive guaranteo. J. C Simmons, Druggist THAT.HACKIXG COUGH can be so quickly cured, by Shiloh'8 Cure. We guar antee it. Fer sale by T. It. Aberncthy, drnggist WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complant? Shiioh's Yitaiizeris guaranteed to cure you. S HIRES' IMPROVER Me ROOT B IN LIQUID NO BOILING EASILY MADE THISPACKA6E MAKES FIVE CALL0NS E3LE LaLH ThB moat APPETIZING and WHOLESOItl TKMPBBANCS DRINK In the world. TRY IT. Aak your Druggist or Grocer for It. C. E. HIRES, Philadelphia. DEAE tree. Addreaasrcalloa V. INESS CURED byFwkHm, fortalbtoTUBUlAR EAR CUSHIONS I WManera heard dlitlacirr. Comfort. abla. 8ntMafal where allrrmedlntatt. Ilia. book fcproofi oiawa, awaaavi a. t It is claimed that the recent religs ious revival in Richmond caused the liquor dealers to lose one-third of their custom. HINDERCORNS. The only sure Cure for Corns. Stops all pain. Ensure comfort to the feet. 15a at lo-utriruta. Hiacox A Co., N. Y. Tbe best of ail remedies for Inward Pains, Colic, Indiges tion, Exhaustion and all Stom ach and Bowel troubles. Also i the most enectiv cure fori Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and I affections of the breathing! organs. It promotes refreshing sleep, improves the appetite. overcomes nervous prostration, . and gives new life and strength to the weak and aged. 50c. and $1.00, at DrgguisU.