E Sewton oNTERPRI VOL. XIII NO. 42. NEWTON, N. 0M FRIDAY DECEMBER 4, 1891. Cttlfam FOR PITCHER'S iN TV D Mill Castoria. promotes Digestion, and oveivouies Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Sttuach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus tbo child is rendered healthy and it8 svp natural. Castoria contains no jlorphiiK-' or other narcotio property. Cantoris is so well adapted to children that T -tvonunfiid it as superior to anv prescription 82 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. I use Castoria In my practice, and find it Alii. Robertson, M. D., 1067 2d Ave.. New York. Tht CivrAra Co., 77 Murray St., N. T. Dr. P F LAUGENOUR, DENTIST. Newton, N. C. An Kc,f "- Breathe not nil aiai bonnm o'er my dust; A manly soul would erer take to task The charity that stifles truth, and ask That what thou aayest be severely jUBt. If all my virtue be a hollow crust, My heart a devil's shrine, my face a mask Of Christian love that living I may bask In men's approval, then dispel their trust. Nor do I crave for studied praise of wit And wisdom that I never have possessed; I should go hence content if on the bit Of stone that tells my dates of birth and rest. In truth and soberness, there might be writ: lie was loved best by those who knew him . best." Wilbur Larremore. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS. Commissioners Office Catawba County. f STATEMENT OF ALL CLAIMS THAT HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SAID COUNTY, AND THE AMOUNTS, AND TO WHOME PAID FROM THE FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER 1890 TO THE FIRST MONDAY IN DECEM BER 1891. December, 7th, 1801. PRICE: Sl.OO PER YEAR. st work. Latest improvements. New Low prices. Aohinjr and bad , av. 'l teeth, treated, filled and savf iii id or porcelain crowns put on na- '. uts. (an save "Jo per cent, o- P-th as are iiMiallv extracted. Ar a! tt-Kli put in without plates. l y ,. v vstem of CROWN and BRIDGE Th.-v ar-made fast in the mouth ; v r rail down or int loose. Are the i ar m approach to the natural teeth a: "i ! v tar tin" best artificial substitute f.f. ti: At a Reading. The spare professor, grave and bald. Began his paper. It was called, I think, "A Brief Historic Glance At Russia, Germany and France." A glance, but to my best belief 'Twas almost anything but brief, A wide survey, in which the earth Was seen before mankind bad birth; Strange monsters basked them in the sun. Behemoth, armored glyptodon. And in the dawn's unprarticed ray The transient dodo winged its way; Then, by degrees, through slit and slough. We reached Berlin I don't know how. Tk good pro feasor's monotone Had turned me into senseless stone. Instanter, but that near me sat. Hypatia in her new spring hat. Blue eyed, intent, with lips whose bloom Lighted the heavy, curtained room. Hypatia oh, what lovely things Are fashioned out of eighteen springs! At first, in sums of this amount. The eighteen winters do not count. . Just as my eyes were growing dim With heaviness, I saw that slim. Erect, elastic figure there. Like a pond lily taking air. She looked so freh, so wise, so neat. So altogether crisp and sweet, I quite forgot what Bismarck said. And why the emperor shook Uis head. And how it was Vou Moltke's frown Cost France another frontier town. The only facts I took away From the professor's theme that day Were these: A forehead broad aud low. Such as the antique sculptures show: A chin to Greek perfection true: Eyes of Astarte's tender blue; A high complexion without fleck Or flaw, and curls about her neck. T. B. Aldrich. 2.73 6.03 7.20 J. II L1TTKL, RESIDENT DENW. NEWTON, N. C. ss in Yount ft fihrum'a Bui ding . ,!.( W1IITI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Nkaikn. - - XC 1 .': '! !iU Professional services to the .;v- ? Newton and the public general ;;. . . lis grateful for a very liberal pat i in th- past, hopes to merit aeon ti;,'.;a:.'-f ; same. uiwii in iii- a.'s of women ami children. i :': at ri-ideiice. Immortality. Immortal life is something to be earned. By slow 6elf conquest, comradeship with Pain, And patient seeking after higher truths." We cannot follow our own wayward wills. And feed our baser appetites, and give Loose rein to foolish tempers year on year. And then cry, "Lord, forgive me, I believe." And straightway bathe in glory. Men must learn God's system is too grand a thing for that. The spark divine dwells in onr souls, and we Can fan it to a steady flame of lisht. Whose luster trilds the pathway to the tomb. IDE, M D And shines on through Eternity, or else Neglect it till it glimmers down to ueain. And leaves us but the darkness of the grave. Each conquered passion feeds the living flame; Each well borne sorrow is a step toward God: Faith cannot rescue, and no blood redeem ,J. It CAMPBELL,M.D. Xi-.w roN. - - - - N. C. PHYSICIAN AND Off-1 1 1:1- pi ofes.-i .lift! ferviees to tit- p. 1. 1 - of Xewton and Catawba Cu-i. y. Julv 14th, 1891. The soul that will not reason and resolve. Lean on thyself, yet prop thyself with prayer (All hope is prayer; who calls it hope no more Sends prayer footsore forth over w-eary wastes. Special attention I While he who calls it prayer gives wings to hope). And there are spirits, messengers of Love, Who come at call and fortify onr strength. Make friends with them, and with thine inner self: Cast out all envy, bitterness and hate: And keep the mind's fair tabernacle pure. Shake hands with Pain, give greeting unto Grief. .SURGEON, I Those angels in disguise, and thy glad soul From height to height, from star to shining star. Shall climb and claim blest immortality. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. nX)RGE McCORKLE, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, m:ytox, x.c. Wiil practice in this and surrounding '.'"Utitw-s and in the Supreme Court of N. I. Collections aud returns thereof njinptly made. )'fi..c opposite Court House, on Main St. K .1. E. THORNTON, r tS C'.D-Tantly on hand all sizes of Wood . ulnur. Alio Burial Kobes M.mnfj i-ii sending for coffins miis nd fjood securie.ty. ifu-p one mite north of Court Hous . Jk'ewton, JY". C. ( I! fl n -H'" P1"0"8 Per month. L 1! L Will prove it or pay forfeit. A" J New portraits just out. A llilll sample sent free to all. V V LI U w. J I. Childester & Son., 28 'A Rose by Any Other Name." First the teacher called the roll. Clos't to the beginnin "Addeliney Bowersox:" Set the school a-grinnin. Winter time, and stingin cold When the session took up Cold as we all looked at her. Though she couldn't look upl Total stranger to us, too Country folks ain't alius Isigh so shameful unpolite As some people call us. But the honest facts is, then, Addeliney Bower Sox's feelin's was so hurt She cried half an hour? My dest was acrost from hern; Set and watched her tryin To p'tend she didn't keer. And a kind o' dryin Up her tears with smiles, tel I Thought, "Well, Addeliney Bowersox is plain, but 6he's Party as a piney!" It's ben many of a year Sence that most oncommoa Cur'ous name o Bowersox Struck me as so abomin Nubble and outlandish-like; I changed it to Adde Liney Daubenspeck and that Nearly killed her daddyl James Whitcomb Riley, "lei Street. New York. A A A A A A A A SYSTEM MAKING STOCK AND - 1 GRAIN Speculation practically an 'v. -t up-lit. Profits large and almost "i; un: loss improbable. Explanatory ''f,,-r mailed by addressing. THE M 1 TI a L SYNDICATE, G Wall St. ''. York. PEAFs ESS k. HFI RSitEt CHIfltT eeck. INVISIBLE TIIILAI tiki FlICUinMe 'WhUMra kMrd. Con. !, br imij, Kw M. WriU far hk tltm&IUI PARKER'S HAIR BALGA'vl Clranws aud beautifies tho hair, l'ruiuotct . laxuriant growth. Never Pails to Ke.tore Ony Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures caip ditrase. i hair failing. 3"c.and $l."X)at Drm;git ' - rimer s Ginger Tonic. It cures the worst Congo, "fit 1m, Ihiiity, Indigestion, Pain, Take in time. 40 da H'NDERCORNS. The only sure cure fbx Coma m "w ba.0. Ur '-rugf iiu. ei HISCOX CO-. H. . OIIATKFUL COMFORTING EPFS COCOA. BREAKFAST. "liy ti thorough knowledge of the nat !'"tl lawn wliieh govern the operations of 'l -stion and nutrition, and by a careful 2. 'illi' litilin 1 i f!..,. ,.r,...,.rt;,,d .f urull- 1 'el ( oc(i;i fp CntiH hna nrovided ""' breakfast table-s with a delicately ' iv in-d beverage which may save us !' -'"y heavy doittors' bills. It it by the I' i'ius n,se oi such articles of diet that el Mystery. I did not love him; long ago Instead of Yes I gave him No. I did not love him, but today I read his marriage notice. Pray Why was I sad, when never yet Has my heart known the least regret Over that whispered No? And why, Reading the notice, did I sigh? No analyst can guess the cause; A woman's reason laughs at laws. Sure, I am glad to know the wound I gave is healed; that he has found Love's blessedness and peace, and yet Today I seem to see him stand. With every glance a mute caress. Still pleading for the longed-for Yes. His early love for me is dead Another lives in that love's stead. And if he loves her well, as men Should love their chosen ones, why then He must be glad that long as;o. Instead of Yes I gave him No.? Perhaps that is the reason why I read the notice with a sigh. Indianapolis Journal. 1.74 12.97 .72 2525 24 5G 125.92 6.00 4.00 J1' l' ';iMitutioii may be gradually built ip 'j"t I -trong enough to retust every ten " '- to diseases. Hundreds of subtle 'I'ladies are tloatiug arouud us ready to -k wherever there is a weak point. iii.i escape many a fatal shatt by ' "' l ( I T f .11 II '1-1. . . r, '",lw;,le!) wen ioruiieu wilii puiu .. i 111 a P' operly nourished frame. ' 1 'rvice (jazette. Made eimply ' '""'ing water or milk. Sold only in i;iii i a.' . ...... . " i.iii uns uy lirocers. labelleatnus: l S & CO.. riomoeoathic mists, London England. Love and Gold. Riches, like insects, while concealed they lie. Wait but for wings, and in their seasons fly: To whom can riches give repute aud trust. Content or pleasure, but the good and just? Judges and senates have been bought for gold; Esteem and love are never to be sold. Pope. Beanty. Beauty, sweet love, is like the morning dew. Whose short refresh upon the tender green Cheers for a time but till the sun doth show And straight is gone as it had nGVeln;L A Maxim. It was a maxim of the ancient sages; "No noble human thought. However burled by the dust of ages. Could over coma to naught." DEC EMBEE 1890. Joseph Howler for damages iu laying out the Beck road, 3 00 J F Hunsucker for services us Registtr Nov. 1891 2.88 G H Bruns for servico as register Nov. 1890 21.21 A Deal for services as Regis ter Nov. 1890 5.04 A G Corpening for services an register Nov. 1890 5.55 Evan Gant for services as reg ister Nev. 1890. 3.00 L H Shuford fcr services as register Nov. 1890 C TSigman lor services as register Nov. 1890 J F Rabb for services as reg ister Nov. 1890 J Coulter for services as register Nov, 1890 A H Houston for services as register Nov. 1S90 M T Sauuders for fee in State vs R. L. Bolsclaw spriHg term 1S90 W L Eiiliau for services as register Nov. 1890 M O Sherrill for services as tegister Nov. 1890 M F Hull for fees in State vs FanDy Gross fall term 1890 P A Hoyle for office furniture etc bill filed D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail to date Geo. W Cochran for services as clerk of Board bill filed M A A bernetby for two days services and milage as coun ty commissioner L R. Whitener for two days service and milage as county Conor M. S Deal for two days service and milage as county Co:i.r S L Yount for two days ser vice & milage as county Comr 200 F (x Boyd Jr. for fees in State vs M Nairy fall term 1890 Geo. W Rabb for fees in State vs Frank Sigmon July term 1886 Amos Pruitt for fees in Scute vs Fanny Gross fall term 1890 Geo. Wilson for fees in 'State vs Millie Reese fall term 1890 1.80 J C Dfcitz for fees iu State vs Cbas Hallman fall term 1890 3.60 R W Stevenson for fees in State vs Cbas Hallman fall term 1890 3.10 Wm. Mundy for fees in State vs Levi Bandy spring term '90 3.00 P J Klutz for fees in State vs M Nairv fall term lc90 5 20 David Wilson for fees in State vs Lewis Yount fall term 1890 1;80 C W Rice for fees in State vs Noah Robinson and M Sigman fall term 1890 S L Lefevers for fees in Co. liabilities fail term 1890 JANUARY 1891 F M Williams for publishing annual statement for 1890 J D Caldwell for services as Register Nov. 1890 W I Asylum for expenses in returning Mrs Blalock home as cured. Edwards and Broughton for Stationery bill filed A D Goodnight for repairing pipe for jail D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail J R Gaither for supplies for jai), bill filed C M Burris for building bridge on public road below bis bouse E llunsucker for work oa Simpson bridge Dr. J A Sherrill for s rvices as register Nov. 1890 Smyre Rhyne & Co. for good for jail L R Whitener for one day service and milage as Co Comr M A Abernetby for one days F L aliardt fi.-i' lc- -. ! State vs Rhouey and Rudi- j sill fall term '90 1.95 j W C Caldwell for fees in State vs McNairy fall term 90 2.90 W W Laney for fees in State vs Wm. Muuday fall terra 90 1.00 J W Watson for fees in State vs John Pi.pe fill term '90 T05 FEBRUARY. D P Ycunt for keeping pris oners in jail 1 mo bill ii'ed 55 68 Summerr'iw House for board and lodging for jury at spring term '91 bill filed 16.25 M J Rowefor fees and expen ses at ipriug term'91 bill filed 35.50 L R Whitener 1 days service hud milage as Co Comr M A Abernetby 1 daje service and milage as Co Comr days services 3.00 3.70 2.00 S L Yount 1 as Co Comr Geo W Rabb fur fets in State vt Hiram Hefner fall term 1887 1.00 3.69 Geo W Rabb tor fees in state vs Lane Martin fall term '86 2.05 5.37 Geo W Rabb for fees iu state vs Elmore Rowe fall term 90 1 70 Geo W Rabb for fees in stale vs Lifaytte Icard spring term '90 95 Geo W Rabb for fees in state vs Heury Wilson fall term '90 2,05 M J Rowe for serving noticea of board, bill filed 3.80 1.70 M J Rowe for canvassing sen atorial district vote and other services bill filed 8.40 Sidney Seizer for fees in state vs Car Setzer Sept '90 2.70 Yount and Shrum for fees in state vs Car Setzer Sept. '90 2 65 J F Herman for fees in Plate vs Oar Setzer Sept. '90 65 Le Siinffin for fees in s!at vs Noah Robinson and M E Sigman fali lerm "90 5.15 W C Kenyou for fees in slat vs Noah Robinson aud M E Sigman fall term '90 3.30 7.40 Alf L Keener for fees in state vs McNairy fall term 90 5 80 John Rudisill for fees in state vs Albert Jarrett fall term 90 1.55 MAKCH. 2.90 1.25 2 40 t, 'AMI; We lend the marvelon French Bemedr CALTH08 . nd lesal guarantee that Calthos will STOP Ditch rs-e. sfc EkImIo, CXTKJt ftpenastOTThea, VaHwI. mmi RESTORE LsMt Vtcsnv Use it and pay if satisfied. AddreM. VON MOHL CO.. J F Herman for !ury tickets bill filed 1 M T Saunders for heaving or ders of board 2.25 M J Rowu for serving orders of board 2 25 M T Saunders 'or bill of coat iu itquest over dead body of H M Morrow 49.65 D P Yount for keeping prison era in jail, bill filed 34.04 M A Abernetby for one daj's services and milage as c un- ty comr. 3 70 L R Whitener for on days services & milage a co com 3.00 S L Yount for one days ser vice anil milage as Co comr 2 00 F M Williams for printing la bels for ballot boxes 50 W B Gaither for matrasses for jail 4.75 j J E Thornton for burial ex penses for W P Campbell pauper 5.00 G W Cochran for record books for use of county bill filed 28 00 G W Cochran for services as clerk of board aud other services bill filed. 50.75 C C Bost for fees in state vs John Shuford fall term '90 3,05 W R Self for fees in Co liabil ities fall term 1890 1 30 W R Self for fees in Co liabil ities spring term '90 1.10 1.90 W R Self for fees in liabili- ities spring term '91 4.82J 26.10 John Nance for fees in state tb AC Burris spring term '90 4 32 50 D P Yount for fees in Co liabilities spring term '91 55 35.22 G W Rabb for lees in Oo liabilities spring term '91 127.70 9.45 M J Rowe for fees in state vs Auel spring term '91 3.80 Miles Hoffman fees in state vs Geo Fox spring term '90 2.55 F I Osborne for fees in Co liabilities spring term '91 40.50 J L Hewit for fees in 6tat6 vs 3,09 Pomp Alley spring term '91 1.55 J D Pope for fees in state vs 75 J B Aver sprincr term '9J 31.80 Geo Wilson for fees iu state vs Geo Angel spring term '91 5.45 3.00 G H W7est for fes in state vs H"S.. J.s !..- l 'Yu i t. 1891 M J Rowe for fee.- in Co lia bilitieB July term '89 6.50 M J Rowe for fees in Co lia bilities fall terra 90 8.60 J Rowe for fees in (Jo lia bilities ppriiig term 90 9.25 1TJ Rowe for lees in Co iia- hilitie fail term 90 and spring term 91 10.15 M A Holly for fees in state vs Henry Holbrooks epring term 91 2.30 Philip Carpenter for fees in state vs Henry Holbrooks ppring term "91 1 77 S A Saine for fees in state vs Hnry Ho brooks spring tti m '91 60 J A Edwarri3 for fees in state vs Betid Fish Spring term '91 2.70 John Gabriel for fees iu Co liabilities priug term '91 1.55 Twinny Bost for fees iu state vs Will Pegram spring term '91 1 53 J M Brown for fet-s in Co liabilities spriui term '91 4 86 J L Charles for fees iu state vs Will Pegram spring term '91 Beverly Wilsoo for fees in state vs Wili Pegram spring term 91 155 Wm Hall for fees in slate vs Fauuv Cross fall term 90 2.40 Geo W Cochran for fees in elate vs Henry Holbrooks spring term '91 40 S L Lafevets for fees in Co liabilities spring term '91 2.15 W F Mull for work on stock law fence on Burke Co line 10.25 L P Smyre for 15 loads of wood for repairing public r ad 4.59 D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail 1 mo bill tiled 38.86 Edwards and Broughton for blanks for O S C bill filed 3.00 A R Yoder for serving orders of Board 2.25 G W Keep for buildirg bridge on public rord 6 00 LR Whitener for two days service anil milage 1 day as Co comr 5 00 M A Abernetby for 2 days seruices and milage for 1 flsiv as Co comr 5.70 S L Yunt f.-r 2 days services ;s Co romr 4.00 Go W Cochran for services as e'erk of boird bill ti ed 24.05 Go W Rabb for fees in state vs H H Whitener spring te. m '91 2 0; J 11 Br uns for ft-es in Co lia bilities spriti'' term "91 2.20 H W Jones for fees in Co liabilities sprirr term '91 5 35 M O Sherrill for fees in Co liabilities spriu" term '91 1.05 n !State vs J B Ajer Ppring 2.D0 , G F li.;. ui :M If ( i S vs Geo Aug ! Miring tertu O a Q 1891 L R Whitentr for 2 davs ser vices and mi!eag as couuty commissioner M A Abernethv for 2 davs ser vices and mileage as county commissioner S L Yount for 2 days services as county commissioner M J Rowe for serving notices to list takers for 1891 M J Rowe for serving notices to Judges for Newton elec tion 1891 M J Rowe for servine notices to stream commissioners M J Rowe for land sold for taxes and bought by county see list Geo W Cocbran for services as clerk of board bill filed M J Rowe for fees in State V3 Sam Shuford spring term 1891 J A Yoder for fees ;n State vs James Hawn spring term 1891 R L Helton for fees in State vs Geo and Ed Clay spring term '91 JULY. 21.00 I i 3.70 I 6.00 7.40 4.00 7.50 1.20 3.L0 6 78 15.65 1.55 55 3.11 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. j J L Mull amt appropriated to t build stock law ft-nce see order of board 30.00 W P Smith for fees it Slate vs Moses Connor and Mon Lowrauce Janv term '91 30 P A lloyle for fees iu couuty liabilities spring term '91 49.61 1.00 1.70 30.00 4.86 15.00 S.00 Will Pegram spring term '91 1 55 service & milage as Co Corns 3.70 J M Clampit for fees iu Co S L Yount for 1 days service liabilities spring term 91 1.6o and milage as Co Comr 2.00 D L Wike for fees in state vs Geo W Cochran for services Will Pegram spring term 91 50 as clerk of Co board bill filed 54.67 A R Yoder for fees in Co lia- J T Cline for fees in State vs bilities spring term 91 8.40 Millie Reese fall term '90 1.85 M T Saunders for fees in Co P F Bandy for fees in State liabilities spring term yi vs Carrie Bandy springterm'gO 3.00 G W Rabb fcr fees in state Mary Bynum for fees in State vs H H Whitener spring vs R L Holtsclaw spring term '90 94 .72 J C Simmots for fees in state vs Will Pegram spring term 1891 155 1.95 G W Rabb for fees m state vs F R Mull July term 1889 2.75 JoLn Shuford fall term '90 3.05 H D Terrell for fees in state J D Pope for fees in State vs vs N Robinson and M E Sig- Jobn Shuford fall term '90 1.75' man fall term 90 3.30 term '90 D M Brittain for fees in State va liboney and Rudisill fall term '90 T L Davis for fees in State vs MAY. W R Burch for fees in State vs Hiram McGee spring term '91 1.52J V P Bost for fees in Statt vs John Burrns spring term '91 1 70 F M Williams for printing no tices for list takers bill filed 1.00 D P Yount for keeping priso ners in Jail 1 month 40 54 Peter Little for lumber for bridge on public road bill filed 5.00 Audrew M Wi'ion for lum ber for bridge on public road bill filed 14.22 Geo V Rabb for fees in State va Thomas Briukley fali term '90 3.90 W B Gaither for bedstead for poor house bill filed 7.50 L R Whitener for 1 dav ser vices and mileage as couuty commissioner 3 00 M A Abernetby for 1 day ser vices and mileage as county commissioner 3.70 S L Yount for 1 daj services as county commissioner 2.00 G V7 Cochran for services a9 clerk of board bill filed 32 57 A D shuford for fee6 in State vs Sam Shuford spring term 1891 5.05 James Holler for fees in State vs Soloo Drumm spriug term 1891 3.60 J F Herman for fees in county liabilities spring term '91 47.38 JUXE. Edwards and Broughton for blanks and books for use of county bill filed 3.70 F A Yoder for fees in State vs Lou Hart and DinkShufor! spring term '91 90 D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail 1 month bill filed 41.64 Wm Brown and others for fees List takers and assessors for Hickory township for '91 John Gabriel for taking Lo an Abernetby col to Eastern Insane Asylum bill filed M J Rowe for serving orders of board List taker and assessors for Mt Creek Township for 1891 G. W Reep for L A Hudson for building bridge on pub lic road Dr W L Abernetby forexamis nation of Mary Johnson & conveying her to Asylum at Morganton J E Wilson for services as as sessor for Caldwell Town ship for 1S91 R W Boyd for services as as sessor of Caldwell Town ship for 1891 T L Bandy for services as list taker for Caldwell Town ship for 1S91 D P Yount tor keeping pris oners 'iu jail 1 month to date Edwards & Broughlon for 1 tax book for 1891 M A Abernetby for 1 days services and mileage as co commissioner L R Whitener for 1 day ser vices aud mileage as county commissioner S L Yount for 1 day services as county commissioner S L Yount for overcharges in land sold for taxes see order G W Cochran for services as clerk of board bill filed J L Sigman for fees in State vs Solon Drum spring term 1891 A C Shuford for services as assessor for Jacob's Fork Township for '91 Assessors and list takers for Clines Township for '91 Assessors and list takers for Newlon township for '91 M J Rowe for bringing John Cline from Asheville to Newton Jailer at Asheville for keeping John Cline iu jail bill filed M A Abernetby for 1 days services aud mileage as co commissioner revising tax list L tt Whitener for 1 days ser vices and mileage as county commissioner ervising tx list S L Yount for 1 days services as county commissioner re vising tax list Geo W Cochran for 1 days services as clerk of board revising tax list S C Brown list taker for Ca tawba township for '91 John Johnson list taker for Bandy township for '91 J S Hoyle for fees in state vs Pink Reep spring term '91 D P Shuford for services as assessor for Bandy Town -ship for 1891 M J Cochran for services as assessor for Catawba Town ship for 1891 A L J Yoder for fees in state vs Cain Reinhardt fall term 1390 J W Killian for services as list taker for Jacob's Fork Township for 1891 D A Abernathy for fees in state vs Dick Bradburn 10 Powder PURE spriDg term 1890 J H Bruns for fees in state vs Sam Shuford spring term 1891 J H Bruns for fees in state vs 98.00 45.10 2.25 58.80 16.00 13 80 12.00 10.00 18.00 55 70 1.75 3.70 3.00 2.00 1.90 23.20 1.75 14.00 77.00 80.00 13.85 5.85 3.70 3.00 2.00 2.00 32.60 28.00 2.45 800 12.00 2.55 22 80 1.05 1.55 James Hawn spring term 1891 2.10 James Lore for services as as sessor for Catawba Town ship for 1891 12 00 M J Rowe for burial expenses for Charles Cline pauper 3.00 M A Sherrill for fees in state vs Bead Fish spring term 1891 1.80 J T Cline for fees in state vs Geo Angel spring term '91 5.55 R H Miller for fees in state vs Andy Herman spring term 1891 3.70 D P Ekerd for fees in state vs Andy Herman spring term 1891 1.15 L M Rudisill for fees in state vs Eph Robinson fall term 1881 30 P M Mull for services as as sessor for Bandy Township for 1891 10.00 P K Little for fees in state vs Bead Fish spring term '91 72 P K Little for fees in state vs Lee Mathis January term 1888 92 (i W Rabb for fees in state vs Lewis Yount and state vs Betsey Taylor fall term '89 8.45 G W Rabb for fees in state vs Elmore Rowe fall term '90 2 05 G W Rabb for fees in 6tate vs Henry Brinkly fall term '89 1.65 G W Rabb for fees in state vs Pomp Ally spring term '91 45 P Berry for fees in co liabili ties spring term 1891 9.80 L M Setzer for fees in state vs Luke Hall spring term 1891 2.35 Sidney Taylor for fees in state vs Luke Hall spring term 1881 1 10 R W Johnson for fees in state vs Solon Drum spring term 1891 1.80 Ed Blackburn for fees in state vs H H Whitener spring term 1891 1.95 G W Whitener for fees in state vs H H Whitener spring term 1891 90 L L Kale for lumber fcr brdgei on Balls Creek bill filed 2.35 ACGU8T. G W Rabbf for fees in state vs Henry Wilson spring term 1889 Monroe Seagle for fees in state vs Dfnk Shuford Spring term 1891 3.05 1.15 Hugh Hager for lumber for bridge on Balls Creek bill filed 3.46 F M Williams for publishing notice of board 1.00 D P Yount tor keeping priso ners in jail 1 month 70.58 Andy Young for burial expen ses for Charles Cline pau per 35 A A Shuford for amt paid for land sold for taxes and which could not be found being errors in listing see or der 4.58 D P Yount for matrasses for jail bill filed 2.25 Jury ordered to lay out road from Newton to Conover see order 5.00 J. R Gaither for supplies for jail bill filed. 16,00 Elliott & Elliott for part of contract price for build ing jail 600.00 M A Abernathy for 1 days SELTEMBER. D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail 1 month G4.90 L M Rudisill and M Tlonk for services on building committee for jail 8.00 G P Drum for repairing bridge over Maiden Creek 7.25 Elliott & Elliott for balance of contract price for build ing addition to jail 1020.00 A Self for repairing Ram saurs bridge 25 J T Huit for serving road orders bill filed " 1.20 A M Corpening tor convey ance for grand jury to poor house 2.50 A E Brown for conveying Ann Bynum to asylum at Morganton bill filed 13.30 S C Brown for fees in state vs Ann Bynum lunatic 1.15 M J Rowe for tax books for 1891 12.99 M J Rowe for fees on road notices 4.50 L R Whitener for 1 days services and mileage as county commissioner 3.00 M A Abernethv for 1 davs services and mileage as co commissioner 3.70 S L Yount for 1 davs ser vices as county commr 2.00 Geo Cochran for services as clerk of board bill filed 38.78 P C Coons for fees in state vs Andy Herman spring term 1891 15 OCTOBER. Smvre Rhvne and Co for locks for jail 3.40 Eastern Insane Asylum for expenses in sending Ann Setzer home as cured G.35 D A Bumgarnei for digging ditch at jail 3.00 Shuford Hardware Co for piping for jail bill filed G2.48 D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail 1 mo IS.ob R R Reitzel for serving road notices bill filed 90 S L Lafevers for services and mileage as 3.70 3.00 2.00 serving; 1.50 1.4D 3.00 3,70 2.00 1.85 county commissioner L R Whitener for 1 days services and mileage as county commissioner S L Yount for 1 days ser vices as county comr G W Cochran for services as clerk of board bill filed 26.80 M J Rowe for fees and ex penses at fall term '91 19.3 M J Rowe for expenses in taking Ann Setzer lunatic to Goldsboro 33.50 Wm Bean for fees in state vs Andy Herman spring term 1891 F P Rockett for fees in state vs James Hawn spring term ,1891 5.82J D D Seitz for fees in state vs James Hawn spring term 1891 Abel Bowman lor fees in state vs Robt Hedrick Julv term 1889 P Deal for fees in state vs Robert Hedrick July term 1889 D A Chapman for services as assessor for Jacob's Fork Township for '91 12.00 J J Hicks for fees in state vs D P Reep spring term 1801 1.55 4.10 2.75 2.60 road notices bill filed DM Brittain for fees in state vs Pink Reep spring term 91 Geo W Cochran for correct ing and revising tax list for '91 and for computing the tax and for making copy of same bill filed 197.56 LR Whitener for 1 days service and milage as Co comr M A Abernethv for 1 days service and milage as Co Comr S L Yount lor 1 days ser vice as Co comr Geo W Rabb for fees in Co liabilities fall term 91 29.15 D P Yount for fees in Co liabilities fall term 91 1.60 M F Heiner for fees in state vs R A Little fall term 91 2.25 M T Saunders for fees in Co liabilities fall term 91 3.40 A B Mull for fees in state vs Pink Reek spring term '91 2.10 M Plonk for fees in state vs Wm Finger fall term '91 3.00 D L Wike for tees in county liabilities fall term "01 8.40 J M Brown for fees in co li abilities fall term ?91 1.52)4 John Gabril for fees in state vs Walter Alley fall term 1891 BO P A Hoyle lor fees in county liabilities fall term 1891 29.37 B F Moody for fees in state vs Ed Devenport fall term 1891 Wm Hunsucker for fees in state vs Ed McNeil fall ' term 1891 John Plonk for fees in state vs McAdoo fall term '91 4.00 95 1.55 NOVEMBER. G P Drum for fees in state vs Wm Finger fall term 1891 1.72)4 D P Yount for keeping pris oners in jail one mo 59.71 A R Yoder for serving road orders bill filed 5.70 Continued on fourth page.)

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