IKE KETGN E3JTERPB1SE PUBLISHED EVESY FRIDAY BY B. J. 8UMME1U10W, Enrron. M 1 ;H5i ucoorifti:co aili;'.i.i-iivi3 una 131 It .,;U a BiiiLl 'For Schools.' Entw-d at fie roatofllcre at I-.V.Uuii. CX. aa av-conl clasa mUei. TERMS OV SUBSCRIPTION: On year, cah In advance w AdTertlslnr. one Aquare (ten lines) or tern? Sit liliertlon, ; each eubsequent Insertion, M cent, Special rate slven to large or long-time ad vertinem en ta. FRIDAY, August (, 1807. We Hurrender all of our edito rial and a good portion of our local space this week to interest ing communications of which we have an unusual number. We commend all of them to our readers and know they will be edified and instructed by giving each a careful reading. We are gratified to see our columns free ly used whenever any one has a word of encouagement or can give us instruction upon the ouestions that we are so much x interested in. WASHIXOTOX ITEMS. The new tariff bill has been for mnllv mssed bv both llouees of J. Congress and has been signed by the President. The crowning act was when the President sffixed hie Bignature to the bill, this be did at four minutes paBt four o'clock Sat urday Julv 24th. A few minutes belore four o'clock Chairman Ding ley appeared at the White House with Representative flager, who by virtue of his office of Chairman of the Committee on enrolled bills, car. raid the bill. Mr. Dine ley oi course, kept his eye on the now fa mouB document which has made bis name known in all parts of the world The President was surrounded by all the members of the Cabinet who were in the city. A number of pens were produced, the owner of each begging the President to use their pen in signing the bill, but he rec ognized the right of Mr. Dingley and used his pen, though he laugh inely suggested that the next time he must provide a larger specimen for his use. Previous to this, however there had cccured the scene at the Capi tol which always accompany the fi nal moments iu the enactment of important measures. The announce ment that the Senate would at three o'clock, take the vote by which the conference report would be adopted attracted to the chamber at that hour the largest throng teen there at thiB session. All the galleries were crowed end all the available standing room on the floor was filled. There was really nothing in the final yote to warrant such an attendance. The occasion lacked everything that was picturesque or spectacular. Senator Stewart who had been standing in the aide and preaching calamity with doleful voice quit talking three minutes before three o'clock and immediately the clerk began to call the roll. When the Vice President stated that the con ference report had been agreed to there was a decided manifestitation of applause, and it was interesting to note that two Japanese gentle men and lady in the diplomatic gal lery were carried away by a wave of sympathy so far bb to join in the demonstration. With much haste the bill was car ried ever to the House, where its re ception was awaited by members eager to get away and who welcom ed it, at least on the republican side, with noisy and hearty approval. As soon as the action of the Senate had been reported the enrolled bill, a bulky mass of eighty one pages of parchment, which had been prepared in advance, was laid before the Speaker and he signed his name ue wrote bis signature in full, 441 T -r 1 11 i . . -Luuiuan a. xveea ana nis pen scratched along the parebmett, the republicans in the House again ap plauded. Quickly the new law was takeD to the Senate laid before the Vice President, and after it had been eigned by him was carried to the White House, as has already been stated Scarcely had the announcement of the passage of the conference report on the tariff bill been made in the JiU I lit. C ixaiy Juvvi-, ZC hi the j u a uu:ii L""1j ""- - o'.u.,.--r.'Ui iv.d iV?i;tH lor the notion. The adoption of the bili by the House is the last step which will be taken with the pre posed leg islation. Th? Senate cua noi aci upon it, and, Senator Aldrich Fta led, no action was expected. "For his, we are willing to assume our ull measure of responsibility." The extraordinary session of the ?ftyfifth CoDgreee came to an end at 9 o'clock Saturday night July J. The final proceeding were quiet and uninteresting. In tbe benate tuerb wre only sixteen Senators present, and the attendance of tne uouee was also small. There were no crowds in the galleries. Tbe passage of tbe adjournment resolution in the House was made the occasion for two speeches. The Democrats were represented by Mr. Wheeler of Alabama who said that nothing had come out of the session except a law to increase th6 taxation of the people in lieu of the prosperi ty which the Republicans had prom ie6d. Oa the other haad Mr. Gros venor, of Ohio, said that he deemed the occasion a proper one for con gratulating the country and the Re publican majority in the House upon the auspicious closing of this Clos ing of this Congress. Looking at the history of the brief period since March 4th in a dispassionate way, be declared that no candid man could deny that there bad been bet ter management cf affairs than that cf the present administration and the two houses of Congress. This remark was greeted with Republican applause. At S:55 Mr. Grosvenor, from the committee appointed to wait upon the President, announced that they had performed their mis sion. "Tbe President, desires us to convey to the House bis congratu lations on our work,' said he, "and to say that he exrres&ed the hope that it would rebound to tbe credit of the people. He also desired me to express his best wishes for a pleasant vacation and a return of all the members ia good health' A spontaneous outburst of applause greeted this from both sides of the House, and then, at exactly 9 o'clock, the Speaker declared tbe House ad jourced without day. There was friction and bad blood in tbe Secate before adjournment was agreed to. The opposition to the adjournment was however voted down quickly and then followed the usual vote of thanks to the Vice President and a hsppy response by him, and President pro tern Frye was also remembered inthe same fashion. Messrs. Allison and xurpi6 were appointed to wait upon the Preei dent. They speedily reported, Mr. Allison stated that the President ex tended his congratulations to the Senate and the House and had no further communications to make This closed the work. There was a President to take steps for 14 t rk m.Hnn other For The Newton Enterprise. tue rtiicuiu ui v- i Competitor prisoner?. Mr. berry urged that is waa more important to pioteut American citizens, imjuntly 1 . hi Lv Hnahi. thuii tu puaa a ttsiiff J L bill. With some reluctance Mr.Alliaon agreed to let the resolutions coneid Public schools have come to stay. This should no longer ba a question. All enlightened nations have them. The UQtio enlightened the cation, the belter the schools, the more in telligent, progressive, and prosper- HonsUla Itland letter. For The Newton Enterprise. After a few weeks of busy work, I will again write you a few lines to inform your many readers of what news I can. Since the beginning of time, there has never beeu such a time as there was in the Rend last Friday, the occasion of the River Bend rally. Our people had looked forward for a great day and they enjoyed oub is tbe nation. Our government. ered with the agreement that there national, state, municipal and county hhat th? "P- They had been so ' 7 , . , .. . , . ... I enthused over the matter that for weeks Should be no debate ana an imme"! rebus uuiy uu iijo imomgeLco ui iuw tiaremont Items. For The Newton Enterprise. Claiiemoxt, N. C, Aug. 4, 1S97. I will give you a few dots from our little town perhaps thoy may interest some of your many readere. We are sorry to note the death of JoM-ph Linker Yount, August 2nd. sou of Mr. George Youut one of our prominent farmers, he was sick only a few days with typhoid mala ria of the most fatal type, he was a bright promising lad of fifteen years. w1Vm. o-rpftt crowds would assemble on I His remains were interred in the eemete- diate vote . The important resolution people. Education ia therefore a the ffrollIld3 almost daily to practice on ry at St. John's Tuesday. The funeral was then nut on its final passage, necessity, lno education OI every the tournament track and get what in- services were conducted by Kev. Cromer, anA without romment and bv unani- body is better than the education of formation they could, tfy sunset ot the Among tnose presenr we none iro.u mous vote was passed without a roll the few. The majority of the repre- evening of the 29th you eould look over Newton Mrs J L. Wood and son, Mr. I .. . P. .. . .u tam m . the grounds and it would remind you of hancelount. Miss Carpenter and sever call. Jb OllowirgiH me text oi luo I ""ft J " DnI,amnmmh w ti1w mnnv Ul others whose names we did not learn. - ot. i a 1:1 i it i" j i - - " j i Melton resolution: "Kesolved, mat noi eo iiseiy iu cm.gmeneu many. with camp8 &nd Q hftd Wp deop,y 8ympathi3!e with the Ik- the President of tbe United StateB universal eaucauon is me saieguara come many mHe8 to be on hand in the reaved parents, brothers and sisters in ho nnd he is herebv. empowered to of the republic. Not only is it our morning when the programme began. I this dark hour, having passed through u .,,.1, mennnrflfi ka in his iudff- safeguard in government, but in I To see the torches all over the woods the same a snort time ago, anuweex ant. n"-" ' I - . .... . I . . i . . ii - , . . j j. ii i,r.,n- l :,i , thr-aaa of Opa Droerress. and m all that makes a ana me peopie moug au mgot u ivuuiu ura... B,u.rL.. LUCiib VY liX PDVilAW bwv I a. J Melton, Alfredo Laborde and Wil- people content and happy. iau) Gildea and tbe restoration oi mu uroi, uuijr iu ii UU) thing wa8 ready Refreshment We are having some of the hottest the schooner Competitor to ner wmu iu l ibuiuj, uu tuuu iu stands were all up and the melodious weather we have experienced this season. owner; and to secure this end he is his country. TheBC duties may be Louud by sunrise of the dealer "that cold We have had refresbing rains and crops q-horizad and requested to employ one, For in voting to improve the ice lemonade, made m the shade and are looking tine. such means or exercise such power public schools, you are doing a duty stirred with a spade' was now ready for fr. nr famJlv anA fn ennr nnnntn ISiUf. n uu una suuuu kuiub w and their need be no difference be. Fyra Blood means sound health. With pore, rich, healt hy blood, the stomach and di gestive Organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula and Salt Rheum will disappear. With pure 1 S!7. something that had never had been seen and for consolation point them to before. So by the morning of the rally I who doeth all things well." 'Him BBood as may be necessary. Messrs. John Moser and Lee Hoke went to Newton Monday, Miss Jennie en stands reminded us of so many quack I Shook of Mooreville was a visitor at doctors. With all this and more a more 1 Claivmout Hall last week, Mrs. (iarland "A misplaced comma in tbe MC- tween J0U and tne Qod who "m&keth fnvornhlp m0rninlr madeevervone reioice Amdt and Mrs. Ed Setzer of this place Kinley tariff bill cost the government tfce eun j0 riBe on the evil and on the that something was in store that would are sick with fever, we hope they may over half a million dollars, Baia good, and sendeth rain on the just J awake the people. So shortly after day- Representative Dockery today, Uut anj on tne UEjUet." there will be no such error in this something to be considered bill." The bill originally proposed Nortb Carolina, while not the to put "fruit. plants" on the free list. p0oreBt of the states, ia the furthest As it became law, bowever, tbe para behind in the matter cf public graph read "fruit, plants, "etc, and ecbools. We have the shortest the Secretary of the Treasury esti- echool term. mated that before a correction could he better school systems have be made by Congress the govern- tne local tax, a tax on the district or ment was compelled to refund hall township. million dollars in duties. Ibis The man who does not patronize when ther started. The crize winner of Brooklyn street. tariff bill will be enrolled under tbe nublio schools, who can now afford whiteconteet was Genoa Brimer who wa Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Setzer went to New the new method of printing instead U0 Q without them, oueht to vote given the prefference between a pig and ton Monday. of enrolled by pen, and tbere will be for locai taxation. By improving ?200 in cash- ' Rev. J. H. Rex road left yesterday to no onnortunitv for mistakes of that aBD Duna th At the close of this contest the greased attend Synod in some part of Maryland ,, ' pole was tried. We put up f 155.00 to Ke did not learn the name of the place. a'""- ne is iBKiuf? an lDEurance doiict h -. . i f t r i'n c .1 o 4.1 . 1 1 me man toai wonia go up it ana many I Jir.j.i.ivH m iuccuuiupiuhicui Assistant Secretary Vacderlip July which wlU benefit every generation tried and tried, to no effect. Work they Sunday with his family. ! -aurthorizd the Chief of the Bur- 01 1118 posterity. iMsvereeB 01 lonune am out an tney could ao no one got near W e next start- soon recover. break of the 30th, one could see the Misses Cora and Ixla Smith of Cono great crowds coming from north, south, ver visited Mrs. ilarion Moser last week, east and west, and by 8 o'clock the woods Mrs. W. F, White has returned from was full and it looked like a great circus High Point much improved in health, was in view. Our programme was start- Dr. Little and son of Catawba were in td at 7 o'clock by the wheelbarrow con- town Tuesday. te6t and for an hour and a half it was During a severe electrical storm here amusing to hear the thousand voices Monday evening lightning struck two laughing themselves almost to death at trees opposite Claremont Hall, running the fellows, blindfold running to the into the grainery of Mr. Jonas Sigmon stake. Many of them when time run and tearing up a post and ran into the out were further from the stake than I ground. The same bolt struck a tree on Your nerves will be strong, and your sleep sound, sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood. That is why it cures so many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to cure disease, retain good health, pre vent sickness and suffering. Remember nn n ju Lni (Q) vQ) vQ s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle. . . j-v.. cure Liver Ills; easv to rlOOU S PllIS take, easy to operate. 25c TRINITY COLLEGE. SEXT SESSION OPENS SEPT. 8. Three full courses of study. Large number of electives. Two full chairs in English. Women admitted to all classes. One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars added to the endowment during the pres ent year. Only male literary college in North Carolina that is located in a city. The best business course offered in the State. Send for album and catalogue. Address JNO. C. KI t.GO, Durham, N. C. iXGRTH CAROLINA COLLEGE CF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 9th, 1S07. - o ! Thorough academic, scientific aud tech nical courses. Experienced Special ists in every department. T 1 1 T 3 expenses rta session, I PR HQ M KDani - For County Students, - - f 93.00 T. R. DRUGGIST, THE PBOCESSIOJf," A FT EE AX EIPEE1ESCE CF XEAKLT. 30 TEARS WK ABE STILL "KIEPUfG CP WITH AXD BXGIX TH NlW TEAK WITH A LAEGE AND WEIX-ASSOETIlr STCCK OT EVEHTTHIXG CSITALLT KEPT IS A FIRST-CLASS, UP-TO DATE DRUG STORE. eau of Eugraving and Printing to may come to hia deecendentB, but if the top, eo no one won . D, ?a,- t n fhft nffln nf ,hfi they have the brain and the means of the wheelbarrow cont print and deliver to the Office of the J The prize waa 50 . For all Other Students, - 323.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Setzer joined the I Apply for Catalogues to excursion to anderbilt s last week. I alexanker o. hoi.lai.ay. li n.. Raleigh, N. C. iv 9 tf President. test for the n. They report a pleasant time. Mr. Mark cents which was Sigmon and two daughters, Mrs. J. F. Secretary, United States notes, tree sury notes and Bilver certificates to afaBlo piest negro we ever saw. I laet week. Miss Carrie Shook from near the amount of 104,000,000. This! 11 8 not a Iact tDat "e cnildren At the close of this and the speaker Catawba visited at Oaremout Ha!1 rri" You cannot afford to be without j :ni ii iu. n OI mis country ao not aitena tne I Dr. Ltias. D. Alclver. .Messrs. S. Witt- aay ana caiuraay. jar. ana .urs.jas. BUpUiy Will UB UIU6UY Ul IUO BUJOllCI - I - , . ,. public EchoolB. Our average attend- kowsky, J. D. McCauI. Heriot Clarkson, W - Sigmon went to Newton last week. UtJUUUJlUUUUIJO ) ' ii.oo axjvt i - I T T JT A "V: Mr ,n P Shnnl Trlpll mm. t enc and will bfl Pnffifient for the aDCe WaB afl gOM, lonrteeD -F.--- - -"---rr -THE- i ; ' j i -i a . , . .. . . , nan or in th ntntoR rf PfinnRvlvn, "tt,D8 arnveu, we proceeaea to needs ol tne ireasury ior a penoa f m speakers stand where a great crowd was the I ty were here Monday visiting relatives Dr. Frank Herman of Conover was in . i , . . i . 'v a a cj luiiu tt mi c i. fi cat u u u f. ao I Of about three months, covering the mB'.uuu ur 1U uu " I there waiting to hear these great men town Wednesday. Miss EfBe Unit the usual large demacd for small bills to Dmr)g lDe ecnooi age irom six to who wf.re there to a(jdress the most no- beautiful and accomplished daughter of be used in ths movement of the t"c",'j'""0 o uibj Die looKing crowu ever assemDiea in tnis -ui.-'unu iiunw irmum uuuiituiun - tv-q t,do,w nonfmont want of attendance in places. The county. school at the school house near this crops. ine ireasury uepartmeni , . t. The meetine- was called to order hv onr Place. Mr.H.C.IVal a well known anticipates, in view of the abundant J , .MU - - - c drummer of TajWUle was in town State NEWS & OBSERVER 11 the News, Foreign, National. State, and Local all the time. Fall Associated Press EisDatelies Largest circulation in the sland FAn.IXE H. SlUMOX. Daily News and Observer, 7 per year, -i.ou six months. Weekly North Carolinian, 1 pier year, ou cents six months. Address NEWS & OBSERVER, Raleigh, N. C. Sotice! mocaentary lull and thee the Vice, President announced: Senators, it only remains for me, under the reso lution of the Senate, to announce tha the extra session of the Fifty- fifth Congress is at an end, and that the Senate stands adjourned without day." Senator Tillman's resolution cnems andine: an investigation of tbe alleg ed sugar scandal has been squelch ed by the committee on expenses. Senator Jones, chairman ef that committee read a lengthy report to tbe Senate on the rt solution and recommended that no investigation be made. The report lavs down the broad proposition that the charges are newspaper publications, without any averment of personal knowledge on the part of the writerd of the articles. The report takes the ground that it would not be worih while to investigate all tbe charges that are made against Senators by newspaper correspondents, because the Senate would not have time for other business. The committee does not believe that newspaper corres pondents who have the temerity to make charges against Senator should be expelled from the press gallery because other ealleries would be j i aoie ana enicienr presiaenr. jar. v . j. crops and foreign demand, an unuM J ' Cansler who introduced the Secretary Saturday stopping at Claremont Hall. eually large and early call for small ,Bi etcm u,eu eBOUSu and Treasurer (who is this humble scribe) Little Katie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs billa. already, liut you want to eaucate to deliver the welcome address in a cor- N.C. Sigmon is quire sick with rheuma vour children better. It will pay dial manner. To the crreat reirret of all tism. Dr. Herman of Conover is attend Secretary Long July 23 -received you to do so. If you improve the I two of our speakers were not present, ing her. replies from the Carnegie and the nublic schoolp vou will educate 1-. Goy. Joseph F.Johnson of Alabama We hope the good people at Mt. I Bethletem companies to his invita- them more chear.lv than in anv other aud I,on- C" n- Mebanp' Superintendent enjoyed the picnic Hot weather pre- .m.-f u.-j- f- cnrmlvintT Public Instruction. After delivering the vented us irom attending. lest wisiies J I V " J " I o.1.a rf n-oloomo t-o inf iviiIthvJ IIrT I TO Sill ..... .! I I UUUI Oi3 VH IT V .I.LIWUU. l.Vi .AVTU. ' armor lor tne tnree Dattie snips Tber are manv children in thin K n ir.nl,, ...v. : j o iru. j .1. u. Aicvaii u uu luuuuuum .ur. o. iiiil- Illinois, Wisconsin and Alabama, in county whose education will pay kowsky in a very appropriate manner, accordance with the minitationa every year one hundred per cent cn Mr. Wittkowskey made a very fine placed by Congress upon tbe price the money invested. What invest- speech. Mr. Cansler introduced Mr. Chas. to be paid for armor. Both of the ,Y,rt ill r,u-P B -all fn nnr .hil. Mclver, Fresident of the State Normal , . . , I L J J Tnct r i 'i i ill i inr: ifN i ihTi i iih ri n v i ii iiiiii . j ;i i i a i r j uieu, Kinuucuuuieu auu Kitai A v i. I nnnnfififl. rjuti tne TOV leit DV eirerv I .k ci a . v ... , . , , -.onr I- . , j UUCBl OU UUilU MSSCU C) Cf UWl, CITU UUUI - - I iuwi v..iu6 c-cij n-uui; iliuoi. tuaikc- I'a.i wiiijiii mti cow iiuin, uu iub gruuuu gtand-cbildren T It :s a fact also 0 na in a rr Motner wnen sne tirst presses ic ment. July 3d. 1S97. Sale July 24th tbat it is not possible for them to hw nii hom nficn mtUimmi Km ij i. n f- lier heart lier babe, proves tlie J. M. Murray, Adm r. Produce armor Of the quality thev nntnlila diimib nit. fntinrr enntpst nndnt.no onp wishinn-1 Contrary hfivfi been fiunrtlvinrr to the fovcm- ; ki:. tnmtw. that nart of the nroirram was .Danger anQ SUlienng IUTiSL in --. o m i au iiuuiuicuicut ui uio uuuiiu x--r-. ment at that figure. The povern. I 1 ; i:!,!- called off. Dinner was then announced O O I QLUUU1D ID UUD ll&DIJT IU IU jUIC IUD I ment will now have an opportunity ,v;;i i I after . .... ... I I Ivnirrhra nils rip! i v'rn hv Mr. -I Snrincs t r ccfal-tlian an ormAi1 rva Irirt r, nlonf l i. , . -r t . 11, . ! o - 1 uiKn graae. is is liKeiv 10 ce oi Davidson, and then the riding began and r zi j l 1 i . . . i - w ui iib uwu, u uuuer recent legiem- great benefit to them. to the satisfaction of the crowd, Mack tion it was given the power to do, if Only divine laws are perfect. The Henderson won the prize. The corona the armor plate makers did not agree present school law mav not be the I tion address was delivered by Brevard to make armor at the maximum price be8ti but it ia the best we have now, Nixou' Eeq- The next thing in order was of $300 per ton PRICES AS LOW" AS THE LOWEST. We have ALL thb Books tsed is THE PFELIC SCHOOLS AND SIXL THEM AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES. CALL A5sD SEE US. Tf fg lhnncyhl" hv 1VFar? Having taken out Letters of Admin J.U xo X IIWLAail 1,AU117 istration upon the tate of Ellen M. wnen tne Creator said to woman Mauray, deceased, 1 hereby notify all "in SOITO-W Siialt thou bring-forth persons having claims against saides- Institute of Greensbore. who made the children, that a curse was pro- tJ)e 10tfa dav of JnJy lsg8 T.R.ABEBKETHY j Ills the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is tc be realized, in full vigor and strength. It has been rumored that Secre tary Sherman signed his now fa mous dispatch in the Bering sea case against his own judgment and that there was a pretty quarreel brewing at the State Department and the White House over the affair. Secre tary Sherman returned to the State Department July 23, after an abseneoe of a few days on account of illness, but that he had kept himself informed of tbe affairs of the day was evidenced from the fact that he had already read the story and was prepared to enter a prompt and specific denial cf the allegation He said that there was not a word of truth in it, and that as a matter of fact he had been in perfect accord with the President in every step of the correspondence relating to the seal question. Ihn Kail 1 T T -1 1 1 1- X-1 1 1 ( At n-O c f-llO fi Il I Ti : i : ii j: : luc "c """J ..... count the cost. R E Henderson who so faithfully man- At what value is your land assess- aged this part of the program assisted ed for taxation? At what is your I by Messrs. R. W.Dunn and Chas. Lowe. personal property valued ? Count Ifc win be nted that Mr. Clarkson did what your tax "For Schools" would not speak as it was his ish not to. The uC. uulu.1r,ulo,yU. x ut we pxpected. We were sorry that we and some who are "AgainBt Schools'' failed to have a game of ball on our to count it for you. Remember that grounds that day as the Mt. Island team the poll tax is thirty cents. Deter-1 went back on us and played Matthews "Mother s Friend DR. C. P. AMBLER, Rooms -A & 5 Temple Court, Tat ton Ave. ASHEVILLE, N. C Practice limited to Eye, Throat and Lungs. Hours : 0:30 to 12 A. M.: 2:30 to -4 T. M. Sunday, 10 to 12 A.M. Kes. Tel" 241. Office 24S. so relaxes the system that the natural and necessary , NOTICE. mine what is your duty, in this mat ter, to yourself, your children, your neighbor's children, children yet un born, and to your country. John Dallas Rows, "Supervisor of Schorls" for Ca tawba County, Senate, when Executive Secretary Cpen t0 them and the notoriety they Pruden, who bad been standing at tbe entrance to the chamber for sev eral minutes, presented in a bulky envelope the long expected message irom tbe President relating to the appointment of a currency commis sion. As soon as he could reach tbe House he presented the message to tbat body, which took prompt ac tion. A special order was adopted providing that after sixty minutes debate the House should vote upon a bill appointment of a commission and appropriating $100,000 for its expense. wnen tbe hour expired the bill was passed by a vote of 124 to 99, only two Republicans, Messrs Mahany of New York, and Linney of JNorth Carolina, voting in the nega live. The Democrats and Populists voted BOlidly against tbe bill. Just before the measure was passed an amendment proposed by Mr. Car mack that the commission should would receive would prove a source of promotion. Improved is also out of the question, as the remedy would be worse than the disease. It is held that there should not be an investi gation, unleeB there is substantial evidence and that a failure to diB prove the charges is not equivalent to a conviction. In conclusion the report says: It seems to your committee that the time has come when the Senate 6bould emphatically declare by its action that it will not be accessory to attacks upon itself or its members from irresponsible sources. No in veBtigaticn of aoy charge affecting the integrity of the Senate or Ub members Bhould at any time be un dertaken unless BHch charge be de finite and made by some known and responsible pereon not engaged pro feeeionally in sensational Journalism. Dr. Klng'i Hew XMccovery for Consumption. This is the best medicine in tbe world for all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Consumption. Every bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and not disapoint. It has no equal for Whooping Cough, ABtbma, Hay Fever, pheumonia, Bronchitis. La Grippe, Cold in the Head and for Consumption. It is sold for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in counec- tion with Dr. King's Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfaction or return money. Free Trial bottles at T. R. Abernethy'e Drug Store. In tbe Senate July 21, at the re quest of Senator Berry, of Arkanias. jrecommeaa a monetary eyetem in the resolution was passed empower- Whether the reports of the abundance of gold in the Klon dike country be true or not it is a bonanza for the ship and boa owjiers that carry people and stuff to the grab land. Star. What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for others it will also do for you. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all blood diseases. on their ground a distance of two miles from here the Mt. Island boys white ! washed the Matthew boys. We notice Steel Creek is bucking against us as they announce that they will have tlieiran- d Don't be deceived nuai picnic tne same aay we announce -Mother's Friend" ia the ereateet remedy ever ours. We had people from all over the I pat on the m&rket,&nd all my customers praise it country here including Messrs. Quince Kigy."-W.H.Kma iCo.,Whitewright,Tex. Tount and family and James Allen and Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on Tuesday after the second n-ncrc I Monday in August 1897, in each school 1T rVlarv: district (Township) and at each voting tois-esa pidte prei.jlict jn ajj district (Township) upon wi k.uuu.iit he question oi levying a special district Hausea I (township) tax for public schools of said J "rTpArtarhp I district (township) ot 10c on the SltX). ' TJrvons or wortu of property and 30c on each jiuuuijr i tor in the school laws as amended dt the Fnrehodinp-I Lecrislatnre of 1S9G and 1S07. -9 A A , J : , I I I 1- SlI'MjIV ' ana at uie trying nuui tukcs i .,. . T, .... .; " "-7"... v..-v c e. ,o.J ' hairman Board ot Co. Commissioners vLLnva-uxx o xdxijr ju. of Catawba Countv -. C. py motners nave experienced, j. p. Herman, Clerk of Board. Hothing but "Mother's Frieni" Berlisliire and Poland China. X( I have a fine lot of Berkshire and Po land China pigs for sale. They areoi tbe best strains and beautiful specimens of improved stock. The sire of these piirs i an imported one from England very fine. Call at my place of business. miles southeast of Newton or address. M. JJ. Clixe, Newton, N. C. NOTICE! A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthington, nd., "Sun" writes. 'you have a valuable preemption in Electric Bit Trust ees Sale. By virtue of authority granted to me by John C. Mallonee and wife, M. F. Mallonee, by their deed dated September ters, and I can cheerfully recommend j Bandy. There were many that estima- tt for Constipation and Sick Head- ted the crowd at 10,000. If King Omega ache, and as a panem! BTctnm f.nni I was here with his own shirt and a bor- has familv of Newton and manv others that I Book To Exoectant Mothers mailed freo. con-1 12th, lbl6, and duly registerel in the omce oi tne Kegisier oi lfeeds lor (ataw ba County, North Carolina, in Book 52 of Deeds, Tages 162, 1G3 and 164, I will sell at the Court House door, in Newton, Aorth L-aronna, on 1 UESDAY, AUGUST 17th 1897, At one o'clock, p. m., to the highest bid der for cash, all that land described in As the fruit season is now on hau l I will for the next thirty day turn my en tere attention to manufacturing Fruit Dryers and Fruit Cans. All in need of either will do well to rail on or write to me before buying. 1 do you right. Yours truly, V. H. F.1ARLOW, NEWTON, ". C ... . . ... ,i i.iniTiir v.inariiH 1 11 11 iriii.Ltini mini iii niiLni w ma rtirl nT. hava tha lrnrkT. t-rt moot- I 0 . . " uiu uui; ' i-. testimonials. From the rural parts of Catawba we no-1 Tms bradreld regulator co..atlanta,ga. ticed Messrs. M. IVf. Cline, A. P. Finger, Monroe Edwards and a eon of Jacob OLD BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. LAND SALE. it i mis. to TO THE I T 1 A ll ll 11 ll M-'J CA IA VI VAV A WA A. AAV, A lV IV A W A I IU I I U.4VSA VTAAAVA V4' VU 1 A. A I- A,-v V AA Vl aUOIUCU. - i I rowed Jacket we regret tbat he didn't I ; I v k i : : 1 SteMo 2f2 Pnffano tlmva A i iuc aiuuim i 6 uio umira ouu u ue f . inen ana j, n . cneniii against . on Lflrenza iiomers line mirontolliis JTlXJllly i lVt ctcti'" . . & 'I had we would have given him a jacket, I J. Gamble and others 1 will sell at the 1 house and in centre of street, and runs UnicagO, was all run down, could not I an(j hen probably he would have been I court house in Newton on the I with his line N. 8 West seven poles to a eat nor diaeet food, had a heto f- t,, l ; w;r I FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER ?Loue n mt; thence .North 88 West i ... I . - l o f-vonf r lon m A I onti - a i I wrl- n-n l - - au.iu wuvi w men never Jell ner and lelt tired, instead ot Umega. We hoped to see - - a?n;a -XI oh hence along said Railroad South 20 . - r . 1 . k-' . VUUBB .Kruw avA ? AAV AA.r"AAA ll. . s vcfiar-p hnt ci-r hntiiao i?i..t.;. nnire a nnmDer oi tne enterprise cor-1 i i"r i-. n:...n. i r.asr seven ihjicsto a staKe on sain ronri j , - -" wnioD v uiiuuiu juiiiiug lmius oi r. vi. viamoie, i yier I . , . .. . ... , " " , Bitters restored her health and re. respondents also the noble editor But !ty and otW l.ing a part oH. to our znucn sorrow we iaiiea to see i iuhu cuuveveu uj ai. McovKiexo ' j m I of Bale, come tuuunu, we win cacusb niem iiusi , iv,, .- rv. newed her strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a bottle at T. B Abernethy'e Drug Store. Inside of twenty-four after the tariff bill passed sugar went up from one-sixteenth to one-fourth of a cent a pound The Trust is protected. Star time if they will only do better next time. So thanking, the press for what it done hours I also the speakers and people for their good behavior and attendance we will close our letter by wishing for all a glo- ible. Terms made known on day f, Mf "f 7 lot No uguto 107 onaplatmadebyJ.il. Lee, Surveyor. M'. E. Lowrasce. Com. John Wilkes, Trastee. July 7, 18117. LAND SALE. By virtue of a deed of trust executed hv Knhcrt H Pnnk nrl irifoSurQli I rious and good time, with plenty and to I Cook on the 27th day of April, 1890 to spare tor all is our wish. Very Eespt., WHEAT WANTED At Banner Roller Mills is the place to Roht. L. Aberxethv. Waa Soon Feeling Better. ''For three yearB I was troubled with my heart and liver. I was run NO CUBS HO PAT Eugene M. Blalock, as trustee in which is sell your wheat or exchange it and get conveyed the lands hereinafter described the best flour you ever had. Try us and to secure the sum of thrte hundred and , , , . J twenty two dollars and fifty cents due ee it we don t do you right. and payable to the Equitable Mortgage T. J. IIAMSAUR&SOXS, PKOPS I omnnnv on thp first rtAv nf Mar 1x I Company on the first day of May. 181)5. which deed of trust is recorded in the LINCOLN TON, N. C. 1 ll T ? u. r 1 - P . That is the wnv 11 Arnotri.f. ooii ."m "l lue egisier oi aeeas iqr caraw ROYE'S TASTELESS CHIlI. TfiM & 1' SfS ?.k NOtlCC it r . -r . . . 1 i a , lucoaiu uueitr. iu-1 wbik, l was bo Wk. i tried many for Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron gene M. Blalock, will offer for sale to the Under the power contained in the last medicineB and finally boueht a bottle and Quinine in a tastlesa form. Child I highest bidder for cash, at the court I will and testament of Jacob Lutes, dee.. ofHood'.Ss.p.rUl I was .oo '-; Adnltre,er it , bitter Muse- tfr$SgS5$ LLt ."i'cl feeling better, and after taking a few auntomc8- iTice, 50c. Sept. 1897, the said land conveyed, viz: August next about 50 acres of good one hundred and forty seven acres cf land adjoining lands of D. II. llass, W. lanu in sain oormTv ot l atavhii. miimn. I" Mnnnov unH rtho inT. to work." W. J. Habeis, Cloverdale. N0?0!?.?6? fa? Nenralgl. Get Dr. Wle? I ing the lands of John Hamilton. Loved I insr to see the land hrfnr ih ... ,.u Taylor, Jefferson Linebarger.Y.T. Colly please call on Edward Lutes or Geore andr. A. Blackley. August 4th 1897. 1 Lutes who will show the same. Abont. Eugene ai. liLALocK, lYustee. I two-thirds of this land is cleared and the ii. n lUHiKsrooA. rrornev. iremaindpr is m timhsr Too I , 1 AJJ r. Mniii' Known on aay ot sale. July 30. 1897. T I ' Tlr . ... . wfiS8iopAwirAjgiaT Pr. MUe' Paia Kite. AH drugjist boU Dr. HUe1 Nerre Plaster. Serving Executor of Jacob Lnt more bcttleB I was strong and able to Va. Hood's Pills are tbe favorite fam ily cathartic. Easy to take, gentle. mild. 25 cents. D A M f f ACHB and RirrrMATiBM relieved i Lbj Dr. MUea Nerve Plasters. New Goods have also added GRO CERIES to my stock. Coffee, sugar and all hinds of groceries. Remember I will sell you goi! -f""-' at the very lowest prices. Call audi me. Many thanks to my customer!' Il'r past patronage, I am located near Newton Cotton Mi Yours Respeefully, Joseph Gemayel. FOR SALE. I will sell my fara lying jut out.-0' the incorporate limits of Ne"1' easy terms. Apply or write for par: lars to B. F. Fali s, Cleveland Mills, ' (iilElP d Whisky Ha cured at home ticnlArssentXu'a i