Newton "71 dJNTI VOL; XXI. NEWTON, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1899. NO.-18. RFfflSE. OTASH gives color, 'flavor and 'firmness to all fruits. No good fruit can be raised without Potash. Fertilizers containing at least j 8 to oi rotasn wiil give best results on all fruits. Write for our pamphlets, which ought to be in every farmer's library. They are sent free. J GERMAN KALI WORKS, GEO HWEST' M D. PHYSICIAN AND SUIiGEON. Newton, a. C, Offers his professional services lo the citizens of Newton and Catawba county, tsf Offiee at residence. W. S. Davidson, Jl D., Has located in Newton and will prac tice medicine in all itsbranchea. "Calls attended promptly, day or night. M. A. NEWLAND, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, NEWTON, - .....N.C t&' 0!iiee in Shuford's Bank Building. A. P. LYNCH, ATTO R N EY-AT-LAW, NEWTON, -V.w. -N. C. Special Attention Given to all kinds of Collections Office in Tount & Shrun's building up stairs. J. L. GRAHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NEWTON, N. C. RafOffice over Murray's Beef Market, Residence at St. Hubert's Inn. J. E. THORNTON, Keeps constantly on hand all sizes of wood coffins. Also a va riety of burial robes. . " : NEWTTON, 1ST. C. J. R. CAMPBELL, rV5. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NEWTON, S'.'C. Offers his professional services to the people , of New ton and Ca tawba County. J. B. LITTLE, RESIDENT' DEMIST. - mm NEWTON, N. C. . Jhrum.'s. Building ERNEST L. MOORE, FasMatiirB ana Hair Dnsser NEWTON, - - - N. C. He keeps a first-class Tonsorial Parlor where you will always 'find dean towels and sharp razors, -and- a- polite and at tentive barber Every one coming to Newton desiring anything m "tho" Tonsorial Art will be pleased after they call on .me, forlal ways please all my customers. I wish 'to say that 1 . now, haveiaiii Jiand and am constantly re ceiving a "nice" line o seasonatile dry g6ods notions, hats, caps clothing, snoes, groceries,- eto.,' that lam selling very cheap lor cash.' I am located near -Newton Cotton Mills. Come 'to see me and I will do you YoureYeTy Truly; ,; J oseph Gemayle BerliSliire aiul Kssix. I hare, a fine lot of Berkshire and Essix pigs They are of the best strains and beautiful specimens of improved stock. The sire Of theee-pTgsis an im ported one from Indiana very fine. Call at my place oi uusiners, six mnes souiu eaet of ewton- or addresB, . , .- M. Clisb, Newton,N, C, Kellati! nTAnutf a nK-chRnip.fLl nr fnveDiiv-a iuind dealrlDg a trip to the Paris Exposition witU goob Miarr ana exppiiafs pwi, miouia write - The eAXHJUT lilAsyiLlJ, lialtiiaoTC, Ho. To on ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners Office 1 Catawba Cockty, J Dec. 5, '99 . CONTINUED FKOM LAST WEEK. F Bost fe st va J Bs 2 55 1 55 , " fe t Ts E BoJch 105 W L K Itac pup 3Hwn woman-3 12 J H McLeiland fe at va J L Gra ham - 7 25 B)i and Rsbh fee atais FC H u k 4 10 , Boet & Rabb fe st t M Csiu 3-15 fa at t B Bjsrs 32 90 fe efc t J Bess 2 05 fe et Tg N Wade' 1 55 fa at ts J Bonis .,..5 70 fe at ya D Connor 16 11 fa st ts W D Eowdar T6o fa at vs S Stzsr 8 40 fe at vs R Youct 10 95 fa at tc O Mullen 17 50 fe at ts D Brinkley 3 70 fe at tb A Kal 11 25 fe fit t J S'eweri 3 80 f at t J L Graham 60 07 . fe it yt C Bsxter ; 8 05 J H Moaer fe at ts D Connor 25 R F Campbell fe state ts J L Gr hBirvv ' -.'.. . . : - 1.15 E D Fox D S fa state ciei 1 70 J B Litti fe st v J L Graham 1 55 J P K?ox fa at ts B Byers 2 05 J W B'sokwelder fa at cases 3 20 W H E'liS payment in full Prin and Inst oa note 506 17 A A Shuford ieleo ' - 1 00 C F Buriif arner fa atate ts J L Gra bam 2 60 G W Hotter fa st tb P Drum 1 81 M Pionk-f at t J L Graham 9-80 Bost;& Rt,bb fe at ts F Houck2 05 " . fe st TS H Cowan fa si ts P Drum .fe et ts L Setzar- , ; , 11 J Jones fe st ts F Hcuck P P Jonas ft alete esess , u A T Jones fe st t F Houek 1 I Shuford fe et ts B Harris 1 80 2 76 3 20 ' 90 5 32 4 10 82 G E Coulter fe st t J L Graham 9 80 W Huoter f at ts il Cain ?10 W B Gaither fee state ts J L Gra ham 2 60 J C Shufoid j alo 1 00 A S Abarcfiby 200 ft lumber 1 00 I Woodward fe st ts B Harris 50 J A & zer fe at ts D Connor 1 90 R JN Murry fa st ts J L Graham 55 W Rockett cbc ie co lib 57 06 C C fa co lib -37 J Rows fe st ts J L Graham 55 F fcUiiuau fees sta-e ts J Gra taoi 105 Woj Asbury fa st ts Bnnklsys 3 05 J W L wrance sup Alx Hall 75 R F Burton fa st ts J L Graham 2 55 B Whitaaer her aupt 1 12 J R Gutter tup I Connor 1 00 O R Fry reat'l furn'd pub road 50 J S A-ien sup J L Charles . - 1 121 PlJoBt sup M Jasper " J M Brcwn sup F Gaither F,Rudiii!l sup B Gross I 12 1 12 1 12 M Gack ker support 1 50 J A Boich and F L Ktever for re p;ri-jg bridge 12 00 D W Drucj 2 eleo boxes 1 00 O C Beauty repairing bridge 56 47 W C 3izar eup J Powell - 1 -OQ R C lUaaeour conTeying Killian lunatic to county jail.. 3 00 E J H gman auptr -J Holdsclaw -1 00G-E-Mos jailotfses U A&G Aiiel clearing R F bridg2 00 VYP Sigman eupt. Mollis Baker 1 00 G Ev Coulter coroner pentsrrl7 00 Carrie Boet aupt A Abernethy 1 12 A L Bumgarner eupt. L Miller 1 00 D Drum upi " Hefner 3 mds" '3 'DO Frank Wiethe supt himself Apr 75 G E &Ioer serving 3 bridge fiotio 90 F A Toder repair to Simp br'g 14 77 M A Frv on J Anderaoa 13 50 D AL Moser vsecioation sTice42 D A Ciine guard smallpox case 16 20 A L Sigrooo, sasae 17 10 Dr. D M aloser co. physician 7 00 Dr. D M Moser vaccine points 58 OQ, R L Rhony fees state case 3 90 C M Yount 35 loads wood 9 00 O A. Sigman fees AlTa Ervincaael 10 Noia Sigman supt M Sigman 75 Rt Ss'z-sr sunt Tate Setztr 75 B S Ciine keeping c. home 3m 175 91 E D Gamble serving road orders 90 G E Aloser jail fees for April 31 64 Dr. J li Yo-unt vaccination serT 6 00 J HuDtuckr coffin Jas Wallace 2 J E Fry, A L&D H Ramsur serT.ces ta btipge comojissionees 7 00 ALw ranee repilrB ta JmItt 1 50 Juo Gabriel serT. county com. 3 50 D M Boyd, same, 2 70 J E Wiifong, same, - 2 70 P M Dellinger clerk board 36 A H Boyd arrest Cbas Talbert 8 R P Holier fees state t P Diiim 1 J P Huneucker sup P Roaemao 1 D S Fry judge schuol election E Wdon eupt Chas. Propst " ' VV F Gilbert judge eiaotion . . " "1 J V supi Alex Hll P fcl ilull eupt M.Lnberger 6m9 Woa Gillian supt 3 Hawo wean 3 J Price te tViU Connor. ; M Hawn i """" "' ItlOlL H Phillis indexinsr wills 42 82 G M Yodr fe st ts M Robinson 1 - . i K'D'B'etealbp D Byert- J 1 M 8 Deal lum fer pub io& 1 E L Rowe fa st Ta D Connor 1 40 1 A 4 Shuford bud Day id and J e Workman ""v .. 6 72 A A fchuiord BUD M A. Keller and Bonis Jeremiah 6 50 ', R B Liuebarger aup Amy' Ltneharn ger . '.. , ; '224 Jane Rumple sup herself . 75 W A Lea fe at ts L Setzer 65 D J Carpenter fe st ts O Mullen 6 15 ' P E Rowe D S f sp'g term 9 47 j 1 12 P Bopt aup M Jasper J S Allen aiip J L Charles V 1 12;S i;.12':'H B Whitener sup lerafclf R D be.b ia sup D Byers F Wingate sup bioaself .: P Bot sup Abbt Abercbv 1 00; . Z5J 112 2 00 ! V K Little sop M HuflfoQaa M C Selzar sup J Powell.., , J 00 75 -1 00 36 40 "J "75' -1-85 M Got sep herself ChftsBost his sup ' ' " G E Moserjiilor fees Jane Rumple her support J H PT6nk"stay for rfg r ffic Rows & Herman for coffin for Bty Setzsr outsida pauper 3 50 F Rudisill sup B Gr ss 75 S E Ksnisn sup P Coulter 1 50 " sup A Caldwell and brial expepsee 4 66 G H We&t 2 trips to Hickory on so- count of small pox- 5 00 W "Barb's "'sup" J BynnJabd Ltzz'p Lynn 7 50 E B Oline expenses incurred on ae count tmall pcx in Hickory 8100 P L Cline lum for bridges 10 46 J M Brown sup F Gaither 1 12 H C Brow Jer making plan cd epeo- . fisation for I ridge piers D Setzer sop T Szr Lo'a S'gmatv aup M SigmaD P M DelUpges te elk of bo J Gabre! 1 da ser m co com D BI Boyd. 1 da aer ra on com 3 00 75 75 20 70 3 50 270 J.E-Wilfong ljdjkrjn co com 2 70 JNewton Entkbpeiss pub notica f-r bridge , 9 00 Evans "CogsWelt & Co'atid " Edwards Broughton for x Iadex for wills flo i i ic " --' 16 35 Dr G H West, fa jo sup health 8 33 Edwards & Broughton Order b'tok 2 23 6 35 4 24 for bo comrs EaUrrtHoa't clo'a G Firger PM Mull aup R acU M Reff - sup J Friddles children 2 00 " sup M Pbilhfrdt 2 00 J M Kecdrick D S fe st t Bart, ftyers C R Stine sup C Wilson Q A y!zer fe at ts M Cain 3 30 1 05 J A Yount fe Tsrions cases 4 10 2 LO - 1 55 S Propst her sup GTW Rsbtrfe-s- t-J- Be W LKilliai'SUp 3 Hawn women 3 12 C A Conanr sup P R xmn 1 12 WL Blkh fe at t R A Little 67 JG Hall fa et t? J L Oraban R Linebarger sup A Licatnrgsr 2 24 J S Alien sup J L Chanea 1 12 JerrT Powell sup himaelf 1 00 W M Huffman fe st tb Leek R- b;u son 80 M M Huffman fe st ts Neil Robin- "10a -'-" y v 1 25 W BI Huffman aup K Propst 2 00 L Holdsclaw ip J Holdsclaw ,2 00 P Bosfsup II Jaiper' - - I 12 D Wilson sup B Wbitner 1 12 D M D um sup A Hefner' 2 cbl'a 3 00 L A Robinson taking P S Ford tc co home r , . 1 50 Jadejjer. sup T,Setzer 75 (Hojle & Leonard coffin for J Lynn (paupr) .3u0 A H Shuford aup J Ennis and his 'coffin... . . . 5 9, G A Conaor atip P Roseman, 11 12 L Boat sap A Absrnethy 1 12 J Gant sup OPropat ... . 1 00 tVsup F Wgate 75 J Rumple sup herself 75 S E Kiil'an sup P Coulter and M-r 1 Caldirelf ' -'123 M Siffmsn sup himself 75 Jllabala gant sup herself 75 F K Bck aed H A Yod?r aerTic a assesois io J Fork 14 00' J F Wilaon 8 da ser as assr 14 6a J, 3. .Killian 9 J da eer as assr 18 67 M J Cochrane 5 da ser as asar 10 72 R H Whitener and J M ShernU 5 de eerrices as aastaor 17 50 D T Smith 5 da eer as assessor 20 65 T J Leonard 9 da ser as aser 1&75L A A Yoder D H Russell and D W Whitener as assessor 61 35 J H Moser 12 da ser as 1 taker 21 60 A S Holler J Isenhower assr 17 50 001 J S Goodman M F Hull 4 da assa il 00 sor O F Abernethy 4 da serT as assts-vr 19 25 Dr G H West eer cdysfoTan 12 50 H H Caldwell 4 da assr 7 00 G .W Jones 10 da as aser 17 53 50 Newton Ehtirprisn for notice .100 15 P 11 Deliinger elk of bo and $2 i t 27 other expenses 18 00 12 Miss Clara Emanuel for rep irt 50 mony st ts Diake and others 28 l-OO j G br?J 2 da ser co comr -5. 0"0 D 11 Boyd 2 da aer eo comr ' ,4-70 75 J E Wilfoog 2 da serco eomr' 4 '70 00 JU Brown 22 da ser iist taker "38 50 12 $ E Fry 8 dtjtmfB assr i 14 00 30 J M Brown' sup F Gaitbsr 4 112 001 R D Tavlor e stvs F Cook -rl90 u , - v .. . . 00 D ravteP let t J .Ikiefly a fgaa 8011 S and M Ritdhieaiid G Baker 4 85 7 30: It H Phillins fe at v. A TTU s Court f sty A Kale 19 10 L M B'alock fe Rt t Ti S7.r 1 05 : W L K -!liia pud 3 Hawn vomo 3 12 K D Taylor 8 da a assr 6 12 R D Beiiia sup D Byers - . . 1 00 i J'R Gaither aup I Connor 2 00 O Br nop J Oibct&e and rifa cd j )e sle 4 00 5 50 4 70 J Gabn?.. 2 da ser co ooojr D M Bod 2 da ar oo oomr esse state s N R-binoo ;3Bn!ji t tppLLysu 1 50.;l h Phillips" K Mnl'i id &);; vcu pilots 4 50 j ii JS Hrshaw P Ai Mul! tup J F;s-il-1 child 1 00 . " Mip R er-ii M Buff ' 2 12 ' sup M PoUhardi J 100 D J D am tup A Hf?-r's cbln 1 50 H A Gre; hii! sup S Hoyle 784 R L't-tiargr sup A Linebarger 1 12 S Wbuinaat tupL Lyon 1 5'' J S Alien sup J L Cbarlss 112 B Whiteiisr htr sup, , -; 1 12 P B at sup U Jaspsr 1 12 H J S gman G .Propst and Frank Wingate - 1 75 P Bist cl-aoitg public wall ' 75 G M Y d-r sup K Propst 100 II H Caid well rap bridge 8 50 A A Burger rep b and balg sips 2 50 H A Barch rap embkt I bridge 7 50 G E Moser j l fees 64 42 D Hstzsr tup T Seizor , 75 C. A Connor sup P Roseman 1 15 Smyre Rbyr e & Co furn f 4 15 P K Lrttla sup 11 Huffman 2 00 C F Jarrwt for benches . , 1 75 lidwara & tf.-ouk;nOB, as uarTm tot . aiaiionsrv esq 90 M Sismao for bis sup . 75 J W Biackwo!dr cost R Yount end E D ulf3 to Mcrganton . 30 8'J P ii ' D'i)ogfcr for ehenff boots making out tax aud cik bo 15120 W P Statin sup M Bfcer 3 00 J W' Hefner Maze and wifa 5 edCs c '11-20 J A Seabcob fa co lib . ...3 6q J E Boyd Jum for bridge 1 00 G H West ser oo phTBician 12 50 W E HjUfo; frr 1330 briok and sand and work at jail well 9 35 C R Stina aup C Wilaon ' 2 24 S E Kt'.lian sup P Coulter and Mr Caldwell 1 25 J Bat drawing water cut j well 75 B r Ciiud inmates co home .24143 J R jcaple her sup 75 H S Szr eup J Holdsclaw . 1 00 J Fr.htr oup J Oiborce ant1 W 1 50 J P (Jlica lum for bridge 1 25 J L Orperiier lum l- b floor . 5-30 J Giljri'eVI"i?a brV'co comr ""3 50 D il Bjy d 1 da ser co cprar 2 70 -J E WiSk-iig 3 da e r CO. come .. .7V40 J il Brusn-aup F.GaifcLer 1 12 A AuerzietliV eup brrscif 1 12 R Mocre 4 da a tax assr 7 OO R D B-Uua aup D Bers 1 00 A A Snoford -up M A K-iler 4 50 " eup D aid J Workman 6 72 D M BrittisD fa a lib ... 1 95 L Herman fe at ts F Cook 1 90 P il Hitdet rand rep p for j wall 1 17 Rowe & Bs'rmai ""bed for" jail and rug for C House - 3 00 J Powell his sup 100 R England damages to lsnd 25 SO P Si Mall urM Xicgsrf elt . 4 TjO J W Ervin f st ts M Cain 1 05 W L Killian sup 3 Hawn women 3 12 P 11 Muii sup Fridaie children 1 00 J..S Aden aup J L Charles J. U B Whitner her sop W Gajit her sup "'' PB jsfcsup il Jasper .--- -J Powell eup htasself 1 12 1 50 1 12 1 00 J R Gaither gc ods for co horneT atd boarditc iary , 40 49 A Aberneifcy har sup ' ' ' , 1 12 J RG4itbr 'eilp rCbnnorJ I 00 M fl ErTia conT.E A Witherspoon to wesTerii bosprtaI"", " 6 50 A M Harwell rep-lock co safe - 3 00 L H dac:aw..up.J Hoidsolaw 1 00 .. Ptv-pat sup.htraif j-: t..,, 3iH)J G E M eer-lor jail fees 47 84 J W-Blsckwddar aumg jaiy acd cour expansea 27 20 A1 A Yoder lumb' and nail 5 60 SE K4lhff sup P .Codrter' and Mri Casdwell , 125 A Q Isei. bower lum for bridge 9 00 tr,H AVt ser as co physician 12 50 M Siir-rnsr. eup himaelf " ' -75 A" M CorTietriJjf coot 'grand -iury"to Veohom 3O0J A Lowrance rep pump a j well lf50 L A Hudson wi-rk on jail wall 125 E fczar sup T Setzer. . 75 J Wtrfon money paid for -wort; on S F:id bridge 100.74 J M Bro'ili'iuQ F Gaither " 4-12 E D GiuVbb D S' serr 99 road or -tders-- .V , . 2 70 D 1 Boyd 2 ,ia ser eo comr 4 70 J E Wilfce 2 da ser co comr -4 70- j Gabiiei 2 dd'ser co coiar "5 50 M E LoWaaae'eer attV'Co bo ; -4-25 P M. Deliu ger - fe as ,clk cf bofend Ux books; v V ; ; ;; 116 35 H M Seal inga 1 cord, wood ' l'"l"26 H J Sigman eup Q Propt : -- ' -ci 00 up F Wjcgte ; 75 W P-8igman up ii Bkr - 1 66 1 Fi P Houston . Jfees slats, Frtisaaa Heffman and others ,5 75 50 50 Bf Q wdr&Hrman rockwOrk, ; sandy' ford bridge, 11511 Pink Bot fees st tSld Sherrill 1 27 E RJiJsL f ee.sUte ca?es . . , . 1 ip I tt ii... ; .,.. -Y t iu n. iMi.uo.. j-J- W-Biackwelder COnntT liabiltsO- 1 00 Wil- boo colord to Eastern aiylun 24 20 Jn Pnw!l fee R.if' Yount. 5 20 F Kavlor fes F HtiflF.rian oasa 1 00 V D Sip " " 2 40 Eoa. Sipe " " 2 40 J R Gather enpt I'abl Connor 1 00 A D Shuford fes oo liabilities 1 77 G E Moser " 2 50 J S Leonard " " 55 ti B Linebarger e A L:cebarger 1 00 ' 59 91 ' " 19 00 L H Pf illsps etationery far oourt5 65 W L Kiiaan eupt Hawn women 3 12 J A Sesboch fees staU nases 2 05 D J Drum fee F Haffmio caae 50 D J Drum eupt tfrfi'jer chiidrftal 59 F K-liiao faes F Hnffmso caae 75 jG W Rbb feaa L Kvlrsa ce 5 15 Rabt&Bost fees St. t J Ciioo 1 85 F C HouklO 30 H Trolingr4 10 E Clooigr 8 20 F Huffmanl7 15 " S Sberrdl 9 65 2 55 4 80 3 49 4 25 i " El Harris M Sigman " L Hssa " J Barger ' " Q Houston 6 20 4. ' '.v u Robinsoc8 45 " C Stewart 3 10 R Y.uDt 12 30 . 1 -4" ' L TrTi 55 4. " H L cgla 2 c5 - " " - P Grmj 3 70 T s Gf ier 2 55 " " F C Houk 2 05 i J R ehie et a!3 70 A J Fif miog Tarious state ca69 3 54 H W Jones -P P Jonea AAYvder G.-o Clme 11 00 5 47 1 A D EwShook ' 4 60 E D Gamble 2 10 M Hefcet bud J Rumple and D-tiJ j . . o 2 I f. U ... '3 . -Am 1., on west pier S Ford bridge 97 50 O A Conner sup P Roseaiaa 2 24 P M Mall sup Friddle child 100 P W Michael fa st ts L Trans 75 H D Wagner fa at va A K llian 2 30 J Sizr sup S Bolck I 17 P Bost eup M Jaeper 112 J M Brown sup F Gaither 2 00 J S Allen sup J L Charles 1 12 B Whitener her sup 112 M Gant bar sop 75 J Ojborns sup himself and wife 3 00 Shuford Bask mt pd work done on Sandy r ora bridge oi zv : L B Litton building bridge 34 00 G E Coulter goods fare d jil 2 20 R E Bast serT 12 road order 3 60 S EKiiiUn siip PJoultsr 1 25 Dr G H West fees aa exp witceis in at tb H Tr&llicger 10 00 G M Yoder aup K Prppst 2 00 B S Ciice msdioic for poor 15 53 O Huffman fe at tb F Huffman 1 55 G E Moser iail fee 22 48 S Bank int on borrowed ranney 15 00 El Setzer sup T Setztr 75 C Bon np A Aberastby . 1 12 H L Bolliocer J Holdsclaw 100 P M Drllisfjer fa as elk of bo 19 10 k: i i v t:i-t wnri nsi nrif iun J Gabriel 1 da ser co comr 3 50 D M Boyd, Sana . . , . 2 70 J E Wilfof, same , ".' ... 2 70 W A Turner fees F Huffman ca. 8 19 II Huffman euot Jane Rumple -1 50 Miles Sigman aupi of himself 75 Morganton Hospital saadicg J E Setzer, heme .115 G H West tup.. health . 12 50 L H Phillip, fees Ii Bolick case 147 H Sirmansapt O Propst 1 0 if n w..i, WnneW k. R Linebercer sunt A Linebeerrl w tfRhan .oi HawnwMnaux3 150 TJtJne-ftearAuff.ourr- 5 R D Beihea aupt D Byers 1 00 Brow4er&Hermap rock work 14 62 J E Webb fees stat5 casea - 1 12 Andrew Helton, same " 1 02 H Sigman efpt F Wingate Sept 75 R P Scro&ga fees state case .75 Browder& Herman brides pier35 13 Bnowder&HermaQ "152 44 8am- Kale fees Mary Cline ease 2 60 B M Morrow' fees Jem Cline case 92 W C Yount fe et tsJ Cline : Sam TKhisnant enpt IZLdgan 4 50 - M W Cloniflger lees Jim Clme c P 14 Cline enpt M Licglafelt 4 U-T aiwrjjBii j; auumiuciKoou Wdl Maiseyreer Cline case W P-Sigmaa supt M Baker J W Hefner sapt Wm Maze ' Betsy Waitener sii'pt "herself ' P;ck.BcBt eupt Mill Jasper '-' J S Allen aupt J L Chaales O i A 1 . - 1 Wui A Xroutinah bndge BTl crk36 ffiW 'Joriss guarding-jail - 6 PK Little aupt Mnhala HofEmn 3 R DBethea supt Dvid Byeis J W Black weld taking John G Jri Moser jail. lees f Oct. : 4110 J E Thornton ccffn lor Kale 5 00 G H"st coupty physiciair Jere Powell his supt for Oct. B F Dak n Kale" Gallows"- 12 .1 10 B B IfcLard lumber fcr bridge24 B B LcOurd lunt for bridse , 4 S E Killian supCoufterand CaWwelll B 3 vline sop inmates co home 183 0 Bost sup A "Abernethy; - .112.- . n. , T .Vti. Ttfmiwrii Rnd work 13 isiPt therarg J ol the J. W Tay oi.L: . . "r ' ' " j H C Killian material and work 70 j'fl M Unvd gniT Hedtmeth child c h 1 75 100 rj- J M Brown sup F Gaither J Gabriel 1 da co comr 150 d ou D M Boyd 1 da co comr z (V 2 70 J E Wilfong 1 da co comr M Hefner a J Rumple and D Ekard 1 GO P M Dellinger fe elk bo other bills 3G 70 Yount & Shram clot'g A Kale 5 50 N enterprise p't'gccal'r and no's 9 00 M Kigman his sup 75 W L Killian sup 3 Hawn women 3 12 A Smith sup P Roseman R D Bethia sup D Byers M J Cochrane fe co lib J A Yoder pt c house and j roofs h L Bollinger eup J Holdsclaw R Linebarger bud A Linebarger C Stine sup C Wilson M N Harshaw fe st vs L Bolick W A Li 1 tie fe st vs C Stewart J F Bos fc le st vs L Travis qq 140 36 00 100 112 3 36 2 00 2 80 2 85 A A Shuford sap Mrs Keller D and J Workman 7 48 A A Shuford sup Mrs Keller D and Jane Workman" 3 74 D J Drum sup 2 Hefner children 3 00 A C Cloninger r damg Michael land 5 00 E Bovd fe st vs F Cook D M Brinkley fe st vs E Cloninger R E Trexler fe st vs II Trollinger W P Huffman fe at vs L Killian L A Corpenter fe et vs F Cook Boat & Rabb fe st vs L Killian 95 145 2 05 105 140 75 T L Bandy sup D and J Workman B Whitenar her sup J y Allen sup J L Charles J M Brown sup F Gaither P M Mull sup R Baff - " . sup M Buff sup J Friddle child " sup M Philhardt M E Lowrance bal on sal for 99 P Bost 6up M Jasper M Gant sup herself F Boyd sup J Powell C A Connor eup P RoseTian D Setzer sup T Setzer D J Drum sup Hefner child rem 2 24 112 1 12 1 50 5 00 5 60 3 00 5 00 6 25 1 12 1 50 JJ0, T- 1 50 S E Killian Bup P CoulterACaldwell 1 25 I Ci V. Mnnpp inil fpoa j da Ob C Bost eup A Abernethy 1 12 M J Cochrane fees lunacy case 2 00 75 12 34 I M Sierman his sun I B S Cline goods co home t, u west leco pnysician 12 50 37 35 I ciac.weiuer court expenses It if ti t i l i fiPWncortnn. n o... """""" """"(S0 I ab - JJ T hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement of the orders issued by the Board of Commissioners from 1 o'clock on the 1st Monday in December 1898 to 12 oxlock on the 1st Monday in icr riii u i io7i7, oe buuwu oil Lue vruer BooKs and Minutes of Commissioners. P. M. Delltsger, Clerk of Board. Statement of the ncmber of days serv- ed and miloae of the nieinbers of tbel n :- s xt a-vc.a va ui wuuiT vAJixi iuirn iiii-i w lur i iir 1899. To wit: John Gabriel 18 days $ 2.00 fees 36 00 17 50 36 00 " mileage I G. E. Wilfong 18 days f 2.00 fees " mileage 9 601 D. M. Boyd 17 days f 2.00 fees si oo . ' mileage 910 Total, 142 20 I hereby certify the above to be correct. P. M. Dellinger, Clerk of Board. A NIGHT OF TERROR "Awful anxfetj was felt for the widow ol the brare General Burnham of Marinas, Me., when iiiii v w - - u v w vu - - live till morning" writes Mrs. S. YX r ;n.Aln rK otr, ,J,? t,n. th.r A. 11 rho-hf oll. must soon die from pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once aved - her life: and, had cure! her of consump- tion. Alter three small doses ii " :i n :ui. i BU B1LetM31 HUU,Bul'-BUU llB lurLUCr UBB wuipieieijr cureu uer 1 i-ais marvelous meuicine is euar - I rm " - i j - - 12 anteed to cure all Throat, Chest 12and Lung Diseases. Only 20c and f 1 00, Trial bottles free at 48 T- R. Abernethy 's drug store. mi T . , - ... xne iew xerne iair wuineit year be held m April, Irora the 19th to the 20th,inseatof inFeb. as heretofore. SPAIN'S GREATFST NEED Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Soain. snends his winters at Ai. i 7-1 : c n roi. n . k. l 1 . mm m A mm. . A W V . m M A.l ff M I 1 " a 1 M 12 eu Bevere paius iu mu uaca. 50 his head. Un using Electric Bit- wio, "mtwwo Birutou iuvu a nnn pruo Hamanv nil nam nnti I " .v-. . J V An I . . - T T ... u"iieic nim, ne says tnis grana maH i ri n im urliai- liia rrnTftrv IO . . .. neeas, ah America Knows tnat 12 nnro. Wr nnrl bMntv trnnhlo I J . rv I . . ' , a . , . I V I . -H a 1 nil r- I j t1 Tf-nnai ti TV r 30 00 00 StOmach, Strenthens the nerves, Ed Setzer eup T Setzer H J Sigman sup C Propst " eup F Wingate puts Vim, Vigor and new lite into! immediate result. C'urfs coughs, roida every muscle, nerve and Organ of J hoaxsensse, croup, pneumonia, brcuchi- t ho lioH v Tl wpnlr tirpd nr ing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold 50 CO 00 by T. R. Abernethy. Druggist. 25 85 The New York Board ol Health known man. 25 haslecided to admit all the cof 89 1 fmurk aa n i ir-T- a lltll kJtl LA mu a.uu Sv uua. wa 50Uor. " j , ., MOONSHINE-RE VENUS RING Raleigh cor, Charlotte Observer. In the Federal Court this after noon Jtime H, Poo. of Jobnon who was appearing for a negro cLared with moonshiciDg ia J jbnon coavty: mdfl a peoh in hich h created j j great sensation atd made deputy cr-1 -! lectors' boaes rattle. He cargei that tbere wa, a r:n of moon3biaer, , , i .u .. . . r nicer admitted that be wa buying ''lIJOr a' Snailtfild ( dirpsstry town) from a moonshiunr, that ths effice'a name ia Birces, ant that i f snoanskiner Le; that Bras put out ?be word smoBg his fria'idi , thai Le would b there aa-jh wesk with l:q aor and r?oo'.n sounded it ai good tuff; that Brrei was a prtectege o? it insrshal and ws a; tb.t he is the eon ic-law of U;iited State Commiapioner Slavey; tht the offi oial ring in Johnaoc county do not trouble tb udr the r protection; that the administration of the law !bar is a farce. District AttcroT Bsrnsrd akd fir tbe mantes of the moonshiners in tbaj fDg. Pou gave them and their poatcfScef, too. Judge Purcell will no doubt make Homebody sweat. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut, or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the beet in the wrld, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures OM Soreg, Ulcere?, Boils, Feloo?. Corna, all Skin. BHt Pile cuie on earth. OdIj 25 ct. a box' I f!nr tnarTitp Sold QV 1. Ab rnethy,' Druggist. A silk mill is to be built atTar boro and machinery is now be ing: placed in two new cotton mills there. THAT THROBBING HEADACH Woul dauickly leaye jou, if you d Dr Kin8 New Life PiHs Thousands of sufleres have proy- and Nervous Headachs. They make Dure bloDd and strong l Hi1ri nn with. F.hsy o-i-c? TO laKt- -LTV Liif lli. vun '- i - Monevbackif not cured. Sold by T. R. Abernethy. Druggist. The United Mine Workers ol Alabama have declared opi nwar nn the Kmorhts of Labor 8Dd a resolution recom men diner that the district organization t all in its power to ove i i hrow and eradicate the Knights of Labor in Alabama will be adopted at to-mnrrow's session ol the con- vention of mine workers it Birm ingham. - 'I had dyspepsia fifty-eeven years and never found permanent relief till I used Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well I and feel like a new man." writes S. J- I Flemine. Murray, eb. It is the best ai. geetant known. Cures all forms of indi gestion T. B. Abernethy. The Atlanta Constitution says efforts are being made by cefaie promoters and interests in the East to m make combine of all I mnnflonfnrinif Til anr a in thp 1W. U)uuFa. w MV I Al nwnmAfara r a m ' .tian i F'"11'"1""3 in Atlanta lor me past two uay looking over local field. It takes but a-minute to overcome nsr in the throat and tostoDaush I o hv tho ii -if rina Mirmf-A Tin'ch Cnre. , I Thigremedy quick curea a!1 for,J18 Gf throat and lung troubles. Harncle-saad I pleasent to take. It prevents cotsnmp- tion. A fomous specific for gaiPp and its after effect8--T.IkAbernerthy. The " executive coinmittco in charge ol arrangements for the proposed national auu i i a. : trust . . . , . , con lerence. nave lesuea a:i au mt m dress calling on the conference ui . , - " " '-06'J i - , . ' J ' 1 .1 - .Umonds, I "rtno Vf irmn f- o-K Cnr-m m kt .1 J T J t. V J , i remwij A ecr uu or cuugus auu " Unequa'led for whooping C ngh 1 n,iun .n ;.,a ti v win. I uuuuicu oil iia it, niiicv . ... t. r. I the onjj. harmless remedy- that 4vta fil. tis and an tnroat and lungtroomer early use prevents consurrp tion, T Ab Jiulj. - In the Wilder-Whittaker 1 ud, at Manchester, Ky., yester - iav John Wilder was snot bv at. un TOHIA. flMiitia - s - Ths Y3B j?w Vr - ' rf The Eminent Kidney; and Bladder Specialist The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work la His Laboratory. ' There is a disease prevailing in this - country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart faihir or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad- ' vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away ceil by celL Then the richness of the blood tha albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright' Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. "' " Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dls- covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other -efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent ; and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- -'. Root and its wonderful cures.. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. -.,. 2)10 Dyspepsia Digests what you cat. It artl ficially digests the food and aid ' Kature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or . gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. Ho other preparation nan anriTnarh it. in fMi cnw Tf-. rt : ptantlv relieves and rjermanentlvcurea i dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,1 ! Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, bickHeadache,Gatralgia,Cramps,and aliotherresultsof lmperrectdlgestion. tTsparea oy t.& ueuntt au, Qiccao m CaroJna and Korlii Western EaisaL G. F. HARPER, President. i " Schedules in Effect from and After Oct 30,1898. ' Eastern Time Standard. Kffnfnlfnlti h Cure Goixg Nobth. No. 10 No. 60. Lv Chester, 7.40 a m 9.22 a m Lowrysville, 8.04 a m 10.00 a m " McConnellsviile, 8.17 a m 10.52 a m " Guthriesville, 8.25 a m 10.37 a m " Yorkville. ' 8.45 a m 11.20 a m " Clover, 9.15 am 12.00 am " Gastonia, 9.47 a m . 1.20 p m ' Lincolnton, 10.37 am 2.40 pm " Newton, 11.20 a m '4.00 p m " Uickory, 11.50 a m 5.55 p m Grnnite Falls, 12.15 a m G.43 p ra 12.46 am 8.00 pm Going SorTH. No. 61 , No. 8. Lv Lenoir, 4.30 a m ' 5.80 p m " Granite Falls, 6.30 am- 4.8 p ra " Hickory, 8.15 a m . 5.85 p.m. "Newton, 9.10 a m 6.05 p a '; Lincolnton, 10.37 a m 6.56 p na " Gaetonia, 1.15 pm 7.54 p m " Clover, 2.11pm 8.32 pm " iorkville, JOpm 8.01pm ,r Guthriesville, 3.50 pm 9.20 pm " MeConnellsvilie, 4.05 pm 9.28 pm " Lowrysville, .4.15 p m 9.45 p m Ar Chester, 5.15 p m 10.11 p m Trains Nos. 9 and 10 are firert-clasa and run daily except Sunday. Trains No. 60 and 61 carry passengers and also rum daily exeept Sunday. There.ia rood co . .i rt at W nection at tliester witn ine u. oc . and theG.j:. A, also L. & 6. R.H. at Gaetoma with the" A, &C. A. L. at lin colnton with C, G. and at Hickory ana Newton with the W. N. C G. F. Harper. G, P. A.,' Lenoir;K. C; J. M. Moore, G. F. A, Lenou-; li J-.Keid I' A ndifor; Lenoir: - L. T.Nichola, Eupt. FOR.l HE HOLIDAYS! We have the largestf and? most complete line of -HOLIDAY. I uv;wio, ,.e eer uuncu.iu iui traue. . , ri.riTS.AD srTS. L. L. Itasms," Muacatei Kat-ins, Eset-df d Raieine, Cleaned Currants, CitroB,.Fige. Datea, ! GOODS. I Peaches, Peer, iApricotRaa'berr'a, i Straw terries, Blackberries, Tomatoes, Corn, Baked Beana, Oysters, Salmons, Domeetic Sardine, Imported Kardinea, Sauces, Catsups, Pickelij-Sweetor S'r, Pickles- Barrels or Bottles, -r to California Prunes, Evaporated Peachee tvaporaea Apricot I Apples, Grapee, I Dandnnou, ! IVn,, M.WUUiiUu:, I ainUtS. ; Baking Powders, j Veinna Sausage, jPreeeryes &. Jellies. Kr&zii nt8. COMPLETE ME FU7GMS.EITEACT HoiavGois Our stock .of candies incomplete froaa the lowest priced to the highest grade. An elegant ine of candies ia Ota ponad srtoone at 35, 35,4t,0,O and 75ctau R. Thv largest and cheapest line ol tobae snuff, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, eta.i town. .... .... A FULL IM CF STATIOEBI CHEA - This is the place to buy heavy hard? are, sole leather, tinware, salt, coffee-, g ufar. in olasse? , flour, etc We ill meat any price it iijatters not how cheap. Coixw to see uiand e willdo you good.

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