rv -;-: Si-1 f t ... i i l' V JNTERPRI The Newton 3 1H0 VOL. XXII. Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach' Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the threat "drivinsr wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. Oil JAMES R. CAMPBELL, Newton, N. C. After Nov. 1st, Dr. Campbell iil have hisottice and residence '". ':Iettt. fctrt-et just above i t. A. J booties. J. E. THORraTO, Keeps conatantly on hand all aizea oi wood oofflni. Alio a variety oi Vurial robaa. NEWTON, DP..H.C.EUNTER Offers his professional ser vices to the people of Newton and surrounding country. Office over Shuford's bank. x A JLjILi 5 RESIDENT DENTIST. NEWTON,' N. O. OfBe in Yount & Shmrn's Building. H. WEST, U. D.( Physician and Surgeon, ! NEWTON, N. C. OCera his proleseion&l serviceb to the citizens of Newton and Catawba county S5" Offiae at residence, W. S. DAVIDSON, H. B, ice taediciae in aJHts branches. Oslla -... ....... attta-Ied promptly, day or night. M. A, Nevyland, Attoraey-at-Law, tS'OffioeinShntord'i Bank Building. ERNESTO..' MOGRE FASHiOHABLE'fARBER AND IBIRESSER, NEWTON, ;N. G. . lie keeps a first-olass Tigdsorial Par lor wher yon will always find clean towels and shurp razors, and a polite and attentive barber."" Every one coming. to-.Newtoa: -desiring anything iu the Tohsoti&l Art will ba pleased after life, eall on me, for I always please all mycnstomfia. I with to say thatXn&w fcVe on band and am constanty reqiriog a nice . ' " line of aeasonable dry gaoda. notions, bnt capa, clothing, shpea, groceries, ftr that I am selling Tery-xsheap for oieh. 1 am located near Newton Cot ton Hills. Come to see m and I will io you right H GESMYEL ' Nobody need bare Neuralgia'. Oet Dr. Miles Pain Pills from druggist Oee'cenfc a dose. . Digests what yon eat- , It artificially digests the food and aj.-j Nature in strengthening and reccy etructing the exhausted (Hesfif vs m , gans. It is the latest disco. ereddige&t ant and tonic. No other preparaticr can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cure? Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heaptbura Flatulence, Soir Stomach, Nausea Sick Headache,Ga8tralgia,Cramps,a3 1 1 other results of imperfeetdigestioti repared by E. C DeWittCo Chicago , For Sale by T. R. Abernethy. T jrfiiiiris; skin eruptions, burns and ort Buib Koothed at once and promtly l.aloll.y applying DeWitt's Witch i;:t7.d S.ilve, the best known enre for ! i . Bewure of worthless counter Icitn. T. i?.. Abernethy. , ' J. j 0 O -UtiJ nQiu SUOLi FAVOR ARBITRATION. Latin-American Congress Urges Compulsion. IN LATIN-AMERICAN STATES. Guarantees Shall Be Given For Per formance of Conclusions Reached By The Arbitration Tribunal. Washington, D. C, . Special. Dis patches from Madrid received in official diplomatic quarters here make the first announcement that in the debates before the Latin-American congress, whose sessions have just been conclud ed, the principle of compulsory arbitra tion urged by the Peruvian delegate has been approved by almost unani mous vote, Ch'la alone holding out and protesting against the action taken. The decision not only favors compul sory arbitration i deputes in the Amer ican republics but also provides that guarantees shall be given for the faith ful performance of the conclusions reached by the arbitration tribunal. Aside from the immediate question involved in the decision of the congress is regarded in South American quar ters as s'gnificant in the alignment of the southern republics on the increas ing differences which have arisen of late, and which are threatening to bring about a general crisis in South American countries. Several events have occurred recently idieating a widespread movement. Peru hss been making desperate efforts to regain her provinces cf Tacna and Africa, which are a sort cf bonier hostage held for the last ten years by Chile. Bolivia is involved in the same controversy, as she has lost her s?accast to Chile and is now seeking to save a part of it. The latter question was brought to a direct issue recently by the presentation cf a demand from Chile, generally constru ed as an ultimatum, requiring Bolivia publicly to acknowledge by treaty the sovereignity of Cliile over the seacoac.t in question. About a month ago Chile adopted the compulsory military sys tem under which every male citizen reaching the age of 19 years must serve as a soldier. This has caused wide spread concern in South America and has led other countries to take step3 towards similar military equipments. Ecuador has declared its purpose of adopting a system like that of Chile, and Peru, which now has only 2,000 soldiers, has taken steps to have a gen eral enlistment in its national guard. But the chief concern has been ex prersetl in Argentina and Brazil, as it is the f eling in those countries that the powerful armcments cf Chile are not required again;t such enfeebled states as Peru. Boiivia. Ecuador, and the other northern republics, but will be used against Chile's more powerful neighbors in the south. Argentine and Chile are separated by a long boundary line, which is now in dispute. The boundary frequently hrs threatened an armed ronf!i"t. and each country ha' be?n steadily increasing its armament, lard and naval. It is estimated by one of the prominent observers in Wash ington that each country has spent about ?.".0.O0O,OCO on armament during the lst ten years. Brazil recently has been b-oneht into alignment by a cordial restoration of good fe2ling with Argentina. For a time they were op posed over a boundary contest, but by arbitration of the T'nired States the , award was maSe iri favor of Brazil and I Argentina has heart'ly rccepted this result and their presidents exchanged j visits. .The several movements have had the general effect of establishing a common i basis -between Bolivii. Peru," Argentina and Brazil. "While there is no sugges j tion thus far that these united repub j lies would use force against Chile, yet I It is appreciated that. the present situa j tion tray lead to serious results. The ) Chile n army is dir;cted by able Ger ! man "'ncers, the commander being j Gen. oerner, a German officer who was '. aced at the head of the armv J about ten years ago. Some forty other -' foreign oScers, chiefly German, also occupy leading places on the safT ana line. . - Hobbed tnerGrave. r A startling incident.of which Mr .John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the snbject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almoBt yellow, eyes Eunken, ton gue coated, pain, continually in back and sides.no appetite gradually grow icgweaker'day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised tryiDg Electric Bit ters; and to my great joy and sarprise, the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of "another yictim," No one Vhould -fail to try them. Only 5 0 cts., guaranteed, at T. B. Abernathey's Drug Store. Quick Collection. "My! What a. splendid library you) Lusband has, Mrs. Flashington. II ni-jst have taken him years and yean " to get all those books together." -"Oh, no. We moved into a hous two years ago that had book shelvi built all around one room, and he don it in about three weeks." Chicago Times-Herald. A Villas Blacksmith Saved His Lit lie Son's Ijifc. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known u'- lage blacksmith at Grahamsvillp, Su -livan Co.. N. Y.. rays:' "Oar Jittle sod, five years old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been thut we hav f eareil m vny times that ho would die ... We have hadr the doctor, and,, used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy is now our sole reliance. - It Bf ems to dissolve the tough inuens and by giving frequent doses when the croupy pymptomsftppearwehave fonud that the dreaded "crOup is cured before it gets Bettled." There is no d.iugr in giving this remedy for it contain no opium jor other injurious drug ai d may be given as confidently to a baoe aa to an adult. For sale by T.R. Aber nethy, druggist No other pilis can tqaal DeWitt's Little Early .Bisers -for promptness, certainty aiid e.Dlciency. T. B. Aber nethy, . MINISTER'S APPOINTMENTS. The Bishop Announces Them For the Next Year. The Western Nor h Carolina AnnurJ Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which was held in Greensboro, adjourned on Monday night at 9 o'clock, after Bishop H. C. Morrison had announced the following appointments: ASHEVILLE DISTRICT R. H. PAR ; KER. P. E. Asheville: Central J. H. Weaver. North Asheville E. K. McLarty. Haywood Street E. L. Bain. Bethel C. C. Thompson. Weaverville Circuit R. M. Taylor. Swannanoa Circiuit G. W. Crutch field. Cane Creek Circuit W. S. Cherry. Saluda Circuit J. D. Gibson. Hendersonville Station W. M. Cur. Iss. Old Eort Circuit M. D. Giles. Burnsville Circuit J. Wr. Jdoore. Bald Creek Circuit J. W. Bradley. Hot Springs Circuit J. B. Craven. Marshall Circuit L. H. Triplett. Ivey Circuit A. W. Jacobs. President Weaverville College G. F. Kirby. Principal Bald Creek High School L. B. Abernethy. Sunday School Editor J. Atkins. CHARLOVIE DISTRICT J. C. ROWE, P. E. Charlotte: Tryon Street H. F, Chreitzberg. Trinity F. Siler. Brevard Street Parker Holmes. Calvary D. M. Litaker. Hoskins T. A. Sikes.. Dilworth R. G. Turtle. Epworth and Seversville O. P. Ader. Ansonville Circuit J. H. Brendle. Clear Creek Circuit Supplied by B F. Fincher. Derita Circuit W. L. Nicholson. Lilesville Circuit S. S. Gasque. Matthews Station J. J. Eads. ' Monroe Station W. M. Bagby. Monroe Circuit A. R. Surratt. Pineville Circuit II C. Sprinkle. Polkton Circuit W. V. Honeyeutt. Weddington Circuit D. F. Carver. Wadesboro Station F. H. Yv'ood. Waxhaw Circuit M. T. Steele. Morven Circuit . E. Stacey. Principal Union cademy A. A. Crater." FRANKLIN DISTRICT J. A. COOK, P. E. Franklin Station Ira Erwin. Franklin Circuit R. S. Howie. Macon Circuit J. H. Moore. Webster Circuit J. S. Ragan. Bryson City and Dillsboro Station T. P. Bonner. Whittier Circuit and Cherokee Mis sion E. Meyers. Bushnell Mission Supplied by A. P. Foster. Robbinsville Mission Supplied by Z. V. Cordell. . Andrews Circuit J. W. Campbell. Murpny Station R. L. Owenby. Hiawaassee Mission J. A. J. Far rington. Haysville Circuit E. N. Crowder. Aquone Mission Supplied by C. E. Steadman. Glenville Mission Supplied by J. J. Edwards. GREENSBORO DISTRICT J. R. SCROGGS, P. E. West Market Street S. B. Turren iine. Centenary H. K. Eoyer. Troximity J. W. Strider. Spring Garden L. W. Crawford. Greensboro Circuit R. S. Webb. Reidsville Station J. R. Brooks. Ware's Chapel Supplied by J. F. Butt. Wentworth Circuit E. J. Poe. Ruffin Circuit C .A. Wood. Pleasant Garden Circuit W. Leg gette; P. L. Groome, supply. Ramseur Circuit T. S- Ellington Liberty Circuit E. Eaves. - tandleman 3t. Paul J. B. Tabor. 'Naomi S. D. Stanley. -Ashefcoro Station A. W. Plyier. UwharFie Circuit V. S. Hales. "Jackson's Hill Circuit J. PDavis. Randolph Circuit J. M. Price. High Point Station J. E. Gay and iG. H. Crowell. Jr. Asheboro Circuit Supplied by J. F. A II red. . . . Corresponding Missionary Secretary W. L. Gri3Som- - W. Randolph Circuit J. P. Lanning. Editor North Carolina Christiih Ad vocate L. W. Crawford. Professor - in Greensboro Female Collega-T. A- Smith. M ORG ANTON DISTRICT C. G. LIT TLE, P. E. Morganton Station-T. E. WaWgg. Morganton Circuit J." - W. Jones. - Table Rock Circuit A. E.- Wiley. Marion Station R. D. Sherrill. Henrietta and Caroleen Stations H. H. Jordan. McDowell Circuit C. H. Cavine-s. Rutherfordton Circuit J. E: Aber nsthy. Broad River Circuit G. J. Owen. Green River Circuit T. F. Gibson. Bakersville Circuit J. D. Carpenter.- -Elk Park Circuit L. E. Peeler. Estaoe Circuit Supplied by R. H. Penland. Connelly Spring Circuit J. A. Clark Silver Creek ircuitC J. H. Bennett, supply. Forest City and Thermal Cfty Sta tions L. L. .Smith. East Rutherford Circuit J. B. Car- nenter. MT. AIRY DISTRICT J. J. RENN, P. E. Mt. Airy Static-r.. Paris. Mt. Airy Circuit V. L. Marsh Pilot Mountain Circuit Supplied by A. L. Coburn. Stokes Circuit W. L. Dawson. East Bend Circuit A. J. Burrus. Elkin Station W. H. Leith. Wilkesbord Circuit J. P. Rodgers, North Wilkesboro Circuit L. P. Eogle. Rockford Circuit Seymour Taylor. Sparta ..Circuit Supplied by A. H. Gentry- Laurel Springs Circuit W. B. Scar, borough. i Heai.ng Springs Circuit Supplied by C. K. Poole. . . Jefferson Circuit W. M. Robbins. . Watauga Circuit A. S. Raper. Roone Circuit A. L. Stanford. Creston Circuit Tr-Br Johnson.- JonesvlUe Circuit J.' D. Buie. SALISBURY DI3TRIOIWW. W. BAYSNJ? "" iSseHsbiify; Ffrst Church H. L. At kins. " " ' '' "" ' - Main Street A., H. Whisner. . East Salisbury R. G. Barrett. . . Spencer' Station R: C: Craven.- "- Salisbury Circuit D. F, Carpenter. Concord: Central J. A. B. Fry. Forest Hill J. N. Huggins. Epworth J. H. Barnhardt. " Concord Circuit T. W." Smith. Mt. Pleasant Circuit L. T. Cordell China Grove " Circuit E. G. Pusey. Norwood Circuit J. O. Shelley. NEWTON, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, AlDemarle Station G. T. Kowe. j Gold HiHll Circuit J. S. Nelson. Linwood Circuit and East Lexing ton Mission D. P. Tate. Lexington Station and West Lexing ton Mission J. D. rnold. Salem Circuit W. Y. Scales. SHELBY DISTRICT W. R. WARE, P. E Shelby Station H." M. Blair. " Shelby Circuit W. F. Womble. King's Mountain Station G. D. HHerman. Gastonia: Main Street G. H. Det wiler. West End and Ozark J. A. Balu in. McAdenville Station R. M. Court ney. Stanley Creek Circuit J. H. West Lowell Circuit S. T. Barber. Mountain Island Station J. IL Bradley. Lincolnton Station T. T. Sayler. Lowesville Circuit J. J. Gray. Cherryville Circuit J. WT. Clegg. South Fork Circuit A. Sherrill. Belwood Circuit J. E. Woosley. Polkville Circuit R. M. Hoyle. Rock Springs Circuit B. A. York. Bessemer City Station J. T. Er win. North Cleveland Circuit W. H.' L. McLaurin. El Bethel Circuit F. Wr. Bradley. Professor in Trinity College P. T. Durham. STATESVILLe DISTRICT J. E. THOMPSON, P. E. Statesville Station M. A. Smith; J. Wilson, supply. West End S. V. Douglas. Maiden Circuit J. W. Ingle. Turnersville Circuit W. F. Elliott Iredell Circuit P. L. Terrell. Caldwell Circuit J. T. Stover. Lenoir Circuit G. W. Ivey. Mooresville Station W. P. McGhee. Woodleaf Circuit J. J. Brooks. Mt. Zion Station C. M. Campbell. Mooresville Circuit J. F. Triplett. Granite Falls Station G. W. Calla han. Troutman Circuit J. J. Havener. Stoney Point Circuit R. T. N. bte phenson. Catawba Circuit J. W. Bowman. Hickory Station T. A. Boone. Alexander Circuit J. C. Postell. Statesville Circuit R. B. Shelton. Newton Circuit C. F. Sherrill. Lenoir Station N. R. Richardson. Davenpcrt Female College C. M, Pickens. WAYNESVILLE DISTRICT F. L. TOWN3END, P. E. Waynesville Station T. J. Rodgers. Haywood Circuit J. F. England. West Haywood Circuit T. F. Glenn. Canton Circuit L. M. Brower. Clyde Circuit J. D. Rankin. Sulphur Springs Circuit W. G. Mal Ionee. Leicester Circuit W. M. Boring. Brevard Station G. G. Harley. Spring Creek Circuit a P. GooSe. French Broad Circuit Supplied by J. M. Rowland. Transylvania Circuit J. C. Keever. Mills River Circuit J. A. Scronce. WINSTON DISTRICT D. ATKINS, P. E. Winston: Centenary T. F. Marr Burkhead H. Turner. Grace W. II. Willis. South Side To be supplied. Winston- Circuit J. C. Mock. Fcrsyh Circuit R. F. Bryant. ' Kernersville Circuit D. H. Comaan. Madison Circuit J. A. BowU-s. Danbury Circuit W. H. Perry. Davidson Circuit M. H. Hoyle. Summerfield Circuit P. E. Parker. Mocksvilie Station W. L Sherrill; J. M. Downum, Jr. Moekcville Circuit W. C. Willson. Farmington Circuit M. H. Vestal. Walkerton Station P. J. Carraway. Jamestown Circuit T. H. Pegram. Tfcomasviile Station I.. A. Falls. Transferred J. F. Bivins, to th"- North Carolina Conferetc?; W. T. Merrill, to the Mis-ouri Conference; T. E Weaver to the Holston Conference. After many intricate experiments, scientists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural diges tants. " These have been combined in the proportion found, in. the human body and united with substances that build sp the digestive organs, makin a compound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and al lows all dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles aie being radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to take and will give quick relief. T.R. Abernethy. Bafore and After. "Do you think of me as often as yon did before we were married?" asked Mr. Meekton's wife. "Much oftener," he answered, cheer ily, but absent-mindedly. "You see, TTpnrietta. vou weren't in a position to then remind me of yourself as much as you can at present." Washington Star. A Frightful Blander. Will often' cause a horrible Burn Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the oain and promptly heal it Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all skin Erup tions Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Core guaranteed. Sold by T. B. Abernethy, Druggist. California contributes from Its State Treasury for the partial support of half-orphans and complaint is be ing made of the amount of money thus demanded. F"or the six months end ing June 30 last, $81,767.53 was thus paid, and there are previous claims of 5175,000, which the board refuses to jr"y, declaring that they ' were con tracted before the present -administra tion took 'office and their correctness cannot be established. Some counties will 'sue. A gentleman recently cured of dys pepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blessing: "Some have meat and can not eat; and some have none that want it;' but we have meat and we can eat Kodol Dvsneosla Cure be thanked." This preparation will . digest what you at It instantly relieves and radically cures indigestion and all stomach di? orders. T. R. Abernethy. RTewriwnrr'oi ran? NERVE. Was the result of Ms splendtd ttitih.. teJKScanMBlDie wju asm iu,oni:Buuwua on-.orj-ir mm Tunt fimvnid wfoenie QfiOHnaoh TTAnrm9 fl.Tlid BOwela OTt Of order' If you want these ffuaffifie and be success tney wing, uee vr. wmg New Life Pills. They develop every - . -. i , l r r1 l cower of Braan, ania woay. miy wc. w X. r; AiVwirjvetohy's J?g Sto1- MURDERED, ROBBEj AND BURNED. Ghastly Crime Committed on Two Old Ladies Near Char otte. . Charlotte, Special. Two old ladies Violet J. Colley, aged 7a, and her neice Jane Cathcart,, who lived a!one in a house cn a main thoroughfare, five mile from Charlotte, -were "last week murdered, robbed and their bodies burned. The old ladies were generally reported to be wealthy. It is known that they had a good deal of money. They lived a retired life for years and seldom ventured away from hon.e, not even to the city except when business compelled a visit. The house which they occupied stood within 150 feet of the roadside. Near it w.s a small building which they used as a kitchen, and in which they kept their stores. People passing along the road noticed that the email house had been burned. There wes no sign of life about the place, and ;.n in vestigation- showed that the dwelling had en ransacked from top to bot tom, ma leading mai a most uu.ousy search had been made for the mosey which the old ladies were supposed to have kept in the ho ase. Bureaus, cab inets and desks had baen opened and their contents strewn about. Every nook and corner of the dwelling bore evidences cf having been searched. The general surroundings and the ab sence of the old couple pointed all too plainly to a c;se of murder, robbery, and arson. . It was no surprise when a search of the ashes of the small ouild- ing revealed two burned stumps, the bodies of Miss Colley and her nrfee. The supposition is that the old la dies were attacked while they were at supper, after which their residenc? was sacked and the house in which their bodies lay was fired. For years past they were known to havejbeen accumu lating money, and nsd probably tll,- 200 saved up. There is absolutely no clew to the perpetrators of the d:el. The neighborhood people are greatly stirred up, and both city and county ofEcials are using every effort to get a trace of the murderers. Baptist State Convention. Raleigh. Special The Baptist State Convention, which meets here Decem ber 5th, will be the seventieth annual one. It met here last in 1892. Kev. Dr. R. H. Marsh, of Oxford, will pre side. The number of church members within tiis convention i9 167,000. an increase of 7,000 over last year. There are 140,000 negro Baptists in the State. The contributions for foreign, State and home missions during the year aggregate 513,000, an increase ol $5,000 over last year. This does noi include educational collections. All the Baptist educational institutes are most flourishing and 1,500 students are attending them. Tuey include Wake ForeEt College for young men, the Baptist Female University at Ral-eis-h Oxford Female Seminary, Cho- t,k Baptist Female Institute and 4 acadeinies. soma of the latter having as nianv as 300 students. Particulai attention attaches to this convention because of ihe "century celebration' cn Sunday. December 9, at whict prominent speakers from other States will be heard, including Rev. Dr. K H. Pitt, editor Religious Herald Richmond; Rev. Junius Millard, pastoi Eutaw Place Baptist church, Balti more; Rev. Dr. F. H. Keri"coii, of At lanta; Rev. Dr. R. J. Willingham, oS Richmond, and Rev. Dr. J. M. Frost of Nashville, the three last named be ing rer-pectively the general secre taries of the foreign miss-ion, home mission and Sunday s;hool boards, ol the Southern Baptist convention. An ctb 0 interesting matter will be the election of a successor to Rev. Johr E. White, eecre'.ary of the home mis sion board. These principally named are Editor J. W. Bailey, of The Bibli cal Recorder; Rev. C. W. Blanchard Rev. J. F. Love and Rev. Chas. J Thompson, the latter now oceupyin? a similar position in Virginia. North State Nct;s. The State charters the Paragon drug More at Asheville, capital ?15,000, in crease to $25,009 authorized. Edwaro Hopkins and L; B. Weaver shareholl ers. A charter is aLo granted to the Raleigh Loan and Transfer Company, capital $50,C00 authorized. J. B. Batch elor, Harry Loeb and Chas. R, ReiJ shareholders. Telegraphic Briefs. Three Sisters of the Order of SL Francis left Syracuse, N. Y., for Molo kai, the Hawaiian leper colony, to found and conduct a school. A government secretary ariS a rail road expert hav left Jamaica for Phil adelphia, where they will buy rolling stock for the Jamaica, railroad. Jules Dumont, floor manager of a New York resort known as the "BlaciJ Rabbit," was at New York sentenced to 14 years in Sing Sinn Prison. It is claimed for the battleship Ken tucky that she hss deposed the Oregon as the new queen of the aavy, having made the voyage from New York to Gibraltar in exactly 12 days at an aver age speed cf 14 knots. As the dis tance, however, is only 3,186 knots, the actual average speed simmers down to 11.07 knots, which i3 quite creditaJde for a ship with engines not yet worked down to their bearings; but the Ore gon's run in 1893 from Puget Sound to Jupiter Inlet, Fla., -covered a distance of 14,510 miles, and was accomplished at an average speed of 11.17 knots. It is a record not yet beaten by any naval vessel, and the Oregon is still queen tt all navies. It has been decided by the French government that from now on their ar my omcers and under otficir shall he free to marry the woman of their choice, though dowerless. Heretofore this was strictly forbidden. An offi cer's bride was forced to show that she possessed a certain income. The amount exacted with the wife for an officer was an income of 1,000 pounds, and for an under officer an income of 200 pounds. The law has he?n changed as the suite of a sad romance the case an officer who loved a school girl and was forbidden to marry her. The pub lic took up the matter and at present French ofllcers are free to .marry their sweethearts. 1900. NEWSY CLEANINGS. The attempt to form a carbide syn dicate at Berlin has miscarried. Influenza is again epidemic through out Germany,' especially in Berlin. The Standard Oil Company has paid ?4S,000,000 in dividends within "twelve months. " - The winter steamship routes between Tortland, Me., and European points has begun. Norwegian whalers caught 4'20 whales during the past season on! the coast of Iceland. An international association" for the furtherance cf the exploration of Cen tral Asia is being formed at St. Peters burg. Because of the burning of a negro In Colorado a. movement has begun for the restoration of capital punishment in the laws of the State. Lieutenant-Colonel William Henry Boyle. Inspector-General of the De partment of Colorado, w.is retired, having reached the age limit. Chief Justice Gnntt, of the Missouri Supreme Court, has ruled that a divorced woman is not a competent witness against her former husband. A four-prenftod buck jumrcO in front of a fast freight train iu Pike Couuty, Penn., and ran on the track fcr half a mile before being overtaken and killed. Three of the Swi?s cities -Basle, SchafThnusen and Zurich are taking steps for the celebration in i:Kl jf their entry into the Swiss Confedera tion 500 years ago. The ne'v battleship Illinois is soon to receive a splendid gift, and iho State of Illinois will be the donor. The gift is a silver tea servir-e, wiili can delabra, server ladle, kt-ule, trays, aud various other pieces. But five per cent, o the money niid valuables taken from the Galvrstca dead has been claime . and the inony still held by tlie committee ngsrvegati-s many thousands of dollars, wiii'.c ih.:' ieweiry is worth ac least ?lu-VX!j. Lft.B3R V.'C-at-t?. Th.e car sSrike at Lvons. Fiance, :s S.-S timing grave piv-pjiik ii. Hawaii mods SO,000 :vni to work ou the plantations of th-? iIr.L:as. One-fourth of the laboring popula tion of Colorado is said to Lvlong to labor orgr.:iiz:Hit,n.i. The lvtaii clerks of the west side tip town district in New York Ciiy are agitating fcr shorter hours. The rival citrar makers' unions, r.t Tampa. Fla.. have scith J their dif-fereno-s. and the threatened strike is averted. The long strike anions: the Belgian glass -blowers has one to the re fusal of the employers to tiist-harge non-union men. Becr.use of an alleged practice of excessive finii:?. the m.K) weavers of the Whitman miil, at Nt .v Bedford, Mass., have voted to strike. President McKinley, it is asserted, hns offered tho lifo-orsh;p cf the Bureau of Engraving r.nd Print in cr to Frank I. Sarirent. Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Loi-om-'iivo Fire men. Martin irons, wlio ".vr.s or.-o 1 -a .!er of the union labor oraiilzauoris r.nd who was director of the gr.at Mis souri Faeitic strike in the t-Shiies, with headquarti-rs at Sf. Louis. !kl r.t Brur-eviilc, iw.-:i'y miles south of .Waco, To:. as. in ninny of Uto coupus retus from lite rural districts oi" the So tub :j larirc number of children under ton years of age are recorded as farm laborers, and under the proper heading?; it is stated that they are so employed tight months, aud at lend school but two months in each year. The per capita tax iu Kansas for public charities is estimated by the Labor Bureau of the State to ba less than thirty-five cents. This is figured on an estimate of the population prob ably exaggerated, but not enou-rh so to vary materially the averages com puted. The Illinois An tr.t.on Society about to checkmate the mi'.lircrs l-y se- c-uriiis: an amendment to the gamt laws that shall make it an offense with penalties, for any oite to posses: any part of ihj wild birds now pro tected by the la w. Nobgdy tcnows all about it; and nothincr, now known, wil always cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused bv the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, vou will cure it; if not, vou will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Errlulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BO WNE, Chemists, 40Q Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and$i.oo; all druggists. Rheumatism. Tufc VOTE rUX SfiMAlOR. Majority Received by Mr. Simmons Was 55,000. The vote cast in Uie primary election "or tniied Sias.es Senator we omCiady janvaiSiia in tte onice of Air. C. M. rtiee. in accoraince wiui uie pia iuopitd by the State Dsmaurauc oa- u.uoa, tne canvass w&s made by a committee on wnrch eca iienitorU acpii&it was represenieo. .me ccan- aui-ue cons.ted of faux janmious liitn and tbree Carr man, ae loiiows: ior Summons C M. Butbee and jaes, ii- .rou, ol Raleigh; ii. L. Tra is, ot llamas, and A. D. Watts, oi siateaviiie. For Carr J. S. Manning, of Durham; H. A. joudon, of Pitts-iioro, and B. S. ivcyster, cf Oxford. KtXurns from tiie following counties aad not been sent in: Che.Oiee, Mad- oti, Meckienuurg and Fasciuotiiiii. ie.erads were snt to tne cuiiiinea cf tiie cc-mmittees of theoe counties, jkiig that returns be cent in iai-uedi- i ce result of the canvass thowed a J ajonty of o4,i44 for simnions, ne iiaving received 99,524 votes and Cair ii.7o0. The official vote by counties, as tabu lated by the cana$sers, follows: Sim- Counties. xnons. 841 . 6G0 . 537 , S2S 553 . 1,641 1,5S3 , 1.20a . 90 . 2,107 . 731 734 . 725 Carr. 1.194 66 155 8-11 9SJ 5S2 SO 93 152 1,55 5S7 8i9 432 44 9i 32S 221 433 Alamance .. Alexander . . Alleghany .. .nson .. .. i-she Beaufort .. 3ert.e Bladen . . Brunswick .. Buncombe .. 3urke .. Oiharrus . . Caldwell .. Camden .. . Carteret . 446 9S5 1,402 1.012 Caswell . Catawba .. . Chatham Cherokee Chowan S40 25 Clay 357 49 Llsveland 1.927 353 Columbus 1.33 27S Craven 1,335 30S Cumberland 1.230 332 Currituck 7C9 153 Dare 405 31 Davidson 1.423 3S7 Davie 773 50 Duplin 1,60S 236 Durham S4 2,425 Ecgecomte - . . . 1,576 S23 Forsyth 1.840 5S4 F.anklln 1.842 634 Gaston . - .. 943 C3 Grahsm 173 1S4 Granville 727 1.247 Greene . 942 252 Guilford 1.705 1,771 j HAlifax 1,479 1.250 1 Harnett S40 512 Hrywccd S2-3 53 1 Keacerson ' -70 114 1 Hereford 924 173? Hyde 4i7 85! irtdell 1,572 1.C02 ! JifkEon 761 293 Johnston .; 2,449 753 j Jone3 633 10 ! Lenoir 1,435 350 Lincoln 553 405 ; Mi'ci 505 337 j Madison ! Martin 1.421 211 i Met klertburg 1.S51 2 234 McDowell 6i3 342 Mitchell S36 ltl ! Montgomery 91S 151 j Moore 1.226 416 ; X;sh .. 1,393 9S1 Xew Hanover .. 1,428 910 Northampton 1.203 625 Onslow . 1,251 3S Crange 233 1,021 Pamlico ... 443 14 Prsqu-tsnk 970 233 Pender 971 161 Perqnimmans 725 20 Person S21 627 Pitt 2 411 615 Po;k 315 171 P.andolph 1,970 211 R'chmond 873 417 "Joteton 2,423 716 Rockingham 1,813 843 lowan 1203 13:9 Rutherford ..1.632 TO! atrreon 1,0 il 95 Scotland 493 417 -.tarly 1,1-3 93 -tokes 1,123 3"5 Sttrrv - .. .. .. l,o35 35 3wa;"n 230 S51 f-ar.ivLania 437 143. T;-iel 360 90 nn 632 1,241 v.-mre S54 333 ;-te 2.554 2,SS5 Va ren 7J-1 37.) V trhington 523 113 V-targi 791 110 yr.vne 2 435 485 r:--- 1633 31 v- cCn 1-303 1,140 ;dK;a 922 35 "aitcey 193 S7 Total . .102.C55 47,282 Notes. Two years ago Mme Alva, a sir famous in Australia, volunteered to to sing one evening Et Bendig? hcfD e some nuns who were atout t go into retreat. Ehe is hott info rnd that a wealthy Australian, in lecosnitio! cf her kindness, "as well as her ns g .T: cent endowment as a vocalht," has left her $175,000, which is at the r.tj cf J23.0C0 for each cf the seven song- she rendered. Mme. Alva is a P e.tcstant. Frank A. Barter, agent for the Em pire Life Insurance Coaipmy sr i Tradesman's Life Insurance Con-piay both of New York, wes arrested z v7averly, N. Y.. charg d with forgirg applications and securing roll; ies these companies for $6,000 cn a mau nearly dead with consumption. Another Large Mill. Charlotte, Special. A new 203,CO cotton mill with 10,000- spindles and COO looms, was anncuced for Charlotte. E. A. Smith is president of the eompi ny, J. P. Wilson is a large stockhoide The machinery for the mill was par chased a month ago. The location h on the Hayes property, three mile; west of Charlotte. TV. B. Smith Wh i--ley, of Columbia, S. C is the engineer and furnishes the building and efru'-P ment plans.- Kditor's Awful Plight. -- F. SI. Higgins, editor Seneca, (Ills.,) Kews, was afiicted fcr years with Piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, He writes two boxes wholly cured him. Itjs the surest Pile cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure guar anteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by T. B, Abernathy and Co., druggist. The beEt method of cleaning the liver is the uae of the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe. T &. bernethy. NO. 4, OverWork Weakens Your Kidneys Unhealthy Kidneys Slake Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 he Kicneys are year blood purifiers, they Vi ler cut the waste or impurities in the blocd. If they are sick cr cut cf order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rhcAW matism come from ex cess cf uric acid in fc-i blood; due to nertecttd kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick cr unsteac heart beats, and makes cne feel as though they hid heart troubie, becaus e the heart s over-working in pumping thick, kidr.ey poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to ba ccr.siaercd that only urinary troubles were to bs traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their beftn nir.jj in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring our kidneys. The rrr- i and the extraordinary eftsct cf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the fre&t kidney remedy is soon realized. It stancs the highest for ?a wonderf -ji cures cf the most distressing cases and is soli cn its merits f?-rKr-by all druggists in fifty- ffrr; i."? cent and one-dsliar si;- jvvS 'H i? es. You may have a a-t&g sample bottle ty mail nor... cf srnp-E.x- free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder troube. Mention this psper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. 1471-. ZTTT H w At The average feminine constittrtion cannot, tm?.iiiff., witnstana Las strain to waicn steady, tryir-j wo-i- sub jects it. The organs cf wcmxahood are so delicate xhzt tls restdt cf constant stiitding, Iifiicg stooping or straining is irregular or painful irtea struaiiori, leticorrhea cr falling of the womb. 7ia; of Cardui is the rijbt remedy for female weakness, it -will insure painless nd reguhtr operation of the mensircal fssnction. It will drive out every trace of kacorrhoei, and will so strengthen the liirascts that failir? of the womb will be an Lr possibility.- Yen can get a StiX) bottle of V. ine of Cardui &t any drxi stoe, and ts; it in the privacy ot your home. Mrs. Lucy Smith, Townscnd, Gat " I have been in bad health with felling cf the vosr.b, weak back, nervousness end heart palpiiaticn. At monthly periods 1 would he in bed suffering great pin. Lately! have been taking V ine of Car&a and ThedfonTs Bkck-DrEUht and they have brought ir.e vor.dcrful relief. 1 have no pun and do not stop work at ths monthly periods." "The lAfiies" AdTiiOry lK-iont-Bcat." Ihe . fcatuiTiooea liedicine Co., Chattacoosa. Tonn. SOUTHERN -- IAILWAY. THE . . . STANDARD RilLVAY CF m..!K SOUTH..... The Direct Line to AH Poiols. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND P0RT0 RICO. CTRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Equipmcnl on aa Through and- Lecal-Trains; Pulimaa Palace Sleeping Cars on all .Night Trains; Fast aad zfe Sc3edales. - Travel by " lite Sonltiera mm4 T-O" are assured a. Safr, omfortJtbl and Kxpcdltluutt Jourae-y. .... Apply to Tickc-t Agenti f..r Tims Tables, FUtea and Generel Information. . .... or Add res . K. I.. VERNON, F. R. DARBI, . T. P. A-. C. P. & T. A, Cbarf-tte. X. C. A-h -rill.,- X. a Ho Trouble to Anmter Question. Frant S. 12203, J. M. Cuip, W. A. Turi, Jd V. P.& GfTi. Man. Traf. Man. G. I. A. WASHINGTON". II. C ion i o ciii..;. Schedale eflecUT. April 1st, 180X KOETH BOUND. Pas. Ko. 10 Lr Chester - 8 10 m Lv York villa & 15 .. Lv Gastonia 10 13 . Lv Lincolnton 11 03 . Lv Newton 11 52 .. Lv Hickory 12 15 p-m Ar Lezioix 11 .. Mixed. Mixed No. 60 " 2o. 63 7 50 am 9 2 12 35 p "m ' . V 15 .. 3 SJ 6 oQ .. S 08m 7 60 .. Ui5" lip "1 k a g i s - n t-.u il fl . .- . - SOUTHBOUND. Pass. 5I1xet' --Mixed. Ho. 9 o 61 'o. 6S Lv Lenotr 4 31 pm" 5 0 ti" '1 30 pm Lv Hickory.- So 8 8 aa 4 io pm Lv Newton 6 5.. 18.. Lv Lincolnton 7 0J .. 1110.. .. Lv Ga to&ia 8i5.. 112 pm Lv Yorkviu a.. 3 20.. Ar Chester 10 31.. 5 15... 20 mirate fcr tapper at Gtoai v No. 10 north bound connects at 0s-er ni(t Scuihrn Bailway. fe;acar!i Air Lite. Lancaster &, CUsster Eailwav tr a ah poii'-a South: At YorkvUl witb Bouti Carolina A Georgia xtB-ion Kallwavi At Gstfrci wiUi Soothern IUilwav: - At Lifco5ato wi'.a Seaooard A!r Licei At Sewwm and Hlcacry Southern Ballwy. Vo. . south bound, makes close connection t all jane ion polnU. L. T. Nich .h. GDral Manager. Addre, . F. Eeld. Auditor, Chester, 8. X f -.5 i ii. ill 111 i ill j ! i i II! I s 1 4 .1 ' ! i ,11 J f . r 1 v

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