f - ' . 1 W W 1 B-H A! VOL. XXVII NEWTON, N. C, FRED AT, APRIL 28, 1905 NO 10. AU VIRAL GEORfiE DEWEY DISCUSSES Dli.E.W.A WHICH CONFRONTS TO- GO. Dewej Would Give Unexpected Battle. uue ui nie most momentous i. aval battles tnat has been ftuu'ht forbears is impending in th far east, and. HWe all the rest .f tt.e world, 1 am watching with Iha prraUst interest. Tae situation is one of almost thrilling interest. All naval men are im teres led; I have, possibly an added interest, owing to the fact that I was myself at cne time confronted by a dilemma not un like that which is now faced by the Japanese Admiral Togo. As to what will happen, it is anybody 's guess. There are as many opinions'as ttere are naval experts, My guess, perhaps, is no better than another's, except as I may have a little more familiarity with the complicating circumstances which must be taken into consideration, I But one thing on which all: authorities seem agreed, and which is doubtless trus, is that the Russian flaet is numerically aEd in tonnage and armament stronger than the forces of the Japanese. They haye several more heavy fighting ships, cceordins to reports, than the Japanese, and it is also to be recrembered that there is a secondary fleet of three or mora ' heavy ships which is on the way and will be due on the scene in about forty. days THE GREAT QUESTION. Now the great questions are: Can Admiral Togo afford to meet the Russian forces, and risk ail on the cast of a great naval battle in the open seas? Cau he afford to risk the loss of his battleships? Suppose Rojestyensky wins? What will be the effect on Japan then? Bow about com munication between Japan and Manchuria? How about rein forcements to the land forces, and ammunition and supplies? ing, Unless the Japanese cai ; c protect their transports and the j FQR A WE K digestion. commerce about their own island ,. . . . , , ... i .o medicine can replace food but and in the Vicinity Of Fort ; Chamberlain" a Stomach and Liver Tab- Arthur, of what avail will their i lets hwP yju to digest jour food. It is ' : not the quantity ot food taken that land operations and their pasD gives etreugth and rigor to the system, victories be to them? Their fleet but the amount digested aud ai.-a- ' , niilated. It troubled with a weak di?es- is Confronted by a fleet OUt tion, don't fail to give these TabletB a numbering theirs. Now thai', 1 housands have been beaented by , th-irude. They o-iiy cost a quarter. question is wnat will ivamiraij Togo do? WHAT SOME BELIEVE, Some naval authorities incline to the belief that Togo will avoid a direct engagement and will try to pick out the weak members of the Russian fleet, cutting them off in the night, using his torpedo boat destroyers and following much the same tactics as were employed at Port Arthur. I wondered at that time that the Japanese did not go right into the harbor and finish the work at once; but 1 have been informed j since by a reliable au the Japanese admiral had strict orders from the mikado not to risk the loss of his battleships. The loss might at that juncture have been fatal. So they took the slower methods to the same end, It is not impossible that the same policy will be pursued now. We probably shall not know tintil events disclose what . i -r i . e 1 is tne Japanese pianoi campaign, i I presume Togo's fleet is in a pert at the northern end of the island of Formosa. There is a magnificnt and strongly fortified haiLor there, a veritable Gibraltar. No doubt Tcgo is in constant touch vith the Russian fleet, through his scouts and his wireiess telegraph equipment, and is watching to see whether Kt jestveEsky will take the inner or outer channel. There is a possibility that the three battleships which , the Russians have at Vladivostok will try to effect a junction, or will begin to prey on Japanese com merce and on general contraband of war in foreign ships. These are some of the possibilities which the situation involves, NOW, JUST SUPPOSE. Now suppose the Russians should succeed in forcing a decisive battle. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that they should lose. The losing battle would not be so disastrous to them rs a losing battle would b to the Jfip-iuesti It would r.ot. Jidv ) tho same eff ct of cutting off com municatious between thei r i land forces and their base ol f supplies: and it would not to the same degree expose their ship pitif? and their coast to the ravages of a hostile fleet, And they would still have the second- larv force cominc alnns- in Mav You see, it is a problem not jeasy to decide. And there is almost everything at stake for the two countries whose navies are involved. It certainly looks as if a decisive engagement be tween tha two fleets would decide the war. "WHEN I WAS AT MANILA," When I was at Manila I was confronted by a similar problem for a short time. Not long after the battle of Manila information preached me from a friend in ! Paris of plans which Spain was ' making to fit out a fleet to raisa 'the siege. I was apprised of the names and number of tne battleships which would be sent, and as my fleet had not then been reinforced by heavy fighting ships, the Spanish force would have been stronger than mine. There would not be time for the Monadnock and Monterey to reach me, though they had started, I was set to thinking what I should do with the superior 'force. What happened was that, ' on my suggestion, a fleet was fitted out under Admiral Watson, which was to threaten the coast of Spam. This led to the abandonment of purpose to send the fleet to Manila. But there was a time when I had to face a problem something like the ona which confronts Admiral Togo, I had my plan, I should not have waited in Manila. I had a dispatch boat faster than any thing in the Spanish fleet and should I hope, have met them when and where they did not expect me, But every situation must be judged by itself. The Russian Japanese problem is intensely interesting - -intensely interest- forsale by all druggist Burial of John Paul Jones. Washington i'ost. j Because John Paul Jones be gan his career as a sea figUter at Philadelphia, the demand is made that his body should be interred there, It is also urged, and with jast as much force, that as te ionce lived at Fredericksburg, i Va., on an estate inherited from i his brother, it would be proper to lay his body at that place. John Paul J one was neither a iU JPhiladelphian nor a Virginian, but an American by adoption, if I not by birth, -His name belongs ' to the country which he helped to create, and his body now comes to mingle in its soil. For a century, in his case, the nation has deserved the reproach that republics are ungrateful. Let the amends it makes be as splen. did as it is tardy, Let the ad j miration and gratitude of the people be shown in the proper disposition of his bones, as weil as in reciting the glory of his deeds, The finest ship in the United States navy should bear the body of John Paui Jones from France to this country, It should be accompanied by a squadron, and hailed by the thunder of the fleet. With pomp due to his greatness, and with simplicity bentting a republic, let him be buried at Arlington, in ground consecrated to such as he. Then, after Congress has as quietly as posslble made shame faced provision for the expense of discovering the body of the illustrious sailor, let it raise a monument, either at Arlington or in Washington, in memory .of John Paul Jones. This monument cannot celebrate his fame, but it can testify to the love and grati tude of the American people. A DAREDEVIL RIDE offcn end in a Mid accident To heal accidental ii' juries, use Bnckleu's Arn'ca S;l', o, " V deep wound in my fofc, from :ui ac',idnt." wires Theodore Schuele of Co'umfiu O.. ,e'a,,,f m Jfeat rfio. f lMKi.-int.s w. r' lielpkei. h i B)iokln's Arnica Salve quickly healpd it. Soothea land heals burns lie magic, zoc at 'Abernethy Drag Co, druggist. I I 1 1 - ' ' ' I l-IIL -1 II' Dog Bite Daring Honeymoon Results in Death of Groom. New York, April 10. Hydro puooia irom a aog one seven months ago has caused the death of Louis Ells wing, 23 years o age, in the orange county, N, J,, hospital. The victim had entirely forgotten his adventure with the dog, but investigation now shows that the animal ran away and was shot to death the next day in a neighboring town, where it was suffering from rabies, Ellswing was married seven months ago. Soon afterwards the dog, a small pet, was given him by a friend, and while play ing with it he was bitten on the cheek. The wound was disen- fected, but not cauterized, Ells wing became ill last Sunday when he noticed a difficulty in swallowing water. The symp toms gradually became more pronounced until convulsions developed. Between spasms he was perfectly natural and bad his bride take him to a hospital. Experts were called, but they could do nothing to check the convulsions, and, after terrible suffering, Ellswing finally suc cumbed. A COLD, ACOUGH TIOX, -UONSUMP A told history, but t rue Rvdale Cough Elixir will urn vent this happening to you. It will check t.liH nrooress of a cnH at once, prevent thw cough be- to the depot, however, by Wind coming deep seated, and thus J ham, who was arrested there by ward off consumption. This modern ecieutific remedy kills the enrms that cause throat and lung diseases, and by its stimu lateiug and tonic effect upon the respiratory organs helps nature si eedily restore theee organs to robast health. Fixing Hours of Labor Forbidden. BaltiTiore Sun. The decision of the Supreme court of the United States in re gard to the New York law mak ing 10 hours a day's work and 60 hours a week's work in bakeries is of the utmost importance to employers and employees, se curing to both free exercise of the right of contract. The de cision holds that the New York law interferes with the free ex ercise of the right of contract between individuals. The law was oppressive, it was contended, because it deprived both labor and capital of oonortunitv to utilize their resources to the limit of their ability. . Workers differ in physical and mental capacity and endurance, and restriction of the hours of labor by the state is equivalent to partial confisca tion of the only commoditv the workman has to sell. Capital also suffers virtual confiscation in part through any excessive restriction of the use of manu" factoring plants by shortening the hours of labor more than the laborers desired them to be shortened. The decision will not interfere with the eight hour movement as a' voluntary move ment of individual industrialists. It prevents states and municipal ities from forcing an eight hour day upon private persons who are willing to contract for nine or ten hours, but it is still within the power of federal, state and municipal governments to exact only eight hours of labor a day from their own employees. FORGET ABOUT YOURSIOMACH. If yonr digestion ia bad the vital organs of jour body are not fed and nourished aw they should be. They gro weak 8nd imite disease. Ko ol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. cures indigestion and all stomach tiou&Jes. ion lorget you nave a stomach from the very day you begin taking it. This is because it gets a rest, recuperates aiid gradually grows' so strong and healthy that it troubles yon no more, E, L. itabceck, Amherst, Mian., says: "I have taken a grea many remedies for indigestion but have found nothing equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Kodol digests what you eat, cuts Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Storracb, Baching, Heartburn and ail Stomach Troubles. Its preparation is i be result of many years ef research Sold by Absrnethy Drug Co. If the women of the country can stamp out Mormonism, the politicians who have vainly tried the experiment must take off their hats and bow low. Wash ington Star. Sam P, Jones Locked In Mad mam. Room With Montgomery, Ala., April 20, Rev. Sam P. Jones, of Cartes -yillei Cia., the well known evan gelist and lecturer, had an ex perience here today which he is not likely to forget, Mr. Jones was in Montgomery en route toTuskegee, Ala, where he tonight delivered a lecture to BeoKer Washington's school. Sam H, Windham, a Methodist preacher, whose home is at Dot ham, Ala., accosted him on the streets and pursuaded him to ac. company Wyndham to the lat ter's room in a hotel. No sooner were the two "in Wyndham s : room than the preacher turned to Mr, Jones' after first locking the door an! placing the key thereto in his pocket, and said: "God has directed me to go to Demopolis, Ala, and get married and to taice you with me : to perform the ceremony. Then! we are to conduct a meeting in Demopolis, after which we will return to Montgomery and con duct a meeting here," "If you do not assent to this, either you are I must die," At this moment a bell bey knocked at the door and inform ed Mr. Jones that he was wanted at the telephone. Excusing himself, he manage to leave the room, and needless to say did not ret am. He was followed Detective Payne, winanam, wno is a tormer in mate of an insane asylum, and who has been tnree times diyorc ed from the wonan he wishes i to wed again, is held as at suspicious character. It is no known at this time just what dis position of his case will be made. CHEATED DEATH, Kidney trouble often ends fatallv. b it by choosing the right medicine, E. II. Wolte, of .hear brove, Iowa, cheated death, He &aye: "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused rae creat pain, sufreriutf rnd anxiety, but I took hlcinc Bitters, which effected a com plete cure, I nave also found them of great benefac in general debility ajd nerve trouble, and keep them constantly oil baud, since, as I hnd they have no equal." Aoernethy Drug Co., druggiet, guarantees them at 50c. Pretend to Marry. (From Fearson's Magazine ) In Russia every woman of the peasant class marries, or pre tends to marry. If a girl comes to the decision that no one intends to ask her to marry, she leaves home, goes to some distant district and returns after a time to announce that she is a widow, that she went away to be married, and that her husband has since died. No embarras sing questions are put to her, for among the peasants it is considered bad form to mention a dead man to his widow, This curious custom goes to show in what high regard the women of Russia look upon the institution of marriage. MR. KIRKSEY'S RECOMMEN DATION, Mr. Jvtrk8ey writes: 1 give a positive guarantee with every box ot Rvdale's Stomach Tablets and Liver Tablets I sell, and have never been asked to refund the money in a single instance, I have used these tablets in my family with best results, W. L Kirksey, Moranton, N. C Rv dales Tablets are prepared tj The Radical Remedy Company, Hickorv. N. C. who authoiiztb every dealer in their prepare tiofcs to guarantte everv b x or botti ot their medicine they sell. Abernethy Drug Co. Sand 210 Feet Deep. Raleigh Post. "I have recently found out something I have wanted to know for twenty years," remarked Congressman R, N. Page, while waiting for the train Monday afternoon, the question in my mind has been, how deep is the sand territory extending through Moore county. It has been solved, In sinking an artesian well at Pienhurst the workmen bored through 210 feet of sand and then struck a formation o slate," TAKES THE PLACE OF CALOMEL PRICE 3S CENTS. AT ALL -DRUGGISTS. Tor sale by ABERNETHY DRUG CO He Kept up in the Race. .lamps R "Rarrnn. PrRulpnt. .i n ivr:ii d,. Hill, S, C, writes: "In 1883 I painted my resi dence with L. & M, It look better than a great many houses painted three years ago. Don 't pay 1.50 a gallon for lin seen oil, which you do in ready- for-use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents per gallon, and mix it with Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paint It makes cost it about $ 1,20 per gallon. Wears and covers like gold. Every Church given a liberal quanity when bought from Rbyne Hdw, Co, Commissioner Proty's declara tion that the railroad is the father of the trusts seems to dispose of all mystery over the trusts' pedigree, as the tariff has long been recognized as the mother of them, A THOUSAND DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOOD. I hav been sfflicted with kid. ney and bladder trouble lor vpfirs, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain," eays A. H. hurces, a well known coal oporat or ol Buffalo, O. "I got no relief irom medicine until I be gan taking Foley's Kidney cure, then the tesult was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust'Jikfc substance and now 1 have no pain across mv kidneys and 1 feel like a new man. It has done me 1000 worth of good." Foley's Kidney Cu e will cure every form, of kidney or Madder disease. Sold by R, I , Fret z-?. All who hope the frost wil bite the Easter millinery bills will please hold up their hands! Baltimore Sun. FEIGBTITL SUFFERING RELIEVPE Suffering: irichtful from the Tiralent poisons ol undigested lood, C. li GriTon, of Lula. Mis.. toot Dr. KJnsrV XeT.; Life Pills, "with the ru!t," ho writes, "that I was cured." All stomach and buel disorders give way to their tonii laxative properties. 25c at Aberoethy's Drng Store, guaranteed, Admiral Togo and Admira Rojestvensky are warm personal friends. But when they meet in battle they will be as eager to kill each other as if they had shaken hands and said, "Prosit," Sayanah Morning News. THE RIGHT NAME ISDEWITT. DtWitts Witch Hezel Salve coo's sooth and heals cuts, burns, boils. bruie, piles aud all skin diseases. K, E. Zicfcefooee, Adolph. . a.. eays: 'My little daughter had white swelling so nan ti at piece alter piece oi Done worked out of her leg. DeWitta .Witch Hazel falve cured her." It is the most wonderful healing salve in the -wjrld. Beware of counterfeits, bold by Abei- nethy Drag Co. Snow was ten feet deep in Col orado where Presidedt Rorsvelt was hunting last week. CBAMBERIAIVS COUGH REMEDY THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR, "Mothers buv it for croapy children, railroad men buy it for severe conghs and eldetlv people buy it lor la gritrge, eay Moore Bros, Eldon, Iowa. ' We sell more of ChamDeriMn s uougn nemeuy than anv other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over stveral other good brands. There is do question Dut mis medicine is the best that can be procured for rmiehs and colds, whether it he a child or an adnlt that is afflicted. It alwavs cures and cares quickly. Sold by all druggists. "Miss Sere, I've got a good story to tell you; It's an old, old stoi v, but" "Oh, Georgei this is so sudden." Houston Post, Tom Lawson is to be one of the Kansas Fourth of July orators. That is the reason we have not had much from him of late on Frenzied Finance, He is saving his thunder for this big occasion. NOTICE. A mating of the citizens of tne town of Newton is hereby called to meet in the Court house, Monday night, Apiil 24th, 1905. fer the purpose of nominating candidates for Mayor andCominisBionere By order of the Committee. W. B Gaither, Chairman. J. B, Little, Secretary. o Dr. Weir Mitchell says all novels when written should be laid aside for two years by their aut ors; two centuries would be . ' . . .- -' nearer tne marK ior inosb oi , h . m Ext hane. ' ! O .SSTOIIIA. y Tha Kind Yob Haw Always Bagl Signature 1 VyOULD YOU LIKE A LIFE Insurance Policy providing ! for the payment of from $1,000 to $100,000 to your wife (or your estate) if ycu die within twenty years, and if you live twenty years Guarantees to you in cash more than you have paid in? Your answer is very likely to be: yes, I would like to have to have such a policy but it can't be done. Our Answer is that assets of over $128,000,000 say it can ,be done On receipt of you r name, age and occupation we will prove it. J, , Hampton, Special Agent, Dr. W. PL Wakefield, OF CHARLOTTE, Is now limiting his work to Eye Diseases and Fitting Glasses, I He, having ceased his regular visits to other towns, caji be con sulted at all times in his office at 203 N. Tryon St, Fees for consul tation $2.00 and up according to the difficulty of the case, j Glasses $2.50 and up "according to the lenses and frames. Chas A. Little TIST. NEWTON; N. C Oflice ji Vance- Yount Building Practice in Catawbailonday end Tuee ay after nccicJ.S-iLCny cl tsih Geo. H. West, M B PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. NEWTON, N. C. Offers his professional service the citizens of Newton and Catawba County. t&(JtSce at KesidcBee&a Cash Boot And Shoe Shop, G. F. MICHAEL. Pi epiietor. Shop near Gaither's store. Cash on delivery of work. THE NEWTOiN S the place to get vour tin and Sheet Iron Ware of all kinds, ROOFING and GDTTERIN IV. H Mar low. Dr. Jas R. Campbell Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE I Hi R. F. WILLIAMS ATTORNEY AT LAV. PRACTICE in all the COURTS. . Office No. 2 SECOND FLOOR BANK &QQ JiOlICE. 098 John L. Fox has the nicest barber shop in town and will give you first class work always, and does it cheaper than my competitors.Call and see if you have any razors, shers or clippers you want sharpened bring them to me, sharpened cheap. I am the oldest barber in town and here to stay, dont forget the place, 3 doors above Abernethy's drug store, North side square. We ask your patran- age. Respectfully JOHN L. FOX, proprietor. Newton, N. C. Secretary Wilson has given up the fight against the boil weevil and Dr, Hunter says the pests can never be exterminated This may be the solution of the question of reducing the cotton acreage to mountain prices. If a nlanter has several billions of these. LAST HOFE VANISHED. "When lea Jin physicians eaid that W. M. Smithart. of Pekin. la., had iocurab e j consumption, his last hope vanished; but Dr Kire'a New Discov ry for Conaump. Dr. Kirs tion "ouzh9 and Colda kept him out of hiagriTe He says: "This great pecific comi 1 frfy cu ed me, and saved hp y life, Siic li-n, I have used it frr over 10 yoars, a id consider it a marvelous threat and lung care " Strictly scientific c. re for Coughs. Sore Throat or tolas; sure preventive of Pneamonia, Guaranteed! 5Cc and ft 00 bottles at Abernethy'; Drag Scoxe. rrV b Jttle frae. I j Corn Cotton anything Hardware Smyre Hdw. Co. OUR JSEW M Here's wiahiDg. Thatthecew jear will bey our best year, Beie'e withinp. That fortune will unile on jou and yours as never belore. - Here's wishing. That health, and nappinetB be River you free handed. Hert's wishing. That mother nature will turn here rnu- copia upRid;down, erd almcet f mother yon with her lavish- ness. Here's trusting. That you in a time of need. The place is ABERNETHY DRUG COMPANY. Mi H THK L1ETLE STORE HSOS Assets 1905 $128,004,315.24 o StaHi for Die Tear kiMw Cecember 31 1904 OF -THE i Mnoiii Li ft ft (INCORPORATEDBY THE "He Qujeni of tiepBle, ty ASSETS. . 8 8 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS A The Daily Average of the Company s business during 1904 was: a 391 per day in Number of Claims Paid. 6,561 per day in V Number of Policies Issued. $1,426,700.50 per day in Nw V, Insurance Written. $H4,ObU.b per day m payments u t V Policy-holders and addition to Reserve. $73,326,81 per day ji m increase oi assets, vi The Metropolitan places a "guarantee on" all its contracts, M Nothing imagined or left in doubt. Just plain business con- l tracts. If you think of taking Insurance in the near future, consult us on cur "Optioiai Life or Endowment Policy," jjj Also the "Reduced premium policy "and we will prove to you that we can save you rx on ey. J. E Harrpton, SFCIAL AGNT, NEWTON, N. C ' Li- Some of the Advantages of a Bank Acccunt. Ten are relived ol the iccidtnt to keeping aonejin person. lou are enaDiea to save un.uey u uk c-umij. You are always able to give a check for any amount without the trouble oi makirg change, You haye a complete recoid a;l morfy paid out, and vour cancel! d cheeks whh KretPMnxed to cu at tie eid ol ach month, are ILe bet kinds ol receipts. You aretaved the trouble ai d txpente ol buying money orders or registering, ii. tending money through the mail. , Money hoarded, is dead, and of no use to anyone; deiosited in a bank.it is put into active circulation, and is ol benefit to the whole community, 1 1 rtoc6 who have never jun a bank r ?count, think it a it complicated affair. Sue h in rot tie case. Come ir ti.y time and we will take pleeeure in howing yon jct l e w a bank account is inn and how simple and convenient it reelly is. THE SHUFORD NATIONAL BANK, Newton, N. C, J. 3. L1TTU IT Resident Dentist planters planters and adn trie else in line for sale. YEJlR WISH. will still remember the pLue AROUND THE CORNER. IN iDsnce STATE OF NEW YORK,) tHe ppte, for me pule." $128,094,315.24 $113,259,095,25 14,835,219,99 oiry m d d i 3cm lome - r 1 ? CD WANTED AT ONCE; SIX men, steady employment good wages. Newton Hosiery Mills 1.. - 1" I ! hi il 3 4 I it i it li, i it; I.? t - 5 r - rii t : t I 7