WTON-fcNT: Vol. XXVIII Newton, N. C, Thursday April 19, 1906. i POWER OF BAILEY. The Webster of Texas Nile. Converts Mr. i Washington, D, C , April 10. Oie of the greatest contributions in dcba o in modern times and one that will rank with the best a.iitinna of the American Snate came today from Senator Bailey of Texas, who spoke for four hours in support of his con ation that Cougress possesses rower to prevent mierior Federal courts from suspending preliminary injunction rail road rates that Uiay be fixed lj the interstate commerce com mission. Sanators without regard to rttr (U- r.lared the speech the .w j equal of auv ever delivered by Webster or the great debators of lone ago, and when he concluded the great Texan received a demonstration from Senators and galleries the like of which has not teen witnessed in the ditrnified deliberative body of the republic in the present day and time. It was a great accomplishment to have delivered such, an argu- was a reply to the efforts of Kacx aad Spooner, two great Hwyers; but there is no doubt of the fact that he completely overwhelmed tbem. In many quarters the remark vas made that Biiley's marked tho end of the whole matter. Abridge and his cohorts: are claiming that Hale is the solitary Republican coavart. On the Demcratic side Senator Bailey's' speech has strengthened the ! supporters of the no suspension! provision, and it is believed the entire mimority with a few exceptions will stand with the Texan when a vote is taken. . It is thought they may have a few remarks to make, though they will have to meet an un answerable argument. "If thy agree to this pro-1 th hie dfinartment store. position," said Mr. Bailey, "then I "HaVe you lost something, we may look for the millenium I madam?" asked the man in and 1 would be almost ready toi adopt as the national emblem a combination of the pitchfork and the big stick." . Letter to Rwe & Herman, Newten, N. C. Nat Particularly Alarmed. Mrs, Vick-Senn, grim, austere and square-jiwed, stood in front Dear girs. There are two sorts of the lost and lound window , of f Q rniture you know both; for you sell em both. One sort looks A COMPLIMENT TO OVERMAN. It will be gratifying to North Ctro'ina to know that Senator ftiiW viaid Senator Overman a """-j high compliment in the course of his speech. The Texan sid in referring to the Junior Senator's speech on the rate question: "Senator Overman has given one of the clearest and charge. "Yes, sir." "Describe it," "I've lost 114 pounds of hus band, in a light brown suit, with a black derby hat, small tuft of hair on his chin and a frightened look. I lost him in a crush at the fancy goods counter. He's probably wandering through the .K 1 .. 11- " . I uu'l'"h . . . ion ete Sold by T. R. Aberuethj and tnougnc pernapa jou cuurS hbu v I Living indoars ao much daring the wwtcr months creates a sort of a stuff r, want-of ezone condition in the bl d and system generally, Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Early Hiaers. These iamous little pills cleanse the liver, stomach and bowela and give th hlnnd a chance to Darify itself, R. P. Freeze Druggists. Government Will Lose in the Race With Private Concern. Washington, April 12. The present prospects are, according to the view now obtaining at the Navy Department, that the bat- tleshm Connecticut being ccra- him easier than I can. I want him on account of a bundle he's a 1-:- carrying unaer ms arm, structed by the government at the New York Navy Yard, will not only cost approximately $400, COO more than her sister ship, accurate definitions of what con stitutes judicial power that is to be found in all the books." A t-m - ! w. Cnnotnr W ilotr rp f prrprl ...ti. o,. r it.ho Louisiana, being built by to a case cuea Dy oeuatui vci-- - rtrs. but tnat tne man in his soeecn. oeus,ujr ; - Overman had brought out th3 1 government win lose w r te nas been on sinco mo furnished by Senator whQ gat on the United I buUding of the two biff ships was of the veteran andlirou" nn. Just how much longer it btatPBOttpreiuacuui, may tane to couhjiouo us v necticut than the Louisiana Nothing will relieve indigestion that is not a thorough digestant. Kodol Dye pepsia Cure digests what you eat, and nnn..tio afnsmrh to rpst rrcuDerat grow strong again. A few does of Ko Hnl nfl-er meals will soon restore the ofnnsoli a-nA Hicroativp On? ail 8 to a ful Dtvu'avu mux. " -- ' performance of their functions naturally Sold bv T. R. Abernethy and R. P Freeze. Druggists. ment. But an at.o. ' cfc that Judpe Iredell. a North which climax was furnished by Senator on the United buildi, IIa. one .. i t- 1- 1 ' f kha inlluentiai itepuuuc-.ua D eanatnr OPIUiUU ILL Bailey said in this connection m Senate, who just before Senator Bailey had concluded arose for It is announced that Attorney General Moody is getting ready to prosecute the beef packers again. Well, the packers won t care much if he dosen't hurt t.hpm anv more than he did the last time. better than it is, and the other is better than it looks. -.There isn't any other sort. .The same, two sorts of paint, no more; and we make 'em both we make tons of staff that isn't worth its freight. Belongs to the business have to. Belongs to your buriness yoir have to But this is aside W e put into cans, with our name on, ihe very best paint there is in the world irer gallons man mixea pain and it wears twice as long as lead-and -oil. Mr, C O, Brown, Columbia, S, C., painted his house with Devoe lead-and-zmc- The painter, on seeing the quantity sent to the house, said there wasn't enough. There were ten gallons left, when the job was done. Yours truly 65 F, W. Devoe & Co. s. Smvre Hdw. Co. sell our paint. LAST HOPE VANISHED. X ftmittinrt- nf Pebin Ta haJI innn. aole consumption, his last hope vanished 1 j T ' - I r m uui ur. jings iew .uiscorery ior ton samption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of birt btt. Uesiva: "This irroAt. specific completely cared me, and caved my me. bince tnen. 1 nave used it tor over 10 years, and consider it a marvel nna thmnf. n.nf Inner nnist ' Stri-lT pcientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or ixias; sure prevemuve ot t neumt ma. Guaranteed, 50c and $1 at T. R. Aber mthv's Drag store. Trial bottle free. Now that Morocco is to hays no war to grow out ox its troubles. President Roosevelt doubtless feels like it's & sham not to give himanother chance to call a peace conference. r pad conciaaeu ! hia SnPP.ch today that IredeU was the purpose of announcing tou . - - gat in he had been convinced by the! the awn cm-abpr's arcument and ex C v. ' - pressed the belief that the Senate as ready to support him in his contention that Congress should restrict the power of th inferior Federal courts. The declaration of Senator Hale, heretofore closely identified that court uuless it be the great Marshall. depends upon the action of Con gress. According to the latest figures at the Navy Department showing cOTia,nr Tiailev contended that ' the progress oem maueuuun 7 iarate nom- under construction the percent, far more about rates than any Lous .ana is 9.92 and the Con r-nurt "We should be able," he jneticut 9.ll, cairl. "to cret men New York Republicans are still trying to put Mr. Odell out of the band wagon, but Mr, Odell talks just like he will tako the band out of the wagon with him if he goes. A DAREDEVIL RIDE often ends ia a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bucklen s Arnica Salve "A deep wound in my foot, from an accident," writes Theodore Pehuele, of Columbus, O., ' caused great pain. Physicians were helples. but Kneklec's klv hpa'ed it." SoothfS and heals burns like magic. 25c at b ernethy's druggist. A Pennsylvania woman recent ly comitted suicide because her hair was turning gray, She should have merely dyed instead of died. It was stated at i a. . -r a. 4- ioTT r. n 51 I. -f as great ;th3 ueparuuieuu tieretoiore ciou i"- r- - u.. -ttf aa after spending tne aiiOTimenu with the K.ox-Aldrich-Spoonerbm.y ana " if ; made for the present month the combination in the Senate, is ,the rKl Department will have but $10,- accepted in many quarters as "",n. of 000 to spend on the Connecticut ttiis . respects iuau , unless Federal courts whom 1 &now, ; ior iu - ;hen'-throwing back his head Congress meantime passes the and raising his hand m a most Wopriation bill and authonz2r Stct- of appeal above,. 0- -"God ave the republic!" oi coss IUIUJ ----- J?", c eBt.n Rnnoner aid ment, and for which provision is -;o iixr a decision in piouwi"j great debate in favor of the in tellecvual giant from Texas. That he has done more to elucilUe the subject than any other Senator who has sDoker, c,.ntn TTalo t.rnl v said. IS nruauui 1 Wall street is now getting 31 per cent for money loaded on call. Wall street must have recently been taking lessons from the Atlanta load sharks. A couple in Chicago searched twelve hours for some minister to marry them. Chicago's speci alty is in unmarrying folks, not marrying them, NOTICE. Nortn Carolina jla the Superior Coart Catawba County J Special Proceeding Donald Witherspoon, Administrator of the Estate of Absolom Miller, deceased vs. Pinkney Mil!er, William Miller, Rufus Milk r, Avery Miller and others. To Rufus Miller and Avery Miller: To will take notice that an action entitled as above has beeuiinstitnted in the Supe rior Ctfurt of Catawba County, before L. H. PhuTps. Clerk of the Court, and that the purpose of said aetion is to sell the real estate of said Absolom Miller for the purpose of making funds to pay the debts of the estate, said real estate being situated ia Catawba county. N. C ad joining the lands of B. B. McLurd a. L. CanBler and others, and being the home place of Absoiom Miller and the land upon which he resided at the time of his death, Tou will further take notice that you are required to appear before paid L. H. Phillips, Clerk of the Superior Court of Catawba Onnty, at his office n Newtoi, North Carolina, on the 28th' day of April, 1906, and answer or de mur, to the petition which has been niea m said case, and n the event yon ao not so appear and answer or demur. the petitioner will apply to the tort for the relief therein prayed. This 28th day of March. 1906. L. H. Phillip, rirk Snoerior Court, Catawba County, Carolina. WE WANT TO SELL YOU FARMING TOOLS Genuine Globe Cultivators, Single Plow rvr.mKla Vnnt Plow Stocks. Dixie Plows and Repairs; Chattanooga Plows; Oliver Repairs, Chattanooga Repairs, Lynchburg; Plows and Repair. Fertilizer Distributers Cotton Planters Corn Planters. have fertilizer Distributers for IS centsX ton hoes, garden rakes, garden hoes, sprontiwt matcks, shovels and forks, lack, bands, tioKS chains, hames, collars, hame strings, breast chains, log cliains, tug chains etc. Washing Machines, Wash Tubs, WashBoards, "W ringers. SMRE lifiW. co. A congressman has in troduc- tccepted on all sides. Don't tie a congh or a cold up in your eastern hv taking a remedy that; binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all other cough svrups. It ia better. It .... tko VimrJo nrnola nil lnld from ed a bill to place heavy tax On ! the system, relieves coughs, colds, croup . mL : ' ,,-hnnnincr rnnfh. etc. An laesi remeay V.Tanrl nf reform that the DUbllC ha" hv T. R. Abernethv and R. P. 1 would like to see carried out. Frew," Druggists. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTU'E. Having qaallied as Adniinietrator of patnte of Lvdia Herman, oeceasea all persons having claims against tne said estate are hereby notified to present tbem to the undersigned. AU persons indebted to the estate will please make prompt settlnment. This 14th day o March, 1906, VT. R. WinterP, im Withersooon & Witherspoon, Attys I TElMlS Tt S T If Hli IU jl HIJIeS lli America i Are exhibited at our Em porium and await your r inspection. Every expert leature shown in our models ol CORRECT FASHIONS, COnE AND SEE BEST $10.00 SUIT ON EARTH! FASHIONED IN DOUBLE AND SIMCLE BREASTED STYLES. Two-piece Suits at $5.00 each. BOYS' SUITS RANGING IB PRICE FROM $1.50 TO $10.00. Clerical Dress Suits'. AS WaL AS EXTRA SIZE SUITS, ALWAYS IN STOCK. ' - " Ik .i A v r "StAArtrvurfitfat I II 1 S With the present sche dules, you can spend a few hours ih Hickory, coming from almost any neighboring town. Goods sent on approval. . . . r-a i a r3T H3 75li II lOlII II IDJirIUI 11 Awn SEE ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS EVER EXHIBITED IN WESTREN NORTH CAROLINA Awaiting ycur uommanas, we die, vo.y . 7, &3 V" I rr i" f i ;i R N. c 0