n 1 pi & SV f 5; v '"-4 t- r f HPTa W" Wl tt& W" W rs & i w t Mig $ XX Y II I 'V M Nowton, N. C, Thin( hy J uly 2(5 H)00. NT Mjc 'a;.ress Smut, is I?eid. p.. '. i ver, IS. V . .X X '' : . i '!!.', "Si. Ill ;.!," .. , -v. - - -1 .it in home e;',;-i.Y tianday morning; tho end counn,. a'"' I! 0" r 1 om.: drunken debauch , 1 yiMti. old and leave-it" ii ii. Il:s wife died several Tlie Muio'erors Named, (i.'irlo: te Chr.-.ni;!i'. ; i'ticirnt, fvidonf..''. .has boos :;;',hMod to coi.vicl No a an Gilles-ii---, hi-- suns, J"nr.y and Jobn, and Jf-icu DiiliriKrhan of murder ing the Lyery family, at Barber's ..hwcttou, hst Saturday nibt. J. Dillingham's wife may b( implicated, Fanny GilWpK I -vifQ of No?.?e, the rinK-Iea-cr, driakinjr to gmitexcossat tiu.c.-. j :i::,urK Ml. had no hard iV.h,. iy a decaae ayro he (i c-y !.!! iivcd a sber 1 i:;Ohths prior to if. Hit ho b-rjan to uret or. w.-.k Mr. Lon.4 vas thf ji :,,l i i nnfo-tur.at!-, s.-i -Si:. ;.u t'!i;o.l: thai ;o doub : .r im.icr the if Jluence ai .. '. wont into tho dining: r,, , ,! i f thi Lfo:l F3rr.ho v, ji5" (.itA'iiMiofo, daring th? U sHib;: Lll.i :--U(.ie couventior', and, v. hi er.kT -.'"' 'n eating a nipa'-. ., ., - ii Hi.' piuok and ire cf ; ; .. . .it'.s-i, vi.o struck i in in?.. I'-ti'k of the head with : ,i.v', lie asktd tho icirl ic , - ?.in t!io n&D;e and the nun; 1; -1.; t.'i.? rccm cf a certain gcod ;,. :, vounjr woraan who stood r' . The pirl said, with diEiij a J i -'linati'in, that she wouit nil! ; '.'';!, tlie?i," continued Mi. Lo::. "1 vi-ill uive you $10 to te) lit T p nucibor of your room.M ti is the pivl flew into a it and iet driv at- Mr. s i,-j.i.l with the tirst thity ', vhich l.-?.-p'in.-.d to bo & ;Ht-J, and wlh not be tried unless l: JVC ev: Jf;i:r:- i f nn,! j HTho story cf llt-urj? May hew, fe 15-year odd grandson of Fan ny Gillespie, has been found be.ruo in every dnai!, after ; .-:!.reful and p -ii:; staking imvsii trat'oii. His testimoay, backfi ur.; by important circumstantial evidence, will a'one bo sufficin:. to sct-.u the four named to tin: crallo-.vs. AccovdinK to trw boy, who icard the men talkiner after thf rime had been committed. Old N'gv.!m; and He.ry Gillespie killed V-Ir, Lyery and the little boy, 'V-d J?;ck Diliintjham and John Giiiesoio kiiled Mrs. Lyerly and -he little girl. They used two axes, one belonging to the little ooy who was killed and the other io old man Giliorjpie. One axe has been found under the Lyerly .tome and the other near the Gil lespie cabin. Both were washed, jut still show signs of blood. Fannie Gillespie did not live in .he same room as her husband. She Las been jealous of him for seme lime, and they quarrelled quite often. Fanny has stated For The Ducal. kid. A jag of Mississippi rive: -afcor, soalrd and attested by ; iustiee of t he peace lo pio?e tha: it. is the gnnuino article, is on thi ocean bound for the Londos homf ofther:Duke and Duchess o Manchester, where it wiU re used in cbrisu-ming the bab? boy !ef t there by the stork a few daj go. hy Mississippi river ".-ater should be specially required for the ceremony is not definitfly kaown, but it is believed to br lue to the wish of the Dowager Duchess, who was a Mis Yanaga, Her family homo wae -tt Ravens wood, La., and it is presumed that a sensational h ft' ictiou for the great Father of Waters 1- d to a d-sire that her newest grandson be christeneo wuh a few drops from the might river itself. The .young Duke of Manches- i ter, father of the babe, and his viff, who was Miss Zimmerman of Cincinnati, have visited the (l-t;-)T Acquainted at Hm A younir feilow who had iro into the h ihib of spending ail hi evenings a?ay frotn homo was brought tf his sense in th follow ing way: O .n afternoon bis father camf to him and aked him if he bar ny eng scement for the eyeDinr. The yountj man had not. 4iWc:V, I'd like to h u-o yrrj po somewhere with me." Tns young man himself tells th i'i fo'Iowed. Aii right,' I said. 'Where hall I meet you?" "He suggested .the Columbia Hotel at half-past seven; and I v'fl -re. When he appeared, 't': sa;.J he wanted me to call v. ith Oe I k'new quite as a young man, he No. 13. I ieeing f'r;!i Jiarlhqaakes Yanaga homo at Ravens wood, nient for the Colombia Alc-1eit N. M., July 1G. Refugees in largo numbers are rnvtn.r hnr- frf r i., Hjert' great, damage has I een wrouglit by a snecf ion of daily o.-irt.bq.jijjef, K:nf1f. rnlv 9 (In time not an hour has passed vithout one or m.rp quakes. The cent-, of the disturbance is a score SO miles long by about 10 miles wide runr;nj from the Lidrono ruojnt.-Jns southeast through Socorro, -S-.n Antonio ;nd San Marciai. This side of the belt the shocks have been aardly felt. Each une is preceded by a loud rumbling, like heavy thunder, which can be heard ipprcaetunsf from the northwest before it roaches Socorro Senate- - fJaca of Socorro, unti ! recens-iy cistnefc attfirnfi. ;a ha V,. -r-.-.-t i Jl .. , - 1 fr ? Mi siaruM pvithhis family. Ha say tha ! iiiCf.lt fur finrr.ia. .... , Peopie are leaving on i.rors t.rrn fin,- t i " lsaid ; those who cannot ride on tb( railroad are leavine- hv Lruouarntit strange that . Afnf o nn.- i . " , , - About 2,000 people are campino- shoaidhave made the app.Mnl-!nnt,n w.aan P " - uii j.j .in uj kjiic uares to Hi in on a ' i ' wSl wh-n 1 ext:.la:ntd. sir Ellf ?r ! ,m in (d.-n'c , i. n and he has a deep affection for those circumstances. I said " r?fiifbn,a h Ka5rt .- T10.".rinS:.' Ith3 fcown has been irreparably VVeh, W5 went in, and I was -damaged. Thpre has been much introduced with all due formality distress among the people who to my motner and sister. i .iiat sne saw tne four men talk c'n a vounct througi- i :nir together, as if plotting, two i.i-" to tne skuII and t,h. ; or thrPM i-im. o i,af,v,-a ong riin ' dy. made Mr, : room, wuich was j John Gillespie is the son of ; i with guests. old Ntase by wife's daughter : ..-ing th-.-: dining hall Mr. U.vl his stepdaughter. -'.-ivft his hat, which The Maybe w boy says that he 1 his name. Had it n ir ! knows nothing about Jack Dii is fru.-t no one would jlicguam's wifa being implicated, : .--n wlio ho was for j but othur circumstances point to ii his room and remain 7) n- X-- m ! riling, IT s-''P i.e.l t- !. very rnueh hnnn' s: ; however, when h. j i tne l')boy of t lir " as stiiUmg. Iut as 1 v. rr -1 -1 1 v'roup to group i i a use lieajied upon the u ''II i: tier guilt. .N'oae of the njgroes has utter- ; :d a vord of confession, c j Folk on AJvertisinx. ; :!y Tin' Ajciuted t'rta.s. ihe birtbplace of his mother. A week ago Manager Archer of the Southern Express Com pany, was directed by telegraph to personally get a jug of Mississ ippi river water in the presence of a witness, seal it, and then go before a justice of the peace and make affidavit as to tho genuine ness of the jug's contents. Ho was then to ship the sealed jag to E M, Williams, th3 New York manager of the express company. Mr. Archer was puzz.ed, but j so;-1 -d. carried out the directioas to th- 'The situation struck me s funny, and I started to laugh, but the Jguvh died away. None of the three even smiled. Mv mother ;v-d sister shook bah: wi'h mo and y mother said ih -it-she remembered me ss a bo-;. has hadn't seen much cf m-- iey invited mo to be It wasn't : bit ietter. As a witness tie took the j altbouga I sat do. correspondent of the World j me one or t along, who watched him goto th? ! bo v hood, at and carefully observed the water as it gurgled into the mou'h of the jug. Today Mr. Archer received a letter from Mr. Williams saying iijat the water had been ordered by cable through a firm of i .vY.v!ri3 d,iiU i-umi, lb uau oeon piu on beard a stumer addressed to I any tben. n, and she told to anc9.ioHC-.ji veica W 1 f ho.i WO full m o P'ayeo for j. while. Wno i 1 o-- a games iinshy retired. 1 was invited to call again, I went up stairs feeling v:. :y sm-h, apd doing a gocd dea' cf thinking. "A-;d tho.y'' aikea his com-panicn. Thv:: I mad t hat my moth up my mini w;,s ?.n or. ft. ? - Jv.lferson City, Mo., "July Its. in who had insulted th- - Governor Joseph. A. Folk, in addressing tne reta 1 merchants at Missouri at their convention iere yesterday, spoke against uhe mail order business and mg departed Rockingham ii- Jul f for on fc 1 ts of the affair at Gre?n . . 1 f -! him- 1'fi in ti i'J will i Id l-.i- I oaper.-. ie said in part: ac.-ount of I.i family.) ' We are proud of our splendid .s-.o'-y of tha episode had ! cities, and we want them to in- nevs- j -aVored advertising in tne to -n d hi- ! oioadcast. There wa crease m wealth and population, up a purse fr. I and we also want our country At ih Mr. L-.u ')-' i i. and branding the fello.v. i let, on his way home, icot more whiskey and thoroughly b e a o ; t f d . , Friday and Saturday :. L-'te Saturday In l-lirious and Sunday d led. Tne wound t-D A ns to grow. We wish the city merchants to build up, but we. aiso desire the country nioi chaiits to prosper. I do not oeheve in the mail order citizon. Ii' a piace is good enough for a man to live in and to make hit money in, it is good enough for i vas not tip (lirprh ftin i-. ! aim to snend bis mono v. 1 s -i -it'-i, but haruihatioa and ''No inerchaat can succeed ' i'ijr-j i -hi n. j without advertising in one way a story. Mr. Lon.. j or ar.othai. Patronize your town 1 " of s -nse and striking j papers, build them up, and they -ir .r Tf.u pjj.sv; Ik.V-m ; rid build thfi tnxn nn anrl KniSd is -fi'ibia and ploasant. ' you up increased trade and s'." a s be mde a pains - j greater oppor unities, Do not be !'- i careful postmaster. ! afraid that business is going to the London hom- of the Man- ft Y U .1 wii uay iu arrived m New York. The babe to be c'uristened is the third child of the Duk and Ducess, who were marriod in 1900. The first, a girl, chr isten fd May Alva, born October 27, 1901, &rJ the second, a boy, who -vilj sucreed to the title if he lives, was born October 2, 1902. He was christened Alexander George Francis Drogo. and has the title Viscount Mandeyil'.e. From a Vicksburg (Miss.) Dispatch. A TJ'.AGiC FINISH. A watch'rinn'B ncsh-vt pprntittil a 'oak in tlin jro&t, North Sea dvko. which n chi!-J fiiijrer -')iild have Btoppfd, to h -oorrio a ru nous hn'-ik, dcvu-J nti g n -ii.ir pravinc of llolla-d. Ii like mHi: nrr Kenneth Mclvr, of Vanfi b.-jrr, Me . permitted a little cold to co nmiotiecd until a irni'm finish was only arerte l bv ''r. Kinr'H New Pisco very. He writes. 'Three d. i-torn (five me up to die of lufiir ir,H l.TiTnution, c(ins"d bv a TiPirlocrrd crild; but Pr. Kitik's New Pi-covery savd my life." O'larauteed best co .trh nd cold cure, at T. I'. Abernr;tbVs drn store. 50o aDd $1.00. Trial bottle ree tiining woman, and my ig-r a brigot gir':. "I'd g--ing to caii again. I TIT 1 J ' . to cultivate their eni 7 it: j,; company and in,o(rrf acquaintance. Thj Negro at Jamestown. Nel-.TH Jovrnal. Tie Nor fork Virginia-Pilot states very c early the status of the negro at the coming James town Exposition as an exhibitor. In this exposition , as on many previous occasions of public im portance, there is the cry raised by ignorant of prej-ifiicci pcr- '- fi he is attached to '.Mer'svjro eiri. th: " 'I-V YEARS OLD. -Jwoirn r.ld Hnd don't x ' t t o :.e real oi l T . - ' -i? n-i I ' n cr.-r Ki-c-' M:: . E. II. Prurigo:., ,.vi y t !i s i-'.s riot i; - '- ' o tin and mnU 1 1 '. ii m-i tfiii grand toiii j ; - -in, toipj.-j liV r. in- :,r 'hr, ef)iiH'ipH''i'i j i-' 1 :il ;nr Kte(;tric I'i;- " ti ;..-. Caar uite d li - y, d.-cjfitif. J'rire nue. ; Ptr ,V n in toils. o-3 hurt by the recent exposures of wrong doing in the commercial world. No man who i3 doing an honest business can be injured by the light. All business will be better for the cleansing pro cess it is going through and for the stamping out of evil." Try a little KOUOL FOR DYSPEPSIA J er your meals. Vehi eff,.ct it will i! oda'.-e on ynur xeuertl fn li isr b? di resti'nr your food and h'lpiaiy your ;toDih to g-t itself irtt sliope, Muu.y n iniaei.s are overworked to the point : r" they refuse to ro farther. Kodil li re-t8 your food owl irives yoor sU-m- W. J. Bryan's Fortune. Liucoln, Neb., didpatch in New York Sun. The yalue of W. J. Bryan's possessions as fixed today by the county assessor for taxation is $73,225. This docs rot include $78,000 in government bonds, in which the proceeds of his first book were invested and which are not assessable, In 1896 Mr. Bryan paid taxes on $5,150 worth of property. His total taxes this year will approxi mate $1,250. , -1 uly 19. Ediior-ir i General Manage ;u--ht Editor Burk ' -r Minor, and adve: ;'!' GiPiam, of tij -dd, for whon wa i -1 eh the rwr it u'-eds, white its reeon - j The liorae property at Fairview incK into woiking order. Kodal re-FS aseSSa a -1,1 jU cilij rie li'-ve HitolcfiCf-, sonr stomachs, pa-pit.)-don of the ii'-fi.--t, t:-.--J''l iag. .''tc .Sold by 1'. It. A in riit-thy und K, l'. Fretze, u " at trie requc -J'lthorities, char;; violating the do- A Pittsburg orator declared on the Fourth that old Pittsburg" j would never be for free trado or rree siiyer. With the exception rig deposited 10 ! of free love, Pittsburg seems to i c ii . a . . l i . : j oe lor too tax. on evury unng. Houston Post. t! (1 hr.ion Hi 'dru - h ' b ! I : J fiPrLnnulo" o I ' ' ' -ici.-ne, surrendered j " "'t-d Statea Marshal' A Rwe;t breath adds to the j yn of n . ' ' i i-.i-i-j. inu yvouldn t want to kish your " "fell nn nary examine-I wife, tnolln-r or Hweetheart with a "bad ii r - .th. iou n in't have Hveet l-reath , lJV'"-M .vithoiitaha!lliy 8tor..af!h. Yon can't , . " 1 Vi IC f il h b Il-JO I )I ! T Hill' FUlfJ' .11 TTllilUllt Lf( I r: t 0;to-.f i : y r.i.v IP i,i nhr,n ' 'ii'ft'Ou i ti' t la otiIj one remedy t ti a t IS . ft f -i x: o f" urw oof o ti e m tr r. I-.. 5 lirath h Hwet a n. roue and that ren3- r t-iiy Kodol F t Dypoi-ia It is a ; 1200 or $200 apiece .i-'iiei ii'j r-'iur isiijinai ii. (i'J i 'i ' n I ion 01 I hear , and oth-r ailm nt.s ar-isme from 'ilis-oid r of lie-:-to caeh and diif r'iou ' Take a little Kod--l after your rriea'H uad ' kh what it wil' do f- r vou. Sold by T. It. biruethy & K. P, Frwzv au joining traoKs 01 iana bring the farm up to $10,025. Mr. Bryan's personalty is fixed at $10,950. He reported $C,0COcash. Other items on his personal are sixteen head of cattle, $G,800; hogs, $850; bees. r: o s . . C . l-wo ; f voo, con;, vo, nay, iv; jewe ry i display. aiamonds and siiyer ware, $500; j household goods, 3,000; fire- f arm and wagons Aside from this property Mr. Bryan owns assessment rolls at $22,250. Mr. Bryan's six head of horses on the farm were returned at C, W. Bryan, his agent, called on the county board to explain that this sons of discrimination agiins the negro. From ore ide, if there is an invitation extended to the negro to join any thing the white man goes, there is the cry of "coddle,' ' and at the same tim, from an other side there will be the cry of "Jim (Jr-)i'7. " So far as the Jamestown Expo sition goes the negro is incident, not peculiar. It was entirelv right and in order that the col ored race should have an oppoi- tunity to exhibit their individual and race progress. The negro is of the south, is best treated and most representative of this sec tion, therefore if he shall show his progress at the Jamestown Exposition, there is no reason whatever a comment should be made, There will be hundreds of thousands of negroes at the Jamestown Exposition next year sight seeing, and their not being gi veu a chance to show what ad vancement as a race they have made, would be alsurd.it wouldbe more consistent to bar out for eign nations, showing their progress, at to bar the colored people of the south. i people who are camping in the open, as neavy rains have fallen in the last two days. Most of the people are going to El Paso, although many are coming to Albur. q uerque and Santa Fe. me sooCifs generally occur as abort, sharp j Its, the ground seeming to ':ip vi!;.r.tly. H is believed th-- adjustment of rock strata in the rugged Ladroneand Magdilena mountains is th ciuse of tho co.stinu :d shocks. Provisions are growing scarce and real distress u feared. ''Tn:j noise and the quakes are frightful," said Mr. Loeson. & refuse from Sccorro. "1 have experienced quakes a-. Los Angeles and San Francisco, but n-ver anything so sickening those prolonged rockings and j n-Ki-jws of the earth at Socorro. vVater placed in a bowl will show continuous vibrations between tho gnv.t shocks, ? ho-ricjr that u;2c etii s-sj is .ut.-ier stiii. iot a. house in town is safe to enter and chimueys and walls topple with each recurrent tremor." Nation Needs More Dimes. Washington Dispatch IS. TT - . , . . U'llCPfl Statue 'IVm,,. rn . to-day that he was rw fronted with a demand for silver dimes that ho could not mopt "There is a dime famine," he said. The New York banks have only 13,000 dimes on hand, ana tnose at Baltimore, 8,000, The cry for dimes comes from every section of the countrv The demand for them is extiaor- dinary and there has bees nothing like it in the history of the country," said Treasurer Treat. lue treasury supply of small coin generally is very low, and rush orders will scon bo sent to the various mints directing the coinage of a large amount of subsidiary coin. A few days ago there was 5,000,000 worth of subsidiary coin in the treasury. Requisitions daring the past 4s hours have reduced it by $1,000, A treasury official gave this reas on for the shortage of subsidiary coin: "The people are prosper ous and when they are prosper ous they carry loose change in ttmr pockets. They like to hear it jingle." TWENTY YEAR BATTLE. I was a loser in a twenty year battle with chronic pile and malignant sores, until I tried Bocklen'a Arnica Salve, w hich tuned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains," writes A. Xl' Bruce, of Farajviiie, Va. Best for old Licera, Cuts. Burns and Wounds. 25c at T. R. Abernethys, druggist. "I'm sorry," said the patient man to the new neighbor, "but if those boys of yours continue iheir rude behavior around here I'll have to prosecute you." "Aw! go ahead an' prosecute,' retorted the undesirable neigh bor, you can't find no law ag'in m. ' 4 No? perhaps you never heard of the law prohibiting the raising of pigs in the city limits-5 Philadephia Press. NOTICE. Ia the Superior Court) North Carolina. Prort-ediuo-. Catawba ' nt v. . A. Uoke, Administrator of J. E oigmon, d ceased. P. A. Sigmon, Solon Sigmou, S. L Pn;ck, and wit B.-1! Pnyrk, and others. ion will take notice that an artion entitled as atK,y has been commerc d i i the Superior C-urt of Cata ha Coun ty before L. II. I'tii! ,. cu-Tk of the -apenor Court, and that the purpose of nd action is to sell entHn o-;t. .-,- bnse. and I-t. heloncn-ic- to tho taf of J. E. Sigmn. Weftd, for the pur- ' tBOT71 " :wse of partition Said r-rooertF 'beir.f 1 Property, NOTICE: VA U ABLE LAND AND FINE WATER FOWER FOR SALE. The undersigned wi!i offer for eaie fur cash to the high.-st bidder from the steps of The Firt National Bnk, Hickorr North Carolina, on the FIRST PAY ()!' SEPTEMBER 11(0, two lots o. lan t in Ctnwh rv,T,t- adjoining tis- lar-ds of Eli WhiKnr n,I others, on Ilep-v's Fork River, and the Whitener Jk Seiiz mil! -sit -1 :1 t.A l ti 1. V . r ' , ... . tuuuij ui odtawoa, in t.ie town of Claremont, You will further tike notice that you are required to app-ar beiora L. H. Phillips, Clerk of the jviperior Court of Catawba County at his offie at Nei rOD, X. C., on the fourth day of August. 1906, and answer or de mni to the petitioa whioh has been filed m thu cavsfa"nrthe vent you do not a; iearatl answer or d n ur, the je-t.-ioner will Hp!v to the rart for the r !ef prayed ior iu the puisirn. i Uis the 5th dav of July l'jo.; L. II. !'W!:i,.c S. C. V,ithersp.ouA: Withc-nsiHon, Attorne. ILIAVEOPENEDUP A MAT tress shop in tho second stor- f L- M- Seizor's store. Now mattresses on hand or made to order. Hair and felt mattresses worked over and made as good as new. J. F. Pope. First trat: Besrimuiie- at. a roefr m. the river bank and rnns X. 15 W. 48 poles to a stake and pointers oi whisenant's line; thnce with said Whisenant's line N. 83' W. 24 ir.lea to the river bank; thence with the meanderings of the river to the begin ing. containing four acres, more or less. Second tract; adjoining the first, beginning at a black o k on Whisenant's line and runs thence with said line E. II: Io'es to a pine; thn.ee S. 44 poles to j. rock on the rivt r bant : on the beiinninj comer Ik twwn C. M. Vhilner and D. II Whiscnant; th.-nce with a line of sai. Whitoncr and Whist-nant to the beginn ing X. 15 W. 48 poles containing two acres, more or leis. i:jHn the latter tract there is a large dwelling house. At thf same time and plae we wi off.-r for s)il some mill machinery, et-. This July Uh, 10G. Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Charlotte. X. C, Peter R, Yoder. Hickory, X. C. Witherspoon it Witherspoon, Attjs. The LEADS. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By vi'i-tu of the power contained in aa or Jor of sal made iri thf Superior Court of Citawba fount k iu an action therein reading iu which Mrs. Margaret SherriO, M. A. iierrill aud others are petitionerK, anl Ir.-tRe--, Lufv Rei nd Harrv Rea -lid others are defe:: :;aits, the undor sigued ("oinii.issioi.fr -.i'.l offr for sa!e to th--hig'ie-t t.idd- .t the lite residence of Enos Sherr ll (Vc ised on the premises br in frr dscrib' 1 on THURSDAY, AUGUST 2ud, 190G. at 12 o'clock M., the following described inn.is lying nnd being in Mountain Creek township, said county and state, viz: i' lr.-t tract known as lot No. 1 lyiny rn the waters of Lvttnns Mill creek ad j liiiing thf liids of J. P. Fisher and oti,ers. I'eginvitig at a whitf-nak st id 1- Mhers r rner r.nd runs alone his line N H7' W po!,s to a maple his corner tiienc" ilong F. O. Kobiusonsline X 3SI W .'-les to a dead and down piue, t lience a . A;, iv. .y-yt poles to a stone where a piue stood, thence X. 7i E. 1 2 pole to a pine, thence N. 70 F. 354-5 pol 8 crossing Lyttons Mill creek to a willow near eaid creek, G. F. Browns corner, thence along his lines S. 46! E. pules o a ston? in the bottom thence S 82 E. G poles to a dogwood wnere a whitf-oafc stood, thence S. 39 E. poles to a poplar stump near a orancn, tnence is. 43 w. 151-5 poles to a fiend aid down black-oak. thenoe S 35)4 E- 97 poles to a blck-oak dead and down, thence along J. D. Fishers line N. St W. 0 poles to (he beginning, con taining fifty eight icres. Tract no. 2 acjoining the lauds of lliomas Jones and others aud bounded as follows: Beginning at a pine and runs N. 19" W. GG poles to a stOTie where a gum stood, thetce S 82U TV. 31 poles to a small red-oak, Thomas Jones corner, thence N. 18 W. 40 poles to a stone on tiobt Arnt s line thence X. 82 L 20 poles to a gum dead and down. Arnt's corner, thence N. 44 E. G2 poles to a gum, ik. Li. manners corner, tnence two new iiats S. 21 L. ;53-o poles to a walnut, thence S. loE. 25 poles to a une crossing Lyttones Mill creek, thence 3..;3 V . 31 poles to a willow near th. nank ot Lyltos Mil creek, G. F. Brown- corner, thence crossing i-said creek S. 7G The right kind of a negro ex- w: j P!f 9 to, tbp wg, cm- , , . , , Naming nuy six and one-fourth acres. Ui Olt WJUi no doaot prove a healthy Tract r.o. 3 joining the lands of J. A. and wholesome stimulus to the I . !'"1 aTld hM!'s atd ound- d as follows . , . . j f-giEjD!ng at a pine G. F. B;o vi;s'coi-ner fcnousanc.S Of that race Who V1S15 and runs two new lines as follows, 15' Jamestown, and the management j w- 2 Po,e8 crogciog Lyttons m'si week Will do the right thing m seeing poles to a stone, K. L. Rimmers' e -rner. that such an exhibit is given thenc; N. 4G E. 911-5 poles to a sone, .j. .1. Aiosts corner, thence S. St E. 581-5 pol-s to a stone. Moss' corner, thence X. 44 E. 7 poles to a stone, his t orner, thence .- . 40 E. 3H4-5 poles to a X ! i. . . . i ? 1 1 - " - ctrilli) .Irhll r-?I"j-.ttT u' nnf?i.r 4-1,.-. tJ S, q10U, QOgS BlU. Water ilkV. 18 odes t ft stone mms' clocks, $300; carriages an,, Mor the President to send his er.-j corner t.h.nW s4i E 3; poles to a ti nWnot. In-ari-. finfV dt- Ptone. thence S. tO-y. W. 42 poles to a , 'WlVV. . gum. sai l Browns' coreer, thence S. 67 the lid during a State convention Washington Post. CAST Tor Infants and Children. W. 291- p'dep to a staKe In a. branch, rtience tP w. 4di 4 poles to the beiti ning, containing sixty five and three fourth acres. Tee said lands will be sold in thre ' separate trac's firt, and then sold as a j whole, title bein? trivcn in wei-h ever way . the sai.i I snds bring the l irest piic- . l'erm. one half cash, balance in f-ix DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIVING WELL AND LIVING POORLY. Is very small if vou buy right. The fellow who knows it all is sat isfies, but people who are seeking nw ilas are willing to learn We invito you to c oi on n.- !?!.! 1-t US Hh'J you how t buf Sfictaclps. There is nly one glass that iit your , ve properly aad ir 301 don't get tho-t oue jds, your f tp is habh to be injur d L t us ex iiiii it! your eve:-, :U irr n W p fit each -ye vith thn proper It-Lf-k r t Jbf fropf-r j r ii J. W liAilDJSTEK, OPTICIAN. Newton - N. C. R.P.Pnkir.. J.Ed S.-tz-r Practical Tainters. Don't pay 8 cents perjouud for wood. If yon buy 100 pounds of White Lead in kegs you get 88 pounds of White Lead and 12 pounds of W od. When you buy L. & M. Paint you get a full gallon of paint that won't wear off tor 10 or lo years, because L. &. M Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. paint wear like iron 4 gallons L. &M, mixed with 3 gallons Li nseed Oil will paint a moderate 6ized house. Actual L. & M. about $ 1.20 per gal- on. Sold in the north, east, seuth and west, V. S. Andrews, Ex-Major, Danbury Conn., Writ-s, "Painted tr y house 19 yea s a-o wph L. & M. Looks well to- dj.T Sold by Rhjaelldw. Co. ?C SOUTH FORK INSTITUTE. For young Ladies and young Men. Beautiful Mountain Scenery. High and Healthy. THIRD TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 3rd 1,306. TUITION TER MONTH: Literary, ?2 'o Music, $ 2 to ?3; Art and Elocution, fi to 2; Stenography snd Typewriting, i?5. Bookkeeping, ?u- I j.i.yivrvr.r.ri.Mj. I , THE THREE COURSES: STENOGRAPHY, V TYPEWRITING. I GUARANTEE A COMPLETE COURSE IN 9 MONTH?. Board and rooms Young Men at "MOUNTAIN VIEW INN," 6 to $ Young Ladies at "OAKDALE HOME," 6 to $ 7. - - Pleasant home treatment. Faculty of six teachers. Write for Catalogue. MAIDEN, NORTH CAROLINA. lllHiy Catavba COIIege. Catawba College Was Founded In 1851- Is co-educational. Is splendidly located and offers superior advantages. Has an efficient faculty and first class accommodations in every respect. Has collegiate and academic departments. Gives special attention to music, art, elecution and physical culture. Students are under the immediate care of the peesident and faculty. Recitation, dormitory rooms, and new chapel not surpassed in the state. Rates for boarding students range from $112.00 to $133.00 for the year. This includes steam heat and acet3-lene light. Fall term opens September 4th, 1906. Write for room. Address the president, GEORGE ALBERT SNYDER, NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. The Kind You Have Always Bought i , JttL.Sr ? and are vc-rv de,-irab!e. maa tnn h!h. anl Ik . f ' S , SS7 : i dis ' uay w dniy tyutj. tftm ' I Sigaatoxeof Utr CcJLtl Geo. McCorkle, $oUU. . . Commissioner. By virtue of the power contained in n ord'-r of the Superior court of 'atawba Cour.ly, X. P., made m an action therein Pndu,g w"nTf m Majgi Mundy, R. O. Muadvaud others are the petitioners and Fred Allen and others are the defen dants, the undersigned.as Commissionprs, will re-se!, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court housa door in Newton, Catawba County, X. f!., on SATURDAY, JULY 21st, 190G, 12 o'clock, M., the following land, to- wit: The 41 acre tract of the Allen land. lying and being in Mountain Creek Township, Catawba County, N. C.. ad joining the ands of Martin Robinson, ana otners. This is a valuable tract of land, ann any one desiring to see ean.e before the sale, wi'l call on the undersigned com missioners The land is being sold for division am one the owners there f. Terms of sale. One-half cash upon con firmation; balance in 12 months witfi note and approved security, purchaser K. have privilege of paying all caeh Title rstained till all the pu chase-money is paid. Bidding to begin at f 15.00 per acre This to be a final sale. This June 1 9th 190G. R. O. Mundy. . . L. A. Womac.;Comm",8IODer:' Walter C. F.nnster, Attorney. TRIN1TYPARK SCHOOL. A firstclass preparatory school. Certificates of graduation accepted for entrance to leading Southern colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of ten officers a !d teachers. Campus of sevenety five acres. Library contaiuing thirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Ex penses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal g success. For catalogue and other information, address, H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, DURHAM N. C THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal And Industrial College, CURSES Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogcal Commercial Domestic Science Manual Training Music Three Courses leading to degrees. Special courses for graduates of other Colleges Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Eoard, laundry, tniticn, and fees for use of text books, etc., i7o a year. For free-tuition students, $125. Fifteenth annual session begins September 20, 1906. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15 Cor respondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers l or Catalogue and other information, address, CHA'RLES 2). McIWR, Tret'dcn. GREENSBORO, N. C si.: ar I I ! t ' Hi : t sV t ' 4 3 it '.1 1

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