r tt I 1 f i i 1 ii 1 1 7oi, xxvni. For Longer Terms, Raleigh V-vs and Observer. At a meeting of the pint com - mittees on education Monday night the bill requiring counties to provide for a four months school in every district and for a more equitable auportionment for the second hundred thousand dollars for the public schools, was unanimously voted a favor able report. It is one of the most important pieces of legisla tion that will be before the pre sent General Assembly. If it is passed it will mean a long step forward for the public schools. Superintendent J. Y. Joyner in an interview yesterday gave a reporter of The News and Obser ver the following reasons for the passage of the bill; 1 The law apDropriating the second hundred thousand dollars was enacted in 1001, Notwith standing all the observed in crease in wealth, the applications lor aid from this appropriation for a four months' school term have increased. For the past live years these applications each have exceeded the appropriation by twedy or thirty thousand dollars, rendering it necessary to reduce the amounts asked by twenty or thirty per cent. It seems, therefore, unlikely that the application or that every dis trict will ever get a full four months' school term under the present plan of distribution. 2 The bill req uires each coun ty to obey the Constitution providing a four months term each year in every school. o lo those who help them selves in this way the State - .- guarantees one-nau as mucn as they raise by the special levy for a four month's school term, or 51 for every $2 thus raised for schools. 4 it authorizes the State Board of Education to apportion the balance of the second thous and dollars to equalize the school terms in all the counties of the Scate, as nearjy as may be. 5 By requiring each county t3 provide tor a four months school, instead of relying entire ly upon the State, the bill en couarges economy and absolute' Jy guarantees a full four months term in every district. y lhe amount then received irom toe second hundred thous and dollars could be used to strengthen the schools, improye the teachers by paying better salaries, and lengthen the school term in these weak counties. 7 It will aid in correcting inequalities in the assessment of property, for under the present method of distributing the sec ond hundred thousand dollars the lower the assessment of a county the more help it will need and get from this appropriation An examination of the appro ationment of the second hundred thousand dollars will show that some counties receiving aid therefrom are more able to provide a four months' term without aid than some counties that are providing such a term without aid. It will give weak counties that by the strictest economy, and oftentimes by fairer ass9ss- The New Child Labor Charlotte Observer. Bid. Newton, N. C, Thursday February 21. 1907. (, A Ripe Old Age, f " m- Mr. George W, Pelton, A Great Day for the State. lhe bin for the regulation of years of age, Akron, Mich., child labor in North Carolina, ! writes: "For many years I introduced in the lower house of hav"e been ereatly troubled with the Legislature by Mr. Dilling, 1 Tronic Constipation, and of Gaston, and already published thought there was no help for in this paper, Js the voluntary : me- 1 nave used nearly three proposition of the Cotton Manu- bottles of Drake's Palmetto Wine facturers' Association of North Carolina and is volunteered at a time when no threat of hostle legislation is being held over the manufacturers 1 1 modifies very materially existing condi tions, in that, whiie it offers for the current year no change in the existing law as to the minimum age of child workers in cotton mills 12 years It pro vides that after 1907 no child under Id years of age shall be employed or work in a factory except in apprenticeship capacity and then only upon certificate thai it has attended school at least four months during the pieceding year. Among the other provisions is one that after 1907 no child under 14 years of aga shall work m a cotton fsctorv after 10 o'clock at night The letter from the chairman and secretary of the special committee of the, association, endorsed by its president, which was read by Representative Diliing when he introduced the I bill, states no more than the simple truth. The manufactur ' ers are keenly aiive to whatever , evils attach to cotton mill by (conditions and" are themselves i y.fr I rinidlv annlcincr nrtrraf tArra I measures without being compell ed to the m by the operation of Hw. They do not over-state the case in saying that the work of betterment which they have accomplished and have in hand is "monumental." They are misunderstood by some of their own honest and well-meaning people and are systematically misrepresented by salaried reformers and a class of foreign sentimentalists. These men are uot monsters, but men, and have hearts in them as those in otner men. mey nave mani fested their disposition to do right by Uieir help and now have met the Legislature before it bad made or threatened a move upon them with a yolunteer measure which, if enacted, will vastly improve the mill situation, with result that I have no trcuble from Constipation, and believe "a care is assured. Drake's Pal metto Wine has done for me that all other medicines failed to do. ' N. J. Knight, 79 years of age, y4 Fierce St.. New Bedford, Mass., writes: "I had La Grippe, which left me with severe Catarrh of Mucous Membrane all through my bd?, a very hard cough - mornings, enlargement and inflamtion of Prostate Gland, bloody and my sufferings were intense I am taking Drake's Pal mptrn Wine; have used less than two bottles so far and am gaining in every way. I did not hope to ever feel so well as I do now, and have great cause to rejoice that I found such a wonderfn! medicine as Drake's Palmetto Wine.' For sale at all drug stores, 75 cents a bottle, usua! dollar size. A test bottle will be The Bickett bill, or, if you please, the substitute for it, is a law, the Senate having passed it yesterday with amendments which the House readily accept ed. The passage by the General ! Assembly, by a unanimous vote in both houses, with few re marks and no debate., of a bill Carrying an appropriation of a half million dollars, is a most extraordinary occurrence and a crown of glory for the body. If is the highest evidence it could iff rd of its right-mindedness and of the fact that upon this point, at least, it is a truly rep esntative body for upon the ubjct of care of the class of iarkened intellect, at whatever urine, i cost, the people are united. It is no cause for wonder that the bill did not quite suit Senator McLean it no doubt fell short ofl the views of a good many mem bers of the Legislature; it does not suit the Observer, which feels sure that Senator Blair and representative Bickett, along with those in either house who thought with them, are right in believing that the way to do this thing is to do it quickly by an issue of bo ds. However, the Paragraphs From The Durham Herald No. 43. As the people of South Caro lina can only choose between prohibition and a dispensary there is not much consolation in it for the other erowd. If Mr. Justice attempts to get backataU the ne.?spipers that have criticize hua he will be busy for a considerable time after the Legislature ha journed. Reused Even The Clock. New York. i ., What some pers may term superstition hasy. c.me the,g policemen of the Oak JS--t' Station. The old eight : clock, which for 42 years has j g hung on the wail of the section I g room, is running again. j g Without any apparent reason ad- stopped on tne very day that; I the t We r w 3 WO nl it ruin ' . .If they expect us to believe ' agurated and it could not ba that the people -A Brownsville induced to run again. shot up the town they will have; Doorman John Anthony took i; to explain where the people down and examined it,' for he is secured government arms and : something of a deck maker, bu ammunition. ! his efforts were fruitless. Thti. Talking about the criminal j be sent for the department cloch. records of the various towns and ! maker, who tcok it away to his sent prepaid, tree or charge, to any - end is to be attained, and those reader of this paper, who writes who are fervent in their desire to to Drake Co., Wheeling, W. Va. i see it reached can well afford to A test bottle often cures. R. P, ! swallow their disappointment reeza. about the road ehnsp.n tn th onrl. It is enough to know that North Carolina is to provide for all of her insane .and all whose intel lects are defective, congenially or otherwise. It is to the ever- Whit Oar Reporter Saw in New Yoik. A recent visit to one of the largest paint factories in the world, disclosed m act i aery that was producing 10,000 gallon of paint, and doing it better and ! lasting glory of the State, and no is lees tim than 100 gallons copld be made by hand mixing, This was the celebrated L. ' & M. paiat, The L & M Paia hardens L. & M White Lead and makes I, & M Paint it the General Assembly of 1907 legislative act in its history has done more to shed lustre upon the name of North Carolina than that completed yesterday, For counties, none of us are any bet ter than we should be. We did not haye a hanging in this county for twenty years but this was not because we did not have sufficient excuse for it. It would not be so bad to keep some things out of the papers, but if a press censorship is to be started who is to say where it will end. And we have been getting along fairly well for a good many years without it. ; r. ii 3 ii ilea, ve: Just Heceived ILH ii ii XL ii gton IS- Its a pleasnre to tell oar readers about r. oogn cure lite Dr. Shoop's. For years Dr. Shoop has fought against the use of Opium, lorof rm, or other unsafe lureuients commonly round in Cough remedies. Or. bhoop, it s-ems, has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacteo, tor he has worked along similar liaes many years. For nearly twenty years Dr Shoop's Cough oure uuuiaiutrs nave naa a warning pnottu on mem against Upiam and other narcotic poisons. He has thus diade it possible for mothars to Dratpcr thpir children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shooo's Concrh Cnri. SnM by B. P, Freez?, Jap School Questiou Ended. Washington, February rhe Japanese school controversy is settled so far as President Roosevelt, Mayor Schmitz or members of the San Francisco school board are concerned. An amicable adjustment of the question onw rests with Con gress immigration bill, proposed by Secretary Root, wear liie iron for lo to 15 year?, 4 gallons L & M mii-d with 3 gallons Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons of paint at a cost of lees tian $l.2o pir gail jn. Ii any defect exists in L & 41 Paint, will repaiat house for nothing. Donations of L. & M. made to church- f'old by Rhyne Brothers Hardware Co. The Japanese war scare ap pears to be merely our old friend, the yellow peril, in a new guise. Washington Star, Tiles gat quick reltef from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made one for Piles and it works with cer tainity and satisfaction. Itching painful, protrodiag, or biiad piles lis- appear like magic by its use. Try it R. P, Freez?. will ever be remembered with gratitude. . When every member of the Legislature was so sympathetic and so gracious, and when so many favorable influences were engaged, it seems wrong to designate individuals, and yet It ought to be said that the chief credit for the consummation is due Representative Bickett, of Franklin, and Senator Webb, of Buncombe If all those whom the State should thank were enumerated, the list would em brace not only a roll call of the Legislature but would "look like a census report, Tuesday and yesterday some thing was done for North Caro lina. Teache" Killed ia Philippines. By Publishers' Press. Manila, Feb, 14 Two Ameri can school teachers, W. J. Bas- sitter and 9Valter J. Lise, are reported killed it a raid of Pula- jtnes in which they burned 20 tons in the province of Occid ental negroes and killed six wsuiueis Qi constaouiary yes terday. Scnools were the main points of attack and complete reports of the loss of life are lacking. snop and returned it to its place saying it was ''all right." Bat it ran for jast nine minutes and then refused to go. The old timepiece was forgot- ten until Sunday, January 27, P when as Captain Toole was about to turn out men for their first tour of duty under the new five platoon system Doorman Anth ony heard the "tick, tick" of the 1 1 V V . oia ciocn. The men heard it, too, and ail looked up in surprise. "I guess the five-platoon order did it." said Anthony, and the policemen think so, too, for it has ran ever since. Octagon Barrel Rifles, 32 and 22 Cali bre, which we will sell at 55,00 each. STEVEN'S RI FLES II -in ting for Trouble "I've lived m California 20 years, and am Btill nuntiog for trouble in the wa of barns, 6ores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a case of pi'es that Backleu'g irnica Salve won't qiiekly cure," writes J harles Walters, of Alleghany, Ki -rra Co. .No use hinting, Mr. Walters; ji, cures every case. Uuarant.d at T. R ADTnethy drug store. 25e. Reflections of a Bachelor. New York Prpss, The most that schools seem to teach is your children how little If the amendment to the you Know, A girl thinks it is flirtincr when excluding she WOQjd ook at a Jello jf he foreigners who use their pass ports to secure admission to the United States "to the detriment of labor conditions in this country' is adopted by the Senate and House and the didn't at her. A man can have a lot of ideals until there is a chance to put some of them into practice If a man could increase his Files of people haye piles. Why suffer o n piles when you can use DeWitt s Carboiizid Witch Hazel salve and get relief. Nothing else so good, Beware of imitations Soe that tha name is stamped on each box. Sold by T. R. Aoernrftny and K. P. freeze. ! 4.1 I L ., k immigration bill is passed at " lamny this session of Congress the San j ha woa,d have a chance. Francisco board of education will ! . r "Now about airship?" "Well?" "Will they allude to tbem as aerial greyhounds?" "Why, certainly not. -They will be sky terriers, if anything." Wash ington Herald, icsbiuu its uiuti csuauuauiUK j the Oriental schools, unless the' ment of property, are now barely Japanese government agrees to a Would you look at that homely old bat making goo goo eyes in this direction! Do you suppose she's got the nerve to try to flirt with me?" Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Oyer-WorkJ Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that or.lv nrinary and bladder troubles were to traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that t f. nearly all diseases I, have their beginning j m tae disorder or ! these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, -when your kidneys are weak or ont of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or feel badly,' begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial trill convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take bv first doctoring vonr kidnevs i The mild and the extraordinary effect of j Dr. Kilmer"s S warn T Root, "the great I kidney remedy, is soon realized. It f stands the highest for its wonderful cures ! of the most distressing cases, and is sold j on its merits bv all and nne-drVn.ir ci7P E?4ItSi2 bottles. You may liaea sample DOttie Hume of STramzv?aof by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you now to hnd out if you have kidnev or bladder trouble. Mention this pacer wnen tmtmgto Dr. turner 6c Co., Bin? hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake. Out remember the name, Swamo-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamt-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. 2,50, $3 00 and $3.50 each. We sell almost any kind of Rifle or Pistol Catiidges, Shells, Primers, Caps, Powder and Shot. We sell Shears, Scisors, Razors, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Pocket Knives, Saletv Kazors, AUTOMATIC Tiazov Straps, Curtail Kings, Hani Bel5, Cow Bells and Cr.ll Bulls Pump Oil Cans that wiU not overling Well Buckets, Water Buckets, Chains. lanterns as ooc each. Saddles, Bridles, Hames, Traces, Bame Strings, Bach Bands,, Pads, Golars. Shovels, Rorks, Spades, Scoops, Crosscut Sa7cs, Hand Saws, Butcher Saws, Key-Hole daws. G flopping &xe?. 50c each. Hand Axes, Hatchets, Claw Hammers, Horse Slice Hammers, Blach Smith Hawmers, Buck Hammers, Sledges, Anvils, Bellows, Com Sliellers, Stoves, Tin Ware and almost anything ij ou need, at reasmiable p RICES. oir, saia tne young man. will you permit me to nav mv NTr rn T tkixlr r.V , 1.11 . . ' " ua oi-.t I acxciresses 10 your cLnrmicer warns to see me, it s my wile, daughter and trtr if T 13 ... 4 T'll A 3 1 i m I. . . jjuwxiiKu uuu as cer, u you her love me? ' "Certainltr rav wish." Cleveland Leader. I why you should not succeed. Sillicus I always get mixed M-01 of others have." Traaslated on the use of "shall" and "will." for Trans-Atlantic Tales from La i Al . vymcus ua. wait till you get married and you will discover that a man says, l,I shall," and a women says "1 will," Philadel phia Record. Saeta. Retting a four months' school tarm withontaid from the second hundued thousand doiiars, a (hance to 3hare fairly in the dis tribution of that appropriation. 0 It will place the responsi biiity of surportiner an unnecess ary number .of small districts upon the local authorities and the people of the county, instead of laying that burden upon the Stale, The present metbed of distributing the second hundred thousand dollars tends to per petuate unnecessary little dis nets, for the more of such dis tricts a county has the more money it needs and the more money it rets from the second 1 undred thousand dollars. 10 To sum up, this law would encouraue self-help, promote economy, guarantee a four months' school term and more in every school district of every county, discourage a multiplicity f r.r.ec''srv srcH districts, tesd to correct intq aalitier in assessment of property iu a ffer ent counties by placing all weii counties on the same footing in providing a four months' school j ard in sharif.g f iirly in the di- Inbution t f the second hundred! thousand dolkrs, strengthen tin'.'. proposition for separate schools tfbieh will provide fqual facili ties for the Japanese children. Mayor Schmi'z and his associates had a conference with the President this afternoon and assured Mr. Roosevelt that the amendment to the immigration bill was entirely satisfactory to them. Secretary Root partici pated in the conference and made i report on his negotiations with '-he Republican leaders in Con gress and the Japanese ambassa dor. Mayor Schmitz to-day pointed out to President Roosevelt and Secretary Root the advantages that will be gained by the Japanese children if the Oriental schools are maintained and expressed a willingness to give the Japanese equal educa tional facilities to those given to tin white children of San Francisco. If the Japanese government will agree to this proposition the school board will Hstaoiish a sufficient number of O . lyntil $clia;l houses toaccom tnxiaie the Japanese and wi l ti'V-'-i the children individual instrnci m. M tycr Scbm;tz si s that the Japanese ma Ue fi-tr. progress in the Oriental schools than they do in the white ... i . . . ' hcriooi oy providing more mot,e.y 1 schools and that ia the mixed to pay better salaries and secHre schools the Japanese only retard better teacher?, and lengthen ; the progress of the white the school term, children. AVegctablePreparationfor As similating th7ood andRegula ting thcStomachs and Bowels of ness and Kesr.contai ns nnmer OpiumjMorphine cor rfmeral. Not Narcotic. AlX.Sennm QmtfitdSagir . Mjr now) ADerfccf Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarxtoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Lo Sit OF SIXER TacSinuto Signature of NEW "YOHK. assa 7T7 I exact copy of VRAEraa, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 3 fi IrTTTTiTTRfl ' W Mk B M In, Use For Over Thirty Years o) 111 thi oifrruit toMMNVt new to cnr. m 3 Wood's Seeds. Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes have proved bv lonsr odds th most productive Extra Earlv Po- I tato in cultivation. Koad th'e let- 5 ters from trackers, in cur Xe" s Descriptive Catalogue for 907. t We are the larsrest dealers in I Seed Potatoes in the South; j Maine-grown Second Crop - Northem-g'rova all high-gTade stocks soleeted and f grovna. especially j" r seed p irr o&es. ''Vriie for prices and WOOD'S i I907" SEED ROP irVi:n. ,1,.., r all seeds for the Farin aad Garden!! ! Mailed free on reqesst. SMYf Hardware Co. T. W. W0OP & SPSS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. (cm. 01ATISI EURALGia anil mmiY immimi f shark-now s)nn your becond Ditto He told me he was going from De troit to Chicago, so I let him win ar- far as Ypsilaati. He get off there, Detroit Free Press, 35 did How Do You Spend Your Money Ar -e you doing it in a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying a ide something for a RAINY DA 1C? If not, you will never have abetter Hint o begin, than now. To get quickly started begin the easiest way; come to The Shu ford National Bank and open an ac" count in their Savings department Do not wait for a large sum, for it may never come; just deposit whatever you 7ove tosparey no matter how small the amount. We will gladly assist you in getting started. We pay ver cent inter est and compound it quarterly in this department. Ga and let us tell you how we do it. A. A. Shuford Pres . J. C. Smith Vice Pres. and A. IT. Crowe". Cashier. ! of the poisonous matter and acids which f vue direct causes of these diseases. 1 Applied externally ft affords almost in stant relief from pain, while a permanent care Is heinar effected by purifying the S j; utooa, aissomnsr the uoiaonoiu smb. Ejg ataDte and removing is from the system. ; DR. S. D. BLAND I Of Crewtoc, Go., writes: Bi "1 but ban a mfrerer for a number at nmm & TiSi Li33iusr and Klitnmsttsm In my anaa snr; Sri9daH tba remedies that I moid i. 7 --i'cr i , v! n meoiTiM worits, arQ also consulted -;5 wi haniiailjrof the bet plivslclanc. but found othiT? that gave Uie relief obtained from P- i i uh I cliall prescribe It In mv practloa t3 fcrrbcunwtiem ad kin tmrl rinrmnrm !f1 5 If yoa re snfferlD? with Rbeumatiam. ,i rJeirr,iRia. K'dney Trouble or any kin i i (iret! .i;srtas. vrrite to us for a trial bottle 4 ' 5-ORGP3.- and test it yourself. . ? ? -DROfS" can be used any leneth of ;. irms -vitfiGi't acquiring "drus habit." f i A week's treatment for rhenmatfsm and bladder troubles for 25 cents. That j is why you (ret in a email bnx of De- w itt7s Kidae and Bladder Pills. Noth ing else so ecod for all tronbles cans-d by impure blo-xJ S ld bj T. R. 2ber 'nethy er d R. P. Frexe: A Zrr z Hi; Dt O, "BK'i'S" rj9 Boms) Doctor The iicreasicg deaf ness of yoor wife is merely an in dicaticg of advancinsr years, and you can tell her that. Husband Horn! Would yon mind tel linjr her that yourself doctor? Washington Times. The ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN. Complete Associated Press Reports and the newsiest paper in the State. Daily by mail S4.00 per year $1.0 for 3 months. Semi-week y by mail $1.00 per year. Sample copies mailed on request- The Citizen Co, Asheville, if, C. -rz