o WTON lb NT Vol. XXIX. Newton, N. C Thursday March 28, 1907. No. 6. Jjj IDlTDDin T3 1 S3 ' Conover Matters. Corrionlene of Th Entrpn. Dr. Herbert M. Snitn, of th l. S. Army t ended service here t be Luilierau cbnrcb last Suodav. Ilia Irietn's weo glad to tee hiui. He looks well and nepai ta prosper in his catling. He whs promoted a yeai ago to take rank oi captian. Horbmt ore one of our b-Bt boys aid best stuien's at Coacordia, end rrndutted quite young. His hucchhh, a that of many other?, refute the falactly that a boy to do anv good in th worldg work must be wild, ru e, and ri. goyernable, Ubecca Abernethy, colored, died t pneumonia ou Tuesday morning, aged sixty eight. She lived a ueeml and upright life, aud wa- respected aud esteemed by the whole community. It is sairi that the St, Timothy school will not luve funds to run longer than lour months. M- J. A. Rice and Mr. Wm Hoover have tauKht the school this year. Dr. Eugene Yount has gone to Bnltimore to take a post-graduate course in medicine- Every man to his trade. For success in most kinds of work, any one needs a good, round, sound, education X Saved Her Son's Life. Tbe harpist mother in to little town of Ava. Mo., ie Mrs. 8. Rappee. She writes: "One year ago my so a was down with such serious lunfc trouble that our physican was unable to help him: whn, by onr druH?isl's advice I begin pivinft bien Dr. Kiusc's New Dis eoveiy. and I soon noticed improvement. I kept 'his treatment up for a few week when he wan perfectly well. He has worKPl steadily since at carpenter work Dr. King's New Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best couve and cold cure by T. R. Abernethy Drugfist. 5oc and i.oo, Trial bottle free. Bales dinned 13,260,667. The last ginners' report of the Season was received over the wires this afternoon bearing the information that the 1906 cotton crop was the second largest ever produced, numberiag in bales 1 3, 290.977, and lacking less than 075.000 bales of measuring up to the largest crop ever made. Two years airo when 13,565,000 bales were given as the total crop. The government estimate of tbe 1906 crop was 12,546.000 showing an under-esti mation in actual production of about 750, 000 bales. The effect of the report on, the market this after noon was hardly noticeable. There was a tendency toward an advance, but the influence was immaterial. The exceedingly large produc tion was generally unexpected, especially by the great body of farmers who thought themselves acquainted with the damages sustained during the maturity of the crop by frost and rains, There were likewise but few cot ton brokers in this city who were looking for such figures. The majority abomt 12,000,000, the general estimate ranging from 12,000,000 to 13,000,000 bales, Those holding that the last figure would come anywhere near the actual crop were count ed uncompromising bears. Washington, March 20. The final census report on cotton for the year shows 13,290.677 bales, counting round as half bales, in cluding linters, have been ginn ed. 1 The number of active ginneries is 28,702. FURTHER FIGURES. Tbe 1906 crop is compared with 10,725,602 for 1905, and 13,697,310 for 1904- The average gross weight of a bale for 19C6 5 10. 7 pounds, and the crop, ex Dressed in 500 pound bales, 13. 570,226. Item 8 entering the totals fo the crop of 1906 are 13,099,927 square bale; 266,795 round bales 57,352 Sea Island bales; and 321 -160 ligters. She quantity of cotton estimat ed by the ginners' and delinter are rerunning to be ginned and included in the report of 1906 is? 155,704 bales. A cobs and peevish child is not , natur al. There is something wronir, Ui-u .lh it's the stomach. Use Cascaswee an put the stomach risrbt, and the ennshint will return to the babyV face. Casca t we ;t in best for babies and children. 5O B 25 cents. 8old by T. R. AbernetL R. P, rrtz o. Convicted of Kidnapping. Elizabeth City, March 20, The case of States vs. Joshua Har rison, charged with kidnapping Senator Beasley's son is now in the hands of the jury. Solictor Hallet S. Ward made the closing speech and concluding his argu ment at 11:30 this morning, when Jude W. H. Allen began at once to charge the jury and closed at 12:30. His concluding remarks were: ' Gentlemen of the jury; If the State has con-,' vinced you beyond a reasonable! doubt that the defendant kidnap ed this child, you should return a verdict of guilty, if not you should acquit him. Retire and consider the case.' ' STORY Or THE CRIME. It will be remembered that Kenneth Basley, 9-year-old son of State Senator S. M, Beasley, mysteriously disappeared during recess at the afternoon session of school he was attending near his home at Poplar Branch, Currituck county, this state, Monday. March 13, 1905. The woods and swamps were thoroughly searched by hun dreds of people, in a systematic manner being divided intofcom panies with captains of each party. The search continued fur two weeks or more and, as is well known, no trace of the lost child was found. Mrs, Beasley, mother of the lost child, was prostrated with grief and has been in a critical state of health ever since, HARRISON SUSPECTED, Suspicion was at once centered on Joshua Harrison. He was seen in a buggy that same after noon traveling rapidly witn . a chiid covered up with blankets which was recognized by voice. The mule and buggy were also recognized as Harrison's. The child was crying and Harrison was talking to him in a smooth ing manner. Harrison was seen in Norfolk, at 2 o'clock, the Tues day morning following the Mon day the boy disappeard. He has a very bad reputation in Curri tuck county.- He has been tried for murder twice. He requested that the trial be removed to Pasquotank county. The case began od Thursday, March 14tb, and was concluded this evening. The defenant was represented by E. F. Aydlette, of Elizabeth City, Ex-Governors T, J. Jarvis and Chas, B. Aycock. and Hon, I. M. Meeains, while the State was represented by Solicitor Hallet S. Ward, J. Heyward Sawyer. W. D. Pruden, and W. L. Cahoon. The large court room has been overcrowded at every session. At 10 o'clock tonight the jury rendered a verdict of "guilt.'" The winds of March have no terror to the user of DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It quickly heals chapped and cracked Bkin. Good too, for boils and burns: and undoubtedly the best relief for Piles. Sold here by T. K, Abernethy and R, P. Freeze. A Tennessee preacher says that drink, baseball and theatre, tobacco and peek-a-boo waists will all be found in hell. Now we can understand why so many men are headed in that direction. Rural Retreat (Va.) Times, Criticism is reviving because no public monument marks the grave of Sam Houston; but the State of Texas ought to be monu ment enough for anybody, Bos ton Transcript. Why Vinol Is Better Than Any Other Remedy to Restore Health and cvJJ v L About 15ft toVioIqo uu,.o ai o uatJtuieU yearly. Each whale averages 2.000 gallons of oil, The population of Prussia has increased by about 5,000,000. There is talk in Germany of widening the Baltic Canal. The traffic last year on the canal reached a total of 3f,150 vessels. Improvements made 13 sur gery have been the means of reducing the mortality of ampu tation to 6 per cent. A letter to Thomas Jefferson brought $160 at auction recently. Haifa century'ago the number of Germans residing in Paris was 80.000. Exports from the United States to England last year reached $655,025,000, again over 1906 of 77.660.000. Should a bill now before the California Legislature pass it will bo unlawful for any California hunter to kill more than thirty five wild ducks in any one day. Among the many curious and unusual animals which have been found by Sir Harry John ston. the African exploier, in the Uganda Protectorate, is tbe whale-headed stork. Of all places in the world San Francisco the other day a man bought three "gold brick" for $850. When he took them to the mint they told him they were of iron, gilded. Thfi total nnmhflr nf rahin nnrl steerage prssenger landed at thel a port of New York during the year 1906 by all the trans-Atlantic steamship lines was 1,159,551 In 1905, 992,065 were landed, which gives the year just ended th? record by a margin of 167. 386. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by (fter-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinarv and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly ail diseaset have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its dutv. If vou are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all'the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sokl on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent ami one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Home of Swamp-Roct. bv mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. 'Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Eing hamton, X. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. It may be because the back bone of Winter is broken that he is creeping away so slowly- Tacoma Ledger. DR. W. H, WAKEFIELD, OF Charlotte, N, C, il! be in New ton at St, Huberts Inn on Friday, March 29 ,h fir th9 ourpose of treating diseases of Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat, and fittintr glasses. On this vis't the doc tor's fees for glass fitting will be reduced one half. Because Vinol is a real Cod Liver Preparation and does not contain a single disagreeable or harmful ingredient and is not a secret formula. Because Vinol contains all the medicinal elements the soothing, healing, strengthening and flesh creative properties of Cod Liver Oil but without oil or grease. Because everything in Vinol, except the tonic iron and a fine old wine, is actually extracted from fresh cods' livers and their oil. Because Vinol is deliciously palatable and agreeable under all conditions. Everybody likes it. Because Vinol tones up the system, strengthens every organ, nerve, muscle and fibre of the whole body and thus overcomes weakness by thoroughly eradicating the cause of disease. That's Why Vinol is altogether different and better than any other remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and all Throat, Lung and Wasting Diseases. That's Why Vinol Restores Health and Strength to Delicate Children, Feeble Old People, Weak and Sickly Persons, Nursing Mothers, and Convalescents. A Ripe Old Age. Mr, George W, Pelton, 72 years of age, Akron, Mich., writes. ' For many years I have been greatly troubled with chronic Constipation, and thought there was no help for me. I have used nearly three bottles of Drake s Palmetto Wine, with result that I have no trouble from Constipa tion, and believe a cure is as-: sured. Drake's Palmetto Wine has done for me what all other ' remedies failed to do." - j N. J . Knight, 79 years of age, 1 91 Pierce St New Bedford, Mas9., writes: "I had LagriDpe. which left me with severe Ca tarrh of Mucous Membrane all through my body, a very hard cough- mornings, enlargement and inflamation of Prostrate Gland, blcody urine, and my sufferings were intense, I am talking Drake's Palmetto Wine; have used less than two bottles so far and am gaining in every way, I did not hope to ever feel so well as I do now, aud have great cause to rejoice that 1 found such a wonderful Medicine as Drake's Palmetto Wine," For sale at drug stores, 75 cents a bottle, usual dollar size. A test bottle will be sent pre paid, free of charge, to any reader of this paper who writes to the Drake Co., Wheeling, W. Va. A test bottle often cures. For sale and guaranteed by R. P. Freeze. To contiaue young in health and strength, do a3 Mrs, N. F. Rowan, He. D Miough. Ga., did. Khe says: "Three oottles of Electric Bitters cured me o chronic liver and stomach tronble, eouupf li;ated with each an unhealthy condi tion of the blood that my skin tamed red as flannel. I am now practically 2o years younger than before I took Elec tric Bitters. I can now do all mv work with ease nnd assist in my husband's. store." Guaranteed at T. R. Abernethy Tillmau to Get $43,000 For Snmrnsr Work. Stattsvil'e Landmark. For somo years Senator Till man has been putting in all of his spare time and some of the time for which he is paid to re-; present South Carolina in the! Senate on tbe lecture platform, lecturing under the auspices of lyceum bureaus. A dispatch from Washington to the Balti more Sun says that the Senator has engrgements to lecture every week day except three from j March 4 to November 30. For these lecture he is paid $200 each arid his earning for the period named will aggregate 43,000. We don't blame Mr, TUJman for taking the money, but as his lectures consist of his "views oh the race question, it is amazing that so n.any people can be found who are willing to pay money to hear Senator Tillman talk about the negro. He is an extremist and holds extreme views on this, as on most other question views which according to our thinking are neither edifying nor entertaining. Found At Last. J. A, Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va., 3ays; 'At lalt I have found the perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid iver and chronic constipation, will say: tale Dr. Rings ew life Fill " Guam teed Hatisfactory. at T. R. Abernethy 25 onte. Druggist. Some men are so persistently stingy that, if they were admitt ed to heaven on a basis of free salvation, they would hold out for a rebate, Douglas Tribune. noth Davis Sentenced to Ooe Year In Atlanta Prison, Greensboro Industrial Judge Boyd, in the United J States Distrrct Court yesterday afternoon, announced judgment in a part of the famous "revenue fraud cass,'' which have claim ed th8 attention of the court tbe greater part of the time for about two years, andwhich have aroused so much interest in the western part of North Cirolina L. E. Davis, of Wilkes county, who several weeks ago pleaded guilty to filing false expense accounts, was the only one who received a prison sentence ysstordav afternoon. He was fined $1,000 and sentenced to imprisonment for one year and one day iri the federal penitentia ry at Atlanta. This is the minimum punishment provided by the statutes of the United States for the offence. Other judgements announced yesterday were the following: A. S. Patterson," filing false enxens9 accounts. judgment suspended on payment of costs: R. H, Hardin, collusion with illicit distilers judgment sus pended, defendant to pay a fine and costs of case; L. C. Davis, filing false expense accounts, judgment suspended with the understanding that defendant pay the costs and recognize himself indebted to the govern ment in the snm of $300; Poly Hafer, fined $500 for removing. etc,; James Cowles, fined $1,000 for illicit distiling, Theie are one or two other cases to be disposed of this morning, Some of those who haye been tried or have entered submissions of guilty have not arrived, and judgment in their cases may be announced later, W. W. Samuels, who was tried and found guilty, is suffering from an attack of rheumatism and is not able to be here. There are several other cases that haye not been tried, but will be taken up as soon as possible, Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience - our own seed farms, trial grounds and large warehouse capacity give us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds nVitairvihle Onr trndff in setvls V5 both for the P Garden and Farm is oneof the largestinthis coiuitiy. We are headquarters f:r Grass und Clover Seeds. S'-d Oats, Seed Fotatccc. C . v Pers. Scia Bears :;u l ether I-arm fcds. Wood's iesc.iptivc Cta.2 1. i!it ion r ;'ut bot'. io' t I J ' - I in i- .cd ia tbi.-- Civ:";., i- : free on riuedt. Wi.leiiTic T.W.WQCii Mens, Sestet J) RJCHMO?;n, . v. ft The Laziest Maa On Earth. The laziest person on earth is belieyed to be a man named Thompson, who lives with his mother at Clare, Lursran, in Ire land. He went to bed in 1877, whun he was a boy of 11. He was waited on by his mother and he wonld probably haye remained in bed for the rest of his life had she not become ill two weeks ago and been taken to the hospital leaving him alone. He was com pelled to get up, and the work of squeezing him into the suit which he discarded twenty-nine years ago took three men a whole evening. Thompson told them he was too tired to walk, and an ambulance had to be summoned to carry him to the workhouse. There he reposed until his moth er was well again. But the officials made him walk home. When Mrs. Thompson applied for relief to the poor officer an inquiry showed that several medical men had tried to stimu late Thompson out of his chronic lethargy. Irritating plasters were applied, but they were powerless to stir kirn. Electric currents left him unruffled, and finally he was left by the doctors to injoy the serene calm they were unable to disturb Thomp son is in bed again, and his suit of clothes has again been put away. For weak kidnej s and lame back, nse DeWitt'e Kidney and Bladder Pills, Best for lumbago, rheumatism bladder, . . i - r i a ' ana omer xronoies arising irom oaa blood. They cleanse the kidneys and clear the system. Indorsed and sold by T. R. Absrnethy. and R. P. Freez-, Rheumatism I have found a tried and t -t -1 riire for Rheu matism! Not a remedy that straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony rrowths back to flesh again. That is impn:;hl But I can now surely kill the pains and pai. c ; this deplorable disease. In Germany with a Chemist in the City o! Darmstadt I found the last ingredient with which Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Remedy wa made a perfected, dependable prescription. W ithout that last ingredient. I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism ; but now. at last . it uni Vjrmly cures all curable rases of this her-tofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granular wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood, seem todissolva nd pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes ireeiy pass irom the system, and the causa of Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no real needno actual eirn to suffer lnnrpr with out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedv NOTICE. North Carolina, In the Superior Catawba County, Court, Special Proceeding. W. R. Wintera, idminUtrator of Lydia Herman vs Delilah Deal, Adolphna Lai', Eebecca TraTia, Calvin Lail et aL To Mary M. Sipe, J. A. Lail and wife, Henrietta Lail, Charles Canble, Qiiatrs W. Cauble, Silas G. Cauble, Frank Sea- horn and wife Delia C, Flora Dorsey, Cornelia A. Justice, Joseph E, Justice Catherine T. Wiley, John H. Wiley, 'Ja- arilla Grantham, R. L. Longcrier, A, B, Brown, Willie Ludlow, Bess:e Ludlow L. F. Ludlow, S. R. Lndlow, Gilbert Ludlow, Garland Lndlow, W. H, O'Neill and wife Fannie, J. C. Bush and wife, C. il Bush, Arthur Dobson, Clifton Dob- son, Eabo Dobson, Alma Dobson, Wal ter Dobson' L. D. Craig, M. L, Crais ill C. Tiner and wife, L. A. Tine", Jacob Harrison and wife, A. B. Harrison, Khetta Brown,. the heirs at law of Emi line Current, supposed to be residing in che State of Tennessee, names and residences unknown, tbe heirs at law of Lucindia Heffner, names and residences unknown, but supposed to be residing in some of the Western States, To the defendants named ab ve, yon will t&Ke notice that an aetiou entitled as above Las been commenced in the Superior Court of Catawba County for an account and settlement of the estate of Lydia Herman and that you are re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court in Newton, N. C. on 22d day of April 1907, and answer or demur to the petition now on file, and in the event that you fail to so appear, judg ment will ba rendered against you as therein demanded. Witness my hand and seal, March 20 th, 1907. C. M. McCorkle ClerkS uperior Court of Uatawba County, Vhitherspoon & Witherapeon -Attorneys for Plaintiff. SALE OF LAND. State of North Carolina, County of Catawba. In the Superior court, special proceed ing. J. T. Pnnch, Administrator 1 the estate of J . D. Punch, deceas jd. ati J . T. Punch. Yb. Julia Punoh, J. F. Gilleland. W. U. Gilleland, C. I. Gilleland, O. A. Gilir.and, Oi-a Belle Wilson, J. H. Wilson aud others. J, F. Gilleland, W. H. Gilleland, O. 1 Gilleland, O, A. Gilleland, Ora tfelv Wilson and J. H. Wilson, tix ci th-? defendants above named will taEe notk-t that an action entitled as abje hu been commenced in the Superior court, of Catawba county, N. C , lor toe sale ot lands to make assets to par debte, and for partition among the tenants in common, in which they haye an interest; and the said defendants will further tat -notice that they are required to appaiir at Ihe office of the Clerk of the Supenoj Court of Catawba county, at the court house in New ton, N. C, on the 20th day 01 April, 3 U07, at 10 o'clock a. m, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, to the petitioners will apply to the Coun for the reli f demanded in said petition. I his the 14th day of March. 1907. W. C. Feimster, C. M. McCorkle, Attorney. Clerk Superior Court. Administrator's Notice. Having been appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of J. 1). Pnnch, deceased, late of Catawba county, N, G., this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to th6 undersigned, properly verified, on or before the 22d day of March, lyOS, or this notice will be plead in bar 01 the recovery thereof. All persons indebted to said estate will please settle witb the undereigred. This the 14th day of March, 1907. W, C. Feimster, J T. PuLch, Attorney Ad' iai6tiator, "The idea of his calling me! extravagant! explained ;Mrs i Schopper. "'Wei,'' remarked) her friend, '"probably joa're not j qnite as economical ia your shop I ping as you might " "Nonsense!; Why, I never buy a b'essed thiair ; but bargains. Philadelphia f Press. WANTED: To rent cottage house in Newton, Address J. C. Wilkinson, R. F. D. No. 2, Catawba. N. O . 4-t-14. SALE NOTICE! ON THE 23rd day ol March 1907, I will offer lor Sale at my residence, on the South Fork, one horpp, one was on, two buggies, one Disc Drill, one Oliver Chilled Plow, two sets double harness, lot ol Merchan dise, also many other things. L. S. J ones. P. S, All accounts are now due TOniA. The Seeder J Garden Plow for S l $2,75, I ! o feet poultry wire 2 J 5 per roll 4 feet poultry wire S2.70 per roll, o feet poultry vire $-25 Barb wire 3 cents per pound. Avery cotton planter &3.7o each. Coles fertilizer distributer $.o0 each Ao. 7 Coles cotton dlanter S7,o0. So. 17 Coles combined, cotton plant-)- aud fertilizer distributer $T7.o0. J o. 5 Coles planter and distributer S 1,60. Rooling for covering Houses, barm s and Sheds, rahgefrom $1.00 per square $-2."0 $V.50. Have stoch on hand. Wh3?l barrows at $1.75 ea?b. Oliver Anns Shovels $1.00 each. Garden Rakes each 25, -55, 50 and 75 cent. Collar Tadb 30 cents each Pistols and pistol catridges, Catrkl?es to fit most airy pistol or rifle. We have several double barrel Shot guns which we will sell cheap to close oitf. Hardware Go. How Do You Spend Your Monev Arey on doing it in a zvay to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside something for a HAIX Y DA 17 If not, you will never have abetter time 4o begin than now. To get rpiichiy started, begin thf easiest way; tome to The Shu ford National Bank andjopen an ac count in their Savings department Do not wait for a large sum, for it may never cfjme; just deposit whatever i.'ou y ove to sp ai e, no matter how small the amount. We will gl idly assist you in getting started. We pay vercent inter est and compound it quarterly in this department. Ga and let us tell yon how we do it. A. A. Shuford Pres.. J. C. braith Vice Pres. ard A. U, Crowell. Cashier. The ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN. Complete Associated Press Reports and the newsiest paper hi the State. Daily by maii S4.00 per y-ar Si mon t h s by mail $1.00 per year, Sample copies mailed on request The Citizen Co, Asheviile, N. C. t- Semi - week" WE RETURN MONEY IF IT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION 3 ABERNETHY DRUG CO. L Bean tl Signature The Kind Yea Have Always Batgl Signature of Tba Kind You Haw Always Bought

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