the n e wton feNTB Vol. XXIX. Supplies For The Senate. Washington Diepatoh to the New York Herald. Senators are a thirsty lot. Tbe report of Charles G. Bennet, PR 2 Newton, N. C, Thursday, August 15, 1907. Stonewall's Promptness. Charlotte Chronicle, Once upon a time, and during Had to Cook for Tramp With Razor New York World. Few housewives would care to the civil war General tJ V nousewives would care to an,o.I J! .: JS? Jf9 8entl toww the experience that a. i ir-.u.j -,. . I v"" w vrtJQSrai ntnnaviil 1 1 secruwrjr me uma oiates Jackson ajiW " Z . wwuu mrs. rvatnerine Snyder, of Senate, shows that during the U- , wmB wjfurdy ininn mm i.. l , ... last fiscal year that ausrnst haHr .. . UUfc Bny at his consumed 860 cases of mineral IT I M thC matter was water, costing $4,504.70. Then ' " nrry' The there was $2,035.87 for carbon- !5 . Jackson iz?d mineral water and $318,97 fnr lemons and smrar fni- 1UUS were in -- It-was rere ir Neyer famous Senate lemonade, niakine ei..i . . a total of 56,849.54 for drinkahl "V: . . Jaca Promptly a toiai oi ?u,oy.' ior arinicables j . . i in ii run nia . j . and not a dron of miv.Km I ana proceeded hard"sofar as the official list " f " mUes to Lees P- Since ther aro ,,u.JwJwimi "proved Jackson . and reminded him t,. us. snos. - A. I senators, sue percapiia con sumption is about ?7G. It should be remembered also that while there are some Senators who drink a great deal of mineral waters, there are also some who drink Jvery little, and there is much curiosity here as to who drank the most last year, 13 ut wny in tne name all of that is unparliamentary did any Senator need a is of of expenditures explanation of this item, that of ' cosmetique. aai it is thought this been incurred about reminded him TYi A a c ia it. v au uiere was no nurry. Jackson replied that his conception of the duty of ftnlf lav mmm!j a i a . iCMuircu seas ne imme diately obey the wishes as well as the orders of his superior omcers. Jackson's idea o promptness and dispatch is wi wust maae mm a great general. Jfromntneas anr? -v;-4. ,, .. ""u fcruuK, the lrevatrmA u . rvntinc S20.70? The rffl,l k. K " " aruu - n . - v nail nnBinaaa I 4. ; -. j. y ia amazing now Iim&Bg nO DIATITthara 1 1 . . . . i J wuu uave wj De interesting I told to do a th? A V, . I . uu woauB ?.UUkUC.uimr 1M3m 13 1 harassed inw doing it. The i:i j lli i-iiif i d a i non i employer time and aeain baa to mj nave tell the , vujjr vici. u. mi no me same somethino- nl uj tt. time as the skirt trunk. TtroLoif'..; .-- . ... ujmvmcx ui mma 10 seu mm atrain bnndott .rons. ccfct .50 re Tbe joaoe mM who i i?S oa the list ana it is moDosed h.B .u t.-- l " " uo win omj once is a v;n ia ""o one wno "'n"j kcw promouon and ineecnooi tne good old days becomes in time a nronrietor UCu ku0lJ0uwf8 receiyeairee me one who is said to do transportation irom the rail- something at his convenience roads, and were thus enabled to but who nevertheless does it Docset tne 'u cents a mile immediately is the one who i aiowed by tne government, is advanced by his emblover an J c ontained in tne item Pass I makes a aroa -f- k: i I vxwwvas ' ii '"B"H cases, 59 30.' There are' $88 Stonewall Jockson'n i is worm or learner dusters on the a good one to emulate. list, but it is promised that this reaiizaa that more effective i9 an HI1M . ,.n . . oo grounds were secured yesterday weapons are required m strife donbt the rising and setting of the .mUafternoon in response to a v ith the resident. ThP snnncroo I ,a lue m regnuu- pertormance in the j . I ,T ' ""i iiio ocuuu ui ue uiuuess i.Ter ana bowels when reimlated with street, Westchester, yesterday afternoon, when a tramp walked into her hitchen ana drawing a razor, stood threateningly over her while she cooked him a meal. - - The Snyder home is in an isolated part of Westchester and sets back fnom the street in a clump of trees, The tramp, who Uter gave his name to the police as John Schoss, entered without I knocking. He sat down at a table and drew a raeor. "I am as hungry as a bear. and if you don't cook me some thing to eat I will use this razor on yon," Schosssaid. The frightened woman quickly set a kettle of water on the fire and promised to cook Schossa msal as q uickly as possible. She was so nervous that she dropped dishes and cooking utensils but went on with the work neverthe less, for Schoss continued to display his razor. Mrs, Snyder's daughter. looked into the kitchen, saw what was transpiring and ran ana told neighbors who tele No. 26. i Fell in a Well. Kev. David ShireinaD, of Ti , -tunica, naa a narrow escape from instant death on Monday jwvzznd. He was at the home cf Mr. J, W. Alwran and was engaged in cementing the curb ing and walls of a well when the oumim Kye way ana ne was precipitated to the bottom, 28 feet below. Fortunately how ever, in his hurried decent he met with no obstruction until he landed in T feet of water. Even then he didn't hesitate but kept right on to the bottom oi the well. Mr. Alwran , who- was standing nearby when the ac cident occured gave immediate assistance, and the old gentleman was soon rescued from his waiery resting place. He is 72 years old, and a minister of the Adventist faith. He sustained no injaries as a result of his Mc-Ginty-hke descent, and within a few minutes after being rescued he was hard at work. During the time, he was perfectly cool (naturally so) retaining his pres ence of mind and shouting directions for his rescue. Cleve land Star. I motion factories, North and South. Colombia State. Cotton manufacturing in New England is entirely an artificial industry. It is like growing tropical fruit in hothouses in the arctic circle; it can be done, but it should not be possible for such expensive and wasteful methods to compete with every advantage supplied by nature .tnd location, The cotton manu facturers of NewFngland reaped to the full the profits gratuitously allowed them by the Southern industrial system or the want of one, and got the mills under full pressure thousands of for- tunes amassed and an entire section was mane prosperous and given an undue and un- A natural maustruu suoremacv. This purely fictitious prosperity The Gladness of Living. Great chastenings are not the rule of life, any more than are hilarious, hysterical joys, and therefore transient, As light and sunshine instead of storms and clouds are the rule in the weather realm, so comfort and peace and joy are the rule of lif e All vessels in passing from shore to shore are staggered by storms, blown about by gales, damaged bv disaster in one form or another; but wafting winds and servin g seas, and blue skies and safe landings are with them the rule not the exception. So the sor- assorttcent at our store. rows that bend and break, the MATTING! MATTING! Ladies, wHen you re arrange youi house for the suuncer, if you nend any neic waiting on tie floor, yon can fiind a good Piles get quick 'and certain relief from Dr. Shopp's Magic Ointment. Its action is positive and certain. Itnhino- . nfunfnl TIFAfmHinn n Vi: l :i j- Phoned to the Westchester Police Pr like magic by its use. l arge Station. Policemen Moffet and i jfJPP! iars co cents. Sold by Dwyer hurried to the house and i arrested Schoss just as he was beginning to eat the meal. ! Lineolnton And Snnmter to Plav Four Games, Charlotte News, Lineolnton and Sumpter will cross bats at Latta Park Wednes day, Thursday. Friday and Sat urday afternoons of next week or the championship of North and South Carolina. The The Pastor Returns Thanks. Rev. F. B D, D , in th Brazil, Ind., Democrat. the t'.e Senate made outlay of $510.21, For the large number of r.aidheads in the Senate a r narkable quantity of prepara toMji for the hair was used. Here are some of the entries JUv rum, 30. 2; witch hazel, $14; hair tonic, ?32.57; brillian tine, $1.20. A silver ink stand for the wr.Jving's JNew Life Files. Gnarnteed : dj r, xi. Abernethy druggist. 25c Life's Mistakes. According to a well-known writer, the important mistakes m m m oi me can be condensed into fourteen. The selected fourteen are given below: it is a mistake to set up your e President's room, roatino- own standard of right and wrong j:ii, has been noticed before in antl iQde People accordingly. ... i m a i - - . . trv'oublic prints. Then on the AU measure me enjoyment oi day of the last session when others by our own . JTl . 4 J . tins President and hi rAhinet A" expect unuormity oi wtr.t to the Capital to help close opinion in world up ihe session, thev ate $26 .25. 10 "X" "r judgment and worth of food for luncheon. No expertness m the young. To endeavor to mold than ?209.75 for manicure for the members of the x r -.te indicates that the fair rn - ni jurists in this town are los.n r considerable trade. Six seii,r sets, at a total cost of $-f.:.-), are on the list, ;7e and handkerchief sets ftf-jr-1 prominently in the report, as also do opera bags, engage ment pads, and such like. It is easy to guess that all of these trticles are utilized by the Senators and their families, but v is pi zzling to understand who makes way with hundreds of bushels and pounds of oats, liaxseed meal, bran meal," rock salt, etc., and they certainly do wji, eai me grease, soap, rosin, tar. spool cotton, cheese cloth, pumise stone, Georgia "pine, screen hinges, brass tacks, wire head nails, monkey wrenches and paste fillers, nor is it reasonable to suppose that these soloos drinK mustang liniment, pe:rolfum, turpentine, arnica, ttahogany varnish, and a lot of other stuff, which is bought in ho!rsi!e lots. They probably were nought for the horses on the Senate mail delivery wagons and the vehicles themselves. 1 wi 1 in ail you free, lo prove merit, ' - plt-H of my Dr. 8hoop s Bestoratvd, "-i my Hook on either Dyspepsia, The !). rt o- The Kidneys. Troubles of the ' a' h, Heart or Kidneys, are merely jori H of a deeper ailment. Don't niit-.c thco'nmon error of treating !- riipforrif. only. Symptom treatment is '"Mtirnr the result of your ailment, and th f-auRe. Weak Soraach nerves :uoil nerves mean Stomach weak V.h alwn.TP. And the Heart, and M Ineyi whII, have their controlling '" juhkIh nerves. Weaken these nerves, u'l .von inevitably have weak vital rifans Here is where Dr. Shoop's i Hortitive has made its famt No o'li-r lendy cvencl8ims to treat the n-id' nerv-s." Also for bloating, wiiioiwrife,,, bad breath or complcxioD, Dr. hhoop's Restorative. Write me ' flav for saa.Dle and free Book. Dr. "(..,), ac,H Wis. The Restorative . .i by R. P. Freeze. IB Mr. Pr f hsio Pate I er er st'ili adopt letters as a ' t-writing or sign painting? i-ik Dispatch, all dispositions alike, To yield to immaterial trifles io iook ior periecuons in our own actions. To worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied. Not to alleviate all that needs alleviation so far as lies in our power.l Not to make allowances for the infirmities of others. 10 consider everytnmg im possible that we cannot perform. To believe only what our minds can grasp. To believe that there is only one perfect individual, and that you are that person, To expect to be able to under stand everything. The Uaby Turned Out Wrong Baltimore Sun. On J uly 4 a baby girl wrapped in a newspaper was found by some boys on a road near Pleas antville, Westcaester county. The boys notified the village authorities, and the baby, only about a day old, was offered for adoption by anyone who wanted it. x Mr. and Mrs. Peter Quick, who had no children of their own ask ed for the child. Althougn very red in the face, the baby was a prepossessing presence. Dress es, a baoy carriage and otner necessities and luxuries were bought, and the affection of the Quick family was lavished on the child. A few days ago, however, the baby's redness of face changed to a darker shade and in its hair were unmistakable kinks which defied all efforts to comb out. A doctor was called in. "It is a negro baby," said he, Mrs. Quick waited a few days longer, but as this was not what she had bargained for she decided to give up the child. It was turned over to the county almshouse and christened Martha Washington. mes sage from Prof, Caldwell, of Lin eolnton, asking that the games be arranged with the local author! ties. Both these teams are fast. Lineolnton has played twenty lour games wis season and won twenty-three, dropping only one and that was not a nine inning contest. This aggregation is made up of college players, a number of old tossers from the University, Wake Forest and Erskine College being on the team. Sumter has been a member of the South Carolina League and has been playing excellent ball. The games in this city will doubt less be largely attended. John Riha, a prominent dealer ' ot Vining, Ia. says: "I have been selling De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Piles for about a year and they give better satis faction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have nsed them and they give pertect satisfaction in every cae. l have used them myself with fine results." Sold by T. K. Abern ethy and R. P. Freeze. Quaint Parasols Are Summer Joys. Ner York press. Truly the price insures a des irable exclusiyeness for the new Japanese parasols in pongee and rajah silk that are being import ed. These have the quaint flat shape of the Oriental paper sun shades and come in three colors white, old ivory and blue, The wooden handles are hand-carved and the more handsome specimens T Tl 1 .uear bailor; auow me space m your momentous gazatt to reciprocate my gf agitude to the indefatigable workers of the second Baptis Church. While sitting in my studio last evening intensely aDsorbed ' in the monotonous problem, so called negro problem. I were inter posed by the anthem. "The Lord will Provide." which rendered me surprisingly elated. Im- 3 A 1 . a Tr mediately mere was rap on my dor. Of coarse, I hurriedly responded: .the anticipation of many oiessmgs in store ior me accelerated my steps, Many valuable and useful presents adequate to satiate any gastrono mies! desire, viz: Money, chick ens, lard, sugar, beans, potatoes, flour, fruit, preserves and eggs, Space will not permit me to speak synoptically. Sister Ida B. Shield, who led the parishioners, added a superior grace to the occasion. After a general parlance I was devinely impress ed to descant on the altrinsic spirit that characterize the Christian don, an exquisite re sponse by sister Virginia John son, Sisters Watson, Doyle Patterson, Gardner, Jr. and Sr and Baxter won many laurels by their unimical disposition Mr. JUder and company with their musical skill added much to the occasion; indeed, the occasion was a celestial symposi um. has endured merely because the South has not yet gained the ground she should have won SO years ago. She has the climate the raw cotton at the doors of her mills, exhaustless and eco nomic, water power to run the mills, and living and all the processes of manufacture are cheaper than in New England, But she still lacks skilled labor to compete with New England in the field that New England has made peculiarly her own the manufacture of the 5ne grades of goods. But these conditions can not always remain. And no one knows this better than the cotton mill interests that are now exulting in the temporary ad vance in prices and trying to fan their enthusiasm into the belief that it will last. The Linit of life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that tne generally accepted limitation of human hie is many years below the at tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period that de termines its duration, seems to be be. tween 50 and 60, the proper care of the ooay during nis decade cannot be too strongly urged; careless then being laiai io longevity, mature s best helDei after 5O is Electric Bitters, the scientific ionic medicine tnat revitalizes every organ 01 tne ocKty. uuaranteed by T, K. Abernethy, Druggist. 50c. want that wastes and withers, the terrors and torments that for the time being, are real tragedies, are not the rule but the exceptions of life, says a writer in the August Delineator. Count up your pleasant years, enumerate your untroubled days take note of your joyous hours and you will find mat they out number by thousands those of rack and wretchedness. The red sunrise, the noon grayness and evening gloom is an incident; the full, light, busy, wholesome day, with its bearings and for bear ings, its gettings and giv ings, its cares that are also its comforts, its becomings that are its benedictions, the event. Dwell on the events, not on the inci v a. m . aents, 01 your me on tne per manent, not the transitory, and you will be surprised at the result, " We have seventeen different patterns to select from. Our goods were bought right delivered in our store, and we are giving our patrons the benefit of the ireight. Prices ranging fromllc to 2Sc, saving you about tro cents" on ;jard. See onr goods and get price. Kespectf ully.l 3. F. HERMAN & Son. Swarming Bees on Sleeping Boy. Somerset Pa, Dispatch. Old Age and the Onion. New York Herald. Napoleon Trusted His Omens. Napoleon always had an unlimited trust in his presenti ments, When the news came to him that one oi the Nile river boats, the name of which was L'ltalie, had been wrecked and the crew put to death he gave up all hope of ever completing nis conquest 01 itaiy oy annexa are embroidered lavishly, Onition. Napolean belieyed that litn avenue yesteryay morning a beautiful parasol of this variety was carried by a fair shopper. It was of blue, embroidered with a floral design in wnite. The handle was carved to represent the head of a Japanese, wearing a cap of silver, studded with tur quoise. To match the new para sols are oddly shaped purses, in the same materials and embroid ered in similar designs. These are oblong and fastended with a gilt clasp. Flaps, attached to the embroidered aides, extend above the clasp, and to them are attached the handles, long, flat bands of the material. the stars exercised an occult influence over human distinies, When General Rapp, at one time his aid-de-camp, returned from the siege of Dantsic he found the emperor gazing with concentrated attention at the heavens. "Look there! " shouted the emperor, "It is my star! The fiery red one, almost as large as the moon! It is before you now and, ah, how brilliant1 It has neyer abandoned me for a single instant I see it on all great occasions, It commands me to go forward, it is my sign of good fortune, and where it leads I will follow." TTTl . . nnen any very old person dies there is always a reasonable curiosity in learning how he or she contrived to live so long and upon what meats and re j urinat ing liquors he or she fed. Mrs, Catherine Gilligan, whose death, at 107, is reported, has given a passing interest to the query, She ascribes her longevity to her habit of eating onions daily at every meal probably from her own onion patch her refusal to worry about anything and her determination not to take any medicine. While there is no doubt that the savory vegetable tended to strengthen her breath, she evidently helped matters along otherwise by not worrying about what other people might think of her on that account, but, best of all, she successfully fought against the drug habit, which had so effectually shorten ed the lives of so many of her companions, Probably her first and forced taste of castor oil settled her convictions for life. Alas, for most similarly rebellious young sters, the medicine habit be comes a disciplinary develop ment even before they shed their milk teeth, and in later life it is often so confirmed that it is impossible to shake it off. It might be said that the good old woman would have lived longer had she taken medicine. Perhaps, but 107 is no mean score when the modest and retiring onion is pitted against the ever ready and alert pill. o Bean tli Signature t lha Kind Yog Hare Always Bont A a. .... Apparently to matcn the re markable weather there have been many remarkable stories of the vagaries of bees in their annuallswarmings. but the oddest to date comes from Mill Run. near Addison, Somerset county, where members of the Frazee family hold a reputation as apiar- Ust. Hiram Frazje came home from work in a field last week, and on a bench in the apiary yard he saw his 9y ear-old son fast asleep. From head to foot the youngster was covered with bees to the depth of several inches, it seemed, but he slept on. Afraid to awaken the boy less he angered the bees and be stung to death, Frazee looked sharply and found the queen bee. whom the others had followed from the hive. He carefully removed her, in the hive, and within five min utes the other bees followed. leaving the lad still sleeping and unharmed. it appeared tnat tne queen bee had been crippled and had crawled upon the boy's body. where she was shortly joined by the whole bee community, condition. Also can See us and One second hand 13 horse power Peerless trac tion engine. It is in good running Terms cash, good note or mortgage. furnish cotton gins on short notice. get the very best goods at the most reasonable prices and terms. All . i rsu our gooas are so live guarantee. Call on or write, E. L. Bellinger & Co. Newton, N, G ld und er a posi- How Do You Spend Your Money? CASTOR I A Tat Infants and Children. Tu3 Kind Yon Havs Alwajs Bcsght Bears the Signature of uusoand i wisn l had some of those good, old-fashioned bis cuits like mother used to make for me. Wife And I wish I had some of those nice new-fashioned clothes like father used to buy for me. Chicago News. My wife doesn t say 'boo' when 1 come home at midnight." "t.:h j ? i i i I xMfcukuer uues mine, dub sue i says nearly everything else in the dictionary' Detroit Free Press. Areyoudoinglibin a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside som ethingfor a It A JJV YDA YS If not, you will never have a better tinu 4o begin than now. To get quichly started begin the easiest way; come to The Shuford National Bank andlopen an ac count in their Savings department. Da not wait for a large sum, for it may never come; fust deposit whatever you yove tdlspare-, no matter how small the amount. We will gladly assist you in getting started. We pay 4 vercent inter est and com wound it quarterly in this department. Ga and let us tell you how we do it. A. A. Shuford Pies.. J. C. Smith Vice Pres. and JA, H, Crowell, Cashier. V e may each contribute to the city beautifuL" said the enthusiastic speaker; "each add a little to the adorning of the streets, ' I will yolunteer, said one of the hearers.-to wear my new hat down to the matinee this verv afternoon if the sun shines." Philadelphia Ledger. TheFarmers and Merchants Bank. Dr. J. H. Yount, President, Capital, NEWTON," N. a E, P, Shrum, Vice President. DIRECTORS; nines v J-22 Great suffering is the lot of all women, who neglect the health of their wo manly organs. No reason to do so, any more than to neglect a sore throat, colic, or any other disease, that the right kind of medicine willjccre. Take ff for all your womanly ills.' It can never do harm, and is certain to do good.' Mrs. SaQie H. Blair, of Johnson City, Term., writes: "I had suffered from womanly troubles for six teen monthi, and had four doctors, but they could net help me, until I began to take Wine of CarduL Now I think I am about welL" At all reliable druggists, In $ 1 .00 bottles. Try It WRITE US A LETTER Writ toJy for a fre copy o valuabte 64-paf matrrfi Book far Wooeo. If yen need Medical Advtce. describe your ayarptoaw. etatinc aa. and reply vfll be tent hi tta eealad eBvetoc. i frwLa Advisory LVt.. Tha Chtirvrn 'e Em. Qw'wn. Ti". DR J. H. YOUNT, I ALECK YOUNT D. J. CARPENTER, CHAS. B. RUFTY, GEO. W. SHIPP- L. H. Phillips, Cashier. $35, (XXX 00. F. P. SHRUM. M. M. SMYRE. Dr. T. W. LONG. J. W POPE. F. a BOYLES, L. II. PHILLIPS. Will open for business, Monday, April 1st. Your business respectfully so licited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with safe banking. I H. PHILLIPS, Cashier. "I knew you were a fool before I married you!" "I presume my proposing to you satisfied you on that point? "Houston Post. "What makes that goat shiver so, Mike!" "He ate a lot of sleigh bells th' other day, an iviy toime he moves they jingle, an' ha thinks it's winter." Denver Post,