Vol. XXK. MR. CRAWS SPEECH. A Brilliant Narative of the Braye Deeds of Confederate Soldiers. The following is an outline of the speech of Hon. Locke Craig at the unveiling of the monument V) the Confederate soldiers of ratawba county, in Newton, August lo: horror nf KotfU.c.u. . . ueius ana gar ments dyed in blood. This is exemplified and glorified ia the life of every heroic soldier. It mis mat cannot Newton, N. C, Thursday, August 22, 1907. they at once closed and came steadily on, never halting, never wavering, right through the CI J ? i . noia, ngns up to our guns and the supreme fact is the universality of law. In the material world we see its mani festation in all life and in all mat ter. We trace it in the fall of the apple, and in the poise and revolution of solar systems, In accordance with this law nothing is destroyed, nothing is lost. The leaf as it decays upon the ground is but changing its form that it may contribute toward the development of a higher and tiuer life. No energy is lost. lhe tremenaous power which storm cradled nation A. . - '&nnot he in I - i ... It can never be lot .it i7 'TZ ! w"pi Txam before them enduring ih . u . I".,,1! cmprarea our artillery, rand cut me uiaroie oi Carrara. It is hricrhtQ a. o w l tuku bug order of the stars, The people of Catawba County uu lQe mseives no higher uuuor, can perform for v. ... . A k-eueraiion no greater can transmit to heritage more perpetuate by suitable memoiial tne needs of their heoric men. All hail this when this i ouoyant youth, of our whole division to pieces. You were at Cold Harbor and Chancellorsville, at Fredericks burg and Gettysburg, at Peters burg and Rin.h 1,1118 atox, and always in tho fWf oat service, of he fiwhtma. i?r,Q a. posterity ; no fw.7rr.rr.. """T8 blessed than to 297 wl tne .muhu - I...H2nd Regiment, of which you were a member, a new flag made vicious fanatics. "A similar bill failed to pass the legislature of Virginia by only one vote. There was a strong and r rowing sentiment at the South- to free the negroes, but this sentiment was counteracted by the violence of Northern abolionists, "The vast majority of the men who composed the Southern armies owned no slaves, Thev fought for the Constitution of their fathers. Since the war the established principles of our Goverment have not always been No. 27. epuaiets stand the men in plain gray who must never be forgot ten. 'Regular a the Sun" U an expression ua old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular performance in the universe, unless it is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life Piles. Guarnteed by T, R. Abernethy druggist. 25c auspicious day accordant with o a,, Kieb multitude nf Preen. ..j . " a iJiesuama io tne stronsr anrt fa . L " -f-A. xuuau wunuy 01 re- imuu uu i namaaur sain that t fh i. rienrl trt xiucsi, , w uuyeu mis snait. that th?nftot V j bears p0n , comer, stone the ZhZLyZZ " ? " - Wi aLl bU sons oi uatawba duct of that wuuwentto do battle fnr tha , , i - wxivuuicunaja uccu by the ladies of Richmond in Federalizing and centralizing. It seemed that some of our corpor is apparent in tne movement of a locomotive is the utilization of the energy of the sun which for ages has been dormant in the - . 1 1 A . cji.. ana mat energy passes aain into neat and light, not destroyed but changed in form. We cannot conceive that law which i supreme in the material world should not hold good in the higher life and development of the moral world. "The Astronomer Le Verrier discovered through his telescope that the planet Saturn was deflected from its orbit and de viated from its regular course. Apparently the law was ignor ed, But he conceived that this irregularity was caused by the uroximity of another body be- ! yund the reach of his telescope. He made his calculation. He measured and weighed the un seen world. A greater telescope was constructed and turned to that portion of space. At the a ppointed time the planet Nep t me, hitherto unknown, swept i to the range ct the new telescopes." 'So it is with every life. regiment. They marched, said he as steadilv that foil I - -w" uuuicaa uaraiiH. inn TDnan nnm mL . . . I ' " wtu iua memories of the old man manded to retreat marhd k.u and the old women are to-day as steadily as ever through a weu uacK 10 tne limes when the most fire, galling ooys ennstea, Tbese gray-haired rodcxauot WUUSB iaCPS W6r6 burned in the fire that blazed from the rifle pits of Chancellors ville, whose bosoms were scared 1 A oy tne bayonets that on Ceme tery Hill, were boys then. In this town, in all towns of the boutb, the drulns w,ere beating, tne bright new banners waving, off. The lock of hair, the flower. & 1 T- "IT . . fcue X3i oie was given in token of every lasting love and remem-J brance. Mothers pressed the first-born to proud but breaking! nearts. The boys marched away forever, In that crreat hnnr Yo u men of Catawba were at ii icockefeller is to live 30 years more, as his doctor affirms he can earn enough to pay a lot of fines. Philadelphia Ledger. M ATTING.? MATTING! The Limit of Life. ations, and some of our people. and even some of our judges, had almost forgotten that there were any States, but we hav come to know that there is 'ifeii'1 edSe mlwhl?h. he race 19 nw tho m I nZ -Jpoesessed. The critical period that de- tne Old land yet. The exiled f .termines its duration, seems to be bo. dynasty of Southern ideils i i ,fcwesn 50.and P the proiw care of the . " wem minis ,s foody during hu' decade cannot be too DOU5 to De restored. - 1 strongly urged; careless then being a xt lL i laiiAi lo longevity, mature s best he per u vyaiuiiiia was nrst at Bethel, farthest to the front at Gettysburg and Chicamauga, last at Appomatox, so now she is at the head of the column of the The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that tne generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the at tainment possible with the a.lvannMl i after 5O is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by T. R. Abernethy, Druggist. 50c. Omesra's Budget CorresDondence of Tne Enterprise. Iron Station, August 11, mi . j. ue wejcome rains have come, Mr, A. C. Dellipger, an aged and highly respected citizan of the Little Mountain section is verv sick Rev. Chronister of Maiden commenced a protracted meeting at Mountain View Baptist church yesterday. Kev. W. 0. Rudisill closed a very successful revival meeting at L9banon last Sunday night. It has never been our privilege to listen to more earnest preaching, and we believe 1 it will have a profound influence ' SSOrlweilt at Our Store. for good. The meeting resulted youi Ladies, wlien you rearraDge ton hp Cm- ihi , yuu nena any new matting on the floor, yon can fiind a good A Native. in 12 accessions to the church, and your correspondent has reason to rejoice, as 4 of the number are his own children. To God be all the praise,, ' Mr. James Sherrill and family of Mr. Mourne visit-d relatives in our section last week. miss L.ottie JJonalson of Charlotte is yisiting relatives in community. The Misses Ella and Pearl Wilkinson of Charlotte visited relatives in the Kidaville section last week and gave the iamily of onarpsourg and some of , you 'States, North and South, for th lOm AWk kw iU.l a n . a 'vluou,W!l mumeni; alter you: maintenance of trm Rnvproiontrr u; u ..ii t uau crossed me Potomac at Har- of the States, the per 's Ferry. You had waded the . State to control its own affairs. dent of a sleepy hamlet in Alaba- JOUr corresPondent a sh .rt call rvu,r, -u-: , . ma. v" "euurauaJ- j.lxio ia me uasm principle OI UDon Are yu a native ot the town? ' We have seventeen different patterns to select from. Our goods were bought right delivered in our store, and we are giving onr patrons the benefit of the freight. Prices ranging from.llc to 28c, saving you about two Cn1son .yard' See onr goods and get price. Respectfully, J F. HERMAN & Son. river, and were worn with light ing and marching. You could i . hnar-th ou , 'Qis averment, tne rock Kuua ui oua.1 psuurfcT. iou saw the the names oi wnose men are in the corner stone of this monument. The first company went out in every heroism and martyrdom April 1861. This was flnmranw We may not comprehend its A of the 12th Regiment. The nv-ining. We cannot know its j last went out in May 1864. This ir tinite and ultimate relation, but ' was Company E of the 72nd the wounded and the Wereldvinor K-ronrvVit Cava cades were filing that McClellan with his whol. army was advancing to the as sault. It was a doubtful mom ent. Gen. Pender rode nut hp. fore the line, He lifted his fin- Ktsr ior attention. He spoke to you words as great as those of of travail armies came from the V .T. ..S" womb ofthe South, full equipped h "rr;:K :roiur mi liiro M'norw t u. . battle at is not willing to go oram oilm,u ou L , . nmu mc wj uutti psuurj;. iet mm step out of the ranks and he shai The President of the Ranson-J be put back across tha rWr in Sherrill chapter tells me that the safety, With the rebel yell you which the Republic must stand, ased a traveler, if it stand at all. This is theessen- "An 1 wfaat?" I tial of permanent popular govern ment, ana oi just government, The pollitico-industriai problems evolved by this great modern process must be mainly dealt with by the States, If the pub he corporations are to be control! like Minerva from the Jupiter. county oi Uatawba sent to front eleven f uli companies. with v m do lnow that far beyond our k-.n the Eternal Law must hold uj sway. Regiment. These were of the Junior Reserves, all seventeen year old boys. This company t rushedforward and swept the fild of Sharpsburg, After the battle when Jackson asked Hood where is your brigade?' That intrepid commander answered 'dead upon the field,' "Time does not allow to continue the narration of the heroic deeds of the men of the Confederacy I do not believe that their loyali ty, their constancy, their chivalry, their patience in suffering, their courage in battle, has been equalled in ancient or modern times. Napoleon said languidly asked the one addressed. "Are you a native of the town?" i ua lis iiuaii.r "I asked you whether you were a native of the place?'' At this juncture there appear ed at the open door of the cabin Mr. T. F. Drum of Catawba. 7 while on his way to Stanley to visit his daughter stopped ote night with the family of the writer, The bond issue for tha im provement of the public roads of Lincoln county was defeated last Thursday fcy a decisive majority. Our people are well British at Waterloo: them with artillery, them with infantry, them with cavalry. the smoke of battle there stood the read of the covered flooded deluged But when was lifted line yet.' 'I I I of "ftn sacrifices for every ru'hteous cause are the seals the Everlaatincr Covenant fthe Almighty that His will shii I be done, that His Kingdom shall come." "Why is it that we love the soldier? We do not love war. We do not love the carnage and bloodshed and horrors of battle." "General Grant, standing upon the portico of the palace at Ber lin, reviewing the army of Lm perul Germany in all of its mag nificence and strength, said to the German Emperor: "Sire, I hate war." He knew its triumphs and its glories, but he knew of its horror and suffering. "We love the fighting soldier or the reason that he believes in somethings that he is willing to live for and, if need be, die was raised by J, R, Gaither, Company F of the 38th Regiment from this county had enlisted when it went out a father and two sons, They passed all though the four years struggle and came home. The old man died a few years ago. Would that he could have participated in this occasion with his boys and his comrades. Please permit me to say that from the County of Buncombe, Patrick Black went to the Army of Northern Virginia and carried with him seven sons, Their names were William, Mon traville, Jake, Nathan, James, George and Henry, They- all enlisted the same day. They did not all come back, Some of you men, when you wore boys, were at Seven Pines. This is what a Northern soldier who was there said of vou: "Our To maintain his conviction shot tore their ranks wide onen he bids dritiince to danger and 'and shattered them in a manner pam and death. To him there is ' frightful to behold. They closed uignestana severest up, and came on as steadily . as test of courage and devotion. He; English veterans. When they men and round true. He. is got within 400 yards we closed our case shot, and opened on lor. So it was with the men who wore the gray. They defended their native land. Before Richmond and Peters ourg the gray line stood. Against it marched over whelming numbers; against it were broken squadrons of caval ry and parks of field artillery. Against it army after army was hurled, but when the smoke of battle lifted there stood the gray line yet. "These men did not fight for slavery. The rr justifiable methods by which fanatics pro posed to deal with the South oh account of this institution, was one of the aggravating causes of the war. Had it not been for the aggressive and offensive fan atical interference the negroes would have been not freed before 1861 by the Southern people. England had freed her slaves, and away back in the early 30's a bill was pending before the General Assembly of North Carolina looking to univer sal emancipation. I state this upon the authority of that gallant soldier and Southern gentle men, Capt. James F, Jonston of Asheville, brother of the senator- elect of Alabama, His father was in the General Assembly at the time, and he stated that the bill would undoubtedly have be come a law had it not been for the negro rebellion in Eastern North Carolina, instigated by these' i . ed and reflated in Wi to the man's wifef tall, sallow and Pieasea tn our present system them and for thP ifaro nf ft, Q gaunt. After a careful survev Pf working our public roads and - w W WUV I people, it must be done by the of the questioner she said States, and it will be done. Tn Am t you got no sense, Bill? resist it is to contend with the in- Ie means was yo' livin' heah eyitable, and to invite antagonism whenyo' was born' or wos yo' an A t..rn Ivn norn hpfnro muu. o vi lit:. i w j w hsv'f uu iiv in o.,u , , . hea.h. Now answer him." a tic uuuiu nas awanenea to a broader deatiny, In agriculture wetnmK that the majority of out roads would be neglected or worked under the old free labor system had a great deal to do Til j I i . . wiiu ueieaung tne nipasure. The new law provides that another election shall be held 12 One second hand 13 horse power Peerless trac tion engine. It is in good running condition. Terms cash, good note or mortqaqe. Also ran V V L 1. ... i mrnisn cotton gins on short notice. See us and get the very best goods at the most reasonable Drices A. and terms. All our good mUa J a. m i ouw is mo most iavorea lana on eartn, uer cotton in seeded to "Everybody Should Know'1 months hence, and the lriends ot the measure believe that by tlVP flllrsnfpp says C. G, Havog, a Drominpnt busi-l Dron?rIv nirino- fha nnaat;,-.. I clothe the increasing minions of iff.iS.Sriia: that the new" law wil, be tne earth. Her climate and her healing salve ever applied to a sore, adopted resources promisehersupremacy SwSiiS We were pleased to meet at in manufacture; The mill-atone! about" Guaranteed by T, R. Aberne- Rock Springs cam pmeeti no- onr of slavery is no longer about her 7 "ruggl8t friend Mr a. J, Whitener of necir, The common sense of the c Cornelius, There are few better North has come to realize that A Duke who can Dumn a rivp.r educators and all round citizena 1 j ...... I - I. out-, 4uu sub aione, must aeai witn dry comes nrettv close to baino- in every respect than M r settle the race Droblem. la man whnran cof a nVa,. nn I Whitener s are so Id und er a post- and There is no longer any irritating Chicago Tribune. cause to array section against section. The Ronfh ia , w- i rr,, , , her own and hor H00la m:n "t"" trouoie, no ttjji i uiouor now BURnr, enonia give every prevail, possible help to the digestive organs, so , , . tDat the rood may be digested with the n sue language OI 1 neodore t . least eaort. This may be done by tak- Davidann whnwoa q onAi t mg something that contains natural di- , .. nrpstive nronwHpaenmol lii-no- HI,. seventeen, let it never be for- Kodo1 or Indigestion and Dys?psia. gotten that those men fought h??018, PrePar,atln of vegatabie p- - i h i i m w i (ill iinnrnina T-n. ithtt. einmn ana ngtlting died, for the same found in a heallhy stomach. It dieests wnat you eat. Sold by T. R. Abernethy he has recently lost' his second wife. Oaiega. Call on or write, E. L. . Bellinger Co. Newton, N, C & great divine right, tha right of a people to ordain and control their own government." We unvail a monument to men whe did not triumph in war. But tney taugnt vs how to live and how to die, The South in he day of her dessolation was rich injthe priceless heritage of heir deeds, By the love and oyalty of Southein womanhood has this mounment been built and all the mounments to South ern soldiers, Standing here to-day by this shaft, remembering the sacrifi ces, and the suffering of the South, remembering the 40,000 men who sleep in the battle-, scarred bosom of old Virginia. I voice the sentiment of every maimed soldier and widowed mother whenll say that North I 1! J A 1 - varunoa uues not DQgruage one single offering that she laid upon the altar of Dizie, For four years the South felt upon her bosom the tramp of embattled hosts. Four years she was convulsed by storm and rabed in consuming fire. But she came forth purified, ennobl ed, transcendent in defeat, and in that time new names were born Lee, Jackson, Pettigrew, Ransom, Pender were blazned in letters of immortal light, and with the men who wear stars and and R, P. Freeze. Correcting the Record, liet a free sample of Dr. - Sh nnn'a "Health Coffee" at our store. If real coffje disturbs your Stomach your Haart or Kidneys, then try this clever vonee imitation, Dr. Khoop has closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet it has not a single Ki-aiu oi reai uonee in it. Ur, Snoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted groins or sereals, with Malt touts, eti. Made in a minut. No tedious wair, iou will surely like it. Sold by J. How Do You Spend Your Mon.v? lndianannHfl Vpwb Jt-aris uses American songs and Representative Champ Clark QRIand decided to approve of Missouri, tells a storv about of our clothes. If we could make former Kepreaentative Henry tj, Germany like our tariff the Johnson, of Indiana ' European concert would be "Air. Johnson," he said, "was harmonized quite to our purpo- engaged in a debate with an m ses. New York World. inois Congressman and called m i I mm an ass. nis was unparlia- "We never repent of eating too little.a mentary, of course, and had to 7a one of tne ten ra,es of ,ife of Ttioma! ... . ' I Jefferson. DrMidenfc of tho TTniizwi De with drawn.. Pursuant to. and the rule applies to everyone withont the order of the Speaker Mr' hxoepio? darin2 th" not weather, be- Johnsonsaid: 1 withdraw the language I cause it is nard for food even in small quantities, to dp digested when the blood is at high temperature. At this season nafid Mr Rnpnlror hnt T !no,U wT.V.0, BB" properly. ' i -, .ub j. judibiii ngsuuuiuoinu neiu me SLomacn that the gentleman frrom Illinois mucn aaposible by the use of a little luuiuuon ana uyspepsia, I wuich will rest the stomack hv di the food itself. Sold by T. R. Abernethy tuiu x . x reezs. is out of order.' " 'How am I out of order?' demanded the Illinois man, with considerable heat, " 'Probablp a veterinary sur geon can tell you,' tor rested Johnson. This was parliamen tarj and went into the Kecord T'11 rr. a m oiup jruur pain, ro snow you Mciure yuu spena a penny what my Pink Paia Tablets can do, I will ir.ai you iree, a Trial Package of them Dr Shoop's Headach Tablets. Meuralgia ueauacae, i ootnacne, i'eriod pains, etl are due alone to blood congestion ur onoop-s iieadaclie Tablets simpl pam by coaxing away the nuuatura Diooa pressore. Tnat is all. Address Dr Rhoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by R, PI jcreezs. "Why do you telegraph your congratulations on their mar. rige? A letter would do as well,' j Oh, no. They may be divorced before a letter can reach them, " , Cleveland Leader, Jlreyowdoingzitin, a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside something for a BAIJV Y DA Y? If not j you will never have a better time 4o begin than now. To get quickly started begin the easiest way; come to The Shuford National Bank andopen an ac count in their Savings department. Do not wait for a large sum for it may never come; fust deposit whatever you uovetolspare, no matter how small the amount. W e will gladly assist you in getting started. We pay percent inter est and compound it quarterly in this department, Ca and let us tell you how we do it. A. A. Shuford Pies., J. C. Smith Vice Pres. and fA, H, Crowell,1 Cashier. TheFarmers and Merchants Ban k, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i Bears the Signature of 7 Dr. J. H. Yount, President, Capital, NEWTON, N. C E, P, Shrum, Vice President. DIRECTORS; wpiehed in the balance and not found wanting. This thrills the lj"irts ,f men with responsive admiration. It is this that ennobles war, that shines in the them with cannister, Such destruction I never witnessed, At each discharge great gaps were made in their ranks but A J-23 Irregularity is bad in every department of life, in meals, in sleeping hours,' but especially when it is a question of womanly habit. Not only is it a sign of female disease, but, unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles, because of the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system. If you suffer in this way, get a bottle of Wime of ram Mrs. Ludnda Johnson, of Fish Creek, Wis., vrites "I suffered for fourteen (14) years with Irregu larity, causing great pain. At last I tried Cardul, and now I am cured." At all druggists. In $1 bottles. WRITP ITC A I PTTPD ri,e fLa frM COpy ofluib'a Illustrated Book for Women. If yoa need Medical DR H. YOUNT, I ALECK YOUNT D. J. CARPENTER, CHAS. B. RUFTY, GEO. W. SHIPP, L. H. Phillips, Cashier. $35,000.00. E P. SHRUM. M. M. SMYRE, Dr. T. W. LONG, J. W POPE, F. C. BOYLES, L. H. PHILLIPS. Will open for business, Monday, April 1st. Your business respectfully so, banking courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with safe L. H. PHILLIPS, Cashier. "I knew you were a fool before I married you!" "I presume my proposing to you satisfied you on that point?" Houston Post, "'What makes that goat shiver so, Mike?" "He ate a lot of sleigh bells th' other day; an' iviy toime he moves they jingle, an' he thinks it's winter." Denver Post,