NEWTON HIE fcNTERPRISE v0I. XXIX. Newton, N. C., Thursday, September 26, 1907. No. 31. F anions Duel Recalled. September 18, ago to-day, Natcbfz. Miss., ri.rhtv ytars September IS, 1827, there oc curred on a sand bar opposite Jhis clty one of the most famous both grandfatners oi Blanchard, of Louisi- I duels which r-.M-prnor -1v- . -i TJ Colonel Jaiaes -luw, 1 T- of the deadly tsowie an inventor and nine otners "were According t o rUriuants- itar traaiwuus uuw men were killed and .red m that desperate popu ins. six r'tP?U 1DU . . i t J rle between miunaieu That this latter day KtruK Radiators report of the "sand bar fight," is exaggerated is show by a rtatement found among the effects of the lata Dr. Thomas D. Maddox, one of the principals in thP duel which led to the trouble. 4rrording to this statement only trm men. Colonel Morris Wright ,nd Richard Cuney, were killed, and Alfred Blanchard, grand- .,hw nf the present Louisiana hif pvputive. and Colonel Jim tUlti. Bowie were wounded. The statement of Dr, Maddox, which will serve to put the histor . in its true light, is as follows: "Some difnculty occurring b-ween myself and Genera! M.mtfcrt Wells, induced Samue L. Wells to send me a very r!ve carte blanche, which 1 accepted as a challenge, and was acreed that we should meet at Natchez and settle the matter which we did on September 18 1--27. 'lf)e mv party there were R. A C.u my .second: Norris Vu-iebt, Alfred and Carey B mcbard and myself, being five H number. The opposing party K-ere Samuel L. Wells, McWhor t.'- bis second; James Bowie Richard Cuney, Jefferson Wells an 1 Samuel Coney, making six r number, Having arrived at Nt chez, I called on Dr. Denny t e mv surgeon, who made n i -iber six of my party. "tlaving accepted the carte bl -.ncbe as a challenge, I directed ' o! nel ("rain, my second, to call on 'I'. Wells and state my terms ari a:cde of combat, hich were: t.i ,tand eizht paces apart, right s : to right side, pistols down, to hi raised at the words: 'Are vyi ready? Fire! One, two, thre -.'the usual way in which vindicated thei bono. "Air, Wells obi acted to my ter n; assumed that he was th challenged party, and had the ruht r.n name th& terms. Where- upon I waived my right and accepted his terms, which were: To stand left side to left side, and at th4 word 'Prepare' we were to ra'sfc our pistols in an opposite direction from each other, and at th. word 'Fire' we were to tire as e chose, "1 fired across my oreast. Ho v he firud 1 do not know. Two roands were fired withoui etl-ct, and the uffair was then settled bv Mr. Wells withdrawing all f rfpnsive lanenage. We sho:k haiids and were proceed' ing to my friends in the edge of the wo )ds to take a glass of wine as a cement "Dr Denny and mvself were a few rnces ahead of the rest when G-rmr-.l Cunev. James Bowie and J-ff Wells came running towards us, General Cuney saying o Colonel Crain that this wasatrojd time to settle their difScalties, he, Cuney and Bowie drawing their pistols. Colonel Crain s i v at a glance how things stood, therefore he opened fire and shot General Cuney through the breast. Colonel Crain, after shootiug: at Bowie, who had a1 so shot at him, found Bowie him with bis farrioas kaife in his hand; and when within reach Crain struck him ever the bead with the empty pistol and brought him to his knes. There were two killed and two wounded out of thy twelve persons engaged m the conflct not, as has been erroneously stated by some writer?, six killed and fifteen wounded. And this was the end of that memorable affair, the 'sand bar flight.'" Williams Has Inside of Race. News & Observer, Washington, D. C Sept, 18. The indications are that John fcharpe Williams will be the eader of the minoritv part v in' the House in the Sixtieth Con gress, but the fact has developed that the opposition Jto his continued direction of the affairs of his party on the floor has not been abated as the result of his ... - M nomination in the Mississippi Senatorial primary to succeed Senator Money. It was thoaght that Mr, Williams' victory over Governor Vardaman in the Senatorial primary would put an end to this opposition, but such is not the case- Representative James T, Lloyd, of Missouri, the Democratic whip in the House, who has arrived in the city, has made known the fact that the a . ft m TY . a, opposition to -air, vv iiiiams' re election as minority leader is more determined than ever. Mr, Lloyd confirms the report that Representative De Armond, of his State, will be a candidate to succeed Mr, Williams, and that he will have the backing of the solid Missouri delegation, mr. l3 Armona nas iriends in nearly all the State delegations, and his vote on the first ballot. if he continues in the race unti the finish, will not be a small one by any means. The friends o: Mr. Williams tfaim that they have a majority oi the Democrats in the House pledged to him Both sides made a poll of the House prior to the adjournmen of Congress this spring, and the opinion was then that Mr Williams had the best of it in the fight for leadership. 1WP THE ENTERPRISE WANTS 500 :NEW SUBSCRIBERS, AND o got them during the next two months, offers as prizes THREE EREE TRIPS to the Jamestown Exposition. These will be given to the three young ladies who get the highest number of votes in their respective districts. NOT AGGRESSIVE ENOUGH How Do You Spend Your Mtiev? DISTRICTS Newton Township. HicKory, Jacobs Fork and "Bandy Townships. 3, Clines, Catawba, Mountain Creek and Caldwell Townships, 1. 2. or every dollar received lor new sub scriptions, 200 votes will be placed to the credit of the young lady contestant named by the subscriber or person sending the money; for ,50 cents, 100 yotes; for 25 cents, 50 votes. or $5.00, 12,00 votes will be given and a receipt for 6 years subscription. Are you doing it in, a way to receive substantial benefit? JLre you Laying aside something for a RAIN YDA I? If not, you will never have a better Hint 4o begin than now. To get quickly started begin the easiest way; come to The Shuford National Bank and open an ac count in their Savings department-Do not wait for a large sum9 for it may never come; fust deposit whatever you yove to spare, no matter how small the amount. We will gladly assist you in getting started. V e pay vercent inter est and, compound it quarterly in tJiis department, Ga and let us tell you how we do it. A. A. Shuford Pies. Cro well," Cashier. J, C. Smith Vice Pres. and fA, H, The Farmer's and Merchants Bank, The friends of Mr. De Armond claim that Mr. Williams is no sufficiently aggressive in his eadership. They charge him with being too easy going in his relations with Speaker .Cannon, and that a more vigorous policy is needed to combat the opposi tion. Mr- De Armond and his friends are declaring for constructive policies, as dis-1 tinguished from those advanced by the Republicans, which the Democrats could call their own. It has been charged that Mr. Williams has not been friendly to Mr. Bryan, but this question will hardly enter into the contest. Representative Crawford, of North Carolina, who was asked about the question or electing a minority leader, expresses the opinion that M. VVilliams would ho ihA r.ertain choice of House Democrats. It is said that all of the mem- m . I XT L U riAMAliM. bers oi me norm uium delegation with the exception of the two Mesrrs. Kitchin wil support John Sharps Williams. The Messrs, Kitchin have always been strong admirers and close personal friends of Mr. De Armond, Oiher prominent supporters of.the Missourian are Representatives Bartlett, ot Georgia, and Hayes, of Virginia. The voting will begin Thursday, September 12th and close at 2 p, m. Wednesday, November 6. The winners will start to James town, Monday, November 11th, chaperoned by Mrs. t. M. Williams. That will be the week of the Convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy for the whole South. The meeting Only eight weeks ... - ... i -i .,i i ii nr - ' ii- ii i ' i will be on the Exposition grounds ana it win oe uie w omen a Week, one of the greatest of the whole exposition. The votes will be kept separate as between the three districts, and no young lady will have to contest with anyone outside her district. At the close of the contest the votes will be counted by disinterested judges and the winners announced. Now girls, go to work for new subscribers, and get your( sweethearts and friends to work for you. Subscriptions will be received for any postoffice. Ask people who are already taking the Enterprise to send it to a friend away from home, who will appreciate the favor. Ask people who are taking other papers to Dr. J. H. Yount, auu luc ijiN i cnriuorj w uicu uou This is the shortest voting contest offered by any of the papers. No time should be lost, The young lady getting the highest number of votes in her district will get a free trip to the Exposition. Everybody who has been there says it is a great show, and the trip a delightful outing. Farh th will include railroad ticket, round trip,board and lodging -three days in Norfolk and entrance tickets to exposition grounds. President, Capital, NEWTON, N. C E, P, Shrum, Vice President. DIRECTORS: DR J. H. YOUNT, I ALECK YOUNT D. J. CARPENTER, CHAS. B. RUFTY, GEO. W. SHIPP, L. H. Phillips, Cashier. $35,000.00. F. P. SHRUM. M. M. SMYRE, Dr. T. W. LONG, J. W POPE, F. C. BOYLES, L. H. PHILLIPS. Will open for business, Monday, April 1st. Your business 'respectfully so licited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with safe banking. L. H. PHILLIPS, Cashier. The Bis Chiefs of the Postoffice. Merely Followed Example Others. Set by News & Observer. That at the two conventions of North Carolina postmasters, to be held in Raleigh October 15 The Wages of Sin. (Ohio State Journal). A Trusted Domestic. Philadelphia Record. ftnri 1R. there will be present the K.o- rhiofa nf thft United States Senator J. Ulf uu.v.- , ... I L - TioTmrtmpr.t. is thelton, had been onoea oy tuts Postoffice assuaance brought Washington by back from Statesville Landmark. ; ; The world has never caught The case of McAnnany, the the f nil meaning of the declara- Stokes county man who charged, j tion "the wages of sin is death more or less directly, mat oun,ei;t nas construed it the very C Buxton, of vVins-rmrinaifco and ernes nn the idea that the wages of sin is honor, American Tobacco Company, and Postmaster I who when called to taw signed a wealth, happiness, success. There could not be a fataler wiiiia Rriffffa. of Raleieb. who! retraxit admitting tna. n& naa no error in-gotten fortune never ... i . is the spirit of the movement to have a great convention of Postmasters in Raleigh the first two days of the State Fair week. The Postmaster General of the United States, Hon, George von L- Meyer, former speaker of the Massachusetts Legislature, and former ambassador to Russia, will be here and will speak, having accepted Postmaster Brigg's invitation. In addition acceptance of invitations to oe present and speak here have been received from First As sistant Postmaster General F, H. Hitchcock, Mr. W. J. Vikery, Tmstnffice inspector, and Fnnrth Assistant Postmaster General P. V. DeGraw and Mr. W. R. Spilman, superintendent of the rural free delivery routes. There are in reality to be two . T- ' rmnfinna nne or tne irresi- DeWitte Little Early Risers are good , ti i DOatmasterS. who number wr-k -rcnra m. 11111. m. uc i TAP H.I1 VIIIIH W liV U.V-iO f - c,oii onfoanrp. little Dills tnat ao mo ouiaui cvu.i- ----- I rt T3 AK .nrunriiicliPII. Sola DS J.. K. a- ernathy and R. P. Freeze. i Nelson Morris.CMld Loyer. Washington Herald. i 106 in the State, and the other of nnatmasters of the fourth class, . . i u-m 9 irni. Tne meetings vi I J. - thePresidendial postmasters wil he in the Federal court room ana those of the postmasters of tne ground for making the charge, is being much commented on, and it is the general opinion that Mc Annally deserved punishment The Landmark has already expressed the opinion that one who deliberately makes or circu lates charges seriously affecting the character of another, unless he has good reason to believe them true some real ground to sustain them, and then he ought to be very careful ought to be made to suffer. But it should bts said in McAnnally's behalf that he was but imitating other per sons, and some newspapers, here in North Carolina who are in the habit of charging, by insinuation more or less direct, that those who do not agree with them about certain matters are corrupt or under corrupt influence, This doesn't excuse McAnnally but if an example is to be made of these people it might be as well to begin with a more conspicuous exam ple. m it, Aioaa in the county cour Nelson Morris, the millionaire " , t m f CVlfa crr TirV.fl died nouse. Deei pauncr "J. " recently, was an ardent other visitors brines a blessine to a man, His reward is some kind of curse. We see a fortune built up by deceit, and fraud, and an in jus tice of some kind. The man seems to flourish, He has mansion and eauippages and luxury of every shape Bu watch the history of that family. See it co to pieces. See the charm of filial duty broken and the chains of luxury pull down the soul. We see it all over the land. God never raised a grape from a thorne. The wages of sin is death. Nearlv all our social and political trouble could be remov ed if we could only learn that One of the most remarkable financial transactions recorded in years in this or probably in any other city took place on Thursday last. An elderly colored woman. poorly dressed, entered one of the large banks in the financial district and insisted upon seeing the president himself. No one else would do and the attendant was eventually obliged to con duct her into that official's private For style, beauty and excel ence of workmanship, organs made by the High Point Piano and Organ Co. High Point, N C. cannot be equaled. As I have the exclusive sale of these magnificent instruments it will be a pleasure to me to explain their many advantages to you A 10 YEAR GUARANTEE With Each and Bv all means Every Organ, examine these Rimeaibsr I have th! clusiye sale of these goods. ex Yours musically, E. E. Anderson, Newton, N, C, I v -i i : ,n offlP. Arrived there, the old organs ue.ur uUJ.uK w woman, with much simplicity of be sorry ever afterwards. manner, asked whether the financial disturbance was past, and was smilingly assured that it was. Thereupon to the amaze ment of the financier, she drew from the folds oi ner dress a bank book and twenty-six bills, each of the denomination of f 1,000, and asked that they be placed to the credit of her 'm'arster's" account. The book was in the name of one of the oldest ana -wealthiest customers of the bank, a retired and sup- eranuated merchant, who nowa- CATAWBA COLLEGE, Newton North Carolina. It is expected that there and will De a xre. . 1 - f lit.t. e mil- 1 LLlo " . anecuonaw iuyci I . .u.-jffhodPnartment ., i.U UnLo HPflll inHUBUOUi"- dren, and notning in tuB w'"" . thi the State Fair on the bee! trust and its methods d besides " State L X OU mi - -mill VC i i -n u rn win ljc charge that tne Deei ihwhoxb - -were responsible for the deaths hundreds of t fhnno of little children cesium. Ul "uu""- I . A. 11.. An t their eatine of poisonous This will be the nrst time UUO u . I . . . T-i a.JSC beef It is reported that on the ali those officials oi tne r-osw Pacific coast, whither he went in Department navo visiuom search of health, he was always Carolina and fosimasser much attracted by the little mKhly gratinea m. u children on the seasnore, uu them as it """"-T1 ' . " frequently would call some Uttie unusual for so many oi ns tn his side, and, patting us officials from one ub.u. head, would say: "Would I kill I visit a State at the same time. hahies like this?" Mrs. JNeison M Hitchcock will bo nere tne Morris was always with him and firgt day of the convention, the old couple were the centre oi Tuesday, October 15th, ana win flock of happy, laugnmg address the postmasters. An children, and the canny mau - 0rder has been issuea u tha hotel found a large proht m Inspector Vickery, that manes it The Touch that Heals Ta th tonch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever com pounded. No matter now oia xne sore or nicer is. this Salve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts wounas or puee, re b an absolute cure. Guaranteed by T. R. Abernethy druggist. 25c. Paragraphs From the Durham Herald. CATAWBA COLLEGE will begin her fifty-seventh year of successful and continuous work September 10th, 1907 and offers to her patrons accommodations not excelled in the State. Keplar courses in the Preparatory and College departments. Special ad vantages in Music, Elocution and Art. All rooms heated with steam and lighted with acetylene. Open to Boys and Girls. Rates in the' Preparatory department as low as $108 for the year including room, heat, light, tuition, board, ect. For full information address the President of the College, George Albert Snyder, Newton, No Carolina To check a cold quickly, jrettrom you d-nKKiBt soni little Candy Cold Tablete ol ed Prevpntics. Drustjrieta evervwhers are now dispensing Preventics, for they supplying the goods wnicn Nelson Morris purchased for his little friends. -r,i , ,r.t rid nf a. cold, whether it ii'"n'i,' Htfe, hut aeciaeaiv cei tui" . uc, r arrt ihroueh the Preventics. contain no , ge. . jy - cures especial- fi ri i ''v. m Mil prevent rneuraoma, up 'jr--"' aT1d acts Ken- Hence iue nyrup w -r- . . fe tly on the Doweis. u x itive. noTninKnareu nTniRtes. 'are con- Ten at the "sneeze stage" iyV"3:..T,tivB Coueh !'.r w riiti 1 ( rWiiP. ftto - " ' f . . hi-,, pr vc'iiw. Good for feyensn i-'-i liir . 4'i I'ruventics 25 cents. Trial 1'- nea u ctn. S 'd by B. P. Freeze. Hollby T. Freeze. Plaaaant to Abernethy and takf. R. P Those candidates who have something else to do are slightly handicapped, Any law that will stop the spreading of automobiles on the streets will be sufficient It is evident that the lawyer who picked the jury that tried Mrs. Blair did not know his business. Both parties are in a bad way for leaders if Mr. Rooseyelt and Mr. Bryan are the oniy two men at all qualified for the place. We do not know what Virginia will make out of the sxposition, but when it is over she cannot claim that North Carolina did not Hn her nart, -i -,a nvincr thn number of Vjuuaiuonupi that South Carolina has turned loose, we are not a bit :v .-miaati thQT. enp SUUU1U uaw" . . - rr rnu tw riHii . w i i ncu. w&am w nthora. worn oui uj r- i " - v . j . nothing could be gamed by a dayg rareiy leayes his house, but trick or an indirection. If we wun hatj everv confidence in his could only believe that tha thing Did domestic we dishonestly got, whether it lose, either Itself or tie Diessing Heartor Kidneys, then try this that is Supposed to go With it, cleyer mxtaUon-Ur. oop nas and act upon that idea, tne dream r.Re in fl AYOT -nd yet it has not Of Utopia WOUld be realized and a single grain of real Ufiee in it. vj.i the golden rule would be the law from pilre toasted grains or cereals, Of the land. We should re mem- with Malt, ISuta, etc. iwaae in one imnuie ber that we could not imagine a ,ikft it. 6itt a free ample at our store. wrong that was not temporarily J. F. bmyre. successful, nor could we imagine y 1 m 11 there was a Lroa it wrong unanjr Mr K&xq. has an advantage w0n, I ntra-r hia rnmnetitors for the nom" ination for governor. He can stntriRch tronbifs. Heart and Kidney canvass the State and make I The air pressure produced oy ailments, can be quickly corrected with speeches and his salary of $7,500 eyplosions often renders a miner a prescription known to druggists every-10"0 " I - vhon ab Dr. Shoon's Restorative. Tne a vear goes on ail tne same as ii unconscions. so man i-u aiix- promot and surprwing reiiet l, Congress was in session, but his J damp catches and Kills even when imuiv 7. I . - j nn.n.i . naUI.BV knmoH to its Restorative action upon tne con-1 competitors m uruei .u i,uaa (qb yiunui wows uonuta trolling neryes of the btomacn, etc. t , hei daiiy business, ner near the initial explosion . i ci.Aw.AAh Aanaincr nvHraiwin I . ajweak Heart with palpitation or in-1 Chatham Kecord.'t- nn on O I wn. vH mpni s WH.K I Htmn.h Tirve or Weak Heart nerves, I I The visit of the Prmce and strcmrth these inside or controlline nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and ? . . . i j Jl gee Low quietly mene uumeuui uumi mar. Tlr. ShOOD OI KaCine. 1S. WU mail irnmnlM free, write ior tnem. . &. test will tell. Your health is certainly wnrth this simple trial bold Dy k, Jr. ret-z3. possible for all of the inspectors i tA ;n t.hia State to be lUuore" " present- crossbaby have wuna "Z, r a boon aod a. w lB: for babies and cnuaren uuu w eoodfor the ills b common la i . hot weather: Look for the ingreadimts ESd'oa the bottle. Contains no harmful drug BolQ Dy i... -uj . and R. P. Freeez. the line on a woman. o Baamths Big nature . ilha Mna ion tiawwwajs wiy The visit The only survivor of the Sepoy Princes of Wales to India cost mutiny in India half a century the country approximately fzy, ago. now living in this country, 915 on the navy account, in is P. J. Quealy, an employe in addition to the special civil the postoffice at Omaha. ! service vote of $100,000. The heaviest living specimen of all royal families m Christen dom is Prince Gustay of Den mark, who, although only twenty years of age, tips the beam at 327 pounds. The mariage of Miss Anna Breese, of New York, to Lord Alastair Innes-Ker, brother and heir of the Duke of Roxburorgh, will take place in London in the first week of October. "j-20 vi tfiiriiv wmiH nrefer to treat vourself at home, for any form cf female trouble, wouldn't you ? Well, it can be done. No reason why you should no l be able to relieve or cure your suffering, as thousands of other women nave done, by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment. Begin by taking WRITE IK A LETTER if on vd 1 11 W i the well-known female tonic For sale atalljarugstores Jot Moorhead, of Archibald, I. Tvrltes: "MyVfe had suffered for years from female trouble. O your advlc I gave her the Cardui Home Treatment, and nov ahe hardly suffers at alL" Sold by dnigg& . Advice, describa your symptom. tmtln asc and reply will b sent in mtaln mealed eo or ocy uepc. i ne vjh Address: Ladies Advisory attamof Medicine Co- Ouartanoct. Tenn. u H ! ' i! , . h : a : II I . 1 i ! ! th 5 hi I, 'i J i ' i li ! i ; i ! : ! " -- i : i 1 f i !MI 1 H M '3 i : I - I Kf. 5,

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