new ON v0I. XXK. Newton, N. C, Thursday, October , 1907. No. 37. i Conover Letter. I rut-rf trior J students At Concordia C !ig? this ypar than usual. Oar teacher, Uoesc bpn. was in one of the busies in tb? collision at Newton last Saturday. He is a ecod teacher, and be holds the old notion that tieobjot of a school is to flv. children for better living and reater worth. Moreover, he jjnovcs that this object caanat he gained unless the children ia school heed the teacher's direc tions, The abaard notion if latter days that a teacher can do: noiiood and hii pupils will leirn j nothinpr, unless he lets them co as they please at all times, has been tried It always fails of tha tnip n u r nose of school work. buv r - i In the Hickory graded school, teachers are aeain at work wbo' believe the old creed, that :ro d order and thoroughness are tial to success, List Sunday Concordia con- trreeition celebrated the first decade ol its new church. In spite of mud and dampness, there was a good attendance. Mr. John L. Yount of Hickory was present Rev J. P. Schmidt of Concord preaeched in the morning, from Rom. 3: 24-31. It was an able, clear, and cogant discourse, and was heard by many with plaaure, Afernoon, Rev. O, A. Romoser preached, fitting the occasion, from Zeph. 3: 9, He spoke of our two schools as of first impor twee in connection with oar life as christians. A harvest home festinal will be held by our colored Lutherans on Sundav. Nov. 10. which is Luther's birthday, A nice young lady from Rock Hill is visiting Mrs. Milton Whitener. We have forgotton her name, The educational exhibit at the Jimestown (xposition is worth careful study. In schools, both North Cirolina and Virginia are coming to the front, X. Farmers Should Sow More Grain. The price of corn and oats is higher now than we have known I it in years at this season of the v ear. The indications are ttat! the pnee will go much higher brore another crop is grown. The price of No. 2 mixed corr, ia bulk, in oar lots, is now 80 cmts per bushel delivered at points in this section. This is for Western corn that is inferior to com grown in this sectiop. Oits is correspondingly high and hard to buy at quotations. Oar lands are well adapted to the growth of corn ahd oats, and it is a mystery why so many of our farmers depend upon the West for supplv of grain for their farms. Farm lapor is scarce, high, and more unsatisfactory than in years, and it woald seem this is the time farmers to pro duce croos that require little labor, such as grain, at Wst f cough for home use- Many fii-mers fail to make a good oat cmp because the lanH is not nroperly prepared and fertilized. Tne prevailing opinion seem to be that o ats will grow on any land without being properly plowed, harrowed or fertf'zed. A. J, Conner, in Rich Square limes. or lf.-V f 3 t . It "vj B IF i t4 i i -J crJ te.Vi e i -3 m m ! mm 4 mm mm w 1 sift BARGAINS IN HEN'S : i BOYS "I I feyri fill 1 f I H 2 . y n n M Li I 5 ; AND n m A nn U W LJi LiLJilJi Overcoat Kair i!llh7 f A 1 fill 9 icoatSe R 1 Copyrfgtt 1907 TLe House of Kuppeahdaar -Chicago Stylish Hats, Shirts, Underwear and Gents I Virnishings Largest stock we have ever shown Will sell better goods for the price than you can buy in any other town in Western North Carolina. You will be throwing money away il you buy any thing in our line without seeing us DOIS'T FAIL TO CALL. i u El U U n fl i if C3 Headquarters lor Low Prices in Clothing. Highland Lovers Were Reunital In America. London, Eng., Oct. 23, A mid dle sged woman visited tha cemetery ia Birmingham the other day. and waa seeD to kneel down, take a rose from her breast and tenderly lay it upon a grave. ilcqairies revealed a Kmsntic story. The storv commerce! 40 years auo, hen the members of a eli known Midland familr- Horn taking a holiday in the Highlands of Scotland. They made the acquaintance of a farmer's pretty -daughter, .named Praser, and took her home a? a domestic At the time she had a Highland lover, but he went to America. Miss Praser remained in Birm ingham for several yars, and aaaae-ae acq uimtance of a young city man, whom she eventnaly married. After some years the business they had started fail ed, end they went to Pittsburg, but again failed, and found them- i selves on the verge of poverty. Their home was sold to piv debts, and the husband dis appeared. The wife went into service as & companion and housekeeper to a Scotch family. One day a dis tant relative, named Thomson, a wealthy man, who had carried out successful contracts in the construction of Canadian railroad visited the house, The Scotch lady companion was introduced to h i a by her married name, but she j instantly recognized -in - the tall, sunburnt man, her f omer High land lover- When Thomson's visiscame to an end they were lika lovers again. Some years had noar escaped since the disappearance of tha husband, and in w here abouts were unknown In this uncertainty a few years sped past. Twelve months ago there ai- rived in Birmingham a prema- j tnroly aged naai?. who was recog nized as the missing husband. He did not live long and was buried by his few suryiving rela tives; The latter immediately communicated with his wife, and she lost no time in coming to j England with her Highland lover. The next scene ln the dramr took place a few days ago in the London Registrar's office, where , the cuple who had waited so long were married. They have sailed ! for South America, but previous ly made arrangement to return to a beautiful estate which Mr, Thomson, who is now very weal thy has purchased in the High lands. "And how is MandyAnn get ting on with her music, Silas? 'Fine! Why, we have the great- difUculty in convincing the neigh bors that we haven't got a pian i ola "Puck- "She declares they were made for one another," "How does she make that out?', ''He earns about the monthly amount she'd i&9'; to spaed. Philadelphia Bulletin, k AmAntn vrill Kannan Knt iTia Vwac4 regulated fanailifw keep Dr. Thorp as Ii4ir l & warn &vr k7au ui subdues the pain and heals the hurts It and Wanted Every Man, Woman Child in Newton N. C. To call at our store for the erfausi strnjjth creator and healch restorer which we have eyer Sold Vinol. It is not a patent medicine, but the most valuable cod liver preparation made by an extractive end concentrating process from fresh co Is' livers without a drop of oil to nauseate and upset the stom ach and retard its work, and tonic iron which is a needful constituent for the blood added. e ao not believe there is a person in this vicinity who can not be benefited by Vinol at this season oi tne year, Vmol is delicious to the taste, and it is recognized as the greatest strength creator for old people, eek, sickly women and children nursing mothers, and after eevere sickness. Vinol is unequaled for hacking coughs, chronic cold?, bronchitis nl all throat and lung troubles, creates an appetite and makes those who are too thin, fat, rosy and healthyj . have had so much exoer- !ence with Vinol and seen so tt&ny wonderful results from is use that we offer to return money Without question if it does not omplish ll wo claim for it. Aternetby Drug Co. Newton, N, Two walls of the cathedral fell at Oerace. Th6 population no m bers about 10,000 and much dis tress prevails. Another town in Italy in which heavy damage occurred is Ca. tanzaro, wun a population ui about 30,000, The cathedral is said to have been badly damaged and to be in danger of falling. We want to buy your The Battle Cry, e mi kitis y of 1907 is more salesA and in order to make the salesl have the right hind of goods at the lowest prices. This has been my experience inw 1 urA v ens. h tnr neanuts. rork season is iiu ir J ' i we want your hogs. See us lor best prices. nolo anr1 liips You will Hnd us next Wain yuui iMiuv un - . door to the postoHice, phone 43. Dont fail to see us, we are your friends. Newton Grocery Co, here and We also Uie past, I solicit your continued favors. Yours truly t J. C. GemayeL A Crowded Store. AWOMON'S BACK. ! aches and naics. The Aches and Pains Will Disappear if the Advice of This Woman is Followd A woman's back has many "5r Wth all kinds . ot new and desirable goods, and more so with. Oustomei s. EVERYBODY is looking for a present foi some friend for the CHRIST MAS Holiday Season, so com in and se what I have to sho Yoora truly, J. 0. GemayJ. t a m WEj HAVE enlarged our building so as -j to enahle us to buy Furniture in larger quan- J tities and thereby get better freight rates and & discounts. We propose that our customers aSt -shall sharp, in this reduction. When in need oi anything in it will be toyoqr interest to call and examine our stock. We guarantee satisfaction. Rtwiv. M. J ROWE&CO. 5 Phone 24. t Most times 'tis the kidneys1 fault. Backache is really kidney ache; .That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it. Many North Carolina women know this. Head what one has to say about it: Mrs. Nellie Benson Reeves, of 218 North Try on Street, organ is tat the Episcopal church Charlotte. N. C, says: I used Doan's Kidney Pills and thev have Denented m e more than anything else I ever tried. I obtained them at a drr g J, A. Young, DENTIST, Newton, N. C. Office Over Freeze's Drug Store. Clll practice in Catawba on Monday and Tuesday after 2nd Sunday in eaca month. J. B. Little. Ralph Little Drs. Little & Little. DENTIST Omce Yount & Shrum Eld'g. Prictice at Maiden. N. C. Monday, We are dobg Fine Job Work store and used them for my back . and kidneys which have caused j Tuesday and "Weanesday after 3rd Sun me great trouble and misery for day of each mont . a number of years. The use of ; . this remedy wonderfully benefit-1 edme." Dr. jas, R Campbell For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Ca, physician anaURGSON, Buffalo, New York, sole agents ; for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take co other. AT OFFICE RESIDENCE