New NTERI XXK. Newton, N. C, Thursday Ncmber 1907.yr---7 ;2y 'T, No. 37. H H OM L ACCEPT NOMINATION. PROCLAMATION OF THANKS, AGRICULTURAL WORK. yr. Bryan Answers the Oft-Repeated Question. Issued by Governor Glenn. Governor Glenn's Thanksfciy- Work in North Carolina Will be in ,,,,,, Xeb-, Nov. 14 Wil l governor Glenn's Thanksgiy- Chare of Mr. Hudson. , 1 try an ill accept themg proclamation, issued this The co-operative demonstra , ,,au- nomination for Pres-, evening, ls a long one. . In part tion work among the farmers of ia ioos, buthe will neither it says: th(? gtate ig thug described in a nrlko a tight for it. He io me this Isa jnost beautiful recent issue of the Progressive -r-irvt Via Jinn nAllvflll nnotmn . . to.";i.i ui '"".w -r - """i, ia a warmer of Kaleitrh: frf vear or more he , ana Helpful custom, for if ,.n prossod to answer me an mammal will only -We announced a week or two win .v... - wicoaiUKa aco tnai Mr. T. K. Harkpr sw.- with their few ills each will find retary-treasurer of the prgress that the good bestowed is far in ive farmer company, is to begin excess of the evil and, therefore, agricultural demonstration work a matter for prof randest re- under the direction of the North voicing. While since the last Carolina Department ofgricu proclamation some things have ture. Now we are glad toarn occurred in the State that are to the U. S. Department of Agricul- be regretted and some feelings ture is making arrangements to engendered that may have left a start co-operative demonstration sting, still, when these disturb-' work in North Carolina, with ances and excitements are for- Mr. C. R. Hudson. Special aeent ' -A. O gotten, or only remembered as of Dr. S. A, Knapp, in charge having taughtlessons of pi- and in South Carolina with an triotism and wisdom, the peace, agent whom Dr. D. N. Barrow plenty and blessing of the past is now selecting in charge, year will be remembered as "The object of this work is to cause for expression of our show that by better methods of deepest gratitude to the author preparation and cultivation, a of all gcod. J more judicial use of home-made "No pestilence or great epi- f an( onamercial fertilizers and demic of sickness has visited better varieties of seed to plant the average farmer can make jThanksgivinf Day Orphans' Day. The .work of the orphanas' homes of North Carolina appeals strongly to our judgment and to our sympathies. It merits our heartiest support. In helping .to provide for home- i less, orphan children a home, at tender care, and. an opportunity to obtain training for life, we perform a service the value of j :lt'ionr" und he believes , i:)ik- is entitled to an ans 0 , r :uHo know the position he The question that , t to weigh most, he says, is his nomination will .. ..i.n the Demncratic party than the nomination of ; y,1.' ''. one else. Not only will he " , , . k or ask for the nomina iK:t he will not assume to ( l. the question of availabili ' . . Ai if the prize falls to another i'.'xu.l neither be disappointed ,iigruntled. At the same . iu denies that he has wait .his long in a desire to see v,l v:i the Republicans are likely ,. .vnmate. or to oscertain the : ; , s of victory. i .-. rrvan s:ys: Now. that the election of 1907 ,, t and plans are being made ui next years campaign, Mr. II ;. ;i feels that a statement is ,.: to the public. Those who , vi r another candidate are en- ;, ,iioknov his position and i who favor his nomination j p. ,- a right to demand an ans- the question so otten put accept a nomination.' ! refusal to answer the ques t has led to the circulation of ci.v false reports and unfriend i . r.'lly newspapers have taken a jvaiitage of his silence to mis- r. ;.;--sent the attitude. Wii.I. NOT SEEK NOMINATION. ' Mr. Bryan will not ask for or a nomination and he will r.-.t assume to decide the ques ta -i of his availability. He has tv . :: o amply recomhensed by his -. uty for what he has done I-.-. .' IV; v.liat he has endeavored .. ,., that he cannot claim a nomination as a reward; neither ,M his ambition be consider ed, for he has had honors . nojgh from his party to satisfy any reasonable ambition. The only question that ought to "weigh with the party is whether th- party can be strengthened and aided more by his nomina tion of some one else. If he can -rve the party by being its vndilatp. be will accept the commission and make the best ,i,r i... Tf. however, the vl o e falls upon another, ... .i which ia at present great and, mum, I Here will not enougn be in the future, will be multiplied ma& make this a fair price bevond mpa?nrp i unaer normal conaiuons, out ine The Thankescivim? season Pnancial troubles through wincii has been set apart by the goodLtbe ntlT 15 now passin neon I p. nf this State as a f11 Viil vnu our people, but unusual health and freedom from disease have bien enjoyed throuhout the en tire State. The dPma moire stuff per acre, quently more profit, now making. Dr. and conse than he is Knapp, as laborers in every department of OUr reers know- has had this worK m xne souin.ior several time of special effort for and aid to our orphanages. This is a beautiful and prac icable expression of the of gratitude and is, we are sure, pleasing jbo the great ajid loving ather of the fatherless, The thank-offerings at Thanks giving are a real factor in the maintenance and improvement of our orphans' homes. We bespeak for this most worthy work even the greater ove of a people who are signally blessed of God, a people who have abundant cause , for gratitude. We believe the offer ings will be made gladly and that they will be trully large and liberal. business has been so great that good wages for reasonable years. The records he keeps he not be disappointed or dis- ru !i it led. His availability is a ni . vtion to be decided not by 1. ins. not by a few leaders, not by the leading newspapers tint call themselves Democratic, ), " by the voters of the party ;;!:' to them, ho entrusts the ; i-ion of the question they ;o" the Supreme Court in all untters conceroing candidates, as t! iey are in all matters con i suing the platform. PAUTY Mt'ST DEPEND UPON ITS MERITS. "He assumes that they hours have been given all who snow conclusiveiy that farmers toil; and there has been no ex. . no have help from the depart cuse for anv able-bodied rW ment through its agents and eatinir the broad nf - literature are making from 10 to being dependent on charitv. 50 cent, and in exceptional Peace and good will have xist- cases 100 Pr cent' more than edbPtwpen naniw iv, formerly. Taken by counties or and employers and employes lar?er areas' the.fiSures show a have enioved closer relations iiu m prouueuon than even miiM: Among other things, good w of railroad have even been built; SW1US Ui lvldUUU 01 ai more factories of evprv Wr.Tv ! advocated, This includes a tion erected; more looms, spin-1 liberal PlantinS of leguminous dies, planes, saws ad furnaces croPs d the. iorporation of vegeuioie uitiier wiin uie son. As far as limited supply of t highly-bredcorn and cottonseed ' will allow, these will be intro duced into various counties i " A loner with this; "work "wrill bft Our farm products have . , t ,,1 of ant- commanded higher prices than hrppdinff and the imnmvPmpnt neretoiore, wmcn, wnne emau- cf farm crops by the careful se- ing more expense on me con- lection of seed. i j j j j : a. sumer, uas aaaeu greater gain to ..-por thft present work in tne proaacer, mus maimaimng N th Carolina will confined theparity of wealth. Money has to . ht Qr ten counties but may been obtainable on easy terms extended later if results show and not even the stringency of as th have elsewhere. wan streex nas aneciea 10 any . Mr c R Hudson, whom we great extent our financial conai- have mentioned as the Specia tion. mvestmants nave aeciar- Agent of the Department in this ed good dividends and fine re- wk wiU probably have head turns have been made on every quarters at Raleigh. In each class of work, both in the agri- county where the work is estab- - . i -I cultural ana luausiriai neiu. lished a -good, reliable farmer Never before in the history of 11 be selected to assist in the the State has there been such WQrk From time to time he put in operation, until the year j our hist?ry in material develop ment and in progriss upbuild ing. " , " Mills in Good Shape. "Twelve million bales is a high estimate to make of the season's cotton crop," declared a prominent . North Carolina mill man,' who was in the city yester day to attend the spinners meet ing, v "The general condition of the country, howevei', will, in my estimation, hold the price down toJl2 1-2 cents as the maxi will '"The mills of the State, so far as I know, are in good condition. Yarns are down to the extent of spirit I eight cents less than we were receiving same months ago, but the mills are well supported. They will not suffer much except such loss as comes through clos ed doors. It may be necessary to shut down for awhile owing to the over-supply of the market to curtail production but aside from this, the textile situation will not be seriously disadvan taged by the present, money situation " i Charlotte Observer I Fall and Winter HA We want to buy your T b Our Fall and Winter Hats will be ready for sale after KILLthe cough and CURE ths LUNCOj WITH Br- ling's Hon OisGoucry October llth. 1907 We would be pleased to re ceive jour patronage. Very respectfully, Misses C. & E. Younl fig Conover, N. C. p To Our Many-Customers Who have boufht their hats. We thank you for your trade: For those who have not bought we have something of interest for you. See what we are offering now. ad we pay cash for peanuts. Pork season is here and we want your hogs. See us for best prices. We also want your cattle and hides. You will find us next door to the postoffice, phone 43. Don't fail to see us, we are your friends. Newton Grocery Co, Fna doyens PRICK arv. A, m rOLDS Trial BttS Ffttl AK9 ALL THROAT AND L0N6TR0UBLES. GUARANTEED SAXISFACXO&l HOITKT HiUfUXJDSD. OB Yours truly, P. L. Shuford FALL AMD WINTER OPEKIftC A Notable Acquisition. ine uoserver this morning carries the announcement that Rev. Plato T. Durham has been added to its staff.. and this an nouncement, simple in itself, will be of more than State-wide interest. While not speakine by authority, we feel safe in the conclusien that Mr. Durham's! intention is to devote practically all of his time to the pursuit of his new profession, such duties of a religious character as he may retain to be of a quasi nature. In the joining of his fortunes and the devotion of his FRIDAY Sept 27, cllld SATURDAY has taken a step in the direction! S Dt. 2S. or tne advancement of his f er I low-men. The pulpit loses, vet I I will have my regular SemU Annual ex hihisofPaJl andl Winter Millinerr, All are cordially incited to be present. Very truly, I-97 it will not lose, for he will have each day in the year a congregation a thousand fold greater than he has heretofore reached but once a week. It means a broadening of his sphere of usefulness, both secularly and and spiritually, for the writings of a man of hi: mind could not but be of the the right sort of inspiration, whatever the subject discussed The acquisition of a man of Mr, Durham's stamp to the press of the State, is a matter for con gratulation. The press will be infinitely the better for it follows that this benefit will be shared by the reading public. The thought of Mr. Durham and the follow M Sa A f a ng 01 n up 10 iruiuon, is an admirable exhibition, of the ss gacity of the genius that gun. & the course of the Obuserver.- MRS. IDA TRoLLlJVGER. interest taken in public eduaetion wi1 hold farraers meetings and, while a temperance wave nas togetber with other competent swept over the entire common- men make talks upon various wealth, showing that, while oux farm topics. , people have millions for invest- "In Souta Carolina Dr. Barrow ment, improvements and educa- gect one state agent and a tion, they are tired of seeing distrif.t ae-ent. These will select money squandered for strong about six SUD-agents in different Charlotte Chronicle drink that only brings ruin ana counties of the state who will shame, for they have ascertained keep accurate records of the that the true worth of a nation work done and its results, or state is not always to be "This co-otjerative farm work gauged by the amount of its fin- cts the farmer nothing, while l.-ct him unless they desire " - ne gets tne oenenii 01 me Knox- firht for or tne vaiue 01 iuj piwu, and experience ot tne -n - . - 1 "a j ik' an aggressive ;uili-ation of Democratic 1-nnciples to pnvstMit conditions, it for errant ed of the the organization 1 by tne cnaracrer 01 iws uieu department. The expense 01 women. Isaiah said: I will make tnjg work runs up into millions a man more precious than fine 0f dollars, but is largely borne In the hour of our great hv tho General Educational the well as progressive men, for cuiture. Every farmer who has . - I rvMVsnont.T milSt nOt iOnret We T- J 4-V.-nr.nrrV :n 1... : 1 ,r xr-ifh ! I'wowvii.j - DUaiU V Ui iviiiii uuuuau I. ! I Will IXJ HI 1U11IJHJ11J' . , . 1t, 00 ... M,. nh.tfnnn and will be com-!are moral beings with souls as Natio?al Department of Agri- 1 . i of men who see political j i -u-.-ds and will invite confidence .::-.! give assurance mat vicv iy. if won. will not be a barren V!Hry. "Tin' Republicans must nomi either a reformer, a stand 1mM-i-or one whose position on it,! soundness of heart and purity 01 tne opportunity should avail life are the State's greatest himself of the assistance thus bulwark of safety. Law and offered." order have been maintained and no awful mobs assembled, but With Doctor, the people have been quiet and Jf an makes a given up to aeeas 01 iuuuSUJ he hag w apologize for it, but if and thrift, I a doctor makes a mistake he "While trying to do full jus- buries it. If an editor makes one tice to all and protecting" every there is a lawsuit, swearing and class, high and low, during the the smell of sulphur, but if a : Throughout the long contests of j year, the State has maintained doctor makes one there is a fun-the free coinage question the that it, is SuDreme and that all, eral. cut flowens and a smell otj existence of this motto was !i: questions is unknown, and th- course of the Democratic i 'yy should be the same no 1tcr which element controls lieoublican convention. The i ' !!.)( ratio party must make the !ig'it for wh-it it believes. "While ii i' '.ay take advantage of Repub liea n mistakes, it must depend i:;o!i its own merits for success fnii not upon the error of its Mlonents. "Ths action of the Republican onvemionmay have its influence m the letei mining of the relr. t v- availability of Democratic initiates, but it oug h;i v" any influence in determin hvj; the (question whether the on" chosen by the Democrats sl if in ll 'i ft ,ri f V , vh--it-i no finn 1 1 I 11 V 11 111L UUllllllU UAV.. , m H the rank. md tile of the Demo- duty to magnify the name 01 ivtie party desire M-. Bryan to Him wto has thus given us the ;n;iki. the race, he will make it . "In God We Trust" Will Stay Of; the Coins Unless Congress Inter feres. . "In God We Trust" will not be upon any United States coin designed in the future if Presi dent Roosevelt can prevent it. He has written a vigorous fetter on the subject, copies of which are mailed to all correspondents who send him protests " against the absence of the words from the new gold pieces. In his letter he says he doesn't approve of the motto on the coinage. To use it is irreverence dangerous ly near to sacrilegious. It is eminently unwise to cheapen such a motto by its use on coin. "All my life I never heard any human being speak reverently of the motto on tne coins. t a rri . . . W r. HAVR pxiliirnwi nnr buildina so as to j y a m-m.. & w J enable us to buy Furniture in large quanities and iiereby get better freight rates and discounts. We propose that our customers shall share in this reduc tion. When in need of anything in HOUSE FURNISHINGS it will be to your interest to call and examine our stock. We guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully, M. J, ROWE & CO. Phone 2Jj both great and small, must obey varnish. A doctor can use a its law. word a yard long without know- "The mercies thus shown us ing what it means, but if an edi by a bountiful Creator have tor uses it he has to spell it. been so prodigious and the per- Any old college can make a doc centage of increase agricurtur- tor. You can't make an editor; all, , industrially, educationally he has to : be born.-Success ht not to and morally so wonderful that it has attracted not only tne notice of our jiation, but of the entire world, and made it our A. A. Shuford, Pres. J. C. Smith. rlow Do You Spend lour money CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tt3 Iti Yea Fain Ali2s E::jli r"' matter who n.ay ie iMiV'i.MU nominee. be the increase. Bears ths Etgnntaro of a constent source of jest and rid icule, and this is unavoidable If Congress directs me to re place on the coins the sentence in question the direction will be immediately put into effect, but I earnestly trust the, relig ious sentiment and spirit of rev erence of the country wiU pre vent such action being taken." B-tk. Kind Yan Hffl tow; 8iguta SBBQght Are you doing it in a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laving aside something for a rainy day? If not you will never have, a better time to begin than now. To get quickly started, begin the easiest way. Come to the Shuford National Bank and open an account in the savings department. Do not wait for a large sum, for it may never come; just deposit whatever you have to spare, no matter how small the amount . We will gladly .assist you in getting started. We pay 4 per cent interest and compound it quarterly in this department. Call and let us tell you how we do it A. H. CROWELL, Cashier. $l !M RIGHT THIS WAY TO GET ! Your Furniture ! of all kinds. We have a good line ot BED ROOM SUITS. ODD BEDS and DRESSERS HALL-RACKS. SIDE-BOARDS, ROCKERS, CENTER TABLES, DINING TABLES, PICTURES, ETC. 1 jr Mpis 'or Floor Cjvenna: have a crood assortment of "Art Squares or Rdga. We have AXillNSTER EUUS, fTAPESTRY RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS INGRAIN RUGS. We also ha ye a good assortment of Mattings which we are selling for lees money than it can be bought for on the market today. . pome our way and get what you need Respectfully, J. F. HERMAN & SON1 Many men have to consider comfort first of all in buying a shoe. For those who suffer from corns, bunions, sore or tender feet, we recommend our Antikorn, the finest shoe f its kind in the wc-'i. Made from Hack Vici Kid, the softest and nest leather FOR TENDER FEET and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Price, S-SO. It has a broad " common sense ioe and hecj.saa is made on a last padded just tcr fhe bigoe idnt would come. A shoe f cr all who suffer, from the foot troubles above mentioned. KEITH KONQUEROR ; SHOES grow in popularity each year. . Models for every occasion. Sod by RHYNE BROS. fhe Farmer's and Alerchants' Bank, NEWTON, N. C )r J. H. Youat, President, Capital. E. P, Shrum, Vice President. DIRECTORS: DRJ. H. YOUNT. I ALECK YOUNT D. J. CARPENTER, CHAS. B. RUFTY, GEO. W. SHIPP, L. H. Phillips, Cashier. $35,ooaoo. E P. SHRUM. M. M. SMYRE, " Dr. T. W. LONG, J. W POPE, F. a BOYLES, L. H. PHILLIPS. Will open for business, Monday, April 1st. Your business respectfully sol icited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with safe banking. " Ia. a. vniiAArs, uasmer. We arc doing Fine Job Work n i i ill -3! ! s i 9 1

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