1! ..ENTERPRISE-- ON K XXIX. Newton, N. C, Thursday December 12, 190. 7 No. 37. jftl DAVIS AS HE IS Senator 1- ' From Arkansas As a Stran ger Sees Him. IUVIS 111. Iv...v.1Wii aiw;r r-resiaent Davis. However, I sign my name 'Jeff Davis,' and like to be called so. I have been in 'public life 14 .yrars. x served tvcr fam., Tin1 desk dork at volitan Hotel repeated to tin telephone oper the ivply -'lim0 hnmed iu' visitor would liin 1 xi- in liis room. It was (Mi the second floor or was open by the ;i;n-lf. his other hand a larjje firm hand, , another's with a good. held out to greet t.vii .v vv':. v uvt. with a quiet, sin ility of the South in . Riveting. And Sena Pa is. of Arkansas, who bo sworn is as a of the most august y .v:;,';vo body 5n the United .":V. waved his guest to a v, ,. rs most comfortable in ' iv0.., The Senator had I'',,-,..--vvn the visitor until he o-vr.-'rl the door to him; he know the caller's business, tiling about him save ... and he had never no: lu'.'.l e;!ra that until it had come to .,' vt -v the hotel telephone, Senator is a feoutn aml in the South a guest r,i!:n ' i .K-iY Davis. He's a big .1 ai d stout, but not li s face, clean-shaven rounded, has the ruddi-h.-alth hi it, and his , . yes look out from it t dignity. He speaks I .at resonant tones and in conversation gives impresion that it has srvat nver when allowed to f.w at fall tide. The first im piviou of the man as a whole i that of an American gentle n.an of to day, quietly cordial, w rii i::!'.;it nse reserves of force-fti-vs ix'hind his calm demean- veir Indian Woman a Lawyer. The only Indian woman law yer in the United States, Julia St. Cry, a Winnebago, had been May Wipe it Off The Eaath. When an eminent authority announced in the Scranton (Pa.) Times that he had found a new Attorney General of the Stato' .ore the Fede;al Court Omaha, way to treat that dread Ameri uu nave coun ty attorneys up here, but down in Arkansas they combine the counties into districts, and each district has its prescuting attor- mi ncy. i nen l served two trmc this week, where she defended herself on a charge of having accepted too large a fee as a pension attorney from an old Indian quaw, of her tribe, whose husband had been a scout can disease, Rheumatism, with just common, every-day drugs found in any drug store, the physicians were slow indeed to attach much importance to his Left Guests at Table. It appears 'that the strict form ality at the White House at last week's reception to the diplo matic corps, which has caused so much comment among the at taches of the corps, was not the first instance of the nature Ladies who took luncheon with Mrs. Roosevelt vtwo weelrs ago " icvi iwu lit; I HIS A C - - at Attorney General of the State! T .rook' and so wel1 didl months ago.4 Today nearly and from that office I was elected Governor in 1900.. I became Governor in January, 1901, and served until January, 1907, three successive terms, being elected Senator while in office. I think that breaks the record in the ooutn. i rto not know of other instance any the Indian woman conduct her defense that the jury found for her on the very first ballot. During the trial Miss" St. Cyr used all the w arts of a trained pleader not neglecting to, shed a few tears at a critical moment. But having departed from the customary stolidity of Indian ftvemn Ton . : . ...w. A tl Y , - 1 1 . , W Tflnnaisortrt , "wr wug enougn to maKe new Senator, served three terms as chief Executive of his State, but there was an interim' "Beckham, of Kentucky, also was three times Governor, but his first term was not an elective one, as he succeeded to the her impression on the jurymen, she returned to the impassive mask of the red man, and when the verdict of "not guilty" was announced simply said, with the greatest indifference; claims. This was only a few are telling their personal friends in strict confidence, that the lady of the White House tried the experiment of unsurping the prerogative of royality in leav ing the luncheon table in ad vance of her guests. As the story is toJd here, it is the custom at European courts for royalty to rise from the table aod retire to the drawing reonl When royUy has got comfor tably seated in the most comfor table rocking chair the guest file in and take such seats as art left. This, the fadies say, is every newspaper in the country, even the metropolitan dailies, is announcing it and the splendid results achieved. It is so simple that ary one can prepare it at home at small cost. It is made up as follows: Get from any good prescription pharmacy Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sar saparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. These are all simple ingredients, mak- what happened at the Whit:1 House. r "Well, I knew it would be that ling an absolutly harmless home! They say that Mrs Please Pey Your Taxes Now. I will be at the following places o the dates mentioned, andl hope those who have not paid their taxes will meet me and pay the same. Please give this yoar attention, as I am compelled to settle the state Taxes soon, and the schools of the county have opened, and the schools cannot ran without money so I must have the money to meet the above obligations. Hickory, November 25 & 26. Conover, - 27. Q. M. Smith Store, " 29. J. H. C. Hewitt, ". 30. Claremont, December " 2. Catawba, " 3. Long Island, forenoon " 4. Monbo, afternoon " - 4. SherriU's Ford, " 5. Terrill, " 6. Mt. Pleasant, " 7-" W. L. Lof tin's Store, " 9. Oliver's, " 10. Maiden, " 11. Heavener Bros. Store," 12. D. M. Brittans, " 13. Dr. T. F. Foard's, " 14. Broo' ford's. " 17. Hickory, " 18 & 19 D. M. Boyd. Sheriff Catawba County, TTf n XT 7 7 Governorship when Goebel was killed, being then president of' ,She dld not attemP to thank the Legislature, or Lieutenant he Jury for its verdict' but th Governor, Senator 'Bob' Taylor head erect stalked out of the of Tpnnaeeoo io a ' ' courtroom when fold that she mine and a first-class good fel Vi) vj: t: , is a new field to me, nv." he said "and I am ;k. I am not discuss hr issues that face us; To know more about rr. The trust question uhhng in futures interest it! v. however. I :'c,r h.-re Thursday and the m i y.; thing that's bothering !i v,v is that I have not heard :a tli'' people at home my a ; .cple. It takes three days Lr-t a letter hen' from my ln.a.e yi m know. I was just writing a letter to the heme low. Not a word of disparagement left the Senator's lips against any of the men whom he discuss ed during his interview On contrary.he had a good word for for every one of them. As the caller took his leave he bade him farewell with the same CDurtesy with which he had re ceived him, and then went back to that important letter the thing that was interesting him most on the eve of his first day as a member of the United States Senate that letter to the home folks. And that's Jeff Davis Wash ington Herald. was free. Julia St. Cyr, the Indian wo man attorney, is a woman of intellectual attainment and is well known all over the Winne bago and Omaha tribes. Al though a Winnebago herself, when any Indian of either tribe gets into trouble he runs to Miss St. Cyr for advice. And so much influence has she over them that probably half the disputes are settled by her. never reaching a court of law at all. Her word is mighy near law on the reserva tions. Pittsburg Dispatch. f: when you came in. U: A Reasonable Presumption. "I was counsel for a railway company in the West," says a prominent New York lawyer, "in whose employ a section hand had been killed by an express train. His widow, of course, sued for damages. The principal witness swora positively that the locomo tive whistle nad not sounded until after the entire train had passed over his departed friend. " 'You admit that the whistle blew?" I sternly demanded of the wit ness. " " 'Oh, yes, it blew.' " 'Now,' lidded impressively, 'if that whistle sounded in time Gallantry. On his homeward trip by trol ley a tired business man was much annoyed by the conduct of three middleaged ladies "who stood near him. They were evidently just returning from a summer tour, remedy at little cost. Rheumatism, as every one knows, is a symptom of derang ed kidneys. , It is a condition produced by the failure of the kidneys to properly filter or strain from the blood the uric acid and others matter which, if not eradicated, either in the urine or through the skin pores, remains in the blood, decompos es and forms about the joints and muscles, causing the untold suffering and deformity of rheu matism. This prescription is said to be a splendid healing, cleansing and invigorating tonic to the kid neys, and gives almost immed iate relief in all forms of bladder and urinary troubles and back ache. He also warns people in a leading New York paper against the discriminate use of many patent medicines. Twinklers from the Star. Wilmington in lieorgia the iashion now decrees trousers hip pockets to ah i, in fV.Q .o TQT.olbe quart size. A few cities are jr.i k. tiic ova vo xxj. lijv v-c.. tv v h t " a. oceumed. but thev seemed deter- Prn some acmeve great -r - - " I . i , ' mined-that he should offer one of ness ana otners nave Proniou t is the man again a 1 States Senator, on the Hvnf his th-xt service in the ,,:;;;-rvs -n-att assembly, but to give Morgan warning the fact first a j.lain American, sitting in. would be in favor of the com h: shirt sleeves in his room in Pay wouldn't it!' af.rdtv writing to his loved j " 'I suppose so,' said the wit-on'-s, and longing for words ness. - from tlain to assure him that all "'-Very well, now, for what -re well. earthly purpose would the engi- "1 fdlfd on the President 'neer blow his whistle after the yesterday" he continued. "We them his seat. He screaned himself behind his paper and listened to plainly audible remarks about the de cline of gallantry in the present age. This grated on his nerves, so he arose, and with a profound bow, addressed the three. "Will the oldest of you ladies honor me by - accepting my place?" tion trust upon them. The only way for the Farmers' Union to keep out of politics is for the members to keep the politicians out of the union. The Portland. Maine, Express i - : a 1, v. consoles vjeotfiiia witu thought that the cotton gin yetjj remains. But that kind of gin is no good in the fix. It will be denatured egg-nog for some of our Southeru friends Roosevelt rose and rtuvl f.-jm fie room, and that after a while they fol lowed. They say also that thej don't believe the experiment wa: a success, and that they think it won't become a custom. No reason is given for this lelief, except becan.se," All this has been told as a sec ret, and every one to whom it was told promiseil not to tell, and made every one to whom they told it promise not to tell. So only a few hundred W shing- tonians had heard it up to night. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kid ney nerves get weak, then these organs always fail. Don't drug - the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get i prescription known to Druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Stren gthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on re quest by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. R. P. Freeze. Thousands of men and wom?n in all walks of lif e are suffering from kidney and bladder troubles. Don't neglect your kidneys' Delays are dangerous DeWitt's, Kidney and Bladder Pills afford qnick relief for all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. A week's treatment 25c, Sold by R, P. Freeze The fact that Mr. Fairbank aade a number of speaches in Centucky may have helped 'in ne result of a continuance of xctails there. ' BADLV MIXED UP. Abraham Brown,' of Winterton, N, f., had a very remarkable experience; ae says: "Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; twocal led it kidney trouble; the fourth, blood ooison, and the fifth stomach and liver rouble; but none of them helped me so my wife advised trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to per feet health. One bottle did me more good than-all the five doctors prescrib ed." Guaranteed to cure blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints, by T. R. Abernethy druggist, 50c. We want to buy your mi kit we pay cash for peanuts. Pork season is here and we want your bogs. See us for best prices. We also want your cattle and hides. You will find us next door to the postolfice, phone 43, Don't fail to see us, we are your friends. Newton Grocery Co, IfFall and Winter HATS I October 11th, 1907 ij Oar Fall and Winter Hats will be ready for sale after We would be pleased to re ceive your patronage. Ml very respectiuuy, 9 Misses u & h. Yount ai-f rood friends although I am not of his political faith. Mr. It will undoubtedly be Roo man had been struck?' 'I presume,' replied the wit ness, with great deliberation, 'that the whistle was for the tii" nominee of his party for the next man on the track. liar fif-xt tTin and he is the strongest per's Weekly, umn thfv could put up.'' "And the Democrats?" "Mr. Bryan can have the rX'inof-nitif; nomination if he '(r it. He has said, I believe, tliiit ho will accept the nomina 'HiN party wants him to bear 'T M.;mdard airain. but he has 'i't said that he wants it. I tliink. howeve-, that Bryan and Roo-evHt will head their respec tive tirk.-ts in niOB. Mr, Bryan" - und his face showed that he is )cnr ;i strong convicton is one of this country's great , st stat. inen. And whether he W,d over become President or n,,t- 1" will always be held up t0 tlie youth of the United ;ues as a splendid example of ''i:;t 's 'x'st in American man- i ... i Hi can poll more votes 1,1 tii- South than any other iini in the country could. I know !,ow the people in the 'uth f.c toward him, but I do n,T know the sentiment in other s'rtions." I . ''laying to a question as to lll'lVAn.,1 , CI A- 1);'vis said: 1 was horn in Russellville, a 'ttl" town in the central part of A,tisus; in 1802. No. I am in 1 w:,s ' -iHted to the late Presi ",;nt "f the Confedercy, but I born in 1702, durinr the "ar, and my father named me A TWussionof the Merits of the Liar ani the Drunkard. A debating society ot Belmont has the following subject for discussion: "Resolved, That the Lair has been a greater evil to the country than the Drunk ard." Without any attempt to smear any whitewash on the drunkard, we will risk saying that if the affirmative side goes down to the bottom and fetches up all the available , argument against the liar, the drunkard will look like a saint in compare son. Marsh ville Home. Many years ago, in the rural riiatrirts of south Iredell, a few plain, citizens met at a small house in the woods and debated iho nPst,ion. ''Which is the Wust, the Liar or the Drunk ard." All available arguments against these two classes were Krnn rrVi f, out and exhibited m WlUMf5iiv their worst form. The judges decided that the drunkard was the worse of the two on the ground that the liar, while a bad citizen, is in a measure snorn o his power for evil after he is found out. but the drunkard is a rwitinuous e-vil and menace not only to himself , but to others, Statesvi le L.andmarK. Subscribe for The Entfrprise Whereupon they became inter- npv Christmas. But here's to it n At T A- I estea in me aaverwemenis ovw tint the eTrs will not be of the the whidows and the man tnum- coid storage vaiety phantly resumed his seat. j0hn Hot Air is an Indian who is holding down anallotment in A9UVTAJ.r W I , - - 1 TXT 1 I sakes recently arrivea in m asn- Asheville, XM. L, lec. 4 An inrton and are holding down attempt to poison the family of iobs in the jjigh Protective William H. Westall wa? made oy Tariff Department. Julia Fishour, a sixteen-year-old A Georgia cotton warehouse girl, adopted by the Westall man concluded he wouldn't iiokl amily. The girl admitted that the f armers' cotton any longer. she tried to-kill Mrs. William tSo he sold it and skipped with Westall by putting poison in her the proCeeds, about $100,000 coffee. Her act was prompted: jrr- occured the dav aft by a spirit of revenge, she said, Georgia went dry because a few days ago Mrs. Westall had reproved her and wounded her feelings. I Race Question to Fore. The. girl is in short dresses Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 3. The - .. a. 1 I - and is a pupil m the city schools, Oklahoma Legislature did not Amid sobs she made her con- hose time in bringing to light fession. - I found a bottle mark- "j;m Crow" bills. A measure of edfpoison," she said, "and when! that nature was introduced in no one was looking I poured it eacn house to-day. In the into the coffee and then destroy- House it was the first bill pro- T A 7TT W r. HAVF. enUrnpA mir huildina so as to y JJ A MA & V A A U1UUJV. enable us to buy Furniture in large quanities and hereby qet better freiqht rates and discounts. tpropose that our customers shall share n this reduc- tin. When in need of anything in HOUSE FURNISHINGS it will be to your interest to call and examine our toch. e guarantee satisfaction. -t r T nATirr o rA Respectfully, M. J, KUVvL. 0c LU. Phone 2 ed the bottle.' posed, in the Senate the fouith. The child did not know- what I immediately after Speaker Mur kind of poison the bottle con- ray announced that bills were m tained. When Mrs. Westall at- order, Representative C. A, temped to drink her coffee her Skeen, was on his feet with his m 1 if . throat was burned and sne oe- bill. It provides that every came deathly sick. A physician j transportation, company must was hastily summoned. The I establish separate compartments other members . of the family J for white and colored passengers escaped, as Mrs. Westall was the and provides for a fine of not first to drink the coffee. j less than $100 nor more than The girl, in the meantime, j $1,000. Freight and excursion emptied the poisoned coffee into trains are exempt from the pro- the sink. It was ascertained visions of the law, Separate wait that the poison used by the girl jng rooms must be provided, was a disinfectant for scarlet The bill is made a special order fever and contained a large I for to-morrow morning and it is J n mount of carbolic acid. Ip.xrected that it will pass the? , House with little debate. The The other day a man pulled a Senate bill simply provides for chair from under a friend about separate waiting rooms. Bills to sit down'tfind succeeded in prohibiting bucket shops, regu fracturing his" skull. It would lating, defining- trusts, corpora be pretty safe to bet that this tions and monopolies and requir same idiot makes a specialty of rag railroads to maintain union the boaf -rocking joke in the stations were introduced in the ! summer. Darlington News. benate. J A. A. Shuford, Pres. J- C. Smith. How Do You Spend Your Money? -g Areyou doing it in a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside something for a rainy day? If not- you will never have a better time to begin than now. To get quickly started, begin the easiest way. Come to the Shuford National Bank and open an account in the savings department Do notwait for a large sum, for it may never come; just deposit whatever you have to spare, no matter how small the amount. We will gladly assist you in getting started. We pay 4 per cent intereslTand compound it quarterly in this department Call and let us tell you how we do it. A. H. CROWELL, Cashier. -3 -5 1 si RIGHT THIS WAY TO GET Your Furniture I oi all kinds. We have a good Hce ot BED ROOM SUITS, ODD BEDS and DRESSERS, HALL RACKS. SIDE-BOARDS, ROCKERS, CENTER TABLES, DINING TABLES, PICTURES, ETC. I ITT - TT 1 we are nus for- Floor Coverings; have a good assortment cf Art Squares or Rigs. We have AXMINSTER RUGS, TAPESTRY RUGS, BRUSSELS RUGS INGRAIN RUGS. We also haye a good assortment of MattiDgs which we are felling lor less money than it can be baoght for on the market today. Come our way and get what you need. Respectfully, J.F.HERMAN &SON 1 : I! i I ( 11. I THE MAN WHO WALKS will find xmtold cemfort in the Stc ic.n ' Shoe. His i'ect vonTt ov tircdj; his r!jcc"- won't lse t'neir shape. Mind energy toy valuable L. "-stc in foot distress. Buy L-tetsons. Stetsons cost $5 JO t- to $9.00 the pair. mm - i Look for the sign of the red diamond Sodtby RfiYNE BROS. The Farmer's and Merchants' Bank, NEWTON, N. C Dr. J. H. Yount, President, Capital, E, P, Shrum, Vice President. DIRECTORS: DRJ. H. YOUNT, I ALECK YOUNT D. J. CARPENTER, CHAS. B. RUFTY, GEO. YV7SHIPP, It. H. Phillips, Cashier. 35,000.00. E P. SHRUM. M. M. SMYRE," Dr. T. W. LONG, J. W POPE, F. C. EOYLES, L. H. PHILLIPS. Will open for business, Monday, April 1st. Your business respectfully so licited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with safe banking. L. H. PHILLIPS, Cashier. We are doing Fine lob Work -4 v - II I t ! V v fc 5! 1 -it "1 5 '2 si r