1 His 1 JZ-?'-' riu XXK. Newton, N. C, Thursday December 19, '908. agrs" ' 1 t - mi jl. r w No. 37. i MiN "wtiO ARE HAPPY. j tabW. cotfld Not a single one of them see but in snite of tftt. iKrs of Queei Chicago Colony j "ey spent several hours in play- jiug caraa and other Get lUuch Enjoyment Out of Life. A blind man, well dressed and prosperous in appearance, was slowly making his way along North Clark street, north of 1?. hnont avenue and not from (J rkvland Cemetery. Another, bo was more fortunate and wnose eyes were clear and briti"it gazed sympathetically aft i the sightless one and mur mured. "Poor fellow! I wonder what joy such as he can find in this world? I'd rather be dead than like him. It must be terrible to W i hie that." And the man with the good c 1- .a -yes gtzed after the sight i, man until the latter disaj. i a ref i into a saloon at 1919 C 'Li i ic street. W; king into a cigar store at l-i' 1 iark street the stranger c uku for a cigar. There was a v.i :ic snop attacned and in tht rcur a iiumber of sporty-looking oung men were playing pool and billiards. The stranger hi id a five-dollar bill on tne :-hove.ise and for the first tinle noticed that the man behind the siiu A ease w as also blind. "Oh, excuse me," stammered tiie stranger, "I did not know that you could not see. Here CROPS ESTIMATE BY STATES Roosevelt Out of Race: vv asbtngton. Dec. 11. In view games. Davis is Crude and Rude. The blow has fallen; Jeff Davis one Wasb.ineton.Dee. 1 O.-Th 1 of the'i&uance of the call of the has delivered himsef f uiiw me piace with their reporting board of the Bureau of ine most remarkablv speeche jokes and laughter, partook of Statistics of the Department or fcr1the cnvf10IV the President j e. er made in the United States mncn and refreshments, and ; Agriculture this afternoon issued : lonowing augment: then retired to their clubroom 1 an estimate of the total prod uc- On the night after election I in the rear, where on f ition of rotten in thoTTwi Rf,fM made the following announce blind men played a piano, anoth er viohn, and a third a cornet. Others sang, told stories, or recited pieces, and before the evening was over the stranger went away convicned that there is fun even for the blind. The Price of E&i When eggs get in the neigh borhood of 49 cents a dozen-and butter slips to 35 and 40 cents people always want to know what the cause is" said a New Jersey frrmer to a Dock street for the year at 5,481,986,000 pou nds ( not including linters) which is equivalent to eleven million six hundred and seventy eight thousand bales, 500 pounds to the tsenate. The effort of the man from Arkansas was disappointinz I to every one. There was ti A I WA mS original in his speech but its "lam deeply sensible of the i crudeiiess. People who do not honor done me by the American people in thus expressing their confidence in what I have tried bale. The estimate by States as to do- 1 appreciate the solemn follows Virginia 14,000; North Carolina 604,000; South Carolina 1,091- 000; Georgia, 1,898,000; Florida, b4,000; Alabama, 1,216,000; Miss responsibility this confidence im poses upon me, and I shall do all that in my power lies not to for feit it. On the 4th "of March next, I shall have served three issippi, 1,536,000; Louisiana, 71. land a half years, and this three 000: Texas, 2,400,000; Arkansas, j and a years constitute my 9b,000;Tennessee, 298,000; Okla homa, 919,000 Missouri, 40,0 XT The cotton market -troke 35- points on receipt of report and market was wildly excited for a time. Ch et ifs at TrindaA Washington, Dec. 11. Thank to -Fighting Bob" Evans, "every one of the 15,000 and more oilicer and men of the Atlantic fleet will have opportunity to spendChrist mas ashore as usual; and thanks to both Admiral Evans andBrown son, each of them will have opportunity to receive Christmas presents in their stockings . on Christmas eve as usual. pile them into the patent setting J Aamirai ii,vans has announced hens. You ask why they do f m tne na,v department that not this? Well, it's a simple proposi- j only ne see that every ship ton. It takes three weeks to t u " saus xrom.. Hampton Koads on schedule time, the mor ning of December 16, but he will you begin to feed them to beathave a11 before the harbor ol everything. The brooders, in the day for eggs to hatch out. Js soon as you get chickens keep them warm, are fairly alive W1U 136 made to reach the first with the little fellows, and by stop ' on the morning of Decem stuffing them, with corn and ' ber 24th' in order tha shore wheat we si?, have chickens as big as squabs and kill them for broilers. You know what they are the highest kind of chicken meat. You can't blame the farmers for hoarding their eggs when you get as much per pound as you geti ior a dozen 01 eggs at 40 cents a dozen. Its only the j Punas 01 Christmas, turkey law of supply and demand which j ehwent b defaulton the part of makes eecrs hiirh. as evprvthin J the onSmal contractor, all has merchant the other day. They think we are trying to bleed them 'jiut if they really knew the truth. they wouldn't have much to say, x aon "i oeueve. ui course you fellows here on Dock street know the causes, but the ordi nary person aoesn t. uo you Know why. eggs are scarce? It's not because the hens are not working as hard as usu iL Some may be taking a vacation, it's true, but it's because the farmers are saving their eggs for incub ators . About thii time of the , . ... I will pay you in silver, as I do year tne Puitry raisers collect nui suppose vou can distinguish ( a11 tne fresh eSSs tneJ C"1 nd, one bill from another." "Oli. that's all rigt," replied tho tore-keeler. who said bis nam? was Gns Grau. "I'm bUnd sure enough, but I know j vh:it the bill is. It is five dol- la s. lhe stranger was surprised and questioned the sightless man behind the counter. 'I have been in business i: number of years and have al ways done remarkable well. I i. .vn the barber business together wua the billiard hall in the rear, At this xint three young men wearing light spring overcoa and hushing diamonds entered i ne sxore greeting tne propne tor merrily. 'We have come out to have a traine of cards with you, Gus, and have framed it up to beat you or bust,"' announced one of the new arrivals. "All right, boys," replied Gfts in a cheery tone. "I'll be with you in a few munites. Then he turned to the stranger, who asked: vhere do all these blind men come from, and how is it they all stem to head for this particular neighborhood?" "Oh, tiiat's all very natural," replied the storekeeper as he made change for a $10 bill 11 A 1 v. nue tne stranger gazea in amazement, and wondered how ii v. as possioie. lou see we blind men keep pretty well to- t'tlier, and as I am in business 1 w m -rv up here in L.ake view, my friends know where I can al ways be found, and so they eome here." "But I saw several go into the saloon next door," suggested the stranger. " Oh, yes," replied Gus, who in- lsu-d on being called' by his lirst nums, "that is where the yood fellowship prevails." "What, do you mean to tell me that you blind men go in for '.aI fellowship?" asked the surprised stranger. '"Well, I should rather guess o," replied Gus. "There ain't anything too good for us. Most of us are in some business or other and dcing better that some f our so-called more fortunate! '" them, although we are un able to see. Why, in the place next door we are surrounded by txtures that one time were the t'nost in this country. They iM a fortune and won the first Prize at the Centennial Exposi tion in Philadelphia in 1876. Port of Spain, Trinidad.on sched first term. The wise custom which limits the President to two terms regards the substance and not th form, and under no cir cumstances will I be a candidate for or accept another nomina tion." I ha . e not changed and shall not cliange the decision thus announced. LEAVES FIELD CLEAR. It appears that the President had been awaiting the call of the Republican national conven tion to afford proper opportunity for making his position dear and unmistakable and thus leavin, tne field clear for Fairbanks, Taft, Cannon, Knox, Poraker and other declared or receptive candidates for tha Republican nomination, The announcement that the President would not accept the Republican nomination if tender ed, came at too late an hour to become generally known in which they are kept in winter to uletime December 24, Efforts 'P011 among leave of the men may be divided, those who desire to si ad Christ- uiascveasuure ana tne remain der Christmas day, it being against custom to allow a1! meD to leave the ships at one time. Through the determined ef forts of Admiral Evans the 40, else. Let all the farmers turn all their eggs into market and you will see the price come down; let them hoard their eggs hatch ing and up goes the price. It's simple when you know the truth," "ecu ijui auoara ana an unusu ally elaborate menu is being pre pay d for the feast of the sol diers that day. Baseball and other sports will be indulged in on shore. In the those who learned of it Demc I crats and Republicans alike the feeling was general that it left no element of doubt in the pres dential situation to far as relates to the third term talk and that definitely eliminates Mr. Roose velt from the contest. Some Democrats, however, express a belief that a Roosevelt stampede in the Kepublican convention would shake his resolution, amd that he would prove no excep tion to the historical precedent in that no American citizen eve refused a presidential nomina tion! Christmas 'Possum on de White ' House Tabl mean ti iii p nrr WJ W4 o CIX I -i ,11 beimr orenared hv AHmim, ainsvwe, la., uec. u. Brownson for the nmmnt, .'fat Georgia possum is lino- of all Hhrktmoa Part of the the officers and men. -A to be a Christmas cheer at the white house. This possum Try to Make . More Room State Hospital. at Bolick Succeeds Fortune. Asheville, Dec. 11. A though not officially stated, it is well settled that Mr. J. A. Bolick is to succeed Trainmastar Fortune, one of the officials removed by the "blanket" order of Sunday, Mr. J. A. Bolick is now running as engineer on this division. He was at one time trainmaster. He is one efficient support f nnd for. the fiscal ranroaa man ana a' man ending December 1st, also with partisan friends and ; ported enemies. It is rumored that when : cut of S5.000 in the. nmvf Mr. Bolick goes in one are more ; the appropriation asked for the employes will go out. It is also '. advance in the cost of was-es earned that with the discharge and supplies and the fact that of Superintendent Ramseur. from the erreat oressure for tv.o v '-' JL VAVy Roadmaster Ramsey and Train? admission of patients the board master Fortune Special Detec- filled the hospital to it utmost tive H. O, Ward also received capacity. This result fnrrori tim VWM. W11V tns walking paper. , board to order no more admis-' California, was here todav en j, ' - sion in the future than the funds ' route to Mocksville and Iredell m in hand will care for. j county. j was caught several days ago and I is being fattened on persimmons Thgky rs" Eklen Longsteet, post master at Gainesville, who will ship it -to "President Roosevelt At the meeting of the bo.ird just before Christmas, of directors of the State Hospi- The possum is a big fellow, iai at Aiortranr.n wa-inoaH-i.r - i : . i i j a a, nuu ni persitmiion aiet is aua i deficit of some $10,000-in the intr fat at a irrea rate. Mrs. year Longsteet is the widow of the was re-: Confederate Ereneral. Tjoncrstn 1, mi . I ' o mis was caused by a know are trying to know why a new member of the dignified law making body in this country shouKt do a thing so unseemly so uncalled for; but those who are close to Mr. Davis claim for him that he promised his constituents in bis campaign for the Senate to make just such an oration when he got to Washington. He vowed on the stump, if elected, he wou d introduce a bill, which, if it became a law, would put John D, Rockefeller and others of his class in the stripes of a felor. The bill was the excuse for th.. performance o to-day. Hi- speech was nothing of an argu- mcui'i :ui oi wnat one would e-cpe-r i i 4 .eh sap. damatr ogical stump speech. Those whe had heard that the Jeff Davis of Arkansas, was a kinsman of A 1 1 . -. cne cuiturea gentleman who led the Southern Confederacy hoped to see in him some relic of tbe sweet nature, the refinement and the gentility, of the great Jeff Davis; but they were disapointed or there is a lack of all of these in the young Cicero from the Please Pey Your Taxes Now. I will be at the following places o the dates mentioned, andl hot thos i . - wno nave not paid their taxes will meet me and pay the same. Pleaaa o-i this yoar .attention, as I am compiled w settle tne state Taxes soon, and th scnools of the county have opened, and me scnools cannot run without monov so I must have the monev ta mt. tha aoove owigations. Hickory, November 25 & 26". Conover, " 27. v. M. mith Store, " J. H. C. Hewitt, Claremont, December Catawba, " Lorn? Island, forenoon " Monbo, afternoon " Sherrill's Ford, Terrill, Mt. Pleasant, W. L. Loftin's Store, " Oliver's, Maiden, Heavener Bros.ctore," D. M. Brittans, Dr. T, F. Foard's, r e 1 1 Hickory, lg & 19' D.M.Boyd. Sheriff Catawba County, 29. 30. 2. 3. 4. 4, 5. 6. We want to buy your OilKITIFiiY-. 9. 10. 11. 12. WAT,. If -r-v wc pay .casn lor peanuts. Pork season-is here and we want your hogs. See us for best prices. We also JJ want your caHltand hides. You wiU find m n, v. x Vl I .1 rr. aoor to tne postotiice. phone 43. Don't fail to we are your friends. see us, lhe fact that Mr. PairhnnV made a number of speaches in Kentucky may have helped in a. - . wiB result or a continuance of cci-tails there. Newton Grocery. Go, BADLV MIXED UP. Abraham Brown, of Winterton. N. I Y., had a very remarkable exnrin- ho says: -Doctors got badly mixed up over me; one said heart disease; twocal -outhTvest. In the rugg Tillman lad it kidney trouble: the fourth, blond wno st the Senate on its ears Plson the fifth stomach and liver ten years ago, there was manli- irouD,eJ but nne of them helped me: ness. brains a .nd nnwo,. my wire advised trying Electric , v-j. . uu 111 Kltrpril vrhTA. a. : . tbP frpalr f. A J. ' V uig me to per ' i"niul,as tuere piect num. One bottle did m seems to be little more than phy- eood than all the five doctors nrescrib- sical energy and virility. ed-" Guaranteed to cure blood poison, I wiKaess ana an stomach, liver and Kidney complaints, by T. R. Abernethv druggiat, 50c. RIGHT THIS WAY TO GET Your Furniture of all (kinds. We have a good Jine of IM! When the Stomach, Heart, or Kid, ney nerves get weak, then these organs aiways tail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. -n-.. .0 oiuipijf -A maKesniit. liet a prescnpUon known to Druetrists everv- wnere as ur. bhoop's Restorative The Restorative Is prepared expressly ior tnese weaK inside nerves. Stren gthen these nerves, build them up with j ur. bftoop s Restorative tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come, rree sample test sent on re quest by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your I health is surely worth this girnple test. tl. f. Jbreeze. tall and Winter : H A T in BED ROOM aCITS, ODD BEDS and DRESSERS HALL RACKSW ROCKERS, CENTER TABLES. PICTURES, ETC. SIDE-BOARDS, DINING TABLES m are Mmnm I'housands of men and i women in all walks of life are suffering from kidnev and bladder troubles. Don't our kidneys Delays are dangerous DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills afford qnick relief for all forms of j "uuum. a. ween 8 I treatment 25c, Sold by R, P." Freeze I Our Fall and Winter Hats will be ready for sale after October Uth, 1907 We would be pleased to re ceive your patronage. Very respectfully, Misses C. & E. Yount' i Conover, N. C. for Floor Coverings; have a good assortment of Art J-qaareeor Riga. We have AXMINSTER RUGS, TAPESTRY RUGS. BRUSSELS RUGS INGRAIN RUGS We also hav a jrood assortment of -Mattirgs which we are celling for less money than it can be bought for on the market today. Come our way aod get what vou need, j Respectfully, j J.F.HERMAN & SON1 .'. ..' '. Bmta ti .j I'M Kind Yob Haw Always Bought Signatory f His Will Erect a Montment at Father's Grave in IredelL W. C. Macy. of Santa Rosa: The matter of the erection of ' here 27 years ago, "I believe in boys and girls, special jvards for tuberculosis of sald Macy- He went to India he men and women of a ffreat $5,000 was made bv thp 1aef first, where he married. ty-one yrs ago ne moved to California, where he has met tomorrow; that whatever the -Legislature, was taken up, dis- boy soweth the man shall reap, cussed and upon motion it was believe , in the curse of ignor- ordered that the work' of erecJ with splendid succes, being en- . M - . - i.! 1 1 - . t i tntr rrr t Y1 thA rvwo rn ance; in tne emcacy ol school; won De proceeaea witn as early ! Kw . s10 in the dignity . of teaching; and as possible. - in the joy of serving others. It The superintendent. Dr. John WE HAVE enlarged our building so as to enable us to buy Furniture in large quanities and hereby get better freight rates aTtd discounts, tpropose that our customers sha'l rhare n this reduc- tin. When in need of anything in HOUSE FURNISHINGS it will be to your interest to call and examine our stock. We guarantee satisfaction. M Respectfully, - M. J, K0WE & CO. - Phone I ! i i i i XT V V mm THE MAN WHO WALKS v.i'l find untold comfort in the Stetson Shoe. His ieet v.onV rrow tired his shoes won't lose their shape. Mind energy is too valuable to waste in foot distress. Buy Stetsons. Stetsons cost SSO to $9.00 the pair. Look for tbe sign of the red diamond Sod by HYNE BROS. and believe in wisdom as revealed in : McCampbell, in his report sag human lives as" well as in the : gested as the most economical iages of the printed book: in way to relieve the nro-ont. lessons taught not so much by demand for rooms, the erections' reff,couny' fruit ' fruit growing business. Mr. Macy stated further that he vas a native of Guilford county and that his father rests in the fctm ily grave yard near Nicholson's The pur- Av A. Shuford, Pres. J, C. Smith. we re just as particular as you fellows, even if we can't see ith our eyes. ' At this point Gus invito! t.l. pAecept as by example; ability to work with the hands as well life to as think with the head; in everything that ' makes large and lovely. I believe ia beauy in the schoolroom, in the home, in daily life and out of home, and of a nurses Utilization Of the old lanndrvi building: fr industrial nnmnaoa grave. - xr "vwi : tjje 1 pso of his visit is to have f How Do You Spend Your Money? Granger to join himself and doors. I believe in laughter; in frie Us in the place npxt door. lovei in faith; in all ideals andj He half expected to find the distant hopes thet lure us an, I Woprtlierea blind mm, too, L'e'ieve that every hour of every but Fran'r Sw.inon tu r,...,...; day we receive a just reward for i all we are and all we do. 1 believe, in the present and its opportunities; in future and Its promises; and in the divine joy of ' Kiected him wjth wide open However, in one corner of the Place more e were grouped a dozen or blind men about a long llvInff Amen. a over his His mother, .Mrs. Nancy stating that the conversion nf M- Swain, was married twice the rooms used by the nurses on' and is now a resident of Indiana, j the wards, the sewing .rooms, She recently suffered a stroke of one or more of the day rooms Paralysis and is now quite fee- into sleeping rooms for patients ble- Tlie son's wife.f stopped would make room for about 100 her until her husband rr .. . 4--n TTTS A. M t i more patients, and estimated LU1US' nmsron oemmei the cost of the nurses' home and i other cnanges necessary af $18,000. He also suggested the erection of a new colony build ing for one hundred men, the i: CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. mg ior one nunarea men, the tn wmi v ii - n d cost of which he estimated: 168 m YcB HaW BOOgtf - i SJ would be $30,000. ; ' Bears the stf 4 Are you doing it. in a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside & something for a rainy day? If not you will never have a better -rime to begin thanjiowi To get quickly started, "begin the easiest way Come to the Shuford J National Bank and open an account in J the savings departmenL Do not wait for a large sum, for it may never come; just "T deposit whatever you have to spare, no "jjj matter how small the amount We will gladly assist you insetting started. We lay 4 per cent interest and compound it r quarterly in this department Call and fr let us tell you how we do it. . A. H. CR0WELL, Cashier. The Farmer's and Merchants' Bank, NEWTON, N. C. Or. J. H. Yount, President, Capital. E. P. Shrum, Vice President. DIRECTORS: DRJ. H. YOUNT, I ALECK YOUNT D. J. CARPENTER, CHAS. B. RUFTY, GEO. W. SHIPP, L. H. Phillips, Cashie $35,000.00. E P. SHRUM. M. M. SMYRE, Dr. T. W. LONG, J. W POPE, F. C. BOYLES, L. H. PHILLIPS. Will open for business, Monday, AriU 1st. Your business frespectfuT'y so licited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent wirh caf . Damung. t w k - - U H. PHILLIPS, Cashier. We are doing Fine Job Work v..

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