. :te3Bfc jttuttue ;'l:qsrgfi!S!'?J " C ' 4 I s, : I 1 !R:w:oiitCip itgaid and only on one certain iviy "but to the latter conclusion. He the Republic-ins muf.t do ' would have been unworthy to be J. W, Miller road work J, I, Goforth expon.-c th- saiiio thinf-. i- k ... ... .. v . : v v - lZTX; r IJ or ProvrUtor Un ill both 1.0U ,(M)' WANT K I): IMacksmiti.s.steady work. A ppl.V to .leroio Kolick Sons; Co. Coiiov IT A . ' . F."..ti-ro.lftttlicr.stofllce at Ncwlo... Omolir.n. ft -eond-Cla,s MiOH . . Ur..i 1-.., North let i!"-: I XtBMS Ol ' St liM'KU'HON: 4 n year, cash in advance . ... Mx months flii to irontus Vver lifpubli- a Senator from North Carolina,! brinuinp- Ed Shenill toNVw- ..TAr-o1 it or anv other State, if he had ton iu,. l IlOUSt rj mp'.t-h i I - nr-cr? tJc members! voted against Lorimer convinced; O.K. Sirmm salary as 19 lit; c0 w. nig itiitwwiivv. .... j tvu. ... , j -. . ..... . i he voted as did the frrcat Bailey oi: j Town of New tort light. ! Vhit Lehm u boosters. Texas and ten other Democrats, jfor jail and courthouse l.irOi$l.oo each. Aii.1.v a?. ' Senator Simmons' vote for ; M, L, Herman lumber 10 1 prisr" ouU v. j. -.,,-1,7 t-irl tn nnss I V 'O SOSUi'liui'uoo t Uvi.Vi.iU. undertook to lay down 'lf ' the law as to how the Republi- j i tiil-olood i Vice I ; filer Thnrsdl . 'dT-M 0. ' 11 ii ,:.r-i fUckiv nonll- Cir.ii blimiiu - .....It 1 IA V.? in T T. WiL- ..Ono1riniiil 11'thfZiJktioniN.WhCan.lI ' at James ,.! 117.U0; FOK SALE: r , nnVe rules for the nomination ! of candidates in another party? j ct a tf pdi.v? kY BI L KILLED. ! ;-,,0nQ-lv as we disagree win County Commissioners. j I n " " I - The house of Representatives , did the Demoaratic party a goco aervi the bill that had iVnuhiicans and oppose their. n , Commissioners met in candidates in election years dc-i retfular monthly meetin tV,o npmnarat'-C party a gouu - cruii-ijwcv. ... . . iuiai uiuuj '"wus ennnlie t. KSy in -e7be" " ! SryGroceyCo. State-wide primary election ! principles of then part , au Gabrleit J.P. Abernethy, E. b. ; s lcs " , , Qan!1t Iwronsr. we are not in favor ot r . , . Yoder. r . ...... bill that naa pubayu u. . , tuom their " .7 ' J, i'1. iUien roumy i The bill reauired all parties, tnetaums awuy irOUOwmg persons wuiu c,sunnliP Spub Sas well as the Demo-! ri.hu and giving them a club to of Uxes: M Pope of;aog cratic, mrty, to nominate aH:a,eoaour head, at succeeding, $10- a CImes aD(1 in! Gaither MtV. Co. lumber for road trunk's 9.C0i pounds. J. D, Nixon jail fees 43,00 L. C. Bickett county home . R, F. 1 7:i,(H coun- homo IPs .uu; once Clupp medicines "A tine mare, nine years old, weight l:-0( Good faujilv animal. W. H. Props.t, !. Hickory, N. C if fr-J v i v. 8 r- l i -t, , 1 FOR SALT.. John A. YiVior has 10O of rice to sell at :1c a jtoiind. aif s .00 Property 4 .v Sale of Personal candidates for county. State and : elections .Catawba; K. M Costephus oi- RHermanjQtlcUah. United States offices by vote on ine Western D n th.jpoll Ux; Dol h Setzer 1.3; for (.OUItllouso Intlie name ot tl-vase or iix.uau,., ;Zeb Uncey) aeceasea, oi it vires ami i ,..;.)' n t ..,,:., S,turday saved their pany xvom taJ; A. N. Jones, poll tax; Arm-, ' m homSnoai- Sent an embarrassing situation m tht-. field Stewart, poll tax; Mrs. Bj RUvards un(1 UroUf?hton Saturday, February 274 h. 1U11 r.ext campaign. : A. Stewart, Lax on 00 acres o. J for (, a 2r,,50 all my rsonal property, mules. ; land for 1009 and 1910; It, 1., r fiwitt. -nmrnnnin horses, cows. calves. hors. iWp who oonosed it fcr th;vr ; cm -a rri! SiMKONS'S VOTE FOR! Detter, 1.74 special tax in Chap-; ' iu wagons, buggies, self binder?. vntie Cnuld an thing iei " .nrnmso : e district; L. R. Bowman special ; . nA drill, mowyr, plows, and all my Cline Son for road Fashion has decreed that Embroidery shall be used more extensively than ever. Therefore we have heeded the call and are well oreoared to meet the demand with the most elaborate line ever shown in. these parts. A vanity match patterns for the entire costume. nne certain day Democracy, it sought to establish tvranny. me i,?i?ina a favoring the plan for th'nr coun ties endeavored to fcrca it on 42 and 44 inch Embroidered Houn cmp Six men The more undemocratic? The "holier than thou" were mainly from the East. men m. - : . , ... , onfAv :VJk ' threor lonr exception, solidly: the resolution u, e.xpr. special tax; L L. Jarrett $--u against surrendering their rights, j Lorimer. tii? junior RjPublln ; spociai tax; t:hj.rles DeiU, road tT-.i, 4-r,a,?.-,. Lonniei J -4 y complete larming out; it. Beautiful designs, 90 cents yard. 27 nch Flouncing to match above, 50c yard. Galoon and straight Bands to match Flouno ing, 20 cents yard. Snrr.p of the papers that are; ' 1 in TTib-nrv ; autosonistic to Senator Smm j township; Grover Whitener.l.C0 tdfw vinr S. C. II FIT. with! have seized on his vote samst ; road tax; R L. Bolick, 9i cents! road orders 2.40. NOTiCH. and they marie a .a;v; Hausp after this most principle of liom-.'-ru!- l.a i been lost in the Senate, worthy of the admiration ef a'i foMowors of the great Jefferson. A Qtoto-wida iv.-iii:)vv fr.r nomi- nation of State ofticers and Unit- resolution, mat v orn rv .j a.,f,-.,., ,.;.,t i-icrht-thinking Nortn Caro- 1 M JS k. it ill vf! t I i L 11 V - -O ' ' - V V - v v. wiping out of the c""jr.i:ies. just as a county-wide primary mean the elimination of the r-ivcinct?. The votes in all tlr? co .tico for the several candidates would he tax; Ernest Locke, road tax; . Til".-. matvi 4- l-u ; in the' Senator from nunois. nwu . vital ' senate, as a grae M. P. A borne thy tax on $500; cor Simmons in explaining his p E. Herman, road tax; Mrs. S. ! ote. said he had react a uie v Kirksv $2.10 ; estate of L P; H Dave Price work at court M. Alexander antitoxin T.0 North Carolina) In i c Sr. tej lor urv S. II. Tickftt. K-r. Il - i-c!ftt. MiU-s Pickett, N. I. Pickett, fcl.mn I.. MilU-r. Abernethy Hanlwaiti Co. R. v. Miller, M. .1. PL ,nk, .;n,l S. ti 3.50 Pickett and V. P. Gaiiht-r, hous? countp .supplie w.t. v.. v. KirKsy 5-.iu; usuuo l i-t - estimony and had heard all the , deceascd, tax on s703 Edwards and Broutjhtoii j i j ches on the case ami cuuui Von namallnr onri J P. Buff not conscienciously vote for the ; ; Ed Shook was allowed to talse ; Mm "PiniTcr and r-hiM from coun- inians would desire and expect- ' J A pubiif . Chattel Mortgage Index heir representatives in Congress vote. The Senate committee that ex- road, according to to vote. ; 3urvey of J. E. f?arb and E M in? el.ae coiimi.ii-t , vh- amonrwl hv survrv of J. E Barb from corporate molts l:l.W C. M. McCorkle fees 10.20 Cline and Evaas work on bridges lo. 4.". Abernethy Hardware Co Dynamite Hold brooks and Seaglt rcad work Newton town ship -'.7. To Mostrr and Ltitz dUinfec tant 0,i 1 1 D. E. Sigmon iion tf f roau use ;.o.tw Newton Route 2. f 1 M... T M '"-J -r-. .mi. aim .ith. ,i. auei ieauu.ii iuc ; m n,lt. tho mad and nut it in I , r.,.i., . i crui li.rtnncr thp arfrnment .... J ' : lawful condition. Mrs M.dtee's iUtrr Mr. O. .1 added together and t h- ore for i all the testimonv was compos.- q nickory to a point in Brook-; each office having a majority in e I ui seven Republicans and ye , fQrd road wa.s flowed service of: the State as a nhoie v.-or.ld gef Democrats. Six of the Republi- jury bcinj, Uispensci wilh by the entire vote iu the Mtale con- can and four of the Democratic , con3ent aR(, DO damage to; vention for u S:ai: r :,-o or in the members of the commit cee signed awners to asses.sf. x. j Legislature for Urnt-.,! States a report agamst the expulsion of ; a Browder and Jone3 F. Abr-! o . ,.!,. v jn-irAi' And Senator s,im- . . . , . f seuaiui. --i i.uL.,11., i-iis;..!.. lc. uiv kj.i... . nethy were appointed overseers ; almost urammc-a i-r r.o c.-;n date and r.ous.v .'.., i ; . i -.- ons. another, yet lib ivpiv.:itative ' ot the supporters anu upponn u, petion was filed bv citizens of : r?a.,Ql, in the S;ate -onventioa or the of Lovhr.er, voted as ten ot the Uickory townsuip for a public: Mr an(, XJS v v Legislature would have to cast twelve members ot tne committee : road f rQm Rear Mt. view school : rjVijoute - their vote? lor the car.diuate the voteu. hnfp nn Morgan ton and Newton o...i.. t .v peopot the county u.t.d agamst 1 no tac.s in he ca.eeahut lo IJlirke county linPi wherf- the hoine of Mrs. Thos. 1Iuitt. and did not want, ine oigcoun- tnese: the Illinois legisiatuie; , f nPnrr River Manu-. m i. o ,,- o li-. . j - i lunrt ofu' r huh exerutur.-. of M. Plonk, (i.x-c;iitii, vs. I.Ufir.a C. Opriiyii-, A. F. ii . i.-. M. S. Pickett. Al.Lie PicKt-tt, (). S.Pick?tt. M.Etta Pickett, W. Thr.. iore rickutt, J. Adolt.hus Piekett, J. KiwortL Pi-k- ett, L. Echtrl Pi.-kftt, EM i S. ilan. j mond, R. O. llammou J, J. A'.i' Plum rr.er, (iu-sic Pluirimer. Ev-1 na 1!. Pickett, Aaron M. Pickrtl. Ai:iett I'lutumer and L. Mny P!u;i;-rK-r. Th- df fcndenU ubove riant-d v:U t;ike notice that a .c;)i'cii Pi-ice.-dii.sr entitled ii-s nl.v-j l :t l-t-n cornnivi:: in the Siiperiiir ouri. 1 ( ataw county. North Carolina. ;. ell le-al es tate siuatc-il ia .-n;d c--r.!:ty ar.d S.;itf-, and to 3iitn:-ut- tl proceed, tr.ere i in which said dtHVr.iUint; havc r c'.u!. -, an interest; and tli.- a:J i.ien.ier.t -Mcltee. w-ill further t.:ke ii'"i.'i- that ih-.'y s.r.- Teriirea to ap'.enr i .-f.-rc t:u Cit-rK .: the Clerk f the Ssi; i r C.'.;: ; ..f county cn ti.e 22 duv tf Mar-!:, r.UI.a: the4urthouao f s lid co .. :y, ia N"-? .'. -Kockett of ton, N. C, iin 1 answer wr i-;ur i-- t... r, t, ' comwlaint or rtiti'va i i 7?lJtilI. 1,131 3 n 0 4 0 si r u m j i " .1 3 3 SALE OF Ai.r .1 L ni --r ai-.i I v :-t i : of th-' S i.. :i .r i.0 tav.";; i Co if.ty, N. C. IT.-ot-i-!'! t:.- herein C H. Siei-.hn.-: i e;", aii i V, .. ! ii ." f'r.-i'-:i Pro; ar' the a-.-fi-;::i ii si.JT.ed, ;i- Co!v lihlic iaelt'Ti tO tli:' h: tr.j cari-l.toe : --r in I !.i Cr.nly. X C, SATVR1.A i , M U :.l 1 V!.k k, M . , ik-.-;;!-!e f r:'i. 1 i r.'.-' lv 1 'own-! i!.l i.i.i t": joi.-.ias t.,f l --.. I- of i.. . I -V .- , an I i ,: .-!, I- n t . i. , !o lii ol: L. . tiai Ma M-:t.-. t . e.r-i-- : i v.. ; tv. v A. -V H; i j tl . .:i !?tiA ' precincts in wa? R, publican. Senator Hop-j f!4Cturintf Comnany crosses the! , , 1 -it : i.u'j ntuy ii-sia.Hi fuis iirfu ot3v:i ii'juiiimLcti Durke line o.uT.tios. or a election m a scate-Ame pun ai. , hpard at Rext meelin it., h n.o-h t -o . ifiMi is i?uarHiit?etl as . , ' ' ' m. ihui.i ....... o i i mc tri rnai I cn nprv !) in . . i ....i dal neds uas oeen i;oiu, taeu itur- ' icaiiu ovf.mntinry from rr.Td i!n(r i : v. i ... . . .. . j . , c I, p., " - , uay uiyiit uiui uun' aua- dead-locks. lut . ;, . . . ,wdst.Mniutuimai.n, day evenin? at ;i: at 1 riend- ouijuiuuuuwi ...vu snip w. i... unurcn, lunerai er- repo-t of jail and county home. ! vices were eenjua bv ptev 11 waa orderetl that S. L. 1 Fox Ip , ;., Jeaj H Ehyne and D. E. Simmon be a: monlns and v ay.s 0ld. committoe to let out contract fori Mr, Earl Sirman wo dlsap rock work on road near Pisrah Teured S4 mysteriously some churcn, the same to be let out at o time aBO retarRtHi il0!1 e Mon. Pisrah church on the :5th of dav arc''- Mr, Lee Carpenter jrive a; S. L. Rbyno. E. D, Gamble ' turkey-possum dinner Sundav1 ties, just a; i: e a county, wouM over th str.ad section of 1 1 s- all the v;.?c-r.; ielome.l u or.tj bnn.h-proof against oartv coulii ac iuiiT: a m.-nopoiv of bribery and the officers v. r a piu-!i larger a number of Republic territory h- r.' ih? -ot are members decii.'ied to vote for divided with anytht-r I'-arTv. him. A dead lock ran from iis, or the p!ainti;T- w ill i; co art tr tt.e relief !-.T: complaint. This l'3th uav o; t i.'-i :, 1: to t: .1 4::r- V-. v Pink IVal h it for .W.land. Ill w.b. Caither. The petition will . uondav. .Mr. Frank Ciapp, whas sick Take a St United States stance: An had carried onl t.-v, iue for Pit fT-. At y. I. . l:'1! . ?ri,..' .-:. is IMPERIAL yiy HATS -- in a An 1 1 o i v roaf wii! spoil the prettiest sale or VAi.CAr.i.E I. and: Ii ii ar Senator for in an Easti-'-rn in- January to .May. iorimer was then in the lower house of Con o,Te.. After months of ballot- third of the in Republicans and 53 Derm counties might have a larger crats turned to Lorimer and aggregate vote than a Western elected him. Five of the Demo man who had Ci.ri'i-ii a majority crats who voted for him were in the othor twx-t' in!- of the later accused 4f receivinjr briiies. counti5?. and tw .-ti ir !s c f ;h some of them as much as $2-300. representative-.' i.o I h I.ocnxlature They were summoned before the would have to voto '. ;t nan investigating: committee. All I ' M'le; H :' l.i r.l t . .: pMiior iurt i-t i';ri ::... in t:,e Spwi.ii FriH-e !'... " l.t.-riu I. I.. :ir 1 :: !.:.u.-Ut-y W:irU aotw '.. .- !t.i I 11. 1 V:,ra ;.3il o.'l r,. il'i ti. I. i.'-i Hi ft ii .-il , Ci.r.rii -i I-ul'lat- u'-.itloa Ui ;i.t- ly, N. '.. i.n .Hi.Mi.VI Ki.ll lit Z o rnx k, .V., t!i .!i'.i .:. i y-nn n.l N-l-i-j i'v;u i,;t- i ". Hnkory lowto!ri:. tatnw!.: iti.io:nln4 the lan-lt o Aim:;, t-u Wur.i, ainl uli.ov an; ; as f.ion s. vi.: I irt lot. ia'-cLiin: 1 : 1.. ! 1 : p t - iiouse. A i liar cn -. con vith poor taste will clisiract iroin any man s appear- "Ik h Pr.-t-- a i-i' 11. r I T.!- of - C...-; V. v lv IP fcsi: an::' 0, wno was i.dI tl:c c'iok-f o counties. This talk air tilt and the only ;iire Democracy has foolc many people who have no stood exactly what the meant and how it would It wipes out both the conn f ti i.ii 1 r,L r.'jl ph pnoffli 111'- if .ivV'tJV. UI. li(Pl tKl I l-7l.ii.V- ence or promises from Itrimer, no promisas 'tate-wido and no promises btfore the jirimaries and county-wide j.ri-' election of Lorimer from anylxly . maries bei njr a ruh- of th- pooi.K- But some time after the election and of they were given the money by a a .''!.) 1 fellow member named Krown, no kr- The case was worked up mainly .-'.v.;: cm iy the Chicago Tribune, an enemy work, of Lorimr's, and with the .iesand shrewd detective force which and W. P, Gaither were P and invited a nuinlr of friend's pointed a committee to inyesti- to present ate and decide on some np-to- date system of indexing (-ounty records, TeB Acres 01 Floor Se- .lohn Fox Aras allowed $:'.0 for We have the largest lant of building bridge in Cline's town the kind in the world. We are ship. the oldest, lagt.t and most re- ..I lv, : lO looks. : Schrum's "Imperial" ill make you like your I U.U-Ii aiil s i-orii. i : II., ... , lt .- !ne, .-ui r.i i ol 1. ! Ni- 7 I the laio lliikiu t "A :i-t I . " l-l L. U l.is o :i ;: . . thi-ncHj S. Vi 1-2 1.. ?:! p,-.. . ihe ol.l ro;nl; t.'itiu,- . j. " w stotlu On ! !u- .)!.! ::::.- ! i;, ... . Jh.I.-s to llie Ha li.iUiii;. j.:! i :n-ra, nmre tr It .-Nwoiut k'l: l ijiiiuhi; ,( -: -Oilier, :niil i -irs ... ; K. .7 ; l oil thf Hi -1- :vl .1 t !..:! - tli i' N. I W i:. i : W t'd r.or: ; mor.t 'O. o:iK p :i si , i . 1 1 . 1 . - . . - . I . . . . . ... j . . . . . iioiuurootts anu oeaie vcrc.Mu.Nuie uompanj ni ! Kinu in ih. awarded contract to complete existence. (v-r i.UP'O.OoO farm bridge at Mt. Creek Mill for sum ers throughout the United States of !. Ill i- lip tut- iiH.-ll . 4 l.i . -I, j., stini.-; iluiH-i' N. '.! U . I i i. ill Hi:. ; .l.i ill trial a ". , n, 1 '.ot ii ! I tie at mv, it-Is h ri - .i ; I i : i: pro Kit i ; a v ttarir-iin val nniKi-s'.r:ie' ;:a'.vii i-l , : . a A A shape lor every style of taste, hut just one price. $.00 and C-anada buy Watkins' iieme- '" U " ;ir '-- . , , . .-. T-,, . . .... iry. N.4".. tin-iat n.-iin,.! ! court cost ror reoruary term .uie.s, r larorm nxtracw, spices, were ordered to be paid. Toilet A rti4ile.s. Soaps and Per- r -V,.... l.i. ....... 1 . fn,nr,-. A I .-. Ow, the pi ecmcts and does away with that paper, like all great papers , , , 4I iLl .t- lt, - r . ... , , , . . ,, ,. , lowed t jer month for sui-. sition there is for energetic re- local preierences and local re. maintain, was iimb-h-i to fir.d anv presentation. The corn;;--stone evidence that Lorimer had any of the Democratic party, up to connection with these men or the birth of populism, was horn- Uie bribery. Lorimer, in a rule, local representation. fk)v- speech in his own behalf, which eminent by representatives, chos- is one of the most candid and en by the people in the Si riles and entertaining speeches that we counties and smaller divisions have read in the Congressional (whatever their name) and not Record during the recent session, by the people as a whole was said on his honor as a man and a Jefferson's definition of the party Senator he had not bought any he founded. It was meant to man's vote in that election or in strike the middle ground between any other elcctio n. lie accounted monarchy and populism. for the votes of :j-4 of the Demo- The county units and the pre- crats, giving the personal reasons cinct units are Itoth i o; .ssary to of each for voting for him in the life and usefulness and purity preference to any other Republi- of the Democratic pary. A can, and gave it as his opinion county, never so small, in a state that it was their influence with convention or Legislature, and the other nineteen Democrats a precinct, never so smal', in a that a-'omTiiUhe l jus election. county convention, should be i! .s aid if she live men who guaranteed the right of repro- sw . rhey 4-.1t money from sentation to the extent of its . Pro,..-,: told the truth, the money strength in the party councils u p.-,i.l wi-hour ins knowledge and conventions. The precincts. 1 1 way. a ease that each Senator . 1 i .ii-. -, 1 ine iounoation units, uive :i n.w- h i- w ,- .. , ,. p.... o. .. - . , , , loiuwH, on uie quarter feet right, and tney a one have it, tesu.iay. as a juror would a' Commissions on same 01 noiainff primaries it tiioy please case in court. and carrying up the results to; That there was bribery, if the ! '''ol amount paid out 5347.97 the county convention and thei witnesses swore the truth, seemed balance on hand March county convention throuo-h its j to admit of little doubt. But 11,10 3206.05 representatives to the higher con- j there was not a particle of evi- The following bills were ap ventions. jder.ee that Lorimer was a part to proved and ordered paid, Thus far we have considered it. I CJorpening and Son taking the unwisdom of the proposed. Those who voted to unseat I trrand jury to County home 2,50 atate-wirte primary bih which the Lonmer had to conscientiously! J, J. Eov lumber for road House killed by such a big ma-: behove that Lorimer, as the jority, only as it applied to the I beneficiary of the bribery, must Democratic party. But it v as a? j have had knowledge of it. Those unjust to the Republican party as who voted in his favor must it was unwise to t! c Democratic convinces their conscience, that party, it not only required that (Lorimer did not know of the litnil. S:i id i.-i 11. Is 1 ,- 11111; SMS IO J1V ill-lit-.. TliiS Jaun.11 v -JTt h. lyil. W;ilt !-r. T i-im-!. . A ttoi nt . lit- il !-. 0.1s .! lltt y of Mi.-k - 1 '.-...in . 1 !..:i.;i- a- nrary : tt .' i : S. il 1 il'M-it. I i . V KX1XTTOU S N'OTP 1 tor ri - Lit Schrtim I'. ! n-II ; U ..1 I, .1 itiin-i- port, liable young men. We ne?d a R. E. Cabriel was authorized I traveling salesman for our line to look after repairing bridge nt : right no in Catawba County. E. T). Gamble's place. Address. The J. Ii. WatUin- Newton Enterprise was a war- , Comptny, 11;; South (Jay Street, drd contract for printing month- Baltimore, Mary hind. Eslablih ly statement of county com mis- ed 1 Capital yei$J,mi,00o s oners at 2.00 per month. Plant contains 10 acres floor The Hickory Military com-j space, pany was allowed $ir for 1910. ! Loek White was appointed ' ertr-f-k commissioner for Mt. , Creek in place of E. I). Gamble, : resigned ' W, S. Stroupe was allowed1 $1 for service in laying out: to id ne':r Brookford. j Sett i.'.nent was uvade with: county treasurer as follows: j Amount on hand at settlement j December 1910 4Jal,Hl ' Amount received dur- j in uarter 4;5V2.21 ToUl for quarter 8644.02 mount paid out during &J05.34 132.53 ::e t: CASTOR I A For Iafaats and CliildreiL The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears the dgnatnxe of Ilaviru qnaiUieU execat-tt to estate of Davi t Lore, late of ihUa Countv. North Carolina, this ;s to r , fy a'.! i-trsi- having claim- aahi- s id t-i-iat;- t- presr-nt .hem duly veri !i: .i or bt fore Mareh 1. o 'bis noiit-e w iit i e pleaded i i t ar of recov ery thereof. All p ersons indeMfd t said estat-'' will expecto 1 to make prompt settlement. G. L. Kei... anit. Executor. HIERS -r RREC WE HAVE !T f "s Aror "-T2 rtn c S 5 Democrats should make all ihoir use 34.65 D. Q. Suiyre work on road 8.40 Z. V. Sigmon road work Clines townsbij), 35,00 G. W. Caldwell road work Ca'.dwell's township 35.00 M. A. Sherrill road work Mt, Creek 7,50 Exceptiona E. A. Stroat "u"sp0,- COXSipQIiy Mil bit yer. It is going on more than 1500 during the next twelve months. Would you like to see it on your barn on the farm you dou't want and to know that the dollars the dollars you do want were in the savings bank credited to your account? S trout sells farms everywhere! He can sell yours. No advance fee. Write our nearest agent for free listing blanks. E. A. STROUT COMPANY 1 New York Philadelphia Pittsburg Chicago R. R. Boggs, Agt. CATAATBA, -I.e. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A ft rfc -rfi ifr -f? 7fv -N 2 it ! -r -SJp -!- -It- "vj Tj -r5r -SSr '7 1 V-i A I R L 23 ues In Furniture of all grades ior the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Our low prices are daily bring ing us new trade. We are pre pared to save you money. We are offering special prices on Druggets, fMaliing and Bed room Furniture, In our large Undertaking De partment can be found all kinds of Funeral Goods. Best service by experienced director. net 1 for 5 land i-.i-i! a.l . !-t-nint, known a-;-e.,t ton:- room house a:: 1 :iio'jt PTi a.'-vos uneo'!' ..i!a ".!" i:i i-uiiivation. from srlaM.i a:: tn ore. I at. s,, , A-a.,; (Vi 1 1 5 V ' i !!:li' 1 : l.i ! : ' !"( i 1 " uiltii im t ya;:ia. ha : a;- on public -"?: it. making i : in lin::H-r iwUts'.in. that nov. this farm tia'ro w s. also iri)oii ore bare:. a: t.y it . p av.ll ! t ii:: ot ion e.iow . r c4- s 1 1 : anv ti.: 1 !: ai .i sc-io- i house and rural mail. Grove churcii i;iriu(ii "ir acr U1 troiti t !ioc:-. !!':ir Fi and i-alanre in -tiiti ration Hi i '.. ! :!l'V- i t':l s I fi is Mai k lluiM rarm, to A ti u -i tor j ov-r a e. 1 room Ii4nis , siiH-! hai ii arnl lar m.d liearlv Maidc soi.l -' LTO ). 1 ! CXI . m an-j il m !. s from , vto;i know:! i wiiole or cut into suia'l tracts. M-it"oii f-M roib-r mill- A live ;-; :s til tm rural route. W U Mr ( " 0. Slore phone 24, Residence phene 87 S i -ic if i i' on ;uv intercsi-d in ia nd, o; t our prices l-"..re buyiiii ! if you v. nit lire inUran-'. e viii- it, i! at i w:nit t. n.iy or rt-r.t a liousf iu Ni-.'.toti, we wi.j try l" suit you. ery tr' ly, Newton land and Loan Co, The Enterprise $1.00 Pei Year bribery. Senator Simmons says he came pominations only in this one way -rv, 1 ti

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