Newton H H RPRI VOL. XXXVI NEWTON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 1914. NO 33 SE. The Southern For the Buy-a-Bale Movement. WishinntJn, D.O.September :4. -The management of South ern Railway Company is actively em'ouratfing the "Buy a Bale of Cotton Movement" throughout the South. President Harrison h is bought a bale in each cotton pr.M'ufing state traversed by the Southern Railway lines and has ad Iressed the following letter to the principal officers of Southern Railway and allied lines, sugges ting that they join the movement: 1 commend to your personal i (Fr. side ration the Buy a Bale of cvtiOn Movement now active throughout the South. While this is a movement of sentiment, ic is wholesome sentiment as ex i e-sing a determination of the s iLthern people to help them selves in a time of emergency rather than depend on he'p from o itside or from the government, Federal or State. If this move ment results in marketing 500,- 0 to bales at 10 cents a pound, as believed to be possible. i t will n ive a profound effect encoura ging the small farmers and those who uive them credit to hold for a stable price. "Ail of us derive our livihood rand that of our families in some r.aeasure from cotton, and so, from from any interest of Uhe Company everyone of us has personal interest the cotton "I .have myself bought a halo of coUon in each cotton producing state If you feel that vou can afford it, 1 re .r.ommt nJ that you buy at least one bale for personal account and induce as many as possible .of your friends so do likewise. It .will he a safe investment of the mruiy and a patriotic act in a vital emergency." Shaking of the cotton situa tion todayj President Harrison said: "There are, in. my opinion, good reasons for believing that the oirket for cotton will improve. . Wrjle there has been a temporary ;letlifcup in manufacturing, I 1 think tuat so far as affected mills in the United States and Eng land and possible those of FraLce .itfaj been due. in large measure. the disturbed financial situa tion and to eoae extent to the difficulty in getting dye stuffs. I am encouraged to believe that, as soon as the financial difficul ties have been straightened out, there will be an increased de mand not only from the mills in United States, but. also, from those in all parts of Europe i i which the war has not shut iess to the sea. Already there ;arfe reports of increasing ship me&te of cotton both to Erjgland rand to the Continent and it should fee borne in mind that the Mar itself will give rise to an in traced demand for certain lines of cation goods. There has beeD evidfc4ic5e Of this already in or ders for (Cotton duck for army uses and nquriies for large sup plies of cot&$tti;underwear for the armies. "The 'Buy . IBale of Move . cnt' will help ,materiaUy to bririg about better conditions- It will -encourage fanskdrs to hold for better prices and .will tend to tike off the market ocjtton that nust be sold. Every .one who uartici pates in tnis moveaieui. is performing a patriotic act in a f ital emergency which will be of KTa.t value to the entire South." Are Not Loaded. As important as the taxation amendment is, it is not one whit more important than the mend Mi nt designed to eliminate pri vate and purely local legisla tion. If this amendment is adop t-d the counties and cities may do for themselves what the en tire legislature has been forced io do at great time and expense in the yast. There has been no ieason advanced for defeating anv of the amendments, and the people of North Carolina ought to endorse them at the polls in November. The amendments are not loaded. Salisbury Post. They Make You Feel Good The pleasant purgative effect pro duced by Chamberlain's Tablets and h' realty rendition of body and mind Attorney General Pleased With Trip Raleigh, Sept. 23. Attorney General T, W. Bickett, just back from Washington where he went with the delegation from the re cent State Farmers' Union Con vention here to see what could be done in-the North Carolina cotton growers, says he believes that much benefit will come of the efforts that have been put forth at the Washington con ferences and that the situation will be worked out to the salva tion of the farmers yet- Mr- Bickett wishes to con gratulate the North Carolina farmers on the splendid manner in which they have deported themselves throughout this try ing period and persistently 'sat steadily on the boat" without losing their heads at any point as the market conditions have developed. He says they have demonstrated the fact that they are of one mind for the holding of their cotton and for market ing it gradually as the conditions and the prices justify, He says he is satisfied that cotton right now is at least two cents a pound higher on the open market today than it would have been had not the farmers co-operated and demonstrated the fact that they cannot be stampeded into a break for sales that would glut the market. Mr, Bickett says that the promise or secretary oi tne Treasury McAdoo that the Fed eral Reserve banking system will be in operation by October 15 will tend to greatly relieve the situation as to finances to take care of the crop and ad vance money on warehouse cer tificates that will protect the ma chinery for holding the so-called distress" cotton, WHEN OUT OF Sl'RTS START YOUR LIVER WORKING No Matter What Aids You, Dod sons. Liver Toneijf Usaally a Big Help insetting : Well. Avoid Calo mel. Nine times out of ten, when you are ill or out of sorts, your liver is out of order and get ting it m order again will make you feel better. When your liver is sluggish and torpid and you are constipated and bil- lious. it is impossible to feel well, There is a time when a a great number of people took calomel when so troubled. But this is not true today. It has become widely known that calomel often bas bad after effects and is even dancerous to mano. The use of Dodson s Liver Tone instead of. calomel has spread wonderfully because it has proved so benefi cial in so many households. Clarence Clapp and Freze Drug Co. recommend and guar antee Dodson's Liver Tonic in stead of colomel and guarantee to refund purchase price (oOc.) to you instantly without ques tion if you are not perfectly pleased with the way in which it relieves you from constipation sick headache, billiousness, etc. It "livens the liver" and is a pleasant-tastiDg, vegetable liquid easy lo take and causes no pain or gripe, no bad results, no change from your regular duties and habits. To test Dodson's Liver Tone is a sensible matter because you get ycr money back if you are not satisfied. The Handbook, War in the East! Peace in the West! Thank God for Wilson! This is the proclamation under which the National Democratic Handbook for 1914 has been is- sued. It is the strongest hand book ever sent out from the National Headquarters, inasmuch as it gives a condensed, but com plete history of the record of the Wilson administration, which is perhaps the best record a politi cal party ever went beiore tne country with. It is enough to say of this book thatit is one worth reading and keeping in the bouse. Charlotte Observer. A Marvelous escape "My little boy had a marvelous es cape' writes P. F. Bastiams of Prince Alhflrt. CaDeof Good Hope. "It occur ed in the middle ol the night. He got a verv severe attack of croup. As luck would have it, I had a large bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the directions fo- an hcur and twenty minutes he was through all danger." bold by all deal Should Sell Some Cotton. j Feeding Them on Our Oil I j A Great President. Kinston, Sept 23 N, J. I The indications are that South I ! Nearly everybody is agreed Rouse, a well known lawyer and ; ern cotton seed oil is going to tnat Woodrow Wilson is making citizen of Kinston, furnishes an' play an important part in feed- the greatest President that this interesting contribution to the jing the armies in Europe. Thejcpantry has ever had. If he cotton situation. fact is coming into appreciation J Dad not been wise and level- "This is the first year in my i that it is the cheapest of edible headed we would have been in recollection that September 23 had come with no cotton offering on Queen Street." Mr. Rouse says. "In 1898,(the second year of the McKinley administration) cotton sold at as low at 4.85 and people brought it to market. Some years afterward it sold for around 5 cents, and still came to market. But now, although good cotton would probably bring in excess of 8 cents on the Kinston market, there is none offered for sale. "I interpret this to mean that the producers of cotton realize its value, and that the sentiment has. taken hold of the entire cotton producing community to demand for their cotton some thing near its value. The diffi culty heretofore bas been the failure of concerted, well directed and united effort among the cotton farmers to demand for their produce its value. "If peace shall come soon.then most assuredly the price of cot ton and other products would materially advance, but if peace shall be delayed, nevertheless, judgment and prudence on the part the producers of cotton wil! maintain a fair price. It would not seem the part of prudence, as I view it, for our farmers to hold all their cotton at a fixed price, and I think that in order to relieve our individual-requir-ments and to prevent the wheels of business from being stopped that it might be the part of wis dom to from time to time, make sales of a small percentage of the crop." The Charlotte V. Ds "I give you an invitation right now," said Mr. John A. Parker of Charlotte, "to come to Char lotte next August and attend the annual meeting an 1 barbecue of the Virginia Dare Association. We rill promise you the time of your life, "A few years ago a lot of us Easterners who had cast our lot with the good people of Char lotte decided we would pull off every year an event truly re flective of the good old warm- nearteu nospiuity wnicn ODiains ,ing ,egg money out of the coun. It would bo a calamitv to iase, to such a large degree in the try for foodstuffs. Perhaps the Salisbury Post, east but has not as a rule been Kotfa.. ,ni,4 ho. 1 so common in the western part of the State- So we formed an ' 11r . .1 IT- I organization caning it me v lrgin ia Dare Association in honor of the first white girl born in North Carolina and because the name had a distintively eastern flavor. Our annual meeting has been a festive occasion every year and the observance of the holiday as the celebration of the twentieth of May which of course all loyal Mecklenburg people observe with religious loyalty. We cele brate on the farm of a member about a half mile from the city and everv anniversary is made a memorable day, Come next year and see if I have exaggerated the least little bit." THROW OUT THE LINE. Give Them Help and Newton Peo ple Will be Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line" Weak kineys need help. They're often overworked they don't get the poison filtered out of the blood. Will oou help them? Doan's Kidney Pills have brougt benefit to thousands of kidney sufferers. Newton testimony proves their worth, Mrs. A. P. Honeycutt, Middle brook, Newton, says: "One of m 1 1-1 1 1 1 J my iamny naa oacaacne ana pains through the kidneys. The kidney action was irregular and caused much annoyance, He heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and used them. They helped him and he has not had any re turn of the trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs, Honeycutt recom mends. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Advt. ! fats, especially valuable for itsia bloody war with Mexico. He concentrated character- The Wall Street Journal has found evidence that shippers of pro ducts largely used in supplying the commissariat department of armies are buying cotton seed oil for the purpose of shipping it to Europe- With these ship, ments, it is stated, the manu facturers have nothing to do. One steamship carried 1,000 bar rels while smaller consignments have gone by other ships to France, The futher fact that considerable supplies are being shipped to the Scandvinavian countries suggests that at least a portion of that product is find ing its way into Germanj; and Great Britain is taking substan tial amounts, probably for use in the preparation of concen trated foods which are especial ly convenient in providing for the maintenance of a large army in the field. South America has always been a heavy user of cot ton seed oil; and trade with that section of the world will not be permanently impeded. It would seem that here is at least one in dustry that is not going to be hurt by the war: The Revised Slogan. The price of cotton atthe open ing of the season may be said tc have been seven cents; some was sold for less and some for more, but seven cents was the average opening Jprice. Now it is quot ed nine cents a pound, and neo- I pie feel better about it than the did when it was seven cents, We have no doubt the market will continue to improve in stead iness and in price. We have lit tle doubt that if the war contin ues, and the world gets a little more used to it, its influences ocj prices will tend upwards instead! be a blow to the state to of downwards. This applies to these amendmedts and such cotton, as well as to food pro duce. It is now a good time for the farmer to take hold of the idea of at least raising his own food- stuffs, and if each farmer would possible. We ought to be en do this, it would mean less cot-Jeaged in bringing this most im- iton, and would also mean send- .Buy a hog now and pant corn tu :n rv,0 Qn-;n(r xvx biii Aiva vit uuiiiic., I- O Feel languid, weak. run down? Heed ache? Stomach "off?" A good remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist. Pt ice $1.00. The Customer "These grand opera phonograph records are no good. I cant get anything out of half of them-" The Salesman "They are our finest achievement. You never can tell when these records will sine. They're so temperamen tal." London Opinion. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. If you want to contribute directly to the occurence of capillary bronchitis and pneumonia use cough medicines that contain codine, morphine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expectorant like Champerlain's Cough Remedy is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for the germs of pneumonia and other germ diseases. That is why pneumonia never results trom a cold when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It has a wond wide reputation for it cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by all dealers. Autoinobilist (calling garage after an accident) "I guess you will have to send for me. I have turned turtle." Attendant "Say, this is xthe garaere; you want the aquarium." Telephone News. Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? Dr. Kine's New Life Pills 'will cure you, cause a healty flow of Bile and rids your stomacn ana Bowei"? oi wasie and fermenting body golsons. They are a Tonic to vour Stomach and Liver and oue the ereneral system. First h dose will cure voa of that depressed, izzy, bilious and codstipated condition. 25c. all Druggists. "Does your wife write you continually for corn?-' "No; she's an excellent bridge player, Bless her little heart. she sent me $10 this month on the rent money." Louisville Courier-Journal, is determined that the United States shall not become involved in the European war. The Democratic party natural ly expected the President to make political speeches during the coming campaign, as has been the custom of former Presi dents, President Wilson, while a Democrat, says that America is greater than any party and he issued a statement in which he sayg that he will not enter the campaign. On account of the European war he will stay on the job in Washineton and take care of the interests of A"ieri2a. He is a great and wise Christian President, and is not only look ing after the best interests of the nation, but is looking out for the best interests of the average man. Every man should be profound ly thankful that we have such a patriotic and peace-loving citizen as Woodrow Wilson in this crisis of the world. It is the solemn duty of every man regardless of bis politics, to uphold the ad ministration. We are glad to see that the patriotic citizens of the nation are standing by Wood row Wilson as they have pro bably never Stood by a President before in the history of our couutry. Lexington Dispatch. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Day? Your dmefdst will refund money if AZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of I line. Blind,BledingorPTOtrudingPilcsin6to: days. The first application gives Ease and Rest 50c Get Busy, Friends of the proposed amendments to the constitution ought to remember that these measures will not carry them selves, that there are a good many signs of opposition such as may prove disasterous: It would lose loss would.dishearten many who have been working for tax reform for years. Certain interests have defeated six reforms in years gone by and will do so again if portant matter before our voters, For any itching of the skin, for skin rashes, chap, pimples etc. try Doan's Ointment. 58 j at all drug stores. Gov. Craig In Statesville Gov. Ciaig will speak on the issues of the campaign in States ville Friday, October, 9. at 11 o'clock. Following the speech a barbe cue dinner will be served. A first class band will furnish mu sic The people are urged to attend the gathering, hear the Governor and help make the event a great occasion for Dem ocracy. The ladies are especially invited. Cov. Craig is personally popu lar in Iredell. He is, as is well known, one of the ablest cam paign speakers in the State and will doubless have a large crowd to hear him. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testimonial should certainly be sufficient to giye hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dvspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken, Cham berlain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. G. Mattison, Wo. 7 Sherman St., nomem ville, N. Y. For sale by all dealers "He said he could teach me to swim in two lessons.". "Did you accept his offer?" "Yes. but I enjoyed the first lessen so much that I decided not to graduate," Detroit Free Press, Only One "BROMO QUININE" To let the Kcnnine. call for full name. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE. Lookloraignatnre of K. W. GROVE. Cure a cow in one uy. shops Cough and headache, and works off cold. No More Silk Hat Heroes. The hero who wears an Immaculate top hat Is getting rare In novels. Per haps this decline has some relation to the lessening popularity of the hat In real life. -Certainly "Oulda" would never have dreamed of turning out a hero without his being sllk-hatted or uniformed to the last decree. Book Monthly. Ghosts and Goblins. Since the world began supertsition i has been the companion of ignorance. As civilization drives out ignorance su perstition also takes its departure, so that the degree of civilzation possessed by any peoble may be readily meaured by the number and character of its Buperititions. Ethnologists who have studied savage tribes tells us that the greatest barrier to civilizatitn is superstition, which in many instances so firmly binds the minds of the natives, that they are actu ally afraid to think for themselves. Science, the handmaid of ciyilation. is rapidly separating the false from the true and is giving the world facts in place of superstdtious fancies. Even in such every-day matters of life as food, drink, clothing etc., false notions and hear-say reports are giving away to scientific fact. Thus the laboratory of the scientist has now demonstrated the fact that the caffeine contained in suh beverages as coffc;, tea and Coca-Cola is not only not injurious to health but is positively helpful in that it diminishes the wear and tear of the nature of a lubricant, as it were. Such unpleasant effects we were formerly attributed to caffe ine are now known to b- the result of improper methods in the preparation of the beverages and are traced to the door of caff eol and tannic acid in the case of coffee and to tannic acid in the case of tea. These substances, when taken in excessive quantities, give rise to discomfort Lut do no positive injury. Since Coca-Cola contains only caffeine with sugar and flavoring extracts these scientific proofs substantiate the often repeated claim of the manufacturer that Coco-Cola possesses all the ad vantages of tea and coffee with none of their disad vantages. Belle "Bob is back from the seashore" Buelah- "Without a cent, I suppose?" "On the contrary, he brought back quite a lot of money with him," "You don't mean to teU me Bob went down there as a wait er?" Yonkers Stateman. Cures Old Sores, Outer Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cored by the wonderful, old reliable Ir Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves fain and Heals at the same time. 25c. 50c. Sl-Ui "Do you giye moaey to ycur wife?" -!N6, sir. I have no bad habits whatever." Minneapolis Jour nal. Po-Do-Lax Banishes Pimples. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Bil iousness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc, come from indigestion. Take Po-Do-Lax, the pleasant and absolutely Laxa tive, and you want suffer from a derail ed Stomach or other troubles. It will tone up -the Liver and purify the blood. Use it regularly and you will stay well, have clear complixiou and steady nerves. Get a 5oc bottle today. Money back if na rattsfied. All Druggists. Friend "I suppose the baby is fond of you?" Papa "Fond of me! Why he sleeps all day when I'm not at home and stays awake all night just to enjoy my society." Pear son's Weekly. now To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRILINR is the trade-mark name given to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults vho cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try n me next lime yon need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 2-ounce original package. The name FEBRXUNE is blown in bottle. 25 cents. "I kissed Jane last night while she wasn't looking." "vThat did she do?" "Turned her back on me all evening," Philadelphia Ledger. Rheumatism Pains Stopped. The first application of Sloan's Lini ment goes right to the painful part it penetrates without rubbing it stops the Rheumatic Pains around the joints and eives relief and comfort. Don't ! suffer! Get a bottle to-day! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurts. bruises, cuts, sore throat, neuralgia ana chest pains. Prevents infection. Mr. j Chas. H. Wentworth, California, writes: I "It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is g ne as soon rs I apply it. I recommenaea it uo my inenus as uic best Liniment I ever used." Guaran teed. 25c at your Druggist. First Old Lady "My dear, what do you think of the war? Isn't it terrible?'' Second Old L.ady-'AwfuL But it cant last long; the powers will surely intervene," London Stop That First Fall Cough. Check your fall cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and develop a chronic lung ailment. Get a bottle oi Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar :Honey to day; it is pure and harmless use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children are sick give it to them, it will relieve quickly and perma nently. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air passages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the system against colds It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hoid. Guar ateed. Only 25c. at your Druggist. j ---1 "An Honest Tale Speaks Best Being Plainly Told," according to Shake speare And ours is a simple honest story of servicesen ice in supplying you with the best in our line. Remember we give a coupon with even- .'5 -cent rrr chase and on accounts. Clapp's Drug Stor PHONE 20 Farmers and Merchants Bank OF NEWTON. N. C. Capital and Surplus $42,000.00. Our Motto-- "Safety and Service." Our large Capital Stock and Surplus Fund, together with the experience and business ability of our Officers and Directors, guarantee safety for all money deposited with ns, which together with our Office Equiptme::t and up n. date sj-stem of bookkeeping enables ns to take care oi i.ur customers at all times, and render them the best service possible. We solicit your account. National Banks Are under the direct supervision of the Government They are inspected frequently and are compelled to make a public statement of their resources five times a vear. A certain sum must be carried in reserve against liabili ties. Other vigorous rules must be adhered to. National banks are subject to more laws than anv other class of banks in the world. They are there fore the safest financial institutions existing-all their depositors being under the direct protectionlof the U. S. Government. Accounts in .this National bank are solicited from firms and individuals. Every assistance given depositors consistent with Government rules. SHUFORD NATIONAL BANK, Newton, N." EC 41 Tasting Tea Our Different will satisfy you that it is O. Better begin to-day J. C PHONE 50 Oft iM For Printing Phone No- 28. newto.v. x. 1 3 a Profession. Unusual. Yer iherc are men who earn enormous w .-ipcs do inn that alont . Thcv often have to laste a number of limes be fore they can pass judgment. One taste -OF- 3 Grades of Tea K. Good enough to adopi. by ordering'a pound. 4 Gemayel NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA. 1 i ich thoy create make one feel joy W" i. For sale by all dealers. ers,

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