NEWTON ENTEBFKIBJS Published Tuesday! and Fridays F. M. WILLIAMS Editor ani Owner G. F. COCHRAN News Editor and Manager Entered February 19, 1878, at the ! postoffice at Newton, N. C, as second class mail matter. ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year 1-50 Six Months -75 Three Months - -40 There can hardly be a comparison of Greece with Belgium, for the allies have not devastated the land, killed non-combatants, or carried them ou wholesale into slavery. In other words, "frightfulness" has not been tried on the Greeks, and on the whole they are relatively lucky. CURRENT TOPICS. HOW BESS BROUGHT WORD FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917. THE SHORT BALLOT AND COM MISSION GOVERNMENT. The sensation sprung in Buncombe county over the secret sale of county bonds is still the subject of animat ed discussions. Two propositions are now under consideration for restor ing confidence in the county govern ment and preventing a relapse in the progress of road-building and other pubiic work for which Buncombe has been noted among the counties of North Carolina. One is that the present board of commissioners re sign and a new board be elected in their place, and the other that a com mission form of government be es tablished by the Legislature to su persede the old county government system under which Buncombe and all other North Carolina counties are now running. A mass meeting will be held in Asheville tomorrow to dis cuss these propositions and other questions following the secret sale of county bonds. At this meeting in structions will be given the Bun combe Senator and Representatives as to the kind of legislation they shall enact to meet the present emergency. The commission form of govern ment for State and counties is in line with Governor Bickett's recommen dation in his inaugural address for the adoption of the short ballot. By the short ballot is meant the election of only a small number of State and county officers, who will have direc tion of all State and county depart ments and administration and ap point the assistants necessary to car ry on the work.Governor Bickett'sidea is that all State offices except Gov ernor and Lieutenant-Governor be abolished and that the work of all State departments be done by ap pointees of the Governor, under his supervision and responsibility. This would make the business of the State similar to that of a great corporation and would be conducted on modern business principles. The short ballot idea applied to the counties would contemplate the elec tion of one man who might be given the title of County Governor or some thing of like meaning, or a commis sion of three men, as is the plan of commission gomernment in a num ber of progressive towns. Under either plan, all county officers would Bills are aluready before the Leg islature to carry out two of the re commendations of Governor Bickett. One is to appoint a commission of State officers to study the financial and taxing systems of other States and make a report and recommenda tions to the next Legislature. In the Governor's opinion, no just or suc cessful plan can be adopted that does not give separate sources of revenue for State and county purposes. This is getting back to the amendment which caused the defeat of all . the amendments voted on four years ago, as the sources of revenue cannot be segregated without a constitutional amendmei.t. It may be possible that he study of the special committee may enable them to so word the a mendment as to overcome the objec tions raised against the last one. Ar.d it may be that a plan may be formu lated by which bonds, notes and oth er kinds of invisible property may be taxed, as well as lands and other ! 0 go the school ("Observer," in Asheville Citizen) "Stranger, there's queer things happen in this world, and that's a fact, sure. Folks generally don't be lieve dogs can reason, for instance. But me, I know different. Take that hound dog there, now. She came back home that afttmoon and told us about Bud getting killed on yon side o fthat mountain. Tne rest of the pack staid there and guarded the body." He stooped over and patted the old hound, whose tail wagged un derstandingly. He stood, an upright figure of a man at the Balfour station, a long rifle resting in the hollow of his arm. The shadow of Stoney mountain reached halfway across the little val ley. The lonely pine on its summit stood solitary and apart from its fel lows, fire-killed trunk and branches sharply revealed against the after noon sky. . "Bud" the old hound looked up quickly at the name "and the dog were babies together, almost. I've always kept nigh a dozen dogs on the place, you know, for it seems like I couldn't get along with less. Eut Bud and this one here took naturally to one another from the start. The boy'd often save some of his own dinner to feed the pup, and it grew to be the stoutest of the pack. "Bud always wanted to get out in the woods and he could handle a rifle better than most men before he was ten years old. Wherever he went this hound went with him. He used you see beyond visible kinds of property, without i those pines over there on the Ashe resortint? to an amendment. The viiJe road. The worst fight Bud ever other bill is one to regulate the use to the place where Bud's gun had dropped. We figured it out after wards that he'd stubbed his toe. He must have died quickly. The Strange Part. "But the strange part of it .all, stranger, was that the other dogs were around the body. One of the other men happened to find them & M. SHORT COURSE FOR TEXTILE WORKERS The cotton mill men of the state should be interested in the announce ment that the textile department of ,he North Carolina College cf Agri culture and Mechanic Arts is now of fering a short course in textile work and sale of patent medicines. It will require printing on the bottle the names and quantities of the ingre dients and the appointment of a State drug inspector to enforce the law, the expenses to be met by re- got into was when one of the other boys there rocked Bess. Seemed like they were better friends than ever after that. One of the rocks hit the dog on the leg. She limped for a long time and Bud used to carry food down to the barn. They wtre good friends, hey Bess ? " The blear-eyed hound whined un- quiring retail dealers to pay license easily. She looked intently at the taxes graded on the amount of an- ! an, "n e ne restm eaf u.v In wn- ijuiiun ui mo anil. lief Lail I1U longer wagged understandingly but the light of intelligence and affec tion shone in her eves. -The Fat Pine. "Well, then, one afternoon, about this time, Bud said he was going hunting. He'd done his chores and of fat in the nual sales. t Henry Page's bill making it man datory on all boards of county com missioners to call an election for school boards and county superin tendents on the petition of a majority j split up an extra supply of the voters is ve ri.r a. av from ! pine for his mother to use the uniformity in the c-uucr.ti, .nai sys- I kitfhen stove next morning. Bud was a uiuuniiui uuj, iur nis age, ana since he's gone his mother and Bess , . , 1 T-W I nim get anywnere near sua. tie was stretched out there as peaceful -as if he was in his own bed. I remember there were some sumac bushes close by and the sedge grass was so high that at first you couldn't see the boy, or the dogs. We heard them, or they heard us, when we were a good two miles off, and j their baying lead us right to the spot, with Bess far a head. The first man to find Bud had to run back, for the pack showed their teeth. Bess was standing by the body, and stranger, I never want tc hear a dog howl again like she dio that night. When I got there the hounds made way for me, and Bess just stopped and followed us home her tail down. She wouldn't eat fo: a day or two, and she's the only doj my wife will allow in the house to day. Sometimes I think they un derstand one another better than do. But Bess likes to go with me once in a while. Generally she stay: around the house, for she's old." He picked up his long rifle ant throwing it in the hollow of his arn prepared to leave. Far down the rail way tracks a white cloud of smokt appeared. The dimly heard whistle oi the approaching passenger train was heard. His listener picked up his traveling bagr "So that's why I say there's strange things happen in this world,' repeated the man with the rifle. Tht hounds came nearer and looked up into his face, tail wagging under standingly. "I've always believed that Bess waited as long as she could for us to come after the boy and then she told the other dogs to guard Bud while she brought us. If that aint reason ing, I'd like to know what is." The train slowed down for the sta tion. Ahearty handshake and as the traveler looked from the Pullmar window he saw a tall figure, some what stooped now, slowly making it's way across a field covered with browr sedge. A this heels walked an an cient hound. The valley was som bre with the shadow of approaching night and here and there lights gleamed in distant farm houses. first, and the hounds wouldn't let j for mill men, beginning February 12 und extending through -riareh This course is espeicaliy designed for busy people who wish to cover as much ground as possible in a short length of time and will inciude such subjects as picKing, caramg, spin ning, loom fixing for plain and fan cy weaving, cloth analysis, design ing, and dyeing. Any and all of these subjects may be taken in the six weeks. These subjects will be taught practically and as thoroughly as the time will permit so that the mill men will be able to get as much out of the course as possible. At the last meeing of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' as sociation a number of manufacturers signified their intention to send men ;o take this course. Since that time )ther manufacturers have notified -he textile department that they ex pect to send representatives. Pre-! ,ent indications point to a large at tendance, making it advisable for myone intending to take this course to write to the textile department im mediately. All supplies used in the jvork will be supplied at cost and no charge is made for tuition. A' T II AT f7 ! TO r tern that Governor L.e!:eU so s.rong ly enjoined in his inaugural address. But the introduction and discussion of a bill to emphasize the mongrel character and tendency in public school work may La.e tl ? good ef fect of restoring real uniformity by repealing all the speical county bills. The meeting o fthe Republican Na tional committee in New York Mon day on a call of chairman Wilcox to cement more firmly the solidarity of the Republican and Bull Moose forces, was a failure. Even Geogre W. Perkins and Colby of New Jersey who appeared last fall to have re turned to the Republican party for good, kicked out of the traces and declined to break bread with the old lines who got complete control of the committee. They issued an address after the meeting, which Roosevelt seem to act different. Me, 'pears like I have to talk about it some times or I d bust, stranger? Yes? "As I started out to say, Bud went hunting one afternoon and the whole blame pack of dogs went with him. They saw' Bud with the gun and Bess here trailing him and God Almighty couldn't have kept them dogs on the place then. I watched him go down the hill and strike thepath across the fields to the Asheville road. His mother stood close by the big oak at the house, shading her eyes from the sun. She always did say that Bud j was too young to be trusted with a verv Coat and Every Coat Suit in the House and All Millinery- Cut Fifty Per Cent. Found a Sure Thing. I. B. Wixon, Farmers Mills, N. Y., has used Chamberlain's Tablets for years for disoorders of the stomach and liver and says, "Chamberlain's Tablets are the best I have ever jsed." Obtainable eveywhere. adv. CONFERENCES ON MEXICO HAVE ENDED IN FAILURE be abolished and the functions of the l has endorsed, renouncing fellowship county commissioners, board of edu cation, sheriff,clerk,register of deeds, treasurer, coroner and surveyor would all be under the immediate di rection of the county governor or commission, as the case may be, and the work done by heads of depart ments appointed with a view to their fitness for the sp .ial work and f or J economy and efficiency of service. This is the meaning of the short ballot system, and Governor Bickett has started an interesting line of thought and discussion. We take it that the mass meeting in Asheville t morrow will give this subject some consideration and that it will be come a live question all over North Caro line before many other campaigns are waged. One o fthe chief features of gov ernment under the short ballot sys tem will be publicity, frequent state ments of financial transactions, and minute itemizing of all sources of in come and disbursements, and the practice of sound business principles, efficiency and progress in every de partment of county work The county commissioners of Ca tawba have subjected themselves to some criticisms similiar that in Bun combe for disregarding the accus- j with the Republican party as it' is now led and declaring that the pro- The commissions appointed by Mexico and the United States to a gree on some sort of conditions which Are you interested I would insure peace and order on the porder, were dissolved-Monday, hav ing failed to agree on anything. Car ranza refused to sign the protocol, and the whole matter reverts to the president to settle as he sees fit. There seems a desire to withdraw the American troops from Mexico, but at the same time it appears that this will not be entertained until Car ranza can say that the bandits which infest the border have been broker, up. In fact, the troops will very like ly not be withdrawn until the presi dent Knows lor sure that no more Statesville is going to enlarge her limits and take in 2,500 more people : with three-quarters of a million dol- ' lars of property. Bad Habits. Those who breakfast at eight o'clock or later, lunch at twelve and , have dinner at six are almost cer ain to be troubled with indigestion. ! They do not allw tima for one meal to digest before another. Not less ; than five hours should elapse be- ' tween meals. If you are troubled ' with indigestion correct your habits ! and take Chamberiain's Tablets, and you may reasonably hope for a quick recovery. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to per form its functions naturally. Ob tainable everywhere. - advt. You never had a finer opportu nity to save money on these goods JANUARY SPECIALS STILL ON SALE Caldwell-Cochran Company "The Leading Ladies' Store" Three captains of the regular army j have been dismissed on ehare-e of ! having traced the fortifications of I b ort Leavenworth and turned them ; n as original drawings. i gun, but I laughed at her. She nev- i bandit troubles will arise er says anything about it now, : though. But she acts different, some how." .,- The shadows of "the mountains were lengthening and the old hound'3 ..tze routed on outstretched naws. The man placed his gun against the J side ot tne stone station and looked with .steadfast eyes at the clouds in the western sky already beginning to hold promise of many colors. "An other clear day, stranger, for tomor Children Ury FOR FLETCHER'S iASrORIA The Habit of Taking Cold. ; With many people taking cold is a ' habit, but fortunatelv one that is i easily broken. Take a cold snonee i M t oath every . morning when you first 53 ;ct out of bed not ice cold, but a i emperature of about 90 degrees F. I -jso sieep wnn your winoxw up. -his and you will seldom take .Vhen you do take cold take Cham erlain's Cough Remedy and get rid ' I f it as quicKly as possible. Obtain- I ible everywhere. advt ! JThe Chinese ; government is about to open its first aviation school.- Winter We es F. j S . Do i j cold. j ii 'ham-! J Pete Wright and Aza Pruette of i S jfo. 11 township in Cleveland county iave been arrested by revenue of icers on charge of making whiskey. lhey are out on bonds of $300, cash lor their appearance the 23rd at Shelby. Has no effect on the extra ordinary values we are offering in ladies1 and misses' ready-to-wear and all win ter merchandise gressives and standpatters are. now n he TeU .i'lef S a space. further apart than ever. The Demo- 'Bud didn't come back that night. cratic party offers the only place in ! We waited until nine o'clock or there-: which a Progressive can land. ! abouts, thinking maybe he'd stopped 1 ; at a neighbors along the road. He ! The Congressional investigation of ZJl htte feJIow tnftheyfl . alwavs marte him stav fnr n hito rr a fl the charges that advance informa- j few tunes on the organ or bank Tint tion of President Wilson's peace note : we couldn't wait any longer then, and! was peddled by men in the confidence!1 started out. I inquired at maybe aj of the administration to certain stock a??en Vcea ii-tttey d seen id that speculators and that cabinet officers 1 Upards Stoney mountaTn over and members of Congress made mon- j there, they said. I searched alons ey in stock transactions on account ' until nearly midnight, 'hen I went of the "leak," is now on in earnest. ! back and tojd my wif,e- She. put a tttv fV,, , . .., . ., , , i wrap on and went and told some of When threatened with jail unless he ! the neighbors and I went another give the names of the men he had j way and did the same thing. 'Long heard were the guilty parties and the about 3 o,clock in the morning there name of the Congressman from ftiaye fifteen or more m n hunt whom he had gotten his inflation, Jj SLTi iom Dawson, tne sensational Boston : had to ro too. for I couldn't hardlv , ffiEAl speculator, named Henry of Texas, the chairman of the committee as the Congressman referred to "and brought in the names of Secretaries Lansing and McAdoo, a Senator who was known as Senator O, German Ambassador Bernstoff, Secretary Tumulty, a newspaper correspondent White, and several bankers. Chair man Henry and Secretary McAdoo have indignantly denied Lawson's ure ments HIGHLY ! ., All U i! tomed rules of publicity, in their fail- j " " persons mention. to publish the items of disburse- j cu "ie merman moassaaor, -uu a guuu many umers nave oeen summoned to appear before the com mittee. Lawson does not claim to have any information more than ru mors and the promise of a woman who professes to know it all to tell it when put on the witness stand. She has been served with a summons. Confidence in the men mentioned has not been shaken by Lawson's gossip revelations. 1 ENTERTAINING ARTI CLES. "Catawba in Days of Yore" as set forth in" the weekly articles which The Enterprise has been publishing is quite the most readable and en tertaining local history ever pub lished in the county; and this paper is very glad indeed that it has been favored by the author with the series. The articles appear each Tuesday but shop difficulties prevented the publication of the installment last Tuesday and it appears today. Scores LINCOLN NEWS NOTES (The Lincoln News) V. P. Asbury of East Lincoln, was r -o v,- v.oA ,fi,; I among the few visitors in town to- . j . ss. vt Vliab XfXX XTXitlV say about the articles, and from their expressions we judge that pleasure in reading them has been universal among Enterprise subscribers. The present supply of installments is not quite exhausted and before it is quite used up we aim to importune, be seech or bully the delightful writer into making up some more. He has delved quite entensively into colonial records and tradition and the result is the scholarly, accurate and very readable chapters we have been pub lishing. X No doubt the allies are bullying Greece and violating her rights; but the wail she is putting up sounds weak and silly when compared with the groans that issue out of Belgium. Ann Ballard, an aged lady of the Kidsville section, died Saturday night at 7:30. The funeral and burial was conducted Monday at Marvin church, Rev. Dodson conducting services. There will be a birthday reunion at the home" of Mrs. Eliza Heavener, on Saturday, January 20, in honor of R. L. Harmon, who is 76 years old. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bring well filled baskets. Lector Ledford and Miss Minnie Weathers were happily married Sun day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the residence of Rev. L. L; Lohr, who performed the ceremony. The groom is oi Lleveland county. The bride is the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Scronce, of Lincoln county. Children Cry- FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA travel, I was that tired. His mother never x said a word, that morning. She just sat there in a chair, and rocked and rocked. I couldn't do anything mare for a while and laid down to rest." -What Bess Did. The hound had dragged herself along the sand : and now her long head .rested on- the man's foot. "If it hadn't been for Bess, here" and again the tail " wagged approvingly, "if it hadnt been for Bess it might have been days before we found the boy." The deep banked clouds were now tinted with delicate rose. Here and there a green sky was seen in their drifts. The lonesome pine on Stoney's summit waved its fire-scarred arms against the coming glory of a moun tain sunset. "Along about this time, or earlier, Bess came back. She came at a lope and tried. to get into the house. Her whining and scratching at the kitchen door aroused my wife and when she opened the door the hound jumped into the room something she had never done before, for my wife never would allow the dogs in the house. The hound kept running from one room to another and I jumped up out of bed and spoke to her. I asked her just like I would a human, where was Bud? When she heard the name she bayed like she was going to split her throat and run out of the house. I followed and she made off down the hill. She crossed the creek and I followed on the swinging bridge. Then she cut across the fields and I stopped at two or three houses on the way and called for the men to come along. By the time we'd gotten to the Asheville road there was -a-half dozen others with me. "Well, I reckon you're getting tir ed, stranger? Seems like I feel bet ter after. I talked about it for my wife, she never says a word. She didn't want Bud to be trusted with a gun, you . see. . She always said he was too oung. I wish-" The hound was standing "now look ing intently at the steep mountain side, deep in , purple shadows while the dying day was passing, in an in describable ' glory .. of colors to an other world. .' "Long . about . this , time Bess always looks over yonder at, the mountain. I, .don't" she's ever forgotte'ri the time , she- took us all MM 111 iflkTT hid Iw! ON I- REUC1 SALE NOW TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF PRICES BEGAN YESTERDAY-WILL CONTINUE FOR 10 DAYS ONLY We have just finished bur annual inventory and wish to clean out our store of WINTER MERCHANDISE to make ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS. We have cut and slashed right and left to make these goods go. Men's work shirts, overalls, hats, etc.; ladies' and children's woollen head wear and sweaters; hosiery; dress geeds and 1,000 pni--s of shoes all thrown on the bargain counter. We can save you money on every article. Prices have gone away up ; but ours have coe down for ten days only. Come to Maiden at once and see the beginning of the biggest cut-price sale. We can save you good money on shoes. Whole Stock Under the Bargain Knife In many years of mercantile experience we have never known a better time for siio ppcis to buy than now. Al though our stock is 1917 winter stck, yet it was bought be fore the market made such amazing advances and you can get goods at old prices that are far less than the new spring prices are going to be. V " This is particularly trua of shs. Old prices are away below the present wholesale marke- And then we buy and se i for cash and you can alwavs I a get it cheaper at Abernethy &: Thompson 4 Nj-jv.di - - Lincolnton si The new Royal -f3-3-rf H J. s. Campbell & fompany Maiden, N. C. Price $100 (la Canada $125) - .AM t.T-v&i .:!)!;.. HrHS-ifek-i Begining The New Year Right Let Us Have More and More of Your Patronage Duriug The Year 19i7 This is especially the family store. We cater to every member of the family. Large Line of General Merchan dise, Shoes, etc. We buy country produce J. C. GEMAYEL The Typewriter of Perfect Frecszvork" THE flawless presswork of tha ner Royal Master-Model 10 carries the high-i!3 Lni ness message in as fine form as you. cluajhts themselves ! Rcyal presswork reinforct i t j i sult erettingr power of your business-letters fcr i: adds the forceful stamp of quality to every letter vojl sign. t t x r jnereioiure, you i.ave Deen obliged to accent a standard 'J typewriting- inferior to high-class b printing, yet you would not accept poor printing. But with the new standard cf "typewriter prescwork" created by the new Royal "20 it is no longer necessary to accept inferior typing in your "The Type That TeU," pick up lettws have to-day. Examine them then see a sample of the faultless presswork of the Royal I On which kind of t yping will you send your signature to represent YOURSIZLF ? Which one will you trusi to convey unmistakably to the icorU the character cf your house ? Get the Facts! Send for the "Royal man" and ask for a DEMONSTRATION. Investigate the new racst ct-machine that takes the "gTir.d" cut ct" iyvs writing. Or write us direct for our new brochure, " LETTER SZR VjCIl" and book of facts on Touch-Typing-with a handsome Coior-PhotogTaph of the new ROYAL MODEL 10 all sent free to typewriter users. "Write now right nowl" ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY, INbW YORK CITY m m W -e I S3 - -3- x tfri,-- Inc. I-j5 r J 11 iJt?,5fc1 i t r --.a -i- or If you have anything to sell, lost anything, found anything want anything Advertise in The Enterprise "Special Column."

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