.- " . 1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917. DEMANDS OPEN FORMULA (Continued from page one.) elixir of trouble. i It is the province of Professor Coon when a millennium greased at both ends, is in rapid revolution, to "throw a monkey wrench into the works" to quote him, and stop the thing. Last week when Governor Bickett recommended a uniform ap pointive or elective system with min ority representation in all counties, the republicans perceptibly lost their perk. They had contended all the recent years against a system that has been wholly without minority consideration and Bickett had offer ed them much more in the whole sys tem than they could get in the 20 counties which they might hope to nrrv. The republicans had made up their minds not to cress the issue now, hoDine for a democrat who would op en it afresh and allow them to come in. Their oarty had resolved for ele ctive schoolboards, but having re solved also for a state primary with out an accompanying resolution to make a fight for one, nobody would have held it against the mhad they forgotten the newer resolve. Here comes the Honorable Henry Page with a sweepstake bill that puts every county on the elective system if it desires to go. Page made ft desperate fight two years ago in party caucus that finally beat him out. This year a group of counties in the sand hill territory sent repre sentatives to Raleigh pledged to give them an elective system and Page has started out to redeem a pledge or two. The minority representation scheme dies not seem to work since the aim of so many of the counties desiring the change to get rid of .their school machinery. Republicans ob ject as much to certain republicans who would get on by the appointive system as to democrats and it is tho same with the democracy. This is a capitation scheme, the cutting off of countless heads, and that's what gives it the peculiar interest that it has. Many democrats here declare that they cannot hold their counties without passing a bill of this charac ter. Only six counties have thiselec tive system and no republicans en joy the privilege. Lmon Praises Bickett. The state council of the Farmers' Union in sesion at Raleigh adopted j strong resolutions praising Govern-; or Bickett's program, his stand for ' rural life betterment, his position on '. the patent medicine question and on j the crop lien evils. The council also f will secure an amendment to the i Torrens title law, and seeks to have ' the commissioner of agriculture fur nish farmers ground phosphate rock at cost. It further wants school books furnished by the state a la Kansas. Senator Jonas has a bill relative to play grounds at schools. Repre sentative Love of Lincoln has won his fight over Senator Jonas, on the county fiscal agent for Lincoln. Jonas offered amendments to the act abolishing the county treasurer. which were adopted, but the bill it- j self, as drawn by Love, naming a i bank depository, went by over the senator's protest. n RT3 Clubbed I SOCIETY AND PERSONAL J. L. Travis of oCnver Rt. 2, J. M. M.T?pp nf Newton Rt. 2 and W. P. Turner of Newton Rt. 3 were among Enterprise callers Wednesday Miss Florence Coyner who has been in the employ of the Hickory Electric company for the past eight years has resigned to accept a position with the Albermarle Telephone com pany of Sharlottesville, Va., leaving Thursday morning. Hickory Record. TVkard of Claremont was among the county people m town Wednesday. L. S. Fulbright was a visitor Wed nesday. Mrs. L. F. Long is spending the in Wilmincton with relatives. Mr. Long has been in Washington and New York during the week. George Sigmon, merchant cf Clines township, was in town Tuesday. Statesville Landmark: "Miss Cel este Henkel left Sunday for Raleigh and during the week she will assist in conducting teachers' institutes in Edgecombe, Wilson and Nash coun- urday night. - Lee-Jacksons day will be observed this afternoon by the Daughters of the Confederacy, at the home of Mrs. Ida Trollinger. The hour of meeting is 3:00. Mrs. Essie Lowrance of Catawba has been with her sister, Mrs. T. W. 1-ong-, Z, v. Wilkerson of Catawba Koute 2 was among yesterday's visitors. A. M. Settlemyre was in town yes terday and paid the paper a visit. WITH THE CHURCHES A congregational meeting will bj held at the Lutheran church Sun day morning immediately after ser vices. Church officers are to be elec ted and a vote taken on the proposed change in the pastorate whereby St. Timothy becomes a part of the New ton charge instead of Zion and New Jerusalem. ANNUAL MEETING CITIZEN'S BUILDING & LOAN ASSO CIATION, The annual meeting of the stock holders in the Citizens Building & Loan Association will be held in the court house Saturdy n:ht. Janu ary 20, 1917, at 7 oV'o k, for the transaction of such business as may come before them. JAS. H. M'LELLAND, Secretary. Judge Whedbee has ideas about courts. At Wilson he told th? grand jury he had no time to ex;1:. In what is crime, that any man vith sense enough to serve as jarymr:i ought to know what is what. Long charges by "hizzonors" are expensive to taxpayers, he said; long haragues by lawyers consumed valuable time; grand jurors were too lazy some times to present cases that should be investigated. Less hot air and more efficiency seems to have been the judge's idea in his terse, brief charge. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A M H7 Mm SUBSCRIPTION With THE NEW YORK WORLD, three times making five papers every week for 12 months World News audi Home New ENTERPRISE ADVERTISERS HAVE NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS A; S. Abernethy & Son of Hickory are offering 25 head of ' fine mares and mules- in this issue, for sale or exchange. J. Smith Campbell & Co., of Maid en started yesterday a cut-and-slash sale to clean up winter stocks. See what they say about it. Freeze Drug company appeals for the trade of new patrons. Caldwell Cochran company have cut the price on ladies apparel and millinery exactly one-half. North Newton drug store "the Nyal store" and "the Norris store" have a word about the best ice cream. Notice the new advertisement of the Garvin Furniture company, home furnishers. Startown farm life school offers I Barred Rock cockerels special col urnn. Southern Mfg. Co. at Chester wants more employes special col umn. Hay and oats L. C. Bickett, speci al column. Abernethy & Thompson do not halt for rough winter weather-bar-I gains go on the same. The little Eyetalians are elatad over the capture "alive" of two Aus- trian submarines, which have been BEGINNING by a cedar and runs promptly enlisted in the Italian navy .' ; i to a ;:. to fight against their late owners. 8jVi F. 4iTt, poles to a &tone on Jeff Deal's line; thence S. 23 W. 23 24-25 ? D ? Po!-, "oUTa branch to ?J; SIGNS OF DANGER thenceS. 53 E. 52 poles to a stone; Backache, dizziness and headache, thence S. 22 yZ Al -poles to a stone with "specks before your eyes," ir- crossing a branch N. 88 W. 25 3-5 regular heart f-ction and liver trou- poles to a stone; thence N. 5 W. ble. The severity of the c-ily sym- 35 poles to a stone; thence N. 88 ptpms depends upon the amount f W. 20 poles to a stone, crossing a posions which the kidneys have air branch; Whence N. 13 W. 58 Vs poles lowed to remain in the system. "to the beginning, containing 24 acres SYMPTOMS and 1 rood. Aching Pains ever Hips, Backache, f Excepting from the above des Sediment Deposit in Urine, Irritation cribed boundaries, the following of the Bladder, Pain in Urinating, boundaries, torwit i Rheumatism (uric acid in blood t, BEGINNING at a stone by a cedar Sudden Stoppage of Urine, Highly Jeff Deal's corner and runs N. 5 E. Colored or Milky Whits Urine, Pass 2 poles to a stone; thence N, 854 Blood or Mucus in Urine, Retention E, 41 poles to a stone on Jeff of Urine, Straining after Urinating, Deal's line; thence S. 23 W. 23 24-25 Thick or Sluggish Urine, Stone in poles to a stone; thence S, 43 E, 5 the Bladder, Cystitis (inflammation Ples to a stone on the south east of bladder), Catarrh of Bladder or bank pf a branch; thence down the Eowels Puffiness under Eyes, Voro branch S- 46 Vi W. 2 poles; thence cious Appetite, Thirst, Gall Stone, S. 24 H W, 14 poles to a stake; thence Gravel, Pain in Urethra, Swollen leaving the branch S- 2 E. 22 4-5 Ankles, Dimmed Vision, Specks bo- poles to a stone on the old line; fore the Eves, Scanty Urine, Fro- thence N. 88 W. 15 poles to a stone quent Calls, Mouth Dry, Biliousness, erosing a branch; thence N. 13 W. Dribbling, Lumbago, less of Flesh, 58 H poles, to. the beginning, contain Weakness, Irregular Heart Action, in& 96 acres " Ulceration of the Bladder, Skin Pale, The above premises is being sold Waxy and Dry, Bad Odor of Ferspi to satisfy the above $310 note and in ation. terest thereon, subjects to any credit. Simple Test for Kidney Disease 1 and if said. .property brings more Fill a bottle with urine; let it thin the $310 and interest and costs, stand for twelve hours; if there is a then any excess will be applied as a sediment or cloudiness of any kind credit on the $100.00 note given by you have kidnev or bladder trouble, Henry Deal. and you should begin taking KIDNE- This 9th day of Jaunary, 1917. CO treatment today. Don't delay McCorkle & Moose, Alonzo T. Deal, until the disease is too far advanced. 94-4t-ef. JvIDNECO is put up in 25, 50c and .. : , $1.00 packages, ' FREE KIDNECO COUPON This Coupon with Ten Cents in Silver for Postage, etc., entitles the holder to one 25c Package of Kidneco FREE. Adress Dept. M. The Kidneco Co., Boston, Mass. For Sale by Freeze Drug Co. 33 C ETT3 MEW ONLY SESSHD IN YOUR ORDE First Bickett Namesake. I Thomas Walter Bickett Williams 1 T. W. B. W., some initials! is the first namesake of the new governor. " He vas born on January 11, inaugu ration day, to Mr. and Mrs. Van Williams of Union county, where the new governor was also born. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the pow er contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Perry A. Deal and wife Mimmer Deal to Alonzo T. Deal, February 22nd, 1916, recorded in Re gister's Office, Book 126, page 463, to secure a note of $310, and due and payable on 15th, November, 1916, which is a part of the purchase price ol the premises hereinafter describ ed and default having been made in Pyment -of sid note the full pur- $440, $30 of which was paid in cash $100.00 of which is evidenced by an other note given by Henry Deal of same date as above, and at same time, and secured by mortgage on real estate. Now Therefore, I the undersigned "g V" nCl tor. C . . H rt m 1 1 I House Door in Newton, N. C, jn, Sat.. Feb. :-.J, 1917 at 1:01 P. M. the fo' a .v v.escv;foK.t - t-- wit SALE OF VALUABLE LAND! Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court . of Catawba County, N. C made in a Speical Pro ceeding therein pending, wherein D M. Boyd, Hattie Boyd, and others are petitioners ,and Ethel and Her bert Youngblood are defendants, the undersigned Commissioner, will offer H (TWICE-A-WEEK) 1.50 e for sale at public auction to the high est bidder on the premises in Mai den, Catawba County, N. C, on Saturday, February 10th, 1917, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the M. T. Boyd lands," described in the pe t tion in the aforesaid proceed ing, that was left unsold on the th day of December, 1916, the lands f bill for sale, and that will be sold on j tae aforesaid date, is a portion of: the "M. T. Boyd 90 Acre Farm." ly-1 ing and being in the town of Maiden, i N. C. Said land will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, and upon the follow ing terms, viz: One-fourth cash upon day of sale, and balance in thre equal payments of 6, 12 and IS months, with note and approved se curity. Plats of said land will be exhibited on day o fsale. For further information see Mr. Boyd Correll, Maiden, N. C, or write the undersigned commissioner, Hick ory, N. C. This the 10th day of ' January, 1917. Walter C. Feimster, D. M. Boyd. Attorney. Commissioner. D4-4t-ef. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hoving qualified as the adminis trator C. T. A. of the estate of S. W. Sherrill, deceased, late of Cataw ba County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims againse the estate of said deceased, exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of January, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate settlement. Claims may be mailed to the un dersigned at Statesville, N. C, or presented to John W. Ervin at New ton, N. C. BEN W. SCRONCE, Admr., C. T. A., of the estate of S. W, Sherrill, Deceased. This 9th day of January, 1917, 93-6t-et. MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Calvin Kanipe and Alice Kanipe his wife in favor of Z. H. Yount to secure a note of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125) which there is a payment of $43.00 on said note, said note being due and pay able November 1st, 1914, and default having been made in the payment of said note, Therefore, I the under signed will on Saturday, January 13th, 1917, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following descrubed real estate in Catawba County, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING on a gate post near an old barn, and at the side of a road; thence N. 6 W. 37 poles to a stake in said road; thne N. S3Vfc W. 7 poles to a branch and rock: thence, S. 9 W. 3 Hi poles to a stake up and on said branch; thence S, 75 E, J7 poles to. the beginning, containing two acres and 91 poles more or less. This the 11th day 1916, McCorkle & Moose, Attorneys, of December, Zeb H, Yount, Mortgagee. 34-4t-et. Fred H. Deaton of Statesville spent yesterday in town. J. S. Goodman of Route 1 was a mong Wednesday's visitors. Year Am '17 M T 117 P P P R TODAY Cotton. . Cotton crawled up 15 to 20 points , Wednesday and about the same yes- terday but it hasn't done enough this week to show up in the spot market to any extent. The local price is a- round 17 cents. Few farmers have any left, though there is some of the staple here and there. Ginners have pretty large holdings, and a good many bales represent 20 cents the pound, bpnng prices may reach 2U cerico -gain, or more; but cotton peo - pie do not seem to believe that 20 cents is likely. THE NEWTON MAKKSTS (Corrected Every Is3ue) Cotton 17 Cotton seed 75 Cotton seed hulls $1.10 $1.25 Cotton seed meal $2.25 Wheat $2 Corn $1. Flour $4.80 to $4.90 Meal $1.60 Bran $2.35 Oats 75c Rye $1.25 Svet potatoes 60c Hens i 10 Young chickens 15c Eggs 40c Sutter 20c and 25c Onicns $1.50 Hides 15 r Whipped Girl With Buggy Trace. Ben Tyson of Wilson county has en found rniltv of r-mpllv whin - been found guilty of cruelly whip ping his 17-year-old daughter with a buggy trace. No sentence has been passed, but you might think up one while the court waits. DON'T THROW AWAY BUGGY, YOUR Or automobile wheels. Have them repaired or trade them with Jermoe Bolick for his new patented spoke felloe plates that hold the felloes to the tire and add 100 per cent to life and strength of wheel. Steel or wood. Call and see him or address JEROME BOLICK, Conover, N. C. 95-2t-pd. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrators of the estate of P. C. La.l. deceased, late of Catawba County, all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same, properly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Novenir ber, 1917, or this notice will plead ed in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settle ment. Nov. 11th, 1916, W. B- GaJthor, Mrs. L. C, Lail, Attorney. P, Ll Lail, 7tJ-6t-et. Administrators. Executor's Notice, Having qualified as ex -"utor of the estate of P. F. Smith, deceased, this is to notify all persons indebted ' to the estate to make immediate pay ment to me. All debts due by the estate must be presented on or be fore the first day of January, 1918, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This December 18, 1916. 5. H. Jordan. A- M. Smith, s Attorney. - Executor of 87-6t-et. P. F. Smith, Deceased. It Worth s . SPECIAL NOTICES J Advertisements will be run in ' this column at the rate of one cent the word each time. No advertisement taken for less than 10 cents. Cash must ac- company ail copy for special ad- vertisements except in cases where a regu'r .account is carri- ed. Patrons . v ihing to use the . special coiur. i will please count '. the words J their advertise- , ment, figures, initials, abbrevia- tions, etc., counting as words, and send the corresponding a- 5 mount of money with the copy. FOR SALE OR TRADE 44 SF RS Union Cotton mill stock. B. M. Spratt, Maiden, N. U. yl-c. 500 BALES TIMOTHY HAY AND 500 bushels oats, just received. L. C. Bickett. 96-7t-pd. ' FOR SALE MAXWELL ROADSTER or win exenange ior young milcii cow. Jerome Bolick , Sons Cc. Conover, N. C. 96-2t-pd BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK Cockerels for Sale by Farm Life School, Startown Best Pure Bred Barred Rocks in Sfate Orton :n i f i Strain. $1 each. Newton, N. C. 96-tf. J AaTIsD- A FEW GIRLS FO:l 1 our sewinsr rooms, to make over-. our sewing rooms, to make over alls. Good pay for good workers Write, Southern Manufacturing Company, Cheater, S. C. 95-5:. GET ON TKE CASH BASIS "TIME" and "CREDIT" in retail stores are out of date. ).etrs do business for cash! You save and we save and it's be for both of us. We will carry you 39 days, which we censid.-r chmi and no longer. First r.f each month all accounts myt be settled promptly. GRANU LATED SUGAR AT COST TO ALL our regular customers Past due accounts must be set tied now, otherwise they will be given a lawyer for collection. We want butter, eggs, chickens potatoes, etc 93-tf. i J- R. FULBRIGHT, Startown. J. Zeb Waller Killed. J. Zeb Waller, editor of The State Despatch of B7-irlmgton, for 12 years postmaster there ,a business man identified with Burlington for 2- years, and widely known over the state, was killed by a train at E- iand Wednesday morning. He t . -ed to cross the track in front of th- train to, board No. 21, slipped an I fell, arose and slipped again, and th;- engine caught him. I nave reacnea u cents on the Newton market. Few people like the taste cf them at that figure. IT'., 1 . J ,n ' The building and loan r3on' people hold their annuai meeting to morrow night in the court house. BR. A. YOUNG DENTIST OffiAs Upstairs Freeze Drug Co. NEWTDN, - NORTH CAROLINA, Office Phone U2. Residence .12 a week J