‘filSt. xxvC NO. 26 Leonard Opposes Imposition of Sales Tax In the State Former Secretary of the Mer chants’ Association Thinks It Fotrfish WAS HERE LAST WEEK Declares It Would Hurt Busi ness and Be Burden On Faspier “It seems rather ridiculous to me for the Slate -f North Caro lina to cons.der placing a tax on the sales of the ve’-y merchaiulise being purch-.sed with funds bor rowed by the State'from the Re construction' Fir>-:'ce ('orpor- ation, to furnish a mere exis tence to distressed citizens, by giving them employment on piib- lia Improvement projects under the present plan of dispen.sing re- Jlef funds,’’ remarked J. Paul Leonard, of WlBston-Saleni and Statesville, f, rmer executive sec retary of the North Carolina Merchants .\ssocia*fon and now a special representKtivo of the union Mulual Life Insurance ‘company, ir commenting upon the general sales tax while in the city la.st Friday. “Yet that is just what is being proposed in Raleiy.u,’’ continued Mr. Leonarl, who was-requested by TJie Journal-Patriot to make _a statement on th ■ sales tax situ ation for publicsiiun. “The ad vocates of a sales *ax are simply saylng to the fpl'-s in distress: —■We will take-the money we are borrowing f.-om the R. F. C. and give you a few days work each week at a dolUi~-i!-day. but we propose to take -tack three to five cents of that dollar when you go to t!ie store to make your purchases. K ttie merchant from whom you Iniy doesn't fortify himself -by cdlecCi g the three to five cents t.om you. he will have to pay it himself: ami if he doesn't pay. well it will he just too bad. heeause ..-e are going to pul a crew of feito'vs in tlie field to check uu on 1 im and make sure that he pays the State, re gardless of u hether he made any profit on the sale.’ Its Final Kffccis “You may say that is a rather strong statement—a statement made tor th® purpose of arousing the indignation of the man who must seek work on a semi-charl- Ukble basis. You may also charge that I am taking a stand for the merciiant who must either ab sorb the sales tax, collect it from hts custome~.s. or falsify his sales reports. But you must agree that I have simylv presented the sales tax In its final efforts—carried it to its logical concl'isioit" Not .-Vhllity To Pay Continuin'- Mr I.eor.ard poiiu- «d out that "any tax which does not recognize the tie sound prin ciple of taxation ability to pay —Is unfair and -injust" “Cer- tainly.’’ he -aid, “the sales tax is not based on ability to pay. Ricli and poor must p:ty alike. Sales taxes may be a *ax on losses as well as prot'ts. The present Indi rect sales taxes levied on mer chants—the license tax based on —has p’-oven a tax on loss es in most instances, it figures of merchants witli whom I have come in contact mean anything ,—and I know they do. •‘■We have onlv to investigate the true sitration in some of our border States whu-h have adopt ed sales taxes to find all the evi dence necessary to convince any OH« that such taxes create unfair competition: fa'I heaviest on Man Ousts Woman As Society Editor Elkin Newspaper Klkln.—'rtc KlUIn Tribune es establish iiig a precedent In newspapcrdoni by the appoint ment of a business man as editor of the society section. In the elimination of n woman's chair from the office furniture of the local newsimpcr, and the installation of C. G. Arm- field, fonni r hanker of the clt,v as reconler »>f society and |M‘rsoimi mention news items, the manafA'inent-Is adopting a l>olicy endors^ [lerhaiis by scores who hold to the theory that home was, is, and ever will Ik- the riglutul place for the gentler sex. The Trihiuie, fjoni a modest Ireginiiing t-omparativciy few yyar.s ago, has c!lml>cd to the top in tile weekly newspaper field in Xmtii Farollna, proof of w'liieli is furwislied by a liandsonic silver cap which ornameiils its office suite. For origintility the Tribune is now ready for another bid for fame. The new .soriclv editor as- siiiue.s hi.s position on Monda.v morning, next, av successor to .Mrs. Itiilh Byrd rater, who liad t>een as.swialed with tlie staff for four yeyvs. ^ Wants Bonds Paid In Bills By ARTHUR BRISBANE Bernard M. Baruch gave excellent adyic4 to the sen ate, marvelously good advice to the Reconstruction Fi nance corporation. But he has also advocated paying off farm mortgages with three per cent tax exempt bonds. There should be no more tax. exemption. Tim coun try has about as much of that legal tax dodging as it stand, billions of tax-free bonds, formfng a conveni ent cyclone cellar in which the timid can hide their money, drawing interest, free of tax. If this country had the courage of a mouse and the common sense of a grasshopper, it would immediately put an end to all tax exemptions, making everybody who gets aa income pay his tax no matter whence the income might come. It would also call in at least ten billions of twenty odd billion government bonds now outstanding, pay for them with nice new currency, save four hundred million dollars a year in interest, and say to the former own ers, “Here’s your money. The government’s promise to pay is as good on that green currency as it is on a yellow goveniment bond, go ahead and spend it or do without interest. That would put into circulation ten billions of nice new money perfectly good and that is what the country needs. • . -f By Federal^ents Raiding In Cointy ATTEIffT TOm ROOSEVELT WASMAMWEDNESDAYEVENHG Qyde Benton Captured Yes- ■ terday With 45 Gallons On His Truck Says, "On Vacation” BOND IS SET AT $1,000 'Two Others Arrested While At Distilleries Wednesday and Thursday Rev. Eugene Olive Speaks to Kiwanis nVO‘TRUSTIES’TAKE FRENCH LEAVE FROM PRISON BARRACKS Interesting Meeting Held Friday: Good News Given Bv Eshriman • J.H. WHICKER IN CHARGE Featured by “good news" giv- ] en by P. 'VV'. Eshelraan and a Ki-; wanis educational address by' Rev. Kugenr Olive, the regular weekly luucheoii of the North Wilkeshoro Kiwaii:.- riuh at Ho tel Wilkes Friday at noon was aj most Jelightful a'.'Hir. nr. Fred v. Hiiblard, presi dent of the elnb. called the meet ing to order and P. .M. Williams spoke the invocation tiuests were introduced as fol lows: J. Pa il Li'ouavd, of Win ston-Salem. a visiliiic Kiwanian: Dr. 0. T. .MilcheM, of Wilkes- boro. a guest of Di. F. C. Hub bard: Sherif! Hall of Forsyth, guest of Judge T. P. Finley. The KIwanjB Cub has adopt- Arrest of .Clyde Benton by Prohibition .\g"ent& Tj. G. Trexler and C. S. Felts-yesterday after a hot chase culminated a weqk of j activity for federal agents in ! 'Wilkes. When Benton’s ‘pick-up’ j was stopped the officers found ;45 gallons of liquor, j Benton, a resident of the Del- I laplane section, was brought to i Wilkeshoro. for a preliminary j hearing. Commiscioner J. W. I Dula .set his hond at SI.00ft. The j truck driven by Benton was selz- jed by the officers. ! Ijandon Mitchell was caught in I the Traphil! section on last Wed nesday while at work at a still. He was arrested by R. E. Pre- vette, D. C. Bettor and H. C. ilby. Bond cf |500 was required when he was given a hearing be fore Mr. Dtita. I.evi Beshears nevej: even got I Mrs. N. S. Forester and Rttas Radiel N(chds Were At Park HEARD THE ADDRESSES , Shot Heard Blut They Not Know of Attempt ^r; Positively people 'started oh a run when the same Plato Hutsinger and Garland I officers ma.'e a raid in the silm- Anderson Left Yesterday mit section .Thursday. He had all Afternoon the equipment ready and was #n I the scene, b-Jt the officers put an lend to the equipment and escort ed Mr. Beshears to Wilkeshoro ARE STILL AT LARGE Disappearance D (s covered Late In Afternoon By Officials Officials of the state prison camp in vnikesboro are on the lookout tod..v for two A-grade prisoiiers who walked away from the camp yesterdey. Plato Hutsinger serving a twelve mo'iths setitence on a charge of s'orebreaking and lar- for a preliminary hearing. He made bond of $500 for his ap pearance “t the next term of fed eral conn. Complete Stock Of Hardware Purchased Cash Hardware Now At Its New lAication In Smoak Furniture Building ceny. a trusty who worked in the ! I kitchen, disappeared around 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. He Barbara Hnt^n, Woolworth h^- . was sent up from Charlotte and ed the idea of having some Ki- kanian bring “gooi news " to the club each Friday. P. Ward Eshel- ess and said 'to be the richest unmar ried girl in the worlf, declares as “silly” Count Borremeo’s assertion that they are engaged man was the bearer of the good Half Dollar Days Are Huge Success j police of the state have been no- I titled to be on the lookout for him. Garland .knderson. a Wilkes : county man. another trusty, was missed a little later In the after noon. AndersoD'h.id recently re turned froir the hospital where tinues under the management of The Cash Hardware company, which was recent'.- moved feom its former location on Tenth street to the Smook Furniture company building and thus be came a dep-rtment of the Smoak FurnHure company, now has a more complete line of hardware than ever. The stock has been In creased to take cate of the hard ware needs cf the farmers of th! i section. The hardware de'jartment cot - tidings. I ——— „.. Four news briefs were given 1 Thron^S of PCOpiC In (.ity by Mr. Eshelraan. First,' a good j Friday and Saturday doctor has come to town. he For Big Event said, referring to Dr. Mitchell, who was a guest of Dr. Hub- hard. Second, a n®w baby has ar-. success, according to the mcrch- rived at the home of Kiwanian a„(j business firms partic.l- expected to be captured with- J. H. Whicker, ''bird, in Com-i special event.'out any great difficulty. Half DoPar Days were a huge j he underwent an operation and his excellent prison record had 'won him the ranks of a tinsty. He was ser.'lng t two-year sen tence for an assanl* with a dead ly weapon. The camp superi itendent is di recting a search for the men who missioner Maxwel's report, the.^ ' paling Mr. Burl C. Hayes. Mr. Hayes in vites all hts forraer uistome’-' and new ciistomec.i t.» v.rit hi n at his new location. “■We hav‘. a very co.cpIeU line. Farming implements, stoves, ranges and in fact everything it: hardware,’’ Mr. Faves s'ated. “And hardware prices ore th'- lowest in five years ’’ he added. Stores of the city were thronged information is given that more automobiles were sold In North with customers Friday and Sat- Carolina in Janiiarv this year iirday. an especisll' large niim-| than were sold in January of last year, showing, Mr. Eshelmau said a trend toward bet'er times. And fourth. Drew IVarson. has given away a cigar. Th® significance of this was given by explaining that Mr. Pearson alwavs went about with a cigar in his pocket, lint never gave one a'\ay. But the news lias le:,ked ('ut. that he did this thing rccent'y. It was annoiui'id that Ki-i waniau Her ry Revnolds will give | the news at the ne: t meeling, I BACRTOPEOPLEFOR VERDICT , her of people romltig to the city 1 Saturday. ! This great bargain event proved ' ^ ^ so popular that H promises to The prohibition question I country that the people wdl have become a r-gular annual event, back to the people for a verdict,;®” oppo uni y o ® Merchants were well plehsed with ' gpj.„rding to a report '‘eceived j ‘ ^ I the volume of business done on j radio., these days. , The renort was to the effect that Teachers To 3c Paid ! Half Dollar Davs were staged | The report was to the eiiect ina Federal Funds by the merchants who co-ope|jdt- the House of Representatives had ed with th-^ high school athletic passed the resolution calling for association ai getting up the special edition o* The Journal- Patriot last Thursday. Attorney J. Hubert Whicker. who was in charge of the pro-1 Representative Blanton de gram. presented Rev. Eugene ■ rnands that “Anarchists and Olive, w ho made his second ap-j cranks " be kept on* of the House Teachers in the schools for il- repeal of the Eighteenth Amend- literates and near-illiterates are ment. Three fourths of the, 48 to be paid in cash out of the fed- states must ratify the measure iferal aid relief fund, according to I advices received from Dr. J. Hen- the prohibition amendment is re- j ry Hlghsmith, of Raleigh, of by least able to pay: create | pearauce as a sneaker at a Ki-, chamber. ntme;*>t against government; I wanis Club luncheon since com-1 the will t too much to collect, and ac- jpg to tne city as pastor of the i Washingtoi. Post. ally drive bus'rfss out of the First Baptist church. | Itate. Just now. when consiimp- Friday was Kiwanis education' ttoa of merchandise is the great- day. a Kiw inian nas six funda-i est'need—a point which I have { mentals. Rev. M'. Olive said.. Ho emphasized in my addresses for bas integrity. f:iith. industr.-, | ■’■■^ two years--we should do every-1 vision, thrift and interest !n tl cj thing to ei'courage buying and other fellow. He elabor.ttid on j these points and said t'v'v were I attributes of the true Kiivaiih"! I He declared thn! these six fun damentals sic ba'k of tlie Ki wanis ide.nl. The program vas eon 'lined by B C. ’’V. Robinson who 'arose to remind Kiwanian' tnat the word integrity is of Latin origin and that it meni's the “whole.'■ The meet nV wi.s coiisl iored one of the most interesting an 1 ported. ! superintendent C. C. Wright. But who can override | The B ame bill was passed by j xwo or more of these schools are of the electorate?—| the Senate last week and the con-1 expected to open within a few currence of the House assures the: days. fContini'od on page four) Deputy Collector j Be Here This Week' W. M. Thomas To Assist Tax payers In Filing Fed- eral Returns W. M. )U^r of government War Imminent As Japan Preparers To Send Troops To Jehol Sector Wm. C. Bullitt, American diplomat now in Europe, around whom rages a tempest in a teapot, as to whether he is a secret embassy for President elect Boosevelt or Col. House in obtaining debt information. Negro Is Charged With Theft of Dr. Newton’s Case Fred Horton, Formerly of Lenoir, Taken Into Cus tody Thursday RECOVER INSTRUMENTS At lea.:t two Wilkes were in Bayfront Park at Miami#' Fla., last Wednesday evehlug when an attempt was made to assaslnate President-Elect Frank- lin D. Roosevelt. Mrs. N. S. For- ; ester and Miss Rachel Nlchola, who ace spending the winter at Miami, were in the crowd which heard the shots of the attempted assassin. Miss Nichols writes' ihat t.ho crowd was so Immense they were unable to get close to the Preal- dent-Elect or even see him. How ever, they heard the addrpssea and then heard the shots. At the time they were not positive that an attempt to kill Mr. Rooeevelt had been made bect^use of the denials of police. .. The following letter ^om Mlee Nichols wiU be of interest to Journal-Patriot readers: “I thought possibly the pub-'' Ushers of the home town paper might be Interested to learn that the State of W’lkes was repre sented at th? welcome ceremonies awarded to President-elect Rooee velt at the Bayfront Park in Mi ami, on the night the terrible Were Located In Woods On't»’®K«'’y occured when Guissnipi Zangara attempted to assassi nate Mr. Roosevelt. Mrs. N.- S. Smoot Farm; Case 1st Not Located I, Fred Horton, colored, was tak en into custody Thursday by city police on a charge of stealing the instrument case ai d instruments from the automobile of Dr. W. K. Newton on Kerrington Avenue Tuesday nlg’ut. After his arrest him as the guilty person, Horton confessed to the thelh and told Forester and I were very close to the bandshell in the park when Mr, Roosevelt made- his short ad dress. However, the crowd was so immense that we were dnabl^ to see our fiitu-e President.' In the coarse of the address we heard apd saw the gun fire, but on evidence which pointed tg> we believed at the time that the noise was only the backfiring of the motor car escorting Mr. the officers where he had hidden ; Roosevelt to the park from the the instruments. j yacht Nonrmahaul. A lady stand- All of the instruments which ing nearby on top of a bench saw the local physician kept in the the victims fall and shouted case were found in the woods on the Smoot farm. Horton took the officers 0 the place and'- showed them where he I'nd buried the instruments. They were unddm- aged. The case could tiot be located, although Horton said he had thrown it in a gni'ey nearby. Of ficers thought it probable that he had thrown it in the river. Horton is said to have come “They have shot our President.’’^ We iniraediately left the park and. meeting up with a police man. we asked him and he In formed us that there was noth ing true about someone firing at the President. Making our way down the street amid the throng of people everyone was talking of the shooting, and, in fact, one man became very angry with me for not believing bis story. Be- here from Lenoir about the time of fore we re.ached our rooms, wo the fair ani had been making [were convinced.of the most ter- his home here since that time. rlbly tragedy Miltwi has ever ex- - I perienced. The Miamians are VAUDEVILLE AT LIBERTY; very much grieved that this THEATRE THIS WEEK | should happen In their city. Doubtless every person in the One of the b.st features to b® united States has heard of the .seen in local theatres for some^ Ti,ig ^^s quite time is the appearance of the Page j Kiddies, who open a two-day very happy to-learn that Mr. gagement at the Liberty Theatre | harmed. Thursday and Friday.- i „j j^at The Journal-Pa- -The act is a very unique one enjoving much prosperity that all of the kiddies are under receive the 16 years old. and members of regularly and enjoy read- fami'y. Eth l. 15, is an accomplish- news.’ ed artist on the Saxophone and_ piano- Eloise,^13, performs on the trumpet. Harvey. .12, with his t- ombone does some very g9od playing, and at, the same ti'me keeps the audience in an uproar J. R, Henderson Undergroes Operation at Hospital Here J. R. Henderson, well known local business m?n, underwent with his antics, Alma, 11, is very!®" operation at the Wilkes Hot- good on the soprano sax. The realtP**®* Frida.v. At noon today, he .stars of the act are Mariner, 6, he eettlne alone Thomas, deputy coUec- Internal revenue for the j inspirational held in week^. will come here the! ; tatter part of the week to assist W. C. T. U. WiM taipayets Thursday iBCome tax returns. He will be at Hotel. Wilkes on Thursday, Fri day ^nd Saturday. The regular monthly meeting of the W. r T. U. will be held' Thursday afternoon at 3:30 Chinchow, Manchuria. Feb- 19. —The most convincing indications were seeh today that this week will witness the beginning of the long-heralded Japanese and Man- chukuoaan assauit on the Chinese I province of Jehol and the opening of the most extensive internation^ conflict the orient has seen since the Russo-Japanese war of 1906. i With the fanfare of preliminary threats and ultimatum nearly over, the preparations of Gener^ Nub- Mr ThomM Fll’ he Kl®d to as- o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. slst anyone who desires his. help H. Andrews All women Interest- In filing returns and will furnish’ed In temperance are urged to at- nny lnforni»tloA''neee88ary. jtond. It is ahnonreed. - - .. i a. IVi.U-W .V.. V . • yesterday at Peiping. It was said at Chinese Manchurian headquar ters that it wou'd be disregarded, even though the Japanese threat ened to attack at once. The Japa nese were reported prepared' to issue two similar dmands to. other Chinese officials-) The Japianese war , machine, bristling ■with the newest destruct, ive wcapohs, was pointed menac ingly westward. Japanese leader^ expressed confidence that five'days after the advance was b“gun the uyo.shai Muto. Japanese comman-! Rising Suii banners would . be der-in-chief in Manchuria, . were I within the shadow of the main ob- near completion. . ;v j jective, JehoV city, th^ ancient (A, Japanse ultimatum ordering i summer capital Imperial Cnina* fnestic pp ice expeditton and that; Chinese forces immediately eracnate Kailu. northern g^ateway of Jehol province, was received; Authoritative ^^stimates of the invading army j^ced the total-at 6Q,000, heariy half of them Man- chukuoans. Estimates of the number of Chi- n se troops in Jehol- ranged up ward to 226,000. Some Japanese officers, however, calcnlated the number at 106,000. of which the regular troops of Chang Hsiaol- iang, north China military leader, and General -Tan g Lu-Lin com prised 66,000. . Final demands on .Maarshal Chang to withdraw his forces from Jehol was issued in the name Ch^ngchup (capital of Manc}ni- kuo) regime, it was said, bec^lse the Japanese high command main tains this is a Manchukuoafi do- the Japanese army, is merely ns- sirting in fulfillment of the Jap- aaese-Man^ukuoan protocol and Mildred, 6. The former won the championship for the best saxophone plfiyer under 16 when he was but four years old. He (^rted out pOgying |he piano v^-n two years old. Mildred is the real comedian of the troupe. Sh? has a ■very clever selection of songs and keeps the crowd con tinuously in an uproar. She plays drums in the ensemble. The act, which is personally di rected by Mr. Page has b-en on the stage for two years. Two cars, a large sedan %nd a bus, carry the kiddies and their paraphemaUa. The Liberty ' offers - on the screen Thursday and Friday, “The Vampire Bat,’’'featuring Lionel Atwell, Fay Wray.'Melvip Dmlg- as, and Geoige E. 'Stone. Marie Dressier and Polly Mor- ran in, “Prosperity” will be the screen attraction for Monday and Tuesday of n^ week. was-reported to be getting along 'as well as e:>uld- be expected. Local Cage Team Face Hard Baltic, Morg;anton and Lenoir Will Be Met Th's Week; To Decide Race Miss Robinsoji’s Class Give Recital Thursday The music, class of Miss RBen Robinson will give a recital in the, city Mhool auditorium Thursday afternoon at 8:80 o’clock. An invi-Tlt I* understood, al^ tation is ejxtpnded the public to at- t.nd. - . . , North Wilkeshoro high school's basketball teams race two tough opponents this week In gamed which will have an important bearing on the outcome of thn Western Conference champion ship race, •■•specially in the boys’ division. They will meet Lenoir on the Lsnolr-hhyne College courLat Hickory tomorrow evsa- tng £W1 Morganton^at Morgaii|pl> Friday -evening. • .3 ' The local 'boys, not disequrag- «d by hards:7ip6 Incident to play ing all the gamfe- away from hoine a* a rejrult cf the destrue* tion of the armory, are still un defeated and may clinch championship by talclug tlu^ two games thlg week; Tbe glV*ia, have a. chance to finish up the top, * ‘ U