tllM ^ I I - I I I I I - 'enn of S^teriw Court Caioe''¥o‘Afi End Last Friday it Long List of Cases Dispo^^ ^ of During the Closing Hours SCHENCK WAS JURIST Docket Cleared of Many Cases; Was In Session For Two Weeks After being in session exactly , ten days, superior court adjourn- i f ed Friday morning. The term j jfc was presided over by! * Michael Schenck. while John R. Jones prosecuted docket for the state. An unusual number of cases were disposed of during the clos ing three days of the term. Cases removed from the docket follow: Dallas Moore and Kugene Houpe, murder, continued. Lonnie Wingler. housebreak ing, nol pros with leave. Charlie Myers, dispensing .poison, 16 months in state peni tentiary. W. H. (Harrison) Prevette, nol pros with leave. Stanley Oakley, oi>erating car while under influence of intoxi cants, nol proa with leave. E. F. Wagoner, assault deadly weapon, nol pros. - John Kilby, larceny, 90 on roads. Mrs. Henry Nesbit, neighbor of „ , President Roosevelt’s family at 1 Hyde park, N. V., is the new i housckeepiT at the White House- Mrs, Nesbit successfully managed a co-op rative market at Spring- field, Mfss., at one tinve. with days KIWMISailB TO MORGAIffON Meet W:th Other Clubs At Moi^anton Friday Night For Big Banquet K Members of the North W'il- kesboro Kiwanis Club motored over to Morganton Friday even ing tor an inter-club banquet with the clul)s of Lenoir. Forest City, Hickory. Morganton, Riith- I erfordton and Marion. Twenty John Kilby, driving automobile j representatives from the local bile under influence of liquor, j attended. oj prog The meeting was presided over Jim Martin, assault with dead- »y Charles Kistler president of JK weapon. 61 dhv.s on roads, the Mor.gantou club, who called ■^dgment suspendea upon pay- ''Pon Kiwanian Burgess to de ment of costs. I liver the address of welcome. The Claude Elledge. housebreak-! response on behalf of Kiwanis iag, two years on roads. I visitors was Bob Wyatt, violating prohibi- Reynolds, of this city, ion law, nol pros with leave. | >* Past Governor Tom Charlie Osborne, possession of I introduced the principal speaker, Uquor. 61 days on roads, ! District Governor Bill Montgom- Pat Shew, robbery, three years i cry. "'ho spoke on the Dawn of on roads. delivered by Henry P. PrTiUt Bill Gilreath and Ollie Wyatt, fornication and aiJultery, nol . pros with leave. Hubert Day. injury to proper ty, 61 days on road. Lindsay Johnson, violating pro hibition law. H. E. Elledge. trespass, action continued ijntil civil action is disposed of. Johnee Joines. drunkenness and assault with deadly weapon. 12 months on road. judgment anspended for period of three years. C. G. Durham. worthless check, not guilty. Howard Wingler. abandon ment. 6 months suspended sen tence. Carl Ballard. Jack Ballard, Ina Confidence." There have been many discouraging features about this depression. .Mr. Mont gomery said, but confidence is replacing fear and Kiwanis Is counted upon to play its part in building for the future. The menu included North Wil- kesboro turkey. North Carolina tk'hool for Deaf potatoes. rolls and cakes. Catawba cream and Chailotte mints. To Give Mimtrel At Wilkesboro On Tuesday Evening Athletic As-sociation Will Of fer Humorous Program: Begins at 7:30 P. M. A minstrel which iiromises to 1 , . .. r ............ 1 u.i11 Ballard, .Mozelle Ballard and , . Emma Ballard. keeping disor-, 'derly, 12 months suspen-i d«lt sentence as to Jack Ballard: nol pros as to other defendants. | Foy Shephenf. operatin wlhile under influence of li quor. fined $50 and costs. Philmore Fore.ster. assaili on female. 12 months suspended •entence and line of $-50 and cost. Marshall Hampton, assault With deadly weapon. 61 days o:i road. yf. E. Walker vs, Rosa Call r$ilker, divorce granted. Lawrence Call, carrying con- weapon, 61 days on road. HAen Colbert, assault with ly weapon, 61 days on at Wilkesboro high auditorium tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7:h(i car I o’clock. The cast has been well 'trained for the performance and 'an unusually interesting pro- I gram is anticipated. ' very (Clique arrangemeiit ! whereby a five-cent bar of candy I will be given with each ticket has niatlt* by thf* asssoc-ialion. i The admission charge will be 15 I cents for children and 20 (tents for a(fults. The Uve-cent bar of ' candy is offered as a treat for ' those who attend. ■road. Much Gold Coming Out of Hoarding KitAil of Clerk’s Records Ordered By Judge Schenck Commissioners Instructed To Have Complete Audit of Office Made ALBERT CHURCH KILLED DURING ELECTRIC STORM Died Instantly Saturday Aft ernoon In the Yard of His Home WIFE WAS SHOCKED ORDER MADE FRIDAY Clerk Stroud “Welcomes’’ Full Investigation; Request ed Audit Is Thought To Have Died From Shock; Funeral Held Sunday Charlie Taylor and Buel Tay- [flor, • assault with deadly weapon, 9,i) days on roads. BAiester Lowe, assault with > jl^^Coiitin 'vd on page four) (Jold Certificates and (Jold Currency Show Up Here At Local Banks IPrisoners Taken To State Prison ley Moore, Millard Bell, Shepherd Taken r >h Ladd and Robert Sli Four prisoners were taken to ilelgh Saturday by Chi,ef Depu- Jgheriff Old Wiles and Eugene "" igs. The four who are to terms in state prison are IRlley Moore, Ralph Ladd, Mil lard Bell and Robert Shepherd. Six other men who were sen- enced to the state penitentiary rllL be taken to Raleigh tomor- ad^y Sheriff, Somers. Among are Joe Bauguess and Wll- CooBor, boti of whom were aricted 1b ' homldde cases. A substantial amount of gold ceitlticates has been pouring Into the local hanks during the bank ing holiday when the banks were open only to make change and transact the necessary business. President Roosevelt's call for gold to be brought out of hoard ing has sent many people hurry ing to town w'lth their gold sup ply. Many of the old large- sized bills have made their ap pearance. There is a penalty of J 10.000 or ten years in prison or both for hoarding. The warning which the President issued has brought millions of dollars Into the open. Representative Cowles . Here For The Week-End Representative Charles H. Cowles spent the week-end with his'family 1b Wilkesboro. Ha left this morohig for Raleigh, An order instructing the board of county commissioners to have a complete audit made of the of fice of Clerk of Superior Court Wra. A. Stroud was ;nade by Judge Michael Schenck In open court Friday. Clerk Stroud in commenting upon the order this morning stat ed that he felt a complete inves tigation of the management of his office was due him in view of certain rumors which had been circulated. "I welcome the audit but was reluctant to re quest it in view of the expense which it will entail,” Mr. Stroud said. “However for the informa tion of the public which is en titled to know’ how’ public offices are managed. 1 am glad the court saw fit to order the audit. Tlie order of Judge Schenck follows: “In the Superior Court, “March Term, 1933. "North Carolina, Wilkes Coun ty. “In Re: Matter of Audit of Of fice of the Clerk Superior Court. “This cause coming on to be heard before the undersigned Judge and it having been made to appear to the Court that there have been circulated rumors and charges derogatory to the man ner and way in which the Clerk’s office is conducted; and the said Clerk. Wm. A. Stroud, having m- qnested that the County Commis sioners have an audit and report made upon the conditions, of his office for his benefit, as well as for the information of the pub lic: "It is therefore ordered, con sidered and adjudged that the County Commissioners of Wilkes County are hereby directed and authorized to have a complete and full audit made of the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court for Wilkes County, and the auditors are directed to present said audit at the .lime Term of Court. 1933. “It is further ordered. con sidered and adjudged that the Solicitor of the Seventeenth Ju dicial District of North Carolina, before making his report shall be furnrshed with a copy of said or der that the said solicitor is al lowed until the June Term of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, 1933, to file his report as required by law. "MlClIAEL SCHENCK. “Judge Presiding.” Albert Church was killed In stantly Saturday after.ioon about 5:30 o’clock at bis home near Millers Creek when lightning struck near where he was stand ing. The absence of an abrasion on the body led to the belief that he was not electrocuted but died from the shock. Mr. Church was shoveling dirt in the yard of his home and crumbled over dead' when the lightning struck. Mrs. Church, who was standing in the door of the residence, was badly shock ed. The electric storm was partic ularly severe in the Arbor Grove community. The lightning burned wires on the fence near the residence and is said to have melted a coffee pot on the stove inside the house. Other slight damages w'ere done by the lightning. Mr. Church was 33 years of age. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Selma Nichols Church. Funeral services were con ducted from Arbor Grove Meth odist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock by Rev. E. P Greene, pastor, and Printinf Of Paper It la - - - - Helo Up Fw Bank New*. The; Jounial-Patriot goes- to press sere^ lumrs^ late this issBe, pBblicatip.n having been delayed in order tiuit we faniisb^ our readers the latest. pOesii^ develt^eats in j>tho bank sitnation here. Subwrib*. ers, we belied, are groatty interested -in i this news and will appreciate this special et- fort to serve them. The Thursday Issue of the paper will gppoar at the usual hour.. • Senior Class Is Feted By Juniors Mrs. Lil ian Holley, of Crown Point, Ind., has taken over the job of sheriff in Lake county, the of fice held by her husband, shot last month by a crazed man. She has 26 deputies on her staff. Amid St. Patrick Setting, Party Given At Hotel Wilkes Friday DELIGHTFUL EVENING DRYOfHCERS TMEFODRMEN Two Statesville Men and Two Lenoir Men Are Taken With Liquor Operating in the county Thurs day and Friday. prohioitioii agents arrested four men, seized two automobilos and poured out 46 gallons of liquor. Richard Horton and Council Jones, of Lenoir, were arrested on Thursday With 11 gallons on their car. it was reported by the L. G. Trexler and C. S. Rev Avery arrests. In d«- . ti fault of bond of $300 each for Church. A n appearance at the nert term crowd attended. In erm ! of federal court, they were placed lowed in the church cemetery Produce ^ Banking Holiday Great Aid To Business As Produce Put Money In Circulation North V/ilkesboro dealers are to be rated as the greatest promoters of business (luring the hanking holiday for In every instance they were ready to pay cash for produce. The local dealers, it is believ ed, put more money into circu lation during the past two weeks than any other group. The farm ers W’ere paid cash for their pro- ^ diice and business generally was ■ 'aided by the contribution of the | ■produce dealers in the county jail at Wilkesboro Wade Nicholson and Bristol y^yera, of Statesville, were arresr- ed'ln__the lower edge of the coun ty early Friday morning by Agents Homer Smith, W. T, Kennedy and D. G. Ratledge. Thirty-five galons of liquor was found on their car, the officers reported. Bond of $300 each was requir ed by Commissioner J. W. Dnia at the preliminary hearing. None of them was able to furnish the produce ] ^ carried to the county jail. Auxiliary And Legion Sponsor Moving Picture ~~ To “Little Orphan Annie” Be Shown At Orpheum Theatre This Week In a brilliant St. Patrick set ting, the Junior class of the North Wilkesboro high school entertained the Senior class at a St. Patrick’s party at Hotel Wilkes on Friday evening. The guests, upon their arrival at eight o’clock were escorted to the ball room, yhich was attractive ly decorated In green and white, the accepted color scheme. Me mentos for the happy occasion were shamrocks, symbolic of stout hearts and resounding laughter. A varied program, full of fun, was engaged in throughout the evening. Six periods of progres sive conversation started the round of merriment, followed by a St. Patrick contest. Winning rizes for their skill in the solu tion of the contest were Misses Mary Nelson and Malvina Wil liams. . A^(m Of ^ Officials Await^ DevelcHUments Are Expects Today Or Tomorrow, ‘ vlt Is Stated solidation? -.*•> ■ (dainty course of refreshments. carrying out the St. Patrick ino-J t(^..cdnBolidation were taken Sat- served. Mis*-—■©'•bwwhin.iiny’’ -wben the' J. B. Rodgers Sprinkle, presjdent of the junior class, gave a toast to the seniors, to which Bob McNeil, president of the Senior class, responded. The toast to the school was given and Oompany auditing firm was employed to audU both banks- Worklng feverishly during the week-end and throughout yester day, iMr. Rodgers and his corp of by Miss Dare Eller and response j assistants completed the audit was madb by Supt. W. D. Half- j late in the afternoon and last acre. Two vocal selections were night made their report. rendered by John Kermlt Black burn. of each member of the Senior • to furnish subscribers wilh class was read by an oracle, to \ latest news possible about President’s Appointments Are Given Favorable Vote Washin.gton. March 16.—The senate today confirmed Henry ij. Roo.sevelf as assistant secretary of the navy. Hoosevell's a sixth cousin of the presidenf. The senate .then confirmed .Medical Director Percival S. Ros- siter to ire Hie navy’s surgeon goueral, and Rirory S. Land' to he chief of the hur’au of construc tion with the rank of rear ad miral. “Little Orphan Annie,” herald ed as one of the greatest movie Local dealers in produce have; attractions of the year, will be been able to pav cash in everrj shown at the Orpheum Theatre instance, produce meaning cash j here Thursday and Friday of to the farmer at a time when, this week. The picture features monev was not available fromiMitzi Green and May Robson, the hanks ^ shciwing of “Little Orphan North Wilkesboro merchants: Annie” will be sponsored by the are to be commended tor their American Legion and the Ameri- eontrihution to business during Tan Legion Auxiliary and their tliis oeriod ' hart Of the proceeds will be used h I jj, construction of the new TO GIVE PROGRAM AT >ome for these organizations. I iTTi p Cl RPHnOI i Millions read the Orphan An- LITTLE ELK.1N bCMUU i During the entire program ap- good purpose and will insure I Little Elkin school will Friday. .March 24. with a gram by the children of the i school. Principal Ted Lyon an nounces. On Saturday evening. I high school students in the com- Pto-'see Orphan Annie on the screen. Book tickets will not be good Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. S. Shoaf and Mr. and Love.” No admission will 1 charged to either program. he spent Sunday in Salisbury with I Miss Annie Lee White. COACH J. F. MIUER TO SPEAK AT BANQUETIN WILKESBORO THURSDAY Nine girls and sixteen boys earned their letter in basket ball and football this year, at the Wilkesboro high school. Coach R. V.,^ay announced this morning^and the letters will be awarded at a big ban quet to he held at the school building Thursday evening. Coach J. F. Miller, head of the (fepartment of physical edu cation at State college, has been secured to deliver an ad- dres.s at the banquet. The ath letic teams of State have made wond’rful progress ■under the direction of Coach Miller and Coach Day considers himsell fortunate in being able to The dhiner will be served at 7:30 o’clock in the home economics room where tables and chairs will be arragned to take care of the 65 or 76 wh(* are ( expected to attend. The food will be furnished by the school students, wihile the home economics class will pre- 'pare and serve it. Each of the 25 boys and girls will be permitted to in vite a parent, either father or mother. Members of the high school faculty and members of the Wilkesboro school hoard will be guests at the dinner. Following Is a list of t^tose to whom letters will be award- od* • Basketball ' Girte: Nell.Henderson, r . at- ' ■ - Jones, Ethel Davis, Lillian Linney, Lois Waren, Gladys Melville, Jesse Davis, Jessie Jones and Chasta Walsh. Hon orable mention, Marjorie How-- Dr. Walter L. Llngle, president; of Davidson College, delivered an | inspiring, sermon at North Wil- ] kesboro Presbyterian church yes-| terday (Sunday) morning. Dr. - dgude’McLean,, driver nf the Llngle,was heard by a large con- g g ’.Proflnce company ell. If’ ~ Boys: Richard Minton, Rob ert Church,', liazel Kenning- ton, Joe Jones, James Kin- law, Archie Yates and Sam Ogllvle, manager. Football Robert Church, Ernest Lin ney, Joe Jones, O. G. McCar- 'ter, Morris Da'vls,' Richard^ iMinton, James Garwood, James Klnlaw,—Archie" Yates; Tlhomas’ Dula, Charles Hulcher, Wood- row Guthrie, Fred -Sloop nhd Altert Garwood, the latter eariiing |is letter as manafer. gregatlon,.^ ■ 1 truck which on.Febtuai^ 23 The DM^son College hllfed George R.' dent was; acdempanled Hew by.e^jek. nf 'Suffolk. Va„ 'near Wilkes boys who are attending | Davidson.” jgij h1kme'fn*'conned®l^'-^4i|;^e LONGWemtH FRIENDS faccident at'‘ft coronet; la^BCBt HONOR HIS f* PEOPLE ARE PATIEN't Confident Delay Is Serri^ Good Purpose; No Con- No definite information re garding the opening of the Bank of North Wilkesboro -amJ the t)e- poslt and Savings Bank was available this morning, (Tues day) but word is momentarily ex pected from' the state banking department. Interviewed early this morn ing, J. B. Rodgers, of the audit ing firm of J. B. Rodgers and Company, of Statesville, stated that he communicated with Guerney P. Hood, commissioner of banks, shortly after midnight, but that no definite announce ment could be made this morn ing. Since the banks closed along with all others throughout the country two weeks ago yester day, bank officials here have been anticipating an early open ing. However, the idea of consoli dation which was advanced by Cdmmissloner Hood Saturday precipitated a series of confer ences which kept bank officials busy during the week-end. Com missioner Hood expressed the opinion that one bank could At the end of the contest a; serve the county more satisfac torily than two and steps looking Although the banks will not be open today, there Is every reason A fortune telling skit, carried to belieire an,^early decision will out by Frank McNeil and Jay be made. Sprinkle, portraying the future j The Journal-Patriot, desiring the the the keen enjoyment of everyone bank situation, delayed publlca- present. The exhibition of tap tion until early today (’Tuesday) dancing by Miss Gwendolyn Hub- and kept in close tpuch with de bard drew a hearty round of ap- j velopments. plause. j It Is the concensus of opinion The feature number conclud- that the two banks will open f’ Ing the eypnlng’s entertainment | separately rather than as one was a pl^l^'' depicting the mar-; consolidated bank. While there riage of •’Prosperity” and “Miss;^as nothing definite on which Good Times,” attended by an im-^to base this opinion,'it was the posing wedding party including. | prevailing belief locally. “Optimism.”. “Confidence,” ‘'Joyj ixhe public, observing the of Living,” “Enterprise,” “En- move to effect a consolidation, thus! a am,” “Perseverance,” , bas waited eagerly, for news of •‘Generosity.” and "Recreation.” . developments. The people are which backed "Old Man Depres-‘(.Qpfjdent that when the lianks do sion” definitely and permanent-they will be safer, stronger Jy off the stage. The cast then i and better able to serve the rushed Into the audience, show-I g^mmiinity than ever before. It Is •erlng everyone with balloons and , the prevailing opinion that the confetti. i delay in opening will serve a ^ ! proprlate music was rendered by either two strong hanks or one close I are finding it a pleasure to | ^{gg Myrtle Norris. Guests be- strong consolidated institution. sides the senior class included! no (ear regarding the sonnd- the membe*-. of the high school | ^ess of the banks is felt. The 'faculty, aftft the two senior grade , people have the utmost faith in mothers, ilrs. C. C. Grissom and j ^he hanks and bank officials. iiiBii Mrs. R. H. Pearson. Miss B'l'.This fact has been very obvious munity will give a play. “Byes of ^ Mrs. G^enn Greene^ of this city, .^Laney and Mr. H. V. Over- ^s The Journal-Patriot followed ca'sh are sponsors for the junior jhe series of conferences and class. (Other developments during the ——^ I J week-end. Dr. LinS^lC Frc&cnccl The state banking department City Yesterday expected to announce a dpcis- . ion at once and the banks will in ■M- .Washlilffton, ^Mar;h 18.;-^he ',jccldent' disclosed that Mr.-Mc- memonr of the .'^tftte Nikolas ij^n wM not at tanlt... Hewev«r, Loingworfh’. ■ of, Ghto; for ’itoanyij^ sraaU liond was , required lor years speaker Of thq-hopae, la to he sustaBled In the library ’through, the creation qf a new ffoundaUon there in 'did of music. to appearance at 'tie dnqaeat. '’*'Mr. MsLean and lUy Pierce occupied the local, pf^uce ,eom- pany's truck wl^n Bvtck waa kiUed. ; ’'iw •”L President of Davidson Col- probability open in a day or lege Occuoied I^pit At Presbyterian 4 McLeffn Is Freed In A(ccident Om '% -i •I I An InvesOgatlen.followlng-the V i^i