V0L.XXmN^5 Two Mkaciiloiisly Escs^e Death As Truck Is Wrecked Hussell and Lee Billings In- jured^s Truck Goes Over Embankment matches scattered Accident Happened On the Birch Mountain Near Sutton, Virginia Sutton. W. Va., March 25.— | Three tons of matches were scat-i tered over Birch mountain and j two young North Carolinians had : a narrow escape from death I Smote Conmittee To Hold Wednesday; Passed House Opponents of Measure To Go To Raleigli To Fight Favorable Report From Senate Body; Some Who Favor It Ex pected To Go; Bill Enacted By Douse Thursday The sub-committee of the stat^ senate’s committee on courts and judicial districts will hold a hearing Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock on the Cowles bill to amend the general recorders’ court act to include Wilkes.I Delegatiofis of Wilkes citizens, Successful in his efforts to get his recorder’s court ibill reported | favorably by the committee, on courts and judicial districts. Representative Charles H. Cowles carried his measure through the house Thursday and laid it on the i fur- i doorstep of the senate for ther action. The bill brings Wilkes under i M. Andre de Laboulaye. long i who are interested in the com- l^when their truck catapulted 250 jin the French diplomatic .service,'mittee’s report will attend the ’Hitainside • and ; is the new French Ambassador i hearing. At the house commit-j the provisions of the genera, re-1 States to ' tee’s hearing only those opposing | corders court act. As has been j I tlie bill went from here. Imt it Is j explained on several occasions, it ' expected that several of those ; does not establish a court of this ! who favor its passage may go | kind in Wilkes, but gives the the'county commissioners the an-! i thority to do so if they wish. i feet down the mo crashed into a clump of trees yes-^ named to the I'nited terday on route 10. near Sutton. i .siicced .M. l*aul Claudel. Russell Billings. 2^. and his brother, Lee, 21. both of North WlUteshoro. X. C.. wrn- operat ing the truck, brin.eic.g a los'l of matches from a northern market They are patient.s today in tlie home of Okey Rose, a farmer, who lives three miles from the scene of the accident. i Both were c.it ami hniised | badly. Lee. more serio.i.-lv injtir-, ed than his brother, may have in-j probability, will receive the ternal hurts. 'endorsement of Senator Keynold.s, Wednesday meusnro. to champion DOWD MAY GET MARSHAL POST Speaks ; tellers Awarded Sanford Man Likely To Sue cecd W. H. Gragg: Sa!d To Be Reynolds’ Choice To Kiwanis Club' At Fine Banquet I Auditors Retum a 1', 0 I Hftdc At Bank of North Wilkesboro^^ Expected To Open Ftn: t Basinetas Soon .a WORK IS PROGRESSINa Prospects Are Bright For Re tum To Nomud Service During the Week W. T. Dowd. of Sanford, in IMinister and Poet of Morgan- Wilkesboro School Athletic] ton Delivei’S Splendid Message In City I Association Held Ban quet Thursday President Roosevelt and Secretary of the Treasury William H. Woodin are shown here as they labored during the banking crisis. nmiglass. I Rev. ,T. H. Armhrust, pastor of The two occupaut-s of the truck for imai.-aal ot tiic middle di.-- . are brother of Mr. Paul Billings, trict. it is reported from Wash- Rev. John Cordon C street near Gor-’ ington. The Sanford man. Wa.sh- widely known minister and poet the North Wilkesboro Methodist liere 1 ing'ton reports say, lias the inside of Morganton. addre.sses the church, was the feature speaker fight track over a list of at least a doz-, North Wilkesboro Kiwanis Club at a banquet given Thursday reck, on ixiiulitiatcs who sought to sue- at Friday’s liinclieou. ’1 Itc meet-, night by the Athletic Association who resides on don Avenue. They arrived Sunday morning. Lee was seriously injured in the WILKESBORO WOMAN’S CLUB IS ACTIVE IN BEAUTIFYING TOWN J.; Prospects are bright for the re opening of the Bank of NoHli Wilkesboro during the week. While no ■ definite information was available this morning, it Is believed , that the return to normal banking service will not long be delayed. . Auditors returned here this morning to secure additional In formation for the state hanking department. It is believed that the bank will be opened .soon aft er their report is completed. ' . Meanwhile the people are con fident that the hanking situation will clear within the next few days and merchants are doing a very satisfactory business. People are optimistic and trading was brisk in the city Saturday. The Deposit and Savings Bank which opened last week has con tinued to record heavy deports but is expected to rccoviT within ciMil to the post now Iicld liy W. ing was lield at Hotel Wilkes. I of the Wilkesboro high a few days. Wilkes Teachers At State Meeting' ] II. Gragg, of noone. Ten (lopntus are also to he aivliointi"! in the middle disiricl. and the luulerstaiining is that the I cndoisemeiil of Smiator Reynolds will he tile determining factoi in ' these appointments. _ . ! The district attorney will proh- ('oiirt last week North Carolina Educat.on As-|aldy he named at the instance ot of the program, sociation In Ses,sion For j senator HaiUy in this district. Three Days j The name of Carlyle Higgins, , of Sparta, is receiving attention A number of Wilkes teachers , respect. ^attended the meeting ot the; North Carolina Kducation Asso- Offir#»r elation in Raleigh Thursday, vveiiare v>rrricer Friday and Saturday. The mect- the for hoys and girls who school earned Taking for his subject seven letters of the word. "Ki- letters in sports this year and wanis.” the speaker discussed the ; their parents. Rev. Mr. Arm- was largely attended, ap- Issues Statement Relative to Seed No Seed Will Be Distributed From W’elfare Office In Wilkesboro meaning of each in a very inspir-j hrusl’s address came at the close ing and interesting manner. 'of an excellent program which in- Jii.lge T. H. Finley, who pre- .’>udod toasts to the school and to sided over liiirke county Suiierior visitors and a talk by Willard G. was in charge ' Cole. I Tlie lianqiiet was held in the Guests of the cUih included sewing room of the home econo- Mrs. Douglass and their daugh- niics department. The dinner (ei-. I was served by girls of the depart- (leiiio Cardwell, secretary of I ment. the dill) for many years, served R- V. Day. coach of athletics in that capacity in the absence of j at the .school, was toastmaster. lAecieiary T. K. Story who was in ! Rov. Seymour Taylor, pastor of | Raleigh attending the meeting Wilkesboro Methodist charge. | of the Norlh Carolina Kducation spoke the invocation. | Association. A toast to the. visitors was of-| ' fered by Robert Church, student i Post Office Thief I of the school and member of the' Arrested At Offen ' Athletic Association. The re- I proximately 2.POP teachers being \0n hand during the sessions. .^Addresses by leaders in the educational world, including W. John Cooper Cnited Stales com missioner of education. were , heard. ^ jc, funds will be dislributod only | Deputy Marshal H. H. .Ten-, offered by Mrs. A. R. Ogil- Among those going fr^ra,,(, persons already on the: nings Made Arrest On Wilkes were County Snperin^tr i^,rs. Valeria Belle I Thursday Afternoon I spouse was made by Rev. W. E. Seeds purchased tbrougli It. F. ' Linney. A toast to the school Twin-Egg Laid By Hen On Farm Near Here Here is wiml Imptiens whi-n cvciyboily puts his siioulder to tlM> wheel and begins to pnsli with the IVcsiilent—things Im- giii moving. .Anyway that Is the inlei'prelalion placed U|M)n the (liscovei'y made by the wife of “ITicle” la’wls KeU.v, col- oixmI, of near Wilkesboro, on Thursday. -As she was “gath ering up" the eggs as usual, she found that one of her hen.s had caught the spirit of prog- I'ess and laid a twin-egg. Tile Iwiiwgg was brought to the Journal-Pat riot offlice Frl- ilay as evidence of the accuracy of tlie story. The two eggs, though sinall, apiM-areil to Ik- liookeil fogeliier as if the .shells were glued. dent C. C. Wright ami i.vie, president of the Parent- Teacher Association, and Prof. T. Foster, county welfare superin- Wright. I’rof. and Mrs. ^ .jtutpment I Wright, of Traphill; Prof. M. IL ' issued this morning. Halfacre, Miss Mary Nelson and Miss Beatrice Pearson, of North Wilkesboro; Prof, and Mrs. S. E, Matthews and daughter and Prof. Hendrix, of Mt. I'lcasant: Prof. T. E. Story, of Wilkesboro. I/onnie Absher. wanted for a postoffice robbery and violation of the prohibition laws. was taken into custody Thursday aft ernoon by Deputy Marshal H. H. Jennings and his driver, Arlio Foster. ner Is Named Program Chairman I Mrs. Foster’.s statement fol- j lows: “.Aeeording to in.sinietions re- eeived from the Keeotistruction I Finance corporation officials at I Wa.shin.gtoii, seeds purchased with R- F C. fumis may be given onlv to those persons already on i will he "I'. He started to run hut I was overtaken when he fell. Mr. I Foster falling on top of him. Ctiahle to furnish bond, he] E. Story, superintendent ot the . .school, gave the response. I Coach Day presented Mr, Cole, I who told of his observation of the efforts tile school had made to se cure a physical education build ing and gave wholehearted en dorsement to the project. Senator Blackburn’s Bill Passes Senate Trees Planted On Several:no withdrawals except for Streets; All Officers Re- |transactions, elected at Meeting The regular monthly meeting ‘ of the Wilkesboro Woman’s Club i was held at the Sandwich Shoppe | Friday afternoon with -Mrs. A. K. j Gray, .Mrs. Warner Miller, and I Mrs. H. A. Cranor, joint hostess- j es. The president. Mrs. L. B. Diila, presided over a very inter esting business meeting. Of particular interest was the report of the planting committee. The town has been greatly beau tified. during the past week, by the setting of white pine and dog-wood trees along several streets. The tree-planting is now Philmore Adams ' Arrested Again Caught At Distillery Just One Day After Filling Bond On Liquor Count l’hllnu>re Adams, a resident of the Congo section, was placed under arrest Thursday evening when Deputy Sheriff Silas Reyn olds and citizens of the Congo community came Trprm lilm at a still a short distance from his home. A smalT quantity of li- complete on Welfare Avenue and ] quor ^vas poured- out and the Would Turn Over Witne-ss Fee.s, Over Period Back of Ten A'ears Senator Jeter .M. Blackburn’s hill to have the clerk of court of In the I Wilkes county turn over witness ' III Absher wa.s working on a car , ^ . j .u . > , , - v course of the talk, he stated that i and other fees which accumulat' front ot his father's home Memorial Avenue. Some trees! have been planted on Main street and plana are now complete for planting them the rest of the length of that street, on Cherry street, and on Brooklyn Avenue. Thanks are due to Mrs. B. S. Cali, Mrs. C. H. Somers and Mr. A. R. Ogilvie. who very kindly plant destroyed. The arrest came just one day after Adams had arranged bond for his appearance at the next levm of federal court on a charge of manufacturing whiskey. Ad ams was located at a distillery by Deputy Sheriff P. V. Turner a few weeks ago, but managed to WagOaava aoxvvtaai the relief list. No seeds distributed from tlie office in Wilkesboro. I’liose to receive seed will be notified where to get Succeeds W. A.* Rou.s.seau In Lion.s Club Work; Fine Program Is (Jiven nameil near Offen when tlie officers he had learned that teachers ot the school had pledged a consid erable eum toward purchasing ed prior to ten years ago to the [ contributed trees. The work was. officer. However, a under the supervision of Mrs. F-1 i^-arrant for his arrest was sworn G. Holman, Mrs. C. F. Morrison j federal officers served it and Mrs. L. R. Dula. j week. Different citizens of the town I probation have'remarked that Wilkesboro j term of federal is the cleanest they have ever,^.„„yj j„^gg ^ayes withholding seen it. Again the M omans ] judgment until the next term, claims credit because of having i opp„ty Reynolds turned Ad- county general fund was report-“ clean-np drive during | to the federal was committed to jail at Wilhes- , ( fed to them,’ boro. H. y. Wagoner wa.« From 2 To 3 Inches Of Snow In Virginia Junior Lodee To Put On Degree Work On Tuesday!"' supply, he believed. .-tome special degree work is, Rev. Mr. Armhrust was one week. Mrs. C. F. Morrison and Mrs. ’L. B. Dula were so anxious that all the trash and dirt be hauled out of town that they were seen walking behind advantage of the labor which the failed to call for and which thej^'*® garbage wagon, searching 1 welfare department has agreed clerk has held for more than' P***' P'.®**’., materials for the liuilding. Pa trons and friends of the si-hool would do well to make a sacri fice at thi.s time in order to take Thursday and was passed Friday by the senate. ^ The hill would merely release i| the funds which witnesses have I ties. He is now at libert' bond. horl- under pre- ten years. ^rmanent program rhaii-man to, Alvin Sturdivant, who was on the program at the meeting of!sented by Prof. Story. The versa- sncceed W. .\. Rousseau, who has j,j Virginia on hiisini'ss Satnr- the .North Wilkesboro lodge of , tile after-dinner speaker spoke of accepted a government position ,]yy ..tated upon his rettirn here the Junior Order tomorrow ithe real values, the worthwhile -n Washington, at the semi- (),at from 2 to :! inches of .snow (Tnesdayi evening at ;io , contributions as compared witii monthly meeting of the I,ions f,,]] Sat.irday morning at hide- o’clock. Lodge officials urge the'the sensational things which are club Thursday evening ai Hotel pendence. j memhi is to he present. .often emphasized in the press. ■V\*nkes. - ^ I Rev. .Mr. .Armhrust delivered a W. J. Bason, prr sideiit of the I A/^ A I DfTCIMI7CC OAITCCC D A most inspiring message to the club, informed the luh that Mr | I I II III nni|>|> K £l I R group Rousseau had written a letter of In attendance at the banquet encouragement to the •hoys."' nnAinPAOT A P A IMCT P A I CQ T A V members of the county taring that he intended to unite DllllMIyL/llJ 1 ijMLtjlJ llxAlbeard of education, members of Mr. The money would be t*’® improvement In the looks placed in the county general.®' ‘^® the,r efforts were » J ■ , .Uni tab from being fruitless. ' fund for use in operating the' ^ , , , . The club will hold a county s business. i . „ . j , Spainhour-Sydnor s store ! at food sale on iMr. A. F. Kilby, ot this city, j Friday and Saturday before East- was a business visitor to Elkin er. Friday. ' (Continued on page eight) Home of J.S. Hall Burned Tuesday Destroyed By Fire During Night; Was Practically. Total Loss the Wilkesboro school board and A ' dta fci'ith the Washington club. Rousseau was a charter/meniher, JJi ofuicast Heal’d Over Radio, J)j. CaSSel Soeaks of the local club and sefrved as] Station WPTF On Fri- r (^tpresident during the /enu of 0-31. . - he invocation was ypoken at j The radio liroadcast over Sta-1 Member of Boy Scout Court | the following students: ' friends ot the school in addition . __ _ , _ I f® students and their parents. At Mountain-Park About 6.5 were present. I Coach Day awarded letters to WILKES COUNTY IS PLACED IN OPTIONAL GROUP ON OLD TAXES Thursday evening’s m+ting !'I)r. J. S.. Deans. Bufo local atlori WPTF. Raliegh. Friday; by ■ tion T. Hen-1 night in opposition to the sales! had ' tax had the support of a number | 01 North Wilkesboro stores and Dr. A. S. Cassel, a member ot I Basketball Girls: Nell Hendi-rson, Nina (Continued on page eight) of Honor Addresses _^ Scout Service derson, * ‘;arge of the program Musical entertainir.Jnt featur- business men who contributed to; the Boy Scout Court ot ' E(JuCation Board the program. Mrl. E- F. |lht *'und which made it possible. , j,p„}jg pj ^ gpy gyout service at ithodes gave three vo] al .solos in Local contributors Baptist church ini ler. while cards from M illard McDowell, , c i t t. i According to inforiiiariou re- carnlin-i «urry county Sunday evening. He , . , _ , , , .. Laioiina I reived from Raleigli, the naiiiea a very delightful jnan Prof Rhodes enterta ned with secretary of the .North Tlolln numbers. Mrs. C. S. Sink .Merchants Association, notifying, used as his subject, accompanied at the pi ano. ' them of the broadcast and the Oath and Law.’’ J. B. Turner and B R. Under- ' address was heard by many local | Accompanying Dr. Ejtoti m I Is Changed Back "The Seoul Cassel to wood' were guests at tke meeting.; people. ' Mountain Pgrk were Mrs. Cassel Tweuty-ei^ht local Arms and and children and Mrs. Rossi Eugene Wive and _ i business men made donations to- I Scroggs. :>^^aughter Arriv« d Friday. ward the fund. They are as fol- Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Olive | lows: ■ "r I Gamewell Grange To Give ' Play at Ferguson Friday! and daughter, Emily. We moved: R- E. Laughter. Rn^f * j tnto tee Baptist parso: lage which » and 2nc Store, ?1.00; Spain-) -phe Gamewell Grange ot Le- recentiy renovated\ and made j hour-Sydndr Co., ?2.00; Belk ,yji| visit the Ferguson sn- eady for their occupancy. After 0«PartmeiU Store. $2.50; Harris j,qr(jjqqtg Grange Friday night, - " - jjr] Olive asjBros., $1.00: J. C. Penney Cc ,; J(J^rch 31»t, and present a play. th© election of Rev pastor of the First Baptist church ' Sinoak Furniture Co., entitled "Black Beard's Chest." Mrs. Olive and their llttj(e daugh-j $1-00; Moore’s Market, $1.00; |Tiie program will be given at the ter coBtinued to mak'ie their, Auto Parts Co., $1.00; Pearson pgrgqggjj yvjjl home at Chapel Hill until busl-i Bros. $1.00; Claude Pearson, be very interesting. No admis- * s affklrs there could'be - ged. They arrived 50c; The I.«ader Store, $1.00; E. gj^jj jgg charged, and the public (Continued on page eight) |is cordially invited. - '■ of C. O. McXelll, R. R. Church and I>. F. Shepherd have been plneed in the omnibus bill for nieiiibers of the Wilkes county boarrl of education. They were higli men in the Oemoeratlc primary in June and received the endorsement of the countj convention. A substitute slate eomposeil of T. S. Miller; Mack 3Ioorc and R. L. HickersOn had been presented to the house suh- eonunlttee on education, but consideration of the omnibus bill had not been taken up. The switch to the duly endorsed men was made the latter part of the week, it is stated. Mrs. Fred Gaithe** Attends G. C. Meet Homecoming Day and Aljim nae Day at Green.sboro Col lege Given Consideration Commissioner Allowed Use Own Judgment In Back Penalties The home of Mr. J. S. Hall, lo cated a short distance from the city, was destroyed by tire about midnight Tuesday night. All members of the family we^ in bed and they were awakened I just in time to escape from the i flames which were earing away at ' one side of the house. To The fire had gained such head- I way that practically nothing I could be saved. I It is not known whether the Penalties on delinquent taxes loss was covered by insurance. for the 'period from 1S27 thru | 1931 were abolished Friday by ... ».K„ithe general assembly in all ex- The executive committee of counties of,the state. In j P, E. Dancy Now SelPnv Automobile Insurance Greensboro College Alumnae as- P. E. Dancy, well known local „ hnrn "*®*® couuties It Is optional with . business man, is again offering sociation, meeting n 'I!®®®® .j Ithe county commissioners as. to j his many friends non-cancellable Saturday afternoon n e o ce jj,e provisions of the bill' and non-restrictable protection of the secretary. - ss Lare invoked. Wilkes county was against the deadly automobile at the college, discussed ’ Brock, at me coubbc, u.o,-...™- placed in the optional group, plan-s for homecoming day. May, counties except Rfch 6, and considered for alumnae day. Mi comes during commencement., , . In all counties except a j mond and Pamlfco, overdue tax^ ' I prior to 1927 were wiped from Attention also was given to rou tine business. Mrs. Fred Gaither, r of near this city, who is a member ; the books. Taxes from then un-. til, 1931 will be' payable over -a period of five years with inwir- of est. a price that any person is able to pay for such protection for a period, of one year. Mr.'Dancy is representing one of the strongest companies-now operating In the country. It l^a ^ The bill gives county and city the Wilkes County pommisslotiers-authority to re association, attended the meet-' .■iis ing. Dorothy DuU Dies Dorothy Dula, three-year-old quire payment of 1932 taxes be fore accepting notes for preVlDUS taxes. Counties in which provisions daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.-Jof the bill arq optional are Polk, _ . . „ ..inima/i Alleirhiinv GTanvllle. Gaston. Ga- Dula, of Ferguson, was claimed,AHeghany,.Granville, Gaston. Ga by death Sunday. . Funeral, serv ices .were held today by Rev. Ed Miller. The child Is survived by the parents and one sister. tawbai Durham. NMh'. Edge combe, Moore, Onilford, Person, company that Is recognized Its square dealing with policy holders and prompt settlement of all claims. The company that Mr. Dancy Is representing is the Federdt Life Insurance Company, of Chicago, which offers the peo^ pie an automobile accident policy that gives broad protection for only 15.00 a year; Mr. Dancy will be pleased to give any one Wilkes, Haywood, : - V ■ ■ ; ■ U*-’' ' Surry and Wayne,

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