New Rulmg In School Matter Made Saturday Ambassadors to France and Mqiwiwt, • Judge Finley Holds That' Children May Not Be c Transported IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL New Decision Based On Re cent Opinion Of Supreme Court Another chapter in the con troversy growing ^)nt of the or der passed by the Wilk(‘s county board of education tnuisportiinr * children in certain non-tax school i districts to local tax districts was written Saturday when-Judge T. B. Finley reversed a decision reii dered by him in December. The Wilkes jurist held tliat the' county board cannot under the law transport children from a to a local non-tax district district. Judge Finley re-opened the matter because of a decision which the Stale Supreme Court handed dow;n in the case of El I Banquet is Held For De^ersfln. Murray Products I Is Given By Colonial Products Cx>mpany Monday Even ing In City WAS AT HOTEL WILKES Fourteen Towns and Cities' Represented; Three Fac tory Men Present A banquet for all North Caro- Mina dealers in Murray products’ with the exception of those lo-j cated in the Asheville vicinity ^ /\[ipfupiiauuu * , t Is Kvert^ To Reforestation Program apthyAshe County Banks Now Open The first two nominations for Ambassadorships sent to the Senate by President Roosevelt were those naming Jesse I. Strauss of New York. Ambassador to I*aris. and right, Hon. Josephus ... uaiiuru uu«i. i.. i.,.- icls. of Raleigh. X. C.. Secretary of Navy under Woodrow Wilson. ■ (-arolina. Georgia and norida. liott et al vs Slate Board of Kqu- Ambassador to Mexico ('ity. Mr. Strauss is president of a huge Noa\ Misy Bundy Bainbridge of Asheville, has ''bee n selected was given Monday evening at Ho- ^ j „ represent North Carolina tel Wilkes by officials of the; j,i the contest for Grand Beauty [Colonial Products company, ^o-j Queen al the Chicago World’s leal business firm. j Fair in June. Cash prizes of $5,- Factoi’V representatives of the qqy $3,000 go to first and Murra>* organization were here Ig^^ond places, for the banquet. Fourteen towns» and citie.s of the state were rep- j resented by dealers in .viurray. products. The Colonial Products com-! I pany are distributors of Murray 1 I products in North and South The banquet hall of Hotel Masons To Meet Coming Tuesday In Every Lodge alization since his first decision was made. t The decision of Judge Finley Saturday affecis several districts ’which petitioned agaiusi the ord er of the bouri Counsel for the board of edu cation gave notice of appea’ to the Supreme {‘oiirl. Judge Fin ley allowed the county board to fill bond and continue the schools for the remainder of the term (Continued on page eight! Vork deparlment sUuf. ami Mr. DanU'ls is j.ublishpr of the Raleigh ^ Wilkes was attractively decorat- i .pjjpj Meetings Will Be Held N. w.s and Ob.serv. r, ' meeting, '^re.s bat . »lerie^^ brake-linings and other ^ 1 autaftobile accessorlf^ were dls- I played effectively. Frank Killilea, president and. sales manager of the local firm, i Masons of North Carolina wil Annual County Commencement To Be Held In Wilkesboro On May 6; Rev. J.H. Armbrust To Be Speaker By Every Lod^e In North Cardina LODGE HERE TO MEET was toastmaster and presented j meet for the the evening. our Masonic vows reconseeration of on Tuesday Bill To Reduce Number Members Board Approved Board Of Education Will Have Three Members If Senate Passes Bill ^ei ‘The measure introduced in the eneral Assembly several weeks ago to riMluce the number of merr^rs of the Wilkes county ■ board of cdticiition was reported favorably by the Senate commit- , tee. The favorable reptmt virtual ly assures immediate passage of ' the bill. Action on the bill was taken late yesterday by the Senate com-; mitteo. I The bill provides that there j shall be three members of the board instead of seven. I Representative (Miarles H Cowles introduced tiie bill in the House of Represonlalives. n schools of the Rare Type Of Owl Captured An onl, not so wise as un usual. was caught by J. K. to- forth, son of .Mr. i\ H. fioforth, at ('ycle on >londay night, March 20. The bird wa.s caught ill a trap s4*t for hawks. The pluiniiiage of this iin- usual owl was inollltHl with liuff brown and gray above ami white under the wings. It was what Is generally terined V “spt*ckled. The bird filled iH'rfeclly H>e description of the ham owl which is rare in this section and unknown in the uoiihern states. It was probnhly the first ever seen in ihi.s itniiiedl- aie territory. the speakers of •These inchtded L. Broomfielfl. of' 4. according to an j the Murray Tire edmpany, locat- yas,ter Siim.i-intenr1ent VVriirht An- Trenton. \. J.: J. A., f-'®"'" I j^p^bert C. .Mexander. Supeiintendent 'Vright An 1 prrsuant to the comm.mica- nounces Plans For Tihs > With the opening of tin* Bank of A»he at Jefferson the first of the week, Ashe county returned to' normal banking service. Th^^ First National Bank at West Jefferson was in the first list of national banks to be given license to re-open following the holida,y. The two Ashe banks are among the stroiififest institu tions in the* northwest section of the state. \orlli WilkeslKiro friends of the neighijoring comity were happy to learn of the hank o|>oning in Ashe. Tho$e Which Have Not Been Started May Be Delayed" Indefinitely PROJECT HERE IN LIST Money To Be Used In Car rying Out Plan Urged 4 By Roosevelt FORMER WHKES CmZEN KILLS SELF AT SOMTER H. N. Forester Found Dead In South Carolina Hotel Yesterday DEATH DUE TO POISON Hampton N. Forester, bus- iness man of Sumter. S. C., w’as An Indefinite delay was seen this morning in the constrtictlon of the new post office building for North Wilkesboro. The re- I forestation bill diverts the post- office appropriations for other purposes. The following special dispatch from Washington to the Char lotte Observer lists North WU- kesboro as one of the towns af fected : Postoffice and federal build ing generally for which appro priations had been made In North and South Carolina but for the construction of which contracts have not been awarded wil! now have to wait under the terms of the reforestation and employ ment bill of the senate passed this evening by the house. North Carolina had fared un usually well under what is known as the relief bill of July 21. 19J12. Fortunately for the towns and cities which were gir- Aimual Event [ pany, located at Philadelphia, ^ Pa., and E. .Armiiigton, of the ^ion. T. C. Caiidin. Master of ’North Wilkesboro Bodge. No. -- World Bestos Brake-Lining "n'-1 ^ f ^nd A. M. ordered the The date and speaker tor the Patterson, N. ,1. I 7.30 o’clock annnal connty commencement j Mr. Lawler told of the tests to I ' ^emhera for Wilkes was announced Tne.s-1 Murray batteries are P«t | ' pspeciaUv urged to attend. W- , day by Prof. C. r. Wright. super-,jj„^ explained the> nia^tenance ( ' ^ . -epretary of th -- en poF.toffice buildings and upon found dead in bed at the J^ff®*** | which work is under way they will not be interfered with, but those wliere no contracts have as yet been awarded, it is gener ally regarded, will have wait until other funds can be provid ed as the new law diverts these iiilendent of the i system. ! the latest methods of merch-l Saturday. .May (>. has bt-oii sot ^ Armington brought' - - I ami exinaiiitru luc, I „ jj Waugh, aeoretary or connty acho.,1 Mr.'BPoOmflerraTsenss-f „,a„inp notices to the all The purpose of*the meeting is as the date. Mr. wngm siaiea.; „ four-reel talking pic- i,, *he following com 'and Rev. J. H. Armbrust. Pastor showing the manufacture from Grand Maste' of North Wilkesboro Methodist | ^^e fleet of test 1 ^ ! cars which is used to prove the. j r4unlity of the product before it j I is placed On the market. | i Thirty dealers and their sales- j chuiTh. will deliver the literary . addres.s. The exercises will l>e [held in the Wilkesboro hi';h 'school audUoriuni. Group commeiicemeiil.4 will he ^ i omUled just as they have been I for the past two years. The. program will include the munication from Grand Master .Alexander: “Dear Brethren: “In this time of national crisis our President. Brother Franklin Delano Roosevelt, is facing the s* veiUh grade Wright Visited Schools ■ , . Of The County Tuesday 1 diplomas t. Superintendent (’. Wright . bt*’duati^s. visiting several ' Thn best e.xplamition of coinily. Splendid levs power i.s (ieimrui> I Morganton. Lenoir, ! Newton. Lincolnton, Gastonia, awarding of medals for 1 Klkin. following , [grave problems that confront the and cities were present: .Marion • ^ . [entire population—problems that Hickory, not his alone, but ours as well. This herculean task is be- atlendame anr! tlie distribution Wiii.ston-Salem. t yond the ability of any one man Satis-!* . « boro, Durham, Spencer. ^^aits-j*^ ^^e united bury and Statesville. | cooperation of every patriotic Tlie factory representatives. I ^ ’Icitizen. Mr. Killilea ami C. S. Coffey went j call Upon the en pro- Asheville Tue-S’day evening Masonic membership of the passed there and wa. .s»-nt to lh» Senate. work is being done in the schools :'‘^rbial wcakiu'ss for , » • « I I ««* V ^ • n-enk a nieeling of Mniray prodiict.i Jurisdiction of North Car- he visited, he reported. mustaihe. haiuaster New Kra. i dealers in t he Asheville section. 1 Wilkesboro Town Boys and Girls To Give Minstrel To Aid School The Davidkon rouniy Mutual Attorney Kugene Exchange sold $3,05:1.GS worth Ur. W. F. Jones, of 'of poultry and other produce yesterday in oiina lo a reconsecration of Trivette and . of ourselves in unif> for our the tliis city ‘common good of all peoples Statesville , everywhere. for its farmer members during inhere Mr. Trivette had business^ } VllVC ITIIildil Cl lU /\Iil UClIUUi moiitb of February. In Raising Fund For Gymnasium, Opening Qf Local Bank Is Expected By J- : End Of Week; Now Working Oat Details ‘matters to claim his attention. “I. therefore, call upon the of- irontimied on page eight i Rehearsab; Mi.'i.s Is Directing Boys and girls of Wilkeslmro. few of whtnn are st\ideols of (lie high school, are making plans to present a ininsirE^l ti» aid the, school athletir associnMoii in raising funas with which to ptir- chase rnaferial*’ for the gymnas- ium which is muter con.'^ider- ation. Rehearsal':, which are now be ing held once or more each w^ek. are directed by Miss Grace Blev- 8 The miii.sircl is to he based * Speak At Meeting Of Medical Society Final details are now being Ei;^hth District (iroup *‘>r tlie re-opening of Meet At Hit'll Point Next the Hank of North Wilkesitoro Thursday ^ hoped that normal n. B. Smith, president of, operations may be re- isnmed by Saturday. However, of- * ficiuls of the bank could ! resume businoss not later than 'pleted by Uial time. ; tomorrow morning. The .Imiriial-I'atriot (lelayeti ! H l»'Ped Uiaf bank will publication until this (Thursday afternoon with the hop* of cai-j rying tlie ann^uneemenl of the! opening dale. However, it son Hotel in Columbia Wednes-i day morning, a suicide victim.. Press dispatches stated that a | medical examination revealed 1 that his death was due to poison. Mr. Forester was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I-. (Fate) For ester, of -Goshen. He was 51 years old. Since going to South Carolina. Mr. Forester had been prominent in the social and business life of Sumter and was widely known. He had been engaged in the lumber business and several large plants. Despondency was understood lo be the cause of his rash act. the postoffice appropriations to reforestation plan. Those affected In North Caro lina are Winston-Salem. Raleigh, Fayetteville, Gastonia, Reidsville, Wilmington. Asheboro, Shelby, North Wilkesboro, Sanford under the new program, whereas New , liie new ^^iukkiiu, «mri. operated | Rockingham are listed as under the old but the hand of the workingman will be stayed there just a.s well. CREDITORS TO MEET L. C. McKaughan, 6r Win.sion- Salem. federal referee in bank ruptcy. issued notice yesterday TO PRESENT OPERETTA Cliildren of the elementary grades of the North Wilkesboro school will present an operetta for a special meeting of the ‘ entitled. “Pandora.” in creditors of Roaring River Fur niture Company for Monday. April 10. al 11 o’clock, to ap prove a final dividend of 10 per cent, to all unsecured creditors. Payment of this^ dividend will bring the total to lOO per cent, all unsecured creditors thus re ceiving 100 cents on the dollar for all their claims against the concern. Friday the eve- school auditorium ning, April 7. The cast is being directed by Miss Ruby Blackburn and Mias Tim Crawford, memliers of the faculty. Approximately 75 chil dren are included in the cast. This colorful operetta promis es much delightful entertainment and a large number of people are expected to see it. Senior Class of Millers Creek High School Will Present Play Saturday N^ht; Excellent Cast Mrs. Melville Sells | Part Interest In | Wilkes Plumbing Busi- ‘ Is Entitled “Her Aunt Al- vira* : Will Begin At 7:30 O'clock I Saturday morning. Auditors have be^n working (liligenlly this week and bank of- was jficials have given every help pos- Du one of the popular inin.streL siiul with local color shiuild be-_ ** paper at tlie meeting, very eniertaining. ' Several members of the local April 2S has been leiilatively Ht.cie\v are expected (o attend the *et as the date for the minstrel, meeting. Dr tlie Wilkes Coiuily Medical So cietv. will appear on the program. . « i 4u„* ,i., i . ^ ficials of the bank could not definitely ascertained that in order that the opening al the meeting >l the Eighth' • Di.sirii-t Medical Societv In Highj^*^’^ definitely this afternoon 1 velopmenis today would not war- ,„ay not be delayed T»oint next Tliursday. The locall wfieiher the work will be com-' rant delaying publication until , sarily. physician has been asked to read MH-LERS CREEK. March '29. T^ii • XI i —senior class of Millers J. D. Holcomb, Elkin ; ( reek high school will lyresent ness Man, Added To Per- annual play Saturday eve- sonnel of Company April i. at 7;mo o’clock. ^jj^j. The play, one of the best the * .... Mrs. D. S. Melville and years. T,oiiise Melville sold part -nU-r^ J”„Her Aunt Elvira," ♦U.4 AViUroii Plumbing Works’ . .n l * ^ Th^^ admission will be ten iinneces- in th*» Wilkes Plumbing W^irks' last week to Mr. J. 0. Holcomb of Elkin. The business will con cents for school children and Girls who will be in the cast include Eiiciie Han, Diicile Gar wood. Eleanor Smoak. Helen Call and Mrs. W'alter Pre.sley John-1 son. Among the boys are Ed ('ry- 8 e 1. Walter Emerson. Fred.* Frank and Hob II^‘mie^son. Rob ert Chureh. Thomas Dula. Charles Hulchcr Tag Sales Pick Up As The Price Drops OLD BOOKS AND PAPERS UNEARTHED BY CITIZENS OF WILKES ARE INTERESTING An old arithmetic and old papers which would prove of special interesi lo collector.s of Many ('ars Parked Since antiques have recently been uii- First of Year Are Put j earthed in the county. On Highways ’ Hays, is own- I er of prohatily one of the oldest ... Sales of North Carolina auto-;iinthmetics in the country. The WMH Rush. Tom Bum- mobile license plates for 19:t3 arithmetic, with the problems urner. Bill Tale, i.awreuce Gray , showed a marked iiu rease as the written in long-hand, is thought three-quarter price .became effoc-[ to be approximately ind Wiliiam Carrigan. Kiwanis Directors^Will Meet With CyO- McNeill tive last Tuesday. years . . old. Us exact age cannot be de- While the new rate has been j termined as the person who Ia in effect less than ten days, | horiously wrote out the problems Directors of the Kiwanis Club thousands of oars, parked since' with pen and ink failed to place Directors ot me iNiwamn -- -—» * — ill meet in monthly session with t^ie first of the year, have been ^ any date on the pages, host this on the highways. The book contains thirtyrsix The local office of the Carolina ; pages, all of which are in an ex- O. McNeill as [Thursday) evening. i- Th© regular luncheon of the j Motor Club has sold quite a num- cellent state of preservation, the :lnb will be held tomorrow at the her of the three-quarter plates, ■ figures and writing being easily Mual hour. J. R.^ix will be in [ it was learned from J. C. Me-• decipherable. Its owner in 1812 iharge of the program. [Diarmid. manager. pasted the front page of a news* some . paper on the back of the thin book-binding. The paper was the issue of Friday, October 16. 1812. of “The Star,’’ published in Raleigh. Problems set forth In the arith- methic are radically different from those in modern textbooks. They offer an interesting study. The first known owner of the book was Daniel Call, who hand ed it down to David D. Call. It was then given to .Mrs. Mollie Brewer, mother of the present owner. It is thought to have been brought here from England/ v PerhaM the newspaper pasted on the bf|>k-blnding offers as iUf teresting information to present day readers as the arithmetic It self. One of the advertisements is headed “Ranaway” and reads as follows: “From me on the .10th day of August, Negro man named Wil lis, 21 or 22 years of age; has lately been whipped: can look a man in the face and tell as smooth a lie as any man wlthont exception. I will give Five Dol- j . , * Mr .twenty cents for adults, tinue as in the past ■ • excellent cast has been well Holcomb added to the FoUowitm i« the cast of ,Mr. Holcomb is a tine youiiK j ,.f,aracters: iiiess man. He “ '''''"''[i":: j Kthel Bierce, a refined woman business in Elkin and has ha ,hi,-tv-five years, who is iin- severat years of experience in .he ^ pliimbing and heating line, l money, Estelle Yates; Wilkes Plumbing YVorks is for- stillings. Ethel’.s tunate in having Mr. Holcomb dake a part interest in . : perverse and very trying. The Wilkes Plumbing works Donahue, is now able to meet the demands i servant, wlio hates EI- of the public ^better than evev ^ fore. The business is a f''[ uonahlue, Nellie's himhaud, both home concern, and the owners Welloiis; Dr. will appreciate the patronage French. Ethel’s former the public. I fiance, who never understood the lai*s reward for said Negro man, i u. D. C. Will Meet On y L m. 1 \1 ego, if delivered to me in Raleigh; and will also be much obliged to any person who may hereafter find him out of my services with out a pass, to give him 39 lashes, well laid Said man MMllis is rather of a yellow complexion, very smart and active, five feet six or seven Inches: high. Wnr. Jones, Ralegh, September 17, 1812/' ? It seemed that one advertiser (Continued on page three) Yg WillrM Gwyn Nlchols; Mary M.H. Confederacy will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at Ho tel Wilkes. Members are request ed to attend. Paplni, Nancy Heath, Dare Hayes; Katherine Jones, Ruth Warren—Three girls whom Elthel adopts, and each one has a 'Afferent disposition; Sir I Edward Loughton-Laughton, a Mr. Vaughn Jennings, who is j fiifnd of Ethel’s who, can Igsetas teaching in the schools at Louis- wall,.w, win with good grace, Al- 4mrg, N. C., spent the past weet end St Fores Knob -with his par ents, Ifr." SDfl Mrs. W. A. Jen- " '• ^ - ’ Airl, nings. Tin Th will P»J ht usfit for athletics and^to conminc I. ceiaent expeliaes. ..JC-'"* i. T4 ^moiisy that Is takcdi J

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