Tbe JfocnuJ.pBtriot iiM bli^ tbe t«m of ^ |MMin the “State of Wnkee” Foe M Veen. ‘Ind*peHdent polltifioByi fair and jaqwMre to «o all, Oile neirapa»i» la VedOeatfa W the ii cqrnm ▼(M* xxvrt io. a»~ PubH^hed Mondays and Thursdays "NORTH WILKESBOBO, N. €., TH OUT OF THE Audit Of Clams pt,i nied By Comty Offidals Made County, Commissioners Pass .. Bosidut^on To That Ef- V feet At Meeting RGUSON REAPPOINTED New Ruling On Recording Of Deeds To County Put Into Effect r V A resolution calling for an audit of all claims filed by coun ty officials during the past four years was passed by the board of county commissioners at the April meeting of the hoard held Monday and which was Tuesday. Inasmuch as the time taken hv the board in passing these claims may have been insufficient to thoroughly investigate the merits of them, the resolution says in substance, “we. the said board of j county commissioners, have agreed to employ a dependable and efficient person to audit and adjust ay claims paid during; City Board Voles To.BuyggjiJiOut Of Smidiig Beer Is Le0h Will Mean Saving In Prin cipal And Interest On Issues Bought TO PURCHASE $21,000 Board Asks Highway Commis sion To Install Lighting Equipment In Bridge .Mrs. Krankiin D. Roosevelt found time to get away from a most siren lions social and hiisi- Ihls period, and it any of such l ness program the Hiird week in claims have been illegally paid or j \\ asliin.gion to enjoy a liorseliack overcharges made by the person | presenting same, the aforemeu-1 tioned overpayments. if any. j shall be refunded by the persons ^ or parties to whom same w as | overpaid." The resolution is understood, to call for an audit of the claims i filed by all county officials wlio | are elected and by deputies sheriffs. C. H. Ferguson, who has look- | ed after the county's financial ; detail work for mere than 20 ■ years, was re-appointed as conn- j ride in Rock Creek Park. Former Traphill Man Is Slain In West By Nephew lack Spicer, News Dispatches State, Killed Following Quarrel term of two ARTIS ROYAL IS SLAVER M ty accountant for a yg^,.g I Dispatches from Cody. Wyom- The commissioners ordered | jug. Motiday iiore the news of (lie put into effect a new ruling re-• ,|,,ath of .lack Spiier. tr.. garding the recording of Traphill section, made to Wilkes county. Horoart-1 „er when the county becomes own- ^ " ho has been residing on a er of property through the sale' ram h near Cody, Wyoming for a of land for taxes, the register of niimher of years. Spicer is said lo deeds will make no charge for latally shot by his recording the deeds whicii have 1 recoraii, . , , nephew. Arlis Royal. .'!n. lo'mier been ordered probated by the , , , I Iv of the Donghion coiiimui’ily in clerk of court. I • . The members of the hoard of tax assessors and the tax listers were ordered paid at the rale of 12.50 per day for the actual lime required in listing and assessing property. All members of the hoard. N. b7 Smithey. chairman. C. C. Ha.yes and M. F. .\bsher. were present for the meeting. Interest Of W. M. Day In D, & M. Shop Is Purchased The interest of .Mr. W. .M. Day in the I). *1 -M. Electric company was purchased by .Messrs. R. T. I the edge of Wilkes, llie Iragedv coming as a seiiiiel to a iiiiarrel arising during an all night dance at Spicer s ranch and aiier Spic er had ordered his nephew, who had resided willi liiiii on liis >raiu'h for six years, to leave the ! place. Shots were exchanged he- ! tween the two before Sincer was I killed and Royal seriously in jured, j Spieer was a soii of the late ' .lohnson Spicer and .Mrs. Spicer i and migrated west 20 years ago I after his marriage to a Miss I Rrown of his native eommiinily. He is survived liy liis wife, his The hoard of city commission ers in session Tuesday afternoon voted to ifivest the sinking fund accumulated for the retirement of 19.14 and 1939 bond issues in The purchase of the bonds w'hich it was learned could be bought at a price that will mean a saving to la.xpayers of the city. The purchase of a bond issue of'SIT,- 000 which comes due September 1 1914. and an issue of $4,000 which comes due September 1, 1919 was authorized. The action of the board will mean a considerable saving both in principal and interest. The bonds draw six per cent in terest, while only four per cent Interest is realized on tlie sink ing fund. Thus a saving of two per cent in interest will be ef fected. .iMl thf bonds are water and light' term bonds. The sinking fund on hand was accumulated for the specific purpose of retir ing the very bonds which will he purchased. The hndrd instructed W. P. Kelly. city clerk, to write a let- 'ter to the state highway commis- ' sion memorializing that body to install lighting equipment in the now liridge w'hich is being erect ed across the Yadkin River iic- tween the Wilkeshoros. It is und erstood that the highway depart ment has installed the fuipment ill other bridges erected iti late years and the board expre.ssed 1 the hope that it will he done here. A permit was granted A. F. Phillips to erect a metal building on Tenth street between (’ and I) streets. A. i\. tDickt f’ashlon was an- tliorizeil to proceed with the pouring of concrete on a section of I he sireet in front of his new liiiilding on Hinsliaw and Eliza- lietli streets. The town agreed to recompense h i ni by allowing credit for half of tlie cost on his city taxes. Mayor .1. A. Rousseau and all menihers of the board. .1. C. Reins, S, V. Tomlinson. Ralph Duncan, I. E. I'earson and I,. A. Harris, were present. 'Sraool Committeeniiib AaAorily,To £mi^ T£i^6rs An early trial is scheduled for Charles E. Mitchell, resigned chairman of the National City Bank of New' York, and now under indictineiit for income tax evasion. When arraigned Mitchell pleaded not guilty. Reassessment Is Ordered By Board Of Commissioners Committeemen appointed by the present Wilkes county board of education have no authority to employ ,teachers tor the coming term, it was pointed out at the regular April meeting of the board Monday. Employment of teachers in the schools must await the appointment of com mitteemen by the Incoming hoard which will not be constituted un til the omnibus bill is passed by the General Assembly. Monday’s session of the board was attended by C. O. McNeill, chairman, D. F. Sbepberd, D. C. Whittington. R. L. Hickerao^ and Mack Moore. Rev. John W. Luke and the school committee of the Shep herd district appeared herore the board to 'discuss the sale of a portion of school property in that district as a lot for the erection of a new Presbyterian church. Details were not arranged, but plans are to hold the sale on April 17. General Assembly •■a Ratified Measwe Tuesday Evening J Local Laws Against Sale of Beer Repealed; To Be Sold All Over State TAKES EFFECT ON MAY 1 Wets Have Big Day As the Bill Passes Overwhelm ingly dn House GREAT DIRIGIBLE CARRIES 73 TO DEATH AND 2 MEN DROWN AS RESCUE AIRSHIP CRASHES Listers And Assessors To Be Announced Soon; To Begin In May PERSON LIST IN MUST Sidcclion of tax listers and tax will probably he com- LOSES FINGERS IN COLLISION ^ and C. O. .MrN'eill last week. -'I''-i mother and six tirothers; Hardin. Day has been as ssociatetl with Waller, [blither, and Joe .Sinter Arlie Spii- niiil Doss them in the business sinie it.s e-s-, (,f Alle.ghauy eounly, tablishment. ' er of West Virginia. The local tiriii, dealers in radi- spiei>r of Wyoming. 08 and eleetrical supplies, enjoys j j; heen learned wlietli- a splendid patronage. . er or not the luniy will In- I lirougiu to Traphill for burial. Royal was reimrted to he in a eritieal eon.lition. Basketball teams of the J”"'"''m . 'o i r ij and Senior elasses will play at IVlrS. oStTR-h J, ii&yCS 3:45 this afleruoont Thursday i | Continues Very 111 Coleman Nichols U Injured In Accident Near Here Tuesday Afternoon assessors pleted this week and the task of listing property is expected lo j get under way on the first Mon day in .May or soon thereafter. The hoard of county commis sioners at their meeting Monday and Tuesday ordered a reassess ment and members of the hoard of assessors will he announe.ed soon. It will he necessary for prop erty owners to list their property in pers'on this year, it is under stood for a reliable, source. Many errors can be eliminated in this manner, it is believed. Advertisements will be posted at eonspiciions places in all the townships and other methods of advertising will he used to let the taxpayers know when the tax lister and hoard of assessors are in Hie ininiediate neighborhood of the taxpayers of the various townships. A. (’, Wall, county tax siiper- vi.sor. is now en.gaged in work preliminary lo the big task in May. Juniors And Seniors To Play For Championship, for the championship of tlie North ; .Wllkesboro high school. 1 liey are Jmjyrp .johnson .1. Htn'es, Rcv. the finalists in the iiitei-chs.ss, Others tournament wliich got nniler wa Monday. J. >1. Called To Bedside Spanish-American ar Vets To Meet The eomlition of .Mrs. Sarah J. Haves, of Piirlear. was still crit ical today, according to word re- Coleman Nichols, an employee of the Soiilherii I’lihlie FtilUies company here, was painfully in jured late Tuesday afternoon when the power company truck on which he was riding collided 'with an antoniohile driven by I DeWiit Dearman. The third and I little fingers of the right hand were cut off. He also suffered an , injury to his leg. Mr. Nichols' is I recovering from his injuries at the Wilkes Hospital. I Tin- accident took place in front 'the l.egion Hut on the Fairplains * road. The car and truck struck ^ each other a glancing blow. Mr. .Vii'hols' fingers being caught be tween them. He was riding on the bed of the truck. No one else was injiirt'd. Ellis Is Absolved Of Blame In Death T. W. Self Is Killed When Struck By Car Operated Bv Local Man .. Members and Former Mem bers of Camp No. 13 To '»j Meet Saturday W a r All Spanish-Amencan veterans of Wllkesboro Camp No. A13 and all who have ever heen members are requested to be present at a meeting to be held at the courthouse in Wilkeshoro Saturday. April 8. at 2 p. m., ac cording to a n annouiK-ement made Tuesday by P. E. Danev. quartermaster. The purpose of the meeting »ilas not explained, but Mr. Dancy stated that It is very Important that everyone .. these -classifications possible L. ceived from her bedside. Judge 'Johnson J. Hayes, of Greens'horo. who was called here Tuesday on I account of the illness of his mo- I flier had not relilrned to llreens- I boro this morning. Rev. J. M. Hayes, of r,exlngton, and other raemlM-rs of the family arrived Tuesday and yesterday to he with .Mrs. Ha.ves. Mrs. Hayes liecarae quite ill the first of the week. She is 79 years of age. Legion Auxiliary Will Meet Monday Evening 'I'he Legion Auxiliary will meet After an investigation. Forsyth county officers absolved Joe El lis, Jr., of this city, of blame in connection with the death of Thomas VV. Self, 67, Forsyth county farmer, who was killed Monday night when he was struck by a car operated by Mr, Ellis. When the accident occurred, .tlr. Ellis, who was returning from a trip to Raleigh, stopped and rendered every assistance possible and was released by the authorities with instructions to for the coroner's inquest .Monday evening, April TO, at' Tuesday morning. Mr. Ellis, ac- S:tl0 o'clock with Mrs. Ivey .Moore. Mrs. J. B. Williams and .Mrs. t’hal .McNeill will be joint hostesses. Ail members are asked to bring thimble and needle to make curtains tor the Girl Scout Hut. who comes within attend if Wright Is Named Superintendent - Of Sunday School For 31st Year Prof. C.TlTight, superinten- precedent in the entire country, dent of the Wilkes county school Tt is likely that 30 years as sup- system for the past thirty-tour Mr* J 1"- Clements, of this city was called to A bosk ie yes terday on account of the death ?f her brother. Mr. Sid Watson, vbo Jiad .**rly yeaterday morn- ’'tng. I erintendent of a Sunday schoo^ ... . . J . 16 something of a record, at years, was elected superintendent . . ... ,, , .. least in this section of North of the Edgewood Baptist church Carolina. Sunday school for the thirty- The Edgewood Sunday school companied by County Agent A. G. Hendren, Sheriff W. B. Som ers, Chief of Police Jimmie An derson and Bernard Williams, went to Winston-Salem Tuesday, but the officers had already mad;' the investigation and It was declared unnecessary to hold the inquest. The Wilkes party went to the home of Mr. Self and it is stated that the family of the deceased felt that the acci dent was unavoidable. The New^Day (By 15. Conway Taylor, man ager of the Baltimore Branch office of the I'liited States Fi delity and Guaranty company) Good fortune, firm leiidcr- sliip, and the basic soundness of .Aineriran in.st itulioiis eoiii- hined lo forestall a serious crisis, a ii d reo|>ened our banks, following the nation wide holiday. I'robably the result of our experience will quickly repay IIS for the shock we sustainetl. One thing is reasonably cer tain, and that is that hoard ing is no longer tdtlier profit able or popular. Money has Iktii smoked out of its hiding places and forced Iwick into circulation. The natural thing; is Hint (he man xvho lioardetl his cash rather tlian paying Ids bilks will realize at once the unwis dom of such a course. There is every indication, in fact, that already a period of set tling up has come. The ex- rliaiige tif cash encourages spending, and spending Is what business needs now. For money, after all, is but pa|ier and metal in itself; only when it Is an active medium of ex change-only when it is in circulation—is *t translated into bi-ead and meat and fuel and shelter, into work and play and schooling and growth, and ha|>piness. It is the red corpuscles in the na tion's life lilood, and must be kept moving. .And so, in this new day whii'h arrived with the re- o]M>iiing of bank.s and the re vival of national confidence, we are learning a lesson and. I iK'lieve, are ready to profit by it. That we will Join in a determiiiatiou to make im- possilile a relapse into tlic malady from which wc are re- coverintf we should he able to lake as a matter of course. We insurance folks have a good liart in lielpiiig .America lii-eiik (hrougli the clouds into the sunshine. AVe can play an even more important part ii.v hitckliiig down to our task of dispensing in.siirnnce protec tion witli renewed vigor and confidence. The new day calls for an iiisiiruiice rally. Let us respond! I Greatest Dirigible of World j Tossed About and Broken I By Mighty Elements I New York. April 4.—In a blinding electrical storm, the Akron, mightiest dirigible ever to cruise the skies, was plum meted into the turbulent Atlantic, today about 20 miles off the New Jersey shore, and by dusk to night hoiie had waned for 71 missing members of the crew. Of the 76 men aboard the "mistress of the skies” as she crashed, tour were rescued, hut one of them died before he was brought ashore. ; A day of searching by water land by air brought the discovery of only one body of the ill fated [crew floating on the ocean. Fourteen hours after thisima- I jor disaster, the J-3, non-rigid iiavy airship, crashed into . the sea 1,000 yards off the Jersey coast, with a loss of two lives, as she searched for Akron victims. Rear Admiral William A. Mof fett. chief of the navy bureau of aeronautics, was among those lost in the Akron. Aroused fromj-state sleep by the^slorm. he had been in the control room shortly be fore the accident. The Three Survivors Raleigh, April 4.—Light wines and beer will be legally available to thirsty Novth Carolinians aft er midnight of April 30 for the first time since 1905. The House passed today third reading of the Francis bill to legalize the sale of beer, wines and fruit juices with an alcoholic content of not- more than 3.2 per cent. The vote was 15 to 27. The bill was sent back to the Senate (or concurrence In minor amendments, and the upper House adopted them without de lay. Cowles of Wilkes succeeded in putting through the House an amendment to raise from 16 to is years the minimum age to which the beverages could be sold to minors. Murphy of Rowaa fathered the amendment to legalize Ihe ad vertising of 3.2 per cent alcoholic beverages on bill boards and by other means in addRion to through the newspapers and over radio broadcasts. Boyd of Mecklenburg proposed Hie amendment to provide that all laws conMictiiig with the Francis hill be re'pealed. .Martin of Buncombe proposed that the sale of the beverages be prohibited on Sunday, but the House declined to adopt his amendment. The Francis bill made no pro vision for the manufacture of al coholic beverages within the and today Bowie of Ashe and Masseiihiirg of Polk intr- diiccd in the House a measure permitting the manufacture of beer and wines in North Caro- are; The three Akron survivors j Hna. > I A license tax of $500 a year Lieutenant Commander H. V. i would be imposed on all brewer- i Wiley of Lakewood. N. J.. execu-1 iPS regardless of size. One half live officer and second In com-i the lax would go to the state I maud, who was at the controls, j general fund and the other half I Moody E Erwin, of Memphis.' would go into the debt service iTenn., raetalsraith. j of ‘he county In which the Richard B. Deal, of Lakehurst,: brewery is located. N. J., boatswain’s mate. The Bowie-Massenbiirg hill al- The rescued man who later so provides that wines a .d beer died was‘Robert W. Copeland, of j shall not be sold within half a i Lakehurst. N. .1.. chief radio | mile of any school or church lo- operator. Twelve hours after the crash the body of Lieutenant Com mander Harold E. .VlacLellan, of Westerly, R. I., was picked up by a coast guard cutter near the scene of the disaster. Lieutenant Commander David E. Cummins, of Prescott. Ark., commander of the J-3, whi) was taken from the water uheon- sciouH after the blimp accident, died a short time later cated outside the corporate lim its of any municipality. Operetta Will Be Given On Friday The operetta. “Pandora”, will be pre.sented by the elenlerit«rJ^ grades in the school auditorluili*. j toiiiorsow. 7:45 p, iii. and judging ' from advance sale of tickets an The body of Pasquale Bettio. ' unusually large number of peop- I the J-3 chief machinist’s mate on * pie is expected to see it. j the* J-3. .was recovered several j q’jjg of approximately 90 I hours later. | children has been well trained. r iKir'iti~ rxPlTM I The presentation is expected to j LOCAL MEBI OPEN __ be of an unusually high order. ELECTRIC orivJr I Methodist Circle Will Hold Food Sale Friday Plenty of entertainment for ev- Messrs. Tal J. Pearson and W. 'eryhody is assured. M. Day have leased the Meadows [ building on B street amt have op-| ened an electric shop which will; be operated under the firm name ot Wilkes Electric company. | They have secured the agency ' John A. Norman Taken By Death Special Notice first consecutive time at the an-, was reorganized Sunday. the nual election held Sunday. i school voting to go under the It Is believed that Mr. Wright's supervision. After the selection long period ot service in the ca-1 of the superintendent and the pacity of superintendent ot a j teachers,'the church formally ap- county school system is without' proved them. All stores or firms holding federal aid relief food or cloth ing orders signed by me are re quested to bring them to me^at once. JOS. H. ARMBRUST, North Wllkesboro Federal Relief Agent. From 1899 trf 1913 Frank Gotch, famous wrestler, won 164 matches and lost but six. Circle No. I ot the Woman's .Missionary Society of the Methc- dist church will hold a food the Crosley radio and are now. at Belk’s store Friday. April 14.1 stocking their store with allWas Well KitOAvn Resident Of at 2 o’clock. All special orders j kinds of electrical supplies. In | bomers lOtrasnip. funer- for cakes, pies, dyed eggs, etc. addition to selling supplies, they | al Held Wedne.sday should be given Mrs. A. B. John- will be glad to answer any calls | ^ Norman, a well known ston to be filled. , for electrical service work, township, was claimed by death Monday after noon at 3 o’clock. He was 74 years. 2 months and 2 days of age. The funeral service was held , at Sweet Home church yesterday Mrs. D. S. Melville, who has'service. ( (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 Wilkes Piiimbing Co. Is Now Owned By Mrs. Melvie And L D. Holcomb, Woo.. oTiorntinir the comnaiiy for i Mr. Holcomb himself has been o’clock and was in charge of Rev. sometime, and Mr. Jones D. Hoi , ^ number of years. He ; fence. A large number of friends comb, ot Elkin, are now Joint ^ executive but relatives gathered for the owners and operators of “‘ei^ practical plumber as well. The ■ ri‘es- Wilkes Plumbing Company, well have Surviving Mr. Norman are his known plum'bing establishment assistance of the expert-wife and the following children: of this city. Miss Louise Melville ^ pjmnj,ers that have been connect-! Mrs. Lessie Potter, Clay and will continue to be in charge of j ]ocal firm for some- Norman, the office. time. The deal, whereby Mr. Hol comb acquired one-halt interest in the business, look place sever al days ago, and the transaction places the company in a etrong- ^ position to give Its patrons « plumbing .’an4. heaUng The WUkes Plumbing Co. now has connections with one of the largest ' plumbing supply houses in the. state, and the firm is now in pos|tl6p to render Us patrons a more cbmBlbte ^rvlce. both i« plumbtnd.apd beatl&g. Wllkesboro I Nine Will Play Moravian Falls^^ The Wilkeshoro high school’^'; baseball team will meet the 110. ravian Fails nine tomocrow (JFri- day) afternoon.at 3:SO o'cloek 'Att tHa TITI1VAA,KAMa #4a1i i— ..’■■■ •

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