THE JOURNAL- ■ I'N.- 1^',■«-, ^ .r»' I MISS MAMIB EDITOR PHONE 215 ier %o«* T°?^y f piack>mith It Buty when »!>•'entertained ft (Of fter friend# at two tanlee bridge. At tbe eonclnslon of vlftT the hostess wes^alded by tier elst- er. Miss Mary Lindsay Stafford in serving a delectable «alftd rflPj*’S*wnnnah Heurrie iNorth wtlkesboro Methodist *’l**”*y CW) Hoateae ! Auxiliary was' held on Tuesday Tto Tuesdav bridvn ell course followed by sweets. When scores were tallied. Mrs. Jimmie Anderson was found to* hold the grand total and received an at tractive prize. nesdav bridge clnb was; afternoon In the Ladles parlor of Miss charmingly entertained by S tavannah .Harris at her home on Tneaday evening. Twn evening. Two tables placed for the game. After >3w.. game a delicious salad course tnilowed by sweets was served by ; hostess. High score lor the ' evenimg was held by Miss Har- rta. Miss Carrie Clark, of Green- wllle, S. C., who Is spending 'aoaaetime here in the home of her brother; Mr. W. H. Clark, was a guest of the club. Pwcabyterisui Circle# Meet Large attendances, enthusias- ing items from the tie plans, and an earnest spirit! Bulletin were giyen by Mrs. R. marked the first meetings of the' E. Scroggs. The attendance the chtirch, with an attendance of ground thirty-five members. Due to the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. J. C. Reins, the meet ing was presided over by Mrs. J. H. Armhrust. The opening pray er was offered by Mrs. P. J. Brame, after which splendid re ports were submitted by the different secretaries and commit tees. “The Deaconess, as a Neigh bor,’’ made up the' program and was in charge of Mrs. J. D. j Schafer, Being assisted by Mrs. I A. W. Horton, Mrs. Ira Payne jand Miss Clyde Scroggs. Interest ing items from the Missionary award went to Mrs. J. C. Smoot's circle. new church year for the Presby terian circles that wer.’ held Tuesday. With an attendance of fifteen members and one visitor, j Baptist Circles Circle No. 1 held an interesting Met This Week meeting at the home of the lead-j Three circles of the First Bap- er, Mrs. S. P Mitchell on Tues-ltist Missionary Society have held day evening. Organizing for the' interesting meetings this week, year's work filled the business' Circle No. 2 met at the home of aession, after which Miss Eliza-' Mrs. D. S. Lane on Tuesday aft- beth Finley taught the Bible j ernoon. The leader. .Mrs. A. C. study. ' Dennis, presided and the devo- Circle No. 2 met at the home ! tional was led by Mrs. L. M. of Mrs. F. C. Forester, who is I Blackburn. A continued study on adviser for the group and in the j “Talks in Soul AVinning." was absence of the leader. Miss AMr- j led by Mrs. Dennis. Inght re- .ginia Lane. Mrs. Forester, presid-; freshments were served to the ed. During the business session ■ eight members attending during Mrs. E. E. Eller Is Feted At Salisbury Mrs. E. E. Eller was shown a pretty courtesy In Saljabury Sat urday evening, when her daugh ter. Mrs. W. M. Met ulley and Mr. McCulley were hosts at a delight ful birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Eller. A three course din ner was sprved at seven o’clock with covers for sixteen. The din ing table was attractively aip- pointed in the Eastern motif. A huge white birthday cake topped with pink candles centered the table* around which were placed nests containing Easter eggs and biddies. Dainty place cards sug gestive of the season marked the guests places. Lilacs, snap dragons and roses were used in profusion throughout the home. The honoree received a lovely shower of gifts. Mrs. Eller’s nat al day was Sunday, but the din ner was given on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eller were in Salisbury from Friday until Sunday. i.. f.-'i Miss Lillian Stafford is Charming Hostess Lillian Stafford was charming hostess to the mem bers of the Monday bridge club and a trio of visitors at her home on K street. Monday evening. Two tables were placed for the came amid a lovely setting of Ob Implements wwiwsr Other Hews fiL And Al'fNQid - Cniraiitadty SHEETS^ April 8.—Mr.‘ Amb rose Watkins, local . blftcksmltti^. reports that he has been doing a rosblng business for the last few days sharpening and repairing farming implements. ’ Mrs. Dora ,31evln«, who was very ill last week. Is* much bet ter since taking a trMtment from Dr. McNeil. ‘ Mr. J. H. She^s and Mr. Ru dolph Handy were Ini North Wit kesboro Monday buying fertIUi-8 er and seeds for their spring planting. Mr. Jake Felts, of Hays, visit ed bis brother, Mr. J. C. Felts, Sunday. Mr. J. M. Handy, of Radical, visited his daughter, Mrs. Owen Felts, Sunday. Mr. Wiley McGrady attended the singing Sunday night at Mr. Ira Shumates of Halls Creek. Mr. J. M. Wyatt, who was very sick all of last week. Is able to be out again. Mr. Boyd Higgins and family, of Hays, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. W. C. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dancy, of Hays, are visiting Mrs. Dancy’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Handy, this week. Mrs. Isadore McGrady visited Mrs. L. E. Felts. Saturday eve ning. Mr. Frank Blevins spent Sat urday night and Sunday at Halls Creek visiting friends. Air. and Mrs. Evy Harro’.;’., o. Hays, spent Sunday wliii 2.1rs. Lntbcran Misai^ Services every Sunday -av^Ine At 7:^0 oh* B street. hav» heeii, atudyinc the Paaslon Hlat- oty%t our Saviori during .lAntt taltbful to^our ^i Godi' r.\ ■■■ and nestf^Sinday, Iwing Palm .Cbrlatten#' Sunday, we ahali stady a text ap- Sorrow#.*.- proprfetaTfor the firat day rtaitora. rioly Week* The subject of the sermon, shall be, **tet n# remain . '4bQ vis e( always gisd to. and as,6d0«2 - • In 1905 there, were 800 hotels in New York. Today there are ^ •- ■ "S, the circle organized for the year. | the social hour. followed by the Bible lesson giv en by Miss Clara Ogilvie. Ten me*mbers were present. Mrs. M. A, Vickery and Airs. A. A. Cashion joined their hospital ity to the members of Circle No. 3 at the home of Airs v'ickery on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. ,\rcliie Ogilvie led the devot.oiial period Airs. Ai. L. C.ilreath was hos- tes,s to Circle No. :l at her home on Tuesday afternoon, with the leader. Mrs. C. E, Jenkins presid ing. Airs. Dewey .Minton, the teacher for the study course gave another splendid talk on the iiook. “A Decade of AV, AI. C. Work. " Nine members were pres- and the business part of the ent. meeting was presided over by thej Circle No. 4 held its meeting leader, Mrs. Cashion. Thirteen on Monday evening at the home members were present. of Airs. Jay Johnson with an at- Fourteen members and three tendance of eight memliers. .Mrs. visitors were present for the ( R. P. Casey conducted the devo- meeting of Circle No. 4 at the tional and the study course was home of the leader. Airs. H. B. tau,ght by Airs. A. H. Casey. Airs. Smith. The devotional period was J. I. Alyers. leader, held the chair in charge of Airs. Bat AVilliams. far the business session. spritig flowers. Aiiss Janie Aic- Diarmid made high score within the clnb, the award was won by Alr.s. George Forester. At the conclusion of play the ho.s- tess aided by her mother. Mrs. E. F. Stafford, and sister, Aiiss Alar: Lindsay Stafford, served a tempting salad course followed by sweets. Visitors of the clnb were. Airs. Forester. .Mrs. James O'Daniel and AI i s s Rebecca Alosley. Following each of the meetings a pleasant social hour was enjoyed and delightful refreshments were' aerved. M. E. Church Ajuiliary Meets The April meeting Fidelia Class Is Entertained .A lA^eting of unusual interest was held o-i Tuesday evening of the Fidelis Sunday school class Monthly Meeting Of Y. W. A. Held Seventeen members attended the monthly meeting of the Y. AV. A. of the First Baptist church that was held Alonday evening with Mrs. AV. R. Absher on .Me- m o r i a 1 .Avenue. Aiiss Lola of the First Baptist church at the of the of Miss Lunda Hendren I Classified Ads L W.ANTE!)—AVoik on gardens in the Andy .Alexander lawns and afternoons. J-lO-tf FOR SAI-K •»’> Tttxm.— I02;t .Model Ford Couii'-: rumble seat; good tires; in good shape. Call Jouriial-l’utrioi of fice. i-'i-lt ' with Airs. Bercy Walters and Aiiss Manic Brewer as associate hostesses. -An impressive devo tional was led by Airs. Eugene Olive. The president. Airs. .A. H. Ca.sev held the chair for the bnsi- part of the meetin.g during wliich lime several importan' muiters elaimul llte alteiili(>ii of tb'- members. To i-lo.s'.- itie (ve iling the hi'slesses sei v-d a salad course wit!) sandwichc- fee to the ihArty some ‘ atien.iing. Church, the president, held the chair for the business part of the meeting. .An impressive devo tional was led by .Miss Manic Brewer. The members heard in teresting reports of the A\'. AI. r. Conference that was held in Winston - Salem during March from Airs. Absher and .Airs. J. N. Shockey. The program. "The Glory of Tat Dawn,” was given by members of Miss Grace Wood- niffs circle. A continuation of the study course, "Bioneer AVn- men.” was taught by Airs. -Ab- slicr. Miss Brtalriee Jeiiuiiigs was wt-leomed into the society as ii m*\v !iK‘r,iber. •2 ''*'- . ■'I ■ . : I;:. T I Attendon ^dio Owners fuid Prospective Buyers We wish to announce to our , pa trons and friends that we have purchased the interest of Mr. W. M. Day in the D. & M. Electric Co. Mr. Day is no longer connected with the company, but the business will be continued as usual in the same location. ‘i We have a complete stock bf Philco and Majestic Radios. Call us for a demonstration. Mr. A. G. (Red) Kenerly is now in charge of our Radio service department. Just phone us for service on any make of Radio. Tubes tested hee. Radio Sales Co. Phone 101 “C” Street We wish to take this means of thanking our patrons for all busi ness extended us in the past, and we hope that we will have the pleasure of serving you in the fu ture. If it’s anything you need in elec tric work, see us. We have expert electricians and carry a complete stock of electrical supplies. S.nrah Hinc-her. of this commun ity. Aiessrs. Burch and Wave Han dy visited Air. Bradford Long Sunday. Rev. Aiichael Reedy, who hns been sick tor several days is im proving. (2o. C. O. McNeil R. T. McNeil Phone 101 “C” Street There are 200 chiropodists in New A’ork. aii.i ci)f- memlu'i's Wilkesboro Friendly Circle In Meeting I With ail Ka.ster piogram. FOR SAI.E — Bulbs, twenty Call or see Miv City. Mi .(-(1 e.'i-ts C- (•bidioli I- -11. -It W.ANTKD—To do Children's and a specialty. S“'- Rexall building. Airs. Gorliin Shatley and Aiiss Ruth V. Sbatley. 4->i-2tp W.AXTEI)—A man willi e;ir foi local sales wuri:. Real oppor tunity for permanent ceitnee- tion for right 'A'rite T J Terrell. Hickory, N. C., Gen eral Delivery. ;-2T:4-:!-0 j,4T—?4aninlaj post off ice and two other small keys; Mrs. N. B. Smithey Hostess To W. M. S. Mrs. .V, B. Smithey was hnsti^ss to tl'.e members of the AA’ilkes- yowr sewing, boro Melbodisl Alissioiuuy So- haby's idotiies citty at her Home on Tnesiay ing room in afternoon. Fourteen members were present and heard The itiier- estiiig program on. “Tlie Deaeon- ess, as .Neighbor. " given by Airs, r. II. Somers. Airs. AV. II. Starr and .Mrs. J. W. White, with Airs, r. H. lluleher as leader. In the absence of the president. Airs. H. A, Cranor. Airs. HiiUTipr pre sided and Iieird the regalar n- I'orts. .\t the close of the meeting the members were invited into 'full aiiendanee of members, and several visitors, a meeting of un 'usual interest of the F'rieiuH/ Circle of the Wilkesboro Mclhr. dist liiu'ch was held on Alonday evening at the home of Airs. AA’aller Emerson. The presideii*. Aiiss Louise Alelville. presided ami was also in charge of the program. Tiios*' assisting lu-r were .Alisses Mattie Gray (iutU- rie, Irene Culler. Ruby Hartley and Evelyn Leokie. During the social hour a jig-saw puzzle con test was enjoyed, followed by de lightful refreshments. ke.\ also lost about sixty days ago black the dining room wluire a delight key holder containing postof- fice key and three other keys; keys were lost between pt»st- office and my home. Liberal reward for return.— J. M. Bumgarner. AVilkes-boro. N. C. 4-6-21 Cash For Old Gold fiil surprise was awaiting tne members as well as the hostess, .A white birthday cake deco rated in pink candles had been placed on an attractively appoint ed table by Ai r s. Smithey’s daughters, celebrating her natal day. .A delicious salad course was served from four .small tables which were decorated in the Easter motif. Boutonniere's of violets were given as favors. Mrs. Smithey's daughter. Airs. Marvin Folks, gather up your old Kirkpatrick, of Taylorsville, pre- such as GOLD «>ded ,n the u f^r\i v\ siu^ci JO Liit^ dinit)?( room, jrold scrap, such as GOLD . TEETH, DENTAL CROWNSt^j^g Guthrie Is ur bridges, discarded Hostess To Class -BROKEN WATCHES, Miss Beatrice Guthrie was hos- rHATNS KINGS or any brok- less to the members of the nnd bring Vdung Ladies Sunday School U. D. C. Meeting Held On Monday “Good Cheei" was the theme for the program of the monthly meetiig of the C. D. C. that was held on .Monday atlernoon at the Hotel AVilkes. The program was given by the Good Cheer commit tee with Mrs. J. R. Einley in charge. Mrs. Finley presented a paper on Zebiilon Vance, who was an apostle of Good Cheer, closing with a Good Cheer poem. The president, .Miss Nell Rous seau, held the chair for routine Mrs. John Tevepaugh and Miss Mae Foster will be the hostesses for the May meeting. Curlee Clothing Company Enjoys Splendid Business en gold article, and 'them to me at the I class of the Wilkesboro Aletho- ! dist church at the Sandwich Rexall Drug Store f ,. Thursday, Friday and ^ sup* 0rday of this week ONLY. I witf pay highest cash price //w anvthinfif you have. Every Shoppe on Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Bostic, president of the clast, was in the chair, the regu- Sat- 'ar routine of business being ' tramsaeted. A box of clothing was pack^ to be sent to the orphan's - for anything you - ^, family has some scrap gold. BripS if money in Circulation! fc. D. Cunnii^haiii Of .p gold buyer home* at Winston-Salem for a little girl that the class is caring tor this year. During a pleasant social hour the thirteen members attending were served tempting refreshments. C. Spencer, a representative of the Curlee Clothing company. Iwho called upon the Payne Cloth- ling company, local dealers in Curlee clothing, this week has had a 166 per cent unit gain and a 136 per cent dollar gain on top coat sales for fall delivery over I a like period last year. They have I -sold mure coats, he stated, in six weeks than they have sold in any I complete year in the history of the company which was e.stab- lished in 18S9. More mail orders were received on March 26 than on any day during the past four years. Bridge Party Given By Miss Stafford A delightful bridge party was given by Miss Lillian Stafford at A group of New 'York mothers complained tbat these blood and thunder radio sketches their children no good. -jg. lese blood and . ches are doing |' :ood. J Announcement Concerning Change In Management and Ownership of the Wilke-s Plumbing Co. To The Public: The Wilkes Plumbing Company is pleased to announce to the public that JONES D. HOLCOMB of Elkin, has become a partner in the business, and will associate himself as General Manager. Mr. Holcomb has been operating a similar business in Elkin for the past several years, and is thoroughly familiar with the work. Mrs. D. S. Melville will retain her interest in the firm, and Miss Louise Melville will remain in charge of the office. V John Tevepaugh, well known and capable employee of the company, will continue his connection with the’ firm in the service department. The new organization will be adequately equipped to handle all kinds of Plumbing, Heating Contracting, Repairing; Also Home Water Systems Telephone 203 when you need Plumbing and Heating Service, or if interested in a Home Water Supply Syst em if you do not now enjoy this convenience. Unusual ly low cost. Ask us. Wilkes n Telephone 203 . North Wilkesboro, N. C; - f ■

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