iVOL. XXYU. NO. 39 Cmim For Scout, Wilkes County Praised In ‘Leaders’ Will Be I Editor of Winston-Salem Journal Lauds County For Forging Scout l^xecuttves To Come. Ahead; Thinks Wilkes Has Stood Depression Here To Give Course; Begins April 22 DETAILS ANNOUNCED Better Than Most Any County In State facturers in North Wilkeaboro. Thursday, for example, just one of several produce houses there loaded three cars of poultry for Philadelphia. The visitor was advised that poultry shipments so far this year have exceeded Plans for a training course for during the depression and lauds i last year’s shipments for the A hefty boost was given Wilkes oo; my in an^ditorlal which ap peared in the Winston-Salem Leaders In Four Districts To Journal Saturday morning. The Take Course; To Be Held editor of the Winston-Salem pa- - At Camp ’ convinced that Wilkes has 1 stood up better than most places Had Been 111 For Several Weeks; Native of Idle- wild Section Scout leaders of the western sec-^wilkes for the progressive spirit | the same period. -tion of the Winston-Salem Coun-j which prevails. , ’’The power company wiiich CU, Boy Scouts of America, to be I The e^litorial follows: I serves North Wilkesboro reports to a splendid increase in new busi- held at the Boy Scout camp here. Winston-Salem visitor are rapidly taking shape, Carl S. | North Wilkesboro is convinced | ness. The telephone company is Ci>ffey, Scout commissioner ot' that Wilkes is one county, at i niakin.g a drive for subscribers of the Wilkesboro Watauga dis-: lonst. that is coming through the and has installed many new trict, staled this morning. | depression with colors flying. 'phones. The course will cover two full j "‘The town of North Wilkes- "But 1)V no means the least en- week-ends with one Sunday in--boro has stoed up better durin.f conraging development in Wil-kes terveniug. The first session will the past year and during the just now is the hand Mother Na- be on April 22-2:1 and the last; bank holiday than most of our ture is taking in the fight against will follow two weeks later on t larger cities.' he declares, depression. Beporta are that the May 6-7. On each occa.«»ion the^ When the largest bank in county is expecting a banner fruit work will start at 2:20 p. m. on ' Wilkes reopened a week ago to-jtrop. for which Wilkes has long Saturday and continue to sjdiiy deposits ran well over ?200.-,heen famous, o’clock on Sunday evening. l ooo. That is ground for encoiir- The course is intended to pre- agement indeed. The bank de- pare Scout leaders, incltiding posits are the lifeblood of trade. Scoutmasters, c o m mitt eetnon. ] When they flow freely and un- Scoiit comnnssioners and others ’ hampered liusincss is on the interested in Scout activities, for inarch. "The senate may deliberate and the house may debate. Hut Wilkes is one county that is not ! waiting on Wa.shington to restore prosperity. It is taking a hand * in the enterprise on it.s own ac- the national approved training, certificate and the national specl- Hation certificate on camperaft. Mr. Coffey said. W. K. Vangiin-idoyd. Scout I executive of Wiustnn-Salem, Lon i Turner, veteran Scout worker. “Country" Gorman, of Burling- ■ ton, and a representative from ' national headquarters are expect ed to attend the ses.siou'5. The course is primarily intend ed for Scout leaders in the four ulatricts which are compost'd of Wilkes. Watauga. Ashe. Alle ghany. Yadkin and Surry ctuin- tiw. However, a number of Scout* leaders from other section.s of the Winston-Salem Bouncil are expected to atteml I A committee to arramre details ’ 'for thp entertainment of the visi*; "Our friend was surprised frvt; count and thereby is setting the hiul business so good among pr6-j country a line exampb*. Nine duce men. merchants and manu-lrahs for Wilkes!” Thousands Return To Work As Nation Enjoys Brew; Business Experiences Upturn As Result Ray Barnes Has Coin Made 1834 Mr Kay Barnes, of is ill poss«‘.sslou of a t ill.' roi cily. cent 1 Smith Happy To See Day Because It Depletes Ranks of Tnemployed --B‘ev l»iece of silver made in 1S24. Tie coin is sliuhtly larger ilian llic '■«" ami an imlnsln- al-| half didlar pieces matie in rcceul vea rs. Whether the old coin is omh of i ruxiiVJi hrdies. brewery ors fias been appointed by 'om-'[iie rare ivpes of those made ^'''vpers and others reaping the missioaer Coffey. This commit- years ago is not known, tee Is composed of R. (1. F’inley. ’ chairman. A. F. Kilby. Rev. .1 Wagoner ' Mrs. Mary Alice Phillips Hack- ett. highly esteemed lady of this city, was claimed by d^ath Sun day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter. Mrs. H. A. Oanor, in Wilkesboro. She had been ill for several weeks and -during the past few days little hope had been held for her recovery. Taken ill at Lumberton some time ago while on a visit with her son. Attorney Frank D. Hackelt. Jr., she was a patient at a Lumberton hospital for sometime. She was later moved to the Kex Hospital at Raleigh ami tlien brought to the Wilkes Hospital here. She gradually weakened until death claimed her yesterday afternoon." Marv Alice Phillips Hackett I I was born near what is now known us liio Idlewild commun- j ity in the edge of Ashe county. : She was the daughter of the late i George H. and Martha Walter • Phillips. Her early lif(» was spent i in the Beaver Creek commiinilyl ! near Wi'st .leffersoii. | On .\pril 12. 1SS3. she was 1 married to Frank D. Hackett, of! I Ibis city, and had she lived nn- , til Wednesday, they would have 1 celelirated their golden wedding Miss Doris Copenh&rve of Covina, California was attraetod by the beanty of cberry btossoms as was the photogiaf^r who snapped this photo and it aU typifies Spring . . now broadcast throni^out the nation. Ronda Man Jailed For Taking Plane Motor From Wreck County Bloodhound Catches 3 Culprits Yadkin County Boys Who Tore Up Tobacco Bed Tracked To Home Lee Wood Charged With Tak ing Motor of Sanborn Air plane Near Here IS NOW IN COUNTY JAIL book- H. Armbrust. Howard and^ R. V. Day. The course is a pai l of the tim j year program for .Scouts. j Incidentally, a survey of Hu ; boys who arc twelve years of age • fs now being made in Wilkes and ! Watauga. The ten year program j calls for securing at least one fourth of the eligible boys as Scout members.. Prof. Burt Harper Speaks to Kiwanis Principal Lincoln Heights Tells of (irowth of I.ocal ( olored School .New York. April back in tlireo-seveiiths of the ua-j‘i*””'’^rsary. .Mrs. Hackett became a mem- most idle for 1.2 years began ,i^e Baptist church early .-licking in high gear. jtransferring her nif nriiership ti» the Methodist church at SlatesvIlTe." .Attorney golden harvest were too busy to | and Mrs. iiacki'tt moved their | i do much counting up, but there | membership to North Wilkes-! was wliispered evidence that so Methodist church in about ' far the eu)nomic expectations 1 1 Mrs. Hack€dt lived a faith-1 I Were being reulizinl. ] ful uiui consistent Christian life Said Alfred K. Smith, long a [and was actively engaged in foe of prohibition: 'church work up until the time "Siirelv it i.s a happv dav for f illness, all. boeuuse it will in some moas-1 lure deplete the ranks of the 'acquaintances everywherp i employed and promote happiness : ^ RONDA, Apil 8—Lee Wood, young man of Ronda. is in jail at Wilkesboro in default ot $300 bond on a charge of the larceny of the airplane motor w'hich he is alleged to have stolen from the wn?ckage of the plane w'hich crashed near North Wilkesboro February 27. snuffing out the lives of Bryan and Rvelyti San- horn. of Black Mountain. Wood was arrested by Corporal W. B. Lentz, of the state high way patrol, who had been notified that the motor had been stolen. Suspicion pointed to Wood when it was reported to Corporal Lentz that Wood had attempted to sell aluminum parts of an air plane motor to the Brown- Grier Iron Works, of Jonesvllle. An investigation resulted in the finding of the dismantled motor at Wood’s home here, it is stated. Three Yadkin county boys who played havoc with the tobacco beds on the farm of Miss Annie Caudill, eight miles north of Yadkinville. Thursday, failed to get away with it when Miss Cau dill got busy and called for the services of the Wilkes county bloodhound which tracked the boys to their homes within twen ty minutes after arriving on the .scene. The dog was taken to the scene AU present menibers of the of ficial family of North Wilkeii- boro have filed notice of their ‘C- candldacy for re-election. At a meeting of the official* Friday, all of them agreed to i enter the primary next Monday, April 17, and filed with the county board of elections. A fil ing fee of $2.00 each was quired. Candidates for the various of fices are required to file at least five days prior to the primary and thus far no other candidatea have filed. It was learned today. The present officials are J. A. Rousseau, mayor; Ralph Duncan, S. V. Tomlinson, L. A. Harris, I. E. Pearson and J. C. Reins, mem bers of the city hoard commls- J. B. Williams and Genlo Card- well. whose terms as members of the board of trustees of the city schools, expire this year, filed for re-election. J. B. Mc- by S. M; Estep. it.s keeper, who | Coy. who was appointed to serve reported that the boys vrere I on tlie board following the death trailed without difficulty. I of J. L. Clements, filed for the Mr. E.step said the boys had ; remainder of the term which literally destroyed the tobacco ^H'll has four years to run. 0th- plant beds located on the Yadkin trustees do not come up farm. Tomlinson’s Department Store Announces Three Bargain Days This Week The mauagemeni oi Tomlin son’s Department Store today an nounced that Thursday, Friday £ d Saturday will ho bargain ys at ^ore. i*reparation ^nq; >1* one of the sm; Ants Tomlin- rtore has order tTiat everything may i^eady for the begi:ming td Hi*-; Thursday morning, the store »be clo.sed all day Wednesday, j ixee pairs of ladies shoes will given away absolutely fret- rday to three lucky persons ),are present for the opening. jianagement states that you )ly can’t afford not to be It. I Prof. W. Hurt Harper, prin-j |cipal of Lincoln HelgTits high ! school, was the speaker at Kri- I day’s I'inchcen d' tlie Kiwauis f'inb He was inli'oclitced by r. j Ward Kslielman. who was in! charge of the program. I Prof. Harper told of the; growth of !Jnc(iln Heiglits during the past few years, staling thati in the short period of about eight years, it had grown from one of ■ mailer schools for tlie col- oiie in the front ranks in ize and siiiiuliiig. Lincoln Heights was accredit ed in 1927, tlip speak.r stated, and is now rated a.s one of Hie best schools in the state. “We are trying to teach our Hial won for by and loveable eharacter her many friends. cbildren the proper ciiizenship attitude, to build a cultural backgrouml and to cultivate the right kind of race pride." l*rof. Harper declared. and good cheer.” On many sides his sentiments; years. * montlis re-echoed ‘and 9 days of age. She was horn .And w'hile there were niaiiv j1S.)S- who publicly said Hie new 2.2: Besides her husband. Attorney Iiew was "fine.” no ope went ou ' Frank I). Hackelt. Sr., .she is sur- reconl as criticizing its paluta-| vived by four children: Mrs. H. hility. i A. (' r a ii o r. of Wilkesboro; The foamy amber beverage hi'-' Hbarles Walter Hackelt, of Sa- cam(^ legal at 12:tH 1 iiis morn- vannah, Ga.; Mrs. I). W. Vinson, iiig in IN stales and the Distrieilol Raleigh: Attorney Frank D. of Goluinbia. I!:ui. :i. .Ir.. of Lumberton. During the day .MassacliitseUs ; Funeral services will be con- ai'd Rhode Island joined the | ducted from the Methodist "may-sell-it” states. j .-hurch here this afternoon at 3 IdtHe of new brew moved from | o’clock. Rev. J. H. Armbrust. bnnveries until after dawn in I pastor, will be assisted by Rev. many cities. New York among | Siyvmour Taylor, Methiydist paa- Hieni. so ttutighl was "Hie liigjior at Wilkesboro. and Rev. Pin- ^?ame. night.” I gene Olive, pastor of the P'irst lb'(*r for breakfast might have'Baptist church. Interment will horrified an older gmieration. hut : follow in the Mountain Park Manliattaii dwellers by the hun-1 cemetery in Wilkesboro. ir**ds. anxious for a first taste. I P’lowerbearers will be: Mes* stopped, on their way to work. ■ tlames J. W. Allen. Sam Cassel. WILKESBORO WOMAN’S CLUB TO HOLD SALES Attend Regional B. Y. P. U. Meet Many People Went To the Meeting At Boone Friday and Saturday do not come up for ! election this yonr. i Elected two years ago. Mayor I J. A. Rousseau and the city com- ■ mis.sioners have made an excel- ! lent record for economy and 1 safe government, j The probability is that there ] will be no opposition to the re- ; election of the old official?. The primary should one Ite necessary will be held April 17. The election will he neld Tuesday, May 2. on •The Wilkesboro Woman’s Glub will hold an egg and candy sale on Friday and a food sale on Saturday at Spainhonr-Sydiior’s store. all dressed up for Raster and delicious homemade candy will be on sale and this will be a real opimrtunity for the Children to buy their Easter “goodies.” Ghicken. cake.s and other foods for the Easter dinner will be of fered Saturday. The Western Regional B. Y. P. U. convention which was held at Boone Friday and Saturday was attended by a large number of. ri- i iiz-ii l people from the Wilkesboros. [ Wilkesboro Headed by W. F. Sturdivant and Charles Alexander Wilkesboro High School Defeats Moravian Falls Wilkesboro higu srnool de- f(*ated Moravian Falls i:> to 8 in an interesting game on the Wil- keshoro field Friday afternoon. The high school nine got off to a good start and behind the ex- Prof. T. E. Story, the young peo ple thoroughly enjoyed the jour ney to Boone and the various ftessions of the convention. The meeting was in charge of Miss Winnie Rickett, state B. Y. P. U. secretary, with Bryan Hurd, regional president, as.sist- jing. Amoug lho.«e going from Wil- I kesboro were: Attorney and Mrs. j .1. F. Jordan, T. E. Story, Violet and Goldie Erickson. Nora Belle Yates, Beatrice Godfrey, Neil Hartley, Bess Stewart. Jessie Da vis. I. C. Church, Geneva Church, Lola Church and Helen Linney. Gharle.s Alexander, colored, of Wilkesboro, died Friday evening at 11:30 o’clock. He was 73, years of age. 'fhe funeral service was con ducted at the home at 2 p. m. Sunday with Rev. A. C. Benson in charge. Surviving tim (lecea.sed are four brothers, F. T., Tom and W, G. Alexander, of Wilkesboro; and O. G. Alexander, of Winston- Salem. oellent pitching of Fred Sloop, -iheld a safe lead throughout the Rogers Paint Advertising Starts In Issue of Today The Detroit White Lead Co., , , manufacturers of the famoiis Amons those gotoR fn>m^North | al soda fuiintains, grills and He thanked the white of Wilkes for Iheir co-operation fur,,,pr and stated that without their heir.-. Lincoln H»-ights could not present high drain on the supply, which brew'- ers throughont Hie country cull- e.d "inadeijuate” to meet the de- pro- Showing Of ear And Frocks ^ SpAinhour-Sydnor s ^ said. , mund. nor’s Department j j (’ Rpins talked briefly on i :Oii3ced this morning 1 t„e matter of liRhtioR ,M,nipmePt , ,''7? !. " klj^owirig of special inter-■ the new liririge here and the ^ ^ ladies of this section,.was referred to the pub- held at their store on affairs committee, y; April 12. ! C. G. Armfield, a former mem- “^w Nelly Don cotton the Elkin Kiwanis Club, ^gfid F.Aater footwear fash-!installed as a member of the 11 be displayed for the ji^jpg] elub. customers of the — WILKES DAIRY STORE Itour-Sydnor'B rail atten-; OPENS ON B STREET ^^hese showings in their, wilkes Dairy Store is the.Sulphur Spring:s and Cran enl found elsewhere iu ^gme of a new firm which open-j berry Were Only Schools j joined in jolly choruses of sit” and ‘‘here’s to you.” Extra Teacher Money Allowed Sr.. Genio Cardwell, T. R. Col- vard. C. A. Dimmette, F. D. For ester. G. A- Forester, W. 0. Ga briel, J. C. Henry, R, J. Hin- shaw. J. R. Hix. .Toseph White, W. P. Horton, Anna Hull, W. R. Jones, L. Lippard, J. D. Moore. I. E. Pearson, Reeves, V- P. Walter, George Johnson, Jr., Eugene TTivetle, Will Pearson. Frank Cranor. Russell Gray. F’. J. McDuffie, Ar thur Mills, E. E. Eller, A. B. Johnston. J. M. Crawford and Mrs. Pierce. Active pallbearers will be: W. R. Absher. W. T. Cranor. Eugene The Moravian Falls boys showed their lack of practice, hut grew stronger offensively and defensively ah the game pro gressed. Attend Medical Society Meeting In High Point Dr. H. B. Smith, president of the Wilkes Medical Society, Dr. Fred C. Hubbard and Dr. J. H. McNeill, of this city. aUerided the meeting of the Eighth Dia- Rnaa H’ict Medical Society at High ' Point last Thursday. Dr. Smith appeared on the program and read a very interesting paper. Wilkesboro were W. F. Sturdi vant. Claude Canter. Mrs. T. J. Frazier, Marie Haigwood. Lunda Ilendren, Manie Brewer. Dare Bumgarner. Vera Bumgarner. Edna Wiles, Lucroda Tedder, Ma bel Topping, Sallie Outlaw. Be atrice Jennings, Elizabeth Fra,- zier. Lois Wiles, Annie Jo Haig wood. Hazel Horton, Mrs. W. F. Sturdivant. Amy Kalheryn My ers, Alice Hamby, Elizabeth .len- nings, Alma Horton. Alma Shoal'. Wilma Rose Call, Harry Kerley. Effner Eller, Bill Dancy. Tom Haigwood and William Grissom. Three Men Are Caught At Call Big One Cent Sale At Rexall Store This Week Trivette, J. H. Whicker, M. P. Prohibition Officers In Coun- and Journal-Patriot ^^ ifivlled to read it. ,To Meet lay At 3:45 To Get Teachers V^lk^sboro Parent- rlation will meet in Etditorium Thursday :45 o’clock. ed for business in the building ^ next door to Quality Cleaners on i B street last week. The firm i.s handling the Catawba Pure Sweet Cream Ice Cream and so- licite vour bu.siiu.8s. , teacher was granted la.st fall was {received last week by Prof. C. 0. Wright, superintendent Notice that the appropriations i had been allowed for the two schools for which an additional of th? Mrs. j. T. Wood Is Given Birthday Dinner Sunday, Wilkes school system. — The sum of $567 was allowed Relatives and fr.cuTs honored gulphur .Springs in the Mnl- tne entertainment I Mrs. j. t. t\ood. of North ''i'- :],errv district, while $504.90‘was n will be the ap- kesboro. Route 2. with a birth- Cranberry school. Glee Club on the I day dinner Sunday. It was thej I occasion of Mrs. Wood’.s 52nd i The Wilkesboro Parent-Teach- ^iftacre superln-i birthday and a large tables withjpr .Association will meet Thurs- * •’ ' — many good things to eat was set day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in 'scht>ol sys g tlie subject, for tbo 0WI“ t i9 a^god to uddrosfl- hiindred or more; the school auditorium. Mrs. before the guests who were present, short talk was made by C. Barcham. A G. Edwards and second grade C. students will be in charge of the. Hunt, jDv. Jay . I program. \ Hunt and Geo. McT. Miller. Following are the honorary pallbearers: H. L. Meachem, J. D. Moore. J. B. Norris. T. 0. Perry, H. B. Pharr, J. H. Rec tor, Henry Reynolds. C. A. Sink, D. E. Smoak, W. A. Sydnor, S. V. Tomlinson, Leonard Vyne, J. C. Wallace. W. H. H. Waugh, C. P. Walter, Joseph White, J. M. Crawford. W. C. Winkler, W. B. Somer, T. S.'Miller, Dr. Fred C. Hubbard. Dr J. H. McNeill, J. A. Rousseau, F. J. McDuffie, Julius C. Hubbard, F. P. Blair, Jr., E^ M. Blackburn, W. A. Bul- lis, Sam'^ Cassel, Genio Cardwell, Frank Cranor. Ralph Duncan, B. F. Estes, P. W. Eshelmiin, C. C, Paw, B, B. Eller, R; * W. Gwyn. J. R. iiix, A. W. Horton, S. S. Johnson, Paul. Hutche^.. ty Last Week Get Men At Stills Raids in the Call section on Thursday and Friday by federal prohibition agents resulted in the arrest of three men] and the de- Btriiclion of two distillery plants. Bnrney Call was caught at a distillery bv Agents R. E. Pre- vette. H. C. Kilby, D. C. Dettor and N. A. Cooper on Thursday. Given a preliminary hearing be fore Commissioner J. W. Dula. Call’s bond was fixed at $500. Agents W. T. Kennedy and Homer A. Smith operating in the same section Friday morning ar rested Sanford Call and Gridley Prevette at a distillery. They; were released - under^ bond ^ Of $500 ' each by A big one cent sale on all Hex- all products will be held at the North Wilkesboro Drug Store. (The Rexall store) Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week. This big event offers the opportunity the public has been waiting for. Products heretofore selling for 50 cents may be purchased two els. has just released an extensive advertising camiiaigii for The loiirnal-Patriot, the first in the series of attractive advertise ments appearing today. Others' will he carried regularly through out the nunainder of the spring season and up into the summer. The Jenkins Hardware Co. is the company’s representative in this city, and all advertisements will carry this firm's name. The Jenkins Hardware Co. is now in position to fill any need in paints and enamels, and Mr. Jack Had ley. who is manager ot the paint department, will be glad to help you select just the color paint you want for the home or barn, or the enamels or varni.shes need ed to make ih« home nr store more attractive on the interior Paul Swanson Gets Reserve Commission Former Member of Company “A”, 105th Engineers, ' Pa^es Examination for 51 cents O course every-;. g body knows what the Rexall one-1 maintenance Ser- cent sale means, but never be-, fore have a larger variety of battalion 252 products been offered. An attractive advertisement elsewhere in today’s issue of The Journal-Patriot gives some idea of the magnitude of this event. A sunrise service will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal church in Wilkesboro at 6 o’clock Easter morning. There will be a cele bration of the Holy Communion and a song. The public is In vited. The final lenten service of at. Paurs^^hurch will he held at the home- of MTv.Vfpv' fioB at 8 Thursday after- 1 1 4 if: nd. C. A. Corps, successfully passed the examination conduct ed by the examining board, for Sec. Lieut, on the afternoon ot April 6th. All members of the* examing board, which was coas- posed ot officers Major FranklUt ; Kemble, of Wilmington, Senior iiSi Instructor of* the Coast Artillery^ Captain Sam H. Strickland, the Hdqrs.^’hatt^ry 'and cohabat^ Tnt and 1st. Lieut, and PraiUt Payne ot.the organised' reaeri;|0a»,^jE| irert pr€seirt. .'iL^--^-, ;- 9uaUBOu was fo^hpiiiigil ta^T^ ,member ol Co> A« 1 ^