t^r^tion Measure Is ed By Senate; Allows 00,000.00 For Schools Eig'ht Montlis Tyrm Passes' With Only Nine Senators Voting “No” ■ TOTAL IS 83, MILLION Question of Allowing Dis tricts to Supplement is • to the FYont I'ndcr the proTisions of the appropnatlon iuea.)n/e whicli passed the State Sene re Tues- day, Wilkes county will receive ?194.44S.7r» for the operation of schools for the eiftht months term. The budget estimate of what will be needetl was 754.57, a rerluctioii of 9-ft.- S10.S2. The question of wlielher tlie machinery bill, n o w being written, will contain a provis ion allowing districts to sup plement tile slate a|>pro|iriated fund is very |«‘rtiiienl in view of this tinge cnt. Listers and Meetings Will Be Held With Relief Cases This Month Welfare Department Sets Dates For Conferences On Farm Program TO BEGIN ON FRIDAY Joe Ellis, Jr., to Explain Re lief Policy; Also to Help With Gardens 1 Meetings for tbe inirpo.se of ■ furnishing all the necessary In- I formation regarding the farm and ga."den program to those i ' who have been receiving assist lance during the economic do-i ARE WE HEADED BACKWARD? (An Editorial) . Shall the state of North Carolina dictate ^o the people of this grand old commonwealth the manner in which they shall spend their money? Shall North Carolina set a mxi- mum for educational'opportunity and deny the individual school district the right to provide the best it can afford for its younger generation ? Shall North Carolina adopt a policy that will lower the level of educational opportunity in hun dreds of communities throughout the state? These are question,that come to mind as the General As sembly moves toward adoption of the eight months school measure. The Jounial-Patriot heartily indorses the bill to give to all boys and girls of the state an eight months term listing To OnMay 1; Miut ^ List During May 4^ One Lister and Two Aasessow ‘ Named For Each Town- ^ # ship in County “ ■; GETTING OUT NOTICE I John W. Troy, Uhc Alaska Daily I J inu'iui IS (he new publisher Kinpire ('■overuor creasing the length of the school tenn and furnishing ad-i ounty. ‘ I ditional money for fuel bills and other necessary expense. | One lister and two tax asses- of I points in the county during th ill icmiunder of this month, it was first Raleigh.—The Ineiuiial appro- pri—ations hill was adopted in i the Senate today with hut little, opposition although it was debat- ! ed about two hours before com ing to a vote. The vote was ?,4 to P. .j The measure, carrying appro- I iously shot before the I her son. permitted this of I announced ye.sterday aflernnon , infant Alaska. He is a native of Wicsh-1 from the office of the touiilv iington State and has been ir | superintendent of welfare. Ala.ska since the gold rush da.vs. I -h)e Kllis. Jr. and a represcnta- ili* noininatiou was sent to the|ii'c from licudquaiteis at Ka- ' Senate by President Hoosevell. will meet with "relief cas- , — I es" and explain the farm and ! garden iirogram. Ttiose lisli'd as "relief cases" liave been notified to altend tliese conferences. who now weighs 7 pounds. Weighing less tlian 3 pounds at liirth tlie cliild was kept in a haliv inciihalor. Vouchers For 6th Month Will Show! Wilkeshoro Town not have the right to supplement tind to make their schools I lietter is not progress. Set the minimum, but never the 'I'lie first meetings will he lield at Wilkeshoro and at .Mountain Election Wanning maximum. Let the state give the boys and girls eight ! months of training and give the people the right and oppor- convenient point, Mr. Wall point- rilf FaF Tpachers'kh'" '"’U ' Register | ^'‘surely the machinery bill now^in process of being written ■ ”‘7,havr“go?terTnto‘’The tut ror t eacners -ub-w. j j » | which ,mhu of passing ..p the nster I COM, Hu county a.s rapKlh a. Va„,esofl75 New 'V »ters | ^^^^age of the state to do ^nd later listing at the court- Are IMacc^ On Rooks Dur- | say 25 pe.' cent, be the maximum and the full schedule lyas an-, mg Registration I control it, yes, but do not tell the ambitious, progressive and I to li.st profverty after vnt-wini-NTsi i-'rHiav. April f t lu a. m,.' TWO Tlc’KETS IN FIELD, forward-looking people, “You cannot advance beyond the; the lister.s complete the.r work. M)V> rllil lll.Ali AAIUL .> in ■ ' . ,, , I i » ino reduction in valuation will be . lo«nsh.p al Dourn biennial elec-| average.’ ‘ .Anollier rediKtioii in the sal-1 f[„nse: 1 ii. m.. Bnisiiy .Mountain' arics of teachers in the sclioids Township al .Ml. ('rest. randina has been or-; Saturday. April I.'; 10 a. m.. priatlon.s of Ss.'i.tr.O.L’I will 'le- come la-w a.s soon as ratified. It was a conference committee report adjusting the differeiiies of some Jii.ouo.ooo iietween t'ne House and the Senate on the ami.unt of approiniatious The House accepted the committee's recommendations last week. The appropriations were whit tled dbwn approximately 000.000 under the amount vote two years ago. A $16,000,000 aniuial allot-i ment for state support of eight- ' month schools in all tlie comities was seen as a victory for Dover- ■^iior Ehringhaiis. who urged such provision for schools while econ omy-minded assemblymen a t- I tempted to hold tlie state-s ui- b ported school term to six months, f Adoption of the ai>iiropiiatioiis I- bill calls for some form of sales tax Reduction Amounts To Five| ""Wing the last ...hh-| Per Cent of Salary For ; "'g o„ April 24. , the Entire Term I of North dered and will show up in 1 he I .Moravian I’alls al Scli-ool House ilion for'Wilkcslmro on .May 2i Icoiitiiiiies nnahaled and indica tions are that an intense carn al i 2 p. III., I'ooiner 1'ownship for the sixth nioi th. | House. ri-diicliou iuiiounls to a, Monday, .April IT 10 a. m., cut of five per cent in H'e ' 1 iiioii Towiisliip at ('oncord salary tor tlic entire six miml Its j w'illiar) School Hoitsc; 2 p. m. term. ' faioii Townsliip at .Miller Sidiool .Miss f'ly le Sliepherd, scrictary 1 j|(nise; ( p. m.. Reddies River at to the coMiity board of edm-atioii,, ,\iillets t'.reek School. I has been engaged this week in. ■fnesday. .\|iril I.' In a. m.. figuring the ainotinl of the \orth Wilkesitoro Townsliip al vouchers to he issued for H'e j City Hall; 2 p. m., Slatiloii Town- sixth montli. The vonehers will slii]) at .New Hope School House: but school-minded members "t* it's""'! as .soon as this work j 4 Jobs Cabin No. 1 Towii- declare that a sales tax would be completed. ship at Summit .School House. For tlie benefit ol any one, 'VV'elnesdav. April IP—10 a. m.i,,,, the!-- . Eller I llHl Ipaisii for voiPt« will bo wagod be-j Speakers For Wilkeshoro School Finals Announced tween now and election day, .Approximately 17.1 new vot ers registered during (he four weeks the hooks were open. Wil- ; — liam K. Tale, registrar, stated i (;. \\\ Phillips, Principal Central High School, Greensboro, to , Tuesday. With the number al ready- (»n the bonk.s. l.he total registratioii is probably the larg est in the history of Hie town. Saturday, April l-l, is leiige day. Two tickets are in the fii-ld Deliver Literary Address; Baccalaureate Sermon To Re Delivered By Rev. J. C. Story C. W. Phillips, principal of I The cornimencement exercises ersoii. necessary regardless of whet Iter a six- or an eight-mniith school was voted. Senator X. D. .Mai-Dean. of Beaufort, saw the bill as a ciil- minatiop of a six-year legislative Jbattle for eight-month s-liools. (Continued on imge eight) who may tint iinderstaml uie | Kdwards No. redin-lioM. it is pohU--d out I hat , Uoaring Itivi-r Srhool a teacher whose salary N J1Phii::tu p, m., Edwards No. pi-t motiili will rei-eiv only , h.liu - ,;;,ip ;,| Renliam School Ijt Townshiii at i House; | Town-' Hottse; for Hie sixth inonlli. Tin- ordi r is ;;:-tu p ni.. Edwtirds No, 1 Towii- retfoat-l iv,-. i-iitling fiv-- l>er --eiit , [{ourla St-hool House, for Hie i-nlire term or :li) per, Tliiirsday. .April 2n in a. m., cent of He- l.isl mouth's salat-.v . I,ovc-Uiee Townsh'p «• Spiiri:-oil which-ver way it is fi.gure-il. ' Sehool lloitsc-; p. ui.. Som ers Township ill I.OVI h:e{- .e'iool Ilo'is,-: ;!::tn p. m.. .New ' re.’l- v.ticihi at .school II ! ,'Vlayoi- W. R. Harris and Commis- ■sioners C. E. Detid'ermait. 0. K. nd Joe Barber are run ning for re-ele-tlon. It. B. Pharr, who is not a member of the! . present hoard, is also on this i ticket. 'I'll" otlier ticket is headed by W. K. Smithey, who is a can-- leading figures diiiale for mayor, with W. r. 1 work in North I'carson. i*o. Joliuson of the, the following evening. | f’^rk-J. H. Roster. W. in ediiealionul I Mr. Phillips, a graduate of the j (Contitiued on jiage eight) Caioliiia. will 'Universily of North ('arolina. ' ” Ralph tsiieak to the graduating class on has a promising fntiii-e in the Reins and Clamie Kennedy eamrnlale.s fur members of hoaiM of eoimiiissioners. as t he Only One o' ra.ididalcs • ‘ File-d: Primary ^^’ill Not Be Held Grissom Garage To Award Prizes "'i--*- e - , ”--,AsLe Man Wil! Wi'lniil (icuv.' Xo. - 'I'mvi.-hip :i‘ ! Deliver Address Only one ticket filt-d f'>i- I'e- ■city election on May 2 iui i the gipri.mary called for yininlay. .April 17. will not he held. 'I'he tine- for filing nolb-e .a eaiuli lary swith the (-otiiitv hnaid of eP-,-. ■ tlons expired Tuesday night. The mayor, eommissinm-rs and three members of the hoat-d of ^,'gjt^ol trustees will he -iieippos- i, «d for re-ele(-tion. ’ton May 2 will thus T!ih olfftion be a formal- Fint“'u Dollars in ( ;ish To Be (iixen .\x\:iv 0:1 S'.ttiir- dtiy. ,\pril 2‘)th ' Hen-lr---ls ef penuh- now Imv an oppiir! iiniiy to whi om- i-f Ha- till--'- cash ariges t-mt will te-j given away fn-i'' by Hie Crkssiimi \-ilo S-rvice, -..t-11 known garage, locaied in what is known as tliej Wi'udi-iifl' iiaihling on ' street. I It's easy to have ati oppoftun-' in- |.i win otie of tie- l>t-i-/.es le ing off-fed. All yon have to do Ii.;ear Itiioads .tore; 111:211 a. :n.. I CroM No. 1 To-.-. tislii|i a! i I roiilintii-il oit p:i-ge fioii-i — I Litenuy Addres.s On Night of May 5 Rev. Eitgeiie Olive, ))aslor of 159 Births and Only 65 Deaths During Quarter DEPUTY REYNOLDS CUT t"" Bapli.st (.-linreh. of this l^'vd^ose who filed with t ^-' elections were; Mayor .1, .A, jrisseau. f'tniiuisstitaf't-s .1. f. Bins. 'L. .A. Harris, T. E. Pear- S. V. Tomlinnon and Ralph Httncan, and -School Trnstt-es J. McCoy. J. B. Williams atn! ilo Cardwell. Other members i the school Itoard do not i-oiiie if fpr election-. is to rnive soim- r- ho;. v l al the garage, and e.iir .loll ilone vo tv name is Health DcpartnuMit Report .Shows .Much Activity Last 1’hree Months •\ B Hurl Scheduled To De- lir»|l i I DEPUTY REYNOLDS CUT "liv,,- Addles; Finals | WllkeS CoUBty IS LARGE STILL SUNDAY Program Announced | w A «£ rtenuty Slioriff Silas Reynolds. | "in deliver the literary addre.ss Prof. A. B. Hiii't. iirincipal of j JLjO Mil xaHUJUIH Mil .,,jf(isted by J. V. Baiigiiess, de-|tOhl baeealaiireate sermon re- Natbaiis ('reek high schooV Ashe! | . • ¥ 1 atroyed a large distillei-y in i spec-lively at the Trafihill hi.gh c-niinty. who led tin- movement i f |’AniJ(*flOn LiOSltiS Creek township Sunday school finals. Prof. David U. Iiis (-ommnnity to ereet a $20.iiud j about noon. Approximatc-ly :t.oou M’ri.gbt. pririeipal. annonneed fo- sebool blinding with a capital off . . tj„_ .gallons of beer was poured out -''a.''- only .tl.dhii tc) begin with. j„ Faime-lS Ar , g ,,y deputy sheriff. i Tlic sermon I'v t ie Elkin min- seiiedu'c'l D* deliver the literary! rowing as MUCh as 1 O.S- , „iieratora were not to be i'-ster on Sunday aft-rnoon. .April address at tbe closing of Millers > sibic This Year , found, but 27 hundred poiim! , ilb, will open tbe commeiu.-einent i su.gar sacks were found as pvi-i exen-ises. Cvek ht.gb s-hool. 'wriltc-n i>n ;i c-anl an.I I'laced ini TIf-ri- wcrt- a box. Tile cards will he ilrawiil; on Snliinbiy. April 2h. iii 1 in. U yon do not e!--arly iiniK-r- stand all details about the award ing of the prizes, call around at i Crissom's plin-t- and .Mr and Mis. Crissom will be deligliled to t-x- plain I ht- plan fiillv to you. o-at-'-d w-itb 6' 11!) I)irths as com- dciilbs ill Wilkes eoi'iitv iliiriiig .lannai-y. l-'eliri'- ary and .March, at-i-ordiilg to the third qiialK-ily report of Dr. .A. j.l. Eller, contity health offieer. I lu the same iieriod last year • there were la.'' births and only j "bO school hitildiiig come true, 13S (loallis. !'"c res-,II of community effort. Dr. Eller's report .shows much ' Prof. S. B. Smithey. principal will TIte .Asiip county school man; "''kes tonntj ranks ■ j ,ipnce that liquor in large qtian-. A play, "Mai-rytiig Anne. he lowest in North Carolina m > ,,,5,.^ i,„ maiiiifac-j *>e presented on Mav !. The cla.ss 'is ail M. A. .graduate of the rni-|'"" “ 'titles was sooti to he 'versify of Nortli ('aroliiia an-d ' the ntimher and amount of crop has won wide recognition for his ‘ production loans from the fed-, acliieveinenls as head of the pral government, according to | limns Creek school. ^t , ^ ,, fall he saw his dream of a $20,-■ who has been assisting J. B. Del-. exercises will be in the form of a play, "(lypsies For a Day " on Mr. C. B. Lomax, of this city, tlie evening of .May ». Rev. Mr. who has been confined to bis I Olive will deliver tbe literary home several days, is able to be 1 address on Uie same fvening. in liand- ^esboro Junior Class Will Present Play On Friday Night activity on Die [tart of the co.iu . of the Nfillers Creek scliool. an- : lin.ger, field inspector. ' ling the applications. I I "I have advised the farmers,") i out again, friends are pleased tn| Traphtll has a large gradu- note. I ating class this year. Mr. Hemlren said. . . “to borrow , ty tieallh department. A total of.'Hint the finals-wid as'little as possible. Of • 4.207 Si-hotd children were ex-; .-iu on Thursday. April 27. jg necessarv in many ^amiined by Dr. Eller and Mrs. la pro.gram by the '‘*e“ientary ^ ^ .j, ; Bertha Bell, county health nurse. ; erades. .‘Mentor class day , ,„„ate that one may be obtaln- i These chtldreii '.veve examined ;'''ill take place .t-'fidav night a"' farmer can ar One Day During Tubercular Clinic Is Designated For Colored People social! f,i|- defects of Hie eyes, ears, the annual commencement play Thursday. May 4, has been • The clinic will begin on May 1 heart andjontitied “Two Days To Marry. rilkesboro high Sw (Friday) evening ih of do so.” In '•The Alley Daffodil" Is the -Mrs. George Roberts, a iOe of the play which will be climber. Vivian Joluison; Fran.--, nose, throat, lungs, nuart aim , sented by the junior class of e.s Roberts, her old maid daitgh-' nniritional eon-dition. Of the to-j will be given Saturday night. IkPsboro high .school tomor-.ter, Virginia tmws: Cherry Ra-ital examined. 1.398 children bad | Kov. Eugene Oliv^e. pastor . . counties Tbe pro- gan. “The Alley Daffodil." .Mat- one or more defects. The total Baptist church, of borrowed several times as Adeline .Stone. Koh-1 niimher of detects listed was 2,-1 city, will preach the baccalaure-; Wilkes, it is ‘■The Alley Daftodll" is a com- erts' partner in the mousetrap 613. ^”7''fn I ”"'^cver V drama in thro* acts. The cast business. Carrol! Cowle.s; I,n-J Wilh Hie aid of the North Wil-] 3:30 o clock and the among tbe farmers of Wilkes to aelpctexl very carefully and cette. Adeline'.s maid. Helen j Ueshoro Kiwaiiis Club. 26 per-^ gram will bo Mondy night when ^ possible and seiecieu vei. I treatment at the i diplomas are awarded and Prof. '. range to plant his crop willioUt ■ degjgnated for the examination 'oontiiine the full two weeks. -, the loan I have advised him to ■ ^ coloretl people at the tubercii-1 An examination will be offered those who are thought to be stif- Ihis section Iclinic xvhich will be held 1"® faring by T. B. germs, while the ! first two weeks in May. The ] tubercular skin test may be had will start at 7:30 o’clock, ion Reach: stated. county health department will-^^ during the clinic, make arrangements for the ex-, a disposition is noted -drama — . ^ . and cette. .Adeliiie.s from the rehear-sals. the Dtila: Vengeaitc-, r colored .serv-] sons were given ^ -wlU afford splendid enter-^ ant. Thelma Miller: George Roh-: orthopaedic hospital at Gastonia Hurt delivers the literary erts, somewhat henpecked. War-'for detects. , dress. , ad- iMr. Hendren has encouragea Biaent. kt. the annual presentation'ren Horton: Larry Roberts, his- The department di.stributed 7--| opunril M A STPRS rilJR jlle jnn^or Clast tnWnS the'son. Wade AValsh; Mitchie Mot-|641 health bulletins and took' SCHOOLMASTERS CLUB f the irfay ■which up until gan. alias Count de Goresse, accredit for seven newspaper ar-i them to carry out this idea. Mr. Dellinger, whose head quarters are located at States- TO’ HOLD FINAL MEET I vine, is here each Tuesday to as- •vears was given during' crook in disguise. Fred Sloop: 'Ln^ncement program. •' j Pap Ragan, Cherry’s father and '****^n»lflsion chargee 'will be the maker of Daffodil soap, ehlldren and 15, Thomas In.score: Rumpus Riot, a £aats > -1, colored man of the Roberts, Shel- tides. i The Wilkes County f)r. Eller examined 69 persons masters’ Club will -hold its final for marriage licenses, ' lunacy. - meeting of the year Tuesday | food dealers, etc. Three visits to night at 7 o’clock. sist the farmers in making out School- I fijeir loan applications. communicable disease cases were (Continued on page four) County Agent A. G. Hendren Important j attended a farm meeting, at-Un- businesa matters are tp come up}ion schoolhouse in Somers to'wn- and a full attendance is desired. ' ship last night. ' •>, . F 1.1, Boomer Grange Will think they are afflicted with . _ ^ . j tuberculosis on one day of the i AlTeeC Looming 1* riday BOOMER, April 11. — The Boomer Grange will meet B^l- dgy, April 14. at the Boomer schoolhonse. All members of the No Reductions To Be Allowed On Any Listing At Coun ty Courthouse '■"a>-1 Central high school, Greensboro, j will get under way on May 5 with , Edvvards No. 1—Ted Lyon, J. I will deliver Ibe literary address j a music recital which will be ^ k. Tharpe and G. C. Poplin, at the annual commencement of) given under the direction of' ! Wilkeshoro high school. Prof, T. | Mrs. R. E. Prevette. Saturday ! E. Story, principal, announced ' will be coiint.v-wide commence- j i 1 . a I ment dav and the sermon will i Itodav. The Greensboro man, I ! ■ . follow Sunday. 1 brother of Ciiy B. Phillips, sup ^ class slay exercises will be held erintendeiit of (lie Greensboro | M'ay with the closing program, .school systL'in and one of the, the following evening. (ho closing iii-jbt of the com- educational field. Prof. Story mencemciil, May 7. , feds tliat be is fortiinale in he-j .Aliiioiiiicrmenl was also made i ing able to seeili-e him to deliver I hat Rev. .1. Story, pastor of this address. Ihe First I’reshyterian ehnn-h, of Despite the crowded condition , ,, Marion, will deliver the bacea- of the school rooms. Wilkesliui-i' Rw. Eugene Olive to Deliver laureate sermon. The sermon will has had a very successful year.) he heard on Sunday evenin--', .May|Tlds was Prof. Story's ninth year; 7, ill the school aiicliliiriiim. ; as head of the school. second week of the clinic If^ a sufficient number make an ap- poirntment, it Is announced. Tme 'health department is anx ious for people of the county to j Grange are* urged to attend this take advantage of the services | meeting. , a-, of the representative of the State} The Grange here has been'3o- Sanltarium-while he is in the]Ing some splendid work and tbe county and an appointment i large attendance at'meeti|$gg" should be made as early as pos-ils evidence’(Af-Intemt imetna 1 ■ ->V . j bens art shoVliijf ttf tlW'work.^ . .»5- 'CJ V-if as.-- - ■ »>F-’ ' (V A. C. Wall. Wilkes county tax of instruction, but views with alarm the sentiment to abolish, supervisor, yesterday aftemooB charter school districts, and to deny the people in those disH>;eieas^.for^p«micaU^^^^^ iw townships of the ' . „ , i, u * in I of listers and tax supervisors for tricts the privilege of supplementing teachers salaries, in- j Lrbby Holman, famous Broad way torch singer and wife of | piesMOii will be held at various | Hey,,olds who was myster-1 •“''•—j . , . , i- V, n ' snrs were named for each town- birth Of That this sentiment is found in the legislative halls at,-- Raleigh is unquestioned. There is still another group, with j Stance is the lister, while the oth- less merit to their opinion, who would abolish the smaller er two are the assessors, charter school districts and leave those of Charlotte, "'in-j «'« .in sc ,.y ston-Salem and other large towns as they are. |Waii said. Notices' and -blanks for For the .state to say that people in local school disti’icts do | the listers will be in their hands liy next week. Every property owner should make it a point to meet the list er for his township at the most ed out yesterday afternoon. In allowed, he said. P'ollowing is the complete list of li.sters and a.sses.sors, the first named after Die name of the township being the lister: Antioch- N. T. Jarvis, Simon Curry and f,. B. Matliis. Reaver Creek-—V. McGhinnis, O. H. Walkej and Jess West. Boomer- -Ed Eller, I. J. Broy- hill and Roby Earp. Brushy .Mountain—J. J. Hen dren. J. P. Hayes and M. V. Rob- Edwards No. 2—John Q. Biir- cham, Pegram Alexander and W. W. Harris. Edwards No. :(—L. B. Murray, Eli W. .VJartin and H. F. Tulburt. Elk—Colon Foster, S. K. Mil ler and R. L. Wooten. IRAPHIIIHIGH SCHOOL FINAU

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