xxvn, NO. 43 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1933 $1:00 IN THE STATED-$1.50 OUT OF THE STATE Jurors For May Term of Federal ' Court Are Drawn Freeholders of Ashe, AUe- ghany, Watauga and Wilkes On List TO CONVENE ON MAY 15 To Be Presided Over By Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of Greensboro Jurors for the .May term of federal court ■which convenes in . > Wilkesboro on the 15th of »xt ,*?’^lonth have been drawn, it was i learned Friday from Deputy Clerk L. Bumearner. I The list is made up of free- Wai- holders of .A,she. .Mleshany, auga and Wilkes counties, this ■ division of the district being com-1 posed of these four counties. ' Judge Johnson J. Hayes. of Greensboro, will pre.skle, with District Attorney J. U. McCrary and his assistants prosecuting for the government. Practically all of the cases on New York, April 22.—Three noted New York eye specialists agreed today- that an immediate operation for the removal of her left eye is necessary to save the life of two-year-old Helen Vasco. Thus they concurred in the opinion of other specialists on whose testimony both the West chester children's court and the appellate divison of the Supreme court ordered the operation to be performed. It was in the hope of convinc ing the rhyd's parents that i Frank Fay. appointed by the Umurt to act in her behalf, took j Helen and her parents to the in- Islitule of orthalmolgy of the i Presbyterian hospital yesterday, j J'uy said John Vasco, $15,-a- I Prime Minister Ramsey Mac- week immigraiil, indicated after Donald, of Kngland. is now in the tlic e.xamination he was willing rnited States, upon Hie inyita-jto aliide liy the appellate order, i tion of i’rcsiilenl Roosevelt, for | hnt that .Mrs. Vasco persistwi in I tile lirsl of infornial economic , her refusal to allow the surgery. I conferences with leaders of tlelil- With the hope of trying to get lor Kui'()|)ean iiiilions. -Mr, Ma-- her permission over the week- Court Orders That Operation On | Wilkes To Place Child’s Eye Must Be Permittedj 46 Youi^ Men In Forest Cainps )1 the docket are for violations the national prohiliitiou laws. The list of jurors foIIow.s: .Allcgliany Mack Holloway, Sparta: Lon nie Edwards, Whiteliead; Richa rd Gentry. Glade Valley; Fred Weaver, Scottsville; Von Miller. Laurel Springs: Kmniersoti Black. Piney Creek; Emory Joine.s. Sparta; Johnnie llopin’is. Sirul- ford. Ashe , R. P. Parker, Creston; Smith Greer. Lansing; W. W. llrnAii. Jefferson: E. H. Grayh-al, W-st Jefferson; James Grayheal, Hem lock: John CoMiron. Eldieih; .1. R. McMillan, He: Ctms. Lewis. Ashland: W. K. Iieiiiiey Cra.-sy Creek: Clyih- Milam. Trout; W. H. Miller, Jefferson; L. H Ham. Husk; G. W. Phillips, .Nellie Knob. Walaiiga Thomas Glenn. Valle Crucis; C. 0. Triplett. Triplett: J. G. ' -?s6ry. lilowiiig Rock; Frank Eg-j . gers, .Mabel; Roy Adams, \ ilas; - Tei Davis, Todd; .A. i'. Moody.! Blowing Ro( k: Stewart lltinu s. Boone: B. II. .Moody, Hmnte: E. B. Hagamaii. Heacii Cre.-k; Ciirlj ■Winehar.ger. Zionville; .1. E- Hardin. Shulls .Mil!.'. Wilkes J. P. McCarter, .lemiings; I’tiilo Whittiiiglon. Roddies River, C. A. |T.owe, Wilkesboro; H. U. Brown, Dehart: Sam Iriplcii. Maple Springs: fonrad Jones Ready Branch; J. »>■ Emerson. North Wilkesboro; .Adolphus Tay- Donald and liis datighti'i' ! week-end guests House. at Hie were end, Fay said he would plead Wliile wilh her at the , Vascos' tittlo home at HasHiigs-on-Hudson. Allotment To Be Filled By Selecting Boys From the Most Needy Families EXAMINAfldN~REQUIRED Present Board of City Commissioners Backing J. A. Rousseau For Mayor Winnie Ruth Judd Saved From- Gallows Candidates Must Be Over 18 and Under 25 Years To Be Considered If she still says "no” the ease may be taken to the court of appeals, highest judicial body in the .stale. Iprincipally becaii.se there is no legal precedent in New York for a eompiilsory oper ation on a child of Helen's le.gal status. Before the court order both father and mother refused ap peals that the operation be per mitted. Scout Training Course Here Is Marked Success Clinic For Pre-School Children Being Held By Health Department Scoutma.st'.T.s of Four Dis tricts In .Mtendance: Com plete Course May fi-7 RELIEF NEEDS SHOW DECLINE To Spend This Week Examin ing ('hildren of Pre- School .'\ge WORK BEG.AN TODAY The training conrsi' condiicicil lifie (luring tin wci'k-ciid for , Scont-Ts of the four western ilis- liricls of t be Winston-Siilcm (’oiincil. Bov Scoiils of .'Americu. j was a promuiiiced snccc.ss. Ah-l- ieiaii Sconters acclaimed it one of the Inst they ever atli-ndcd. .Among those prominent in Wilkes county will place 46 young men in President Roose velt’s civilian conservation corps, it has been announced. The num ber was allotted a few days ago, this being 'Wilkes county’s first I allotment out on North Carolina’s j quota allotment of 6.500. I Candidates f(rr enrollment! must be over 18 years of age and | under 25 yeal-s of age. They must I be unmarried and will be re-! qiiired to take a physical exami nation sliowing that they are physically able to do the work expected of them. The pay will be J.JO per month with all necessities furnished by the government. Of this amount, Hie young men will he required ' to send $25.00 to their parents 1 or other dependent relatives. - if possible, all conditions be-1 Florence, .Ariz., April 22.— AVinnle Ruth Judd’s sentencet to death on the gallows |or the murder of Agfnes Anne Leroi was suspendetl autoiiiatically tonight, b.v thc,verllct of a Sii- lierior court jury finding her to be insane. The venliet was returned about three hours after the ,iury of 12 men received tlio case. Hhe has lieen schetluled to be hanged for Hie slaying of Agnes Leroi next Friday, Ajiril 28. Tnder the verdict, she will be comiiiittetl to an asylum for the mentally incompetent. The jury reported its verdict at 7:25 p. m. The verdict was readied in one hour and 57 minutes of ac tual deliberation. The verdict was retiii-ncd liy a vote of nine to three, tlic Statement Issued To That Ef fect Today; His Re-elec tion Is Urged SOLIDLY BEHIND HIM Mr. Rous.scau Denies Rumor That He Will Resign If He Is Elected iiiiiiimuiii iiiiini)er of Jurors al- loived under tlie law having signed it. the candidates iiig equal, only from Hie most needy families will he selected. They will he giv- j en first consideration by the au thorities. The first call for candidates j will he iiimoiimed soon. ' J. B. McCoy Head Of N. C. Division Southern Hotels Dr. A. J Eller, countv health Ranking Holiday I.s Given as offkei’, ami Mrs. Bertha B. ll.j Caiise lor Pai’t of the county nurse, will spend the entire! .March Outlay week in schools of the county for' I the purpo.se of examining clii'dr:*n .M.\R( H lOl.AL $l,.>23,.M6j of pre-school age. a majority of i whom will be children who will en ter school this fall. I’aients are requested to note wii.-i imlicaled in Hie total amount jhe hour which they will be at the Austin To Speak ■An iinprnvemeiil in (he status; of (lest it III ion in North f'arolina I .Scout work who alien.led were ,,f |,|(,ni.y .spent ! Henry A, .Sf.ickey, of .AtlanKi Ga.. regional Scout exm ntive. j ,, a bealHi examination. , L' 1- ..1... I uvoei, an annomicemeiu made by tliei , i ,, ,„i and A\. K. A aiiglin-Llovd. exeen- , The work began tialay, Dr. Eller tivc of the AVinstcn-.Salem conn->'oveinor's office of relief. The j to [lU. Pleas- cil. Forty Sconlers were in at- total e.xiM'iuliUires amoiinlcd Hi . j,„t high .school this morning. The tendaiici'. $ l..!2:i..i4t). i schedule for the remainder of the far relief iriir- .school most convenient and are ; poses during March, according to i urged to bring their children for ^111 annomicemeiu made 1) office of relief IcngHi.v program was car- '1 liis lolal reiircseiits an in- follows; .Minton, j lor. Maple Springs: 'f ('. Champion; 1. .Marlin North Wilkesboro. Jesse den. Jo.vnes; J. .Motii'o^ New Life; T. I’. Holcomb ton: Marcus Yates. I’.irlear; Ted; ■AV. Lyon. Honda; D. S. Broyhill ! Pores Knob; J. E. Par I.O’. .Alor-I 1 ril'd out in detail, getting under crease over Hie expeiidiluri's for .way Saturday afternoon at IHJn l•'ebrnary wliicli required $1.- laml ending Sunday eteniiig. 1611,422 . liy takiii.g into acconni I Tli(' course will be completed the fact that March contains jon the week-eii.l of May ii-7. three more days than February. ■ llnring that week-end. a special ithe fuel is revealed that the total jcoiir.se in camp craft will also daily reiiiiirements for .March was jupy.ivpn. ^ less than Febriiar.v. i The interest and entluistasni in ! State telief olficers regar.l the course are v(>ry marked and ' this as an encniiraging sign be- ' indicates a reviv'iil of lio.v' Scout icans(- oi the fact tiii't llic iiank* 'riiesday. .April 6. 26. activities in this section. North Wilkesboro Reeves. 1 W. Sid-1 lib'vins. ' Dough-iJYakes Two First Places At Lenoir I'wo first places were taken by stialeiits of North Wilkesboro raviaii Falls: lamer .Anderson. •Wilkesboro Route 2. I. P. Call; . l.i.gh .school at the district music G. C. Parsons, Patsonville. jionte-t in l.otioir Friday. i Mi.s Grace Grissom won first ' (d:ice in tlie contrnllo solo con test and her iirother. .Iiiliati Gris- , som, took first place in tlie hoys nncliun.ge.i voici* soio contest. B>' virtue of tlieir vii-tories. they will ~ . represent this district in the A[>pointiriPnlS For Examina-J Cn-enslioro Tlmrs-! Harrison tion.s Should Re Made in ami Friday. Dr.H.F.EasomTo Hold T. B. Clinic ing holiday dnring March cans ',I | e- a larger exiicndiliire in many in stances than would have been 11 rue ordinarily. The amoiinl of nioni'y .spenl Minring .Alureli in AA'ilkes was $lb,- 157. Expemlitiin's in other coiin- ities in this immediate secti > i were: Aslte. $;’.I172: Caldwell. !$!i.7iin; Davie, $5.45.",; Iredell. $12.M7; .AlU'gluiii.v'. $2,565; Snny, Watauga. $2,- ir,t2: Vudkiii. $ii,‘(5ii. Roaring Rive 25, 1 p. ni. Roiida. Wednesday, .April In a. m. Ronda, Weilnesday, April 10 a. m. .MoiuUain A'iew, AA'ediiesday. Ajiril 2(1, 2 p. m. Wilkesboro, Thursday, April 27. 10 a. m. -Millers Creek Tlinrsda.v, April 2 II. 111. I’rapiiill. Fri.lay, .A|>ril 2.8, 10 a. m. In commenting upon the import ance of the.se clinic.s, Dr. Eller made the following statement; “Every child should enter school as free as possible from physical defects. A chid’.s .school progrc.ss is influenced largeiv' by his phy.si- cal condition. If he is handicap ped b.v one or more physical defects (Citiiliniied on pa.gn four) Cousin Of R. H. Reavis iPow Marl ID Passes At Statesville ; .1. A Eiu'U' Future Dr. H. F. Easoiii. of Hi,' Ftale / Sanifarinm. will condi.cl the tubercular clinic whicli will tic; held under the auspices of the; County Health Departnu'nt dnt-| Ing the first two weeks in May | beginning May 2. Dr- Kasom (yiine here to conduct the clinic; last year. Examination of T. B. siisiiects | ill be made without charge. | \lThe only requireraeut is that an ^ appointment he made at once. | It may he impossibh' to give H'*'| examination if an appointment is hot secured. ■ r- No appointment will he neces-, lary, however, for those I'^wish to take the tubercular skin ■(test. tomorrow last 1»\Y TO GET CKOl’ I'O.ANS ' Tuesday, April 2 5. is the last day on which farmers may apply crop protuction loans from federal giilremment. J. B- iJTninger, field inspector, will h(> , there during the day to receive, the applleatlon-s. | Ki'uvi.s. Jr., known ns Kcavis, tl, world war vctcriiii iiiid managi'r of the .Aii- Twenfy-two stml.nts of Hie tomoliilc Salvage comi/aiiy. was cily sctuiols entered the various ' fo'i'id dead at his place ot Imsl- u.conuiaiiied I'ess in Stiitesville Sunday. Mr. j Months After Bitten By Dog coiitesis. Tln'V Were liv Mis; Tim Crawford, j K(;avis was a cousin of Mr. R. H. tai'i' .Miss Ellen Uotnnson. Mrs. W. I). | tfeavis. im»;>rictor Halfacrc .and Mrs, Cicil Wiles. Parts company. Of this city, and urn i until January of this year they , . and Ml The \vjnnn;4 eontestants Hir. children of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. , were associated in hiisiness. Mr. Grissom, of this city. I Reavis died from tii'aft trouble. MEETIllGOFBRUSHYIIIOllliTAIN ASSOCIATION TO BE HELD HERE As J. f’. Eller. iironiineiil farmer of Hie I’lirlear section. Wits en route to Roaring River a few days ago with a cow which .Auto|'“’ taking to tlie home of his son, Doiightoii Eller, the cow went violently mad and char,ged wililly through the river Iiottoms here and jiiiiiped into the river. The COW' was suffering from ra- 'iiies and died two days later. Mr, Eller being unable to take her on to Roaring River. A mad dog ran wild in the Pitrlear section ten months ago and may have bitten several ani- .1. i„ Heniphill, .Moderator of the Bnisliy Mountain Baptist .As- who I sociation, in coop('ration with the .-Aecretary ot Hie General! Board of Hie Baptist State Con vention. has called a special met'tin.g of the Association to convene with the First Baptist Cliiirch ot North AA'llkesboro on; Tuesday. -May 2ml. from to a. m. | 11:1.5 to 2 om Rev. Morning 10:011 Praise & Prayer, Eugene Olive. 10:10 Devotional message 1 local pastor) Heb. 12:1-2. 10:25 Roll call—Recognition of .Messengers from the Church es. 10:40 Special Music. 10:45 “Christ Exalted in our (local speaker). “Christ Exalted in our the latter part of ; to 10 p. m. Representatives I Churches" (local speaker), all the churches are ex-1 11:50 “The Cpiifted Christ,” peeled to be in atletidaiice. j John 12:32 (local ' or visiting The (yhjecl of this meetin.g, it.speaker), is stated, is for consecration, in-1 Dinner spiration and informalio)i. The | 1:15 Praise and Prayer. of A. Elected At Meeting Saturday In Asheville; Is Highly At Mt. Pleasant i J, li. McCoy, manager of Ho- .Tcffei’son Attorney To Deliver tel Wiikes. of this city, was ei.ct- Members of the present board of city commissioners this mom- i ing issued a statement in which ! they declared themselves united in their support of the candidacy of Mayor J. A, Rousseau for re- election. Any rumor to the contrary is without foundation, they said, and “Mr. Rousseau, is by educa tion, training and experience par ticularly fitted to act as presid ing officer ot the board of aider- men and as judge of the Mayor's court.” I .Mayor Rousseau also issued a j statement to the effect that the I rumor that he would resign in ^ favor of someorfe else it elected tiiayor i.« iinfoiinrh'd. “I s!i;i'.l, if I elected, serve j'oo as mayor to j the best ot my ahilily,” he de- ' dared. i The statenient i.«sii('(i by the i members of Hie hoard of copimls- sioners who are iinoppnsed for I re-election follows: I To the voters of North Wilkes- horo: ' There has been a rumor cir- ! ciliated to Hie effect that there ' has been some disagreement be lt ween ns and Mayor J. A. Roua- seaii. This is absolutely untrue iaiid wiHintit any toiiiidallon day Afternoon whatever. The personal and of- Literary Addres.s Satur- 'ed president ot the newly or-1 relationship lielween .Air. .ganized North Cafolina Division Rousseau and your Board of .Alderman has always been most cordial and pleasant. .Mr. Roiis- seati is by edoealion. training and experience, partieiilarly tit- Soiithern Hotel Assoei- Conimencement exercises tor | Mt. Pleasant liigli school, located . ation at a meeting held at the I at Champion, are now in pro-1 j-ark Hotel in Asheville I gross. The first program was given Saturday evening when the jini- 1 Saturday. ; ted to act as the presiding of- ■McCoy’s election came aft-j ficer of the Hoard of Alderman of the three North, and as Judge of Mr. ior class presented the play. “Red '*’*’ “ merger pi tlie iiiree North,and as .Judge (if the Ma, (irs Headed Step-child." A large att-1 Sroups ot the association | court. His legal knowledge htw . , . . . I vi'as coinii’leted. ' been valuable to us in managing (lieiico received this first pxer-;"“” comin. le... , . p. j I'ntit recently there were three j the affairs ot the town govern- ' groups and Mr. .McCoy was pre.s-j merit. of Group 4. However,: Some few days prior to the 5 and 5 were merged a expiration of the time to tile no- ei.se of the eojnmeneement gram very enHiiisiastically. pro The bacealaifireatp .sermon was j *'*'’*’*^ deliven'd' yesterday afternoon at j P*’®'*!’*' 2 o’clock liy Rev. Eugene Olive, pastor ot the first Baptist church ! president, of North AA'llkesboro. short time ago and he was named | tire of candidacy, we met with B'he decision to also j Mr. J. A. Kousaeau and agreed to tile our notice of candidacy a play, "Oh, Doctor ning at S o’clock. I briri-g in Group 3 and to become „jvgithe North Carolina Division was the condition that each and every one of us would make the race for commissioner, and on the further condition that Mr. The sophomore cla.ss will , Friday eve- ■ reached Saturday and a new elec- I tion resulted. OraduatiDg exercises for the! The Southern Hotel Assoc.i- seventh grade will be held Sat-:«lh.ii is composed of managers o urdav at 10:20 a. ra. hotels in-Virginia and North and take ■ fioiith Carolina. 2 ;tnl Other officers ot Hie N. C. Di- I vision are J- -'I- Deer. Golds- Roiis-seaii '.vould file notice of candidacy tor the office of .May or. AVe are not only personally siipportin.g LMr. Rousseau in the coming eh'Clioii. hut we earnest- The final t'xeroise will place Saturday afternoon at o’clock when Attorney VV. B. | Austin, of Jefferson, delivers the , horo, first v ... ,, „ . , „r'hiir Davendort .Asheville, second : era of North \\ ilkeshoio cast literary addres.s. Presentation of imvemiun. , diplomas to memliers of the:president, 0. \\. graditatitig class will follow. ! Greensboro, third vice president; | May 2nd. C. AV. Andrews. Mt. Airy, socre-1 vice president; AAMl-j iv urge and request that the vot- |prs of North Wilkesboro cast Donnell, I their liallots for him on Tuesday, Area Meeting Of Legion Auxiliary ’ lary and treasurer. I ■« u ijTt. a Gives Dahlia Bulbs Be Held Thursday j*" ^ g Hospital! Mrs. A. W. Horton Requests! — , u I Notice Of Intention To ; Mr.-J. B. Ivey, of Charl.tte, has, Cio Ry Tuesday Noon .Sincerely yours. S. V. TO.MI'INSON, J. C. REINS, IlALl'H m'N'CAN, I. E, PEARSON. L. A. HARRIS. Rou.s.si'iiu's statement Mayor presented to the T. Tt. hospital ■ some dahlia hiilbs tor beautifying j voti'i's of .North AA'ilkes- An area meeting of the Ameri-jihc .grounds. Among the bulbs are j can Le.gion Auxiliary will he | j,,piud.ed Kmma Maries, Amon Ra, i -| t,prp has been a rumor re held in .Newton Thursday and a i Jane Cowl. Eva Qu'**'' ,,f,„tly circulated to the effect ntimlicr of Hie members of the . dlir.g, Betty Jarvi.'j, Oregon Beau- j j ,-,,sign in favor of City of' .someone else if elected .Mayor on local auxiliary arc expected t>' ly, Robert E- Lee and atti'iid. Mrs. Wilson, Warliek. of ''frenton. | Tuesday. May 2ii(i. A .similar ru- Newton. is area chairman. ; Many flowers and shrubs „-as circulated two .vears Mrs. A VV. Horton, president | been placed on the grounds wnicn ■ prior to the elecllon. mala and Hie question arose as to whether the cow was bitten by the dog and went mad that long afterwards. Mr. Eller said he had no knowledge of any chance for another contact Avilh hydrophobia. Medical science, liowever. says that would have been impossible and that another contact would have been necessary if death re sulted from hydrophobia received through the medium ot a bite. which of the local auxiliary, requests j will give beauty to the place, thus, j immediately made public all members who expect to go to, aiding in passing the long hours of j ^ local newspaper that I notify her not later than Tues- jUne.ss to which the patients would serve for the term elected, day noon. She must have this are subjected. i xi ^ opportnnlfy to state information in order that she] Mrs. W. J. Allen and ! that 1 shall, if elected, serve you may notify the Newton auxiliary ' Shockey are adding to the dahlias mayor to Hie best of my abil- of the number who will attend j already in ham! f'*', ity. I have no apology to make I for the '.vay and manner in which from here. section I across the front of the bui'ding. Harper HI prot. vV. Bnrt Harper, f'*’*"' program is based upon the gen-j 1:30 “The Life and Work Jpal of Lincoln ^*_*’’*^’*** ! eral theme: “Looking Unto Je- ,the Churches.” Secretary M. was quite ill l last'-^veek and was confined niws home. He returned to his -1 urxv.fitxvoi- today. _ home, ahool work, however. of Taylors- Mr K L. Childers, 3. spent a few hours Saturday. sus. the Uplifted, exhaustless and j Huggins. Triiunpliant Christ.” Lunch will .; 2:30 Special Music and Miscel- be served for the visitors by | laneous. women of the North Wilkesboro! 2:45 “The Exhaustless Christ” church. Following is the pro-..Matt. 14:16 and Col. 3:11, Mr. I. gram tentatively prepared, for the meeting: G. Greer. 3:30 Prayer and adjournment. Operetta Will Be Given At Wilkesboro Tomorrow An operetta, ‘“Cinderella In Flower Land,’’ will be presented tomorrow (Tuesday) evening in the Wilkesboro high school audi torium hy the primary grades of the school. The cast is being di rected by Misses Jenny and Made line Harris. An ad; lission fee of only five cents will be charged. The pro gram will begin at 8 o’clock. FORMAl OPENING OF AMERICAN lEGlON AimiARY HOT MONDAY I have discharged the duties per- The American Legion and Aux iliary hut has been completed and everything is in readiness for the formal opening which will be held next Monday. May 1. Announcement ot the date was taining to the office of mayor. I appreciate the loyal support i given me two years ago in my I campaign and difiitg my admin- j istration as mayor, and I will be , . (grateful to the voters if they will ^%he'spacious building which‘ cast their ballots for me Tues- was completed a short time agoi^^y- has been surrounded with flow- i y ers and shrubbery. Paint has; Sincerely yours, J. A. ROUSSEATL been applied to both the exter-1 » j , ior and Interior and the place; Andrew MorehOUSC AIlllUUmJCIlICUN. wx t.x.x- .V,* - - ^ J made today and invitations are : presents a very attractive appear- Promoted At Y alC now in the mails. , Members of the civic organi zations and the churches »f Wil kesboro and North Wilkesboro are to be special Invited guests of the two service organizations. All members of the organizations together with all ex-service men in the county are asked to at tend. The formal opening ' will he held between the hours of 7:30 ance. Furnishings have just been added. Announcement of the opening was made hy. Reins, commander of the Legion post, and Mrs. A. W. Horton, president of the Legion Auxil iary. ' The hut is located‘on the high way leading to Palrplalns and Is News was recently received formal ^here that Andrew Morehouse has R. R. been promoted from instructor to assistant professor of French at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Mr. Morehouse is the so4 of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mor^ house, who reside on the BrpSiby Mountains. He has been residtns a splendid addition to the city’s | at New Haven for the past sever- public buildings; 1&1 years. 4 th: 7..,^

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