WRIGHT Grace Granted Taxpayer^ OiHis Term First Monday In Jidy Mayor Harris and Old Board Are Re-ele ^ ^Heated Contest j Results In Big i Vote Tuesday Majority of Old Ticket Is Be tween Sixty-five and | Eighty-five Votes | HARRIS MAJORITY IS 64 Wilkesboro Citizens Cast 3851 Votes Out of Registra tion of 418 ' With an average majority of | eighty-two and two-fifth votes. Mayor W. K. Harris an i tlio old members of the tiourd of city, commissioners weru victorious in j the biennial election in Wilkes boro Tuesday. j The election was one if thej most hotly contestf'd in recent I history as evidenced !)y tlie heavy vote which was cast. Tliree Inin- dred and eighty-fivo out of a total registration of US cast their ballots. Mayor Harris defeated W. R. Smithey by a majority of tl4. Mr. Harris receiving Z'J'J votes as against lo.S for Mr. Smithey. All of the cominissioiiers eicct- ed were members of the old ^oard with the exception of Ralph R. Iteins. Mr. Reins was a candidate on both tickets. The final vote was as follows: J'o r mayor: llarri.s. '222: irftithey, 15S. For commissioners^ tQl'l tick et) Joe Barber. 229: O. F. Eller. 226; O. E. • Lenderman, 261: Ralph It. R. ins. 21l ; i New tick- , et 1 W. r. I’eursoii. I ll: C. I.. Kennedy. lU: George 1’. John son, 166: Ralph It. Reins, 19 2. For Audit of Office Of Clerk of Court Venerable Educator Has Served As Head of Wilkes County** School System For 34 Years; Has Been Honored On Many Occasions; Leaves Behind Him Fine , _j Record of Service Taxpayers Are Given Until First of June to- Meet 1932 Obligations ^ DRAWN COURT / JURORS Butts and Wilmoth, Winston- Salem Firm, Will Audit Clerk’s Office A thirty-day respite was grant- Prof. C. C. Wright, superintendent of the Wilkes coun ty school system for the past thirty-four years, will retire at the expiration of his term on the first Monday in July. A statement to the effect that he is not a candidate for re-election was obtained by The Journal-Patriot yester day afternoon. Replying to the letters of hundreds of friends through out the county relative to continuing in the work, the venerable superintendent states that “after mature de liberation and thoughtful consideration, I have made up j my mind to leave the work at the conclusion of my pres- • ent term of office.” His statement follows: . — . ! “I desire to take this means of answering the many county commissioners who post- j that have come into the office in the past few taxpayers Mond.iy by the j polled the advertisement of the | .^ygghs requesting me to remain in the educational work sale of land for taxes until June. i - - - - • ... 1.- i that .^U'ps have been taken under whicli a fiM' inter national gold slandan - ••Everything appears to be looking up” . ■ . was the gist ol c.mmenl, .semi-olficially and otherwise,, aet Schenck was J; a.s Prim - Minister Rum.say MacDonald, of England, and Edouard TIen iot, France’s envoy, left, waving, audttlng f rm is adieu ami sailed home, foil,.wing th. ir separate informa conferences with Pre.sidenl Koo.sevelt, m ^^11, of New Castle, il i.s predict d agreement.s w> re reach- .1 which will coasidiTably advance the pro.spei l.s of suece.ss of both ordered admitted to the T. the disarnumie’it confen-nee and int j-nalioual economic coiiiorence within iKc near future It is hoped yjospital. may be restored. j ' j|. (;o,mbs and Rob ert Horton, the latter colored. 1 were admitted to the county I home. The meeting was attended by all members of the board, N, B. _ _ I Smithey. chairman., M. F. Absh- I Dr. H. PL Easoin Examining'er and c. c. Hayes. '•! in this county and to say to the many friends who have Vnder the law. county ggg imploring me to remain in the work that missioners are ! after mature deliberation and thoughtful consideration I ycvti.se land on | have made up my mind to leave the work at the con- 'Icil' it"mi the first Monday in clusion of my present term of office which expires on the first Monday in July, 1933. “I have endeavored to do my whole duty as God has given me to see that duty. I have endeavored so far in me lies to know no man in my official relations with him as to his reli.gion or his politics. And only the faithful dis-' charge of my dutv has been my sole ambition in life for the thirty-four years I have been at the head of the public school .sy.stem in Wilkes County. “Those who have aided me and have helped to make my administration what it has been, I thank you, and my very best wishes shall go with each and every one of you through life.” —» vir. Wright was elected super- June. However, the law has been piodified to a certain extent to meet the present financial enier- gi.Micy. The bid of Butts and Wilmotb. auditing firm of Winston-Salem, I to audit the office of the clerk 1 of Superior court as provided in the order signed by Judge Mich About 300 Enroll For Forest Jobs Rousseau Leads His Ti'ket In City Election T. B. Clinic Is Now Bein^ Held First Ctmtingent Expected to Leave .‘sometime Next Week I Dixon Will Speak At Pleasant Hill .Approximately 300 young men Ilf Wilkes have made application fur i.nrollment in tlie civilian Elkin Educator to Deliver Address at Finals Sat urday Night An addre.ss by I’ruf. Z. H Dix on. of Elkin, will feature the commencement e x e r c i s e .s of Pleasant Hilt school which will be held Friday and Saturday. May .6 and 6. Prof Dixon, widely known educator, will deliver the address on the closing evening. Commencement exercises begin Friday evening at S o'elmk with the’pre.sentatiiin of a Tom Thiimh wedding and th*’ crowning of the May Queen. This program will lie gi en by the primary grades. Following tin' address of Prnf. Dixon on Satiirdiv evening, a short entertainment will be giv en by the upper grades. Perfect attendance certificates will lie awarded and diplomas of gradu ation from t!ie seventh grade will he presented to the follow ing students: Everett Darnell. Dewey Church. Roby Cockerham, Robert Hyon. Nellie Petl.vjolin. Cloyce Key and Beulah Shore. conservation corps, il was learn ed yesterii.ay from the office of ttie counlv superintendent of wi'lfare. Wilkes ran piin-i- only 16. that t)eiu,g I he iilimher alloted llie county. Tliere is little liki lihooil of a i.-all lliis week, it was leanieii. llowever, it is thouglit probable that the fii'^^t .group will lie tak en to tile enrolling station Winsion-Salem next week. The names i>t Ihiise who lie selee'.ed have not been nun need. at will an- Splendid Play At School On Friday ‘.\ Husband For Sale” I.‘k Title Of Three-Act Corn ed v To Be Given Father of Mrs. Walters Passes A splendid play entitled ••.A Huslmnii For ^ale,’.' will lie pre- .sented in the city high sohoiil auditorium tomorrow (Friday I evening at S ii’eloek. Members of the senior etass are now engaged in selling tick ets to tile iierformance and a capacity crowd is expected, Tlie play is generally iielieved to iie one of I he Iiest staged at the school in quite a while 'riie ailiiiiiiislration lirkel. iiiiopposf-il ill the .Vortti Wil- keslioro liiemiitil elei-tioii 'I'lie.s- i-eeeivisl an avenige vole of ;U.”». Willi no eoiitesl on. eilD.i-iis voted when eim-iiient for I hem to do so. Alii.voe J. .A. Itoiisseaii, who was l•e-,•h‘eled for a s,-eood tiriii, h‘d the liekel. polling ;tts voles. ’I'he vole for the eoinoiis- siooers was ;is fidlows: .1. Iteiiis, Ralph '»on,an. :U(i: I. E. I’earson. :t44: S. V. Tioiliiisio, E. A. Ilairis. tiRi. The voli- for inemhers of the hoard of school Iroslees was; .1. 15. McCoy. :54«: I- R. "il- liams. dl.",; Genio C.irdwell. The eolire ticket was elect- mi ami will .sm-ve during tlie next hienniiim. H. M, Rraoie. Jr. was regis- Irai*. .Iiidg,*s 110,1 markers w,‘re ,1. S. ( amlill. ( . o. McNeill, R. .1. Rohiosoo ami (lleiin Cox. .Xodrew I’arker was hailiff. Persons For Evidence of Tuberculosis of Jurors for the June term Superior court wen- drawn as follows: First Week A. S. Baity. North WMlkeshoro; 15. L. Gould. Elk: Claude E. Kennedy. Wilkesboro: J. P- Par- ,due. Rock Creek; Monroe E. I Wallace. Moravian F'alls: W. B. ,)f State Saiiiiarium. with the as-j |.jgn_ Traphill; J. AV. Huffman .A. J. Eller, conn-I gtaiiton: J. S. Steele. Moravian 1 The Iiihecmiosis clinic for per-1 ! sons suspected of having active | i tiilier,'iilosis germs is now being, ! : held in Wilkesli,ir,i. It is being i ! cimlm led liy Dr. IT. E. Easom. sisianee of Dr. IV liealtli officer, and Mrs. Ber- I'-’ ;tha Bell, coimti Falls: G. F, ('oiieli. Edwards; G. F. Eyon, of Traphill: F... M. Swaim, New Castle; B. A. her- health nnr.se. On .51,111,lay. I lie first da.v twelve persons were examined ] jr„gon, Moravian Falls; T. .A. ami approximately tlie «anie i j,'j„ipy. North Wilkesboro; E. J. e.Kiiilii'r was examined on both | ^j^pfep. Brushy Mountain; J. C. Tuesday and yesterday. ! McNeill. lewis Fork; T. W. While it may be po.ssible to ex-j Edwards: C. M. Elledge. amine some of those who did not' Mulberry: G. F. Adani.s. Miil- make apimintiiieiits. it is learned ' j,pyry; t. M. Brown, Mulberry: that Dr. Easojo's scliediile for tlie|g q Anderson, North Wilkes-1 TO 1,EA\ E OFFICE i iiitendeiit of tlie county school system in 1899 wiieti he was but :5G years of age. lip ha.s served ill lliat capacity continuously since that time. Not only has great education al progress been made in Wilko# and the slate during his term of 'office, hut Mr. AVright has been ' intimately associate,1 w>th this : development. .Mr. Wright as- ,Burned office Just prior to the : election of Governor Aycock, known as tlie great educational • governor. next two weeks during wliicli the;,|,orn: clinii- will tie lield is jiretty well | c; filled. The tuliereiilar skin test is availaiil,' to as many us Dr. Eas-j C. F. Brown. Traphill: Ferguson. Boomer: M. Hendren, Brushy Mountain; IR.-Holder. Moravian Falla. R. 1 E.! T. |oni has time to give it on any day i |whil,‘ he is in tlie county. ATTEND CONVENTION OF M. W. A. IN RALEIGH .-tarn Greer and l.iiwrenee j Crileher. officials of the Mora-! .-iaii Falls Gamp of. Modern | Wooilmaii of America, are in Ra-| leigh today attending a slate! .■oiiveiitioii of the organization. ' Funeral Will Be Held Today For Mrs. Sarah Hayes Second AA'eek j A. N. Elledge, Mulberry: D. F. Shepherd. Eewis Fork; E T. i Henderson. I.ovelace; R. E- j j Cass. -Somers: A. J. McNeill, j lEciwis Fork: R. C. Johnson, New MANY Iflastle; J. E- DeJonrnette, Trap- ihill: J. P- Holcomb, Traphill; C is. Coffey. North Wilkesboro; W. M. Eller, Reddies River: W. W. Anderson, North Wilkesboro; M. A. J. H. Armbrust To Speak At County J Finals Saturday- t Fi'n u j I'roliably no man In the his- ' tory of Ng.rlli Carolina or the I nation has served so long as head ; of a county* .school system. I iMr. Wright was born on Au- ! guest 14. 1862. and will lack but i ll days of being 71 years old when he loaves office on July 3. i He was married on September j23, 1891 to Miss Jennie Eand. (Their marriage was blessed with 'several children who have played lan important part in the educa- (Continued on page eight) , E. Felts. Rock Creek; J. Mother Of Judge Johnson! Wiles, Rock Creek; C. C. Faw, J. Hayes. Taken Tuesday i North Wilkesboro: t. b Afternoon Moravian Falls; J. A. E. Turner At Funeral _ Directors Convention E. Turner, of the Turner i Funeral Home, local undertaking Local Ministerl^ Deliver Ad-1‘establishment, attended a con- ..4 11 m • All iventioii of funeral directors at dress at H -J- AU- ; .,,.e couveu- Da^Affair TO GET MEDALS! The was well attended. Who bids? and how much? ‘‘A | lliishaiid for Sale." North Wil-i Several To Go To Kiwanis Rev, J. H. Arnibrust, imstor of j Meet, Greensboro Tonight the .North Wilkesboro Methodist | ilelegalion of North Wllkes- eliurch and popiiiar after-dinner^lioro Kiwanians, headed by the .speaker, will deliver the liacca-j president. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard, I laureate address to seventh grade | will go to Greensboro tonight ’•*"'1 graduates of Wilkes at the conn-j (Thursiiay) to attend a meet- • i ty commencement in Wilkesihoro j iug of Division Three of the Barlow, f s,.i,onl auditorium Saturday i Garoliii i district. Several mem- ' hers have made plans to attend. Mulberry; Eliburn Brown, Mul-1 ^t 11 o’clock. Rev. .Mr FUNERAL AT PURLEAR 1 berry; J. T. Gibbs. Beaver Creek: j Armbrust is a very effectiite , — i.- 1, - W. D. Wood, Rock Creek; J. F-j speaker and the auditorium is The cast has been well trained kes-boro high school auditorium | Mrs. Sarah .Tulma Hayes, | perdue. New Castle: Walter Bar-j jj, (,e crow-ded to ca- ,and a most delightful evening of, tomorrow evening, 8:00 o’clock Mv e(pteemed lady and a | Edwards; W. W. Ashley, ■ jg,. address. T. Bruton Dies at His entertainment is a.ssiired. 'sharp. 'of one of Wilkes county’s most Home at Concord; Funeral On Sunday INTlgT AMONG FARBS PiaS UP: ORGANIZATIONS WILL MER A. T, Bruton, father of .Mrs. j Percy C. Walters, of this city,! died at his home at Concord Sat-' urday at 12:-15 p. m. following New Members Are Added At Grange Meetings At Ferguson TJ ex •nr o a , ^ .J T yx.aa*« t I ^1 an Illness of six months. He was and Little Mountain Last Week; Pomona Grange To Meet In Wilkesboro On Wednesday, May 10; Mrs. C. F. Brethol At Dennyville I .' , J-‘j (Wilkesboro: C. A (prominent families, died 1 j^onh Wilkesboro. iday at 3 p. m at the home of her | ;son, Joseph F. Hayes, at Pur-1 lear. Death followed a serious j I illness of more than two weeks., I She had been in failing health,! ! however, for sometime. I ' When her condition became | (critical Monday, Judge Johnson- iJ. Hayes, her son, who was sche-1 I duled to preside over a term of! federal court in Winston-Salem Dimmetle, i prof. C. C. Wright, veteran county superintendent of schools, : “ T—~T' J i.„ I will call the house to order at Ypu will be Rev. Seymour Taylor, “Marrying Anne at Traphill Saturday evening. ' I (Continued on page four) County Baseball Loop Considered FINALS AT WMMORO HIGH SCHOOL GET UNDER WAY TODAY May Take In Either Six or Eight Teams From Vari ous Sections 69 year.s of age. Mr. Bruton was a prominent , “o°ye?rs”'rd been'eonnoe"' Interest in farm organizations, o'clock, the meeting of the Po-| Sourned “court JrTwe^k‘To, pirst Program Will Bc Given This Evening at 8 Oclwk By; 5;ys ed with the Kerr Bleachery and in the county is increasing and|niona Grange and a meeting of 1 come to her- bedside and other Musk Pupils of R* E. * Finishing plant. He was a mem- a splendid work is being done by the Farm Improvement Club at! members of the family were | Story is Coming Sunday To Deliver the hpr ef' Forest Hill Methodist the various groups. At a meet- Dennyville, I called home. ' . i * Baccalaureate Sermon ■ . ing of the Grange at Little; The Pomona Grange will meet j The funeral service will be — ^ Surviving him are four daiigli-‘ Mmiiitaiii last Thursday night on May 16 at 7:.:50 o’clock at the ! conducted today (Thursday) at' a recital this (Thursday) eve- ters Mrs *W. H. Sides, of Greens- two new members were added I courthouse in Wilkesboro. Rep-j 11 o’clock at Purlear Baptist g o’clock by the Junior boro- Mrs Horace Eubanks, of and at the Ferguson Grange resentativ|s from the various i church. Rev. Ayery M. ! mugic pupils marks the ope"!'"*? u'heTl^'t Concord; Mrs. S. A. Perry, of meeting Friday evening th«>e local GralTges are expected to and Rev. T'Teha? ‘ of 'the commencement season for | of Marlon, will deliver the bac _ , --J iLjrs Percy C. new members were taken in. attend. 'Purlear, and Rev. G. w. benas-, i. . . Walters.’of this city; three sons. Those meetings were attended liy The Farm Improvement Club tian. of this city, will conduct | Wilkesiboro high scWl. The first i calaureate aermon. j Organization of a baseball leagae, composed of either six or eight te'ims, is under considera- : tion, it is r'ported. Steps toward organization of the ’.oop are ex pected to be taken within a few Prospective members of the j league include teams of North Wil- k'sboro, Wilkesboro, Purlear, Mil- I lers Creek, Moraxdan Falls. Cling- Saturday will be county com- man. Laurel Springs and Traphill. mencement and on Sunday at 8 Tentative plans are to play only p. m. Rev. J. C. Story, pastor of ; one game a week—on Saturday Presbyterian church,' afternoons—if the organization ia’ _M, Ko/._ perfected. of J. A., of Charlotte; Dumont. N. J., and ton, of Concord. Attending the funeral, which j farm organization work. | make a talk to the club, •eas held Sunday afternoon, in, Important meetings which are The activity of the I iiG rarni ijmpruveinpnt vj'IUD iian, ui kuit* njiv/. wm • a s i •%r j o Dennyville will meet on May i the servi-". The body will be car- and second grades will assist in | Monday K C. W., of County Agent A. O. Hendren wh(. ..... , , „ V. Y. Bru- has spent considerable time in 10 at 8 p. ra. and Mrs. C. F.! ried to the church at 10 o’clock ^ presenting the progra . recent weeks helping with the Bretholl, of Pores Knob, will where it ■til lie in state until the j Another recital hy the hour of the service. school music pupils, assisted by. Nieces of Mrs. Mayes will be'the high school chorus, will be o’clock. class day exercises will be held, high C. W. Phillips, of Greensboro! local Mldltlon to Mr. and Mrs. Walt- ^..ven Mrs. K. S. Walters. Hjfg Msrgsret Walters and iMrs. to be held in the near future in- * Granges and the clubs is of much elude the Wilkesboro Orange meeting which will the held on M. Blaekbarn, all of this city. Thursday -evening, May 4, at 8 importance and Indicates Increas ed enthusiasm among the farm ers toward their work. flowerbearers and nephews be active paUbearers. ' Mrs. Hayes was the daughter (ContinsM; tm. ]^f p «^htK will given Fi*lday evening at the same hour. Mrs. R. B. Prevette. teach er oL the music class, is direct- these proghuns. ^ Legion Auxiliary Meet At Club House Monday The Legion Auxiliary IvlU will deliver the literary address-hold the May meeting at the Le on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock j gion-Auxillary Club, House oa and Immeiiately following his the Fhlrplains'road Monday'eve- address;.. Superintendent Story •will present diplomas to. > th^ graduating clue.. ning at 8 o'clock. Hesdao^* W. Horton and W.’ D. -

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