Mother’sDayTo BatAservedAt Local Churches Sermons Appn^riate To Oc casion Are Planned By All Ministers Reunion Held In Wilkesboro Yesterday Shows Thinnmg Ranks of Those Who Wore the Gray; Wdkes Chapter of United Daughters of Confederacy Furnishes Entertainment ALL CHURCHES JOIN Appropriate Music Will Us^; Mothers To Be Queen of Day Mother Only six of those who wore the j years ago with that of the pres- gray answered the roll call at I ent day. A. splendid tribute was Be the annual Confederate veterans’I paid the veterans by the speaker. I reunion In Wilkesboro yesterday. 1 The Wilkes County Chapter of will be queen of day Sunday In the home, in the churches and in the hearts of the people. Eulogies to mothers both liv- iThey were J. H. Sheets, Richard [the Lnited Daughters of the Con- Shepherd. T. C. Minton, W. C. [ federacy had charge of the enter- -Meadows. John J. Bentley and H. j tainment and the veterans were S. VannOy. ' guests of the chapter at a lovely H. S. Vannoy, commander of‘dinner at the Wonder Restaur- Camp Stokes, presided at the j ant. opening of the meeting which! Vocal numbers were given by was held in the office of the; Miss Ellen Robinson, Mrs. C. S. ing and dead will be spoken in | county board of education. Pray-j Coffey and Mrs. R. G. Finley, churches all over the land. Churches of Xorth Wilkesboro. Wilkesboro and the county are (planning appropriate services. Mother’s Day sermons will be de livered -at the First Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, it has been announced. Special music, fitting the occas ion, is also planned. The sermons Will be preached at the 11 o’clock service. Rev. Seymour Taylor will de liver a Mother's Day sermon at the Wilkesboro .Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Appropriate music is also being planned. The Mother's Day ohscrvaiice er was made by Rev. C. W. Rob- i The thinning ranks of those inson. venerable Presbyterian i champions of the Confederacy minister. ^ has made it almost certain that In a short talk. Rev. Mr. Rob-j there will be no reunion next inson contrasted the lire of 65 i year. c. W. Phillips Addresses Graduates Of Wilkesboro Principal of Central High School, Greensboro, Delivers Fine Message; Auditorium Overflows; 48 Boys and Girls Are Graduated: Story Closes Ninth Year At School, An all-night vigil for the per son or persons responsible for missing money in the office of Sheriff W. B. Somers ended about 5' o’clock Monday morn ing in the arrest of Fidel Fra zier, .voung man of Wilkesboro, as he was in the act of taking money from the office. The young man was caught just as he prepared to leave the office after taking ?9.4 5 from the cash drawer. Sheriff Somers, who liad arrived only an hour before to relieve one of the watchers, made the arrest. Various small sums of money had been found missing on sev- e r a 1 occasions during recent weeks and in an effort to appre hend the guilty person, watches had been arranged on several night.s. but without success. The watches had been arranged so that the last watcher would leave the courthouse before dawr. j Scenes from the center of disturbances in Iowa, brought about when court action on farm foreclosures continued, finally resulting in the governor ordering the militia out to restore and'maintain order at LeMars aiui Primghar. Above, farmers forcing deputys sheriff and attorneys to kiss the flag. Below, right, John Shafer and his son, Edwin, who lost several court actions which decisions started some 500 farmers rioting. Left, above. Judge C- C. Bradley, who was beaten and manhandled but still refused to agree to sign “no more farm foreclosures.” .Ml inspirational address by i graduates, get an education that: Charles W. Phillips, principal of! will fit you for life’s work. “It | E'.iUy person learn that do at the Wilkesboro Baptist church ' (.pntrai school, Greensboro. i loesn't make so will take place at the Sunday and the presentation of diplomas' what you do, but how you school hour. uk, graduating class on Tnrs- it. he declared. And throughout t!ie comity. ,(;,y evening Iiroiight the annual ‘^ad tlie third thing is to get tributes will be paid .Mother in i rnmniencenient of Wilkesboro ; t lie right|>hy of life. tlie| many different ways. high school to a close. speaker said. Learn to accept the anyway. — i. I I'sing as his subject, “i’crinu- , im*'t you can obtain in the right Mother Of Mrs. Worth , nent Values.” Mr. Phillips ad-: spirit and work toward even bet- Morrison Died Sunday high school graduates j ter things. The address was one of the much difference the office' was being watched. However, it ■ would be found when the office was opened that all or a part of the money left in the cash drawer was missing re- was best heard at Wilkesboro in cent years. .Mr. Phillips was introduced by Prof. T. E. Story, principal of the school, who completed his ninth year as head of the school. Every available seat in the au ditorium was taken and the large Mrsf D. E. F.ller. mother of, to work toward three things. Mrs. Worth Morrison, of Wilkes-j "Get for yourself a good name boro, and Mr. K. E. Eller, of as you labor in the field of life. Round Mountain and ('oliimbia. ■ be advised. Developing this ^ C.. died suddenly Moil-' thought. he pointed to the oLy night at her home at New; Scriptures in which it is declar- Albany, Indiana. She suffered a ed that a "good name Is rather stroke of paralysis and death i to he chosen than great riches, came a short while later. I ‘‘Get for yourself an educa-1 crowd was unable to find stand- The funeral will be held ttiisltion. " he continued. There are j ing room, many people returning afternoon at .Marion. Va. Attend-] many ways of getting an educa-j to their homes unable to obtain Ing from the county are Mr. and ' tion. he stated. But whatever | entrance. Mrs. Worth .Morrison. Mr. and (Course you take, he told the, (Contin'aed on page eight! Mrs. K. E. Eller, of Round .Moun tain and Columbia, S. 0.. .Mrs. C. F. Morrison and Mr. George Par- ller. Sheriff Somers then arranged with ‘Mrs. G. G. Foster, county Superintendent of welfare, for the use of her office in watching for the thief and a hole was cut Beauty Of Brushy Mountain Forests Praised By Graeber Extension Forester Points Out Oppoitun tv To Attract Thousands To Vi.sit County To See Pict’u.'c. ou: I’.ii- ests; Believes Beauty That of Magnolia and Middleton Gardert; in S. C. Exirressing the opinion that | tion of the large number of peo- the scenic beauty of the Rriishy •pie who attend the forest festival Mountain forests surpasses that Ivey Moore Catches Big Trout At Banners Elk Among five Wilkes fishermen. Ivey Moore took the honor of making the largest catch Satur day in the waters of the creek at Banners Elk. The large Raiutiow trout measured about 19 inches and weighed two and a halt pounds. Others with -Mr. .Moore on the trip were R E. Walters. R. O. Finley. W. D. Halfacre and Don Coffey. Attend Funeral Of Mrs. Smithey To Give Recital At School Friday through the partition so that;of the Magnolia and Middleton what went on in the sheriff’s of-j Gardens in Charleston, S. C., R. fice might be observed. \V. Graeber, extension forester of Frazier arrived at the court-/State College, in a letter to J. house about 5 o’clock and un-}B. McCoy, manager of Hotel locked the door to the register ] Wilkes, wonders why the people of deeds’ office with a key. Aft er obtaining entrance to that of fice, he walked into the sheriff’s office, located a key to the cash drawer, turned on the power after screwing out the bulb to avoid a light, unlocked the draw er. took the money from it and , proceeded to replace the key. I He was ready to leave when I Sheriff Somers, who had been of this section do not do some- annually. Upwards of 40,000 peo ple were in attendance last year despite the snow which fell on the first day. It should be pointed out that the Brushy Mountain section, which Mr. Graeber praises so highly, is not only worthy of a leaves thing to “call this beauty spot to j forest festival when the the attention of the people of'are golden-tinted and vari-color- North Carolina and other sec-i ed, but that it possesses almost fjQng •’ 'year-round attractions which Along with his letter to the lo-| should bring hundreds to view Its cal man, Mr. Graeber sends a scenic beauty during at least copy of the booklet published by j seven or eight months of the the sponsors of the Mountain [ year. State Forest Festival which is held annually at Elkins. W. Va. watching through the small hole (in the early part of October. He Large Crowd Present On! Music Pupils of Miss Ellen in the partition, let his presence also enclosed a copy of a letter Monday From Various Sections of State The funeral service tor Isaac Smithey which was Mrs. held Robinson To Give Pro gram At 8 P. M. ■Music pupils of .Miss Ellen Roliinson will give a recital in be known. Frazier, who has enjoyed a splendid reputation, was 'Placed in jail a/boiit noon. He was re leased under bond of $800 Tiies-I from the extension forester of West Virginia who makes meri- Local people are perhaps as enthusiastic over the early sea son grandeur as that during the autumn. As an early spring at traction, there are the apple (Continued on page four) Moniday aftcriioon was attended j the North Wilkesboro public, day afternoon. , by an immense concourse of i people, many coming from a ! distance. I Among those who attended I from out of the city were: Mr. land -Mrs, R. O. Boplin. of Ronda; of Elkin; Mr. and .Mrs. .v. v\. urcene and Mrs. A special offering for tlie UaP-'oarrie Dunean. of Roaring River; Special Offering To Be , , . Taken At Baptist Church Mr Arthur Martin, and Mrs. .A. W. Grci school auditorium tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. The program will he varied and will include both voc; 1 and piano numbers. The recital prom ises to be of an unusually high order ami it is hoped that a large crowd will attend. The pub lic is cordially invited, there be- Service Station Leased By Hadley tlst Hospital in Winston-Salem ^ Helton, of {'harlotte; ■will be taken at the First RuP-i Messrs. Danner and Owen ^ big no admission charged, list church Sunday. The hospital / Boone; Miss Myrtle has been doing a great work tor -romlinson and Mr. W. C. Tomlin- thls section of the slate ao't'son. of East Bend;* Mrs. Rom Church leaders are lioping that Moore. Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Kirk- everybody will be as lilieral as patrirk. Mrs. Jim Watts and Mrs. possible in their donation. | (i Hater, of Taylorsville. Mrs. Alma Warren, Mrs. J. B. ^ Fraley, le F. Erwin, and Mr. and ' [Mrs. John Fraley, of Statesville; | Many Examined At T. B. CKnic Baseball Loop May Be Organized At Meeting b City Saturday Afternoon Representative of State Sani tarium Busy During Past Several Days Crysel Relations To Hold Reunion WiU Gather At Old Jimmie Crysel Place On May 28; Big Basket Dinner Court Calendar Being ' Made Out This Morning Jack Hadley Took Charge Yesterday; Leased By C. A. Dimmette -Announcement was made yes- Mr. and Mrs. li. R. Smithey and terday that Jack Haidley has Station .Mrs. Johnson J. of Greens- boro: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hahn,, , , ! from C. A. Dimmette and is now Members of the Wilkes County Bar Association are holding a meeting this morning to arrange the catehdar for the June term of; Messrs. Jimmie Stevenson and which convenes j Troy Foster, of Hickory; Mr. and | operating the station. He took Mrs. Edgar Sherrill, of Sherrill's ' charge yesterday. ^Ford; Mrs. Tom Hamilton. Mr.' Filling Station is lo- Mr. F. D. Forester. Jr., '"'ho . Doughton andig^igd Cberry Street and Wll- ' kesboro Avenue. Since Its open- Mx. Ittperlor court fon Irfonday, May 29. Jr., who has been in school at Poughkeep-' ^Ima Erwin, of Sparta sle. Nv Y.. arrived Monday j ^ Jones and .nx. , station has enjoyed to spend some time with his pio-i gi^hard Herman, of Lenoir, and I satisfactory patronage ,ther, Mrs. F. D. Forester, Sr. j j,- f'olette. of .Mooresvillc. j rpj,g Motor and Welding n e \tr 1 I r» ^—A—T—nT a | company is located in the garage JIaIiPI Workers r.>l. a. lo meet .bunding adjoining tbe station liocal Association Is To Meet Many tuberculosis suspects have been examined by Dr. H. F. Easom of the State Sanitarium during the clinic which began May 1. Results of the examina tion will be released soon after the clinic ends the latter part of the week. The tubercular skin test has been given quite a number of people, it was stated yesterday. The Crysel family will hold a re-union at the old home place of Jimmie Crysel. where C. P. Cr.v- sel now . resides, on Sunday, May 28. Members of the family and t^ir connections are invited to Representatives of All Teams Interested Are Asked To Meet Representatives of the base ball teams which are consider ing entering the proposed base ball league for Wilkes county are asked to meet at the fair grounds Satuiday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The meeting has been called for tbe purpose of discussing rules and regulations and to elect j officials who will make a sche- come early and bring a for the picnic dinner which , Organization of the league kef will be served. jg now considered a certainty. The Crysels came to Wilkes although the teams which will I from Culpepper county, Virginia, j compose the loop.are not known. Dr. Easom is being assisted by ,about 1810 and the offsprings; Among the teams which may Mrs. Bertha Bell, county health gn and near the place jgater are those of North Wilkes- of their early settlement since ^ bgi-g, Purlear, Millers Creek, that time. ,'Clingman. Moravian Falls, Trap- hill and Daurel Springs. An in- With their election certified the registrar and judges of tha election. Mayor J. A. Rousseaa and members of the board of city commissioners met at the city hall Thursday morning and took the oath of office before City Clerk W. P. Kelly. They will serve durinif the next biennium. Meeting immediately after they were sworn in, J. C. Reins was elected mayor pro tern. Mayor Rousseau named the fol lowing committee! to serve during the next two years, the first named in each instance being chairman of the committee; Finance—S. V. Tomlinson, Ralph Duncan and L, A. Harris- Water and lights—Ralph Dun can, J. C- Reins and I. E. Pearson. Street—J. C. Reins, S. V. Tom linson and I. E. Pearson. Fire—L. A. Harris, Ralph Dun can and J. C. Reins. Sanitary—I. E. Pearson, S- V. Tomlinson, Ralph Duncan, L. A. Harris ami J. C. Reins. All present citv e;.i[)loye.s H^re re appoi -t'jd ('■k- ;'..i sLiLeJ period to serve until f-urther action by the board. The chief of police was instruct ed to mark the parking area on the streets. Kill Fifty-Five Rats In Granary Allie Eller and Jake Hayes Shot Them With Rifles On Friday Fifty-five rats fell under the marksmanship of Allie Eller and Jake Hayes, of Purlear, last Fri day when the two men directed their attention to the rat situa tion in an old granary. They shot the rats with rifles, while several more rats were killed by cats and dogs. Fifty-five la perhaps a record number to be killed in one par ticular den. Tom G. McLaughlin Is Elected Assistant Treasurer Wilkes Hosiery Mills Co. nurse. “Clean Up Week” Meet Saturday This .Afternoon In commenting on the trans action, Mr. Dimmette said: “I wish to thank all my customers The North Wilkesboro Parent-■ lof patronage and I trust AJ! Township Farm Relief Teacher Association meets this I that all of them will continue to -■% Chairmen and Commit- [afternoon (Thursday) in the fin- patronize the station under the tees WiU Meet ! al session of the school year. The t*’ 'meeting begins at ,3:45. ' Attendance of every member I I of the association is urged. A meeting of all the farm rc- / township chairmen and their 'eommlttees will be held in the E^on-AnxlHary building Sat- ' afternoon at 2 o’clock. iUetinK with them will be Wm. l-rUrtU Ezell, district supervisor * Sderal relief, Mrs. G. G. Fost er, comity welfare superinten- ^do'nt. Miss Edna Reinhardt, emer- icy home demonstration agent new management.” At Furniture Meet Mother Of Mrs. T. E. Cain Dies In S. C. I.ocal Manufacturers In Wluston- Salem Yesterday Messrs. J. R. Finley. John E. Mrs. Dora Henderson, mother | Justice, J. D. Moore and Henry of^Mrs, T. E. Cain, of Moravian Flails, died at her home at Paco- let, S. C.. last Friday. Mrs. Cain was at her bedside when death anty Agent A. O. Hendren and came •tsnt County Agent Joe El- most jUm iseetlng will be s >orU»t one. Any other Inter- The funeral service was held Supday. Mr. and Mrs. Cain and children and Hr. and Mrs. I^yton Jolnes attended from Wilkes. Mrs. Henderson was 61 yonn Moore attended a meeting of the ■Southern Manufacturers’ Associ ation in Winston-Salem yester day. They represented the For est Furniture company, Oak Fur niture company and the Home Chair company at the meeting. The fumltdre businees is look ing upward and 'futnutnetaren geneiraUy optimistic. me^Of Preparation for “Clean Up Week” which will be observed in the city next week, beginning' Monday and continuing through | Saturday, are going forward and | Mayor J. A. Rousseau has appeal-1 Wins Third Prize Tom G. McLaughlin, of this city, has just ibeen elected assist- a.nt treasurer of the Wilkes Hos iery Mills Co. Mr. McLaughlin is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McLaughlin, of Charlotte, and a brother of Mrs. P. W. Eshelman, this city. Ho came to the local mill December 28, 1928, and has worked in practically every department of the mill, making him well quali fied to fill an executive position with tbe company. The officers of the company now are as follows: P. W. Eshelman, presMent and treasurer. James G. Hanes, vice presi dent. Jas. N. Weeks, secretary. T. G. McLaughlin, assistant treasurer. Mr. Hanes and Mr. Weeks re side in Winston-Salem and are president and vice president of the Hanes Hosiery-'Mills com pany, of that city. vltation is extended through the , press for representatives of these C. N. Myers, Special Ageni ' an'd other teams which are in- Insurance Co. Ranks High tero.sted to attend the meeting ' Saturday. C. N. Myers, of this city, a The meetifig will be held im- Federal Court Begins Monday 1 "d lo cUte.. of Ih. fow. fo o..j.P.0W • “''••''’’fwZ".‘“Noib wSf ■I«l'“*>”„■>• * Insurance com- operate in making the city as j Pyramid Lite clean and attractive as possl/ble | pany, won third prize in the re- during this week. jeent contest staged by his com- Town trucks will cart the j pany and received a check of waste material away after it has $26.00. The contest ended May X. been placed in the alley immedi ately to the rear of the residences and business houses. Mayor Rousseau Is very anx ious that every property owner make an effort to get rid of the waste and u*Blghtly objects j which only serve to make the | city less attractive. | Mr. Myers, although accepting the local agency only recently, was a close contestant for first honors. The Pioneer Pyramid Life Insurance company has its home office at Charlotte. game between a North Wilkes- boro team and Millers Creek which begins at 2 p. m. Caught At Still Ivison Lovette And Wilmer Gil bert Taken Monday Convene Term In Wilkesboro Erecting Residence Resl- An Appreciated Gift To Journal-Patriot Force J. M. Crawford Building dence On “P” Street The Journal-Patriot fore* haa been en joying the beauty - of a vase of • peonies this weev as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. . J*; Oi^krie. of Oakwopdi. The stafi iaaiiree Mr. and Mn. Ogilvle liiat^ , j ‘ ' ifgg a muoli appreclai«^tlra, have thg contact and tha J. M. Crawford, local business man, is having a seven-room English style qbttage ar^^ on hlB lot on “P" street s batwaan Sixth and Sakenth jlWH Ivison Lovette and Gilbert were placed under arrest Monday by Prohibition Investi gator H. C. Kilby when they were caught at a'' distillery in the Boomer section. Both of the men have previously been In trouble for- violations of the national prohlbttlon laws, It is under stood. • - Mr. KUby.was accoaipanlad on tha raid by M. B. Phllllpe and T. ,M. - -1^ r due Brothers, eonstrucUon The Sbrati, js pfellA* before ConwikB Inary aloner J. W. Dula who fixed thefr A term of federal court for this division of the middle fed eral district will convene In VJI- keaboro Monday. Judge 'Johnson J. Hayes, of Greensboro, will pre- Wllmer side. A majority of the cases to come up for trial are for viola->^^ tlons of the national probibiUoit - laws. If custom is followed, cases from Ashe and AUeghany; eoni)- , ties will be tried on the tittt;iwa .. days of court and easea,. Watauga , will ’ be trl«d Wilkes cases are UseaUy It is expeetod tjM^ he moved from the federal tM^dins 'to the oonntr • eblHi- la order to 3fr i-i hooee jgnder