^ ^ ^ fMrs. R."Absher Endorsed Ji® y V ' « I.HA l««MA /1%#I In Local Organizations rot President State Auxiliary North Wilkesboro Is Solidly | Xrot Line And Behind Local Candidate ' . i • For High Office I Basket r ishing HAS SPLENDID RECORD I NoW Allowed North Wilkesbora civic organi-; zatlons have given unanimous en- i dorsement to the candidacy of W. R. Absher for president I of the North Carolina departmcit. of the American Legion Auxiliary.. iWithin the past few weeks, thej Woman’s club, the Kiwanis club. \ the Lions Club and the Wilkes | County post No. 125, American Legion, have expressed their ap proval of the service she has ren- i dered chib and civic work, and Joined hands with the local unit In commending her to the Auxil iary units of the state for head of the state body. Each of the organizations prais ed Mrs. Absher as a citizen, club woman and leader of various acti-1 vities of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Absher ha been endorsed by quite a number of the leading Auxiliary units of the state and will have a large following at the annual meeting, it is stated. Prior t* the organization of the-| American Legion post and Aux iliary here, Mrs. ,\hsher was act-1 ive in behlaf of World War vet erans. As president of the Civic League. Mr.s. Absher led the movement to establish Memorial avenue with it.s fifty-one trees in honor of the W'ilkes county boys I who gave their lives in the World j war. She has been chairman of the Memorial avenue committee for 14 years. , Mrs. Absher has been a member of the state ex ‘cutive board of the North Carolina department for six years. She was jVmericanism chairman for three years and his- ^rian for three years, a position ’^he now holds. As Americanism chairman, she won national com mendation for th“ department by (Continued on page three) ,\n important change in the laws gfoverning fishing in Wilkes county was made by the General Assembly, Coun ty Game Warden T. Finley stated 'Tuesday. The amended law permits fi.shemien to fish with trot lines and baskets, this provision applying to Wilkes, .Alexander and Davie counties. Except for (Ids one change, the old laws on hunting and fishing apply, Mr. Finley said. Mr. I'Mnley said lie understood that in some rural corainunities the rejiort had gone out that the hunting and fishing laws liad been abolished. He wanted to correit that retain and let it be known that the old laws are still in effect. Some reorganization and ail- justments are exta^ctetl the first of July, Mr. Finley said, hut these will in no way affect the requirements. Die June 2nd In Chair at Raleigh James F. Thorpe Died On Tuesday Only Ht^ Lies In Action By Governor; Slayer Of Wayne Norman ATTORNEYS AT WORK Bryant Stone, convicted slayer of his son-in-law, Wayne Nor ma will die in the electric chair on . riday. June 2. unless Gov ernor J. C. B. Khringhaus inter venes. .Affirmation of the death sentence by the state Supreme court on May IT automatically set the date for the execution. It Stone pays the death pen alty. he will have the unenviable ! distinction of bein.g the first I Wilkes county man to die in the j electric chair at Kaleigh and the I first man sent np from the [ Wilkes courts to be legally killed since James Byers was hanged Prominent Farmer Of Roar ing River; Funeral Was Held Yesterday James F. Thorpe, prominent farmer of the Roaring River sec tion. died 'Tuesday at_l:40 a. m. Mr. Thorpe was born September 6, 1867. An impressive funeral service was held at Pleasant Home church yesterday morning (Wed nesday! at 10 o'clock. Rev. Grant Cothren and Rev. Levi McCann were in charge of the service. Mr. 'riionpe was widely known and had many friends through out the county. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Myrtie Thorpe, one son, Clero !in Wilkesboro'in 1888. Quite a Thorpe; tjiree brothers. L. M I in jtew Wilkes people remember j distinctly the hanging of Byers. Stone was convicted at the Au gust term of court last year. 'Since that time he has been in death row awaiting the decision of the state Supreme court. Every effort will be made by his attorneys, J. H. Whicker and J. «M. Blackburn, to get the gov ernor to commute the sentence. of Charlotte; D. L„ of Bel Air. Md.; N. S., of Roaring River; three sisters. Mrs. E. W. Settle, of Benhain; Mrs. L. S. Hoots, of Roaring River, and Mrs. T. P. Bvrd, of Honda. Memorial Servicej Superior Court To Be Held Herej Begins Monday Tuesday EvCHlIlffi Judge Mkhael Schenck To Jl 1 Preside; Is For Trial Of .Attractive Program Being i Arranged By American j Legion Members Civil Cases A two weeks’ term of Super- ior court for the trial of civil Memorial Day will be observed ^ eases only will convene at the here with appropriate exercises' county courthouse beMn Tuesday eve-!-Monday. Judge Michael Schenck. ° ' of Hendersonville, will be the presiding Jurist. Although this is usually known Taken To Atlanta Deputy Marshal H. H. Jen nings. Otto Somers, guard, and Arlie Foster. driver. returned Tuesday evening from Atlanta. Ga., where they carried three prisoners to the federal peniten tiary to serve terms imposed up on them by Judge Johnson J. Hayes in federal court at Wil kesboro last week. They left with the prisoners Monday moruiug. The three men were: H. H. Hopkins, 2 years; Dexter Wil burn. 33 months; Iredell Htneh- er, year and a day. Wilkesboro appropnaie which are to iiiiig at 7 o'clock. J. B. McCoy, cliairman of the committee of the Wilkes County. P St NO 125, American Legion, j as the June term, it will convene Ihil. is arranging the program. Ion 'May 29 In com pl.ance with cession will form in front of Ho-1 the fourth Monday after the tel W'ilkes at 7 o'clock. From | first Monday in May. there the various at .streets, “A”. Mem- I North I F. R. Farnham Was Here On Monday And Tuesday F. R. Farnham. dairy exten sion specialist of State College, was in the county .Monday and Tuesday working with County Farm Agent .4. G. Hendren and Assistant County .Agent Joe El lis, Jr. A demonstration in dehorning cattle and culling a herd was made on the farm of Ex-Sheriff P. E. Brown. Mr. Brown is plan ning to cull his held and to build a trench silo for use the coming winter. participating will memorial marker of Ninth and D bers of Company t’arolina National lead the procession, followed in order by the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and high school band. .After the bugle sounds as sembly. the following program will be given; ".America." by high l)an4. Song. organizations! The calendar announced march to thejcenlly is unusually large. the porner re- Visitors Here Guard, will | John Paul Luca.s And C. Mitchell Here 'Tuesday H. Twelve Carried To Gastonia Hoepital Four Admitted For Treat ment; Two Discharged After Being Cured Twelve were taken to the or thopaedic hospital at Gastonia for observation and treatment Tuesday by Mrs. Bertha Bell, j county health nurse. Four of that number were admitted for i treatment. Two Wilkes people, Viola Dar nell and Stella Casey, who had been in the hospital for some lime, were discharged as cured and returned with Mrs. Bell. The four admitted to the hos pital were Vera Hall, Arbutus Myers, Ruth Adams and Sanford Teague. Others going for observation were Forest Church, John David son, Ruth Souther, Carl Bau- guess, Dovie Myers, Irene Har less, Daisy Greene, Marie Greene. These trips to the Gastonia hospital are sponsored by the Ki wanis Club, and gasoline and oil for the two cars Tuesday were furnished by John B. Justice and W. E. Jones. John Paul Lucas, of Charlotte, vice president of the Southern Pu'blic Utilities company, and C. D. Mitchell, district sales repre sentative of Kelvinators, were in the city a few hours Tuesday, school I Mitchell expressed himself las being delighted with the Kel- ! vinator campaign, stating that . w Robin ' the present sales record for the Prayer by Kov. ( . W . 1 ^eivinator campaign is the big- son. i accomplishment ever altain- Address. to„io, ed by anv utility company. Placing of wreathes by Legion , .Auxiliary. One minute silent prayer. of Na- , A good product, an efficient I organization and the certainty of rising prices were seen by Mr. I Mitchell as factors in the suc- I cessfui campaign. by I Salute by tiring squad , tional Guard company. I Taps. ' "Star Spangled Banner high school band. 1 Return march. I ' The public is invited to attend j h. R. Niswonger, state horti- Ihis service. i culturist, will be here todhy and — 1 tomorrow and C. L. Sams, bee 36 Prisoners Are Taken Away Monday Sentences of Men Total 50 Years or More; Taken To Virginia LEGION-AUXILIARY CLUB HOUSE The Legion-Auxiliary Club House, recently completed, was formally opened May 1. (Photo courtesy Blue Ridge Studio.) Erection of Legion-Auxiliary Club House Fine Achievement Beautiful New Home Was i LOREN GAITHER ^ ™ KILLED BY CAR Formally Opened To Public May 1st HELP ACKNOWLEDGED The Legion-Auxiliary Club House which was formally open ed to the public May 1 is a ma jor accomplishment o f Wilkes County Post No. Father Was En Route To Bedside Of His Mother, In This County Loren Gaither, five years of the^S@> daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 135,1W. B. Gaither, oi me Alamance To Be Delivc^ ByRobtCribl^ Exercises WiD Open'SH With Sermon By Rev. J. Armbrust, Of City " CLASS n!gHT JUNE 1 Closing Program To ^ On June 2; Diidomas WtD Be Presented American I>egion, and the North. Wilkesboro unit of the Americaii Legion Auxiliary tor this year. W'hile the two organizations, especially the Auxiliary unit. church section, near Greensboro, died at Clinic hospital at 6:45 o’clock Sunday evening as a re sult of injuries Inflicted late Sat urday afternoon when she was especially the Auxiliary struck by an automobile driven had kept In mind such a build- whltclcv. of 904 Omaha ing for several years, definite steps toward Its erection were not taken until the early part of this year. The lot on situated was purchased by the Auxiliary for this purpose some years ago. At that time, Mrs. W. R. Absher, a leading member of the local unit, was chairman of a special building committee and presented the terms upon which the lot could 'be secured from the Extension committee of Home Missions of the Presbyterian church. The lot, located on Highway 18, had been unimproved until February when the idea of erect ing a club house this year took form. At a meeting of the two by R. S. Whlteley, of 904 Omaha street, on Asheboro street be tween the Arlington and Gorrell nV D&xL vL which It intersections. Shortly after the little girl was hit by his automobile as she was undertaking to cross the street from the north side, Whiteley was arrested on a charge of an assault with a deadly weapon and he posted bond of $1,000 for his appearance in municipal court. At the police station Sunday night it was stated that the war rant would be amended so as to charge manslaughter. The de fendant is a medical student at the University of North Carolina. In addition to ber parents, Loren leaves three brothers, lorni. AL a IUDC....P, -- — j Frank, ('lifford, and Lee Gaither, organizations, it was learned sisters, Lois and Louise I the building could be constructed • Alamance church community. At the time of the Commencement exercises for the North Wilkesboro schools will get under way Sunday mo^ ing and will come to an eiU^t^ the evening of June 2. ^ The schedule^ for the closing exercises was announced yester day afternoon by Prof. W. D. Halfacre, superintendent of the city school system. The baccalaureate sermon will bo delivered at the First Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock by Rev. J. H. Armbrust. pastor of the North Wilkesboro Methodist church. Rev. Eugene Olive and Rev. C. W. Robinson will also take part in the pro gram. Class day exorcises will be held at the school auditorium Thursday evening, June 1, begin ning at 8 o'clock. These will be in the form of a play and during brief intermissions, the school band will furnish muatt.'I The school year will come to » close on Friday evening with the literary address by Dr. Robert Gribbon, pastor of St. Paul s Episcopal church, Winston-Sal em, and the presentation of di plomas to the graduating class by J. R. Hlx, vice chairman of the local school board. This pro gram will begin at 8 p. m. C. C. Wright, county superintendent of schools, is scheduled to pre sent the diplomas to seventh grade graduates. Niswonger Here Today, C. L. Sams Coming Tuesday Thirty-six federal prisoners were carried to Camp Lee at Petersburg, Va. and Camp Eus- tis at Lee Hall. Va. the first of the week. Two buses were char tered to transport the prisoners there to begin serving their sent ences which were imposed In fed eral court in Wilkesboro last week. Their sentences totaled about 50 years. The prisoners were carried there by Deputy Marshall B. H. Goss, of Wilkesboro. and Deputy Marshal R. C. Brown, of Win ston-Salem. who were assisted by Denver Holcomb, W. B. Somers, R. Williams. John Payne. W. R. Humgarner, P. V. Turner, S. A. with the I>egion’8 building and loan fund if federal relief un employn nt funds could be oh tained to pay for the labor. accident, Mr. Gaither was en route to Wilkes to be at the bedside of ineu tu ptt.v , wiiKea lo oe ai uie ueusmv ui Mrs. G. G. Foster, county wel-1 jjjg mother, Mrs. VV. D. Gaither, fare superintendent, endorsed | home at Millers the project and made available a c^eek about midnight Saturday sufficient sum of money for the labor charges. Materials from an old building in Wilkesihoro was purchased and construction work was soon started. The Legion-Auxiliary Club House is 7 5 feet long and 26 feet wide with a 15-foot stage and two, dressing rooms. The front is *40 feet by 25 feet. 'Two night. Mr. Gaither is a native of Wilkes and has many friends in I the county who regret to learn of his bereavement. Speaks At Hickory Mr. anil Mrs. R. T. McNeill, of j specialist, is coming to the cjiin- Ihis cily. speiu Siinilay at Hina, ily next Tuesday. They will I Ferry Greer, D. P. Jones Ashe county, visiting Mr.s. Me-j with County Agent Hendren xom and Jot Neill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ! among the farmers of the coun- C. Eller. *jty. Twin City Choir To Smg ^ . Volunteer Workers To Sell Poppies In Sunday Evening F. E Price. The party left here .Monday and returned Tuesday evening. Amorka's flower of' patrioticson. .Mrs. Floyd Jennings. Mpthnrfi^t Church . remembrance will be carried to I The local poppy corps will Methodist Church | Wilkesboro ^ I women who will go into action j on Saturdhy. .May 27, by corps of' ^ nation-wide front on Pop- • women volunteers organized forjpy Day to recall to America the the work with army efficiency.! services of the World War dead Completion of the organization i and to raise funds to aid the for the poppy sale was announc-j war's living victims. Before the close of the day these women hope to place the flower of re- Israel Byrd Dies Wilson Angel, who recently won national fame by receiving [>ne of the $5,000 awards in the Atwater Kent radio audition con test. and the Centenary Metho- iJst church choir of Winston- Salem will appear at the North | Wilkesboro Methodist church Sunday evening. I Dr. Harry Parker is director j }f the choir which is composed. ed today 'by Mrs. W. R. Absher, poppy chairman of the Wilkes county unit of the American Le gion Auxiliary. Each of the volunteer workers Israel Z. Byrd, of New Castle township, was claimed by death Tuesday. He was born May 18. be 1845 and was, ^herefore, 88 - - years and 5 days of age. The funeral service was con ducted from Dennyville Baptist church Wednesday at 11 o'clock by Rev. Noah Jarvis. One daughter, Mrs. Nancy Younger, la the only surviving member of the emmediate' fam ily. Mrs. W. R. Absher, state de ni,..,. -- . partment historian of the Amer- cloak rooms and a very conven-1 ican Legion Auxiliary, delivered (Continued on page three) jan address to the Auxiliary unit 'at Hickory Tuesday afternoon. Miss Florence .Marsh, daughter ! Her subject w'as, “The Spirit of of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Marsh, of‘the Auxiliary.’’ Wilkesboro. Route 1. underwent I Mrs. Absher was accompanied! an operation for appendicitis this to Hickory by Mrs. R. P. Casey | week at Wilkes Hospital. land Mrs. A. F. Kilby. Two Are Arrested liundy Nichols And I>ed NiciMil* Canght At Still Lundy Nichols and Fred Nich ols were arrested in the Buck community Saturday by prohibi tion agents when they were caught at a distillery which Guy are alleged to have been oper ating. The arrest was made by Agents D. C. Dettor and H. C. Kilby, who were accompanied on the raid by M. S. Phillips and T. M. Setzer. Following a preliminary hear ing before United States Com missioner J. W. Dula, they filled bond of $500 each for their ap pearance at the next term of federal court. Wilkesboro Woman’s CliA Will Meet Friday At ,. The Wilkesboro Woman’s Club will meet with Mrs. C. H. Hul- cher Friday afternoon at 9380 o'clock with Mrs. R. E. Prevette, Mrs. J. B. Henderson and Mrs. J. R. Henderson as joint hostess es. A musical program in charge of Mrs. Prevette will be given. Dick’s Service Station No. 3 Will Be Opened To Public Tomorrow Dick’s Service Station No. 3, | 'IMres. Other Firestone products 'which has been under construe- carried in stock. , The handsome new building tion for some time, w e or completed' only a few mally opened to the public to-1 gg fpgj long with a morrow (Friday) morning at 6 ■ 66-foot “L.’’ It has space for a o’clocld. Announcement to this! barber shop, store room, seirvlce t fifty-five voices. It Is one of! has been assigned to a team le outstanding choirs in the i which will distribute the poppies j in a specified location in the city. After their arrival in the city | Each team is in charge of a dis- bout 6 o’clock, rae.mbers of the j trict captain, working under the holr will go to the Leglon-Auxil- | .Auxiliary’s general poppy com- iry Clnb House fgr a light din- mittee. The district captains, ap- ,er. From there they will go to ' pointed by Mrs. Absher, are Mrs. he church at 8 o’clock. j J. B. McCoy. Mrs. J. A. Rous- The church la very fortunate seau, Mrs. A. B. Johnston, Mrs. i, lecuring the choir for this rbgram and an invitation for pnblie to attend ia extended, bere wlU ibe np admission, but allrer offering will be taken to stray enenpes. ■Sr; T. A. Finley, Mrs. J. H. Arm brust, Mrs. Tal Barnes, Mrs. J. BL Justice, Miss Lilliam Stafford, Mrs. A. F. Kilby, Mrs. Howard Wagner, Mrs. R. P. Oasey, Mrs. Ed Turner, Miss Norma Seren- - ■■ membrance on ten million coats, and to receive contributions which will enable the American Legion Auxiliary to carry on its relief and rehabilitation work for disabled veterans and needy families during the coming year. Making poppies for the sale has given hundreds of disabled veterans employment through the winter and spring months. These disabled men are the only workers in the Auxiliary's poppy program receiving pay, all^ oth ers donating their services.^ All contributions received above the cost of making the poppies is used in the Auxiliary’s .welfare work. effect was made today by Mr. A. A. (Dick) Cashion, popular serv ice station operator, who has operated service stations in the city tor several years. station and storage room. Ladles and gents’ rest rooms are also included in the bqildlng. The stafien was erected under the supervision of Mr. J. A. Zone Meeting Ga- Methodlst .lUxUiaries Will ther Here May 80 A zone meetini of the Meth odist Auxiliaries will be held at the local Methodist church, Tues day, May 30, beginning at 10:30 o’clock. This zone Includes Spar ta, Union, Moravian Falls, Wil kesboro and North Wilkesboro. Miss Mabel Cherry, a returned missionary from Korea, and Mrs. J. h. Woltz, of Mt. Airy, wUl be present. Each one is expected to bring lunch for two* All Auxil iary members and also church i.o. --IL-cd. „y lUl OCTCicat I The new station is located at j Cashion. Contract for laying the the intersection of Elizabeth, brick was awarded to L. A. Trogdon and Hlnshaw streets, Gudger, well known brick layer, and is Just opposite the station Concrete work adjacent to the where Mr. Cashion started in building was done by D. J. business about nine years ago. Friday and Saturday, May 26 and 27, have been designated as opening days and a special offer is 'being made for all those who do business with the station on either of these days. The station opens at 6 a. m., tomorrow and will remain open until 12 M. Saturday night Dick’s Service Station No. 8 will ca’ry a full line of Standard and auo t.m .am lamoCs-,. 1, LL-v-.,- BrbokBhire. The concrete con nects with the concrete streets. Plumbing fixtures were in stalled by the Wilkes Plumbing company, local firm. Brick, cement, lime, Spanish tile roofing, metal celling and hardware used in the constrnc- Uon of the station were furnish ed by the Jenkins Hardware com- pnnr. » s- Doors, window sashes i"- J on page three) > Wilkes Boys At Fort Bri^g For Training Period Four Alternate{9, Allowwti|i> Go; Fifty Wilkes Boys' Are There i" The fifty Wilkes county boys who were accepted at Winston- Salem last Friday are now in training at /ort Bragg and will remain there several days before being taken to the forest camps to begin work. Reports received from Fort Bragg were to the ef fect that the boys are enjoying their conditioning period. Four alternates Were given ^ places among the fift^r allotted Wllkee when four of those select ed did not go to Fort The four alternates takeh^'TOfO Cyrus Holcomb, Russell Chrfroh, Noah D. Royal and Dykes John son. They took the plaoea/^f George Wyatt, Don. Wyatt, mond Pearson and Basel nington. Mrs. J.. N. ehoekey will Friday tor Boaton,, liuB,, to visit W her daughter, Miaa Malfy Rb^- V.. phy. iirsv.