■■r-'. ->i. •' /- WifUs Few IfiniitM ' hashing Legs With Kdres May ®7 .“-fl*wo men ee»l iiHh knlvea near ayil^ *o4h died, - s • .After ^4^neUns for fifteen ftorrte, SO, and ^^SW^r. James R. Bggers. owipia^Tes. and atUcked each stter.niKgers died instantly after the large Teln in his 'leg;, had heen eevered. Norris stumbled ^OAe'^eed body of Eggers, his child, kissed it and fell mortally wounded. The doable tragedy occurred •t the home of Norris, 20 milek t.cf Boone. .A>t(iie Over Sheep ■^Av Howell of Wa- *e«*a county said tonight there i^^'heen enmity between the two . WMpieO' for more than a year, that today’s fatal cutting af- was the culmination of an ^VCgament over sheep. F.W About a year ago, according to the sheriff, Eggers passed the ;^me of Norris, drew a pistol •ad shot Norris in the bach. Eg- ftlers was arrested, but the charg ee finally were dismissed. Since that affair, the hatred between two families had grown in tense and today when they met an argument over sheep was iatarted. For fifteen minutes the two engaged in a heated contro- ▼orsy which led to the stabbing. Both were cut on the legs and ^dled from the loss of blood. Inqnest Unnecessary A coroner’s Investigation was conducted, but inasmuch as evi dence clearly indicated that each came to his death at the hands of the other, an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Both principals were married and had families. The tragedy was one of the most shocking to occur in Watauga county in ‘ many years and caused a pro found sensation throughout this aection. The Alleghany chapter'of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy was hostess to the second district meeting at Sparta Satur day. The meeting was presided over by Miss Lucy Finley, of this city, who is district director.. The feature of the meeting was an address by Mrs. James Edwin Woodward, of Wilson, president of the North Carolina U. D. C. Mrs. Woodward was introduced by Miss Finley. Mrs. Garland Daniel, of Greens boro. state treasurer, was also present"' Representatives were in attend ance from Boone, Granite Falls, Morganton and North Wilkesboro. Splendid reports were given by the representatives of the . various chapters. ’ , ^ ~ Miss Lucy Finley and Mrs. C. D. Coffey, both of North Wilkesboro, were re-elected director apd secre tary, respectively, of‘ the district. ' After the business session, the ladies of Sparta served an elabo rate lunch. The Boone chapter asked for the district meeting next year. Free Cqurse In Swimming Instruction To Be Given At Riverside Pool Here A free course of Instruction in swimming and life-saving will begin at Riverside Swimming Pool either tomorrow or Wednes day, it was announced this morn ing. The course is being spon sored by the Kiwanis Club and other clviq organizations. H. J. Adams, Red Cross exam iner. and J. B. Klundt, of the I'niversity of Minnessota, will in- Everyone is invited to take the course, but it is being given especially for children between 7 and 14 years of age. There is no cost for the course, the only charge being for swimming privileges. This cost will be cut in half during the two weeks. A water carnival will be given Sunday and everybody is invitel. The Riverside Swimming Pool opened Thursday and the water struct the cla.ss and at the end | is ideal for the swimming course, of a two weeks' period, will give I Those who wish to enter may an examination for certificates, register immediately. Centenary Choir ! New Case Worker Heard On Sunday Takes Up Duties Large Crowd Ovei-flows Local Methodist Church For Last Night’s Program Miss Mary Ella McCurdy To As.sist In Making Case Investigations The choir of Centenary church, | Mi.s.s Mary Ella McCurdy, of Winston-Salem, under the direc- j Spartanburg, S. C., arrived Tburs tion of Ilr. Harry Parker and Dr. £njoyi«5^.,: fits BiMt Week In ' Thef»^3Ye^ ■■r Ai 1.^—Trade New^Tork, May 1 and business tbit week, said , the Dun and Broadetreet, j^vieik to- •day, have, shown more consistent improvement than In any week in the last three years. “The rise in general business,’’ the agency stated, “has noW been lifted to a level sufficiently high to reveal its stability,, which dp- pears to bo fortified adequately to withstand the usual seasonal recessions of the summer months. “Reports of steadily increas ing employment continue to bp received from centers devoted to the production of steel and all allied products, automobiles, tex tiles, rubber goods,,^ shoes and leather and lumber. “The aourse of the leading in dustries is indicative of the quicker tempo of ind'UEtrial ac tivity, which has now become too accentuated to be attributed to a «iktoaa)-rise. torle&rMllutlon to rift^S^actlvlIfM *w'ith the prb- Ttdlons of tbo national tiidds'trial recovery ftlt has spread from 'fte textile, Aoaiety, shoe and food prodkcitt, electrical, ImmMr, metals, pdtibletim, dry colors |uid paperboard indnstcies to ® group of smaller traded.. ’"The effects of the new’ lation are expected ' to’ ‘l»eotne concretely eviden^ within three months after, passage of the bill. "With the large department stores and specialty shops, the May turnover gives assurance of surpassing the Volume of the comparable preceding year’s peri od for, the first time in two ■- ' I. Funeral ! Uttle iM . ThanMiaf M Rock,, Church; ■ 79 Years Old "cJ Funeral '^ services were held at Little Rock'^i^hureii for Mrs.' Sue ' Fennell, of tbe Boomer section, who ^ed Wed nesday at 5:30 p. m. The service years. Calvin Hutchison Dies Calvin, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hutchison, of Traphlll township, died Thurs day. The funeral was held at Roaring River Friday at 10 a. m., being In charge of Rev. A. C. Bid den. J was held at 2'o’clock in the kft- ernoon and ,was conducted by Rev. Isaac Watts. Mrs. Pennell was 79 years of age. She is survived by her bus- band, Mr.. Jones Pennell, four sons, Bonnie Pennell, of Texas; Charles and Robert, of Boomer; Thomas, of Durham; three daughters, Mrs. Rose Parsons and Mrs. • Minnie Parsons, both of Boomer, and Mrs. Effle Barlow of Granite Falls. The Mevint SfWt H Dnft: “I think ray wife alwayg ® 'intended to Biarry rT " ^ ^ Caffci "I have no dot*t: hot I*lf ^ hit it was her mother who snper- , . . jfy-' S intended.” SNOW ; r LUBRICATED ,f ' That Good GASOLINE Try It C. D. Coffey, Jr., Distributor GREAT FAIR WILL BE STARTED WITH 49-YEAR-OLD RAY Cambridge, Mass., May 26.— Somewhere out in space, millions of miles away, a light-ray is plung ing head-long toward the earth from the great star Arcturus. That li^t-beam began its jour ney from Arcturu.s during the last world’s fair in Chicago 40 years ago. For four decad’s it has been mshing through spice at a rate of about 186,000 miles a second. Saturday night at 10 p. m., eastern standard thne, it will complete its journey of 234,627,840.000,000 will Charles C. Varcieli. Jr., or.qaiiist. presented a sacred concert of high order at the Methodist church, North Wilke.sboro. Sun day night. .4 congregation that packed every available space and overflowed in the entrances and outside heard the rendition with rapt attention. The other church es of the city dispensed with their services that their people might attend. The prayer was of fered by Rev. Eugene Olive, pas tor of the First Baptist church and the benediction was pro nounced by Rev. C. W. Robin son, pastor of the First Presby terian church. The larger part of the pro gram was a cappella. Each num ber showed that the members of day ' take up her work as relief “case .vorker” in Wilkes county. Instructions have been given the county welfare department not to use any federal emergency relief funds to aid any individual or fam ily until the need has been investi- gatedd thoroughly and Miss Mc Curdy was assigned to assi.st in making these investigations. In the future, help will be given only to those in dire need, it is understood, fhe garden program being designed to eliminate those who will not help themselves. Explanation Given Roosevelt Plan of Currency Reform W’ashington, May 26—In plain words from official and other the choir was under the absolute i sources there came tonight this control of the director. One of! explanation of the effect of the the selections was an a cappella | gold resolution introduced today; composed by Dr. Vardell and di-] It simply legalizezs the pres- rected bv himself. Numbers ren- ent situation. miles (mote or less). It plnng into a great telescope and' dered were composed by Dr. i Gold having been withdran trip off a delicate electric me chanism which will open the cen tury pf progress exposition at , Chicago. Four great observatories await the moment. At the Harvard col lege observatory at Oak Ridge, in the town of Harvard, a huge 24- Lord Is My inch reflecting telescope will be ,-^Ir. Angel Parker, the director, and beau-j from circulation, paper currency tifiilly sung. Eacli number badland coins that are lawful money a high merit of its own, and was ^ may bo used in the payment of I. Mr. Wilson Angel who was the, soloist of the evening .gave a' splendid interpretation of “The Light," t>y Allitsoii. a young man of twen-1 Arcturus Saturday ty yi rare I Such money has the same stat us as gold. Bonds and obligations of tbe United States may be retired in currency or silver instead of gold, ■ars. possesses a voice of | Both public and private cur- quality and perfect enun-|rency issues in the future or now oiitstandii'.g may be paid in cur rency or silver. The step is expected to reduce cell. Exactly at the .stroke of 10, j The program was closed by'hoarding of gold since it would Dr. Harlow Shapley, director of .the ever beautiful and inspiring I remove the premium held by the observatory, will pull a shutter I "Hallelujah Chorus," from The i gold. which will flash the 40-year-old ■ Messiah, which always brings an | The gold, while having been light beam upon the photo-electric audience to its feet. 1 withdrawn from circulation, is I Dr. P. J. Brame’s class of la-1 back of the other money of the This delicate cell, incredibly ^ dies, a.ssisted by their husbands j United States, sensitive to the action of even the' served supper at the Legion Club' The government now holds $4.- feebiest ray of light, will set up^House to the visiting singers j14.otio,000 of monetary gold electric current which will be. prior to the program. The ladies land the federal reserve banks turned toward night. , The telescope will be set .o that elation, and will no doubt in the a light beam from Arcturus will | future find a high place among ^ fall upon a sen.sitive photo-electric, the artists of America. an amplified by other electrical apoa- ^re to he congratulated upon the'have $2,499,234,000 of gold. ratus. A galvanometer, another’fine way they entertained the sensitive electrical instrument, will .(.f^oir. They are to be greatly receive this curr nt and will swing | praised, intense mirrored light beam an upon a second light-sensitive cell.' Finds Much Optimism In The current liras .set up in the second photo-electric c 11 then will speed out over telegraph wires to throw the switch opening the great fair. Farming Section Of West The metal they hold is enough i under the present reserve re- (qiiirement, to back nearly $3,- 1000,000,000 more currency than 1 the United States ha.s in circula tion. ■Mr. I. E. I’earson nephew, Mr. Tal J. this city, returned from a visit to Kansas Uit and his I Pe.arson. of i Kennedy Returns From last week Fishing Trip To East and George Kennedy, manager of KECIL M. GREESON St- Joseph. .Mo. In the latter city, ’ North Wilkesboro branch office IS DROWNED IN POND Mr. i’earson, a members of tlie of tlie South East Public Service K 1 Monroe Gree.son, 23. of Pearson Bros., distribu-; company, returned today from a ‘ church section of Quaker Oat company pro- fishing trip to the eastern part member of the ducts, attended a convention of-of the state. He was accompanied the Mount Hop’ Guilford county, of the company. on the trip by the managers of junior class at Catawba college, distributors ^Usbury was drowned while | Pearson said he found a' the telephone offices at Elkin Bwimroing in a pond near that city better feeling existing among the i Mt. Airy, Leaksville and Rpral .farmers of the mid-west. Prices I Hall. They fished in and around I are advancing and the farmers i Morehead City, Oriental and in (are eiicomaged over the outlook the Neuse River. Splendid sue for better business. cess was reported by Mr. Ken- Both the Messrs. Pearson re-' nedy. ported an enjoyable trip Thursday afternoon First Lobbyist Files Republican Leader Quits Fore*ter-Prevette Ina. Co. Nwth Wilkesboro, N. O. Dr.M.R.WaddeU DENTIST compensation and had incurred no organization, dxpense. 1^ Fairpluiu ^ " ’^Highway Teacher: “Why, Tommy, surely you know what the word mirror means. What do you look at after you’ve washed, to we if your face is clean?” U. Tommy: .“Tlie lowefl, Cleveland, 0., May 25.—Smiling Raleigh, May 25.—The first of; Maurice Maschke, whose name has the lobbyist expense accounts re-1 been a ^mbol of power in Ohio quired by an act of the 1933 legis-' politics for 26 years, stepped down lature was filed today in the of-1 abruptly today as chairman of fice of Secretary of State Stacey, the Cuyahoga countj’ (Cleveland) W. Wade by L. R. Varser. of Lum-1 Republican central committee. He berton. former superior court j gave no reason for abandoning the judg:e. Varser filed that he was | post but the decision came after representing the North Carolina | repeated public criticism of his B'ar association, had received no' leadership from within the party ( Act Quickly And Buy Your KE LVI NATO R While Low Prices Are Available! 24 MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE HERE ARE THE FACTS-FIGURE IT FOR / YOURSELF WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A KELVINATOR ^ The New Low Prices — Models as Low as $99.50! Long Terms—So Long That You Will Hardly Miss the Small Monthly Payments. Food Savings Will More Than Pay for Cost of Operation! Buy Food in Large Quantities and Save Money on Special Prices! The Many Conveniences Add Comfort, and Relief to* the HeuMirife. “ LUten to Our Radio ProgrtB»—WBT—9:li A. Mon,, Wod„ FrL Southern Public Phone 420 “ELECTRICITY—The Servant In the Home any North Wilkesboro, N. C«" A teacher had told her class of youngsters that Milton, the poet, was blind-. The next day she asked if any of them remembered what Milton’s great affliction was. ” r^ied one little’ .sS .-.a OPEN EACH NIGHT this WEEK -T-S*