lARTWHlKSHAWISSHOTAND |Pracik3llyADWSi.mT. . KIUED AT rnPHUl; SEARCH JohhEYeiitAdveitBeTkiinaar MADEFORRlCHARDSONYOliTH Fatal Affair Took Place Sun day About 5 P. M. At ' Swimming Pool SLAYER STILL AT LARGE P Bullet Struck Young HinshaWj In Back of tiead; Vied | Instantly Martin Hinshaw, 22-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hln- Bbaw, residents of W'ilkes coun ty, who live near Elkin, was shot and killed Sunday afternoon about 5 o'clock and officers are searching for Herschel Richard son, 26, of the Traphill commun ity, who is charged with firing the fatal shot. According to reports received by Sheriff W. B. Somers. Hin shaw and several other young people of his eomr'.unity had motored to the Holbrook Pond, which i» used as a swim ming pool, where they came in contact with Richardson and oth ers who came to the pool. The young men. attired in their bathing suits, were engaged in splashing water upon each other, some of which struck Richard son, when Richardson became angry, statin.g that he would "cut them in two” if they did i: I again. The boys, it is stated, took Richardson's knife away from him. Richardson t.ien went iiome and got his gun and returned to , the pond. HinsTiaw was the only one of the hoys around and Rich ardson is then said to have fired his pistol, the bullet striking Hinshaw in the back of the head. | The bullet lodged against thel young man's left eye. I Sheriff Somers was notified I late in the evening and went in search of the alleged slayer, but j was unable to locate him. Rich-1 ardson was still at liberty at noon ^ today. Richardson is the son of Mr. Treally Richardson, of Traphill. Funeral arrangements for the slain youth were not learned to day. The Hinshaw family is well known locally. His father, Mr. U M. Hinshaw, is employed at the. Spalnhour store at Elkin and his brother, Mr. I^ee Hinsliaw, was formerly employed at the Hardware company here. i Wide Range of Merchandise To Select From During "North ! Wilkesboro Days” Friday and Saturday; Thous- , • i ands Expected To Attend From WiHces i and Many Adjoining Counties Three £)»& W^k-End Auto Accidents In This Section; Minoir Injuries Suffered By Four More PRICES TO BE REDUCED GREATLY FOR OCCASION i JJ|i^ Dftllghei*ty Is Speaker At Club Meetii^ Friday i Recent Advance In Price of Commodities Has Not Affected i Stocks of Local Stores To Date; Sales Tax of Three I Per Cent Will Also Be Saved By Pur chasing During These Big Days GETS BIG JOB Sidney H. Levy, 17, Buffalo,_N. Y., high school student, is the wun-, ner of the 7th annual national con- i t -St on “The League of Rations,” 8.000 students from 1,366 schools in 48 states competed. His reward | is a trip to Geneva. Switzerland, j this summer. Paul C. Lindley Drowns In Lake Wa.k Nephew of Mrs. Clarence Call; Former Mayor of Greeasboro Paul Cameron Lindley. 56, former mayor of Greensboro, was drowned in a Lind-j ley nurseries Saturday about 11 | a. m. He was a nephew »f .Mrs. | Clarence Call. of Wilkesboro, | who left yesterday following re- j Iceipt of the news of his untimely^ 'death. I The funeral service is to be I ! held this afternoon at 4:30j I o’clock at West Market church, j Mr. Lindley was one of Greens-i I boro's best known citizens. At i the time he was drowned, he was i , out fishing on the lake with aj ; small boy. He tell into the wat-' ! er from a small row boat. i Merchants of Xorlh Wilkes boro are now making plans to feature some exceptional val ues (luring “North Wilkesboro Days," bh-iday and Saturday, June 10-17. The Journal-Patriot repre sentative has been working • among the merchants for .some time, assisting them in making arrangements for this siH'cial occasion and hy almost unani mous agreement June 16-17 were selected ns (he days Im‘- caiise they come bt'fore the three per cent sales tax goes on and because the recent ad vance In the price of commo- (lili(‘S has not affected the pre.sent stock of merchandise field by local mcrchaiils td any great extent. Friday and Saturday have lieen set aside by the merch ants ns “value da.vs” and thou.s- aiids of thrifty buyers from all sectioii.s of Wilkes and .id- joining counties are ex|>ected to visit the city. The merch ants antielpale a large volume for, as one mereliant put it, “it will not be a profit-making event for us, in view of the low prises we are placing on OUT stock, unless the volume of business is sufficient to make up for the reduction in prices." In many instances, prices will be at cost and below. And In every case the customer will have an opportunity to save. By purchasing their needed clothing and other articles on these days, thrifty buyers will not only take advantage of the nyluced prills, but they will save tile sales tax xvhicli goes on .July 1. ^Merchants will lie rei|uircd to on the three jier rent sales tax when the new law goes into effect, it is stated. Advertisements listing many big values will be carried in Thursday's issue of The Journ al-Patriot. Readers of ‘this newspaper, the management is confident, will find It profit able to check the Thursday issue carefully and make plans to trade here on “North Wil- keslioro Days." Remember bViday and ,Sat- unlay, June 10-17, are oppor tunity days in North Wilkes boro! Kiwanians Hear President of Appalachian State Teach ers’ CoUege, Boone SPEAp ON OPTIMISM Says Schools Will Move For ward Despite Small Ap propriation of State “These times are a challenge to real men,” Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president of Appalachian State Teachers’ college, Boone, and a member of the new state school j commission, declared in an address before the local Kiwanis club Friday at noon. Optimism has and always will play an important part in leading a people out of a depression, Dr. Dougherty said. The luncheon program opened at 12:05 with the usual song and the Laurel Springs Boy Is Run Over Fred T. Kilby Loses Life In Accident At Call Sunday Morning HOBART MYERS KILLED Twelve-Year-Old Boy Dies When Struck By Truck At Laurd Springs Three persons lost their Urea and four were injured In automo bile accidents in this section over the week-end. The most serious wreck of the four took place about 7 o’clock Sunday morning in front of Call j post office on the Boone Trail highway when the light roadster in which Fred Kilby, Tony Wyatt and Robert Brooks, all of this city, were riding turned over on the E. B. Jeffress. Greensboro pub- ] highway. The three young men lisher, is appointed chairman of | "’ere rushed to the Wilkes Hos* I Kilby died about invocation by Genio Cardwell. Ki- je-' pital here. Mr. waman Eugene Olive led the ^lub . i 15 minutes after entering the His companions this Dr.H.B. Smith Is Elected President of Lions Club Jeffress Named For State Post; Maxwell Is Kept Annual Election of Officers Held Thursday Evening Hotel Wilkes; E. A. Shook and Dr. Smith Elected Delegates To District Convention At Asheville Thursday, Friday At Greensboro Publisher Is Be Head of New Prison- Highway Body Raleigh, June Grayson Memorial Fund Is Started [.LACE TO ADDRESS FARMERS' GATHERING Raleigh, June 9.—Henry A. Wal- j lace, secretary of agriculture in the cabinet of President Roo.sevelt, has accepted an invitation to speak at the opening .session of the state farmers’ convention to be held State college during farm ‘ Mr. Contributions For Erection Of Marker For Slain Of ficer Coming In Dr. H. B. Smith, popular local I physician, was elected president I of the North Wilkesboro ' Lions club at the annual election of of ficers Thursday evening. The , election took place at the regu lar semi-monthly meeting at ' Hotel Wilkes. Other officers elected were: W. ' J. Bason, vice president; K. A. i Shook, secretary; R. Ivey Moore, ! tail twister; il. V. Wagoner, I lion tamer. Dr. J. H. McNeill was elected a and home week July 24 to 29. I. killed while on duty the Wallace will address the conven-1 3j tion Monday evening, Ju y that a fitting memorial Bounces Charles A. Sheffield, .sec- “This man is a hero just as i as if he had gone to war member of the board of directors, and died on the battlefield,”, only one member being elected Rev. J. H. -Armbrust, pastor of each year. North 'iV’ilkesboro Met'iodist ^ hive new members and one church, stated at the funeral of' transferred member were receiv- the late James R. Grayson, mem-1 ®d at the meteing. The new her of the local police force, who members are S. B. Richardson, i*0tary of the convention. defend'^r of law and ordtr.*^ the Officers of Berean-Bible Class Met Thursday Night Officers and teachers of the Berean-Bible class of the First ^ Baptist church Sunday school beld'^j^”“ miaister further said. As a result of Ibis suggestion, a movement is under way to raise funds with which to finance ; Carter a marker. Present plans are to' a bronze placard, bearing Texas Oil company distributor; Palmer Horton, of the Horton Drug company; Ed Allen, of the Southern Public Utilities com pany, W. H. Clark, manag-'r of the J. C. Penney company s.tore here, and W. J. Allen, manager of the Orpheum Theatre. J. B. a member of the Greens boro club until he moved to this city recently, came into the local club. T. G. McLaughlin, who had been out of the club for sev eral weeks, returned as a full- fledged member. A splendid report of the club’s activities for the past year was given by the activities commit tee. K. A. Shook and Dr. H. B. ' Smith were elected delegates to j the thirty-first district conven-1 tion which will be held at Bat-1 tery Park hotel in Asheville on, .. . . v , June 15-16. Alternates elected . „ „ tbe vital things, the e,- were Ivey Moore, H V. Wagoner and Dr. J. H. McNeill. ' I in singing, “My Bonnie Lies Over, I the Ocean." I Prof. Chelsie B. Eller, who was I elected county superintendent of I schools last week, was a guest of | j Kiwanian C. 0. McNeill, chairman; of the board of education. Leverne j Fox, of Boone, who accompanied i Dr. Dougherty Here, was a guest j of the club. I Secretary T. E. Story, President; Fred Q. Hubbard and P. W. Eshel- | man all referred to the swimming course that has been conducted at the Riverside Swimming pool here by the swimming instructors from; Ehringhause tonight Minnesota. The work was lauded appointment by the speakers. k •. Secretary Story stated that hd had expected James Larkin Pear son, widely known poet, as his guest for the day, but that Mr. Pearson had found it impossible to attend. Mr. Story called attention to Mr. Pearson’s new book, “Fifty Acres,’’ a collection of some of the poet’s most popular recent poems, which is now on sale for 35 cents per copy. I Dr. Dougherty was introduced , division. announce ment was made of the following Choosing as his subject, “Opti-ias highway and public works mism,” Dr. Dougherty contrasted j optimism with pessimism. The | Charles Whedbee of Perqui- contributed' mans county: W. C. Woodard of [the vital things, the things that Nash county; James A. Hardison I hospital, i morning were reported to be get- 10.—Governor announcid of E. B. Jef fress of Greensboro to head the consolidated jhighway-prison de partment, and the reappointment of A. J. Maxwell as commission er of revenue. George Ross Pou, present su- i perintendent of State's prison, j was named executive director of ! the highway and public works department, the new name for : the consolidation. He also will ] act as superintendent of the pri- Dr. Dougherty was V. Eugen“ chairman for the day. I state The new officers will be in-' As a member of the new stalled at the next regular meet-' school comnusston. Dr. Dougherty ing of the club. "’«ht be expected to say something about schools. He felt W. J. Bason was presented a i , . i i.i. key award by Lions International' a majority of people the new school law meant a backward to the Lion who secures two new members for the club. The nominating committee which named candidates for the election Thursday evening was step. However, he declared he was optimistic and pointed out that no other sotithem state con tiguous to North Carolina, or for that matter, Mississippi, Louisiana, of Anson county; Luther Hodges of Rockingham county; Ross Sig mon of Rowan county, and Frank W. Miller of Haywood county. The appointment of Jeffress and Maxwell ended weeks of suspense over their offices, and left only the post of executive officer of the budget bureau in doubt. This position has been ting along very satisfactorily and will recover unless complications develop. The young men were traveling in the direction of Winston-Sal em when their car left the con crete. The driver is then said to To; have whipped the car back on the concrete, the car turning over when It came back on to the bardsurface. - Hobart Myers, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Myers, of Halls Mills, was killed almost in stantly about midnight Saturday night when the car he was driv ing left the road and plunged down an embankment on the S. A. Bumgarner road connecting Mulberry and Reddles River. His companion. Herman Handy, jumped from the moving car and escaped with minor bruises and scratches. Young Myers had been driving only a few hundred feet and had the car still in second gear when the accident took place. He died a tew seconds after his com panion reached his side. The twelve-year-old son of George Upchurch, o f Laurel Springs, Alleghany county, was killed instantly Saturday mom- j ing about 11 o'clock when he was run over by a truck operat ed by T. S. Moxley. The accident occurred about two miles from I..aurel Springs. The boy, it was stated, stejp'ped from behind another truck in front of Mr. Moxley’si truciL’and was crushed by the wheels. The five-ton truck was hauling sand 1 held through the McLean and > for the surfacing of Highway No. Gardner administration by Henry i 18 between Laurel Springs and their regular an appropriate inscription, on the J. B. Williams ^ the home of Mr, Thursday evening. Mr. chairman of the financial com mittee of the class. by the fain- To Elect Welfare Officer Tuesday tion At Battei-y Park Hotel Jun« 1.5-16 Williams “ononient erected By. i The suggestion offered by Rev. I Mr. Armbrust met with general favor among the citizens of North I Wilkesboro who believe that a 'fitting and permanent marker ' should be erected in memory of , the decea.sed officer. The following letter from J County Boards Will Meet In Williams was received by Mayor; jg their annual district - SpMial Session; Several , Candidates | Delegates from the North Wil Big Lions Meet | Wright Is Still Be At Ashevillel At County Office composed of Henry .Moore, Dj^J-1 Xl“abama" and'theTarge state ” of iB^rke.' but Burke has announced | Fairplains. H. McNeill and Attorney BuforiL appropriated less for public I he intends to leave the services: T. C. Riggs and W. B.-McNeill, 'education than does North Caro-1 of the state shortly after July 1.1 of near Crlckett, suffered severe Injuries late Sunday wh-n their T. Henderson. 4 J llina. ^ North Carolina has always come [through and the speaker had the I utmost confidence in her ability to I march ever forward. , Thirty-first district Conven-1 New Superintendent Expected! GRADUATES AT U. N. C. Lions from all over the thirty- first district will gather at Ashe- : ville Thursday and Friday, June 16- To Receive bommisslon In Few Days Prof. C. C. Wright, veteran county superinlendent, was still on the job today and meanwhile Prof. C. B. Eller, who is to succeed him. J. A. Rousseau and the board of^ rpjjg meeting will be held I is preparing to assume his new city commissioners on June 2: | ^jjg Battery Park hotel. [duties as soon as his commission ' During the funeral service of Meeting in special session to-| james R. Grayson, deceased Po- .gg^oro Lions club are Dr. H. B. morrow (Tuesday) morning,, uceman who was murdered president, members of the board of educa-|the streets of our city yds week. ) Secretary E. A. Shook. Alter- (Continued on page four) , nates are Dr. J. H- McNeill, Ivey ■ i Moore and H. V. Wagoner. , Special Announcement j other members who wish to do I Rev. J. Fremont Whitman, of | so may attend. Charleston, W. Va., will preach i is received from Raleigh. tion and the board of commis sioners will elect the county wel fare officer lor the biennium 1933-35. Electtbn of this official was postponed from June 6 to to morrow when the boards failed to at the Boomer Advent Christian at their -first Joint meet- agree ing. It la understood that there are a nfimber of applicants for the ptn^. Mrs. Valeria Belle Foster, who has held the office for the past tiro years, is a candidate for ra-«lMtloa. church, Thursday evening. June I’Sth, at 8 o’clock; Everyone is cordially invited. Mr. 'Whitman is one of the denomination’s biggest ministers and a treat is In store for all that will hear him on this oc casion. Board of Equalization To Meet On Monday, June 19 The board of county commis sioners will meet as a board of equalization at tht oourthouse in Wilkesboro Moofisy, June 19. Those having oomplalnts to file with the boara should arrange to be present. _> Mr. Owen Duncan, son of Mrs. J. E. Duncan, of this city, was a member of the graduating class at the University of North Caro- Pearson Bros. Store Entered Thieves Break Through Four Doors; Get Cash and Cigarettes local Pearson Bros, store, tear wrecked near Moravian Falla. I Mr. Riggs’ left arm was broken and he suffered painful cuts [about the face. Mr. McNeill waa also cut and braised in*^ the wreck. I The car, (Which was driven by Mr. Riggs, left the ^Igh'way on '(Continued on page lovr) olina. Chapel Hill, and received The appointment of Prof. Elfer is expect^ to be approved at a, meeting of the new state school ■ commencement, commission in Raleigh tomorrow. It is now thought likely that he will take charge either Wednesday or Thursday. Prof. Wright, while planning to retire Saturday, will remain on the job until Prof. Eller takes control. his B. S. degree at the exercises last Tuesday evening. The final exercises were held in Kenan Memorial stadium at sunset. Mrs. Duncan and her son, Stuart, ac companied by their guest. Miss Marion Clayton, attended the Messrs. Gwyn Harper, Jr., Em mett C. Willis. Jr., and William G. Coltrane, Jr., former residents of this city, were members of the graduating class at the Uni versity 'of North Carolina , in Chapel Hill last ireek. y-- Dr. J. Henry Highsmith Coming To County Soon Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, state inspector of schools, will come to the county in the near future for a conference with- the teachers of Wilkes, Superintendent' C. • C. Wright stat^ Friday. The con ference thin year will ^ trttautod hy all the teachns inshUd of fioly the high school teachers, it 'da Dr. Highsmith has not set the date for t^ conference: wholesale and retail house, was broken into and looted early Sunday morning. About $26 or $30 was ^ken from the cash drawer and[ nn unknown quan tity of cigarettes Jind other mer chandise was stolen. The thiei or thieves broke through four doors to gain en trance to the main building. Entrance Into the Pearson'hulld- ings- was obtained through ' the basement door and from there the Invader broke throagh three other doors. » : Mr. I, E. Pearson, a member of the firm, stated this uaritfng .that. the lose bad ^not been de- to^aod. . -i - Mr. R. fl.i Viann^y of nedr spwt Friday* at Bobne^and I Blowing Rock. ’ ' New PoIici^D^' Is Now Eloty ikfore Sworn In Saturday Qerk W. P. Kdly; Began That EV»iiig Cecil C. Hayes, who was ap pointed by the board of eomnis- Bionen'to fill the' vacancy on city pidice force, was sworn la J»- fore City aerfc W. P. Kelly Sat«w and .went on duty that eten- ^ingi.' Re will be on duty at niglit with Policemen *Jotm-WhHcar’and T. S. Kepmrly .ahwiJttlng u companion^ ? The pplioe fonh u now eompMed Chief Jama M- Ahderaom *£. S. ri John E. Walker and Cedi jJC. Haya. tl

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