AY, JUNE 15, im dacy of Mrs, W,'R. AbsTiw for president of the North Carollhsh department of the American le gion Auxiliary. M i s s Challie Brandon Hall, also of Newton, a depart ment committeewoman, was another special guest. Hostess for the afternoon were i Mesdames J. A. Rousseau, John MISS MAMIE SOCKW^ EDITOR PHONE 21S mtr ^ Ifin Tomlinson Is Hostess At Bridge - On • Friday evening at the lu>me of Mrs. James O’Danlel, Miss Annie Ruth Tomlinson de- Ughttully entertained the mem bers of her bridge club with three additional guests, Mrs. Ivey Moore, Misses Grace Dean Forester and Mamie Wither spoon. Two tables were in play with the visitor’s award going to Mrs. Moore. Within the club Miss Hallie Waugh proved to be the most efficient. A dblectable sal ad and sweet course followed the game. A variety of summer flow ers were used in the decorations. ^ridny Club Meets ith Mrs. Horton _ rs. W. P. Horton was grac- lomi hostess to the members of the Friday club at her home on Friday afternoon. A beautiful array of garden flowers made' a festive background for the rooms where the guests were entertain ed. With the club president, Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, presiding. Miss Lizzie Hisle called the roll which was responded to with current events of decided interest. Fol lowing this the members spent an enjoyable hour in sewing, conversation and playing rook. At the close of the happy after noon the hostess, aided by her daughter. Mrs. W. R. Newton, served delicious refreshments in two courses. Two additional guests enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Horton. bers were present and heard the splendid program given under the direction of Miss Marie Haig- wood, leader of the group. The topic was, “Youth, Messenger of To-morrow.” Several of the chil dren assisted Miss Haigwood in the program. The hostess, assist ed by her mother, Mrs. George Campbeli. served delightful re freshments to close the. after noon. E. Justice and Miss Nell Rous seau and with the assistance of other members served ice tea, sandwiches and eshes. During the social hour the guests were shown through the building. A variety of cut flowers tastefully arranged added to the attractive ness of the club room. Y. W. A. Meets With Mrs. John CAshion The Wilkesboro Y. W. A. of the Baptist church held its monthly session on Monday eve- I ning at the home of Mrs. John Mrs. C. C. Kilby I Cashion. The meeting was large- Is Circle Hostess ly attended and beard a splendid ' Mrs. C. C. Kilby was hostess program given by Miss Mabel I to the members of Circle No. 1 Hendren, those assisting Miss of the First Baptist church at' Hendren were Misses Virginia her home on Friday evening. I Johnson, Sue Lyons, and Grace The devotional for the evening I Blevins. Several important IdMaeCtobb EntertihiiMa* Here Mlsi Helen Lee Doherty daughter; arj L. Doherty of Mr. sod Mrs. Henry 'L DtAerfy of New York, la now is Denasik, there to be Assistant to Ste Irtsr.y ,Brysn Owen, new,IJ._8._lCa*. ate Girls Auxiliary on Monday evening at the home of Miss Lois Wiles. The regular routine of mat- • business was transacted with the was led by Mrs. Kilby and the. ters came up for discussion with prayer offered by Mrs. Tip Me-1 Mrs. Cashion in the chair. Con- Neil. The study book, which had | tests and delightful refreshments been taught by different mem bers of the class was completed. Plans were made to begin the new study course, this is to be taught by Mrs. Eugene Olive. Mrs. D. T. Beish held the chair for the business session. filled the social hour. Dorcas Class Was' Entertained Friday With Mrs. O. K. Whittington as hostess the Dorcas cla.ss of j the Wilkesboro Baptist church if- Mr*. Taj, Barnes and Mrs. W. C^. Brand^% jointly entertained the membirts ot'r the Idlewlse club, and four visitors at the home of Mrs. Barnes on Thurs day evening. Needlework and chatting filled the evening after watch tempting refreshments were served. Visitors for the eve ning were Mesdames Claude Gentry, Kent Thomas, Grady Nichols , and Rnby Pendley, A Iflcnlc will take the place of the next regular meeting and at this time the husbands of the mem bers of the eftb will bs special guests. president. Miss TiViles in the chair. The topic lor discussion was “Along the Sunrise Trail” and was given by Miss Annie Jo Haigwood, with the assistance of a number of the members. Miss Dudley Hill, both were guests of Misses Stafford Honor Visitors Misses Ullian and Mary Lind say Stafford complimented a pair of visitors when they entertained at (bridge Thursday afternoon at their home on E street, the hon- orees 'being Mrs. Gene Poe, of Lenoir, and.Mrs. Charles E. Wil son, of Catonvllle, Md.*, Mrs. Poe, a sister of Mrs. George Forester, and Mrs. Wilson, sister of Mrs. their sisters In the city for some* | Templeton, of Hays, and trail time. Five tlbles^were set for edimted at Onilford CoHega. beidge among' snmater ' flowers, I She Is a graduate nurse of KlagM'.'^v.T whteb. HIM the hours of the late Park Hoepttal. Long Island, Ne^ ■ 'York.-Th«f brldegroofn holdsjf'a- ,-5^; Tesponaible position with a ^ eran'a Hospital in New York, i The following • announcemeitt was received here W. J.‘ alfsrnoon. A salad aitd f^ bourse was served ailer the ^ game: A series of in spibitod : ^rojgresaions resulte#^ in the top . score prise going to Mrs. Max Barker with Miss Clyde Scroggs receiving the consolation award. : ii , Miss Hasel Templeton la Wed'To Mr. Lebesque ' A wedding of Interest to a wide circle of friends here was Solemn ized in Glen Cove, New . York! Saturday,'June 10tb,'wben Miss Hazel Templeton became the bride of Hr. Alfred Lebesque, of New York. The ceremony was performed by Judge A. Scott. The bride was lovely in a suit of white flannel with white ac cessories and was attended by her sister. Miss Bernice Temple ton, of New Yark, as brides maid. Mr. Charles T. Krup acted as best man. Immediately alter the cere mony, the bride and bridegroom left for Nlagra Falls and other points of interest and aftei" July let will be at home, Brentwood Long Island, New York. Mrs. Lebesque is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mr. and ■Mra.*^^;,;^ Templeton announce marriage of their ^ughter, Ha*-'’^ Aeh el, to Mr. Alfred fLebesqne, Sih> urday, June the tenth, Ninetem hundred and thirty-three, Glei, Cove, New York.” * Lightning Kills Two Si New York, Juno 12.—^Tw» members of a picnic party of tivi were killed and another serloni- ly injured when lightning todSj struck a tree on Pelham park-- way, the hronx, under which the five men had sought shelter. Frank Do Palo, 63 years old, wse killed instantly, and Frank Elia, 40, died later at a'hospital. NOTICE All persons having friends or relatives buried at urier Creek Baptist church are requested t# meet Saturday morning. Jurat ,17th, at 7 o’clock to clean off church grounds and graveyard. MRS. SHIRLEY ROBERTS. Members Of Busy Bee Club In Meet A pleasant and profitable eve ning was spent by the members of the Busy Bee Sewing club on Thursday evening with M r s. Everette Ellelge a s hostess. Needle work and chatting occu pied the members throughout the evening. profusion of cut flower.s were attractively arrang- i afternoon. held an interesting meeting on ■ ^ Friday afternoon at the home of -Mrs. Whittington. A large num ber of members were in attend ance. .Mrs. F. G. Holman opened the meeting with a very impres sive devotional service. Follow ing the business part of the meet ing the members engaged in g period of sewing. Dainty refre.sh- ments were served to close the Mrs. Zeh Davis will Mt A sel ■ Re “Sunrise Trail” Is G. A. Program Topic The theme, “Sunrise Trail,” made up an inspiring program for Group No. 1 of the Interme diate G. A.’s of the First Bap tist church in their monthly meeting that was held on Thurst- day evening with their president. Miss Amy Catherine Myers. The program was in charge of Miss Bessie Chloe Rhodes who vva-s assisted by Misses Mamie Yates. Martha Valentine, Margaret Cas- sel and Miss Myers. Miss Lura Reynolds met with the group and explained to them the require- ents of becoming a “Lady in altlng.” 'Those that attain this goal will be given a trip to the Izaak Walton Camp. Dainty re freshments were served during the social hour to the fourteen members attending. ed in the home giving a colorful background for the guests. When the sewing was laid aside the hostess, as.sisted by her little neices, Nellie and Blanche Hall, served delicious refreshments. be hostess for the July meeting. Members Of Fidelia Claras Met Tuesday Twenty members of the Fdelis class of the First Baptist church attended their monthly meeting on ’Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J.- B. ■Williams. Mrs. Jake Caudill was joint hostess for the evening. The regular routine of business was trans acted with the president. Mrs. A. H. Casey in the chair. Mrs. Eu gene Olive led a very impressive devotional. A delightful social labour followed the meeting with tempting refreshments being served by the hostesses. Baptist Junior Girls In Meeting Both groups of the Junior Girls Auxiliary of the First Bap tist church held enthusiastic I» meetings on Friday afternoon. U.]diss Elizabeth Neal was hostess : to the white group at her home Wilkesboro with an attend- Beth aace of thirteen members. Jones presided for the busine=s .part of the meeting after which a 'splendid program was given by the members of Mabel Johnston's circle. The meeting throughout was an outdoor affair. The pro gram was given on the lawn of the the members with their leader. OHiss Lunda Hendren, went to Peden Hill where lemonade and andrwlches were served. Mildred Campbell entertained the green group. Twelve mem- Mrs. James W. McNeill Is Charming Hostess Mrs. James W. McNeill was charming hostess at the home of her son. Dr. J. H. McNeill, on Saturday afternoon entertaining at bridge and tea. Three tables were placed for the game amid a lovely setting of garden flow ers. Winners for the table prizes were Mesdames Carl Coffey and Gene Poe and Miss Lillian Staf ford. Tea was poured at five o’clock by Mrs. J. E. Spainhour. Betty Summers Is Hostess To Friends , Betty Summers, small daugh ter of -Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Sum mers, was hostess to twelve of her little friends Thursday after noon when she celebrated her 4th birthday anniversary at her home on Memorial Avenue. The small guests spent an enjoyable hour 'playing on the lawn, later being called into the dinii.g room which was attractively decorated in pink and white. On the table reposed a white birthday cake topped with four pink candles. “The cake was cut and served with Ices. Dolls and minature automobiles were given as fav- Hollywood Lake Is Scene Fine Party Hollywood Lake was the scene of much merriment on Tuesday evening when around sixteen boys and girls of the younger set motored out to the lake for a picnic supper. The party motor ed out about five o’clock, later enjoying a sumptuous supper. Even though it was cool some of the group braved the chilly wat ers for a swim. Mrs. Will Blair Is Bridge Hostess A pretty club party was given by Mrs. Will Blair at her home on Friday afternoon when she entertained the members of the Friday bridge club and a few ad ditional guests. Contract bridge was in play at two tables. Gar den llowers attractively placed added to the charm of the home. The ho.stess served delicious re freshments in two courses fol lowing play. ors. Mrs. Summers was assisted by her sister, Miss Evelyn Gen try, and Mrs. Glenn McNeil in the entertainment of the chil dren. The honoree was the re cipient of a number of lovely gifts. Mrs. Frank Smith Is Honored Here A pretty courtesy was shown Mrs. Frank Smith, of Cleveland, Tenn., on Thursday afternoon when Miss Hallie Waugh enter tained at her home on D street honoring Mrs. Smith. The hon oree, who prior to her marriage was Miss Beulah Waugh of this city, is spending sometime here with relatives. Garden flowers made efective decorations for the rooms where contract and auc tion bridge were enjoyed at four tables. Winners of the high score prizes were Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Mrs. Bill Absher. Mrs. Smith was also remember ed with a lovely gift. After the removal of cards a salad and ice course was served by the hos tess, aided by Mrs. N. H. Waugh, mother of the hostess, Mrs. Jay Johnson and Mrs. B. H. Waugh. Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Jr. Sewing Club Hostess The members of the Wednes day Sewing club and a few ad ditional guests enjoyed a delight ful afterno.^n yesterday, being i ’Tburgday entertained by Mrs. C. D. Cof-| members of the Current fey. Jr,, at her home on i husbands, ial -Avenue. Cut flowers | enjoved a delightful outing on used in profusion throughout j evening. About six V .. frvefltro baCk- , Current Topics Club - home forming a festive 1 o'clock the party motored out to Neal home and from there ground for the guests, who spent, Walton camp where a - a happy perioo in needlework and I chatting. The hostess, aided Around twenty-five peo- her daughter. Miss Lura Coffey. ip,p composed the group. and sister, Mrs. L. M. Nelson, served a delectable salad course at the close of the sewing per^ iod. BRING ME YOUR Watches, Clocks and Jewelry that need repairing when you coikUe to town on “NORTH WILKESBORO DAYS” Friday and Saturday Lowestprices charged and work guaranteed. Cari W. Po^ to PgitoHice Delightful Meeting Of Auxiliary Held Representatives from the sur rounding units of the Legion Auxiliary, Boone, Lenoir, Hick ory. Newton and Charlotte, at tended the monthly meeting of the Wilkes unit here that wae held in the Legion Auxiliary club house Monday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the local chairman, Mrs. A. W. Horton, who gave a splendid report of the year's activities of the organization. At the close of the business part of the meeting, Mrs. L. P. Frans, of Hickory, Department PMdac Chairman, was introduced and spoke very interestingly on June, the Fidac month. Others appearing on the program were, Mrs. C. P. Andrew, of Charlotte Department Radio Chairman, who made a talk on radio pro grams; Mrs. Joseph Yount, of Newton, 16th District Commit teeman hroiught greetings from the district; and Mrs. Broome, ' of Newton, indorsed the candi- • i Baptist Circles In Fine Meetings The inspirational meeting of the North Wilkesboro Baptist church missionary society was held on Tuesday afternoon at the church and was largely at tended. The opening prayer was offered by Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Sr., after which Circle No. 2, Mrs. A. C. Dennis leader, presented a most interesting program on, ’Youth, To-anorrow’s Messenger of the 'W^ord.” A number of the ladies took part on the program. A fitting feature of the program was the special music rendered by the little folk. The Sunbeam Band sang, “Be a Sunbeam” and Little Miss Hilda Dennis, four year old daughter of Mrs. Dennis, sweetly sang, “Jesus Loves Me.” In the absence of the president, Mrs. J. N. Shockey, the business part of the meeting was presided over by Mrs. R. P. Casey. Girls’ Group Met Monday Evening Thirteen members ^and three visitors attended the monthly meeting of Gronp No. 2 of the First Baptist chnrch Intedmedl- Goods--New On account of the rapidly changing prices we have made two very recent trips to market, and consequently our store is filled with unusually large assortments of the latest style merchandise. We strongly advise buying at present prices as merchandise of all kinds unquestionably must advance, and the Sales Tax must be added after July 1st. Newest Styles In Millinery The large hat is coming into its own, even the big “Merry Widow” hat of the ’90’s. Be well dres^d in one of our large crystal straws, a flower-trimmed leghorn or a large hair hat. Each— $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 Wide Pique and Linen Hats, All White— $1.98 $2.98 New Lace Hats to match the lace dresses, each - White Pique and Linen Hats, newest shapes, each - — — $5.95 Group of Summer Dresses ‘‘They look like $10.00 Dresses.” Our Llewellyn group, arriving new each week, has been a phe- nominal success. All made of high grade silks, in white and pas tel washables, as well as plains or prints in darker colors. Newest In Dresses Novelty cotton laces and eye lets are sweeping the country. Be well dressed in one of these. They come^n white and pastel colors as well as darker shades. Prices from— $2.88 to $9.95 each ' Also an assortment of new suits in monotone silk printed sheers and Mallinson’s crepe. $9.95 to $10.95 each New Wash Materials New “Lady Lovelace” voiles, yard - New Pique Voiles, New Organdy, yard — — - New Dimity, dainty patterns, yard — Large assortment of Sheer Materials, yard — New White Jewelry Is Now In Vogue BRACELETS, NECKLACES, EARBOBS at 50c each W:- IT WILL SUHELY PAY YOU TO VISIT OUB STORE ON “NORTH WILKESBORO DAYS”- FRIDAY and SATURDAY NORTH WILKBHBORO, N., C, . ■^1;