j«mractioii of Highway lyiehreen Gki^e Springs and ^ilGDerS'Creek Believed Certun B- B. Jfeffress Re- |»orted to look With Favor (hi the Project NEEDED Woidd Open Up Shortest and -- Most Scenic Route To Mountain Section ’■ The highway building program .whidi will get under way this sum- ner with federal funds will in- dade the improvement of the sec- tlea of Highway No. 16 between Idlers Creek and the Wilkes- A|d|m,lipe at Glendale Springs, ac- eg^dlBg^ to current reports. '»•. B- Jetfress, chairman of the i Highway 16 is the only import' ant link in the east to west high way system which has not been hardsurfaeed. It connects Wilkes with Ashe county. At the present time, it is in a deplorable condition, many Ashe people taking the ten or twenty miles longer routes by Fleetwood or Perkinaville, near Boone, to travel to North Wilkesboro. When Highway 16 is improved and hardsurfaced, one of the most scenic routes in the state will be opened up. The mountain drive to West Jefferson is very scenic, es pecially when the rhododendron is in bloom- The river drive from . - (Jefferson to the Tennessee line is prteon-highway department, j unsurpassed. vm + K Vo_ SCOUT TROOP ON HIKE Boys Spent Thursday Night Yellow Jacket Lake ’At Seven members of the Baptst Boy Scout Troop No. -SS spent Thursday night at Yellow Jacket Lake near Moravian Falls. After hiking to the lake, the boys enjoyed boat riding and frog gigging before retiring for the night. & Members of the troop ware ac companied by R. C. Jennings, Jr., assistant Scoutmaster, and Isaac Duncan, a former assistant Scout- ma.ster of the troop. Electric Range Sale Under Way 8. P. U. Company Offers Easy Payment Plan On The Electric Ranges , ' la .reported to have looked with fa The annual electric range sale. m.reporteato nave looKea wun la-i Employment of the number of: Hotpoint and Uni- vor upon this project since he be-1 be required on this i featuring the Ho p came highway chairman, but ope-1 toward re- versal electric ranges. Is “ow “e- ««ng with curtailed funds during I jy be weifar ' ‘ " to Rim For Governor Retiring Revenue 0»’le^r Is Mentioned as R publican Candidate , VERY POPULAR OFFICIAL His Record In Office Will Be Advanced In Cause of G- O- P. Slate (By W. T.' Best in Greeawboro Daily News) Raleigh, June 16.—Retiring Col lector Gilliam Grissom is going to run for governor in 1936. A forthright declaration will in time be made by Mr. Grissom, who is now winding up his work and making ready to turn it oVer to his Democratic successor. The papers for many years have been Valuable Little ^ Book It Offered m '6k« Coh BottUng Coapany To Cbaidinont Lsdief By Giv- faigItFre*,;, ’’is; "Wbed You Entertain, What To Do and How" is the title of an at- tractive little book which Coca Cola Bottling company,, this city, is offering as a compli ment to the ladies ol the county as long as the supply lasts. The little book is attractively bound and was prepared by Ida Bailey Allen, an authority on home entertaining and foods- The Coca Cola Bottling company will be pleased to give the ladies a copy of the book until the supply is exhausted. R. L Carltcm Jr. To Wed Miss Cheney, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon Cheney, of Carrollton, Ga., an nounce the engagement of their highway chairman, but ope-! the depression years it impossible to get to this section of highway. However, with the $11,600,000 now available, it is be lieved that this will be one of the first projects to claim his atten tion. funds during I ^be welfare departments in ing conducted by he has found their present ; of the Southern Public Utilities load, it is believed. company. The favorable attitude of Chair man Jeffress is greatly appreciat intimating that Mr. Grissom might j daughter, Caroline, to .. t^rk 1*1 i AVI Tv* offer himself for th° governorship sometime, but nobody expected it so long as he could remain in fed eral office and make the record on which he will ask the votes of the people. But he is soon to be out. M. G. Butner, local manager in mail oriiir^.i la e.vcv.j -rr announcing the event, stated ed by Wilkes and Ashe people who,that two things In addition [ gjgng abound that he is working have been hoping for action on the convenience and economy of this road when sufficient funds 1 the range itself should go far in If the Millers Creek-Glendale were made available. making the campaign a success. Springs section of Highway 16 isi r_ r— iThe price on these electric rang auuusavs to out his final fortnight. There is no Jr., Romulus of Wlns- Lancaster Carlton ton-Salem. The marriage will be solemniz ed in July. The,above news item from Sunday’s issue of The Winston- Salem Journal-Sentinel will be of going. He moves out with no paper n, I -- editorially calling him a “good les is reasonable and the use o* j riddance.” But Mr. Grissom will FOR MELVIN BRYANT; the convenient easy payment running for governor very joy over the certainty of his out- interest to quite a number of people in this section. Mr. Carl ton is a nephew of Mr. D. Hill Carlton, of this city. opriOKS secuon 01 nignway j.o is ——-7— imi»rov^, it is also thought likely FUNERAL CONDUCTED thnt tii6 Warrensville-Trade, Tenn., I FOR MELVIN BRYAN 1 ; tne conveiiiem h—-, begin running lor governor very — — MCtion will receive consideration.' I makes it possible for every home j after he leaves the federal j Sunset Quartet To Sing When these links are completed. Elkin. June 17.—Funeral rites pniov this convenience. ,n„iipM^>rikin I At Millprs Cr«*ek Pr MEYER SOLE OWNER OF WASHINGTON POST WMhtalcton, June 12. — Bhi- f«Hr former governor of the federal reserve board, an- nouneed tonight be was the sole stock owner of the Washington Post which was sold at auction last week for $826,000. t For Coatfort tad Eeooeay buy ^geed Blwsa tfcea ^ha— I hem, repaired at— 3 nigiit-Waj SImc Slwf "A LHKe Neater, a Little Better." T JENKINS HARDWARE COMPANY NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. PAY YOUR ■/ CountyTaxes You will save money for yourself and at the same time help your county. A settlement now will be greatly ap preciated. of the w* “VS* vee^v saaa\.9 — the shortest route from points in for Melvin Bryant, 26 Tennessee to Piedmont North Caro- j Fall Creek section of lina will be bpened up. I county, who died yesterday in I ■■ ■ i’— I ^ the Wilkes Hospital from ulcer I of the stomach, were conducted o’clock from NOTICE I The electric range is first in Yadkin! cleanliness and econ- '”'omy and every housewife should know the convenience of these new ranges, Mr. Butner said. Housewives of this section are ! collectorship. I People have done every possible! _ ! thing to dissuade him. They tell The Sunset Quartet popu ar him that he enters the race with aentertainers, will featare At MiUers Creek Program The W.B. SOMERS, Sheriff r'r...? or.S|"n .... Itattye Eller, deceased, this is to James .Murray, pastor, assisteti | ^ demonstration, notify all persons indebted to by Kevs. J. W. Bryant, J. 0. ah- •aid estate to make immediate good and 1. W. Vestal. Interment payment to the undersigned and ^ ^,.33 made in the churcii come- all persons having claims against Wa« Ocrunied By N. H- •aid estate are notified to pre sent same within twelve months Damaged By Fire mm that he enters tne race witn a, - . ■ . hopeless handicap. “Haw can you f" fh hope to be elected when there is! / a majority of 300.000 against you?” they ask him. He answers bal ,dub Friday evemng at 8 that he would rather have 300,000 “ There are other features of them than 3,000 of them. The I but the sponsors believe the Sunset 300.000 are dissatisfied taxpayers.! *!® .>"“7 he philosophizes. The 3,000 would I small admission fee which will be satisfied Democrats. I h® charged- Mr. Grissom isn’t making his the Edwards unnojneement, but his plans show| Heat Wave Is Ended Philadelphia, June 12.- terv. Home AVas Occupied By N. ' Seriouslv ill onlv a few days, j Waugh; Water Damage Beni Bsme Wlimu mcivc j.., .2,-a bar of recoverv. friends no citizci of the com- residence on D street tnu y ^bat taxes hurt. He will rely;vere rainstorm with some light This 8th day of June, 1933. nniiiit.\ holding a higher place h, mternoon about 5. .an ^ | thing—the ability to cutining, tonight apparently endec MISS EMMA ELLER, j lic'aits of the people t'Mii Administratrix of the Estate of the lu-ime of ““‘v Mlsa Mattye Eller. Deceased. !, ^ The home was the collector’s office during and Mrs. N. rl. waugn, , ^ 4.1:^^$.— Misa Mauye JiJiier, J. H. 'Whkdter, Atty. 7-24-6t | young manhood .. j„ afternoon about 5j4ii and before It I ^ thing—the ability to cut|ning. tonight apparently ended I ,^p , could be extinguished did consid - government. For him I abruptly an eight-day heat wave, it will be said that he went into! which claimed 22 lives in the the j Philadelphia area and sent 'scores i- i^:6tice her and a regular worshipper at b di.scovering the fire w F'all Creek Baptist church, and. » By virtue ol aa execution to medirected from the Superior Court of Wilkes County in a cer- 'tain action entitled S. C. Walker a$Blnst E. E. Bauguss, Mary L. BAUguss and J. S. Kyle, com manding me to levy upon the ; ents, his life was an example of the re- . roof. The fire department respond- ligior which he professed in ear- ^ alarm and the flames ’y I were extinguished. Surviving are his young \ufc, , upper portion of Mrs. Ruth Evans Bryant, one badly damaged, four-year-old son. Alden: his furniture, most of which was mandfng me to levy upon the'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dry-^ ^be house, escaped pijoperty of J. S. Kyle, to satis- u^t and the following s'®*-®''® ; Ogmage Axcept from the water. ly said execution and levy hav-1 Merlia, Riddie ( In'g been made by me on the fol-^^^^^^ Edith Bryant. Herman and Cafe Opens Doors lowing property ?8 a .small brother whose name was I Hg^g In Woodie Building laiiv, I will, on Monday, -ira oay | , of July. 1933. at 2 o’clock p. m. i not given. Under the management of Mr. at! the Court House door in Wil- ! The concourse of approximate- 'VlTS* ! 1 , rhich' y®^*"® costliest operation and more to hospitals. a, - - \ ;f„'cut that cost 50 per cent. Then he' I .started between the ceiling and the reduced that operating expense an other 50 per cent. If that doesn’t interest, nobody — _ B a A- La . AA Is ^ ■ ■ ■ B I 1 now that he so soon retires from the federal office- He is going to take the first pause in his busy can guess anything what will. The ■ life to say a few words for the Re- collector has now the greatest dis- publican party and its biggest as , . . . . ...„'and Mrs Beach Keller, the Green kesboro. N. C. offer for sale for ly cue thousand friends and *"® . ' j Saturday cash to the highest bidder all profuse floral tribute bore evi- Lantern the right, title, interest, and es-1 esteem in which ho tate of the defendant J- S. Kyle In and to the following tract of land situated in Mulberry Town ship, adjoining the lands of F. A. Kyle, Dec. estate ami others and boiintfed as follows: Beginning at J. S. Kyle's ea.st corner in F. .A. Kyle Dec. line on cart path. Running westward with F. A. Kyle’s line to ^ the homestead line, near J. S. Kv'e's residence: thence northward with homestead line to Dora Jennings’ line; thence eastward with Dora Jennings’ line to Cleonre Adams’ line: thence southward with George Adams’ line to the he.gin- nlng. containin.g 21 1-2 .acres, more or les.s. This 4th day of June. 19.i.i. ■TV’. B. SO-MERS. Sherift, By OID WILES. D. S. B. T. Hendersoni f — 6-26-4t. was held. Chipman-Harrold (II inteivs: to a wide circle of frit-lids was the marriage Satur day at Boon- of Mi-'s Bernice Chipnian. t'f Harmony, and 1'. M. Harrold. of Hays. The young couple was acconuiaiiied to Boone iiy Miss Uiih> Wiles and Von .Myers. for bn.siness in the E. O. Woodie building on Tenth street. The C’lreen Lantern is an at tractive cafe and is strictly mod ern and sanitary. .Mr. and Mrs. Keller have had a number of years experience in the cafe bus iness and know how to serve i trict in the United States. Its oper ation is the lowest in the union. He would guarantee to conduct the * state government in the same way. While his Reprubiican politics would be quite a liability, his fis cal record would be regarded by any Democrat as a great asset. He seems to have gone through these 12 years collecting several bil set—his record as a federal officer in this district. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the superior court of Wilkes county made In the speci al proceedings entitled Kyle I Hayes, administrator of Jane Ah- vw.,v.vw*.6 sber, deceased, vs. Larkin Brown lions of dollars without making one | et al, the same being No up- taxpayer in North Carolina mad. j on the special proceedings docket If anybody ever has insulted him of the said court, the undersign- for doing his duty the records arejed commissioner will on the 10th bare of the affront. He has made! July, 1933, at the hour of nobmly sor. for paying tribute.. 12^®’clock^noo..,^at^the^c^ but he has collected the money. ; the highest bidder for! Wake Up Your Liver Bile —Without Calomel Aim! TonH Jump Out of Bed io the Morning Rarin’ to Go If you feel soar and sunk and the vrarid looks punk, don’t swallow a lot of mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunsUne. For they can't do it. They only move the bowels and a mere move ment do^’t at the cause, ‘^e reason for your down-and-out feeling ia year Bvn. It ahoold pour out two poimda of Bouid Ule into your bowtis daily. U tUa bOa ia Dot flowina bariy. jam iaa4 don't disaat. It ]oat daeaya ia tha ba^h. Oaa Uoata ap yoor itmrb Toa bam a tUdk, bad taata and yoor braath la Ala often bnaka oat in blamiahia. Toar band aciiaaaad yoa feal doaa and oat. Tmrwbrfa ayateralapoiaaotd. Ittikaathoaa(ood oldC&BTBBVUTTUI UVEB PnxS to gat tbaa^ two poaiA af bfii flovlnc (reely and maha yaa iaal nd lik* They contain woodarioU hatailw^ ^Bia Ttgatabla aztracia. amadag wbat It aaaM •• maUng tha fcOa flow bady. '* Bat doat aA lor Bn gMa AA tor CbAWb littia lin Fma. Laak te Iba aan CbatoA UtUa lin rnia oa tbt lad WML final a egaatallMM. 0UU,CmiL^ 41 . ■ 111 0.1 luT btUU lU The collector is probably the | saiulwiclK's anil Itincli-1 only man in the commonwealth lyjnjr and certain being tract of land I in Mulberry i 1 trjiiV iiKiii i.i Liir: L,viii4»iviivTv«»v*i ana oeirig m juuiuriij jwho tells the people that they love, township, Wilkes county, adjoim ATTENTION, PLEASE! tempting es. , . . . , The pithlir is cordially invited I to pay taxes. j ing the lands of J. T. Handy and ^ to D ilroiiize the (Ireen l.anteni Evervbndv else tells them that Betty Handy and others and j Cafe Special low prices i.i cafe ■ they mortallv hate it, but the more particularly described as | service. I ®ame people who tease their con- ■ -.7^77777-0.7,-^,. I ®t't“®”®=®® by calling them tax township, Wilkes county. ARMS SMI (,(iLED 10 | dodgers and government liars, tell CUBA BY AIKPI.ANE those p.’ople that they pay their Washington, July 16—The smug debts with scrupulous July 111 1 he smug regularity and enthusiasm. But Mr. gling of arms and ammunition tO:^_.^^ oi..,o„= , , , . I Gri.ssom takes the trouble always Cubti by airplane roni lam.j^^ assume that the citizen loves Ha., was divulged in evi enc | government and is happy to seized by .secret s-’mite ®P®7 - ! pay for his part of its upkeep, when they arrested Angel Rodri-, difference be- ' We went on a strictly cash liiasis the first of June; there- when they arrested Angei is the chief difference I fore, we would appreciate 't®> >®> ® • up“® tween him and the current tax col- I all who owe us to pay us at ^ Aiken^^R C i ^®®t®rs. others think they tickle ,,, ,va.,l t„ Close OOt "““f Jlrn"'!,:! t'" .“l”''" ; once, as we want to close out lall accounts, mortjfages and I notes that are due. service, announced that . cient evidence indicating * , I makes ’em like it when they pay. t® ^ chestnut, thence 2d poles conclu-i „„ . 7,. . mnro nr less to a chestnut oak. i hard trfces come. Mr. Grissom Situate in Mulber- \ , . N. j C., adjoining the lands of J. T. | Handy, Betty Handy and others and bounded as follows: Begin-1 ning on a chestnut on a ridge he-! low- J. T. Handy’s, running east 229 poles to a hickory, thence j northward 29 poles to a black gum, west 40 poles to a chest-1 nut, southward 29 poles to the j beginning, containing . 7 acres, i more or less. | Second Tract: Beginning on a poplar, Elizabeth Billings' cor- j ner, and running east 20 poles j ENAMELi Don’t be misled by old time brands "marked down to 5c.” JOHN RUSKIN always was and always will be America's Greatest Cigar 'Valne ! at 5c. It is the sa(|i rtal 10c. quality dgix selling at 5c. JOHN RUSKIN has I more than 60f> choice I Havana filler, giving l it A taste aoi aroma all its own* ' Boy a few today and learn for yourself what real smoking •sijoyment it. 7 ,ii„ 7 ■ , 7 '■ j! Whethrr the retiring collector From now on we will he able ,iv,dy this man had bt-en ®ngi^g®d| from Raleigh or from to save you money, as we in .smuggling arms and ammuni- j Qj.gg„3j,„ro or still " will have no losses from bad tion from Miami to Cuba by air- accounts and can sell for less, plane” wa.^ found in possession of We will appreciate your *'’® ®o«pl®- 'trade. MORRISON Hardware Co. Organize Overall Club Guthrie, Okla., ! gan Phone 15-M Wilkesboro, N- C. June 12.—Lo- county courthouse employes want to he comfortable. They’ve or.ganized an overall club and are going to wear washable trousers and shirts opened wide the neck, sans ties, to work ' at until September 1. Members who more or less to a chestnut oak, thence north 25 poles more or leaa to s maple on the branch, ttwneo northweat with my old Hn* 20 poles to a white oak; thence north’weat 'with my old line vu gu lu iL. ovu.uwi...: as" “■= to a chestnut near T- Handy out 'some life insurance. The Epis- j thence down said Handy more, from branch offices, he is certain to operate. The doctors havt told him to go to it. Sometime ago he took uLu. ouiiic inv iiic • J.QJJO, tnence aown saiu nauujf copal psalter told him that he has | road with my line to a hickory, four more years to live; the in-1 thence near west down the hol- surance company assured him that he should hang around at least 14 more. Immediately Mr. Grissom gave up the church and joined the insurance company. It must be news to everybody to know what “Griss,” as the old “dress up” are subject to fines, i timers called him, is going to do low 25 poles more or less to an ashe, thence near east with an agreed line to a white oak, thence same to a chestnut, the beginning corner, containing 54 acres, more or less. This 8th day of June, 1933. KYLE HAYES, 7-3-4t Commissioner. You can make the old car loA like new by refinlshlng it with Kogofi Auto Enamd. A few hours’ work with a can of this enamel will nifik4 your auto look bri^t and new a$ain. The cost will W insignificant, and the work a pleasure as you see the fan-, proved results appear. I Rogers Auto Enamels spread evenly, work easily, di^ qui(^y and will not chip or crack. They will withetand^ ^1 kinds of weather and repeated washings. | Made in all popular shades; also Detroit Auto Ffaiiahing i Varnish and I>etroit Enamel Undercoater. For Sale by JENKINS HARDWARE COMPANY “Northwest North Carolina’s Largest Hardware Store’’ NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C:*^ l\ THE MAIN,JHING^pN MAIN STREET” By L. F. Van Zelm John Rushin SAVe THE SANDS they ANE REDEEMASLE •,EST AND BIGGEST ^CiGAR VALUE ,fi.‘fc»nia,Wa»«ieiW-l- Co„ infietoo. DMifbfiten MAIN ' sreEET^ LEADIHS MEWSmCCB Cop falls for KIDS JOKE Mike 9. »f!Si.uG, ouc EABlwe POLICE OVFICEQ MADE UP we MlMD Tb ABCEST 14E TAU S1tAH6- ER 1WO WAD BEOEHTL'i RaeWtCMfeD HIM. MiKt made a HYtKi ■aOOE AT Mib MAH B»H JC tlP OF ■SC POST OROCt CWW Th «ND ir VA6 A DUMKV BieCED UP 4 kXD6. ; *